Monday, August 5, 2019

Dekor Classic Diaper Pail Biodegradable Refills | 2 Count | Most Economical Refill System | Quick and Simple to Replace | No Preset Bag Size – Use Only What You Need | Exclusive End-of-Liner Marking

What are the problems you will encounter in diarrhea baby?

Dekor Classic Diaper Pail Biodegradable Refills | 2 Count | Most Economical Refill System | Quick and Simple to Replace | No Preset Bag Size – Use Only What You Need | Exclusive End-of-Liner Marking

Soft stools: I wonder if diarrhea?

Newborn babies often make soft stools frequently in the first few months. This is normal, you should be happy. Frequent defecation of your baby is a sign of good nutrition. Not every baby can have the same number of faeces, and your baby may have differences from day to day. If your baby is very juicy (such as water) faeces, stools, stinky or slimy substances in the diarrhea may be. The most important thing to do in a baby with diarrhea is to take enough fluids. Do not give any medication without consulting your doctor. If your baby is breastfed, continue breastfeeding. If the diarrhea lasts more than 36 hours, if you see blood in the stool, if the temperature is more than 38 degrees, if you can not feed enough, dry mouth and less urine consult your doctor.

What to do when the baby is constipated?

Constipation can be defined as decreasing the number of stools and making difficult stools. There may also be abdominal pain, and after the baby feces it passes. If you think your baby is constipated and difficult to make stools, first take an ear cleaning stick and lightly lubricate the cotton portion, then place it in your baby's breech, gently move it to the left and then remove it. Another method is to hold both legs of your baby lying on your back with your hands and move in a pedaling style and massage your belly. If your baby cannot feces, consult your doctor.

How do I prevent rash development?

Rashes are a type of skin disease that is caused by skin irritation, especially in the diaper area of ​​your baby. It is often caused by irritant substances that contact the area. Skin rashes, swelling, itching, sometimes scabbing and peeling may occur in the rash areas. To prevent rashes, your baby's diaper should be changed as soon as it gets wet, regular skin cleansing, skin dry after bathing and nourishing creams applied. If the diaper rash has developed, first change your baby's diaper carefully and allow it to dry outdoors for a while without closing the diaper. Then use diaper rash creams. It may be enough to use warm water for bathing, no soap, and plenty of baby clothes. If the diaper rashes your baby with extreme discomfort or doesn't go away, it is helpful to see your doctor. Rashes exceeding three days increase the possibility of yeast infection. If swelling, redness gradually increases, or if it is hot or if your baby looks sick, it is useful to consult your doctor immediately.

Are skin lesions a symptom of the disease?

Many newborn babies may have rashes, redness and other skin problems. Most of these will go away spontaneously in a few weeks and your baby will have smooth skin. Until then, you can simply bathe your baby properly. Rinse your baby with clear warm water instead of washing it with soap every time. Frequent use of soap and shampoo can cause skin reactions, dryness and dermatitis. It is not right to rub or wipe the problem areas with soap or alcohol, or try to squeeze pimples. If the redness is increasing or growing, you should consult your doctor.

Also in the first months of the baby's sweat glands are not developed enough, excessive sweating as a result of your baby's skin called rash, small, pimples-like redness may be seen. To prevent your baby's rash, you should take frequent baths, don't over-dress, don't increase the room temperature too much, and wear clothes made of hard fabrics.

How should I clean the nose?

Babies can only breathe through their noses. For this reason, it is important that the noses are not clogged and breathe easily, especially when sucking. For nasal cleansing, first use saline (ocean water) drops and remove the internal deposition with the nasal aspirator. You have a mansion, how do I treat it?

Yellow-brown oily flakes that appear on your baby's scalp are called hosts. The host is seen in many infants, there is no harm to the baby, but the appearance is poor. In cases where the skull is sweating, the hosts increase. Similar flaking can be seen on the face and neck. If the host develops, soak your baby's head with warm water. Then apply some almond oil, wait 10-15 minutes and wash your baby's head with shampoo, dry with a dry towel. Do not force to remove hardened areas. Special host shampoos can be used to destroy hard hosts. If this does not go away, if the inflammation begins to come under the host, or if the host starts to blush, you should take your baby to the doctor.

White spots on his mouth, what should I do?

White spots on your baby's mouth and tongue are called thrush. Thrush is a kind of fungus. It is not a serious disease, it can be found on the tongue, gums, cheeks, palate or lips, it looks like milk residue or cheese. These plaques do not cause pain. If you have pain, itching and dryness in your chest and if you are breastfeeding your baby, your breasts may have fungus. In this case, talk to your doctor and get treatment. If you are feeding your baby with a bottle, sterilize the bottles and pacifiers by boiling them thoroughly. Consult your doctor as this may require medication.

My baby would turn yellow, what should I do?

2-5 days after your baby is born, it may yellow the eyes first and then the skin. This jaundice, which occurs in the majority of newborn infants, is called “physiological jaundice” or “normal baby jaundice genellikle and usually passes spontaneously in the first week without any side effects. However, in some cases, the level of jaundice can be much higher than normal baby jaundice. If you see your baby's color yellow, you should contact your nearest health care provider. Maternal and infant blood groups and blood bilirubin levels should be determined in jaundiced infants. If your blood level is above a certain level, your baby should receive light therapy. Light therapy further increases jaundice and reduces the risk of future blood exchange.

My baby cries a lot, I wonder if he could be sick?

Babies are very impatient, and because they depend on everything else to live, they want their wishes to be fulfilled immediately. She may be hungry, sleepy, or dirty. Sometimes babies cry without any apparent reason. If your baby suddenly gets violently cranky, starts crying and cannot be silenced for hours, there is probably gas pains. Gas pains occur in 15-30% of infants. It usually starts after the 2nd week and can last until 3-4 months. It is more frequent at night and the baby's crying is different from normal crying, your baby pulls his legs towards his belly, clenches his fists and his movements increase. Intestinal movements become more frequent and produce gas. As it starts, it can end suddenly, rarely up to 24 hours.

When should I consult a doctor?

First of all, what you need to do is to make your baby as comfortable as possible and to avoid distractions. If your baby is hungry, feed him and make sure he gets enough. Replace if contaminated. If it is cold, put something on it. Change clothing if sweaty. If crying after feeding, remove gas. If you don't have any problem with this, hold him on your lap, sit comfortably and hold firmly. Talk to him calmly, lullaby or sing. It may be useful to have a massage, walk around by car, carry it around on lap, take a bath, turn on the sound of a hairdryer or vacuum cleaner. If your baby cries for a longer period of time, crying, coughing, fever, diarrhea, constipation, rash, or whatever you do, you should consult your doctor.

Is there something wrong with my baby?

As a new mother, you may not have a complete idea of ​​what is normal or abnormal in your baby. You may not know when to seek medical advice. It is useful to consult your doctor if you experience any of the following conditions:

• If your baby has difficulty breathing, ribs collapse inwards or lips look purple,

• Vomiting vomiting after each feeding or if the vomit is brown or green,

• If the temperature is more than 38 degrees,

• If the body is yellow,

• It looks strange to you, or is extremely sluggish, drowsy, pale, or wakes up too quickly and cannot be silenced,

• If you see anything that worries you, it is helpful to consult your doctor. No matter how ridiculous the question comes to mind, do not hesitate to ask. Doctors are used to these questions.

Dekor Classic Diaper Pail Biodegradable Refills | 2 Count | Most Economical Refill System | Quick and Simple to Replace | No Preset Bag Size – Use Only What You Need | Exclusive End-of-Liner Marking