Showing posts with label Nicotine Patches. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nicotine Patches. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Nicoderm CQ Smoking Cessation Patch with 7mg 14 ct Step 3

How can I stop smoking? (for Teenagers)

First, congratulate yourself. The mere fact of reading this article is a huge step to get rid of tobacco. Many people do not stop smoking because they think it is too hard. They believe that they will leave it in the future.

Nicoderm CQ Smoking Cessation Patch with 7mg 14 ct Step 3
Nicoderm CQ Smoking Cessation Patch with 7mg 14 ct Step 3

It's true, for most smokers, quitting is not easy. After all, the nicotine in cigarettes is a powerful addictive drug. But, with the right approach, you can overcome the pressing desire to smoke or "tobacco monkey".

The difficulty of breaking the habit

Smokers may have started smoking because their friends did or because it seemed "rolled up." But they continue to smoke because they have become addicted to nicotine, one of the chemicals that contain both cigarettes and snuff to chew or sniff.

Nicotine is both a stimulant and a depressant. This means that at the beginning it increases the heart rate and makes people feel more alert (like caffeine, another stimulant). Later, it causes depression and fatigue, which - along with the withdrawal of nicotine - makes people feel a pressing desire to smoke another cigarette to cheer up again. According to many experts, the nicotine in tobacco is as addictive as cocaine or heroin.

But do not be discouraged; Millions of Americans have definitely stopped smoking. The following strategies can also help you break this habit:

Put it in writing. People who want to make a change in their life are often more successful when they put it in writing. So write down all the reasons why you want to quit, such as the money you will save or the resistance you will earn to play sports. Put that list in a place where you can see it and see adding new reasons as they happen to you.

Find support. People whose friends and family give them a hand to stop smoking are much more likely to do so. If you do not want to tell your parents or relatives that you smoke, make sure your friends know it, and consider asking a counselor or another trusted adult for help. And, if you have many difficulties to find people who support you (if, for example, all your friends smoke and no one is interested in quitting or leaving it), it may be good to join a support group, either in person or connected to the Internet.

More strategies that work

Set a date to quit smoking. Choose a day when you will quit smoking. Inform your friends (and your family, if they know you smoke) that you are going to quit smoking that day. Think of that day as the dividing line between your smoker self and the new and improved non-smoker. Mark it in the calendar.

Throw away your cigarettes - all your cigarettes. Nobody can stop smoking with cigarettes around them. Pull even that emergency pack that you kept in the secret pocket of your backpack. Also get rid of your ashtrays and lighters.

Wash all your clothes well. Eliminate the smell of tobacco from your clothes as much as possible washing it thoroughly and carrying dry washed thick sweaters, coats and jackets that require it. If you smoked in your car, wash it too.

Think of your triggers. You are probably aware of the situations in which you tend to smoke the most, such as after eating, when you are at your best friend's house, while drinking coffee or driving. These situations are your triggers for smoking behavior; It is automatic to have a cigarette in your hand when you are in them. Once you have found out what your triggers are, try the following tips:

  •     Avoid those situations. For example, if you smoke while driving, ask someone to drive you to your study center, or go for a walk or take the bus for a few weeks. If you usually smoke after eating, get organized to do something different at that time, such as reading or calling a friend.
  •     Change places. If you and your friends usually smoke in restaurants or buy prepared food and eat it in the car, suggest that you sit in the non-smoking section next time or eat the prepared food in a different place from the car.
  •     Substitute cigarettes for something else. It can be quite hard to get used to the feeling of having nothing in your hand or in your mouth. If you have this problem, use carrot sticks, sugar-free gum, mints, toothpicks or even lollipops or lollipops.

Physical and mental effects

Expect some physical symptoms. If you smoke regularly, you have probably developed a physical addiction to nicotine and your body may experience some withdrawal symptoms when you stop smoking. These could include:

  •     headaches or stomach
  •     irascibility, nervousness or depression
  •     lack of energy
  •     Dry mouth or sore throat
  •     desire to stuff themselves with food

Fortunately nicotine withdrawal symptoms will pass, so be patient. Try not to give the arm to twist, getting a cigarette furtively, because then you must face these symptoms for longer.

Keep busy Many people realize that it is better to stop smoking on a Monday, when they have to go to work or to the study center, because it is a day when they will be busy. The busier you are, the less likely you are to experience "tobacco monkey". Being active is also a good way to make sure that you keep your weight low and your energy high , even if you experience withdrawal symptoms from nicotine.

Stop smoking gradually. For some people, gradually reducing the amount of cigarettes they smoke per day is an effective way to quit this habit. Anyway, this strategy does not work with everyone; Maybe you find out that you have to leave it in a radical way. This is known as "cut for good" and generates a strong withdrawal syndrome.

Use nicotine substitutes if you need them. If you find that none of the above strategies works for you, you should talk to your doctor about possible treatments. Using nicotine substitutes, such as chewing gum, patches, inhalers or nasal sprays, can be very helpful. Nebulizers and inhalers can only be purchased with a prescription, and it is important that you also go to the doctor before buying patches or chewing gum. Thus, your doctor can help you find the solution that is best for you. For example, patches require the least effort on your part, but they do not offer the almost instantaneous nicotine "rush" that chewing gum provides.

Slips happen

If you have a small slip, do not give up! Important changes sometimes have failed principles. If you are like a lot of people, you may stop smoking for several weeks or even months and then suddenly experience such a strong "monkey" of tobacco that you feel compelled to smoke. Or maybe you accidentally find yourself in one of your triggers and fall back into temptation.

If you have a slip, it does not mean that you have failed, only that you are human. Here are some ways to get back on track:

  •     Think is that slip as in a small mistake. Take note of when and how it happened and move on.
  •     Did you become a chain smoker by smoking a single cigarette? I do not think so; it happened more gradually, with the passage of time. Keep in mind that a single cigarette did not make you a smoker at first, so smoking a cigarette (or even two or three) after you quit does not make you a smoker again.
  •     Remind yourself why you have quit smoking and how well you have done it , or ask someone from your support group, your family or your group of friends to do it for you.

Reward yourself. As you already know, quitting smoking is not easy. Give yourself a well-deserved reward! Reserve the money you used to invest in buying tobacco. When you do not smoke tobacco a week, two weeks or a month, buy a detail, such as a new CD, a book, a DVD or a piece of clothing. And every new year that you are free of tobacco, return to celebrate. You won it.

Habitrol Nicotine Transdermal System Patch | Stop Smoking Aid | Step 2 (14 mg) | 14 Patches (2 Week Kit) | Packaging May Vary

Strategies to reduce risks in smoking: opportunity or threat?

The smoking control policies recommended by the World Health Organization have achieved a slight decrease in the prevalence of smoking in developed countries, although the related mortality remains very high. The use of tobacco products other than cigarettes or medicinal nicotine (known as nicotine replacement therapy or NRT) has been proposed as a risk reduction strategy. Among tobacco products with less individual risk than cigarettes would be some types of smokeless tobacco with low nitrosamine content and modified cigarettes; both forms encompassed under the concept of PREP (Potentially Reduced Exposure Products) .

Habitrol Nicotine Transdermal System Patch | Stop Smoking Aid | Step 2 (14 mg) | 14 Patches (2 Week Kit) | Packaging May Vary
Habitrol Nicotine Transdermal System Patch | Stop Smoking Aid | Step 2 (14 mg) | 14 Patches (2 Week Kit) | Packaging May Vary

The idea would be to promote these products to those who can not stop smoking or wish to reduce their risk without abandoning nicotine. We review the possible effects on the decrease of the prevalence and on the morbidity and mortality of the risk reduction strategies, including the PREPs, and analyze the possible implications that this measure could have in our environment. In Spain, the control measures for smoking are recent and still insufficient. Currently, the priority in Spain is, therefore, the development of control policies that have shown their effectiveness in ample. The commercialization and diffusion of new tobacco products, even of reduced potential risk, seems more a serious threat than an opportunity for the development of tobacco control policies.

The smoking control policies recommended by the World Health Organization have achieved a slight decrease in smoking prevalence in the developed countries, although associated mortality is still very high. The use of tobacco products other than cigarettes and even medicinal nicotine (known as nicotine replacement therapy (NRT)) has been proposed as a risk reduction strategy. Among the tobacco products with less individual risk than cigarettes would be any type of tobacco without smoke (smokeless) with a low content in nitrosamines and modified cigarettes; both forms included under the PREP (Potentially Reduced Exposure Products) concept. The idea would be to promote these products among those who can not quit smoking or wish to reduce their risk without giving up nicotine intake. The possible effects of risk reduction strategies, including PREP, on the decreased prevalence and morbidity and mortality are reviewed, and the possible implications that this measure could have in our country are analyzed. Tobacco control measures in Spain are recent and still insufficient. Therefore, the current priority in Spain is the development of control policies that have shown to more than effective. The marketing and advertising of new tobacco products, even with reduced potential risk, seems more a serious threat than an opportunity for the development of smoking control policies.


The current development of public policies on tobacco control recommended by the International Framework Convention, promoted by the World Health Organization, is leading to an average decrease of between 0.5 and 1% in the prevalence of smoking in the countries developed while it continues to increase in impoverished countries. Global mortality due to tobacco is currently estimated at 5.4 million people / year, which could exceed 8 million in 2030 if the same trend is maintained

1 .Due to the difficulties in implementing these control policies, its effects could be insufficient to reduce the morbidity and mortality related to tobacco consumption in the coming decades. This reality, together with the fact that nicotine addiction is sometimes difficult to break, has led institutions such as the Royal College of the United Kingdom and some experts to advocate, as a new risk reduction strategy, the use of tobacco products other than cigarettes, or medicinal nicotine - commonly known as nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) -. Among the tobacco products with less individual risk than cigarettes would be some kinds of smokeless tobacco with a low content of nitrosamines and modified cigarettes, both forms included under the concept of "products with potentially reduced exposure" (PREP, de potentially reduced exposure products ). Currently, with the exception of TSN, tobacco products with a lower toxic content are marketed by the tobacco industry. The idea would be to promote these products to those who can not stop smoking or wish to reduce their risk without abandoning nicotine consumption

2 .Given the enormous implications that would have within the policies of control of smoking, a previous detailed analysis seems reasonable. This review provides a brief review of risk reduction strategies, including PREPS, and their possible effects both on the decrease in prevalence and on morbidity and mortality due to tobacco use. Finally, the possible implications that this measure could have in our environment are analyzed.

Risk reduction strategies

The concept of risk reduction emerged in the 1980s in the context of injecting drug use, in response to two specific factors: first, the emergence of the AIDS epidemic among heroin users, and in secondly, the growing suspicion that the strategies adopted to deal with drug use had not been effective enough 3 .

In the case of smoking, risk reduction strategies were initially proposed within the scope of clinical practice, as a measure to reduce the diseases associated with cigarette smoking or as an intermediate step to achieve definitive abstinence. In the same way, as the perception of the risk of smoking increased, the tobacco industry expanded the tobacco market with new products other than cigarettes, which were also presented to the consumer as a reduction in harm, in order to reassure smokers and smokers. Keep your consumption.

Next, the different risk reduction proposals that appeared throughout the history of cigarettes, both from the clinical point of view and those made from the tobacco industry, are discussed.

Clinical strategies

Included here are proposals arising from the health sector whose purpose has been to reduce consumption to reduce risks, either as an objective in itself or as an intermediate step to achieve the total suppression of tobacco consumption.

Reduction in the number of cigarettes

Reducing the number of cigarettes has been a habitual strategy used by smokers to reduce the risk or to try to advance in the abandonment process. It was a proposal also used in the past by some professionals as a "realistic" solution for patients who can not or do not want to stop smoking completely. There is no scientific evidence that reducing the number of cigarettes actually reduces health risks, a seemingly paradoxical fact. The main explanation for this phenomenon is that people who are smokers, by reducing their consumption, tend to practice compensatory behaviors in an unconscious way (faster cigarettes, deeper inhalations, etc.) to obtain the same amount of nicotine as before The reduction. The result is a small decrease in the amount of nicotine inhaled and, consequently, in the tar and toxins that accompany it, a decrease that is not proportional to the number of cigarettes eliminated. For some diseases such as ischemic heart disease, a reduction of 10 cigarettes in a smoker of 20 cigarettes a day means a reduction of less than 10% of the risk; that is, 5 times less than expected due to this compensatory effect in the way of smoking 4 .

The possible benefits of reducing the number of cigarettes have been evaluated in several follow-up studies. Godtfredsen et al 5 analyzed the mortality rate for diseases related to tobacco consumption in smokers of more than 15 cigarettes per day, compared with a group that had reduced the amount by half and with individuals who had quit tobacco completely. Among those who reduced the number of cigarettes, no decrease in the mortality rate was observed. However, those who left the consumption completely saw their risk of dying reduced, in the 15 years of study, by 35%. No significant differences were found in relation to respiratory disease or cardiovascular mortality among smokers with more than 15 cigarettes and those who had reduced the number of cigarettes. Another recent study in Norway evaluated 50,000 participants, men and women, over 15 years and showed that reducing consumption (eg, 30 to 20 cigarettes) does not significantly reduce the risk of cancer, lung disease, myocardial infarction or cerebral infarction 6 ; Table 1 shows the data of that study. A recent review of a total of 31 publications concludes that a substantial reduction in the number of cigarettes has a marginal marginal benefit in health, much lower than expected.

Death cause    No. of deaths    RR (95% CI) for every 10 cigarettes less    No. of deaths    RR (95% CI) for every 10 cigarettes less
All causes    1,809    0.97 (0.90-1.04)    4,042    1.00 (0.94-1.05)
Cardiovascular disease    650    0.90 (0.79-1.03)    1.479    0.98 (0.89-1.08)
Ischemic heart disease    447    0.85 (0.73-1.01)    989    0.97 (0.87-1.10)
Cancer related to tobacco    453    0.91 (0.79-1.06)    935    0.99 (0.89-1.11)
Lung cancer    253    0.97 (0.80-1.18)    497    1.01 (0.87-1.17)

On the other hand, it is usually thought that smoking a few cigarettes a day does not entail excessive danger to health. However, there are studies that show that very small amounts of tobacco produce harmful effects on health 8 .
Gradual reduction of nicotine and tar

Described in 1979, the gradual reduction of nicotine and tar, through the weekly change of brand of cigarettes, is conceived as a strategy of transition and preparation towards complete abstinence, although many therapists have applied it with the aim of reducing consumption. Several studies have shown their effectiveness as another technique, within the psychological treatments to stop smoking, especially in the framework of multicomponent programs 9 .

Nicotine replacement therapy

TSN has been used classically as a therapy to stop smoking, although some smokers use it transiently for long distance trips, hospitalizations or while in smoke-free public spaces. Recently there is some evidence that temporary reduction strategies with fast-acting TSN (chewing gum), in smokers who initially do not want to stop smoking, can increase the rate of cessation in the medium term 10 . In any case, TSN or "clean" pharmacological nicotine is the only product with scientific evidence for a temporary risk reduction strategy 11 , and as such it is recognized in our country 12 .

Tobacco industry strategies

These proposals do not really respond to a risk reduction objective, but rather to commercial interests. However, given that at the time they were raised as such, especially light cigarettes, and that many smokers often adopt them with the idea of ​​reducing the damage, they are included in this review.

Pure cigars or pipe

Pure cigars and pipe are other forms of tobacco smoking, although they have always been a minority. The tobacco industry widely promoted cigars in the nineties with the aim of increasing the market. The risks associated with these products are lower than those of cigarettes because those who consume them tend not to inhale the smoke, although they absorb a lot of nicotine through the oral mucosa. The result is that the risk of emphysema, lung cancer and laryngeal cancer is lower in people who smoke cigars, but they have a similar risk of oral and esophageal cancer than those who consume conventional cigarettes. 13 The largest study on the health effects of cigar smoking was developed in a group of 17,774 men aged 30 to 85 years. In the analysis, individuals who smoked cigars (1,546), compared to nonsmokers (16,228), presented, independently of other factors, an increased risk of coronary heart disease (27% more), of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( 45%) and cancer of the esophagus and lung (2 times higher). The risks increased significantly from 5 cigars per day 14 .

Cigarettes with filter

At the beginning of the fifties of the 20th century cigarettes with filters appeared. With the incorporation of filters, the objective of the industry was not to protect the health of smokers, but to reassure them to protect their own business profits, endangered by the appearance in 1954 of the first epidemiological studies that showed, without a doubt, that tobacco was a cause of lung cancer. At the beginning it was thought that the incorporation of filters could reduce the risk for some cancers related to tobacco, by significantly reducing the amount of tar. However, several cohort studies conducted in the USA. and the United Kingdom showed that lung cancer continued to increase between 1950 and 1980, despite the widespread use of filter cigarettes 15 .

Cigarettes low in tar and nicotine (light cigarettes)

With the incorporation of light tobacco in 1970, many smokers switched to low nicotine and tar brands believing that they would reduce the risk. This perception of lower risk was widely promoted by the tobacco industry and resulted in many smokers delaying the decision to stop smoking. In fact, the abstinence rate of consumers of light cigarettes is lower than that of conventional cigarette smokers (27% vs 53%, p <0.01), demonstrating the potential of these products to delay effective cessation 16 . In the European Union (EU), the denomination of light cigarettes has not been allowed since 2003, but these products are still sold with other names or other external signs on their packaging.

The tar content of cigarettes is measured by machines that "smoke" artificially; Much of the reduction observed is due to the dilution of the smoke through the holes made in the filter by the manufacturers. In real life, it is inevitable that smokers will plug these holes with their fingers, thereby inhaling a much larger amount of tar. Therefore, the nicotine / tar ratio of light cigarettes is actually similar to that of conventional cigarettes 17 . In fact, the absorption of tar and nicotine is higher than that indicated by the pack of cigarettes and the ISO 18,19 standards. In Spain, only the Center for Research and Quality Control, attached to the National Consumer Institute, of the Ministry of Health and Consumption, is certified to evaluate tobacco products.

At first it was thought that light cigarettes could contribute to a reduction in the risk of lung cancer 21 . However, in the decades following the appearance of the light cigarette, the overall mortality from lung cancer in the USA, in both sexes, did not stop increasing, going, from 1979 to 1997, from 98.5 to 153.3 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, which denied the initial idea of ​​a lower risk 22 . In spite of everything, to this day, many smokers still believe they feel protected by consuming cigarettes with a filter and low tars 23 .

Products with reduced potential risk

Conceptually, PREPs are defined as those products that contain nicotine, but lower amounts of tar and other toxic than conventional tobacco (mainly nitrosamines), a definition that includes some forms of smokeless tobacco, in addition to modified cigarettes.

Smokeless tobacco ( smokeless )

Under the term smokeless , different forms of tobacco are included (in paste, powder, snuff, etc.) whose common characteristic is that they are consumed orally or nasally, but without combustion; therefore, without smoke. In general, they are considered to have fewer health risks than cigarettes. Traditionally smokeless has been a form of tobacco consumption widespread in some Asian countries. In developed countries, smokeless is rare, with the exception of Sweden, where the so-called snus is consumed since 1637. The snus is a bag of moist tobacco paste that is placed under the upper lip, for absorption through the buccal mucosa. The risk of this form of tobacco is low when compared to cigarettes, but it is also a cause of cancer. The low prevalence of lung cancer observed in Sweden, compared to other developed countries, 24 has led some experts to look at this product as a possible alternative for a viable risk reduction strategy.

Several studies have evaluated snus as a "protective" factor of cigarette smoking. On the one hand, it would delay the start among the youngest and, on the other, it would increase the cessation among cigarette smokers. In Sweden it has been observed that 47% of young people who experimented with tobacco became cigarette smokers, whereas this only occurred in 20% of young people who started using snus . Also according to the Swedish experience, those who used snus stopped smoking by 66%, while with nicotine gum they left 47% and with a 32% patch 25 . On the contrary, in the USA, where it is also consumed, although to a lesser extent, it has been proven that young people who start using snus tend to start more easily in the consumption of cigarettes than those who do not use it (27). against 12.9%) 26 . On the other hand, adult smokers who use snus try to quit cigarettes more frequently but have lower rates of abstinence than those who do not use cigarettes (12% vs 21%) 27,28 .

Modified cigarettes

Modified cigarettes are conventional cigarette-shaped devices that release nicotine without combustion, but through a heating process (electronic or chemical) 29 , hence they are also known as electronic cigarettes ( e-cigarettes ). At present, various tobacco companies have commercialized these alternative cigarettes in different countries, including Spain. Its legal situation in the EU is unclear because it is not a tobacco product, but it has not passed the filters of pharmaceutical products, despite containing nicotine, given that it is not clear that they are marketed for medicinal purposes 30 .

In Spain, brands like Ruyan ® and Similar ® have recently appeared; the former uses an electronic system to heat and release nicotine, whereas Similar uses a chemical system. In our country they are sold in some cinemas, gas stations and airlines, although at the moment their commercial penetration is reduced. With some brands (such as Eclipse ® , marketed in the US by RJ Reynolds) it has been proven that, although they release less tar than conventional cigarettes, they produce more carbon monoxide, so their risk of heart attack would be even greater. Shiffman et al 32 have pointed out that the idea that these modified cigarettes reduce risk can have an adverse effect, by preventing the definitive cessation of tobacco consumption, or even encourage former smokers to try these new products. At the moment there are no studies that have shown that modified cigarettes are safer than conventional cigarettes 33 . For several reasons, it is to be feared that the promotion of these products may undermine some of the policies of proven efficacy in tobacco control 34 .

Advantages and disadvantages of risk reduction strategies

To assess the harm reduction in smoking, it is necessary to separate the individual impact of the population impact. From the individual point of view, it is possible that, in certain circumstances, total abstinence is not a realistic goal and a harm reduction strategy can be proposed. The therapeutic option would be "clean" TSN or nicotine, since it is the only product that has shown scientific evidence for a temporary risk reduction strategy. In addition, the TSN, although it is a freely available product, is subject to the usual pharmaceutical regulation.

From the population point of view, classical clinical strategies (cigarette reduction, etc.) have not shown benefits, and those of the industry have only served to maintain the epidemic. With regard to the products of reduced toxicity or PREP, on which the debate is currently focused, they present several disadvantages 35 . First, smokeless tobacco has not been shown to reduce the population risk, since it is not clear that the introduction of new ways of dispensing nicotine contributes to reducing tobacco consumption among the population. On the contrary, the data indicate that the tobacco industry could take advantage of the liberalization of snus to attract adolescents and young adults to nicotine consumption 33 . The strategy that should be followed in young people is not encouraging them to consume snus , as an alternative, but the development of preventive and treatment programs 36,37 .

The promotion of snus and other forms of smokeless tobacco could reduce the risks in the population of smokers, but at the expense of increasing the use of snuff in the population as a whole, which clearly would not be a benefit, but a risk added In fact, in Norway, where snus is also commercialized, its consumption has increased by around 11% in all men and up to 18% in the group of 16-24 years, without evidence that the prevalence of conventional smoking 38 .

  • Evidence about smokeless tobacco 39
  • It is a toxic and carcinogenic product
  • Its promotion has increased the global sales of tobacco products in some countries
  • The increase in consumption has occurred especially in adolescents and young adults
  • Its use has not been associated with a reduction in the start of cigarette consumption or its prevalence
  • It does not have a role in the cessation and in Sweden its effect is contradictory
  • Countries with less tobacco prevalence also consume less smokeless tobacco
  • There is no data on its effectiveness as a method for cessation
  • The prevalence of smoking is high among consumers of smokeless tobacco
  • It is generally used for a partial replacement of cigarettes rather than for a complete substitution
  • The evidence to promote it as a public health strategy is weak and inconclusive

Another limitation for its use would be the need for a new regulation. At the moment, the European directive on tobacco products 41 prohibits in the EU the commercialization of new forms of tobacco, including those for oral use such as snus , except in countries of traditional use such as Sweden and Norway. If it were allowed to market these products, it would be difficult to avoid the reappearance of brand advertising whose main business is traditional cigarettes and not snus . Given that tobacco companies face a global regulation of advertising by the Framework Agreement, it seems very possible that they use the new products in order to weaken and avoid such regulation. In this sense, there are data that show the interest because it is legislated in favor of the commercialization of these new tobacco products erroneously classified as "healthier" 42 .
Implications of the use of potentially reduced exposure products in our environment

The main argument of the supporters of the promotion of PREP is that it would be an effective measure to reduce the risks among the population of smokers, which on the other hand they still consider too high.

Recently, the World Health Organization has established 6 policies to reduce and prevent tobacco use, summarized in the so-called MPOWER measures plan, which does not include risk reduction. This report also highlights that only 5% of the world population is covered by global tobacco control policies, and that few tobacco users receive the necessary help to stop smoking. In Spain only 12% of smokers request professional help to stop smoking, while in the United Kingdom, with the highest percentage of demand for help, the figure reaches 41% of smokers and the average in the EU is 18% 44 . This is a paradoxical fact, taking into account that, although there is a lack of evidence to assess the results of long-term smoking cessation, 45 the treatment of smoking is cost-effective and is widely recommended. 46

In Spain, the control measures for smoking are recent and still insufficient. The priority in our country is, therefore, the development of control policies that have shown their effectiveness in ample way ( table 3 ). Therefore, the debate should focus not so much on the possible goodness of risk reduction, but rather on its timing, in order to avoid the division between clinical professionals, more concerned with individual health, and those with a broader vision of the public health 47 . That is to say, what is the point of risk reduction when such basic and proven measures as smoke-free spaces, tobacco taxation or the treatment of smokers are beginning to make their way, still with enormous difficulties, in the majority of countries? 48

Effective policies in the control of smoking

    Annual increase of tobacco taxes (so that the final price is above the CPI). Withdrawal of the price of tobacco from the calculation of the CPI
    Regular tobacco additives without the inclusion of carcinogenic products per se or substances that directly or indirectly increase their addictive capacity
    Regular labeling and packaging, make them less attractive, and generic packaging without attractive logos
    Limitation of the points of sale to the official points (tobacconists), prohibition of vending machines and "second channel" (hotels, kiosks, etc.)
    Total prohibition of tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship. Measures to compensate for indirect promotion in film and television without prior censorship (declaration of subsidies for product placement , health warnings, etc.)
    Public spaces totally smoke-free without exceptions or ambiguities
    Information and education on the risks of active and passive tobacco, on an ongoing basis (similar to campaigns to prevent traffic accidents in terms of investment and intensity)
    Public subsidies for smoking cessation treatments (including drugs) and liberalization of the sale of nicotine replacement therapy
    Health warnings by images, rotating and combining negative and positive messages in packets of tobacco or generic brands
    Inspection system for tobacco regulations with state, regional and local development. Sanctions of dissuasive amount with agile procedures of processing and execution

The background shows how the tobacco industry has been able to periodically develop new products and place them on the market as "safer", thus managing to stop the abandonment process among many smokers. To this day, in Spain the commercialization and diffusion of new tobacco products, even those with reduced potential risk, seem more a serious threat than an opportunity for the development of smoking control policies.

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How to break with nicotine addiction: TIPS

Quitting smoking is a very difficult challenge for many. That smoker has never tried it with the wide range of possibilities that exist in the market from chewing gum, patches to acupuncture, homeopathy, and even some home and exoteric remedies. However, tobacco remains the leading cause of avoidable death in Europe. Smoking cessation therapies that include pharmacological treatments and physician assistance are becoming one of the best alternatives to quit nicotine addiction. The past May 31 was the World No Tobacco Day for those who are smokers why not give the kick-off and forget about the cigarette to gain health.

Tobacco remains the leading cause of avoidable death in Europe. The World Health Organization (WHO) advises the union of text and photography on packs as an aid to smokers when it comes to seriously considering quitting smoking more convincingly and as a prevention against the increase of this addiction among the youngest .

Novartis Habitrol 21mg Nicotine Patches, Step 1. Stop Smoking. 2 boxes of 28 each (56 patches)
Novartis Habitrol 21mg Nicotine Patches, Step 1. Stop Smoking. 2 boxes of 28 each (56 patches)

Although the smoker can see it as an impossible challenge. Leaving tobacco is possible. Here are some tips to overcome the most common obstacles faced by the smoker and get rid of smoking.

Quit smoking without getting fat

Several studies show that smokers weigh less than nonsmokers, and that quitting produces an increase in weight, mainly due to the metabolic effects of nicotine. This fact may not be easily accepted by some women because weight gain in women is objective and subjectively important. Objectively, because the feminine distribution of fat causes that the weight increases are noticed more than in men (in them in the hips, in them in the waist). Subjectively, because there is a significant distortion in the perception of ideal weight and most women with a body mass index (BMI) of 22-23 have the feeling that they should weigh less.

Nevertheless, recent studies show that the weight gain that occurs when quitting smoking is moderate and transient in most cases and in no way can constitute a barrier to quitting.

The increase of weight when leaving the tobacco can take place for diverse reasons, between which they emphasize:

  • Loss of nicotine effects.
  • Increase in caloric intake (especially sweets) to replace the routine behavior that is generated in the smoker.
  • Decrease in energy expenditure.
  • It is true that nicotine decreases appetite and increases the rate of metabolism at rest, but the effect that the abandonment of smoking has on weight is, many times, less drastic than fears most women smokers.

Thus, most people who stop smoking can gain between 2 and 3 kg of weight and only one in four could gain between 4 and 9 kilos.

In any case, this weight gain is much less serious than continuing to smoke and has a better solution, since the extra kilos can easily be lost once the anxiety has disappeared and the dependence on nicotine has been overcome.

As Dr. Isabel Nerín affirms, "the possible increase in weight due to smoking cessation is not obligatory, in fact there is a percentage of people who, when quitting smoking, also incorporate healthy habits such as exercise or a diet richer in vegetables, and as a result of all these changes, they thin out. "

Smoking is not the safest way to lose weight, in the same way that no one would recommend a slimming product that could increase the risk of suffering ten different types of cancer.

Tips that could help you not gain weight:

  • Drink about two liters of water a day.
  • Take fruit fasting.
  • Daily exercise.
  • Do not increase your calorie intake.
  • Reassure yourself without smoking. Stop smoking without stress

One of the main psychological barriers to quitting smoking is the fear of the smoker to the anxiety that can cause his process of detoxification. And not without reason. The withdrawal syndrome appears due to both the nicotine addiction of the smoker, and their psychological-behavioral dependence on smoking. This translates into anxiety, nervousness, sleep disorders ... However, this obstacle is surmountable if you have the right tools. As Dr. Isabel Nerín says, "when you quit smoking without treatment, you can have a withdrawal syndrome due to the absence of nicotine, characterized by symptoms such as anxiety, irritability or sleep disturbances. To a large extent this withdrawal syndrome and now you can quit smoking without climbing the walls. "

What can be done to get rid of cigarettes?

To begin with, we must break the myth that tobacco reassures. That assertion is false, since it can even encourage the degree of anxiety when it begins to manifest because of a nervous state. On the one hand, the smoker has learned to calm down with tobacco and that tranquility is nothing more than the action of tobacco itself, which disappears as soon as nicotine levels fall. So any non-smoker is more relaxed than a smoker, who also, the addiction to nicotine creates withdrawal syndrome.

Quitting smoking requires a lot of effort on the part of the smoker, but the smoker is not alone: ​​the role of the doctor is paramount when it comes to providing correct information, offering the appropriate medical treatment and continuous monitoring in the patient's process of detoxification . Once the smoker is determined to give up his addiction, the first thing he should do is go to the doctor since he is the one who can best inform him about the therapies to follow to achieve success in his smoking cessation.

According to the Guide of the National Committee for the Prevention of Smoking (CNPT) to quit smoking, there are 7 keys to cope with difficult situations:

It is about overcoming the problem, not about repressing it

  • Entertain yourself with something else when you feel like smoking.
  • Change your routines
  • Develop some activity to reduce emotional stress.
  • Plan to do something every day that you enjoy, that gives you pleasure.
  • Find people who can support you. Many times, people who have already quit smoking becomes one of the main motivations for those who decide to end their addiction.
  • If necessary, seek professional support.
  • Know how to enjoy the improvements that the ex-smoker begins to experience, starting from the first moment he abandons tobacco.
  • The key is to have the command. The first thing to remember is that the anxiety disappears and the best way to combat it is to face it. And that is achieved by making an action plan that includes alternative activities in which there is no room for cigarettes. It is important to eliminate the thought of smoking and try to keep the mind occupied with other things.

Nicotine disappears from the body in 48 hours and the physical dependence on nicotine lasts only about a week. This first week will be the hardest, so it is important to choose the right time to start quitting. Once it has been overcome, the most important step will have been taken.

Exit does not mean relapse

Parties, meals, bars ... these situations can be especially hard for ex-smokers. For many people, the weekend is the hardest time. However, there are tricks that can make partying enjoyable when you are quitting smoking:

  • Turn the challenge into a campaign: tell friends that you are quitting smoking so that you do not smoke in front of you and to have more support.
  • Approach walking to the place where you have stayed. If it is too far, get off one or two stops and walk a while. In this way, exercise is done.
  • Always remember, in a moment of weakness, all the advantages of quitting tobacco both in the short term thinking about the well-being of the morning after the party, and in the long term knowing that each day that passes less depends on the cigar.
  • Improve stress: sleep well

A restful sleep is one of the aspects of your life that can be significantly improved when you stop smoking. Improve rest hours can be achieved by trying to go to bed at the same time every night and avoiding coffee and exciting drinks before bedtime. It is advisable not to eat during the last hour before going to bed so that the digestive system does not work while you try to sleep and, above all, do not take the worries.

Fighting impulses: tricks to eliminate temptations

Brushing your teeth often: it will not only improve your oral health but it will eliminate the desire to light a cigarette.
Take a relaxing bath or practice relaxation techniques.
Drinking water or juice: helps accelerate the elimination of nicotine from the body. Creates a feeling of satiety that decreases the craving for cigarettes and does not make you fat.
Do sport: not only will keep you in shape but the body will increasingly ask for less nicotine.
Avoid the abundant meals: you will eliminate the sensation of having to finish the lunch with a cigar.
Look for pleasant sensations to taste, sight or smell: every time you smell the smoke of snuff you will hate more.
Have at hand substitutes: candy, chewing gum, sunflower seeds ...
The feeling that you need a cigarette only lasts a few moments. If you are able to resist the first impulses every time the desire to smoke appears and eliminate your temptations, you will be able to leave it with ease.

Some tricks that will help:

When the temptation to smoke seems to be winning the game remember that every cigarette smoked are 7 minutes that you are subtracting the only life you have. If, in spite of everything, the problems related to the withdrawal syndrome persist, do not hesitate to go to your doctor: he will help you and give you support at critical moments.

Advances in the treatment of smoking

As smoking is considered by many professionals as a "mental disorder", methods to stop smoking often resort to psychological therapies, along with some type of pharmacological help; however, the mechanisms of action of these drugs can be very different:

Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT): consists of the supply of certain amounts of nicotine in the body in a continuous and controlled manner. In this way, the withdrawal syndrome is eliminated with an amount that is decreasing until the consumption of cigarettes ceases completely. The possible ways of administration of nicotine are through chewing gum, transdermal patch, nasal spray, oral inhaler or tablets to suck.
Bupropion: It was the first non-nicotinic medication, but it is an atypical antidepressant with stimulating properties, which acts at the level of the central nervous system. It is thought that it acts on brain reward systems in the same way that nicotine would, although less intensely, which would reduce the intensity of the symptoms of the withdrawal syndrome. It is administered orally.

Varenicline: This is an innovative drug that does not replace nicotine, but acts specifically on the receptors of this substance in the brain. When a person smokes, these neuronal receptors release substances, such as dopamine, which generates a sensation of pleasure, which is one of the main neurotransmitters involved in addiction processes. The great novelty that varenicline contributes is that, on the one hand, it stimulates the release of dopamine partially, to attenuate the craving for smoking and the symptoms derived from withdrawal, and on the other hand, it blocks the union of nicotine with brain receptors, to reduce the feeling of well-being associated with tobacco consumption.

Patches Novartis Nicotine Transdermal System Stop Smoking Aid 28 Each (Step 3-7 Mg)

10 Steps to quit smoking


In this article, our expert doctors in smoking cessation present you with 10 fundamental tips to stop smoking successfully . These are a series of methods to stop smoking that we believe are essential to understand how to quit smoking once and for all. 

1. Set a date to smoke your last cigarette
Mentalize: there are no tricks to quit smoking. You must set a date in which you say to yourself "I want to quit smoking" and fill it. Many more people have stopped smoking at once than doing reductions, which in the long run do not work. Think of your previous attempts and the best methods that worked well for you and those that did not .

Patches Novartis Nicotine Transdermal System Stop Smoking Aid 28 Each (Step 3-7 Mg)
Patches Novartis Nicotine Transdermal System Stop Smoking Aid 28 Each (Step 3-7 Mg)

2. Change your routine to end up "cheating" your smoking addiction

Recover all those activities that you like and have forgotten. It is a good time to surprise yourself. Distract yourself from the urges to smoke. Plan something nice every day.

3. Do not look for excuses to leave it
Any day is a good day to stop smoking, not only for your health, but also for your family ... and your pocket.

4. Do not smoke any more cigarettes

For a cigarette or even for a puff falls, is the beginning of a great "friendship."   "For a cigarette nothing happens" should be "for a cigarette falls safely" ..

5. Think positively: "I want to quit smoking"
One of the best methods to stop smoking is noting the advantages, not only the physical ones, which are sure to be found from the beginning.   Seek support from your family, friends and co-workers.

6. Exercise. Stay active
It is not necessary to do an Olympic marathon. Sport is one of the examples of how quitting smoking can help you in your life.   Any small activity is a step to stop smoking:   It will relax you, help you control your weight and, above all, highlight the physical improvements of quitting.   You just need not take the car when you can walk, the stairs instead of the elevator ...

7. Drink lots of fluids
Drinking is one of the best tips while quitting smoking . Drink at least 1.5 liters a day since the body needs to hydrate. Try different flavors. Avoid alcohol.

8. Control what you eat
Avoid foods that get fat and if you need to snack, vegetables are your best allies. Under proper control, the person who stops smoking should not get fat.

9. Think of the day to day, not the never again
Think: "Today I do not smoke." This is your main goal when you want to avoid smoking a cigarette and being smoke-free today. You know you can get it.

10. Take advantage of the professional help that is being given to you

Ask health professionals how to stop smoking.   The different professionals that can help you will do everything possible to make smoking cessation a positive experience.

Novartis Nicotine Transdermal System Stop Smoking Aid Patches - 28 Each (Step 2 - 14 Mg)

Stop smoking in summer

Summer can be a good time to quit smoking. Discover tricks to do it if you want to go back to get a cigarette.

Summer is usually the time chosen to try to quit smoking . Out of the routine, we are more relaxed and calm, and those are moments in which we take advantage of to face challenges that due to the stress of the day to day, we would not face.

Novartis Nicotine Transdermal System Stop Smoking Aid Patches - 28 Each (Step 2 - 14 Mg)
Novartis Nicotine Transdermal System Stop Smoking Aid Patches - 28 Each (Step 2 - 14 Mg)

  •     Stop smoking this summer how to do it?
  •     Mentalize
  •     Find support
  •     Short-term objectives
  •     Avoid thinking
  •     Try to change your habits

Stop smoking this summer How to do it?

Before considering the challenge, it is important to be aware. Change a habit with which we have been years is not easy. So we propose some guidelines to make it easier for you to achieve your goal.

1. Mentalize

This point is the most important, take the time you need but when you make the decision, there is no turning back. The subject is serious, so, choose the day you start and from there, for all.

2. Seek support

Quitting smoking is not an easy task, it is usually not achieved at first and several attempts are necessary, so finding support with family or friends is essential. Also, keep in mind that if you need extra help, there are pharmacies or centers that offer treatments for smoking cessation as well as psychological support or pharmacological reinforcement.

3. Short-term objectives

War is won day by day. Setting yourself small and realistic goals will make you feel better, more satisfied knowing that at the end of the day, you will be a little closer to your goal. In addition, you can reward yourself by giving yourself a whim that will reinforce your behavior. He thinks that proposing something forever is very complicated and professionals recommend doing it little by little, so, step by step.

4. Avoid thinking

By abandoning a habit, it can cause, especially at the beginning that we are continually thinking about it. Start a hobby is highly recommended, take the bike, go running, a little sport is always preferable. You will clear your mind, you will be distracted, and at the end, you will be avoiding thinking about tobacco continuously.

5. Try to change your habits

Identifying the habits with which we associate tobacco is vital. It is important to realize that tobacco consumption is linked to customs. Avoid situations like that cigarette during the morning coffee, the after-lunch, or when we are with friends, is key to not generate more stress than it already causes detoxification. Identifying those moments will make it easier to overcome the mental need of tobacco.

You follow these little tips and I'm sure they'll help you achieve it. Although it is a difficult road, the reward is worth it.

NicoDerm CQ Nicotine Patch, Clear, Step 1 to Quit Smoking, 21mg, 14 Count

Tips to finally say goodbye to tobacco

Making the decision to leave the tobacco definitely is a very important step, but it is not easy then take it to practice.

People who quit smoking often feel intermittent cravings for smoking in the first few days after quitting. This feeling will diminish little by little with the passage of time, but as we know that temptation is not easy to overcome in this article, we offer some strategies to stay away from tobacco.

NicoDerm CQ Nicotine Patch, Clear, Step 1 to Quit Smoking, 21mg, 14 Count
NicoDerm CQ Nicotine Patch, Clear, Step 1 to Quit Smoking, 21mg, 14 Count

Avoid the desire to smoke

When the desire to smoke appears, make use of the following strategies:

  •     Look at the clock and wait 2 or 3 minutes. In most cases it is enough for desire to disappear.
  •     Relax using some breathing technique.
  •     Stop your thinking. Express verbally "I do not smoke" or "It's over, I'm not going to smoke," and immediately change the subject or activity.
  •     At very critical times when you really want tobacco, take a relaxing shower.
  •     Keep your hands occupied with objects other than cigarettes.
  •     Reward yourself for the achievements you are making. Buy yourself a gift, meet friends, do a hobby ... The effort must be rewarded.

And above all, do not smoke! These bad times will diminish and even some will disappear from the second week of being without smoking. Follow our tips for when your anxiety and the urge to smoke come between you.

Prepare to quit smoking

Many are smokers who want to quit smoking. Learn the tricks that will help you quit smoking effectively.

Quitting smoking is a must if we want to lead a healthy life. We must prepare to stop smoking.

  •     Prepare to quit smoking
  •     D day is approaching

Prepare to quit smoking

Once you have made the decision to give up the cigarette , choose the day you are going to do it. Let it be in two or three weeks, so that you can put everything ready to reach the chosen day in the best conditions and thus face abstinence successfully.

In that time, it is important:

  •     Analyze the motivations that lead you to make the decision to quit smoking, which can be medical, psychological, economic, social, aesthetic ... You must be clear why you leave it, because that will help you not to smoke again.
  •     Know what your smoking characteristics are and find out what your degree of addiction to nicotine is.
  •     Learn self-control techniques.
  •     If possible, progressively reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke each day.

D day is approaching

The day before the date chosen to quit tobacco you have to finalize some details:

  •     Organize the activities that you are going to do on D-day, that of cigarette abandonment, trying to be as busy as possible.
  •     Think about the most difficult situations you will encounter and think about the strategies you will use to overcome them.
  •     Buy a dentifrice and mouthwash with a strong flavor.
  •     Stock up on fruit juice, gum and sugar-free candy, vegetables that you can eat raw ...
  •     Finish eliminating objects that remind you of tobacco.
  •     Remember your family, friends and colleagues that tomorrow you stop smoking.
  •     Place the list of reasons to stop smoking in various places to have them always at hand.
  •     Buy a piggy bank to enter daily the money that you would have spent in buying cigarettes.

Habitrol Novartis Nicotine Transdermal System Stop Smoking Aid Patches - 28 Each (Step 1 - 21 Mg)

Quit smoking
Quitting smoking can kill, but it has other health effects. We give you advice to quit smoking and not fall back on tobacco.

Smoking has negative consequences for your health. Quitting smoking is not a simple decision, but the health of smokers will appreciate it. There are many ways to stop smoking and not relapse.

  •     The effects of tobacco
  •     Strategies to stop smoking
  •     Commitment to change
  •     Recommendations to quit smoking
  •     Stay successful without smoking
  •     What to do if you have smoked a cigarette?
  •     Benefits of quitting tobacco

The effects of tobacco

Smoking is the most frequent preventable cause of premature death in developed countries. It is estimated that 36% of the Spanish population (approximately one in 3 people) consumes cigarettes. In any case, the general trend of consumption in our country has decreased in the last decade, although the consumption of women has increased. In Spain, tobacco causes more than 40,000 deaths annually, especially through diseases of the heart and blood vessels, lung cancer and chronic obstructive lung disease.

Habitrol Novartis Nicotine Transdermal System Stop Smoking Aid Patches - 28 Each (Step 1 - 21 Mg)
Habitrol Novartis Nicotine Transdermal System Stop Smoking Aid Patches - 28 Each (Step 1 - 21 Mg)

The damaging effects on health caused by tobacco are well known. However, paradoxically, the degree of knowledge of the population about these harmful effects is low.
Strategies to stop smoking

It is demonstrated that the intervention on smoking is effective, that is, it helps to eliminate it, and we know that people who receive some type of support to quit smoking are more likely to achieve it. It is essential to assess the degree of motivation that smokers have at the time of planting quitting: it is motivated when the will of the person moves towards a health goal; is persuaded when the patient actually accepts an argument or attitude that previously had not been accepted; it is agreed when, without the parties having to renounce their positions, an agreement is reached regarding the measures to be taken.

About twenty years ago, a "change model" was proposed to try to explain what happens to people when they are asked to change an attitude, a behavior or a habit . This theoretical model talks about some phases: precontemplative, contemplative, commitment to change (or determination), active changes and maintenance, consolidation and relapses.

A person in the precontemplative phase is a person with the deep belief that he will not modify his habits only by medical advice or by a comment made to him.

A person in the contemplative phase is open to change, so it should be used to consolidate favorable beliefs and different behaviors (more healthy or appropriate). In this stage, the person already perceives that it may be advantageous to modify their current behavior.

The use of motivational strategies is especially indicated in this phase to decant the balance towards a commitment to change and subsequently for its maintenance and consolidation. Relapses are a very frequent phenomenon and should be assessed as a normal situation in the process of change since motivation is a continuous process.

It seems clear that despite the difficulties quitting smoking is possible and above all healthy. Quitting tobacco is one of the most important decisions a person can make regarding their health and that of those around them.
Change of habits to stop smoking

Continuing with the model of change mentioned, once a person has assessed the reasons why he smokes and why he wants to quit and decides, because he is motivated, that the time has come to quit, the first thing he will have to do is to establish your own strategic plan.

It is important not to rush, to give yourself the necessary time for it but, above all, to propose it in a serious and permanent way. You have to make sure that the reasons to stop smoking are really important and that it is worth the effort that is going to be carried out.

Choose a date to quit smoking, for example, within a month and consider that day as non-deferrable under any circumstance. Now, take the precaution that it is not a time of special stress or tension, of excessive work, of great worries, changes, examinations, etc. In principle, the most favorable days to try can be the beginning of a weekend, a day of special meaning for the person, the holidays or a day in which you have time to plan how to organize.

It would be interesting to share this decision with people relevant to you in which you should seek support (family, friends or other close people who no longer smoke and can tell you about their experience).
Recommendations to quit smoking

Day D, when we decided to stop smoking, is an important and difficult day, so you should arm yourself with courage and strength and it would be convenient to observe the following recommendations:

  •     Avoid thinking that you will never smoke again. Just decide that today you will not smoke and respect this decision every time you want to light a cigarette. Worry just today!
  •     Do a bit of good morning exercise, ideally in a place where you have fresh air.
  •     Shower normally with hot water but finish the shower with cold water which will allow you to relax.
  •     Drink plenty of water and natural fruit juices throughout the day.
  •     Eliminate for the time being the drinks that habitually accompanies with the tobacco (coffee, glasses, etc.).
  •     Take simple meals (avoid fried foods, very seasoned meats or heavily spiced foods) and eat foods that contain vitamin B (whole wheat bread, brown rice, etc.).
  •     After eating break your routine and do something different than usual, like taking a walk, etc.
  •     It is a good time to recover your hobbies in your leisure time and, if possible, practice some sport of your liking.
  •     When the desire to smoke seems irresistible, relax, but above all, do not smoke.
  •     In some cases, it may be necessary and your doctor will expose you to the use of medicines of which we will mention, due to its proven efficacy, bupropion.

Stay successful without smoking

  •     Avoid temptations (remove lighters, matches, ashtrays, etc. from your environment) and avoid, where possible, be in environments where smoking.
  •     Always have something ready to "chop" like chewing gum or candy without sugar, fruit, etc.
  •     Contain the desire to smoke by doing activities that you like and distract.
  •     Review and remember your list of reasons not to smoke several times a day.
  •     Reserve the money you save each day and get a gift.

What to do if you have smoked a cigarette?

  •     Smoking a cigarette is not necessarily a relapse, but do not trust yourself.
  •     Do not feel defeated.
  •     Remember your list of reasons for not smoking.
  •     Be aware of the progress made so far; all the time that the cigarette has been able more than you.
  •     Discuss what caused him to light a cigarette again and learn from his mistake.
  •     Review and resume your alternative strategies for difficult times.

benefits of stop smoking

  •     The person improves the ability to perceive smells and tastes, breathing becomes easier and feels that their energy increases. This already happens in the first two or three days.
  •     The problems of coughing, hoarseness and respiratory distress are improving little by little and in the first 3 to 9 months.
  •     The risk of heart disease is reduced by half in the first year after cessation compared to those who continue to smoke.
  •     The risk of lung cancer is reduced by half after ten years after cessation compared to those who continue to smoke.
  •     The risk of disease of blood vessels of the brain is similar to that of any person who has never smoked after 15 years.

NicoDerm CQ Nicotine Patch 14ct Twinpack, Clear, Step 1 to Quit Smoking, 21mg, 14 Count (Pack of 2)

Quit smoking or reduce the number of cigarettes?

Tobacco addiction is both physical and psychological. When we consider that it affects our health, we must decide between reducing its consumption or leaving it.

Tobacco addiction is both physical and psychological. All smokers know how difficult it is to stop smoking or even reduce consumption. Reducing the number of cigarettes is a start and is always better than nothing, but the ultimate goal should be to abandon it altogether. Many ex-smokers can corroborate that it is possible! Physical addiction occurs because many smokers are addicted to nicotine and other substances in the cigarette . Addiction can cause a true withdrawal syndrome if consumption is reduced or abandoned. Psychological addiction occurs because the fact of smoking becomes part of the daily routine of the smoker and because he refuses to do without the pleasure that the habit produces. This means that if you want to reduce or stop smoking, you will have to make a clear decision and change your habits.

NicoDerm CQ Nicotine Patch 14ct Twinpack, Clear, Step 1 to Quit Smoking, 21mg, 14 Count (Pack of 2)
NicoDerm CQ Nicotine Patch 14ct Twinpack, Clear, Step 1 to Quit Smoking, 21mg, 14 Count (Pack of 2)

  •     Quit smoking with nicotine substitutes
  •     Change of habits to stop smoking
  •     Pharmacological treatment to stop smoking
  •     Tips to quit smoking effectively
  •     Does quitting smoking make you fat?
  •     Tips to stop smoking and not to return
  •     Stop smoking vs "light" brands

Quit smoking with nicotine substitutes

Experience has shown that the use of nicotine-de-habitating treatments such as nicotine patches or gum can reduce smokers' cigarette consumption. There is, however, a slight risk that the body will get used to this new form of nicotine supplement, so it is important to maintain adequate vigilance about the use of these substitutes.

Change of habits to stop smoking

There are several methods that can help smokers break the psychological addiction:

  •     Decide how you want to leave it, if gradually reducing or cutting the root habit.
  •     Make a list of the reasons why you want to leave it and take it with you at all times. Take out your list and read it when the urge to smoke arises, will help you strengthen your decision.
  •     Choose the date you want to leave it and commit to it. Tell your family and friends, so you will have to keep the date and help you in fulfilling your purpose.
  •     Look for someone to support you, such as a family member, a friend or your own doctor.
  •     When the appointed day arrives, take action without regard: throw away your cigarettes and get rid of ashtrays, lighters and matches.
  •     Indulge in things you like, such as going to the movies or shopping, trying to escape as much as possible of the memory of tobacco.
  •     Look for something different to do when you used to smoke a cigarette.

Pharmacological treatment to stop smoking

There are currently two pharmacological treatments that can be of great help to achieve quitting tobacco . It is an antidepressant called Bupropion (Zyntabac), which has as its main effect the inhibition of appetite for tobacco. In a very considerable percentage of addicted smokers this drug gets the habit off forever, but requires proper medical control because, in a small percentage of predisposed people, it can favor the appearance of seizures. The other is varenicline, marketed in Spain as Chámpix. It must also be prescribed by a doctor.
If you believe that this type of help may be necessary in your case, you should consult with your doctor accordingly.
Tips to quit smoking effectively

You are not the only one that has happened to you. The chances of success increase each time you try to leave. Most people addicted to tobacco need three or four attempts to finally get it. If you do not succeed, consider it simply an essay that, although it has not gone well, will have placed you closer to the possibility of leaving it forever.

  •     Call a friend
  •     Chewing gum without sugar or eating something healthy
  •     Go for a walk
  •     Brushing teeth
  •     Take a shower
  •     Inspire deep and try to relax
  •     Write a letter
  •     Use your hands to do something, such as sewing, do-it-yourself, etc.

Does quitting smoking make you fat?

After a few days the need to smoke diminishes, and two to four weeks later it may have completely disappeared.

You may quit smoking for weight gain, but do not let that discourage you. In some people the weight is somewhat increased after quitting, but, in general, over time the body stabilizes again in the previous weight; In addition, this small complication is not relevant compared to the health benefits of quitting. Avoid dieting unless your doctor tells you to, as this will increase your cravings for smoking. If you snack between meals, choose healthy and low-fat products. Be more active, and burn extra calories with regular exercise.
Remember, above all, that quitting smoking brings countless benefits .
Tips to stop smoking and not to return

Quitting smoking is not an easy task. There will be times when you are tempted to smoke. It will be time to put into practice a series of tips:

  •     Keep referring to the list you wrote with the reasons for leaving it.
  •     Add new reasons that may have occurred to you.
  •     Avoid sharing more time between smokers and try not to be tempted.
  •     Feel proud of yourself and be sure to celebrate every week, month and year after leaving it.
  •     Avoid consuming drinks that induce you to smoke, such as alcohol and coffee.
  •     Do not allow yourself a single drag to ruin your plan to leave it.

Quit smoking vs "light" brand

Even banned, 'light' brands remain in the market. In fact it has been shown that 'light' smokers inhale practically the same amounts of smoke, and therefore, the same harmful products.
Tar and nicotine are just two of the more than 400 toxic substances that cigarettes contain. The tar holds the other toxic substances together and is one of the main causes of lung cancer . The less tar a smoker sucks, the less risk of acquiring this and other diseases. By comparing tobacco and cigarette brands you can see the amounts of tar and nicotine that each contains.

  •     More than 20 mg is a high level of tar per cigarette.
  •     An average level of tar is between 15 and 20 mg per cigarette.
  •     A low tar level means less than 15 mg per cigarette.

However, even if a smoker switches to "light" cigarettes, they will still be at risk of acquiring a large number of tobacco-related diseases.

Habitrol Nicotine Transdermal System Stop Smoking Aid, Step 1 (21 mg), 14 Patches

Tips on how to quit smoking

There are many ways to quit smoking. There are also resources to help you. Your family, friends and co-workers can serve as support. But to be successful, you really must have the desire to stop smoking. The following can help you get started.

Most people who have been able to quit successfully tried it at least once without success in the past. Try not to see past attempts to stop smoking as failures. See them as learning experiences.

Habitrol Nicotine Transdermal System Stop Smoking Aid, Step 1 (21 mg), 14 Patches
Habitrol Nicotine Transdermal System Stop Smoking Aid, Step 1 (21 mg), 14 Patches

Quitting smoking or quitting using smoke-free tobacco is difficult, but anyone can do it.

Know what symptoms you should expect when you stop smoking. These are called withdrawal symptoms. Common symptoms include:

  • An intense desire for nicotine
  • Anxiety, tension, restlessness, frustration or impatience
  • Difficult to focus
  • Drowsiness or trouble sleeping
  • Headaches
  • Increased appetite and weight gain
  • Irritability or depression

The intensity of the symptoms will depend on how long you smoke. The amount of cigarettes you smoked will also influence.


First set the date to start. This is the date on which you will stop smoking completely. Before that date, you can start to reduce your cigarette consumption. Remember, there is no safe level of tobacco use.

Make a list of the reasons why you want to quit. Include the benefits in both the short and long term.

Identify the times when you are most likely to smoke. For example, do you tend to smoke when you are stressed or depressed? When do you go out at night with friends? When are you drinking coffee or alcohol? When are you bored? When are you driving? Immediately after a meal or having sex? During a break at work? While watching TV or playing cards? When are you with other smokers?

Tell all your friends, family and co-workers about your plan to stop smoking. Tell them the date you will do it. It can help that they know what you are going to be going through, especially when you are grumpy.

Get rid of all your cigarettes just before the date you are quitting. Clean everything that smells like smoke, like clothes and furniture.


Plan what you are going to do instead of smoking at times when you are more likely to smoke.

Be as specific as possible. For example, if in the past you smoked while drinking a cup of coffee, now drink tea. Tea may not trigger the desire for a cigarette. Or, when you feel stressed, take a walk instead of smoking a cigarette.

Get rid of the cigarettes in the car. Instead, place cookies or candy.

Find activities that occupy your hands and your mind, but that are not exhausting or fattening. Computer games, solitaire, knitting, sewing and doing crosswords can help.

If you normally smoke after eating, find other ways to finish a meal. Eat a piece of fruit. Get up and make a call. Take a walk (a good distraction that also burns calories).


Make other changes in your lifestyle. Change your daily schedule and habits. Eat at different times, or eat several small meals instead of three large ones. Sit in a different chair or even in a different room.

Satisfy your oral habits in different ways. Eat celery or other low-calorie snack. Chew gum without sugar. Suck a cinnamon stick. Pretend you smoke using a straw in your mouth.

Get more exercise. Walk or ride a bicycle. Exercise helps relieve the urge to smoke.


Set goals to quit smoking in the short term and reward yourself when you achieve them. Every day, put in a jar the money you normally spend on cigarettes. Then, spend that money on something you like.

Try not to think about all the days that await you when you need to avoid smoking. Take things one day at a time.

Just a smoke or a cigarette will make the desire for cigarettes stronger. However, it is normal to make mistakes. So even if you smoked a cigarette, you do not need to smoke the next one.


Enroll in a smoking cessation program. Hospitals, health departments, community centers and workplaces often offer programs. Learn self-hypnosis or other techniques.

Ask your health care provider about medications that can help you quit nicotine and tobacco and prevent you from falling. These include nicotine patches, chewing gum, medicated candy and sprays. Prescription medications such as varenicline (Chantix) and bupropion (Zyban, Wellbutrin) can help decrease cravings for nicotine and other withdrawal symptoms