Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Patches Novartis Nicotine Transdermal System Stop Smoking Aid 28 Each (Step 3-7 Mg)

10 Steps to quit smoking


In this article, our expert doctors in smoking cessation present you with 10 fundamental tips to stop smoking successfully . These are a series of methods to stop smoking that we believe are essential to understand how to quit smoking once and for all. 

1. Set a date to smoke your last cigarette
Mentalize: there are no tricks to quit smoking. You must set a date in which you say to yourself "I want to quit smoking" and fill it. Many more people have stopped smoking at once than doing reductions, which in the long run do not work. Think of your previous attempts and the best methods that worked well for you and those that did not .

Patches Novartis Nicotine Transdermal System Stop Smoking Aid 28 Each (Step 3-7 Mg)
Patches Novartis Nicotine Transdermal System Stop Smoking Aid 28 Each (Step 3-7 Mg)

2. Change your routine to end up "cheating" your smoking addiction

Recover all those activities that you like and have forgotten. It is a good time to surprise yourself. Distract yourself from the urges to smoke. Plan something nice every day.

3. Do not look for excuses to leave it
Any day is a good day to stop smoking, not only for your health, but also for your family ... and your pocket.

4. Do not smoke any more cigarettes

For a cigarette or even for a puff falls, is the beginning of a great "friendship."   "For a cigarette nothing happens" should be "for a cigarette falls safely" ..

5. Think positively: "I want to quit smoking"
One of the best methods to stop smoking is noting the advantages, not only the physical ones, which are sure to be found from the beginning.   Seek support from your family, friends and co-workers.

6. Exercise. Stay active
It is not necessary to do an Olympic marathon. Sport is one of the examples of how quitting smoking can help you in your life.   Any small activity is a step to stop smoking:   It will relax you, help you control your weight and, above all, highlight the physical improvements of quitting.   You just need not take the car when you can walk, the stairs instead of the elevator ...

7. Drink lots of fluids
Drinking is one of the best tips while quitting smoking . Drink at least 1.5 liters a day since the body needs to hydrate. Try different flavors. Avoid alcohol.

8. Control what you eat
Avoid foods that get fat and if you need to snack, vegetables are your best allies. Under proper control, the person who stops smoking should not get fat.

9. Think of the day to day, not the never again
Think: "Today I do not smoke." This is your main goal when you want to avoid smoking a cigarette and being smoke-free today. You know you can get it.

10. Take advantage of the professional help that is being given to you

Ask health professionals how to stop smoking.   The different professionals that can help you will do everything possible to make smoking cessation a positive experience.