Sunday, September 1, 2019

Garden of Life Multivitamin for Men - Vitamin Code Men's Raw Whole Food Vitamin Supplement with Probiotics, Vegetarian, 240 Capsules

Avitaminosis: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Avientaosis

Garden of Life Multivitamin for Men - Vitamin Code Men's Raw Whole Food Vitamin Supplement with Probiotics, Vegetarian, 240 Capsules

Avitaminosis is a deficiency of one or more vitamins in the body. The degree of development of Beriberi can manifest in different ways, from fragile nails to serious illnesses. Normally, a healthy person with a varied diet should take lots of vitamins, microelements, acids and fats. If the diet breaks or the body doesn't take the appropriate amount of nutrients for any reason, there is a critical vitamin deficiency. Let's talk about the lack of vitamins today - its manifestations, causes of development and methods of treatment.

How to recognize Beriberi

Beriberi's symptoms are very wide and varied. Depending on the deficiency of a particular element, avitaminosis may be manifested by the following symptoms.

Vitamin C is very important for human immunity. If the body is deficient in vitamin C, the skin becomes gray, loses its natural luster and suppleness. A person often feels overwhelmed and lethargic, his performance decreases and the patient feels pain in the muscles. With a critical lack of vitamin C, the gums begin to bleed, teeth may begin to loosen. Due to the lack of ascorbic acid, a reduction in immunity and exacerbation of many chronic diseases can be noticed. One of the most dangerous symptoms of vitamin C deficiency is Tsing's disease. The disease was common in the Middle Ages, usually sick sailors and besieged people in the fortress. The disease is manifested by dizziness, pain in the muscles and joints, severe drowsiness, sagging, pale skin, changes in the structure of the gums. Vitamin C deficiency is very dangerous and can even be fatal.
Vitamin B1 is responsible for a person's psycho-emotional health. With this vitamin deficiency, the patient often feels crushed and irritated, speech and memory deteriorate, mental level decreases, weightiness occurs, working capacity drops significantly.In some cases, vitamin B1 deficiency leads to the deterioration of internal organs - constipation or diarrhea occurs, liver increases, decreases pressure and pain in the stomach and heart.
Vitamin A. With the lack of this substance the body gradually begins to fade. The skin becomes dry and gray, begins to peel, folds and wrinkles appear. Vitamin A deficiency in the body immediately recognizes women - they see how the condition of the skin and face worsens. In many cases, vitamin A deficiency leads to visual impairment - especially in the dusk, their intensity is reduced. The patient may feel dry eyes as well as wearing contact lenses. Vitamin A deficiency can lead to depression, stress, neurosis, memory impairment, insomnia.
Vitamin K is required to maintain the integrity and flexibility of blood vessels. With a lack of vitamin K, the patient is involved in the development of various organs - gums, sores, nose, in the internal organs. With a lack of vitamin K, hematomas occur on the skin even with a small bump or push.
Vitamin E is considered the main female vitamin, because its deficiency affects appearance and gynecological health very quickly.Lack of vitamin E manifests itself with sexual reluctance in both men and women. Moreover, a person can become sneaky, irritable, muscles weaken, often numb. Skin with tocopherol deficiency occurs dry, wrinkled, pigment spots on the surface. For a woman, a small amount of vitamin E in the body is dangerous because it becomes difficult for her to become pregnant and carry the baby.
Vitamin B2 is responsible for many processes in the human body. When it is missing, the oral mucosa is often inflamed, skin sensitivity is reduced, vision is impaired, hair is shed, and cracks and wounds may occur on the corners of the mouth. With riboflavin deficiency, the patient's general condition deteriorates, becomes weak and indifferent, loses appetite and weight. In some cases, dermatological diseases may worsen.
Vitamin PP. With deficiency diarrhea, often have heartburn, nausea, poor appetite, muscle pain. One person becomes indifferent and very tired. One of the worst consequences of nicotinic acid deficiency in the body is Pellagra's disease. It is caused by extensive symptoms ranging from fragile nails and hair to baldness, to the appearance of blemishes on the skin, abnormalities in the digestive tract and even paralysis.
Vitamin D. Responsible for the integrity of bone tissue and calcium absorption. Bones with vitamin D deficiency become brittle, brittle and soft. This vitamin deficiency leads to muscle and joint pain, obesity, a significant reduction in immunity. In addition, there are symptoms such as irritability, aggression or apathy, tears, weakness, fatigue, stress, unstable nerve disease.

We identified the symptoms of essential vitamin deficiency. But how does beriberi develop? What could be the reason?

What causes the development of Neberi

Here are the main factors that can cause avitaminosis.

Often, avitaminosis develops very often if the necessary elements do not enter the body with nutrition. Such a deficiency can occur when strict diets are observed to lose weight. Weight loss should be literate and not just consuming buckwheat or kefir will make you thinner, but will have serious and even dangerous consequences. Mono-diet is one of the main causes of beriberi. In weight loss, the diet should be prepared by an expert.
For the most part, avitaminosis develops when eating fast food and junk food, if the body does not get enough fresh vegetables, berries and fruits.
Avitaminosis usually develops in third world countries when it is not possible to eat normally. In ancient times, avitaminosis and its associated diseases were a common companion of people under siege and blockade.
In some cases, beriberi may be the cause of weight loss. They cause vomiting or prevent the absorption of food.
Prolonged use of sorbents can also lead to avitaminosis, because the sorbent enters the intestine, absorbing not only toxins but also vitamins, and then excreted naturally from the body.
Avitaminosis may be the result of various digestive tracts of the gastrointestinal tract, which may cause digestion. Often this is observed with dysbacteriosis if the microflora is suppressed - there is no beneficial bacteria in the intestine which is necessary for the synthesis of vitamins.
At risk, children and the elderly, because their metabolism is flawed - children are getting better and the senile begins to break.
Often, during pregnancy and lactation develop avitaminosis.After all, at present it is necessary to consume all the useful elements, the baby's needs, and nutrition is often not intended for two, remains rare. For this reason, pregnant and lactating women often lose their hair, break nails and peel the skin.
Antibiotics and medications for the treatment of tuberculosis may also cause avitaminosis.
Avitaminosis is seen in urban residents in winter and spring months, when the number of fresh vegetables and fruits has declined sharply.

Knowing the main causes of avitaminosis, in many cases you can protect yourself from this pathological condition. But what if a child is diagnosed?

Characteristics of the course of avitamosis in a child

Avitaminosis in children can be observed for various reasons. It is often seen in premature infants. The baby's gastrointestinal tract is characterized by immaturity, the baby's body does not know how to absorb only certain vitamins. In this case, breastfeeding of the premature baby is very important. If this is not possible, the selected mixture should be of good quality to contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Avitaminosis may develop due to late introduction of complementary foods. The truth is that after six months a child needs additional nutrition because breast milk can no longer meet the needs of the adult body.

Avitaminosis in newborns may be the result of insufficient or unbalanced nutrition of the mother during pregnancy. Transmitted viruses and infectious diseases can also be a prerequisite for avitaminosis of a baby.

Often, children in the first year of life have vitamin D deficiency. Deficiency may be the cause of the development of rickets. As a result - the curvature of the legs, an increase in the skull and chest, weakness of the limbs and spontaneous gait. You can avoid it because vitamin D does not benefit from food, but from sunlight. Vitamin is synthesized in human skin by ultraviolet. For the treatment of vitamin D deficiency, you need to walk further with the child in the sun. You have to go for a walk in the morning, the vitamin is absorbed until 11 pm. It is not necessary to expose the newborn to direct sunlight - leave the child in the shade, the reflected rays have the same effect.

How vitamin deficiency is treated

In most cases, people with symptoms of avitaminosis, in their opinion, try to buy a multivitamin complex that will protect them from all diseases. But this is not the case. Drinking multivitamin complexes without a doctor's prescription is undesirable and even dangerous. After all, an excess of vitamins in the body can also lead to diseases. It is best to take tests and consult a doctor who will prescribe the right drugs. In other cases, you can get rid of this by using nutrition, balanced, varied, healthy. The diet should include cereals, meat, fruits, vegetables, herbs and dairy products every day. And you have to change everything. If you ate buckwheat today, you need to add barley to your diet tomorrow, the day after tomorrow - rice and so on. If there was beef in the diet from meat to the present, you should eat fish tomorrow, prefer the chicken the day after tomorrow. Such a change will allow you to achieve diversity. To eliminate the deficiency of a particular vitamin, you need to know what foods it contains.

Vitamin A - carrots, butter, beef liver, egg yolk.
Vitamin PP - dairy products, green peas, fish, buckwheat, rye bread, fish, pumpkin, tomatoes.
Vitamin E - vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, beans, cereals.
Vitamin C - citrus fruits, kiwi fruit, sauerkraut, cranberries, sea buckthorn, apples.
Vitamin B2 - broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, dill, bell pepper.
Vitamin B1 - wheat bran, buckwheat, beans, peas, soy.
Vitamin D - fish oil, salmon, butter, red caviar, liver.

Being aware of a vitamin deficiency, you will be able to increase the nutrition of some foods that will help to overcome the deficiency and defeat beriberi.

To prevent the development of beriberi, you need to monitor the quality of your diet. Eat seasonal fruits and vegetables and keep vitamins for long winter and spring. In the cold season, prefer nuts and dried fruit. Freeze the adornment of herbs, fruits and berries - they protect most of the nutrients when they don't. Treat your skin with moisturizers and lotions because the dry epidermis carries a risk of cracks and open wounds. In addition to food, you should pay more attention to walking in fresh air and giving up bad habits. In winter and in the spring, you can drink multivitamin complexes, but only after consulting a doctor.He take good care of your body because its health largely depends on your diet and lifestyle.

Garden of Life Multivitamin for Men - Vitamin Code Men's Raw Whole Food Vitamin Supplement with Probiotics, Vegetarian, 240 Capsules