Sunday, September 1, 2019

Vitafusion Women's Gummy Vitamins, 150 Count

Panic Disorder

Vitafusion Women's Gummy Vitamins, 150 Count


Its main characteristic is the intense seizures of fear or fear that appear suddenly and repeat from time to time, leaving people in horror. We often call these attacks, which our patients call crisis, we call PANIC ATTACK .

The Panic Attack suddenly starts , intensifies and becomes more intense within 10 minutes; usually after 10-30 minutes (infrequently up to 1 hour) continues automatically.


Chest pain or chest tightness,
Palpitation, strong or rapid heart beat
Shortness of breath or drowning,
Dizziness, dizziness, falling or fainting
Numbness or tingling
Cold, shivering or flashing,
Nausea or abdominal pain
Shaking or shaking
Feeling altered, weird and different, or others around you
Fear of losing control or going crazy
The fear of death

A Panic Attack has at least 4 or more of these symptoms.

Attacks with fewer than four symptoms are called Restricted Panic Attacks .


Panic Disorder,

Repeater with unexpected Panic Attacks
Feeling constant anxiety that there will be more Panic attacks between the attacks,
Perpetual sadness or belief that Panic attacks can lead to bad consequences such as geçir having a heart attack and dying ”, y losing control and going crazy” or geçirme paralyzing ya or
Some behavioral changes (such as not going to work, sports, not doing housework, eating or drinking some food or drinks, carrying drugs, water, alcohol, various foods) are seen as a precaution against attacks and their possible bad consequences.

is a mental disorder.

HOW DOES panic disorder occur?

The first attack begins:

Chest pain, chest tightness, palpitations, inability to breathe, sweating, chills, chills or chills, sometimes nausea or abdominal pain, dizziness, imbalance; symptoms such as falling or fainting, numbness or tingling leave the person in horror.
He experiences an intense “fear of death” or kork fear of being paralyzed erek because he thinks that he is having a kriz heart attack ç or is paralyzed .

Sometimes, at the beginning of a strange, dizziness, feeling strange about himself or his environment, or the emergence of feelings, such as "loss of control" or " started to go crazy " he begins to fear to harm himself or others.

The patient is taken to the nearest doctor or emergency room by relatives with great fear and anxiety. Many examinations, films, ECGs, CTs and other examinations carried out there do not contain anything, they are sent home with oxygen or a “ calming iğne needle.

When asked what the patient is, doctors say yok he has nothing ” or olmuş stressed out” .

The attacks repeat :

The patient is relieved at that moment, but after a while, he begins to relive the same horror and fear as a new Panic Attack, and with each new attack he begins to move to the emergency services.

The patient does not recover in spite of re-examination, re-examination and no negative results each time; he even begins to believe that something bad is happening in his heart or brain, but that doctors cannot find it. For this reason, despite the fact that the world has spent a lot of money for examinations and examinations performed by different doctors, no physical illness can be identified that can explain the patient's complaints.

Sometimes, the patient is misdiagnosed and tried to be treated with different drugs ranging from antibiotics to breath-breathing, palpitation, blood pressure and heart medicine and vitamins, but no results can be obtained.

Expectation Anxiety is developing:

As the episodes continued to recur, the patient was in the period between episodes; tense, restless and anxious, he begins to wait for the coming of a new Panic attack. This anxious wait is called “expectation anxiety .. Attacks often come in uncertain times and places, increasing this anxiety.

As attacks become more frequent, fears of having a heart attack and dying, paralysis or losing control and going crazy are reinforced.

Intense and Continuous Sadness:

Patients are extremely afraid of having a heart attack at a time when no one is at home and dying before they reach the hospital or going crazy and committing suicide by losing control, harming oneself or their relatives with a knife and the like, and being disgraced by acting crazy and strange in others' environments. They also feel intense sadness that these thoughts come to mind all the time.

Behaviors are Changing:

After a while, they start to take some precautions against attacks and “disasters ları which they believe will occur during attacks and change some of their behaviors.

They give up activities and food and drinks that they think may cause attacks. They use alcohol / substance / medicine when leaving the house against attacks. They take precautions against what might happen during attacks.

For example, patients who believe that they will lose control and harm their children during the attack have all the knives in the house locked up as a precaution and try not to be alone with their children; women who fear to lose herself or faint during an attack when they have to go out to the street, fainted and fall to the ground legs are not seen when they wear pants, unconscious stolen when they do not take the jewelry, unconscious find her unconscious on the phone number, to help her It was seen that his doctor carried his business card on them for medical assistance.

In order to get emergency help quickly, these patients should; they prefer to spend all their days in the hospital garden or choose their route from places with a practice, pharmacy and emergency room.


More than 60% of patients begin to avoid the location and circumstances of the attacks.

They cannot stay alone at home, go out to the street alone, get into vehicles, take the elevator, go through narrow streets or bridges, enter into crowded places such as market places, big stores or go to these places with intense worry and discomfort with someone. .

Agoragobi is the condition that patients cannot go to places where they think that they will come to Panic Attack alone and cannot stay in such places.


Panic Disorder is a well-known and very common disorder by psychiatrists.

In fact, approximately 3-4 out of 100 people in the community have either had this disease before or are still experiencing it.

It usually starts for the first time between the ages of 20-35. It is seen in women 2-3 times more than men.


There are two scientific explanations as to why panic disorder occurs:

1. Panic Disorder is the result of abnormal functioning of some brain hormones secreted from nerve cells called neurons in our brain, regulating our excitement and emotional lives.

2. Panic Disorder, physical symptoms such as palpitations, sweating, shortness of breath or dizziness which are completely tamamen natural and harmless unda resulting from some of our behaviors in our daily life are evaluated by the patient as symptoms of a bad disease and as a result son heart attack I'm going to die, ”,“ I'm going crazy, olac “I will be paralyzed” occurs with the wrong interpretation.

Is it possible to treat panic disorder?

Panic Disorder is a treatable disease. Today, there are two types of treatment, the efficacy of which has been proven by scientific research. These are : 1.Pharmaceutical treatment, 2.Cognitive-behavioral treatment

1. Drug Treatment:

In the treatment of Panic Disorder, drugs that prevent Panic Attacks are used by correcting the hormone activities in the brain nerve cells . Currently, there are quite a large number of drugs that are good for this disease in our country.

Your doctor will select one of these medications and recommend that you start with a small dose and increase the dose as needed with regular checks.
Drug treatment will be continued gradually for at least one year and then gradually discontinued.

2. Cognitive-behavioral treatment:

There are two purposes in this treatment method:

1. It is aimed to correct the wrong information and beliefs about the symptoms of Panic Attack which is actually completely “harmless ve and to teach the patient to cope with these symptoms without fear.

2. The Panic Attack is gradually and repeatedly compared with the places and situations in which it avoids being alone because it is afraid of its future, and thus, it is aimed to overcome their fears by gitme going over ” their fears.

In this treatment, the doctor gives the patient activities such as going out to the market, going to the vehicles and getting into the vehicles that the patient cannot perform due to his fear and panic as inden exercise assignments ” starting from the simplest ones. As the patient becomes able to do simple exercises, exercises continue until all feared situations are over.




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Ulcerative colitis is a large bowel disease. The large intestine is the part of the intestine after the small intestine.

Ulcerative colitis is a chronic digestive system disease with silent and active periods.

Ulcerative colitis causes inflammation and ulcers in the mucosa that lays the inner surface of the colon.

· The symptoms of ulcerative colitis vary according to the location and severity of the disease.

· Ulcerative colitis is divided into three groups according to the site of involvement.

· Distal Type: Only the last part of the large intestine (rectum and sigmoid colon) is involved.

· Left Type: The left part of the large intestine up to the spleen is involved.

· Pancolitis: The entire large intestine is sick.

Disease activation index was developed to evaluate drug efficacy in ulcerative colitis.

· 4 variables are evaluated in ulcerative colitis disease activity index. The frequency of stools is the amount of blood in the stool, the endoscopic appearance of the colon mucosa and the physician's evaluation.

· The appearance of endoscopic disease often correlates with the clinical picture in ulcerative colitis. However, distal colitis is an exception.

· Disease severity in ulcerative colitis is evaluated by endoscopy.

· Endoscopic index (0-12).


Ulcerative proctitis is a ulcerative colitis disease limited to the rectum alone.

· In ulcerative proctitis, there are complaints of bloody mucus defecation and feeling of full rectum (tenesm), rectal pressure defecation in the active period but not being able to relax after defecation.

· In ulcerative proctitis, pain may be in the left lower abdomen and anal pain may occur.

· The activity is determined by rectal examination.

· In the treatment of ulcerative proctitis, regional preparations have suppository, liquid enema, foam and gel enema forms.

What are the causes of ulcerative colitis?

· The cause of ulcerative colitis is still unknown

· Factors held responsible:

Genetic predisposition, Immune system regulation and environmental factors (smoking, infection exposure, hygienic factors, diet, occupation, breastfeeding and microorganisms.)


· Blood collection by defecation, bloody defecation

· Especially bloody and mucous diarrhea

Constipation (especially with rectal bleeding in some distal ulcerative colitis)

· Slight fever, severe fever and toxic colitis.

· Tension in the rectum (Tenesmus)

· Bowel secretion and purulence in feces

· Fatigue, weakness,

· Weight loss

· Anemia (Iron deficiency anemia)

· Inflammation of the outer layer of the eye (Episcleritis) or inflammation of the lens (Iritis) outside the digestive system

Painful swelling (erythema nodosum) and ulcers near the ankle (Pyodermagangrenosum) may occur in the skin, especially in the areas below the knee.

· There may be pain in the hip and spine joints even if there is no disease.

· Inflammation of the liver and biliary tract may occur. Inflammation in the liver improves with intestinal inflammation but sclerosing cholangitis affecting the biliary tract does not.


The most common serious complications of ulcerative colitis are massive bleeding, intestinal perforation, toxic megacolon, stenosis, and lesions around the anal canal.

Massive bleeding:

· Intense bleeding due to disease activity.

· Most of the bleeding stops spontaneously.

· In case of heavy bleeding, consult your doctor immediately.

· Inpatient treatment is required.


· Perforation due to disease activity in the intestinal wall.

· Perforations are the most common cause of complications.

· In patients with active severe disease, sudden, severe, pain and gas spread to the whole abdomen can occur with stool can not be removed.

· In this case, seek medical advice immediately.

· Urgent surgery is required.

Toxic Megacolon:

Toxic mega colon is the enlargement of the large intestine above normal.

· Diagnosis is made when the bowel diameter is above 6 cm in the abdominal X-ray.

· The most common reason for hospitalization in inflammatory bowel diseases is the development of toxic mega colon in patients.

Toxic megacolon may occur early or late in ulcerative colitis.

· Rarely, it may be an initial symptom of the disease.

Toxic megacolon is mostly seen in patients with pancolitis.

· In cases where the disease is active, patients should not undergo bowel x-ray and colonoscopy, and these tests may cause toxic megacolone.

· In patients with active disease; abdominal pain and sudden diarrhea.

· If there is a sudden decrease in the number of defecation with abdominal distension pain, consult your doctor immediately.

Perianal lesions:

· Cracks in the anus, abscesses and hemorrhoids around the anus.

· There is a crack in the gland (anal fissure); severe anal pain occurs during and especially after defecation.

· The pain increases especially after defecation and is intolerable for hours or even all day long.

Bleeding in the anal fissure is rare and adheres to the paper.

· Constipation and diarrhea should be avoided in anal fissure.

· If the anal fissure persists for more than a month, the wound becomes deeper. Increases pain and itching. This indicates the development of chronic anal fissure.

Bleeding in hemorrhoids may be in the form of red fresh blood with feces and spraying.

Prerianal abscess is painful (throbbing) red around the breech, swelling occurs.

Severe pain occurs during defecation.

He could be on fire.

If these symptoms occur, consult your doctor immediately.

Surgically, the abscess must be drained.


Clinically significant stenosis in ulcerative colitis is rare.

· Strictures are common in patients with widespread disease and non-remission symptoms.

· The number of defecation and stool incontinence increase in patients with stenosis.


Medication :

The aim of drug therapy for ulcerative colitis is to prevent / suppress the inflammatory activity of the colon mucosa and to silence the disease. Treatment of ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease varies according to the location and activity of the disease. However, the disease cannot be cured completely Depending on the severity of the disease, one or more drugs may be preferred.

CORTICOSTEROIDS (Deltakortril®, Budenofalk Prednol®)

In the active phase of acute ulcerative colitis, corticosteroid drugs (Deltakortril®, Budenofalk Prednol®) help reduce inflammation, reduce abdominal pain, reduce fever, reduce diarrhea and improve appetite. Corticosteroids are very effective, but at high doses and prolonged use, they cause undesirable side effects such as percentage rounding, increased appetite, high blood pressure, diabetes, gastric ulcer, muscle thinning, bone loss and changes in mental state. Locally effective Budesonide Budenofalk side effects are quite low.

SULFASALAZINE (Salazopyrine):

It may cause skin rash, headache, stomach aches, nausea and anemia in some patients due to sufapiridin in its content. may reduce the dose of your medicine or may need to be changed.


Side effects of this group of drugs are lower. Rarely, diarrhea, headache and skin rash may occur.


Drugs such as azathiopurine (Imuran®), which affect the immune system, are used to prevent activation of the disease in the long term. This drug that affects the immune system is used as maintenance therapy. In order to observe the side effects, the drug is started at low doses; side effects that may occur as a result of gradual dose increase over time are observed. During treatment, symptoms such as nausea, flu-like symptoms, weakness, abdominal pain, skin rash and anemia can be seen in a very small number of patients.

Antibiotics such as METRANIDAZOL OR CIPROFLAXOCINE are used for the treatment of ulcerative colitis.


· Intense bleeding

· Toxic megacolon at risk of puncture or perforated

Fulminant acute ulcerative colitis that does not respond to steroid treatment

· Intestinal obstruction due to stenosis

· Presence or suspicion of colon cancer

· If drug cannot be given due to systemic complications due to drug treatment

· Inability to control the disease

· In cases of developmental delay seen in pediatric patients, surgery is required.


· Special diet has little role in the treatment of ulcerative colitis.

· There are no identified diets that cause or exacerbate the disease.

· Follow a healthy, balanced diet with high protein and calorie foods according to your doctor's recommendations.

· If you have diarrhea, you should avoid foods that have softening properties (raw fruit and vegetables, concentrated fruit juices, etc.).

· You should avoid drinks that contain large amounts of caffeine (coffee, tea, chocolate, instant coffee, etc.).

· Your doctor will decide if you need to increase or decrease the fiber foods in your diet.


Ulcerative colitis; chronic chronic disease.

· Treatment improves patient complaints and intestinal disease

· Occasional disease recurrence

· The patient may need to use his / her medication under the supervision of a doctor for the recommended period and sometimes continuously.

Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory disease, not contagious.

· Patients with ulcerative colitis should consult their physician before conception.

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Centrum Women (250 Count) Multivitamin / Multimineral Supplement Tablet, Vitamin D3

What are the symptoms of iron deficiency?

Centrum Women (250 Count) Multivitamin / Multimineral Supplement Tablet, Vitamin D3

Iron deficiency occurs when there is not enough iron minerals in the body. This causes a decrease in the number of red blood cells (red blood cells) in the blood. Our body needs iron minerals to produce the hemoglobin protein contained in red blood cells. Homoglobin has the vital function of delivering oxygen in the blood to tissues and organs. If you don't have enough hemoglobin in your body, your tissues and muscles can't work efficiently because they can't get the oxygen they need. This is the condition called anemia . Iron deficiency symptoms vary according to the severity of anemia, how quickly it develops, your age and your current health status. A person with a healthy body, good health and young age may not experience any of these symptoms.

There are many different types of anemia worldwide. However, the most common and recognized is iron deficiency anemia. There are many known causes of this type of anemia. These include inadequate and unbalanced nutrition, inflammatory bowel diseases, increased needs of the mother and baby during pregnancy, blood loss due to internal bleeding. In addition, women's blood loss during menstrual periods and birth can be added to the continuation of this list.

Regardless of these reasons, iron deficiency can cause a number of disturbing symptoms that will degrade your quality of life and make you feel uncomfortable. These symptoms include health problems, loss of concentration, and consequently a reduction in work efficiency.

We've put together the 10 most common signs of iron deficiency for you.
Iron Deficiency Symptoms
1. Unusual Fatigue

One of the most common symptoms encountered in patients with anemia is that one is constantly tired . So why does a person feel so tired? This is because our body needs iron to produce the hemoglobin protein found in red blood cells. Hemoglobin helps transport oxygen in the blood to tissues and muscles.

Because there is not enough hemoglobin in your body, less oxygen will go to the tissues and muscles in the organs. This will lower your energy level and reduce your efficiency. You will also be tired as your heart makes an extraordinary effort to pump a small amount of blood rich in oxygen into your body.

However, we cannot diagnose iron deficiency anemia only with the symptoms of fatigue . Because fatigue is considered a part of modern life. However, many people with iron deficiency feel very weak during the day, but also have difficulty concentrating on their work. This leads to reduced productivity and occasional nerve seizures in daily life.


Unusual fatigue in daily life is one of the most common symptoms of iron deficiency. This results in a lower energy level due to the small amount of oxygen reaching the tissues in your body.

2. Wiltness

Fading of the inner parts of our skin and lower eyelids is also a common symptom of iron deficiency. Hemoglobin in red blood cells is a molecule that gives blood its red color. Therefore, if you have iron deficiency, your blood becomes pale because the hemoglobin level in our blood is low. The skin color of the patients with iron deficiency is pink because of the low amount of hemoglobin in the blood.

In people with iron deficiency, this wilt can be seen from all sides of the body, including the face, gums, inner lips, lower eyelids, even nails. These symptoms are the first signs doctors will look for in their bodies when diagnosing iron deficiency. However, this diagnosis must still be confirmed by a blood test.

Wilted skin is one of the more common symptoms of moderate or severe anemia. If you pull your lower eyelid down, the inner layer you see should normally be in vivid red. However, if this inner layer is pale pink or close to yellow, it means that you have a lack of iron.


Excessive wilt in certain areas such as the face, lower eyelid and nail, or throughout your body, may be a sign that you are experiencing moderate or severe iron deficiency. This is due to the low level of hemoglobin that gives blood red color.

3. Shortness of Breath

The hemoglobin molecule in the red blood cells in our blood allows oxygen to be transported throughout the body. During iron deficiency, your body's hemoglobin level is low, so your oxygen level will be low. In this case, because your muscles do not get enough oxygen, you will have difficulty doing normal activities such as walking and running.

Your respiratory rate will increase as your body tries to get more oxygen. As a result, shortness of breath is one of the most common symptoms of iron deficiency.

In the past, you could easily do everyday tasks such as walking, climbing stairs or exercising, and now you may be out of breath while doing such activities due to iron deficiency.


Shortness of breath is a sign of iron deficiency. Since the hemoglobin level is low, oxygen in the body cannot be effectively transported to the muscles and tissues.

4. Headache and Dizziness

Iron deficiency can also cause headaches. The headache symptom usually occurs with dizziness and is less common than the symptoms I mentioned earlier.

During iron deficiency, the hemoglobin levels in the red blood cells are lower than they should be and may not reach the brain with enough oxygen. This causes the blood vessels in the brain to swell, causing the patient to pressurize the skull and cause headaches.

Although there are many causes of headache, headache which is frequently recurring and accompanied by dizziness may be a symptom of iron deficiency.


Headache and dizziness can be a sign of iron deficiency. The amount of oxygen reaching the brain due to hemoglobin deficiency is not enough. This leads to swelling of blood vessels and creating pressure.

5. Heart palpitations

Heartbeats, also known as heart palpitations, may be another symptom of iron deficiency anemia.

As I mentioned before, hemoglobin is the protein in red blood cells that helps transport oxygen in the body.

Since hemoglobin levels may be low due to iron deficiency, your heart will work harder to carry the oxygen-rich blood to the tissues. This may cause you to feel that your heart beats abnormally fast and your heartbeat is irregular.

In extreme cases where the heart is abnormally fast, you may even experience heart murmurs, heart enlargement, and ultimately heart failure.

However, it is not common for you to come face to face with such cases. Because you have to suffer from iron deficiency for a long time to experience these serious ailments.


In cases of iron deficiency, the heart must use extra effort to carry oxygen to all parts of our body. This can cause irregular and rapid heartbeats, or even heart pumping, heart enlargement, or heart failure.

6. Having Dry, Worn Skin and Hair

Dry and damaged hair and skin may also be a sign of iron deficiency. When iron deficiency is present in the body, a limited amount of oxygen is transmitted to the organs of other body tissues, which have to perform important functions. As your hair and skin cannot get enough oxygen, it will be dry and weak. This may even cause hair loss in more severe iron deficiency cases.

It is quite normal for you to experience hair loss while washing or bathing your hair in daily life. However, if you lose more hair than you normally do during a bath, it may be because of the lack of iron you have experienced.


Your hair and skin may look dry and worn out because of less oxygen in iron deficiency situations. In very serious cases, the lack of iron can result in hair loss.

7. Tongue and Mouth Bloating and Pain

Occasionally looking inside or around your mouth can give you an impression of whether you are experiencing iron deficiency anemia. Swelling of our tongue, collection of inflammation in some parts, discoloration of the tongue and the formation of some unevenness in your tongue may be considered as signs of iron deficiency.

Low hemoglobin levels in the blood due to iron deficiency can cause your tongue to fade. Similarly, a decrease in myoglobin levels due to iron deficiency is the cause of pain, swelling and roughness of your tongue.

Myoglobin is a protein in red blood cells that supports the muscles in our body, just like the muscles in your tongue.

Iron deficiency can also cause dry mouth, smell of your mouth, red cracks in the corners of your mouth or mouth ulcers.


Frequent pain, swelling, or abnormally rough tongue may be a symptom of iron deficiency anemia. Cracks in the mouth corners and ulcers can also be seen as a sign of iron deficiency.

8. Restless Legs

Restless leg syndrome is one of the symptoms associated with iron deficiency.

Restless leg syndrome This is a powerful urge to keep your legs resting. If you suffer from restless leg syndrome, your feet and legs may have a strange feeling of crawling or itching.

This will cause you to have a bad experience, especially at night. Therefore, people with restless legs syndrome have to make more effort to fall asleep than others.

In fact, the causes of restless leg syndrome are not completely clear. However, 25% of people with restless leg syndrome are thought to be iron deficiency anemia. Because the lower the iron level in the body, the more experienced the symptoms become.

9. Fragile and Spoon Shaped Nails

Koilonychia is a much less common symptom of iron deficiency compared to others. The nails of people with Koilonychia are reminiscent of the shape of a fragile, inwardly curved spoon shape. The nails of such patients will easily crack and break.

In the later stages of iron deficiency, the nails of the patients collapse down from the middle and the edges begin to rise. At the last stage the nails take the appearance of a spoon. However, it is rarely seen in patients with severe iron deficiency anemia that the nails of patients turn into this shape.


To summarize, brittle or spoon-shaped nails can be a marker of much more severe iron deficiency anemia.

10. Other Iron Deficiency Symptoms

There are other symptoms that indicate that the level of iron in your body may be low. Since these symptoms are less common than what I have written so far, they can be associated with many conditions other than iron deficiency.

Other symptoms of iron deficiency anemia include:

Weird urge for appetite : It is the equivalent of a person's sense of eating strange foods, even non-food products, called inde pica inde in medicine. The patient often has an extreme desire to eat products that he does not eat at normal time, such as ice, earth, chalk or paper. This may be a symptom of iron deficiency, according to experts. It is mostly seen during pregnancy.

Anxiety and uneasiness : A small amount of oxygen in the body tissues due to iron deficiency can cause the person to worry where he is standing. However, this is temporary because the level of iron in the body improves.

Cold hands and feet : Lack of iron means that oxygen in the body reaches the hands and feet less. Hands and feet that do not get enough oxygen are cooler than normal time. Some people, however, are generally more prone to colds or have cold hands and feet.

Common infections: The higher the iron level in our body, the stronger your immune system. Since iron deficiency will disrupt your immune system, you have a higher incidence of diseases such as inflammatory bowel syndrome .


There are other symptoms that are less common than those mentioned earlier. These include appetite for strange foods, anxiety and anxiety, constant cold of hands and feet, and more frequent infections than usual.

What Should You Do If You Think You Have Iron Deficiency?

If you think you have iron deficiency anemia, it is a good idea to write down the following recommendations.

Consult your doctor first

If you think you are experiencing the symptoms and symptoms of iron deficiency anemia, you should first consider calling your doctor and making an appointment. A simple blood test from your doctor will confirm whether you have iron deficiency.

If your doctor confirms that you have iron deficiency as a result of the test, you can easily increase your iron level with the proper diet and iron supplements your doctor recommends. In this way, you will treat your iron deficiency yourself.

The main purpose of treatment is to increase your hemoglobin level in your blood and to replenish the iron stores in your body. During this process, you should ensure that you are fed with foods rich in iron minerals and that you are getting enough iron. Use iron supplements only as directed by your doctor.
Foods Good for Iron Deficiency

If your doctor thinks that the reason for your iron deficiency may be due to lack of iron in your diet, you may want to consume iron-rich foods, which I will write below:

Red meat, pork and poultry Dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach, cabbage and capers Dried fruits such as raisins and apricots Legumes such as peas, beans sea ​​products Iron-reinforced foods Nuts, peanuts and seeds

Iron Reinforcement

If your doctor recommends, you should consider taking iron supplements as a last resort. Your doctor probably makes this recommendation because you cannot compensate for the iron deficiency in your body just by waiting.

If you are taking iron supplements, you should try drinking orange juice with you. Because vitamin C helps the absorption of iron in the body.

Keep in mind that taking iron supplements can cause some side effects on your body. These side effects include stomach pain, constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, nausea and black feces. However, the side effects I've said vary depending on the dose of iron supplement you use. As your body gets used to it, side effects will decrease.


If you think you have iron deficiency anemia, you should first consult your doctor. Your doctor will advise you to eat with iron-rich foods at first. You will probably also drink vitamin C drinks to increase the absorption of iron during nutrition. If this is not enough for you, he will recommend you to take iron supplements.


Iron deficiency anemia is the most common type of anemia worldwide. Some people experience severe symptoms, while others do not even realize that they are iron deficient. This depends on the severity and severity of anemia.

The known and common symptoms of iron deficiency anemia are as follows. Excessive fatigue, pale or dry skin, visible heartbeat, headache and dizziness, shortness of breath, dry and worn hair, painful or swollen tongue, cracks in the mouth, restless leg syndrome, fragile or spoon-shaped nails.

If you think you have iron deficiency symptoms, you should first consult your doctor. It is not recommended to diagnose yourself and apply treatment at home.

Many types of iron deficiency can now be easily treated. If your doctor considers it appropriate, you will first apply a nutrition program containing foods rich in iron minerals. If this is not enough, your doctor will recommend that you take iron supplements.

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Vitamin B12 and Folate Deficiency

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Vitamin B12 and folic acid (folate) are B complex vitamins necessary for normal red blood cell (RBC-erythrocyte) formation, tissue and cell repair and DNA synthesis . A B12 and / or folate deficiency reflects long-term chronic deficiency of one or both of these vitamins. The body stores 3-5 years of vitamin B12 and folate folate for 3-5 years, deficiencies in adults and the occurrence of related symptoms may take months and years. However, babies and children will show signs of deficiency more quickly because they do not have plenty of spare stores.

Over time, deficiency of B12 or folate can lead to macrocytic anemia, which is characterized by fewer but larger red blood cell production and reduced ability to carry oxygen. Patients are weak due to anemia. They may experience dizziness and shortness of breath. Vitamin B12 deficiency can also lead to varying degrees of neuropathy. Neuropathy is nerve damage that can cause tingling and numbness in the hands and legs of the patient, blurred consciousness, irritability and severe mental disorders ranging from dementia to severe dementia.

Pregnant women require increased amounts of folate to develop the fetus correctly. If a woman has folate deficiency before pregnancy , the deficiency will increase during pregnancy and may cause premature birth and birth defects such as spina bifida and neural tube in the child.

Findings related to B12 and folate deficiency are generally not specific and not clear. The findings are associated with the resulting macrocytic anemia, nerve involvement, and gastrointestinal changes. Patients with early stage deficiency can be diagnosed without any obvious findings. Other patients may experience a variety of mild to severe disorders, which may include:

Blur of Consciousness
Exhaustion, weakness
Absorption disorder
Fast heart beats
Shortness of breath
Bitterness in tongue and mouth
Tingling, numbness and / or burning sensation in feet, hands, arms and legs (with B12)


B12 and folate deficiency may be due to inadequate uptake, inadequate absorption, increased losses or requirement. Folate is found in green leafy plants, citrus fruits, legumes, yeasts and doped grains. B12 is found in red meat, fish, poultry, milk, eggs, and added cereals. Deficiency due to insufficient B12 intake is rare, but can be seen in full vegetarians (those who do not consume any animal products) and breastfed children.

Gastric acid deficiency required to separate vitamin B12 from dietary protein may also cause B12 deficiency. This is the most common cause in the elderly and in people taking drugs that suppress gastric acid production. The deficiency may be due to a lack of intrinsic factor produced by gastric wall ( parietal ) cells that binds B12 before absorption in the intestines. An autoimmune disorder called pernicious anemia causes damage to the gastric wall cells, leading to a decrease in intrinsic factor.

B12 and folate deficiency may occur as a result of diseases and abnormal conditions that cause general absorption disorders such as celiac disease , inflammation of the intestines and malabsorption caused by intolerance to cereal products, bacterial growth in the stomach and intestines, surgical removal of parietal cells of the stomach or part of the intestines.

Chronic disorders such as liver or kidney disease and alcoholism , drugs such as phenytoin , metformin (treatment of diabetes) or methotrexate (treatment of an arthritis) can lead to decreased B12 or folate levels.

All pregnant women require large amounts of folate for proper development of the fetus. Any deficiency present before pregnancy will increase during pregnancy .

During routine complete blood count testing , anemia and large red blood cells (RBC) in vitamin B12 or folate deficiency are often detected. Laboratory tests are used to determine a deficiency, severity, and underlying cause and to monitor the effectiveness of treatment.

Laboratory Tests
B12 and folate deficiency are frequently asked for diagnosis and follow-up :

B12 - If it is low, there is a deficiency, but the abortion cannot determine the cause. Even if normal, folate deficiency may still be present. You may be asked to follow the effectiveness of treatment.
Complete blood count . It is a group of tests that are routinely required to screen for blood cell abnormalities. Determines cell types, quantities and characteristics. In both B12 and folate deficiency anemia, hemoglobin levels may decrease and red blood cells (RBC) are abnormally enlarged (macrocytic or megaloblastic). White blood cells (leukocytes-WBC) and platelets may also decrease.
Folate . Folate in serum or red blood cell can be tested. Some researchers believe that folate in the red blood cell is more clinically relevant. If either of them is low, this indicates a deficiency. If normal, there may still be a B12 deficiency. It may be desirable to monitor the effectiveness of treatment.

Rarely used tests to diagnose B12 and folate deficiency:

Methylmalonic Acid (MMA) . It is sometimes desirable to help determine B12 deficiency, mildly or early.
Homocysteine . Occasionally requested. It may increase in both B12 and folate deficiency.

Desired tests to help determine the cause of B12 deficiency:

Schilling Test - It was often desirable to confirm the diagnosis of pernicious anemia . This test is usually no longer performed.
It interferes with the binding of Intrinsic Factor Binding Antibody-B12. It may be present in pernicious anemia. It is a special test which is not usually done in routine.
Intrinsic Factor Blocker A protein that inhibits the binding of Antibody-B12 to the intrinsic factor. It is present in more than 50% of all pernicious anemia patients.
Parietal Cell Antibody - It is an antibody against parietal cells that form intrinsic factor. It is an antibody that is found in a large percentage of patients with pernicious anemia and can also be seen in other disorders.


Treatment of B12 and folate deficiencies often requires long-term or lifelong supplementation. Those who suffer from intrinsic factor deficiency or general malnutrition require B12 injections. Folate / folic acid is an oral additive. Doctors recommend that women considering childbearing receive folate supplements during or before pregnancy to ensure that they have adequate stock for the normal development of the fetus.

If the patient has both B12 and folate deficiency, he will need to supplement both. If the patient with B12 deficiency receives only folic acid supplements, the underlying neuropathy (nerve damage) caused by B12 deficiency will persist, although macrocytic anemia can pass. With appropriate treatment, the symptoms of the disease must pass, while nerve damage may not completely return.

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Pernicious Anemia

One A Day Women’s VitaCraves Multivitamin Gummies, Supplement with Vitamins A, C, E, B6, B12, Calcium, and Vitamin D, 170 Count

What is Pernicious Anemia?

Pernicosis anemia is a condition in which the body does not have enough vitamin B12 and not enough healthy red blood cells can be made.
Vitamin B12 is a nutrient found in certain foods. In order for the body to produce healthy red blood cells and the nervous system to function properly, this vitamin is needed.
Patients with pernicious anemia are unable to absorb vitamin B12 to their bodies sufficiently due to the lack of a protein produced in the stomach called intrinsic factor. This leads to vitamin B12 deficiency
Other conditions and factors may also lead to vitamin B12 deficiency. Examples include infections, surgical interventions and nutrition. The term “pernicious anemia teknik is technically a deficiency of vitamin B12 due to the absence of intrinsic factor. Vitamin B12 deficiency, often caused by other causes, is also called pernicious anemia.

Pernicious anemia is a type of anemia. (Anemia means there are fewer red blood cells in your blood than usual). In pernicious anemia, the body does not have enough vitamin B12 and cannot make enough healthy red blood cells.
If you don't have enough vitamin B12, your red blood cells cannot undergo normal division and become too large. They may have problems transmitting blood from the bone marrow (the spongy tissue in the bones, where blood cells are made).
If you don't have enough red blood cells to carry oxygen to your body, you may feel tired and exhausted. Severe and prolonged pernicious anemia can damage the heart, brain and other organs in the body.
Pernicious anemia can also cause other complications such as nerve damage, neurological problems (such as memory loss) and digestive system problems. In addition, people with pernicious anemia may have an increased risk of developing stomach cancer.

General view
In the past, this condition was called pernicosis (a fatal word) anemia because it often ended in death before vitamin B12 treatment. Today, pernicious anemia can be easily treated with vitamin B12 pills or needles.
With appropriate treatment and ongoing care, most people with pernicious anemia can heal, feel good and live their normal lives.
Without treatment, pernicious anemia can cause serious problems with the heart, nerve and other parts of the body. Some of the effects of this condition can be permanent.

Other Names Given to Pernicious Anemia
Pernicious anemia is one of two major types of anemia, also called “macrocytic” or “megaloblastic emi anemia. These terms refer to anemia in which red blood cells are larger than normal. (Another major type of macrocytic anemia is anemia due to folic acid deficiency.)
Rarely, children are born with an inherited disorder that interferes with the production of intrinsic factor. This disease is called congenital pernicious anemia.
Vitamin B12 deficiency is also called cobalamin deficiency and combined system disease.

What Causes Pernicious Anemia?

Pernicious anemia is caused by a lack of intrinsic factor or other causes such as infection, surgical interventions, medications or nutrition.
Intrinsic Factor Deficiency

Intrinsic factor is a protein in the stomach that helps absorb vitamin B12. In some people, intrinsic factor deficiency is the result of an autoimmune disease.
Autoimmune response occurs when the body's immune system accidentally makes antibodies that attack healthy cells and damages tissues and cells.
In pernicious anemia, the body produces antibodies that attack and destroy parietal cells. These are the cells in the gastric wall that make intrinsic factor. The cause of this autoimmune response is unknown.
As a result of this attack, the stomach stops intrinsic factor production. Without an intrinsic factor, your body cannot absorb vitamin B12 from the small intestine, where it is normally absorbed. This leads to vitamin B12 deficiency
Intrinsic factor deficiency may also occur if all or part of your stomach has been removed. Such operations reduce the number of parietal cells that will perform intrinsic factor production.
Rarely, children are born with an inherited disorder that interferes with the production of intrinsic factor. This disease is called congenital pernicious anemia.
Other Causes

In addition to intrinsic factor deficiency, other conditions and factors may also cause pernicious anemia.

Impaired Absorption from Small Intestine:
Sometimes pernicious anemia can occur because vitamin B12 is not absorbed well from the small intestine. The reasons for this may be:

The wrong kind of bacteria in the small intestine is too many. This is a common cause of pernicious anemia in adults. Bacteria consume vitamin B12 before being absorbed from the small intestine.
Diseases that disrupt the absorption of vitamin B12. An example is celiac disease. This is a genetic disorder in which your body cannot tolerate a protein called gluten. Another example is Crohn's disease. Crohn is an inflammatory bowel disease.
Some drugs that prevent the absorption of vitamin B12 from the small intestine or affect the growth of bacteria. Examples of these drugs are antibiotics and some epileptic drugs.
Surgical removal of all or part of the small intestine.
Intestinal worms. The intestinal worm can feed on vitamin B12 and consume it. Eating fish that is not adequately cooked or infected can cause this type of infection.

Rarely, some people may develop pernicious anemia because they do not get enough vitamin B12 with food. The richest sources of vitamin B12 are meat, poultry, fish, eggs and dairy products. You can also take vitamin B12 with nutritional supplements.
In strict vegetarians who do not consume any meat or dairy products and do not take vitamin B12 supplements, the risk of pernicious anemia increases.
Children who are breastfed by mothers who are fully vegetarians are at increased risk for pernicious anemia. These babies may develop anemia within months after birth. This is because they do not have enough time to store vitamin B12 in their bodies. Doctors treat these babies with vitamin B12 supplements.
People in other groups, such as the elderly or alcoholics, may also be at risk of pernicious anemia, as they may not be able to get enough vitamin B12 by feeding.

Who is at Risk for Pernicious Anemia?

Pernicious anemia is most common in people of Northern European and African descent.
Older people in the United States are at greater risk. This is due to a lack of gastric acid and intrinsic factor. The lack of these prevents the absorption of vitamin B12 from the small intestine. As people age, they tend to produce less stomach acid.
Pernicious anemia may also occur in younger individuals and other population groups. If the following factors apply to you, your risk of pernicious anemia is increased:

If there is someone in your family who is in this situation.
All or part of your stomach is removed by stomach surgery. Stomach vitamin B12 produces an internex factor, a protein that helps absorption.
If you have an autoimmune disease involving endocrine glands such as Addison's disease, type 1 diabetes, Graves' Disease and vitiligo. According to studies, there may be a connection between these autoimmune disorders and pernicious anemia caused by autoimmune response.
If all or part of your small intestine was removed by surgery. Small intestines are where vitamin B12 is absorbed.
If you have a bowel disease or disorder that prevents the absorption of vitamin B12. Examples include Crohn's disease and intestinal infections.
If you use drugs that prevent the absorption of vitamin B12 in your body. Examples of these drugs are antibiotics and some epileptic drugs.
If you are a full vegetarian who does not consume any meat or dairy products and does not take vitamin B12 supplements, or you usually eat less meat.

What are the signs and symptoms of pernicious anemia?

Signs and symptoms of pernicious anemia are due to vitamin B12 deficiency (vitamin B12 deficiency). If vitamin B12 is not enough, your body cannot produce as many healthy red blood cells as necessary. This causes anemia.
Some signs and symptoms of pernicious anemia can be seen in all types of anemia. Other signs and symptoms are specific for vitamin B12 deficiency.

Signs and Symptoms of Anemia
The most common symptom in all types of anemia is fatigue and fatigue. This symptom is caused by a lack of enough red blood cells to carry oxygen to various parts of your body.
Low red blood cell count also shortness of breath; dizziness, especially when standing up; headache; coldness of hands or feet; pale skin, gums and nails; and chest pain.
Reduction in red blood cells also means that your heart needs to work harder to distribute oxygen-rich blood to your body. This can lead to arrhythmias, heart murmur, heart enlargement and even heart failure.

Vitamin B12 Deficiency Findings and Symptoms
Deficiency of vitamin B12 can cause nerve damage. This can cause pinning and tingling in your hands and feet, muscle weakness and loss of reflex. You can also stagger, lose balance and have problems walking.
Severe vitamin B12 deficiency can cause neurological problems such as blurred consciousness, dementia and depression.
Other signs of vitamin B12 deficiency are related to the digestive tract. These symptoms include nausea, vomiting, burning sensation in the esophagus, abdominal distension and flatulence, constipation or diarrhea, loss of appetite and weight loss. Liver growth is another symptom.
A smooth, red-colored tongue is also a sign of vitamin B12 deficiency and pernicious anemia.
Infants with vitamin B12 deficiency may develop movements that are not normally seen, such as weakening or tremors in the reflexes. These babies may have nutritional problems due to tongue and throat problems. These babies are also very quickly aroused, they can be constantly uneasy. Untreated vitamin B12 deficiency may cause permanent growth problems in infants.

How is Pernicious Anemia Diagnosed?

Your doctor will diagnose pernicious anemia based on your medical and family history, physical examination and test results.
Your doctor will investigate whether this is due to a lack of intrinsic factor or another cause. He will try to find out how severe the situation is and the reason for it to be treated appropriately.

Experts in the Diagnosis Process
Primary care physicians, such as family physicians, internal medicine specialists or pediatricians, can help diagnose and treat pernicious anemia. Doctors from other disciplines may also be involved:

Gastroenterologist (digestive system diseases specialist)

Medical Stories and Family Stories
Your doctor may ask you questions about your signs and symptoms: Your doctor may ask:

Whether you've had stomach or intestinal surgery,
Whether there is a digestive system disorder such as Celiac disease or Crohn's disease,
Nutritional style and medications you use,
Whether your family has anemia or pernicious anemia
Whether you have a history of autoimmune disease in your family (such as Addison's disease, type 1 diabetes, or Graves' disease) According to studies, there may be a link between these autoimmune disorders and the pernicious anemia caused by the autoimmune response.

Physical Examination
During the physical examination, your doctor will check whether the skin color is pale or yellowish and that there is growth in the liver. Can listen to your heart to see if you have a fast heartbeat or a murmur in your heart
Your doctor will also check for signs of nerve damage. It will also check if your muscles, eyes, senses and reflexes work well. Your doctor may also ask questions and perform tests to check your mental state, coordination and gait.
Diagnostic Tests and Procedures
Blood tests and procedures may be useful in the diagnosis and understanding of the cause of pernicious anemia.

Whole Blood Count
Generally, the first test for the diagnosis of many types of anemia is complete blood count (also called CBC / TKS / hemogram). Many parts of your blood are measured on the hemogram. For this test, a small amount of blood will be drawn by a needle into your vein, usually from your arm.
This test measures your hemoglobin and hematocrit values. Hemoglobin is an iron-rich protein in the red blood cells that carries oxygen to the body. Hemotocrit is a measure of the volumetric ratio of red blood cells in the blood. Low hemoglobin or hemotocrit is a sign of anemia.
The normal values ​​of these measurements vary depending on race and population. Your doctor may explain the test results to you.
The hemogram also looks at the number of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets in your blood. Abnormal results may be indicative of anemia, another blood disease, infection, or other condition.
The mean corpuscular volume (MCV) of the red blood cells is also measured on the hemogram. MCV is a measure of the average size of your red blood cells. This measurement can give a clue about the cause of your anemia. In pernicious anemia, red blood cells are larger than normal (macrocytic).

Other Blood Tests
If your hemogram shows that you have anemia, you may need to take some other tests to investigate the type of your anemia.
The reticulocyte count measures the amount of young red blood cells in your blood. This test indicates whether the bone marrow produces red blood cells at the correct rate. The number of reticulocytes is low in people with pernicious anemia.
Serum folate, iron, and iron binding capacity tests may also be useful to determine if you have pernicious anemia or any other type of anemia.
Your doctor may also require further blood tests to investigate the following conditions:

Low vitamin B12 levels in your blood indicate that pernicious anemia.
Homocysteine ​​and methylmalonic acid (MMA) levels. High levels of these substances in your body are symptoms of pernicious anemia.
Intrinsic factor antibodies and parietal cell antibodies. These antibodies are also a symptom of pernicious anemia.

Bone Marrow Tests
Bone marrow tests show whether your bone marrow is healthy and has enough red blood cells. There are two types of bone marrow tests: aspiration and biopsy.
During the aspiration process, your doctor takes a small amount of fluid from your bone marrow with a needle. For a biopsy, your doctor will remove a small amount of tissue from your bone marrow with a needle. This tissue sample is then examined under a microscope.
In pernicious anemia, red blood cells are larger than normal (macrocytic).

How is Pernicious Anemia Treated?

Doctors treat pernicious anemia by replacing the missing vitamin B12 in your body. People with pernicious anemia may need lifelong treatment.

Objectives of Treatment
Some of the objectives of the treatment of pernicious anemia:

Prevent or treat anemia with signs and symptoms of anemia
Prevention or control of complications such as heart and nerve damage
To treat the cause of pernicious anemia (if found)

Special Treatment Types
Pernicious anemia is usually easily treated with vitamin B12 pills or needles.
If you have a severe pernicious anemia, your doctor may recommend needle therapy first. Needles are usually made from the hip every day or every week until the vitamin B12 level in your body increases. Once the vitamin B12 value in your blood has returned to normal, you may be injected once a month.
For milder pernicious anemia, your doctor may prescribe high doses of vitamin B12 pills. Nasal gel and spray containing vitamin B12 is also available. These products can be useful for people who have difficulty swallowing pills, such as the elderly or stroke sufferers.
Your signs and symptoms may begin to improve within a day or two of treatment. Your doctor may recommend that you limit your physical activity until your condition improves.
If you have an anemia other than intrinsic factor deficiency or a factor-related pernicious anemia, you may also need treatment for it.
For example, medications can be used to treat conditions that prevent your body from absorbing vitamin B12. Your doctor may change the type or dose of medication if the medications you use cause pernicious anemia. Babies of mothers who are fully vegetarian can be given vitamin B12 supplements from birth.

How can pernicious anemia be prevented?
Pernicious anemia due to intrinsic factor deficiency cannot be prevented. Without intrinsic factor, your body cannot absorb vitamin B12, which leads to pernicious anemia.
Rarely, some people may develop pernicious anemia because of insufficient vitamin B12 intake. You can take some precautions to prevent pernicious anemia due to nutritional factors.
Eating foods rich in vitamin B12 may be helpful in preventing the reduction of vitamin B12 levels. Foods that supply vitamin B12 include:

Meats such as red meat, liver, poultry and fish
Fish and shellfish
Eggs and dairy products (such as milk, yogurt and cheese)
Breakfast cereals and other vitamin B12-added foods

Vitamin B12 is also found in multivitamins and B complex vitamin supplements. Doctors may recommend supplements for those at risk of vitamin B12 deficiency, such as those who are fully vegetarian or have undergone stomach surgery.
Elderly may have problems in absorbing vitamin B12. Therefore, doctors may recommend that older adults eat foods enriched with vitamin B12 or take vitamin B12 supplements.

Living with Pernicious Anemia

With appropriate treatment, people with pernicious anemia can heal, feel good and live their normal lives.
If complications of pernicious anemia such as nerve damage have occurred, early treatment may help to heal the damage.

Continuous Maintenance
If you have pernicious anemia, you may need lifelong treatment with vitamin B12. You should see your doctor regularly for checks and continuous treatment. Take vitamin B12 supplements as instructed by your doctor. It may be helpful in preventing these symptoms and complications.
During your follow-up, your doctor will check for signs of vitamin B12 deficiency. Your doctor may re-arrange your treatment as needed.
If you have pernicious anemia, you have a higher risk of developing stomach cancer. You should see your doctor regularly to check for this complication.
Also, tell other family members, especially your children and siblings, that you have pernicious anemia. Pernicious anemia may be hereditary, so the risk of developing this condition may be greater in these people.

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Avitaminosis: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Avientaosis

Garden of Life Multivitamin for Men - Vitamin Code Men's Raw Whole Food Vitamin Supplement with Probiotics, Vegetarian, 240 Capsules

Avitaminosis is a deficiency of one or more vitamins in the body. The degree of development of Beriberi can manifest in different ways, from fragile nails to serious illnesses. Normally, a healthy person with a varied diet should take lots of vitamins, microelements, acids and fats. If the diet breaks or the body doesn't take the appropriate amount of nutrients for any reason, there is a critical vitamin deficiency. Let's talk about the lack of vitamins today - its manifestations, causes of development and methods of treatment.

How to recognize Beriberi

Beriberi's symptoms are very wide and varied. Depending on the deficiency of a particular element, avitaminosis may be manifested by the following symptoms.

Vitamin C is very important for human immunity. If the body is deficient in vitamin C, the skin becomes gray, loses its natural luster and suppleness. A person often feels overwhelmed and lethargic, his performance decreases and the patient feels pain in the muscles. With a critical lack of vitamin C, the gums begin to bleed, teeth may begin to loosen. Due to the lack of ascorbic acid, a reduction in immunity and exacerbation of many chronic diseases can be noticed. One of the most dangerous symptoms of vitamin C deficiency is Tsing's disease. The disease was common in the Middle Ages, usually sick sailors and besieged people in the fortress. The disease is manifested by dizziness, pain in the muscles and joints, severe drowsiness, sagging, pale skin, changes in the structure of the gums. Vitamin C deficiency is very dangerous and can even be fatal.
Vitamin B1 is responsible for a person's psycho-emotional health. With this vitamin deficiency, the patient often feels crushed and irritated, speech and memory deteriorate, mental level decreases, weightiness occurs, working capacity drops significantly.In some cases, vitamin B1 deficiency leads to the deterioration of internal organs - constipation or diarrhea occurs, liver increases, decreases pressure and pain in the stomach and heart.
Vitamin A. With the lack of this substance the body gradually begins to fade. The skin becomes dry and gray, begins to peel, folds and wrinkles appear. Vitamin A deficiency in the body immediately recognizes women - they see how the condition of the skin and face worsens. In many cases, vitamin A deficiency leads to visual impairment - especially in the dusk, their intensity is reduced. The patient may feel dry eyes as well as wearing contact lenses. Vitamin A deficiency can lead to depression, stress, neurosis, memory impairment, insomnia.
Vitamin K is required to maintain the integrity and flexibility of blood vessels. With a lack of vitamin K, the patient is involved in the development of various organs - gums, sores, nose, in the internal organs. With a lack of vitamin K, hematomas occur on the skin even with a small bump or push.
Vitamin E is considered the main female vitamin, because its deficiency affects appearance and gynecological health very quickly.Lack of vitamin E manifests itself with sexual reluctance in both men and women. Moreover, a person can become sneaky, irritable, muscles weaken, often numb. Skin with tocopherol deficiency occurs dry, wrinkled, pigment spots on the surface. For a woman, a small amount of vitamin E in the body is dangerous because it becomes difficult for her to become pregnant and carry the baby.
Vitamin B2 is responsible for many processes in the human body. When it is missing, the oral mucosa is often inflamed, skin sensitivity is reduced, vision is impaired, hair is shed, and cracks and wounds may occur on the corners of the mouth. With riboflavin deficiency, the patient's general condition deteriorates, becomes weak and indifferent, loses appetite and weight. In some cases, dermatological diseases may worsen.
Vitamin PP. With deficiency diarrhea, often have heartburn, nausea, poor appetite, muscle pain. One person becomes indifferent and very tired. One of the worst consequences of nicotinic acid deficiency in the body is Pellagra's disease. It is caused by extensive symptoms ranging from fragile nails and hair to baldness, to the appearance of blemishes on the skin, abnormalities in the digestive tract and even paralysis.
Vitamin D. Responsible for the integrity of bone tissue and calcium absorption. Bones with vitamin D deficiency become brittle, brittle and soft. This vitamin deficiency leads to muscle and joint pain, obesity, a significant reduction in immunity. In addition, there are symptoms such as irritability, aggression or apathy, tears, weakness, fatigue, stress, unstable nerve disease.

We identified the symptoms of essential vitamin deficiency. But how does beriberi develop? What could be the reason?

What causes the development of Neberi

Here are the main factors that can cause avitaminosis.

Often, avitaminosis develops very often if the necessary elements do not enter the body with nutrition. Such a deficiency can occur when strict diets are observed to lose weight. Weight loss should be literate and not just consuming buckwheat or kefir will make you thinner, but will have serious and even dangerous consequences. Mono-diet is one of the main causes of beriberi. In weight loss, the diet should be prepared by an expert.
For the most part, avitaminosis develops when eating fast food and junk food, if the body does not get enough fresh vegetables, berries and fruits.
Avitaminosis usually develops in third world countries when it is not possible to eat normally. In ancient times, avitaminosis and its associated diseases were a common companion of people under siege and blockade.
In some cases, beriberi may be the cause of weight loss. They cause vomiting or prevent the absorption of food.
Prolonged use of sorbents can also lead to avitaminosis, because the sorbent enters the intestine, absorbing not only toxins but also vitamins, and then excreted naturally from the body.
Avitaminosis may be the result of various digestive tracts of the gastrointestinal tract, which may cause digestion. Often this is observed with dysbacteriosis if the microflora is suppressed - there is no beneficial bacteria in the intestine which is necessary for the synthesis of vitamins.
At risk, children and the elderly, because their metabolism is flawed - children are getting better and the senile begins to break.
Often, during pregnancy and lactation develop avitaminosis.After all, at present it is necessary to consume all the useful elements, the baby's needs, and nutrition is often not intended for two, remains rare. For this reason, pregnant and lactating women often lose their hair, break nails and peel the skin.
Antibiotics and medications for the treatment of tuberculosis may also cause avitaminosis.
Avitaminosis is seen in urban residents in winter and spring months, when the number of fresh vegetables and fruits has declined sharply.

Knowing the main causes of avitaminosis, in many cases you can protect yourself from this pathological condition. But what if a child is diagnosed?

Characteristics of the course of avitamosis in a child

Avitaminosis in children can be observed for various reasons. It is often seen in premature infants. The baby's gastrointestinal tract is characterized by immaturity, the baby's body does not know how to absorb only certain vitamins. In this case, breastfeeding of the premature baby is very important. If this is not possible, the selected mixture should be of good quality to contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Avitaminosis may develop due to late introduction of complementary foods. The truth is that after six months a child needs additional nutrition because breast milk can no longer meet the needs of the adult body.

Avitaminosis in newborns may be the result of insufficient or unbalanced nutrition of the mother during pregnancy. Transmitted viruses and infectious diseases can also be a prerequisite for avitaminosis of a baby.

Often, children in the first year of life have vitamin D deficiency. Deficiency may be the cause of the development of rickets. As a result - the curvature of the legs, an increase in the skull and chest, weakness of the limbs and spontaneous gait. You can avoid it because vitamin D does not benefit from food, but from sunlight. Vitamin is synthesized in human skin by ultraviolet. For the treatment of vitamin D deficiency, you need to walk further with the child in the sun. You have to go for a walk in the morning, the vitamin is absorbed until 11 pm. It is not necessary to expose the newborn to direct sunlight - leave the child in the shade, the reflected rays have the same effect.

How vitamin deficiency is treated

In most cases, people with symptoms of avitaminosis, in their opinion, try to buy a multivitamin complex that will protect them from all diseases. But this is not the case. Drinking multivitamin complexes without a doctor's prescription is undesirable and even dangerous. After all, an excess of vitamins in the body can also lead to diseases. It is best to take tests and consult a doctor who will prescribe the right drugs. In other cases, you can get rid of this by using nutrition, balanced, varied, healthy. The diet should include cereals, meat, fruits, vegetables, herbs and dairy products every day. And you have to change everything. If you ate buckwheat today, you need to add barley to your diet tomorrow, the day after tomorrow - rice and so on. If there was beef in the diet from meat to the present, you should eat fish tomorrow, prefer the chicken the day after tomorrow. Such a change will allow you to achieve diversity. To eliminate the deficiency of a particular vitamin, you need to know what foods it contains.

Vitamin A - carrots, butter, beef liver, egg yolk.
Vitamin PP - dairy products, green peas, fish, buckwheat, rye bread, fish, pumpkin, tomatoes.
Vitamin E - vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, beans, cereals.
Vitamin C - citrus fruits, kiwi fruit, sauerkraut, cranberries, sea buckthorn, apples.
Vitamin B2 - broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, dill, bell pepper.
Vitamin B1 - wheat bran, buckwheat, beans, peas, soy.
Vitamin D - fish oil, salmon, butter, red caviar, liver.

Being aware of a vitamin deficiency, you will be able to increase the nutrition of some foods that will help to overcome the deficiency and defeat beriberi.

To prevent the development of beriberi, you need to monitor the quality of your diet. Eat seasonal fruits and vegetables and keep vitamins for long winter and spring. In the cold season, prefer nuts and dried fruit. Freeze the adornment of herbs, fruits and berries - they protect most of the nutrients when they don't. Treat your skin with moisturizers and lotions because the dry epidermis carries a risk of cracks and open wounds. In addition to food, you should pay more attention to walking in fresh air and giving up bad habits. In winter and in the spring, you can drink multivitamin complexes, but only after consulting a doctor.He take good care of your body because its health largely depends on your diet and lifestyle.

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Saturday, August 31, 2019

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How to Prevent Hair Loss, What are Natural Treatment Methods?

Zarbee's Naturals Baby Multivitamin with Iron, Natural Grape Flavor, Contains vitamins A, C, D for Babies Ages 2 Months and Up, 2 Ounce Bottle

Hair loss is one of the biggest fears of many people. People who lose too much hair are at risk of baldness. In order to avoid such a condition, it is necessary to identify the underlying cause of hair loss and apply the necessary treatment. In this article, we will answer the questions about how to prevent hair loss and what are natural treatment methods for hair loss .


The hair is composed of creatine protein, located in the outer layer of the skin. As new hair cells grow, old ones shed. The average daily hair loss of a healthy person is 50-100. This is not a situation to fear. Because at the time of the new hair strands are coming out. However, this cycle may sometimes vary depending on the disease, malnutrition or pregnancy. Lack of new hair can be seen as a health problem. Treatment methods of this type of hair loss should be applied.

There may be many causes of hair loss. The reasons for hair loss are listed as follows;


One of the main causes of hair loss is genetic factors. Both men and women may experience hair loss. Untreated hair loss will result in baldness.


Hormones imbalance is a major cause of hair loss, especially in women. Thyroid hormone treatment can prevent hair loss.


In general, hair loss occurs intensively after birth due to the decrease in estrogen levels in women. This temporary condition will usually improve within a few months.


The most common is hair loss . It can be seen in men at an early age. It is formed by the combination of genes and testosterone hormone.


Hair loss may occur as a result of accidents, serious surgeries or traumas such as high fever. This condition will become noticeable 3 to 6 months after the trauma. Appropriate treatment can replace the hair loss .


Some diseases trigger hair loss. Especially hair loss occurs due to anemia, diabetes, lupus, syphilis, thyroid and rheumatic diseases. With the treatment of diseases, new hair growth will be possible.


Skin diseases such as eczema, fungus and psoriasis can cause hair loss as it will be effective on the scalp. Such diseases are generally mistaken for dandruff.


Especially in combination with weight loss and birth control pills, blood pressure, heart, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, depression, diabetes, drugs used in diseases such as thyroid can cause hair loss. If hair loss is high , medication may need to be stopped for a while.


Hair loss due to radiation therapy and chemotherapy is seen in cancer diseases. In the treatments applied to the head region, hair will not be able to come back. After chemotherapy , hair can grow in different ways.


If enough protein does not enter the body, hair loss can be seen. By consuming high protein foods such as meat, eggs and fish, the hair loss problem will be eliminated.


Taking too much vitamin A can cause hair loss. In such a case, the hair will start to grow again by stopping vitamin A intake.


A person suffering from hair loss needs to see a dermatologist . Dermatologists are experts and educators of scalp.

People with hair loss problems should first consult with the dermatologist. The dermatologist will perform some tests to determine the cause of the hair loss . Hair loss tests can be listed as follows;

Blood test
Tensile test
Scalp biopsy


After the diagnosis of hair loss, the treatment phase will begin. There are some scientifically proven medications to use in the treatment of hair loss . The most common hair loss treatment are;

Minoxidil : This drug is sold without a prescription. It is used in the treatment of baldness in men and fine hair in women. After the use of this medicine sold in liquid and foam form, hands should be washed.
Finasteride : Only used for male pattern baldness. Sold by prescription. It prevents the overproduction of the male hormone. It is taken by mouth once a day. In regular use, new hair growth will be seen.
Corticosteroid : Cortisone treatment is carried out if hair loss is caused by inflammation in the body. Treatment is possible with cortisone to be injected into the scalp.
Mesotherapy : Mesotherapy, a specially prepared solution, is injected directly. It is used in the treatment of malnutrition and hormonal hair loss. In addition to stopping hair loss , it will be possible to grow healthy hair.

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When we say acne, we first come to our minds. We also adjust our entire skin care routine accordingly. In order to get rid of skin spots and pimples, we apply many products to our faces or we make masks from natural materials at home. What about acne and acne in our body? We should not ignore the acne and blemishes that occur in our body, we must show our care to our body. Acne in the body, especially the back and hip areas are the most common areas. At best, even those who have never faced this problem have suffered from this acne.

There are sebaceous glands that secrete sebum on our face and body. These sebaceous glands are located in the pores, except our palms and soles. As the skin cells grow continuously while regenerating, it is expected that dead cells will fall out of the skin. But sometimes dead cells are not spilled, they remain in the pores and they combine with sebum and block the pores. Clogged pores also enter our lives as acne or acne.
Of course, many other factors that contribute to the formation of acne should not be forgotten. There are also important factors that do not attract our attention in daily life, such as the clothes that we wear, completely wrap the body or not being able to shower immediately after sports.

Hormones - Hormonal changes in the body make the sebaceous glands work more actively.

Seasonal Changes - Temperature and humidity in spring and summer increase skin oil production. In winter, the cold air dries the skin, the skin protects against it, tries to prevent it and begins to produce more oil.

Sun Rays - The sun dries our skin. Our skin begins to produce more oil to compensate for this.

Stress - Hormonal changes in the body make the sebaceous glands work more actively.

Wrong Product Use - If you have acne and acne-prone skin, the product you use should definitely match your skin type. When drying pimples, it is important to maintain the moisture level of the skin. Products that dry your skin without moisturizing cause the skin to produce excess oil to protect the skin's oil balance against excessive drying.

To get rid of acne and citrus ...
It is possible to reduce these pimples on the face area, hips, back and legs behind by drying. The most important issue for this is hygiene. Skin clean, makeup and dirt free; For the body, the underwear and clothing worn should be cotton fabric that does not prevent the skin from breathing.

1-Skin Cleansing: Your skin in the morning and evening, dead cells, dirt and excess oil layer of the day you should clean and discipline it. Because the basic rule of getting rid of acne and acne is skin cleansing. You should choose products containing salicylic acid or tea tree. Using tonic for the face also removes excess oil and prevents the formation of acne and pimples. During the day you can also remove excess oil with tonic. You should avoid hard brushes or fibers when applying exfoliating or purifying the skin on acne, spotty skin. Clean gently with a soft cloth or hands. Dry your skin with a towel without rubbing. In the same way for the body, a shower to be taken without scrubbing the skin with warm water in the morning and evening will surely play a big role in removing acne and acne. Prefer shower gel and cleansers containing tea tree, salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide.

2-Moisturize: Day and night with acne and acne remover cream moisturize your skin. You may think, neden Why should I moisturize oily skin?. But keep in mind that the contents of acne cream or acne cream affect especially when regenerating cells at night. Even if the skin is spotty or acne, it needs moisturizing.

3-Sun Cream: If you are constantly indoors you can skip this step. But if you're exposed to the sun, then choose fine, fluid creams that leave no white residue on the skin. Because many sunscreens often have the effect of blocking the pores.

4-Make-up: BB cream and foundation selection of salicylic acid content products, use again. Choose thin, fluid and semi-concealer products instead of stick foundation or full coverage products. Instead of covering your acne and acne with thick products every day, prefer it only for your special days. While trying to get rid of pimples and acne again try to avoid concealers as much as possible for a while to avoid clogging your pores.

5-Effect of Your Hair Care Products: Products such as shampoo, hair conditioner, mask or jelly have a pore-closing effect when they come into contact with the skin. After showering, rinse your skin and body again.

6-After Sport or Sweating: You should immediately change the clothes you wear after sports. You can clean your sweaty skin by taking a shower immediately or using practical wet skin / face cleaning wipes. The Body Shop's wet wipes with Tea Tree oil can be your biggest help.

Tea tree oil is the most natural and effective ingredient you can use for the removal of acne. Tea tree oil known for its antibacterial properties; Clinically proven to have a positive effect on acne, acne and skin blemishes. Tea tree oil improves the skin after regular use and provides a healthier skin appearance. Some studies have shown that tea tree oil is as effective on the skin as benzoyl peroxide. In Australia, Aboriginals have used the tea tree plant as a natural remedi in health rituals for thousands of years. As a small note, the tree from which tea tree oil is obtained is not green or black tea plants. In fact, this tree is known as the Tea Tree, the Tea Tree, the British sailor and explorer Captain James Cook during the ship with the ship's crew made tea with the leaves of this tree. Therefore, it is known that the name of the tea tree remains.
To apply to your pimples, apply tea tree oil to your cleansed skin with a cotton swab over your pimples or blemishes. Repeat every morning and every evening. After regular use, it is observed that pimples dry out and prevent the formation of new pimples. The Body Shop Tea Tree skin care products include real and organic tea tree. Support your care with clinically proven, positive effects on skin, tea tree matting cream, tea tree solution, tea tree face wash gel, stain remover lotion and other products of the series.

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Psoriasis patients should pay attention

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Psoriasis is a chronic disease with no treatment. It is seen in about 1-3% of the world. Although it usually starts in the thirties, it can also be seen from birth. 30% of psoriasis cases have a family history. In psoriasis, antigens are produced by the cells in the skin. The answer to the question n What is psoriasis? De

In the formation of psoriasis, the body's antigens activate the immune system. The resulting cells return to the skin and cause cell proliferation and the formation of plaques specific to psoriasis. Psoriasis is a chronic disease. In most patients, focus and dandruff are seen on the skin. Spontaneous healing may occur, but this is unlikely. Since it is a chronic case of psoriasis, the patient's idea should be taken in the treatment of the disease. During the treatment process, the patient should comply with the life of the patient while the treatment is being administered.


Psoriasis; It is a skin disease called psoriasis among people due to the observation of white, thick, bright and dry bran on a pink, red, slightly fluffy ground. It occurs in about 2% of the world's population. This disease, which can occur at any age, may appear and disappear unexpectedly. Psoriasis; in some patients it may last several months or several years, while in others it may be intermittent for life. It is not an infectious disease.

Although psoriasis is usually mild, the severity of the rash may vary from person to person. Psoriasis vulgaris is the most common form of psoriasis. The lesions are mostly seen in areas such as knees, elbows, scalp.


The causes of psoriasis are still unknown. In a healthy person, skin cells mature in 28-30 days. In psoriasis patients, this period can go down to 3-4 days. Rapidly proliferating cells accumulate on the skin and cause dandruff.

Genetic effects are the most important risk factors for psoriasis. In the family history, it is determined that people with psoriasis are more susceptible to this disease. Some of the conditions that trigger the disease in individuals with prone to psoriasis can be listed as follows:


Excessive alcohol consumption
Vitamin D deficiency
Some drug treatments


The patches on the mother-of-pearl are redness covered with a silver-colored shell. They can be of different shapes and sizes. Dandruff on the scalp form a heap and therefore may not be able to see redness. Symptoms vary according to the types of psoriasis:

PLATE TYPE PSORIASIS: It is the most common form of psoriasis. Plaques can occur anywhere in the body. These plaques, which can be itchy or painful, can sometimes be large and sometimes small.

INVERSE PSORIASIS: This type of psoriasis ; armpit, groin, under the chest, such as folds are limited. Since these areas are moist, it is seen that psoriasis causes redness and swelling without dandruff. Fungal infections can trigger this type of psoriasis.

NAIL PSORIASIS: Psoriasis can also be found in nails and may even be seen only on the nails. In this form of psoriasis; thickening of the nail, discoloration, pits can be seen.

ERYTHRODERMIC PSORIASIS: Erythrodermic psoriasis, the least common form of psoriasis, itchy and burning redness covers the whole body.

PSORIATIC ARTHRITIS: Joint involvement may be observed in some patients. While the hand and foot joints are especially involved, large joints may be affected, although rare.

If psoriatic arthritis is accompanied by spills, the diagnosis can be made easily. Diagnosis is more difficult in patients with joint involvement alone.

How is psoriasis diagnosed?

Diagnosis of psoriasis in most cases is quite simple.

PHYSICAL EXAMINATION AND MEDICAL STORY: The doctor takes the patient's medical history; can diagnose psoriasis by examining skin, scalp and nails.

SKIN BIOPSY: The doctor may occasionally need a small skin sample (biopsy) to diagnose psoriasis. The sample taken is examined under a microscope to determine the type of psoriasis and to eliminate other suspicion of disease.


Psoriasis can be controlled with appropriate treatments. Although dandruffs are reduced or disappeared completely, it is important to remember that there is always the possibility of coming back. Treatment of psoriasis may vary depending on the severity of the disease.

Treatment of psoriasis is basically divided into three:

1.TOPICAL (LOCAL) THERAPIES: This type of treatment cream, ointment and lotion drugs such as direct application to the skin occurs. In the case of mild psoriasis, this will be the most appropriate treatment. Moisturizers used in addition to topical steroids, tar products and vitamin D analogues help to dry the skin and help reduce dandruff.

2. PHOTOTHERAPY: PHOTOTHERAPY; ultraviolet light (therapeutic wavelengths of sunlight) is a treatment of different forms and sometimes using special tablets. This method is used when psoriasis is very common, does not improve with tropical treatments, or recurs immediately after treatment.

The simplest and easiest way of phototherapy treatment is to take controlled amounts of sunlight.

3. SYSTEMIC THERAPIES: It is the type of treatment applied with oral medications. Because of the side effects of the treatment, this treatment is not applied if the disease can be controlled in more simple ways. Before starting the treatment, the doctor makes the necessary explanations to the patient about the risks of the treatment. Female patients should not conceive during systemic treatment. Male patients are also advised not to have children while taking this treatment.


People with psoriasis should first get rid of psychological triggers. Away from negative emotions such as stress, sadness and anxiety; it will be a positive development for treatment to turn to things that make them feel better.

Scratching the skin, rubbing, shelling the skin can lead to new rashes should be avoided as much as possible.

The sun and the sea have the effect of reducing psoriasis. The duration of sun exposure should be controlled as much as possible. Sunbathing to burn can increase psoriasis rashes.

In winter, the moisture content of the skin decreases and makes it more dry. Moisturizing creams and lotions should be used more carefully in winter as dry skin will cause more itching in psoriasis patients.

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