Friday, January 11, 2019

5 ways to clean your ass on trips

5 ways to clean your ass on trips

During your travels around the world you will have to clean your ass on numerous occasions, and you will be amazed with the multitude of ways to do it that you will find depending on the country in which you are.

I've always said that starting around the world for India was a total success. I could name you several reasons, but the main one is that India tanned me in such a way that everything that came after was always much easier, for example in terms of cleaning my ass.

I know that the topic may be a bit scatological, but it is what you have, or do you think that while you are traveling you will not shit? Someone had to tell you about it some day, so here I am to explain 5 ways to clean your ass on trips :

[2nd Generation] Portable Travel Bidet by GUSTYLE, IPX6 Waterproof Electric Bidet Sprayer with Automatic Decompression Film and Nozzle 180 Degree Adjustment (140ml)
[2nd Generation] Portable Travel Bidet by GUSTYLE, IPX6 Waterproof Electric Bidet Sprayer with Automatic Decompression Film and Nozzle 180 Degree Adjustment (140ml)

1. The hole and the water bucket (India)

lavabo_china As I was saying, I started the tour around the world in India and after spending a couple of days in Delhi I went to the mountains of Himachal Pradesh, specifically to a town called Pulga. More than a town, it was a small village in which an Irish friend of mine named Nicole had been settled for some time. It was a good idea to escape from the heat and humidity of India in the month of August and protect yourself at the foot of the Himalayas. Logically it was a recommendation from Nicole, an expert in moving around India. Also, since I had planned to tour the country for a couple of months, it was best to adapt to new ways of doing things in a calm and relaxed environment.

Shortly after arriving at Pulga, staying in a kind of cabin belonging to a family that lived in the village, like any other neighbor, it was time to visit the bathroom. After following the signs, about 50 meters from where the cabin was located, I found a door. I opened it and in front of me they expected a simple hole and a bucket of water to help me meet my needs as hygienically as possible. Just like that, do what you have to do and use the water and your hand.

Some time later I discovered that in India, men greet each other with their left hands. It was not necessary for anyone to explain to me why.

2. The water gun (Thailand)

After 2 and a half months traveling through India I arrived in Bangkok and in a way I had a kind of feeling of returning to civilization. I am a lover of India, but it is a real chaos. Thailand had a lot of surprises in store for me, including their water guns.

It is a kind of hose located right next to the toilet that will help you get rid of the remains that you did not manage to undo during your voluntary efforts. I found a really sophisticated and refreshing system to clean your ass.

3. The water gun and the shower (Thailand)

At Koh Tao, I think I got to perfect the art of shit and go out purely unsullied after completing the task. During the 3 weeks I was on the island I stayed in a bungalow whose bathroom I estimate would be just over 2 square meters. The shower was composed of a simple tap attached to the wall about 2 meters high; there was no curtain or anything like that, so when showering, the water flooded every corner of the bathroom.

One day, when I was sitting with myself in the toilet, it occurred to me to start the shower to fight the tremendous tropical heat that made my efforts difficult; The "cagada-refrescante" was born, one of the greatest innovations in body hygiene: it cleans the outside while cleaning inside.

4. The conventional method (Australia)

After spending four months in Asia touring countries such as India, Cambodia, Nepal and Thailand, I arrived in Australia and without even realizing it, I tried to haggle with the supermarket cashier.

It was clear that I needed a couple of days to readjust and adapt to the new (?) Ways of doing. But there was someone who would help me quickly re-locate myself in known terrain: the roll of toilet paper.

Yes, after 4 months between buckets and water guns I was cleaning my ass again as I had done my whole life. Arriving in Australia was like coming home.

5. Toilet paper and basketball (South America)

After 6 months (4 months in Asia and 2 more traveling through Australia and New Zealand) I arrived in South America, specifically in Chile. Fuck, I wanted to speak in Spanish and be able to communicate without complications. Everything was familiar to me. At last he was going to be able to shit in peace. Well, there was still one last modality to discover in terms of what to clean your ass: instead of throwing toilet paper in the toilet you have to dispose of it in a bin. Well, nothing, shit and play basketball.



It is an amazing product that is easily installed to ALL TYPE OF INDORO, as a Bidet for a complete intimate hygiene with water under pressure and is designed to make its use very simple, comfortable and safe. Once in your toilet, simply lower your right hand and turn the knob to the desired water pressure and a jet is released from the sprinkler that is inside the toilet, washing with great precision and safety intimate areas from his body.

SmarterFresh Portable Bidet Sprayer, Improved Travel Bidet Bottle for Hand Bidet Use - Portable Bathroom for Personal Bidet Spray, No Air Lock Bottom Wiper Bottle
SmarterFresh Portable Bidet Sprayer, Improved Travel Bidet Bottle for Hand Bidet Use - Portable Bathroom for Personal Bidet Spray, No Air Lock Bottom Wiper Bottle


Dear friend, in Peru more and more diseases in Adults are related to the gastrointestinal and genitourinary functions; such as: Hemorrhoids, constipation, urinary tract infections, gastrointestinal cancer, prostatitis, vaginitis, infections and gynecological problems, many of these due to poor evacuation habits and intimate hygiene.

Doctors report that inadequate genital hygiene has been one of the causes of vaginal diseases and infections which can jeopardize pregnancy during pregnancy and even cause female infertility. This is not a minor fact, as vaginal infections are becoming more frequent and pose a greater risk to the reproductive health of women and even their sexual partners.

Such is the case of bacterial vaginosis, which is one of the main causes of premature births and, in general, 15% of women suffer from this problem. Intimate hygiene in conditions such as Hemorrhoids is very important. After each evacuation it is always necessary to wash the area with water.
The bad dietary habits of the Peruvian population increase the incidence of this disease. Currently, 7 out of 10 adults over 50, at all socioeconomic levels, have Hemorrhoids.

"Small changes in our hygiene habits can greatly improve our health"
Toilet paper is not sufficient for daily Hygiene and many of the diseases and infections could be avoided by simply acquiring the habit of cleaning with water from the genito-anal area.

The crisis of diseases that circulate in our country and in the world has made clear to us the imperative need to take care of our hygiene and that of our family. Hygiene must be recognized as a defense against possible health problems and a basis for safety and social acceptance. It is important to preserve a hygiene culture to avoid diseases and infections, emphasizing the Intimate Hygiene of the whole Family.

TOTAL Satisfaction Guarantee

Install the MICRO BIDET PORTABLE in your toilet and if you think that it is not worth what you have paid for it, please do not use it and send it requesting that you want the total refund of your money and you will get the immediate refund of your money.

There is absolutely no risk on your part. The burden of fulfilling what is promised rests on our shoulders. Although we are sure that the products will perfectly meet your expectations.

They created a portable bidet for emergencies ... it's with a bottle!

They created a portable bidet for emergencies ... it's with a bottle!

Lovers of the open air or extensive trips, usually find a difficulty for their hygiene. For that reason, two Spaniards created a portable bidet that consists of a "cap" that when inserted in a bottle, allows to throw water to be cleaned.

The portable bidet works with plastic bottles.
In their bathrooms, Argentines have something that is not in everyone. The bidet, is one of the elements that are most missed abroad, and although it was invented in 1700 by French, did not expand in all countries.

Fresh Buzz Premium 650ml Portable Travel Bidet Bottle With an Extendable Curved and Guieded Nozzle For Compact Storage and Convenient Spraying, Comes With a Carrying Case
Fresh Buzz Premium 650ml Portable Travel Bidet Bottle With an Extendable Curved and Guieded Nozzle For Compact Storage and Convenient Spraying, Comes With a Carrying Case

After its creation, the bidet became an icon of Italian hygiene, and its name means "little horse" or "pony" because to use it you have to sit with your legs apart, just like riding a horse.

The popularity of the bidet, made it become an indispensable element in many bathrooms, and that is why it is often strange when you decide to enjoy days outdoors. For this reason, two Spaniards created a portable bidet called "CuloClean", which allows people to clean themselves and not pollute the environment.

The portable bidet consists of a cap that can be installed in a plastic bottle that when tightened throws a jet of water that is used to clean. The creators stressed that the power can be regulated according to the pressure exerted with the bottle.

The creators of the portable bidet, managed to specify the product from a collective financing where more than 900 people made contributions. For this reason, it was reported that, for the moment, "Culo Clean" will only be available for those who participated in the financing campaign and then, it will be available for a value of 5 euros.

The bidet fascinates me

The bidet fascinates me

Yes gentlemen: The bidet fascinates me. It is something that only those of us who live in the Mediterranean, in Latin America, in Japan and in the Middle East have.

It is something that nobody knows what it is for . We all have it but 70% of the Spanish population does not use it. And we often try to find uses without much success: We use it to put our feet in hot water and salt, to support the laptop while we shit, to leave the towels wet, to cut our toenails, to drain the umbrellas, to wash the dog, and when we were little, to pee.

Fresh Buzz Premium 650ml Portable Travel Bidet Bottle With an Extendable Curved and Guieded Nozzle For Compact Storage and Convenient Spraying, Comes With a Carrying Case
Fresh Buzz Premium 650ml Portable Travel Bidet Bottle With an Extendable Curved and Guieded Nozzle For Compact Storage and Convenient Spraying, Comes With a Carrying Case

Well here is the real use of the bidet: It's to clean your ass after you've fucked up .

I know, I know, you have felt that chill that has run down your back, and that is that we are dirty , we are content to spread everything with toilet paper and we forget the subject.

The correct use of the bidet is as follows: After making your own major waters, open the bidet tap with water and decide the temperature with great care (It is important, because the water frozen or burning in your anus can have important consequences). And later, sit lightly on the bidet with your back to the tap. Wash the anal area with your hand, and dry with more toilet paper.

According to personal experiences, it should be a wonderful experience worth repeating over and over again. And then we are the ones who laugh at the Muslims for wiping their asses with their left hands and with water after shitting ... They are the civilized ones!

Investigating the reason why the bidet is not used in the US, I have found answers as intelligent as the following: "It is because in the USA we shower more often than the Europeans and we do not need it. In Latin America they also use it because they have the customs of Europeans " (Today I have a very anti-American day)

Unfortunately in my house we have put a new bathroom, and we have not put bide at my suggestion (my ignorance is very daring), and in my residence there is no bidet. With which, today suddenly a new feeling emerges in me:

I feel like my ass is a bit dirty.

The bidet

The bidet

Let's see, let's start from the fact that everything that affects the human body and goes from the inside out always has a delicate and modest point -the subject of the bidet and the washings, as it could not be less, with greater reason- so there will be I treat this matter with delicacy and tact.

OneRose Portable Bidet Sprayer, Travel Bidet with Handheld Bottle for Personal Hygiene, Peri Bottle, Large Capacity (15.2oz) yet Lightweight
OneRose Portable Bidet Sprayer, Travel Bidet with Handheld Bottle for Personal Hygiene, Peri Bottle, Large Capacity (15.2oz) yet Lightweight

Following the post of the other day in which he mentioned the bide as "a strange element for most countries, especially non-Spanish speaking", an intense debate was generated among those who believed that "the bidet is a key element at home, almost as indispensable as the fridge, the sofa or my husband, "and those who thought -as I, here I am mojo- that it is something in disuse and maybe something reviled.

To support my opinion - actually as little formed in this matter as it can be in the reproduction of the Asian alligator - I dedicated 20 intense minutes to calling by phone (as if it is not going to be screaming) to three reform companies: I will not lie, I ripped the paper from the lamppost. In the three they told me that "we reform kitchen, bathroom and living room in 10 days and with invoice or without invoice, as you prefer, sir". Clarified that my call had a purely statistical objective, now yes, they answered my question: the three agreed that fewer and fewer reforms request to keep the bidet . So, based on this study absolutely lacking in rigor, I reaffirmed myself: the bidet dies.

Go ahead that I understand both those who use the bidet (often or sporadically) and those who do not. Some, the supporters, argue that it is necessary to use it "for hygiene", not understanding how some can avoid using it. And I ask you: do you wash your teeth after eating some potatoes at 1:00 p.m.? Or after coffee at 17:30? And when you eat an energy bar at 18:30? No, right? Only the three times you're supposed to brush and period, huh? Ah!

And if it is for hygiene, I also ask you: do you wash your armpits after the race so that the parking meter does not give you the fine? And after a presentation in front of 12 managers, the CEO and two fellows? Ah, I imagined it. No, right? Why? Because you'll shower when you get home. And that seems to me the key. Actually, if you want to sit on the bidet and splash after having finished "your moves" is fine and is irreproachable , but the TALIBANES DEL BIDÉ (because after reading some comments the other day I realized that they exist), they can not put their hands on their heads and qualify as "a pig" not to use it. Because we're going to see, to this day, all the people I've met have toilet paper in their homes. And they use it. And that's perfectly enough for a few hours.

Another argument to avoid having to use it would be that in other countries (the majority) it does not even exist . In what role does that leave the rest of the world? Are they all piggy but us, the chosen ones? Do not the Dutch have enough to call themselves "tulips" or the French to have other French neighbors and also to criticize them for not having a bidet? A little empathy, please, gentlemen.

Also, I want to add a series of reasons why I , personally, DO NOT use a bidet :

  • - Because of laziness.
  • - Because I imagine myself there, sitting, with my legs half open but pulling quadriceps, and I feel embarrassed
  • - Lack of time
  • - Because I have to wait 10 minutes each time for hot water to come out, and I am very aware of the environment for such waste.
  • - Because it's uncomfortable
  • - Because I do not have

Alternative uses to an already installed bidet:

  • - To wash your feet in summer
  • - To wash clothes that fade
  • - To buy the seafood in October and raise it until Christmas yourself
  • - For this girl to play with her little frogs and the one on the right to wash her little pig.

At the end of this brief essay on the bide, I leave a couple of questions in the air : How is the towel theme managed? Is it used the same as in the shower? Do you dry there, everything, to death, below and such, and then hang it back on the towel rack as if it were something? What happens if the bidet and shower are in different bathrooms? Do you take the towel around the house hanging around your neck like in the pools? What if you forget in the other bathroom? Do not you use a bidet that day?

One last question: How does one feel in the bidet? Looking at the trickle or the other way around? And in any case, who says it? Has anyone ever seen instructions for a bidet? And finally, if I visit a friend's house (or worse, a friend) and I feel like going to the bathroom, if they have a bidet, am I obliged to use it when I finish? Do I have to ask for a towel by the time I finish? Or already if that dried me with toilet paper?

And ending, and so that I do not blame criticism but not provide solutions (very politician this, by the way), I openly propose the replacement of the bidet with wet wipes . Millions of babies around the world take care of their asses with this method. You can not all be wrong! Of course it would be faster, less cumbersome, more portable and more practical.

CuloClean, a practical cap that turns any plastic bottle into a portable bidet

CuloClean, a practical cap that turns any plastic bottle into a portable bidet

Go pedaling through the mountain and suddenly feel how the intestines are stirring claiming the urgent need to evacuate its contents is an eschatological experience that not a few cyclists have experienced in their own flesh. The problem arises when, after doing the necessities in the mountain, it is time to cleanse your butt. CuloClean is a practical adaptable stopper that turns the vast majority of plastic bottles into a portable bidet with which to clean the noble parts after the task, as if it were a Japanese WC.

Portable Travel Electric Bidet Sprayer with 180? Adjustable Nozzle and Water's Velocity Control, for Personal Care, Disability, Traveling, Outdoors, Postoperative
Portable Travel Electric Bidet Sprayer with 180? Adjustable Nozzle and Water's Velocity Control, for Personal Care, Disability, Traveling, Outdoors, Postoperative

At TodoMountainBike: CuloClean, a practical cap that turns any plastic bottle into a portable bidet
CuloClean, an ingenious plug to enjoy a jet of water at any time and anywhere.

As its name suggests, CuloClean has been designed to clean your ass, literally, with the help of any plastic bottle filled with water. Apart from this use, very useful if it is the case, CuloClean allows any user to have a jet of water under pressure using a plastic bottle, so it also transforms these containers in a portable shower, in a makeshift hose or in a drinking fountain without having to unscrew the cap (very useful when the drum is lost or forgotten at home and you have to resort to a small bottle), among many other possibilities.

The design of CuloClean is simple but very effective. It is a plastic stopper whose internal part is made up of circles of different diameter topped by a gasket to adapt to the diameter of the great majority of plastic bottles that circulate in the market. The cap is hollow inside and sealed in its upper part, except for a small slit in charge of allowing the flow of liquid when the user squeezes the container, as happens with the hydration cans.

At TodoMountainBike: CuloClean, a practical cap that turns any plastic bottle into a portable bidet
The design of CuloClean, adaptable to most plastic bottles in the market.

CuloClean goes on sale on the Kickstarter financing platform for a price of $ 2 per unit for the first 400 buyers and $ 3 to reach 1,000 units sold. From that point, the recommended price of CuloClean remains at $ 5 per unit (+ $ 3 of shipping costs for Spain), with a delivery date scheduled for November 2018.

Why Most People Do not Have a Bidet

Why Most People Do not Have a Bidet

  •     Bidets are common in certain parts of Europe, South America, the Middle East and Japan, although they have not become popular in the United States.
  •     The first bidets required that the hand be used to directly wash the genitals; People in the United States have traditionally been conservative in this area and would probably prefer the "protection" of the sanitary paper between the genitals and the hands
  •     During the Second World War, it is likely that US soldiers saw bidets in French brothels (and, perhaps they did not see them anywhere else), which spread the idea that they were "dirty" or "immoral"
  •     According to Kohler, the largest manufacturer of bidets in the United States, bidets are becoming more popular in the country, especially among the elderly and in the "luxury" bathrooms of higher quality
  •     The bidets offer greater hygiene, are more delicate with the skin and are better for the environment, than the sanitary paper; With bidet seats, you can even install one in your current bathroom

SORBO Portable Travel Electric Bidet Sprayer, Handheld Personal Bidet with 180? Adjustable Nozzle for Kids, Elders, Female, Outdoor, Disability, Postoperative Nursing Pink (Without Battery)
SORBO Portable Travel Electric Bidet Sprayer, Handheld Personal Bidet with 180? Adjustable Nozzle for Kids, Elders, Female, Outdoor, Disability, Postoperative Nursing Pink (Without Battery)

If you live in the United States, it is very likely that your bathroom does not have a bidet. However, if you travel to certain parts of Europe, South America, the Middle East or Japan, bidets are common, and people in these places would not like to use anything else.

For those who are not familiar with how they work, the appearance of a bidet is similar to that of a toilet, but is designed to help you wash after using the bathroom. Most modern bidets have one or more spouts that spray water, which allows you to sit astride the appliance, for a cleaning far superior to that of sanitary paper.

In fact, the word "bidet" comes from the robust French pony with the same name. It got its name because the position that is taken on the bidet is very similar to the one that is made when riding on the horse.

Currently, there are much better and easier to use bidets (which can be placed on a regular toilet) and bidet toilets, which are like a toilet and a bidet in one (a hose with shower, under the seat, sprinkles water).

Bidets are much cheaper to buy and install and, although you could find some luxury that sell for $ 1500, there are many much less than $ 100 (and do not need a plumber). For me, they are an essential part of my hygiene.

In fact, one of the things I miss most when traveling is access to my bidet, so I always bring a portable one with me during the trip (which is similar to a plastic spray bottle, but it is much easier to direct the flow of water with her).

The bidets are easy to use, hygienic, delicate with the skin and good for the environment ... so, why have people in the United States not adopted this form of personal hygiene?

Why Bidets Are Not Popular in the United States

There are a variety of theories about why bidets are not popular in the United States, as they are in other countries. It is said that the artifact originated in France at the beginning of the 18th century. At that time, the bidet was, basically, a bowl full of water, with which you could splash water with your hand.

Around 1750, a manual pump was added that allowed to spray the water upwards. 1 Thus was born the modern bidet. According to Today I Found Out: 2

    "The modern toilet that looks like a toilet developed in the 19th century and the popular bidet came into being in the 1960s, at the time when the American Arnold Cohen invented one of the most popular ...

    In the 80's, the modern seat was improved with the creation of "washle" '(toilet with shower). Thanks to hoses with sprinklers that release jets of water and are controlled remotely, and the end with a hot air dryer, the washlet is extremely popular, particularly in Japan.

    So, why do not people in the United States use it? After all, if there was fecal matter in any other part of his body, he would not clean it with toilet paper and would terminate it. Why would it be different with your ass? "

The most plausible theories about why people in the United States prefer to live without a bidet are: 3

    History: In the eighteenth century, the British despised the French aristocracy (who were among the first to promote the use of the bidet). When the first settlers arrived in the United States, they probably brought this opinion with them.
    World War II: During this war, it is likely that US soldiers have seen bidets in French brothels (and, perhaps they did not see them anywhere else), which spread the idea that they were "dirty" or "immoral" "
    Conservatism: The first bidets required that the hand be used to clean the genitals directly. Traditionally, people in the United States have been conservative in this area and would probably prefer the "protection" of toilet paper between the genitals and the hands (in fact, the United States was so conservative, that the films did not show that a toilet was discharged until 1960, with the feature film Psycho). 4

Are Bidets Winning Popularity?

According to Kohler, the largest manufacturer of bidets in the United States, yes, especially among the elderly. 5 If you have arthritis or are not very stable when standing (which means you may have difficulty bathing regularly or even turning a little to clean yourself properly in the bathroom), a bidet could provide excellent personal hygiene.

There is also a theory that using a bidet could help prevent infections in the urinary tract, due to increased cleanliness, and this is another reason why they are gaining popularity in the elderly population.

But this is not all. Other people in the bathroom industry say that bidets are becoming fashionable as a luxury ... a way to improve the last "bulwark" that had not raised its status: the toilet. 6

Certainly, you can find bidets, bidet toilets and bidet seats with many spa-like luxuries, from digital temperature controls and "precision" hot air dryers, to caps that activate with movement.

How Much Was Waste Paper?

If the idea of ​​greater freshness and less irritation does not appeal to you, consider this: Each year, people in the United States use about 8 million tons of toilet paper 7 and forests are destroyed to keep pace with this demand. As reported by the Council for the Defense of Natural Resources (NRDC, for its acronym in English): 8

    "The major paper producers are forcing the destruction of the continent's most active forests as the habitat of innumerable wild species in the process has been devastated.

    Instead of making better use of materials, such as recycled post-consumer fiber and agricultural waste, to meet the growing demand for toilet paper, hand towels and other disposable paper products, these companies buy virgin pulp from suppliers that go deep into the forests of North America in search of timber, from northern Canada, to the southeastern United States. "

If every household in the United States replaced only one roll of virgin fiber toilet paper with one made 100% with recycled fibers, 423 900 trees would be saved. 9 You can also choose to choose the sanitary paper that comes from forests certified by the Forest Stewardship Council.

However, even toilet paper that comes from tree plantations grown especially for this purpose is not a sustainable long-term choice, since these plantations of a single species do not compare with the species-rich forests that have formed a natural habitat for centuries.

In addition to waste, the process of bleaching of sanitary paper causes the creation of cancer-causing chemicals, such as dioxins and furans, which not only reach the air, but also the rivers, the land and the food chain.

Exposure to even low levels of dioxins has been linked to hormonal alternations, damage to the immune system, reduced fertility, birth defects and other reproductive problems.

Are You Missing the "Luxury" of a Bidet?

Obviously, the sanitary paper has not been in use for so long. Prior to its invention, people from all over the world turned to their environment for the best ways to clean themselves and used items that were more practical and more available.

Among these are corn cobs, leaves, coconut shells and handfuls of snow ... although, no, I am not suggesting you try these options (unless you are very willing!)

Using a bidet makes much more sense and pays for itself in a very short time, with the money that would be spent on toilet paper, and will help you save valuable environmental resources, while reducing pollution.

When using a bidet, you may still need one or two sheets of toilet paper to dry (unless yours has a built-in dryer), but this is a tiny fraction of what it would take to clean. You can also do this with reusable rags of flannel pieces, sheets, and even old shirts.

The bidet could be emerging in the United States as a "luxury" item, although, once you try it, you will see it more as a necessity. Most people I know who have tried it, have loved it and only wish it had been obtained earlier.

They invented a portable bidet that can be assembled with plastic bottles

They invented a portable bidet that can be assembled with plastic bottles

Two Spaniards created a "cap" that allows the water to be flushed to be cleaned.

The song says that "traveling is a pleasure that usually happens to us". But there is something that Argentines miss a lot when we walk outside. And if they entered this note it is because they think the same as us: why in most of the world they did not adopt the bidet like the Argentines?

Bio Bidet The Palm TP70 | Handheld Personal Bidet, Portable, On-the-Go, Travel Bidet with 450ML Water Capacity, Extra Long Pointed Nozzle Spray with Travel Bag
Bio Bidet The Palm TP70 | Handheld Personal Bidet, Portable, On-the-Go, Travel Bidet with 450ML Water Capacity, Extra Long Pointed Nozzle Spray with Travel Bag

Although it was invented by the French in 1700, it was subsequently abandoned and transformed into an icon of Italian hygiene. Its name means "little horse" or "pony", because to use it you have to sit with your legs spread, as when riding a horse.

We do not know how it came to our country, but we know that it became an indispensable accessory in many homes in Argentina.

Two Spaniards, lovers of outdoor activities, had an idea to not contaminate the environment with papers when they went on a trip: "CuloClean", a portable bidet that can be installed in any plastic bottle.

It is a stopper that is put in the container. When pressed, sends the water jet used to clean the tail. Simple, effective and ecological. The power can be regulated by managing the intensity with which we press the bottle.

The creators looked for investors in the Kickstarter collective financing platform and got them: more than 900 people contributed a total of 8,766 euros for the project to become a reality.

For now, the "CuloClean" will be available to those who contributed in the collective financing campaign. Afterwards, anyone can buy it for 5 euros. They estimate that they will be shipped in November of this year, since manufacturing started this month.

Guide to use your portable bidet

Guide to use your portable bidet

The portable bidet is the most innovative in terms of personal hygiene, if you do not know how to use it, here we explain how easy it can be to use.

Minimalist models for your bathroom

How to use it correctly?

Take into account that the purpose of the portable bidet is to cleanse after doing the necessities in the bathroom, you can also complement your cleaning with toilet paper, there are many who decide to use both, but you could use only the bidet.

Brondell GoSpa Travel Bidet GS-70 Easy-to-use Portable Bidet with Convenient Nozzle Storage, Travel Bag, 400 ml Capacity, and Angled Nozzle Spray
Brondell GoSpa Travel Bidet GS-70 Easy-to-use Portable Bidet with Convenient Nozzle Storage, Travel Bag, 400 ml Capacity, and Angled Nozzle Spray

Unlike traditional bidets that are located on the wall next to the toilet, it is installed in the toilet seat.

  Example of water ejector

This makes the good thing about the portable bidet is that you should not move once your needs are met, you only need to look for the wash button on the remote control or on the panel that is on the right side of the toilet itself, always depending on the model . Then a nozzle will appear that will eject a jet and voila, you can wash yourself.

Adjust the temperature and strength of the water flow to your liking, you should always keep in mind that there are different levels of pressure for the jet and that you can control it to your liking by means of a knob on the indicator or on the remote control. It is also noteworthy that you must be very careful with the temperature of the water, it is advisable that you open the cold first and then gradually warm it until you find the right temperature for you.

The best thing about this is that you can use it to your liking, but even so the most effective way to cleanse after mobilizing your bowels is to wash it with plenty of water and then with your hand, wetting it too, spend a lot of soap and finish removing all Soap foam with enough water. It does not hurt to say that once this process is finished, you can rinse your hands.

It is also chosen by many to clean the most intimate parts and thus be cooler during the day. When you finish, simply press the "stop" button. In addition, the nozzle is rinsed only and back again inside the seat.
  • portable bidet command section
  • BioBidet Bliss BB2000 actions panel.

Some bidets come with an included dryer making drying easier and saving toilet paper or not having to use a cloth towel.
In case your portable bidet does not have the "dry" option, you can use a small towel exclusively for drying the perineal area or the genitals.

More benefits of the bidet to consider:

The use of this, is of vital help for women in the moments of menstruation to relieve them of the pain of this, eliminate bad smell and avoid or minimize the recurrence of infections such as vaginal candidiasis.

The elderly, the disabled, and the sick can use the bidet to keep clean, since in most cases it can be difficult or dangerous to use the shower every day.

They are ideal for people who suffer from hemorrhoids, leaving aside the use of toilet paper because it irritates them and in some cases hurts them.

These are easier to see in Asia, since it is common in these countries to gain space as a priority.

The reason you have to use the bathroom bidet again

The reason you have to use the bathroom bidet again

It is there and has a purpose. Although it may seem like a useless object of the past, the bidet may have a meaning in our era. We explain why

It is perhaps the most ignored domestic accessory and has been practically excluded from all newly built apartments. On the other hand, many young people and foreigners who rent an apartment that has not been renovated ask themselves what is the utility of that kind of hybrid between toilet and sink that occupies a precious space in a tiny bathroom.

2PCS-Pack Handheld Personal Bidet - Portable Bidet Sprayer- Hand Bidet for Travel Bidet Bottle Easy-to-use with Travel Bag, 450 ml Capacity, and Angled Nozzle Spray,English Maunal (Blue)
2PCS-Pack Handheld Personal Bidet - Portable Bidet Sprayer- Hand Bidet for Travel Bidet Bottle Easy-to-use with Travel Bag, 450 ml Capacity, and Angled Nozzle Spray,English Maunal (Blue)

The bidet is part of the hygiene habits of the citizens of Greece, Italy, Portugal and, of course, Spain, as well as some countries in South America (particularly Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay). The varieties and the advances are not missing either: horizontal jet bidet, vertical jet or inverted shower, portable ...

For its comfortable position, slightly below the knees, some still use it to wash their feet, but forget their original function : cleaning the genitals and anus.

More and more homes are dispensing with the bidet. A step back for hygiene?

One of the reasons why it is no longer used so much is because many men and women prefer to wear their intimate areas completely shaved. The aesthetics of pornography, which has given rise to what in the Anglo-Saxon world is known as spornosexual subjects (a word formed by the mixture of sport, "sport", porn and metrosexual), is the fault of the phenomenon. In addition to the aesthetic motifs, there is also that impression that our pudenda parts are thus more neat. However, if the pubic hair is there, it will be for something.
Following the great bidet apology made by Bigas Luna in his film "Huevos de oro" we are going to give you an argument why you should not remove it from your bathroom. The alarming conclusions of a study are the real cause.

The hair is beautiful

The pubic hair is a natural protector against the entry of pathogens, because it makes it difficult for them to access the urogenital system. It is particularly relevant for women, since the vagina is much wider and more accessible to germs than the male duct. On the other hand, the hair also serves as a buffer of the genital region during intercourse, which being a skin-to-skin act can generate very annoying redness.

Fans of frequent hair removal are often sexually much more active than those who do not give importance to such practice

The pubic hair has, therefore, an important sexual function, and there are very few health benefits that are achieved with its complete elimination.

As also shows a recent research published in the magazine ' Sexually Transmitted Infections ', if pubic hair is suppressed, the risk of venereal diseases ends up shooting up. The small cuts that are formed in the skin are the main reason that lead to increase the chances of infection.
Less hair: more infections

The results are drawn from a survey of more than 7,500 adults in the United States. A country that, no matter how civilized, has no bidets .

Almost three-quarters of the individuals studied recognized that they had shaved or shaved on occasion, which speaks volumes about the importance now given to this part of our body. In particular, 84% of women and 66% of men declared that they had done so. 17% used to perform an extreme hair removal, removing all the hair from that area at least once a month. On the other hand, 22% admitted that they dedicated some time of the week to their care.

Doctors advise not to wax completely. In case cuts appear it is important to wait for the skin to heal

The study also shows the differences between sexes when grooming intimate areas. While men often prefer electric razors, women are more likely to use blades. One out of every five individuals recognizes that they also use the scissors to make some arrangements.

Among those who wax, those who perform a more extreme hair removal are three to four times more likely to get a sexually transmitted disease than those who prefer nature to run its course. In particular, the most contagious diseases are genital herpes and HPV (human papillomavirus).

The study also says that fans of frequent hair removal are often sexually much more active than those who do not give importance to such a practice. Hence perhaps the great aesthetic concern of these subjects.

The only good news for those who love knives and hot wax is that this habit prevents the transmission of lice like the 'pthirus pubis', that is, the famous crabs. Of course, once contracted, hair removal and shaving will not lead to the total extermination of these parasites.

The doctors of the University of California who carried out the investigation advise strongly to always leave some hair , or in the case that it is suppressed and appear cuts in the skin, wait at least for it to be completely cured.

We are not going to end these lines by writing an ode to the pubic hair, but just as everyone plays with their hair, their beards , their eyebrows or their eyelashes to improve their appearance, would not it be better to give a touch of creativity to what we We save for special situations, instead of cutting it flush?

Hygiene goes into the grooming process, and that's where our protagonist of today comes back: the bidet. We know that we are not going to break trends with this article, but we want to remember that the bidet exists and it is a pity that, due to sanitary ignorance, it is in danger of extinction. So we incorporate the bidet in our homes. Let's make your old condition become something vintage or retro.

Is it appropriate or not to use bidet? Myths and truths behind the Argentine "classic" in the bathrooms

Is it appropriate or not to use bidet? Myths and truths behind the Argentine "classic" in the bathrooms

Using the water jet underneath can lead to infections in women due to the bacterial flora that passes into the vagina.

QLav Highest Quality Portable Bidet, Travel Bidet, Personal Bidet, Medical Grade Plastic. 100% Made in USA. More Than Twice the Capacity of Competitors.
QLav Highest Quality Portable Bidet, Travel Bidet, Personal Bidet, Medical Grade Plastic. 100% Made in USA. More Than Twice the Capacity of Competitors.

The debate over the use of the bidet was installed today on the agenda, with opinions both in favor (mostly) and against. Is that the new Building Code of the City of Buenos Aires aims to remove the mandatory status of installing this classic Argentine real estate. But, although many do not believe it, the use of the water jet harms the health of women.

Daniel Ruffolo , obstetrician and gynecologist, explained to Los Andes that the use of bidet leads to infections in women. "A bridge of bacteria is generated between the vagina and the anus, so it is not advisable to use it," he explained. The most common diagnosis is vulvovaginitis , an inflammation or infection of the vulva and vagina that affects women of any age.

The doctor said that many patients come to his office with this type of infection. "The first thing I ask is if they used the bidet. And many times they do not correct the habit and continue with the problems derived from the use of the bidet, "he acknowledged.

He clarified that the infection is not avoided if the bidet is clean : "It has nothing to do with it. It is the bacterial flora itself that contaminates the vagina . " In this sense, she always recommends that patients be hygienic with toilet paper , with portable showers or with other peculiarities that have some bidets.

It is the jet of water that comes out of the back wall, not the one that ejects from below. "They are the new bidets that they use in Europe. We have the old ones, with the classic jet below, "said Ruffolo.

"It's a cultural issue. We use the bidet because they formed us like that, that the girls must wash themselves with the jet of the bidet. The cases are recurrent, no matter how much you meditate, after two weeks it is repeated. What is changing is behavior, "said the specialist.

In spite of the changes promoted in the Federal Capital, in the departments of Mendoza, for now, the installation of the bidet in the bathrooms of the houses is still mandatory.

According to our code, the buildings "must have a bathroom every two bedrooms, the bathrooms must be within the same sector and at the level of the bedrooms, in a place equidistant from the bedrooms they serve." Dimensions: 3.00 m2 of minimum surface area, with a minimum side of 1.20 m, it will have a toilet, sink, bidet and shower ".
Origins and legends of the bidet

The most widespread version states that the bidet was created in France , in the eighteenth century , where women of the nobility used it, too, to cleanse their private parts. In fact, the word "bidet" is of French origin and means "little horse", because to use it you have to ride on the toilet.

The first bidets were mobile and consisted of a wooden frame with a backrest and a lid that concealed a basin of decorated earthenware. In 1750 one appeared with a syringe that sent a rain rising.

The bidet arrived in Argentina around 1880 , when Paris was the cultural mecca for Argentines, explained Jorge Tartarini , director of AySA's Water and Health History Museum, to Clarín.

Fun fact: in Argentina we use the bidet upside down and we check the taps behind our backs to open or close them. "The correct way is looking towards the wall, with the taps in front," Tartarini explained.