Wednesday, January 30, 2019

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Antioxidants, the elixir of eternal youth?

The products that contain them are praised: wine, green tea, olive oil, tomato, apple, peppers, coffee. They are sold in capsules, extracts, juices, creams. They are added in a multitude of foods. What are the antioxidants that cause so much? What do they do? Do they slow aging?

If the tomato is said to prevent prostate cancer, it is thanks to its lycopene content. If spinach is considered a protector at a neurodegenerative level it is because it is rich in lutein. If the moderate consumption of red wine is related to better cardiovascular health , it is due to resveratrol and other polyphenols. If the onion and the apple have a reputation for health, it is because of its quercetin content.

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CoQ-10 Q-10 coq10 CO Q10 co-enzyme 600mg - various sizes. Made in USA (CoQ-10 Q-10 coq10 CO Q10 co-enzyme 600mg - 60 Capsules. Made in USA)

Lycopene, lutein, resveratrol, quercetin ... are antioxidants. And there are many more, some as popular as vitamin C or isoflavones and others less known as thymol, methionine or p-hydroxybenzoic acid, to name but a few of the thousands that researchers have detected. Only in thyme have at least 35 different antioxidant compounds been identified. From different areas, there are people who have been researching antioxidants in food for 15 or 20 years. Why?

What makes them so interesting?

Well, they are capable of counteracting free radicals and oxidation processes of the body, those that damage cells and organs, which deteriorate the body over the years. Hence, it has been speculated with antioxidants as the possible elixir of eternal youth, associating its ability to counteract free radicals with the possibility of slowing aging. But who, like Francisco Tomás-Barberán, researcher of the CSIC and coordinator of the Fun-c-food project on functional foods, have been working with antioxidants for some time and have international prestige in the matter because, among other issues, they have managed to concentrate in resveratrol capsules , one of the antioxidants that has aroused most interest in the scientific community, say no, that these compounds "can improve some health patterns, especially in regard to vascular and intestinal functions, but not prevent aging " . Alfonso Carrascosa, a researcher at the Research Institute for Food Sciences CIAL-CSIC, also makes it clear: "Antioxidants are not a panacea against aging or against Alzheimer's; it is not easy to verify its beneficial effect on human beings ". Tomás-Barberán explains that not all the compounds that have antioxidant activity in the test tube have it in the human body, because its effectiveness depends on many factors. "Now it has been discovered that in the absorption of these compounds the microflora plays a fundamental role, the microorganisms that we have in the digestive system and that transform the antioxidants of the plants into molecules that are absorbed and have beneficial effects in our body; and recently it has been published that there are at least three different types of people because of their enterotypes, because of the type of intestinal bacteria they have, so it may be that some metabolize some antioxidants and others do not, and that the food that benefits a lot does not serve for others, "he says.

Rosa M. Lamuela, director of the research team of natural antioxidants of the Universitat de Barcelona (UB), agrees that it is difficult to attribute which food or what compound of the many that each food has to obey the beneficial effect observed among those who carry a diet rich in antioxidants, but says that consuming foods rich in antioxidants is more protected against biomarkers that indicate oxidation processes, and oxidation has to do with cardiovascular diseases such as arteriosclerosis, cancer or neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's or macular degeneration. "With antioxidants you can not stop those processes but you can decrease them; It has been proven that those who consume foods rich in them improve their biomarkers, "he explains.

According to Lamuela, although there is a lack of research to verify the real benefits in the body of compounds that show antioxidant properties in the laboratory, comparative studies have been done that have allowed to verify that the parameters linked to oxidation and inflammation -like cholesterol bad or indicators of molecular inflammation, which then affect many diseases-, improve after a week in people who are provided with wine (rich in antioxidants) and not among those who are supplied with gin (which has alcohol but no antioxidants). A greater effect on these indicators has also been proven when virgin olive oil is taken in polyphenols instead of refined olive oil; or that consumption of dark chocolate improves those parameters more than white chocolate. He adds that there are also works with experimental animals that demonstrate the effect of spinach as a protector at a neurodegenerative level; and others that prove that people who consume polyphenols have better blood pressure, and that those who consume more are those who have lower blood pressure. Recognizes, however, that many studies are missing to see if there is any concrete effect on aging and to analyze its cumulative effects, if it is the same to bet on antioxidants when they reach maturity than to take them as children, for example.

But how do antioxidants work? They are all the same? "They are compounds that block oxygen, which is one of the most aggressive chemical components on our planet; in fact, they were not discovered in relation to degenerative diseases , but by the attack of oxygen on metals and the observation that there were certain anticorrosive substances that protected them; then we saw that these substances are in food, and that plants are the organisms that have more antioxidants because they develop them to protect themselves from oxygen ", explains Carrascosa. Jesús Román, expert in nutrition and member of the Spanish Society of Dietetics, stresses that our metabolism is a combustion machine that needs oxygen to, among other things, breathe. "But these processes produce free radicals, atoms that have an excess of an electron and that seek to react with any other substance - cholesterol, DNA, arteries ... - to discharge; if they find an antioxidant along the way, it captures them, neutralizes them, and thus does not damage other tissues, "he summarizes. On the other hand, if the oxygen reacts with the DNA, it alters its composition and, with it, the mechanisms that have to do with genetics, causing cellular damage, changes in the original composition of the organs and alterations in their function. "It has been proven, for example, that in carcinogenic processes there is an oxidation of substances that induces mutations that attack DNA, and that is why it is thought that antioxidants can help prevent certain types of cancer," says Carrascosa.

José Viña, professor of Physiology at the Universitat de València and researcher of oxidative processes and aging, explains that, apart from those we ingest, our body possesses endogenous antioxidants that are produced as a reaction to free radicals, which in some way they act as a stimulator of the defenses themselves. That is why he cautions that berthing with antioxidants - for example, taking vitamin concentrates or other compounds - can be counterproductive, because all oxidants are neutralized and the body is not allowed to generate its own antioxidants and defenses. Jesús Román assures that in children and healthy people, the oxidation processes of the organism are counteracted by the antioxidants produced by the body itself or obtained from what one eats. "The imbalance occurs if there is a bad diet, the metabolism fails or we force the body a lot - like elite athletes - because then oxidation increases, and the way to avoid it is a diet rich in antioxidants," he says. At the last congress of the European Federation of Nutrition Societies, it became clear that oxidants, like free radicals, also have valuable functions, such as enhancing defenses, and that's why we should not try to finish them off, but achieve a balance between oxidants and antioxidants. In this framework, José Viña emphasized how exercise, physical activity, generates free radicals and, however, is healthy except in high competition.

There is enough unanimity in that, in general, antioxidants work well in low and maintained doses, which is how they are ingested in the diet, without being able to demonstrate the concrete functionality of each of them, since food, in addition to Antioxidants contain hundreds of ingredients that also prevent diseases. Anyway, it has been proven that not all antioxidants are the same or produce the same effects. "Depending on their characteristics, they affect one process or another of the organism; with a gastrointestinal simulator that reproduces the functioning and juices of the intestine we have verified, for example, that the polyphenols in the grape have an antimicrobial effect, that they act against the bacterium that causes the gastroduodenal ulcer and against the one that produces most diarrheal diseases " explains Carrascosa. Viña, on the other hand, assures that polyphenols do not have as much relevance as antioxidants in themselves as for their ability to stimulate their own antioxidants. He explains that there are studies done in convents that show that nuns who drank two glasses of wine a day increased their levels of antioxidant defenses. And he relates these polyphenols with the so-called French paradox: the fact that in France there is no more population with high cholesterol rates despite their diet rich in animal fats, which is attributed to the habit of eating with wine.

There are other antioxidants, such as vitamin C or E, that directly attack free radicals. But they do not act the same either. Vitamin C, water-soluble, prevents damage to aqueous compartments, while fat-soluble E protects fatty tissues. "That's why the important thing is to combine, to take a diet rich in fruits and vegetables varied to ingest all kinds of antioxidants: those that prevent oxidants from forming and those that avoid the damage of oxidation," remarks Viña. Tomás-Barberán adds that antioxidants also play an important role in protecting other nutrients and facilitating their absorption. "Vitamin A, C and E are degraded during food handling and digestion, so if the product contains polyphenols these substances are more protected and the levels of vitamin absorbed by the body are higher, and when we eat blue fish, whose Unsaturated fatty acids are easily oxidized, we will absorb them better if we take them with vegetables that contain antioxidants, "he explains.

Beyond the food we eat, every day more are sold in pills, juices, extracts added to other products ... And it is in this field where antioxidants provoke more controversy . There are experts who distrust this extra intake covered by the fact that the isolated functionality of each one has not been demonstrated; there are those who warn that taken in high doses become prooxidants, and there are those who think, like Tomás-Barberán, that it can not be generalized. "The main antioxidant of virgin olive oil is better absorbed into the oil than isolated, but in other cases the active ingredient is small and if it is increased with a dietary supplement it improves its absorption, or if it is protected in a capsule it is prevented from Degrade in the stomach, "he justifies.

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Antioxidants are natural or man-made substances that can prevent or delay some types of damage to cells. Antioxidants are found in many foods, including fruits and vegetables. They are also available as dietary supplements. Examples of antioxidants include:

  • Beta carotene
  • Lutein
  • Lycopene
  • Selenium
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
Vegetables and fruits are rich sources of antioxidants. There is ample evidence that the consumption of a diet with many vegetables and fruits is healthy and reduces the risk of suffering certain diseases. But it is not clear if this is due to antioxidants, to something more present in food or other factors.

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Madina Vitamins CoQ-10 100 mg (3 PACK), Supports Cardiac Health and Anti Aging (60 Veggie Capsules Per Bottle) Made in USA - Halal Vitamins

Supplements with high doses of antioxidants in some cases may be related to health risks. For example, high doses of beta-carotene may increase the risk of lung cancer in smokers. High doses of vitamin E may increase the risk of prostate cancer and a type of stroke. Antioxidant supplements may also interact with some medicines. To reduce the risk, tell your healthcare provider about any antioxidant you take.

11 antioxidant nutrients

Discover the different types of antioxidant nutrients and what foods to find them to slow the oxidation of other molecules. They are healthy foods!

An antioxidant is a molecule capable of slowing the oxidation of other molecules . Oxidation can produce free radicals that start chain reactions that damage cell s. Antioxidants end these reactions, while preventing oxidation, oxidizing themselves.

Although oxidation reactions are crucial for life, they can also be harmful , so that plants and animals maintain complex systems of multiple types of antioxidants , such as vitamin C, and vitamin E, as well as enzymes such as catalase, superoxide dismutase and several peroxidases. Low levels of antioxidants or the inhibition of antioxidant enzymes cause oxidative stress and can damage cells.

Today we are going to talk about different types of antioxidant nutrients and what foods to find them.


Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin also known as alpha-tocopherol. One of its functions is to protect the membranes of the cells, preventing free radicals from oxidizing them. Vitamin E is found mainly in wheat germ and its oil, sunflower seeds and its oil, hazelnuts, almonds , soy lecithin and olive oil .


Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin also known as ascorbic acid. Vitamin C exerts its antioxidant role in the blood plasma. In addition, it has the ability to regenerate tocopherol (vitamin E) that has not been consumed.

Vitamin C is found mainly in citrus fruits , kiwi , papaya , red pepper or strawberries.


Beta-carotenes are yellow or orange vegetable pigments that belong to the group of carotenoids, a type of flavonoids. They are precursors of vitamin A, that is, once ingested, they are transformed into vitamin A. Beta-carotene are antioxidant components, which contribute to alleviating oxidative stress .

Beta-carotene is found mainly in fruits or vegetables with a bright yellow or orange color, such as carrots, apricots, pumpkins or mangoes.


Lycopene is a natural red pigment. It is classified within the flavonoids. Plants develop lycopene to protect themselves from the effects of light and the oxidation of air.

The main source of lycopene is the cooked tomato , since cooking helps to release this element and facilitate its absorption by the body. It is also found in fresh tomatoes , watermelons, carrots, goji berries and grapefruit.


Lutein is a liposoluble yellowish pigment that appears in algae and higher plants. It belongs to the group of carotenoids, which are a type of flavonoids. The function of lutein in plants is to protect them against solar action . This same property is helpful in protecting the human retina from the sun's ultraviolet radiation . In fact, lutein is a pigment that already appears naturally in the retina.

The main sources of lutein are spinach, lettuce, Brussels sprouts and peas.


Indoles are a type of bioflavonoids present mainly in green leafy crucifers, such as Brussels sprouts or broccoli .


Quercetin is a very interesting flavonoid for its active ingredients and for its antioxidant action .

Quercetin is found especially in onions , but is also present in apples , cherries and red cabbage .


Apiglocatechin gallate is one of the most potent polyphenols as an antioxidant . It is found in green tea .


Curcumin is a polyphenol present in turmeric responsible for a yellow color and its antioxidant activity .


Ellagic acid is a potent antimutagenic and antioxidant compound . It is present mainly in strawberries, raspberries and other berries, as well as in pomegranates.


Anthocyanins are bluish, dark red or purple pigments that the plants contain. They are classified within the flavonoids, as such, they have an antioxidant value .

Anthocyanins are found in blueberries , black currants, blackberries or plums.

The information contained on this website has an informative, informative and / or commercial nature. Always consult your specialist. It is important to follow a varied diet and a healthy lifestyle.

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Antioxidants, what are they and how do they influence our health?

A lot is talked about antioxidants, free radicals, etc. But what are they really?
Antioxidants, free radicals, and other cellular phenomena are elements related to degeneration or cell death, being the cause of all the phenomenon associated with aging not only aesthetic, but also organic, giving rise to pathological phenomena of various kinds and consideration.

Therefore, antioxidants are important to alleviate as much as possible this molecular and cellular oxidation by preventing the action of free radicals.

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CoQ-10 q10 co-enzyme, anti-aging 400mg - 300 Capsules

Free radicals according to the experts are very reactive and unstable molecules, which are originated among other reasons by the consumption of tobacco, pollution, poor diet, etc ..., the most normal thing is that the body produces itself through the metabolism of various substances that we consume, inhale or ingest.

Increase the dose of Vitamins E, A and C is another factor to take into account when defending the body from oxidation. Vitamin E can be found mainly in seeds, nuts and vegetable oils; Vitamin C is present in strawberries, oranges, lemons, kiwis, tomatoes or peppers; while vitamin A is found in fish, chicken or turkey.

"These tips will help to diminish the oxidative processes of the cells, which will favor the conservation of physical youth and will increase, in this way, the life expectancy", explained Martín Guinea.

Another way to deal with cellular oxidation is the regular practice of moderate physical exercise; as well as generate healthy habits and avoid tobacco and harmful substances that contribute to the formation of free radicals. It is also important to reduce the consumption of fats and avoid copious meals that force the body to strive in their metabolic processes.

To increase the dose of antioxidants there are also supplements such as lipoic acid, polyphenols or coenzyme Q10 (coQ10) or ubiquinol, one of the most effective in the process of cell energy production. Ubiquinol favors the fight against aging, improves cardiovascular health, increases the daily energetic contribution and sports performance. These antioxidant supplements can be presented in several pharmaceutical forms , among them, in soft gelatin capsule, a modality that increases the effectiveness of them and is easy to ingest, since it has no taste or smell.

As antioxidants, not organism

Oxygenium is an indispensable element for life, in certain situations, leading to negative effects on human body. The two most harmful effects of oxygenation are due to the formation of several chemical compounds, known as the repective oxygen species (ROS) that include oxygen and several non-radical oxidizing agents, such as HClO (hypochlorous acid), hydrogen peroxide, ozone, etc. . Oxidative damage is caused by reactive species, which can be accelerated, carcinogenic, neurodegeneration and atherosclerosis in other pathologies (KUMAR, 2011).

Antioxidants are substitutes that can prevent or repair oxidative damage caused by retinal specimens of oxygens in lipids, proteins and nucleic acids, or antioxidants, with the ability to reactivate as well as to prevent harmful semen from the body (COUTO, CANNIATTI-BRAZACA, 2010 , VASCONCELOS et al., 2014). Among the antioxidants, there are vitamins C and E, carotenoids, phenolic acids, flavonoids, essential oils, glutathione, coenzyme Q, lipoic acid, organosulfur compounds and antioxidant enzymes, such as superoxide dismutase, catalase, thioredoxin and glutathione peroxidase.

Antioxidants may exert their effects also indirectly to or influence the regulation of genes involved in mechanisms of DNA defense or repair. This demonstrates greater influence of two antioxidants in the maintenance of metabolic homeostasis or cell integrities (BERGER et al, 2012).

The food of vegetable origin present bioactive compounds (phytochemicals) biological health promoters activities, such as antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and hypocholesterolemic activities. Among these we can mention catechins of green chili and wine, anthocyanins of red fruits, flavonoids of leaves, chlorogenic acids of coffee and Isoflavones (BARBOSA et al., 2006).

Antioxidants are considered to be the main responsive hairs of beneficial effects of daily and diversified consumption of vegetables. A variety of phytochemicals present in fruits, vegetables and vegetables provide health protective effects, mainly for antioxidant additive or synergistic effects (LIU, 2006, JOSEPH et al, 2009).

Among the physiological processes, motor and cognitive have their capacities diminished with or aging, thus the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory protection, demanding greater care emmos of antioxidants for the elderly population (JOSEPH et al, 2009).

An example gives relevancy of adequate antioxidant consumption by oxidants or study by GALÁN et al. Comparing the practice of physical activity to foods that would make a juice-based drink of antioxidant-rich fruits and foods, they work as individuals who do not drink this beverage, Galán et al noted that most benefits are due to consumption of antioxidant-rich beverages. .

There was an improvement in the lipid profile due to the practice of physical exercises, the increase of HDL-C and decreases in the ratios of total cholesterol / HDL-C and LDL-C / HDL-C. A practical physical activity or consumption of antioxidants, was responsible for increased oxidative stress, measured through oxidative damage to proteins, polyunsaturated fatty acids and DNA. In this paper, we present the results of the present study. In this paper, we present the results of a study of the biodegradability of oxidative stress and its effect on physical activity.

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Are antioxidants really a miracle cure?

Antioxidants are vitamins, minerals and other chemicals that help protect cells from harmful substances that occur during the normal metabolism process.

It has been observed that diets rich in some antioxidants protect against the development of coronary heart diseases, strokes, some cancers and ailments associated with old age.

So we should consume as many antioxidants as possible, right? Even supplements?

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CoQ10 (Coenzyme Q10) Pure Powder, Ubiquinone - Help Support Heart Health and Cellular Energy Production (50 Grams)

Probably not.

Although some antioxidants can protect healthy cells from DNA damage, we still do not fully understand all their health effects.

So, while it's a good idea to eat a wide variety of antioxidant-rich foods, the opinion of experts is that most people do not benefit from supplements.

How do antioxidants work?
Image caption To the piece of meat on the left, a few minutes ago they threw a chemical that destroys vitamin E, which prevented oxidation.

Oxidation is a normal chemical process in our body that produces unstable molecules known as free radicals.

In small quantities, these radicals are useful because they play an important role in the normal processes of cells.

But in large quantities, they can cause cell damage and impair the functioning of cells, a process known as "oxidative stress."

We use antioxidants such as vitamin C and beta-carotene to prevent oxidative stress and protect the cells of the body.

Antioxidants do that by picking up electrons from free radicals, which effectively neutralizes them.

What foods do we get antioxidants from?

Click on the words to find out


    Selenium is a mineral present in the soil. It is important for the normal functioning of the reproductive and immune systems, as well as the use of iodine by the thyroid. Good sources: fish, seafood, red meats, eggs, wheat germ and Brazil nuts.

    Vitamin C

    Vitamin C is an antioxidant found in many foods, especially citrus fruits and berries, and in green leafy vegetables. It is particularly important for the normal structure, functioning and healing of body tissues, in processes such as the formation of collagen. In some countries, smokers are advised to consume vitamin C. It also helps to absorb iron.

    Vitamin E

    Vitamin E is a lipid-soluble antioxidant and is particularly suitable to protect the body against oxidative reactions involving fat. All body cells have a thin layer of fat vulnerable to attack by free radicals. Vitamin E intercepts radicals to prevent damage and maintain the integrity of the cell. Sources rich in this vitamin include nuts, seeds and vegetable oils.


    Carotenoids are plant compounds such as beta-carotene, lutein and lycopene, which give fruits, vegetables and yellow, red and orange color. They help strengthen the immune system. The deeper the color, the greater the concentration. Good sources: apricots, mangoes, passion fruit, carrot, red paprika, sweet potato and tomatoes. Bright orange beta-carotenes like those in carrots may have additional benefits as they become vitamin A.

    Phenolic compounds

    Phenolic compounds are a large group of plant chemicals with antioxidant properties. They include flavonoids such as quercetin, which is found in onions, tea, red wine and chocolate; curcumin, found in turmeric and mustard; tannins, found in green and red tea; Isoflavones, which is found in soy milk, tofu and miso; and lignans, in the flax seed and other grains.

Research in the last decade has shown that consuming foods rich in antioxidants - such as fruits, vegetables, legumes and grains - has a beneficial effect on our overall health. But it is important to note that the antioxidant content in foods and beverages varies a lot and does not equal their potential impact on the body.

The supplements, a waste of time?

Most clinical trials to date have not found any evidence that taking individual antioxidants or combinations of them can offer healthy people protection against the disease.

Copyright of the BBC World Service image

According to Tom Sanders, director of the division of diabetes and nutritional sciences at King's College London, taking antioxidant supplements can be even harmful to health, particularly for smokers.

And the Cochrane Collaboration, an international group that reviews evidence of health interventions, also supports the view that antioxidant supplements can be more harmful than beneficial.

In 2012, he conducted a review of 78 clinical trials of antioxidant supplements and found no evidence that it could be used as primary or secondary prevention against the disease.

A study carried out in the 1990s with Finnish men smokers found that those taking high doses of beta-carotene had a higher risk of developing lung cancer. Research on the effects of vitamin E antioxidant supplements has been linked to a type of stroke and possibly prostate cancer.

Luckily, nature provides a balanced package of antioxidants and there is certainly no evidence that eating too many fruits and vegetables can be bad.

  • Get a rainbow
  • Copyright of the BBC World Service image
  • A balanced diet

Specialists recommend eating more food from plants, such as vegetables, fruits, grains and legumes, which are not only rich in antioxidants but also a good source of fiber.

But, how much is enough?

According to the British Dietetic Association, eating 400g of fruits and vegetables a day can help reduce the risk of health problems such as high blood pressure, obesity and some cancers.

Dietitian Felicity Lyons, spokeswoman for that agency, says that each antioxidant plays its particular role in the body, so consuming too much of one type in general does not help.

In addition, he advises to try to consume less processed foods and cook more at home.

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Antioxidants: what you need to know

The cells of the body face threats every day. Viruses and infections attack them. Free radicals can also damage cells and DNA. Some cells can recover from damage, while others can not. Scientists believe that molecules called free radicals can contribute to the aging process. They can also contribute to diseases, such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease.

Antioxidants are chemicals that help stop or limit the damage caused by free radicals. Your body uses antioxidants to balance free radicals. This prevents them from causing damage to other cells. Antioxidants can protect and reverse some of the damage. They also increase their immunity.

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Bluebonnet - Super Vita-CoQ10 Formula Iron Free And Iodine Free - 120 Caplet Kosher,Gluten-Free

Road to better health

Free radicals are natural or artificial elements. They may be:

  •     chemicals that your body produces by converting food into energy;
  •     environmental toxins, such as tobacco, alcohol and pollution;
  •     ultraviolet rays from the sun or tanning beds;
  •     substances found in processed foods.

You can help fight and reduce free radicals and the damage they cause. You can stop smoking, expose yourself to the sun safely and eat healthy. Antioxidants can also help.

Your body produces some antioxidants. You can also get them in certain foods and vitamins. Common antioxidants include:

  •     Vitamin A;
  •     vitamin C;
  •     Vitamin E;
  •     beta carotene;
  •     lycopene;
  •     lutein;
  •     selenium.

You can get most of these antioxidants by eating a healthy diet. This includes a mixture of fruits and vegetables of different colors. Whole grains, seeds and nuts also provide good nutrients.

  •     Vitamin A is found in milk, butter, eggs and liver.
  •     Vitamin C is found in most fruits and vegetables. Eat fruits such as berries, oranges, kiwis, melons and papayas. Eat vegetables such as broccoli, peppers, tomatoes, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and kale.
  •     Vitamin E is found in some nuts and seeds. For example, almonds, sunflower seeds, hazelnuts and peanuts. You can find it in green leafy vegetables like spinach and kale. You can also find it in soy, sunflower, corn and canola oils.
  •     Beta carotene is found in brightly colored fruits and vegetables. Eat fruits such as peaches, apricots, papayas, mangoes and melons. Eat vegetables such as carrots, peas, broccoli, squash and sweet potatoes. It is also found in some leafy green vegetables such as beet greens, spinach and kale.
  •     Lycopene is found in pink and red fruits and vegetables. This includes pink grapefruit, watermelon, apricots and tomatoes.
  •     Lutein is found in green leafy vegetables such as spinach, cabbage and kale. You can also find it in broccoli, corn, peas, papayas and oranges.
  •     Selenium is in pasta, bread and cereals, including corn, wheat and rice. You can find it in products of animal origin, such as meat, fish, turkey and chicken. You can also find it in nuts, legumes, eggs and cheese.

Each antioxidant has a different chemical composition. Each offers different health benefits. Too much of an antioxidant can be harmful. Talk to your doctor before changing your diet or taking supplements.

Issues to consider

Doctors recommend eating a balanced diet that includes fresh fruits and vegetables. A large number of products contain natural antioxidants. They also contain minerals, fiber and other vitamins. Eating healthy can help reduce the risk of certain diseases. However, antioxidants alone do not prevent chronic diseases.

Some people choose to take antioxidant supplements. However, many are not balanced. They are also not approved or regulated by the FDA. This means that the suggested dose and ingredients listed on the bottle may not be correct.

You also respond to antioxidants in different ways. These can cause health risks or negative effects on your health. For example, people who smoke are at risk of getting lung cancer. Taking high doses of beta-carotene may increase the risk of this disease. Antioxidants can also interact with some medications.

Talk to your doctor before taking high doses of antioxidants. He can help you determine what supplements, if any, are right for you.

Questions to ask your doctor

  •     What other antioxidants can I find in food?
  •     How do I know what types of antioxidants are good for me?
  •     Should I take antioxidant supplements if I am a smoker?
  •     Should I take antioxidant supplements if I already have cancer?

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How to properly apply your anti-aging

Because a normal moisturizer is not the same as an anti-aging, we tell you how to apply it so that it really works.

We already know the importance of hydrating the skin daily and the benefits of massaging it while you apply your moisturizer. But the truth is that with the passage of time, the texture of the skin and face changes and we have to start using anti-aging creams to slow down the appearance of flaccidity, expression lines and blemishes of the skin. age. And since this type of cream has a different formula, it also changes the way it is used and applied. We tell you how to do it to get the most out of your properties.

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Bluebonnet - Super Vita-CoQ10 Formula Iron Free And Iodine Free - 120 Caplet Kosher,Gluten-Free

At what age to start?

The first thing is to know when we really need to start using anti-aging creams. According to experts, it is never too early to use an anti-aging treatment, although it is from the age of 30 when the skin begins to lose elasticity and collagen naturally. In addition, external factors such as pollution, sun, food, stress or lack of sleep can accelerate premature aging, therefore, it is time to use a specific treatment.

How to use it?

It is essential to make movements that fight against the effects of gravity, because the loss of elasticity leads to the fall of the facial oval, synonymous with drooping cheeks, limp chin and double chin. Therefore, it is advisable to apply a small amount of cream in five strategic points of the face-front, nose, chin and cheeks, neck and neckline. Extend it in an ascending way and affecting the furrows of the lines of expression and wrinkles.

And remember that, even if you want to avoid crow's feet, you should not apply the cream around the eyes. This area is more delicate and needs other care and products.

When to apply it?

Every morning, after facial cleansing use an antioxidant serum to prepare the skin and activate the production of collagen, and then apply your anti-aging cream during the day. In this way, its nutrients penetrate the deeper layers of the skin and its effect will last longer.

At night, the process is similar but with some nuances. Once you have properly removed makeup, use a facial essence to repair the face from the inside and encourage the absorption of other products. Then apply a moisturizing lotion and, finally, your anti-aging cream. This will help nocturnal cell regeneration and you will get up with a rested face and with lines of expression attenuated day after day.

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What are Antioxidants and what do they do?

This concept continues to sound on nutrition sites, blogs and specialized magazines and not so much

We talk about certain vitamins and minerals, indispensable for life, that participate in all the physiological and metabolic processes of our body.
Its deficiencies can cause diseases, sometimes as visible as anemia and others more overlapping and difficult to identify.

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ANTIOXIDANTS prevent excessive wear and cell aging in situations of high energy demand such as stress, chronic diseases, great physical or mental efforts or simply the passage of time. Who is not subject to one or more of these situations at some point!

Small amounts are needed that vary with age, physical activity, eating habits and health conditions of people but we can estimate that these are covered correctly if we integrate to the daily table Fruits, Vegetables, cereals as much as possible whole and dairy. In an orderly diet that includes these foods permanently, the necessary antioxidants are present to optimize the functioning of our systems.



  • Vitamin C : All fruits and vegetables, especially citrus, kiwi, strawberries, tomatoes, broccoli.
  • Vitamin A: Eggs, carrots, spinach, cauliflower, cabbage.
  • Beta-carotene: Carrots, spinach, cauliflower, cabbage.
  • Vitamin E: All oils, wheat germ.
  • Zinc: Beef, seafood, nuts, cheeses.
  • Selenium: Fruits and vegetables, legumes, whole grains, dairy products.
  • Copper: Liver, seafood, nuts, carrots.

Good quantities of other compounds present in cocoa, coffee, mate, red wine and green tea are also obtained. Delights that consumed in adequate portions are allies of anti-time health.

There are certain cases in which a nutritional supplement may be necessary, which should be recommended by a professional. There are different types and origins, they are presented in daily or weekly doses, of a single nutrient or of several that combined work even better. Whether due to excessive work or intellectual stress, stage of growth, pregnancy or chronic diseases, a good nutritional supplement can be an intelligent strategy. Considering that it is not convenient to superimpose them without having advice and remembering that the "natural" characteristic does not necessarily imply harmlessness or zero effect.

The cold starts and reordering your food and family is as important as accommodating the shelters in the cabinets.

10 Keys on Antioxidants

We have all heard about antioxidants. But do you know what they are? What do they protect us? What are the latest developments in this regard? We tell you everything in 10 simple guidelines, so that you gain health and well-being every day.

1. Diet is key. We all know the close relationship between diet and physical condition: research on the effect of hydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals on the body are extensive. But food is not only characterized by these nutrients. They also encompass other components, known as 'non-nutrients', that exert different actions on health. Among them, some phytochemicals with an antioxidant effect.

2. But what is it about? The term antioxidant refers to the activity that various minerals, vitamins and other phytochemicals (active elements of vegetables that are not essential for life but do benefit health) exert on harmful substances, such as free radicals. And what are these? Very reactive chemical substances that introduce oxygen into the cells, altering their stability and functions and producing their oxidation; that is, its deterioration and aging.

3. Where are the antioxidants? They are present in most plant foods. Among the most common foods, the 10 richest in them are: avocados, fruits of the forest (blackberries, strawberries, blueberries), broccoli, cabbage and cabbages, carrots, citrus fruits, grapes, onions , spinach and tomatoes.

4. Risk factor. So you could talk about free radicals. In our body there are cells in constant renewal (skin, intestines) and others that never renew (neurons, liver). Over the years, free radicals can trigger genetic alterations in cells that do change, increasing the risk of degenerative diseases. And not only that: they can reduce the functionality of the cells that do not renew themselves, causing the deterioration of age.

5. How do free radicals originate? It is the product resulting from cellular oxidation. And oxygen is responsible for it. When breathing we use oxygen and in that process the free radicals are generated, which are necessary, but in uncontrolled quantities they damage health: they are capable of altering the DNA of the cells, damaging their membranes and causing their aging and death.

6. Our life rusts us! Maybe you do not believe it, but it is like this: some of our habits increase the production of free radicals in our body; they oxidize us. For example, to practice intense physical exercise, to consume diets rich in fat, to spend whole hours taking the sun, exposure to environmental pollution, smoking and abusing alcohol. The good news? That some of us can control them.

7. Powerful prosalud shields. This is how antioxidants work, thanks among other things that they are great allies of our immune system (defenses). Several scientific studies have shown that they reduce the risk of premature aging (a complex process that acts at the cellular level and then spreads throughout the body), cancer, high blood pressure, cardiovascular and degenerative diseases (Alzheimer's, Parkinson's ... .), diabetes, etc.

8. The last anti-aging? A fruit native to the Amazon. It is camu camu, traditionally used by the natives as a highly nutritious food and, because of its antioxidant properties, it was excellent to care for and give vitality, youth and shine to the skin. Such was its effect that the people of those communities were recognized for their youthful appearance. Today it is known that the camu camu contains more vitamin C than any other fruit and a unique antioxidant content (superior to the resveratrol of the red grape).

9. Vitamin C, an ally ... that we do not produce , Increases defenses, protects against colds ... and have you noticed that many anti- aging cosmetics incorporate it? It is because it participates in the formation of collagen, which is synthesized in the deeper layers of the skin. With age, supporting structures, connective tissue and those layers deteriorate and lose density, skin cells (fibroblasts) descend and collagen is no longer synthesized. The result? Wrinkles, lack of luminosity and smoothness. Well, vitamin C counteracts it. The bad thing is that human beings do not have the capacity to produce vitamin C, so we must ingest it through food. By doing so, we not only protect the skin, but we contribute to the good state of teeth, gums, bones and cartilage and the absorption of iron, the metabolism of fats and the healing of wounds.

10. Age does not matter: they rejuvenate us. It is the great power of antioxidants like camu camu. Over time adds our stressful lifestyle and the negative effect of unbalanced diets (fat, stimulants, refined sugars ...) that end up acidifying the body. And, when there is excess acidity, the body makes up for it by pulling the mineral reserves (bones, brain and kidneys). The result? We lose health and we get old. Well, the camu camu, for its richness in vitamin C, helps to counteract it. It keeps us young: it enhances the elasticity, the smoothness and the luminosity of the skin.

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This Database (BdD) is the result of research conducted by the Antioxidant Analysis Laboratory of the Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology (INTA) , led by Dr. Hernán Speisky Cosoy , full professor of the University of Chile . The investigations that have led to this BdD include, initially, those financed by the CORFO Innova 08CT11IUM-12 project , and subsequently, those financed with intramural resources from the INTA's Antioxidant Analysis Laboratory.

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Contents of this section.
  • - Summary of the Database .
  • - Introduction to the Database .
  • - Methodologies used in the construction of the Database .
  • - How to read the results of the Database .

Summary of the Database :

The Database of Antioxidants in Fruits includes data on the content of total polyphenols (PFT) and antioxidant activity ORAC present in fruits produced, consumed and / or exported by Chile. In its current state, the BdD describes the PFT and ORAC values ​​of approximately 150 species / varieties of fruits. It should be noted that along with the aforementioned indicators of antioxidant richness, the BdD offers, for each of the tabulated fruits, linkeable information that allows direct access to the image of each of the fruits consulted, as well as to an external database ( USDA) with values ​​of the nutritional composition of these (Nutrient Data Bank). Like any modern database, this is also a dynamic basis in its contents, both in terms of the number of species and varieties of fruits studied, as well as the average, maximum and minimum values ​​of PFT and ORAC represented for each one of them. these. The results shown should be understood , not as absolute values, but " as an average of results applicable only to those samples of fruits that, until the date of publication of this document, were analyzed by the Laboratory of Antioxidant Analysis of INTA " . The latter is important since, as in other databases, in the present it will be possible to find large differences between the minimum ORAC value and the maximum ORAC value, even when it is the same species and variety of fruit analyzed. In fact, because they are fruits, samples of the same biological variety may present significant differences in their ORAC values, due to the fact that they have experienced differentially the "influence of pre- and / or post-harvest factors that they are capable of influencing the antioxidant richness of the fruit ". Under such a common circumstance, the average value offered by a BdD must always be considered a referential value only . Consequently, the only way to "guarantee the antioxidant richness of a fruit sample that has not been analyzed is by simply analyzing it".

In consideration of the aforementioned, it is contemplated that the current version of this BdD will undergo continuous modifications that will result both from the analysis of new samples of those fruits that have already been studied, and from the expansion of the number of species and / or varieties of fruits to be characterized.

Introduction to the Database:

The antioxidants present in fruits and vegetables have gained great recognition in the field of nutrition since, according to multiple clinical and epidemiological evidences, their higher consumption is strongly associated with a lower relative risk of developing those diseases than in the currently affect the world population (cardiovascular, tumor and neurodegenerative).

The recognition of the health benefits of a greater consumption of foods rich in antioxidants has generated, both among professionals in the health and agro-food sectors, and among consumers in general, the need to freely access a database that gives them allow, in a reliable, simple and comparative way, to answer the question : In which foods is it possible to find a greater antioxidant richness?

Initially, this question was addressed in November 2007 by the Nutrition Division of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), in the form of a database that accounts for the total polyphenol content and ORAC antioxidant activity of 277 foods usually consumed by the North American population. This database was subsequently (May 2010) updated and expanded to a total of 326 foods ( See database of the USDA ). In an initiative that also seeks to respond to the antioxidant richness of food, in July 2009, the European Union, through INRA published, also for the first time, a database, which records the content of more than 500 different polyphenols for a total of approximately 400 foods ( See INRA database ).

Chile is an important producer and exporter of fruits worldwide. Its exports (of grapes, apples, nectarines, blueberries, plums and avocados, among others) reach the markets and consumers not only of the Latin and North American region, but also of Europe and Asia-Pacific. This Database constitutes the first digital platform destined to spread, specifically, the antioxidant richness of fruits . It describes the content values ​​of total polyphenols and ORAC activity for more than a hundred, between species and their varieties, of fruits produced, consumed and / or exported by Chile. As such, it is the first BdD in Latin America, and only second worldwide (after the US) to offer, simultaneously, information regarding the content of polyphenols and the ORAC value of tabulated foods .

Unlike the databases of the USDA (USA) and the INRA (Europe), which were constructed from data from very diverse laboratories and whose analytical and sampling methodologies were not necessarily standardized, this Base of Data has been constructed, in its entirety, from data that were generated by the same laboratory (the Antioxidant Analysis Laboratory of INTA), and applying an analytical methodology that is identical to that recommended by the USDA, and that also, it has been validated under the standards (NCh-ISO 17025.Of2005 homologous to ISO / IEC 17025: 2005) that are specific to a national and internationally accredited laboratory for carrying out such measurements. It should be noted that, together with this condition, the BdD was constructed by applying the PFT and ORAC analyzes to fruit samples that were systematically sampled for the purpose of generating data that are representative of their antioxidant richness.

Methodologies used in the construction of the Database:

The fruit samples were collected directly by LA-2 professionals, from: 1) counters corresponding to the main points of sale to the public of the 2 main formal fruit marketing chains, the CENCOSUD and D & S-Walmart companies, through its JUMBO and LIDER supermarkets, respectively, and 2) packaging warehouses belonging to several fruit export companies that are associated with the Association of Exporters of Chile AG (ASOEX).

After harvesting, the samples were immediately transferred under refrigeration conditions (4-6ºC) to LA-2 of INTA, and stored under such condition until their analysis that always took place within the next 12-48 hr.

The ORAC antioxidant activity and the total polyphenol content were both analyzed using the method described by Wu et al (2004) [Wu X, Beecher GR, Holden JM, Haytowitz DB, Gebhardt SE, Prior RL. Lipophilic and hydrophilic antioxidant capacities of common foods in the United States. J. Agric. Food Chem. 52: 4026-4037; 2004]. Details of the procedures applied have been included in the "Manual of Test Methods", as Internal Procedures of the Laboratory of Antioxidant Analysis of INTA ", under the form of MME-Pro-001 and MME-Pro-002, respectively. As described by Dr. Ronald Prior, scientist creator of the ORAC technique in the USA, to achieve full analytical confidence in the results, the ORAC assay must be performed in microplates and under absolutely standardized and automated conditions. Such experimental conditions were fully employed throughout the construction of this BdD.

How to read the results of the Database ?:

The results of ORAC antioxidant activity and total polyphenol content (PFT) are presented in the BdD in the form of tables, composed of columns and rows.

In the case of the columns , the following are indicated: No. NDB , which in the BdD appears as an acronym in capital letters that in the "USDA Nutrient Data Bank" corresponds to the number with which said database identifies the species / variety of fruit analyzed here. We invite you to "click" on this acronym. When doing so, a box will be displayed in which the name and the image of the fruit corresponding to the acronym will appear first. Under the image you will find the number assigned by the "USDA Nutrient Data Bank" to said fruit. If you wish to corroborate the above, you must " click here ", after which incorporating the Nº assigned to said fruit. Then, the scientific name of the fruit species appears. To access information on the nutritional composition of this fruit, you must click "see document", which corresponds to the USDA pdf document. To know the nutritional composition of the fruit that you are interested in, you must enter in the "Find" box (located in the bar of said pdf) the corresponding NDB number, and then press "Enter"; Description , which corresponds to the name of the species / variety of the fruit analyzed. In some cases, this gloss also includes a reference to whether the fruit was analyzed in its fresh or cooked state, with or without its shell / skin, and if it was grown under organic conditions; Parameter , which refers to the type of test or analysis performed, that is, ORAC or Total Polyphenols (PFT); Units , which account for the units as the results are expressed. In the case of ORAC results, these are expressed as: umol ET / 100 g pf, which corresponds to the number of micromoles of Trolox equivalents (ET) per 100 grams of fresh weight of the fruit analyzed, or, as umol ET / 100 g ps, which corresponds to the number of micromoles of Trolox equivalents (ET) per 100 grams of dry weight of the fruit analyzed. Trolox® is a water-soluble analog of alpha-tocopherol, and by virtue of its high solubility in water it is universally used as a comparison standard in the ORAC assay. In the case of the results of total Polyphenols , these are expressed as: mg EAG / 100 g pf, which corresponds to the milligram equivalents of gallic acid (GA) per 100 grams of fresh weight of the fruit analyzed, or, as mg EAG / 100 g ps, which corresponds to milligrams of gallic acid (GA) per 100 grams of dry weight of the fruit analyzed. Gallic acid is a natural phenolic acid whose high solubility in water allows its use as standard in the PFT assay; Average , represents the average value estimated from the results obtained for each of the samples of fruit analyzed; N , refers to the number of times a specific fruit (species / variety) was sampled for further analysis. Thus, an N = 10 indicates that said fruit was sampled from 10 different collection points (eg 5 local supermarket A and 5 local supermarket B) throughout the study that gave rise to this BdD; SEM (Standard Error of the Mean) represents the standard error of the mean; Min and Max refer to the minimum and maximum values ​​estimated for each parameter and that were included in the calculation of the average and the SEM of said parameter.

In the case of rows , each fruit accompanied by its acronym and corresponding NDB number, is described through 4 rows. The first and second row give an ORAC value, expressed by 100 g of fresh weight (pf) and 100 g of dry weight (ps), respectively. The third and fourth rows show the value of Total Polyphenols (PFT), also expressed by 100 g of fresh weight (pf) and per 100 g of dry weight (ps). Every 4 rows, the fruits (with their corresponding acronyms and NDB number) are separated from each other, repeating successively along the table.

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The wide scientific recognition that a greater consumption of foods rich in antioxidants results in clear benefits for the health of the population has led consumers to become increasingly interested in knowing what is the antioxidant richness of the products that the market offers them?

Although until recently the mere mention of the term "antioxidant", whether through a promotional campaign or inscribed in the packaging of a product, was sufficiently attractive for consumers to be inclined towards this product, recently, and increasingly , consumers seek to distinguish between those products whose marketing "simply claims to have antioxidants" ... and those in which "the content of these compounds is duly supported and quantitatively described in their labeling".

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Within the framework of the aforementioned, this section addresses, among others, questions such as the following: What Antioxidants should be measured in a Food? What are the main tests and analytical methods available for its measurement? What is important to measure and label the content of polyphenols and the ORAC value in Foods? What is the difference between measuring and certifying the content and the antioxidant activity of a food?

To face the question : What Antioxidants should be measured in a Food? , it is necessary to respond previously to the following:

What are the main antioxidants present in food? The antioxidant richness of food is generally given by the addition and interaction of numerous molecules. Although the chemical structure of such molecules can be significantly different, among the main antioxidants present in foods it is possible to distinguish:

  • i) Antioxidant Vitamins , which include Ascorbic Acid (or Vitamin C); Vitamin E, a term that includes not only alpha-tocopherol, but also, isoforms, alpha, beta, gamma and delta, tocopherols and tocotrienols; and the Pro-Vitamin A compounds (represented by beta-carotene, alpha-carotene and beta-cryptoxanthin).
  • ii) Carotenoids , including lutein, lycopene, zeaxanthin and astaxanthin. Also referred to as carotenoids are those compounds which are Pro-Vitamin A (mentioned above). From a chemical point of view, the carotenoids include the carotenes (alpha-carotene, beta-carotene and lycopene), which do not include oxygen atoms in their structure, and the xanthophylls (beta-cryptoxanthin, lutein, astaxanthin and zeaxanthin), which they do present it, mostly in the form of hydroxyls.
  • iii) Polyphenols . The polyphenols account for the antioxidant richness of the greater part of the foods usually consumed by the population. All polyphenols exhibit in their structure, at least, one or more hydroxyl groups attached to an aromatic ring. Among the polyphenols it is possible to distinguish two major types of compounds: flavonoids, for which several thousands have been described in the plant kingdom) and whose structure comprises two aromatic rings joined a heterocycle of three carbon atoms and one of oxygen (C6- C3-C6), and the so-called non-flavonoids (some hundreds) that comprise, mostly, mono-phenolic alcohols, phenolic acids and stilbenes.

Detailed information regarding the antioxidant composition of the main foods ingested by the population, is the section " Antioxidants in food: Main sources and their contents ".
Now, knowing what are the types of antioxidants that predominate in a given food, it is possible to return to the question of what antioxidants should be measured in a food? Although the answer to this question is subject to the nature of the food to be analyzed, in general terms it will be possible to measure in food:

  • (I) the specific content of those antioxidants that said food concentrates more, or of those whose presence is more relevant for its distinction as a source or contribution of said compound; for example, the content of ascorbic acid, that of alpha-tocopherol, that of lycopene, or that of some flavonoid in particular;
  • (II) the total content of a certain type of antioxidant, for example, the total content of polyphenols or the total content of flavonoids present in a food;
  • (III) the antioxidant activity of the food. Unlike the single measurement of the content of a given antioxidant, measuring the "antioxidant activity" of a food allows to quantify the "capacity that all antioxidant compounds present in it" (vitamins + carotenoids + polyphenols + others that do not respond) to the previous categories) to act simultaneously as a mixture of antioxidant compounds.

But then, what should be measured?

If you intend to make a characterization of a food from the point of view of its antioxidant richness, ideally you should quantify the individual content of each of those antioxidants that a priori is known to contain such food, and you should measure the antioxidant activity that -as a result of the sum and interaction of its antioxidant components- said food presents.

However, the purpose of measuring individually the content of each of the antioxidant components of a food is excessively expensive and analytically complex, since in those foods that are richer in antioxidants, these compounds comprise, regularly, a large number and a huge diversity of structures.

What alternative exists to measure the individual content of each of the antioxidant components of a food? As an alternative to the individual measurement, the total content of a food can be quantified in terms of a certain type of antioxidant. For example, when the antioxidant richness of a food resides mainly in a high presence of polyphenols, the measurement is limited to the characterization of the antioxidant content in the form of total polyphenols (PFT). If required, together with the measurement of PFT it is possible to measure, in a more precise way, the total flavonoid content, and even more specific, the content of certain flavonoid subtypes, such as total anthocyanidins, total flavonols or flavanols. -3-oles total. Further details regarding the chemistry and presence of these compounds in foods are described in the section " Antioxidants in food: Main sources and their contents ".

How is the total polyphenol content determined? The content of PFT is determined through an assay using the Folin-Ciocalteu (FC) reagent. All previously published methods that use this reagent measure the ability of polyphenols to reduce (donate an electron) the Mo (VI) to Mo (V) present in the complex molybdichotostats that characterizes the FC reagent. As a result of such reduction, the reagent, of yellow color, acquires an intense blue color, which is quantified spectrophotometrically at 765 nm. Although all the available methods that use the FC reagent ensure the total oxidation of all those compounds capable of reducing it, these differ in terms of the concentrations of said reagent used, the type of base and concentration used to alkalize the medium (carbonate versus sodium hydroxide), at the incubation times necessary to quantify the reagent reduction (3-120 min), and the incubation temperatures of the samples during their analysis (20-50 ºC).

How is the total polyphenol content of a sample expressed? The total polyphenol content resulting from the application of any method based on the use of the Folin-Ciocalteu reagent is regularly expressed as mg of gallic acid equivalents (EAG) / 100 g of food. Gallic acid is a simple phenolic compound widely used in this test as a comparison standard. However, polyphenols such as catechin or tannic, chlorogenic, caffeic, vanillic and ferulic acids are occasionally used as a standard for comparison and expression of results.

To find a complete list of PFT content values ​​in fruits produced and / or consumed in Chile, visit our section " Antioxidant Database ".

Are the methods that use the specific Folin-Ciocalteu reagent for the determination of polyphenols? As mentioned above, in the Folin-Ciocalteu test, the capacity of polyphenols to act as reducing agents of Mo (VI) in the molybdichottate complex is measured. Although the reagent reduction test is simple, sensitive and precise, it should be noted that said reagent can be reduced not only by all polyphenols, but also by reducing agents such as ascorbic acid, sodium metabisulfite, iron (II) salts , EDTA, certain amino acids, fructose and glucose, among others. The latter is extremely important because when this method is applied to samples containing one or more of these interferences, without taking the corrective measures, a result that represents an overestimation of the actual value of total polyphenols will be mistakenly obtained.
For example, it has been seen that the application of the test in the presence of fructose (5 g / L), a sugar abundantly present in fruits, results in a recovery of gallic acid content (10 mg / L) that is wrongly increased at around 58%.

As a result of the interfering effect that would have compounds such as fructose, glucose or ascorbic acid, normally present in fruits, vegetables, and in numerous processed foods, it is of great importance that, in the application of any method that employs the FC reagent, present the incorporation of adequate controls, ideally, using modifications to the original method that allow to discriminate analytically between the contribution made to the reduction of the said reagent polyphenols to be measured and those "interferentes" non-polyphenolic components present in a sample.

What limitations of interpretation supposes the single measurement of PFT in the characterization of the antioxidant richness of a food? Although the measurement of PFT is widely used and recognized as a preliminary way to characterize the antioxidant richness of a food, it must be borne in mind that, as such, the PFT measurement does not distinguish the measure or the proportion in which the various polyphenol subtypes present in a food are individually contributing to the total polyphenolic content. Said essay does not evaluate the value that the interaction between the different polyphenols present in a food would have.

However, the measurement of PFT, when it is properly performed (this is with interferences correction), constitutes a good, simple and practical approach to the purpose of initially characterizing a food in terms of its antioxidant content, especially when it comes to those in which polyphenols mostly account for their antioxidant composition. However, when polyphenols only partially account for the antioxidant richness of a food, the mere measurement of PFTs as a way to show such richness could suppose a sub-estimate proportional to the contribution made by compounds of a non- polyphenolic to the total antioxidant richness of the analyzed food.

To avoid such underestimation, and given that many foods rich in antioxidants possess not only phenolic compounds, but also non-phenolic antioxidants (various antioxidant vitamins and carotenoids), it is very important that the characterization of the antioxidant richness of the food Understand, in addition, the measurement of your "antioxidant activity".

But, really , what is measured when the antioxidant activity of a food is determined? The first thing to note is that the measurement of the antioxidant activity of a food supposes the quantification of "virtually" all the antioxidant molecules present in it.

Most of the assays used to determine the antioxidant activity of a food are based on the measurement of: (1) the ability of antioxidant compounds to react with a given free radical, or (2) the potential for such compounds would have to reduce a complex formed between Fe (III) ions and the TPTZ (2,4,6-tripyridyl-s-triazine) reagent.
Among those trials that are based on measuring the ability of antioxidants to react with a free radical, include the following:

  • - ORAC Test (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity, or Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity)
  • - TEAC Trial (Trolox Equivalent Antioxidant Capacity, or Antioxidant Capacity as Trolox Equivalents)
  • - DPPH assay (2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrilhydrazil).

There is a consensus that to characterize the antioxidant activity of a food, the ORAC test stands out among all the available assays due to its high sensitivity, precision and reproducibility.

What is the ORAC trial?

Unlike the simple measurement of the content of antioxidants present in a food, the ORAC assay measures the overall activity or capacity of all antioxidants present in a sample to "turn off or neutralize" (scavenging) peroxyl radicals.

The latter are reactive species comparable and therefore relevant to those ROS biologically generated in the body. In the ORAC assay, the peroxyl radicals, generated from the azo-compound AAPH or ABAP ([2,2'-azobis (2-amidinopropane)), react with fluorescein as a substrate, as a result of such a reaction, the fluorescence of this The last compound decreases over time, configuring an area under the curve (fluorescence versus time) When this reaction takes place in the presence of antioxidant compounds, the area under the curve increases linearly and proportional to the concentration of antioxidants.

To act as such, antioxidants must donate either an electron (SET), or a hydrogen atom to them (HAT) free radicals that they are intended to stabilize. The ORAC assay measures the ability of all antioxidants present in a food (or sample of it) to donate hydrogen atoms to the peroxyl radicals. Therefore, the ORAC method quantifies the ability of a food to act as an antioxidant through the HAT mechanism.

The ORAC assay includes the measurement of the contribution made to antioxidant activity by both polyphenols and those compounds of a non-polyphenolic nature present in a given food, and therefore allows to compare the antioxidant activity, ORAC value, of foods that do not necessarily have polyphenols as its main components with those who do. For example, it is possible to compare the ORAC value of a tomato (rich in lycopene but poor in polyphenols) with that of an apple (which is rich in polyphenols but does not contain lycopene).

The ORAC test not only reflects the total content of the antioxidant compounds, but also the additive, synergistic or potentiation interaction resulting from the simultaneous presence of these, resulting in a value that reflects the overall capacity or antioxidant activity of a food .

How is the ORAC value of a sample expressed? The ORAC value is expressed as micromoles of Trolox® equivalents / 100 g of sample. Trolox® is an analogue of vitamin E which, due to its easy solubility in water, is used as a comparison standard.

Since the ORAC method allows us to compare foods of a very diverse nature in terms of their antioxidant richness, the ORAC assay currently represents the most used way to evaluate the antioxidant activity of foods. As such, the ORAC value is the most recognized index at the moment of defining the potential contribution that the consumption of a food could imply to the antioxidant capacity of our organism.

Although the confidence that has around the values ​​of antioxidant activity generated through the use of the ORAC method is derived, to a large extent, from the high sensitivity, precision and reproducibility of the method, it is clear that to ensure such characteristics the test it must be executed by a laboratory that is equipped not only with an adequate instrumentation that allows its automation, but also, that ensures compliance with the standardized analytical protocol of the method.

To find a complete list of ORAC antioxidant activity values ​​of fruits produced and / or consumed in Chile, visit our section " Antioxidant Database ".

How does the ORAC method differ from other methods of determining antioxidant activity? While other methods, such as TEAC and DPPH, also evaluate the ability of antioxidants in a sample to "quench or neutralize" a free radical, both TEAC and DPPH use free radicals as molecules that differ completely from any free radical or Reactive species generated by our organism. While in the first case the radical cation ABTS • + is used, in the second the radical DPPH • is used. Although the high stability of both radicals makes their use simpler, the same condition places the TEAC and DPPH methods as analytical approaches very distant from the high reactivity that typically characterizes ROS normally generated in biological systems. Therefore, the relevance of these methods is frequently questioned. Both methods are usually useful to perform a "ranking of antioxidant compounds / preparations" within a batch, experiment or study, but, beyond their technical simplicity, the relatively low sensitivity and reproducibility of both methods limits the desirable possibility of comparing the TEAC or DPPH values.

Can an equality of ORAC values ​​between two different foods suppose equal nutritional value? It is essential to clarify that a possible equality in the ORAC value between one food and another (whether they are of the same nature or not), does not necessarily mean equality in the nutritional value of both. In fact, the latter will be given by the presence (content and type) of numerous nutrients, among others, proteins, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, and micro / macro minerals.

Similarly, an equality in antioxidant activity would not allow an equivalence in the potential benefit that by ingestion of the antioxidants present in these foods would have for human health the indistinct consumption of these. As described in the section " Antioxidants and health: Scientific evidence ", while all polyphenols share their capacity to act as antioxidants, the existence of even small differences in their structures often often result in significant differences in both bioavailability (absorption and subsequent availability of these in the blood) as in the biological action profile of said compounds (since they act not only as free radical scavengers).

Why is it important to measure and label the polyphenol content and ORAC value in Foods?
In our country, warned of the excellent disposition that consumers also have to opt for products in which the presence of antioxidants stands out, several companies actively promote the consumption of products that, although they do not certify their content and antioxidant activity, label them as "Rich in antioxidants." Examples of the latter are certain brands of tea, coffee and beers that claim to be "naturally rich in antioxidants", as well as certain brands of mineral waters and other beverages that, after the addition of antioxidants to their formulation, are also generally promoted. as "drinks with antioxidants." According to the opinion of experts in the area of ​​antioxidants, in order to continue advancing seriously in the promotion of the consumption of foods rich in antioxidants, it is essential to distinguish between those products whose marketing "simply claims to have antioxidants ..." and those in which " the content of these is sustained and quantitatively described in its labeling ". Increasingly, certain actors of the national industry have already become aware of the latter, endorsing through independent analysis the content and antioxidant activity in the label of some of their products. Examples of the latter are certain chocolates made by important companies in the food industry, such as Costa-Carozzi and Nestlé, which, because they are made with a high content of cocoa, are currently duly and validly marketed as "sources of natural antioxidants". Similarly, companies such as Corpora Tresmontes have also validated the PFT content and the ORAC antioxidant activity of their Livean-Antiox® powder juice products, which incorporate green tea extracts as a source of natural antioxidants. In order to have complete certainty about the real and continuous presence of a value of total polyphenols and ORAC in a given product, it is essential that it has the backing of its regular analysis and / or certification.

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Throughout these last two decades, antioxidants have come to be considered from "simple free radical scavengers" (decade of the 90's) to "molecules whose consumption would be synonymous with health" (last decade). Three aspects have had a major impact on this conceptual transition:

Firstly, the recognition that oxidative stress, understood as "imbalance between the speed of production and the speed of free radicals removal", constitutes a common denominator and causal factor of some of the chronic noncommunicable diseases (CNCD) that currently more affect the world population, that is, cardiovascular, tumor and neurodegenerative pathologies (Figure I).

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CoQ10 (Coenzyme Q10) Antioxidant Supplement - 200mg - Supports Heart Health & Energy Production, Fertility, Anti-Aging. All Natural Safe & Effective for Men & Women

A second aspect that has helped to build the aforementioned conceptualization around antioxidants, is the experimental recognition that -in animal models of pathologies associated with oxidative stress- the administration of antioxidants not only inhibits the onset of oxidative stress, but also it also delays and / or prevents the development of some of the ECNT associated with this condition (Figure II).

Finally, a third type of observation that has prompted the assumption that "the consumption of antioxidants is synonymous with health", is the accumulation of evidence -mainly the epidemiological type- that the relative risk (RR) of development and / or death by ECNT as mentioned above correlates inversely with the intake of foods rich in antioxidants (such as fruits and vegetables) by the population.

As it is included in the section "Antioxidants in food: main sources and contents" , within our diet, fruits and vegetables stand out among the foods that concentrate the most and contribute antioxidants to our body. While fruits and vegetables are true vectors of: antioxidant vitamins, carotenoids and polyphenols, from a nutritional point of view, only antioxidant vitamins (C, E, and pro-A), and not polyphenols, are really essential.

Antioxidant vitamins and relative risk of ECNT development . Based on its essentiality, and epidemiological evidence that shows that a higher consumption of "foods rich in antioxidant vitamins" is associated with a lower incidence of certain NCDs, in the early 90's, and as a way to reduce the relative risk (RR) of development of such diseases (mainly cardiovascular and tumor), a series of intervention studies were initiated in which the diet of some sub-populations under study with high doses of antioxidant vitamins was supplemented. Today, after almost two decades since the beginning / execution of this type of research, it is possible to affirm that among all the controlled clinical studies, with the exception of a few, the majority leads to the conclusion that "there is still no scientific evidence that merit the use of supplements with high doses of antioxidant vitamins as a way to reduce the RR of development and / or death by ECNT. "

In a manner consistent with the above, at present, most international entities (eg IARC , WCRFI , AHA ) linked to health promotion and / or conservation refrain from recommending the use of high-dose supplements. of antioxidant vitamins as a way to prevent the development of ECNT. Furthermore, recently, through the use of meta-analysis (a powerful statistical technique that allows us to jointly analyze studies that produce results that do not necessarily coincide), it has been suggested that until now, a part of the studies carried out has not only failed to support the "promise that supplements with high doses of antioxidant vitamins would reduce the RR of developing ECNT", but, contrary to expectations, in certain groups of individuals, the consumption of such preparations could increase this risk and affect an increase of mortality. Consequently, the only recommendation of consumption that, up to now can be made, and that is clear from the available scientific evidence, is to increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables, and especially those that concentrate more antioxidants.

It should be mentioned, however, that the supplements may be of clear use when, based on professional diagnoses, they are prescribed to individuals who show an established lack and / or deficiency of said vitamins.

Polyphenols and relative risk of ECNT development . It should be clarified that the results of intervention studies with supplements based on high doses of antioxidant vitamins referred to above do not imply that antioxidant vitamins, being present in fruits and vegetables, will not play an important role in the benefits for the health that are strongly associated with a greater consumption of this type of food.

Along with being a good source of antioxidants, some fruits and vegetables are also a good source of other vitamins, fibers, numerous micro- and macro-minerals, and a wide range of phytochemicals (bioactive compounds of plant origin). ). Within the framework of the hypothesis that states that "the health benefits associated with the consumption of fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants are primarily related to the contribution of antioxidants that suppose the consumption of such foods", it is worth asking: What others? antioxidant compounds could be attributed the health benefits associated with increased consumption of fruits and vegetables?

Due to its abundance and its recognized bioactivity, among the phytochemicals present in fruits and vegetables, polyphenols stand out. Although some of these compounds possess, among others, anti-inflammatory, vasodilator, antiplatelet-antiplatelet, antimutagenic and antimicrobial properties, within the framework of the hypothesis that involves oxidative stress as a causal factor of ECNT development, the antioxidant property they exhibit all polyphenols, and that allows them to oppose the action of free radicals and other reactive species, has emerged as the most important to explain the health benefits of consuming foods rich in these compounds.

The "molecular logic" of the latter lies in the recognition that by contrasting the action of reactive species, polyphenols prevent or delay the occurrence of oxidative stress within cells and thereby reduce the speed with which various biological targets They are oxidized. As has happened with antioxidant vitamins, several studies have attempted to support the hypothesis that high levels (of intake and) of plasma polyphenols (particularly flavonoids) correlate inversely with the RR of development and / or death by various NCDs. Although numerous experimental studies support this type of assertion, it is currently considered that the validity of the observed correlations would be obligatorily associated with the level of intake of foods rich in this type of polyphenols, particularly fruits and vegetables rich in such compounds.

From a mechanistic point of view, how could the polyphenols present in fruits and vegetables protect against the development of cardiovascular diseases?

The hypothesis that unites polyphenols with the prevention of cardiovascular diseases is part of the oxidative theory of atherosclerosis. This postulates that the oxidation of cholesterol and the unsaturated lipids present in the native LDL particle (low density lipoprotein whose function is to transport cholesterol), which takes place mostly in the subendothelial space, represents a key event in the development (pathogenesis) of atherosclerosis (Figure III). Although the main antioxidant present in the LDL particle is vitamin E, other antioxidants (such as certain carotenoids) are also present in the particle, although in lower concentrations.

Oxidation of LDL in vivo (in the circulation) is initiated by the action of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species generated primarily by endothelial cells (which line the inner walls of blood vessels) and by monocytes (a type of white blood cell). ) / macrophages that infiltrate this area. The hypothesis of oxidative modification, states that oxidized LDL (LDLox) is subsequently captured by "scavenger" receptors present in macrophages that are found in the subendothelium of the affected arteries. This process results in massive uptake of LDLox, determining the transformation of macrophages in so-called foam cells (loaded with LDLox and numerous other products of oxidation), which make up the main components of the atheroma plaque. In addition to promoting the formation of foam cells, LDLox has direct chemotactic effects on monocytes and stimulates the binding of these cells and other leukocytes to the endothelium. The LDLox is also cytotoxic for the vascular cells, increasing the injury-endothelial dysfunction, perpetuating the inflammatory focus and promoting the progression of the atherosclerotic lesion. Finally, oxidized LDL alters the endothelial production and bioavailability of nitric oxide (see below, NO ), which manifests as an alteration of endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation.

Several studies, carried out both in vitro and in vivo in relevant experimental models, indicate that many of the aforementioned processes (such as LDL oxidation and atheroma formation) can be delayed and / or inhibited in the presence, either by addition and / or administration, of antioxidant compounds. For example, it has been observed that polyphenols are capable of retarding and / or preventing the oxidation of LDL in vitro, in both non-cellular systems (isolated native LDL exposed to pro-oxidant conditions) and cellular, and that they manage to do the same in vivo, when administered to animals that serve as a model of atherosclerosis (eg, rodents genetically predisposed to develop it, and / or in animals fed atherogenic diets). It has also been observed that, in vivo, the direct administration (or via dietary supplementation) of high doses of certain polyphenols (and / or extracts or mixtures of these) can also be effective, not only in retarding the oxidation of LDL, but in addition, in preventing various pro-inflammatory and inflammatory phenomena that typically accompany the oxidative and cellular damage that precedes, accompanies and / or leads to the formation of atheromas.
It should be clarified, however, that the mechanism through which polyphenols would promote such effects is not necessarily limited to the recognized ability they have to interact directly as reactive species catchers. In fact, the relatively low plasma and tissue concentrations (in tissues) that are usually reached after the intake of foods rich in these compounds has led to the statement that, in vivo, the antioxidant action of polyphenols would, quite possibly, be exerted on Through mechanisms that involve (via signal transduction) a modulation of the expression of those genes that code for the synthesis of proteins whose activity involves controlling the production and / or removal of the reactive species involved in the oxidation processes that underlie the development of cardiovascular diseases, including atherosclerosis.

For example, certain polyphenols can be opposed to oxidative stress by inducing the expression of genes encoding the synthesis of antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione-S-transferase, glutathione reductase, and sulfoxy-methionine reductase. For this purpose (di novo synthesis) of the polyphenols could be added the capacity of other polyphenols to induce the synthesis of tripeptide glutathione, the main water-soluble antioxidant of cells. Low concentrations of some polyphenols are also capable of inhibiting the expression, synthesis and / or activity of certain pro-oxidant enzymes, involved in the generation of reactive species, such as NADPH-oxidase, xanthine oxidase and myeloperoxidase. It is quite possible that under in vivo conditions, both types of action, induction of (gene expression), the synthesis of antioxidant enzymes and inhibition of synthesis of pro-oxidant enzymes, contribute to control the formation and action of those reactive species acting on biological targets such as LDL, and other targets that in the framework of oxidative theory would be key in the development of atherosclerosis (and other cardiovascular diseases) where oxidative stress plays an important role.

As mentioned above, along with its oxidative nature, atherosclerosis is a disease that comprises a series of events of an inflammatory nature. One of the first pro-inflammatory events associated with the development of this is the recruitment of monocytes from the blood to the sub-endothelial space. This event depends on the expression of adhesion molecules by vascular endothelial cells (such as MCP-1 or monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, and ICAM-1 or intercellular adhesion molecule, involved in the binding of monocytes to the vascular endothelium). Several studies indicate that several of the polyphenols found in fruits and vegetables have anti-inflammatory properties, inhibiting either the production and / or secretion of such molecules and / or the activity of pro-inflammatory enzymes, such as COX-cyclo-oxygenase. 2 and myeloperoxidase. Such anti-inflammatory actions are observed in vitro at concentrations of certain polyphenols that are comparable to those achieved in vivo in the plasma of subjects who have been subjected to diets rich in antioxidants. Indeed, several studies conducted in animal models of atherosclerosis indicate that the sustained administration of certain polyphenols promotes an anti-inflammatory effect that at the vascular level would be relevant for the prevention of the formation of atheromas.

On the other hand, it is known that the oxidative and inflammatory events that affect the vascular endothelium, being sustained over time, are conducive to the loss of the function that the endothelial-vascular cells have to regulate the vascular tone (that is, the degree of contraction or relaxation exhibited by the smooth muscle surrounding the blood vessel). When the endothelium is "dysfunctional" it not only loses its capacity to regulate vascular tone, but also its anti-thrombotic properties (that is, its capacity to produce and release molecules that inhibit the formation of thrombi or clots) and its antiadhesive properties. leukocytes and platelets. The events of oxidative, inflammatory and atherogenic nature that affect the endothelial cells are accompanied, and in turn lead to a "loss of the capacity of the arteries to increase vascular tone". Such loss of function translates into a diminished responsiveness to the occasional need to increase blood flow to a given tissue / organ. The above is part of a global condition that affects the vascular endothelium referred to as "endothelial dysfunction" (ED). ED, when presented before the development of atherosclerotic lesion, is interpreted as an incipient marker of subclinical cardiovascular disease, and is considered to represent the "link that unites the risk factors-arterial hypertension and dyslipidemias-with atherosclerosis".

Platelet aggregation is one of the first steps in the formation of a blood clot. After its formation, it can occlude a coronary or cerebral artery, resulting in a myocardial infarction or cerebrovascular accident, respectively. In this regard, it is worth noting the existence of abundant literature (studies in both experimental animals and human volunteers) that shows the ability of certain different polyphenols, and certain foods rich in such compounds, to inhibit platelet aggregation. This effect is potentially important since it is considered that the inhibition of platelet aggregation is an effective strategy in the prevention of various cardiovascular diseases. In this regard, the practice of recommending the consumption of low doses of acetylsalicylic acid (or aspirin) as a way to reduce the likelihood of platelet aggregation is widely known.

The vascular endothelium has the ability to produce and release vasoactive molecules capable of inducing relaxation of the blood vessel, increasing blood flow. Among these molecules, nitric oxide ( NO • ) stands out. Although NO • is a free radical, its biological reactivity is very low, and as such does not induce biological damage. The synthesis of NO • occurs through the enzyme nitric oxide synthase (NOS) that from the amino acid L-arginine produces NO • and L-citrulline (requiring NAD (P) H as a cofactor and oxygen). When NO • is produced by vasculo-endothelial cells it rapidly diffuses to smooth muscle cells (which surround the blood vessels in the first), where the activation of the enzyme guanylate cyclase induces the production of cGMP (cyclic guanosine monophosphate) . Through a cascade of events, the increase in cGMP results in a relaxation effect of the vessel's musculature. The production of endothelial nitric oxide also inhibits adhesion and platelet aggregation, which results in a lower likelihood of clot formation in the blood. Several studies conducted both in experimental animals and in human volunteers show that the intake of foods rich in certain polyphenols (see below) produces an increase in endothelial production of NO • and through it, a significant vasodilation.

From a cardiovascular health point of view, a vasodilation induced by the consumption of certain foods could be particularly beneficial in individuals who exhibit an incipient degree of endothelial dysfunction (and in those who show a moderate degree of arterial hypertension). It should be clarified that not all polyphenols promote this vasodilatory effect. Particularly effective are cocoa catechins (and products such as bitter chocolate that have a cocoa content, at least over 60% and a proven high concentration of such polyphenols).

Both the oxidation of LDL and the accumulation of foam cells in the subendothelium, leading to the formation of atheromatous plaques, constitute events that take place normally and continuously throughout our lives. However, the process of forming atheromas is accelerated under conditions in which the rate of generation of reactive species exceeds the speed with which our organism is opposed to the generation and / or action of such species. Along with reducing the intake of those foods that accelerate the process of formation of atheromas (those rich in cholesterol and saturated fat), it is possible to delay these processes by increasing the intake of those foods that concentrate more and provide antioxidants to the body. Indeed, numerous clinical trials and epidemiological evidence show an inverse association between the intake of foods rich in antioxidants (particularly in polyphenols) and the relative risk shown by the populations studied to develop clinical manifestations of atherosclerosis and the morbidity and mortality associated with said atherosclerosis. disease.

Soon, the site will incorporate information that aims to answer questions such as the following: What are the clinical evidences that most support the approach that a greater consumption of fruits and vegetables rich in polyphenols would protect my cardiovascular health? Can consumption of dark chocolate be beneficial to my health? Is the consumption of green tea effective to protect my health against diseases associated with oxidative stress? We already appreciate your eventual interest in these topics.