Wednesday, January 16, 2019



One important information that the coloproctologist should give to his patient is how to perform an adequate anal hygiene. The anal hygiene is very important for health and to avoid discomfort in this region because waste feces in the anus may cause irritation of the local skin, discomfort, itching and pain.

FTVOGUE Portable Bidet Sprayer Handheld Hand Spray Water Washing Toilet Bathroom Home Travel Use
FTVOGUE Portable Bidet Sprayer Handheld Hand Spray Water Washing Toilet Bathroom Home Travel Use

A soft toilet paper may be used to remove excess stool that may have remained in the anal margin after evacuation and then wash the site.

Normal and dry faeces almost leave no residue. Already soft, liquid stools often remain in the anal canal keeping the anus dirty and causing local irritation.

Whenever you use toilet paper, especially women should pass it from front to back to avoid contact of feces with the genital region.

The skin of the anal region is very sensitive, so we proctologists indicate the specific use of soap for hygiene of the anal region or neutral soap, like glycerin or childish or so of female intimate soaps. Always wash the anal area with plenty of water.

Unable to perform anal hygiene with water, as in many public toilets, a practical alternative and suitable is the use of neutral wipes such as those used to clean babies or specific for intimate hygiene. You can also wet these tissues in water to aid in cleaning. These products are effective in hygiene and do not harm the skin of the anal region.

The answer is no. Products with perfumes and alcohol based are advised against the anal region. In addition to causing local irritation may irritate the skin.

Talc is used in places that can become moist and produce odors. People who sweat a lot in the anal region, can stay with this moist region and favor infections. In these cases, they may benefit from the use of unscented talc for a short period of time. Be careful not to vacuum the talc.

Always remember to wash your hands with soap and water after using the toilet, either after you urinate or after a bowel movement.

The simple act of washing hands is the most effective way to prevent the spread of infections.

Do not be ashamed or afraid to consult a coloproctologist.

If you have any questions or concerns about your anal area, consult your coloproctologist.

Culture around the world shows differences until it's time to clean the butt

Culture around the world shows differences until it's time to clean the butt

You may not remember, but it is very likely that you have cried out a lot in your childhood: "Maha! Come clean me! "With that, the poor woman stopped everything she was doing to pass toilet paper or moist handkerchief on her butt. Since then, you've learned the "right" way to sanitize your ass after making needs, right?

Leoke 3pcs pack hand held muslim shattaf bidet,easy take travel portable bidet,bidet on the go,travel bidet with different size rubber band
Leoke 3pcs pack hand held muslim shattaf bidet,easy take travel portable bidet,bidet on the go,travel bidet with different size rubber band

The problem is that there is no way to say 100% correct. The form of sanitization after defecating varies greatly from culture to culture, and the toilet paper itself is an extremely recent invention. It dates from 1857, in an inspired work of Joseph Gayetty. Rolls of paper were invented only in 1883 and sell 7 trillion units annually in the United States alone!

The use of paper to clean the butt, however, refers back to the 6th century BC! The Chinese already used the material, but by the way it did not get popular until it was reinvented by Gayetty in the 19th century. Meanwhile, the most common way to do the hygiene was through water. Have you ever imagined having to bathe every time you poop? Some people even have this custom, but it's a bit rarer nowadays.

French toilet paper from the 1960s

Other materials

Paper, however, was not the first object used to clean the faeces that stick to the backs of everyone in the world: over the past few centuries, different types of materials have been used for the same purpose. Some were more "natural", such as leaves, corn husks, shells and rocks!

Already other cultures have thought of synthetic materials, such as some types of fabric and even rods to remove the excess. Passing the rod on the butt had no sexual meaning for people who used it for that purpose. Can you imagine?

In Europe and Japan, it is very common to find a bidet next to the toilet to wash the private parts. Some Brazilian homes also have this "seat", but do you know someone who has already used it for this purpose? There in Japan, too, the technology has incorporated the pot and bidet into one place, with warm water spilled on your butt at the push of a button - and you dry yourself with a towel or even an air jet .

Japanese Toilet already does all the dirty work for you

Be careful when greeting

In the Middle East, it is common for bathrooms to have a bucket of water next to the toilet so you can wash your hands. That's because, for there, it's tradition you take away the excess stool with your left hand. So much so that one should never greet someone with that hand in countries with this culture: it can be interpreted as a great offense!

You may find this technique quite disgusting, but remember that it is part of the culture of the region. And it does even well for the planet, you know? The amount of water and energy needed to make a roll of toilet paper is much greater than the amount of water for you to clean your "parts" with the water from the bidet.

Regardless of the technique you use, know that the skin around your anus is quite sensitive - something you should already know. Therefore, never let moisture or leftover stool accumulate. Aside from being very disgusting, this can bring a lot of discomfort if you get baked. If you are a fan of toilet paper, it's worth it to review a classic video of Bem Globo's program, Rede Globo, teaching you how to use it correctly:

You're probably cleaning your ass the wrong way, you know?

You're probably cleaning your ass the wrong way, you know?

Toilet paper is a key piece in every bathroom, and only those who have already been in the grip on seeing the roll had finished know the real importance of this item of hygiene. The problem is that, apparently, toilet paper is more a villain than a good one, you know.

Reizen Washmate Portable Bidet
Reizen Washmate Portable Bidet

Apparently, paper can cause health problems - no wonder the toilet bidet has been so successful and the shower head positioned next to the toilet, created to replace the bidet, is making a big splash around the world.

In relation to paper, we have a potency: while little cleaning can leave the skin contaminated with traces of feces, cleaning too much is a simple way to cause fissures in the anal region and even urinary tract infections.

And now?

For the author of the book "The Big Necessity: The Unmentionable World of Human Waste and Why It Matters," Rose George, the idea is that people are walking around filthy, since cleaning with paper is never enough: "The paper moves poop, but it does not remove it," she said.

As you know that not everyone has a bidet at home or even that it is not possible to install these fixtures in public toilets, George believes that the solution to the problem is to use wet wipes to wipe clean after pooping.

In addition to the hygienic issue of the thing, the use of wet wipes avoids painful anal fissures, which take time to heal and can cause hemorrhoids. It is always worth remembering that one should not clean the anal region in the direction that comes from behind, as this takes fecal material to the urinary tract, which can lead to infections.

What is the best way to cleanse the anus?

What is the best way to cleanse the anus?

One of these days, before I went to sleep, I remembered a conversation we had in a circle of friends, where the subject was toilet paper. A friend defended the idea that toilet paper did not adequately clean the anus, and that such a task that he performed most with praise was the shower.

Mobile buttocks washer porch (portable bidet) [disaster disaster prevention goods emergency toilet article] (japan import)
Mobile buttocks washer porch (portable bidet) [disaster disaster prevention goods emergency toilet article] (japan import)

My dad even said once, "The toilet paper just spreads the ***** by your butt. You should bathe after defecating. " These were not the right words he used, but that was what he meant.

But is the shower really a hygienic way to get rid of ***** micro-particles that get soaked in the butt after a crap?

To try to come to a conclusion on which is the most hygienic way to clean up after evacuating, I will discuss each of the ways I know to do so.

1 - Toilet paper
Toilet paper is undoubtedly the most well-known and used way to perform anal cleansing. They exist in the most varied styles, colors and aromas. Ornamented with small flowers, double or triple leaves, peach aroma, tutti frutti and aloe vera, for all tastes. There is also the generic variant, usually found in public toilets, where the texture resembles a No. 36 sandpaper used by marble growers.

However, in terms of hygiene, the toilet paper really leaves something to be desired. In a stool referring to the steakhouse the night before, the stool usually comes out with a consistency inversely proportional to the easy cleaning of the anus. In this way, when using toilet paper, often the first step really serves to spread the mud through the rest of the butt, where the other passes serve just to repair the dirt made by the first. You pass and spread the ***** throughout the anal region until there are no more traces on the toilet paper; but it does not mean they are not there just because you can not see them.

There is also the complication when the ***** is diarrheic, where you run the risk of puncturing the wet paper of intestinal juice and your finger to meet directly with your anus, and subsequently with your *****.

Actually toilet paper, contrary to what the name suggests, is not a very hygienic way to keep your butt clean.

2 - Shower (what is on the side of the toilet)

This is really a catch. Many of those who underestimate the toilet paper prefer the shower to provide a bath to the newly evacuated anus, unaware that this method also detains their unhygienic particularities.

The method of using the showerhead is quite simple: shit, shove the shower inside the toilet, look at your ass and splash water. Do you really think that's hygienic? Think twice.

As you squirt water toward your anal orifice, the impregnated ***** particles will flutter all over the vazo, along with the water. This implies in your hand and the shower itself to be hit by water and *****. The bad smell of the shower does not come from the unorthodox use of it by users with sexual problems, but from the water full of ***** that comes back in it and stays there. Not to mention that when the water meets its destination orifice, it carries ***** all over its ass, just like toilet paper, but on a smaller scale.

3 - The bidet

The bidet - in disuse nowadays - is very similar to the shower. The difference is that after defecating, you move to the bidet, sit down, turn on the water and adjust it to the location of your anus. The bidet offers the advantage of your hand not being involved in the anal cleansing operation.

I take into account that the bidet, as well as the vazo, is an apparatus developed to really not be hygienic, I believe we can despise the fact that it will have invisible particles of ***** scattered throughout it. Look on the bright side: Unlike the showerhead, you do not have to put your hand on the water spout, just on the tap.

The major drawback of the bidet is actually that you need to get up. In the case of a diarrhea, or even a paste, your buttocks will close when you get up, squeezing what lay there and possibly causing the floor of the bathroom to fall - or the drain on your legs - from some unwanted substance, on the way to the bidet.

4 - The bath

The bath, incredible as it may seem, is the most unhygienic way to clean up after a good evacuation. As I see it, there are 3 ways to clean the tuff in the bath:

- Using the mangueirinha: Much worse than using the private shower. Here, as the flow of water is greater and you will be standing, it is certain that the water with ***** will flow down your legs, to the bathroom floor. Not to mention that time and again you will see considerable fragments of faeces appearing on the bathroom floor as you squirm water in a completely homosexual position. Not to mention, of course, that you also have the disadvantage of the bidet as you had to get up to go to the
Refresh: Of course, you also have the disadvantage of the bidet as you had to get up to go to the shower.

  • - Cleaning with a bushing: Will you use the bushing as toilet paper? Then pass that whole messy ***** device through your body? Thanks! But no, thanks.
  • - Clean by hand: Will you use YOUR HAND as toilet paper?

It really does not feel like a very hygienic solution to wipe yourself from a crap during a shower.

In conclusion, each method of cleaning the anus after a crapper has its particularities in hygiene. None is 100% hygienic as your father or your friends tell you they are. And what may seem more hygienic, not always is, as we can discern in the case of the bath. It all depends on how great the damage is and on the consistency of the material just expelled. Sometimes toilet paper resolves, again with a shower. But in my view, the bidet is undoubtedly the most hygienic way to clean.

How to clean your anus well - 7 steps

How to clean your anus well - 7 steps

Maintaining intimate hygiene is important for our health and well-being. And when it comes to cleansing, the anus may turn out to be a problem area. Sometimes, if it is not well cleaned, the area will have accumulated fecal residues, which can lead to irritations, discomfort and even pain. So, here in we will explain how to clean the anus well to avoid health problems.

Hand Held Bidet Sprayer for Tushy Cleaning| Portable With Buggy Bag| Ultra-Large 450ml Capacity|ABS Non-toxic Imported Plastics |Detachable Nozzle Three Colors| Environmental Elastic Leakage-proof EVA
Hand Held Bidet Sprayer for Tushy Cleaning| Portable With Buggy Bag| Ultra-Large 450ml Capacity|ABS Non-toxic Imported Plastics |Detachable Nozzle Three Colors| Environmental Elastic Leakage-proof EVA

It is important to clean the anus when you make sure that the evacuation is finished, so you do not have to repeat the cleaning again. Take your time, it's even important that you be sure to evacuate everything that had accumulated within you.

Firstly it is recommended to choose a quality toilet paper. This to avoid irritations, sores, discomfort or even hemorrhoids. Choose a soft toilet paper and thick sheet, allowing you to spend less and especially that guarantees gentleness.

It is not necessary to spend the whole roll of toilet paper to clean the anus, much less if it is of good quality. Just pick up about three pieces of paper to begin the procedure. The most correct position to clean the anus is to remain seated, because in this way the reach will be greater.

Take the three pieces of paper and make a fold, leaving room to reuse the cleaned part again. Grip the toilet paper firmly and insert the middle finger slightly into the anal area, thus ensuring that the fecal matter will be removed.

Always wipe from front to back with gentle movements. Never do the opposite, to avoid stool coming into contact with the intimate area. Avoid being brusque so you do not get hurt.

It is important to continue cleaning the anus until the stool remains completely gone. A good way to avoid irritations and discomforts caused by toilet paper is to finish cleaning with special wet wipes for the toilet or those that are normally used for the intimate cleaning of babies. These products are quite effective for cleaning the anus, reducing irritation and discomfort, offering a very deep cleaning and leaves us with a much more pleasant sensation.

Use baby wipes or baby cleansing wipes to clean your anus by eliminating fecal matter altogether.

If you want to do deep rectal cleaning you should use an enema, which is an appropriate object for this type of procedure.

If you suffer from hemorrhoids or if you generally have anal irritation, the most convenient is to use warm soapy water to clean the anus after you evacuate. In this case you should wet the area, wash it thoroughly with soap and using your finger, again by lukewarm water. Repeat the process if necessary.

Thorough cleaning of the anus after evacuation is critical to our health. So take some time, using toilet paper and helping with moist wipes for best results.

Take a look at this article to answer the question: Why do I have an itch in the anus at night?

Clean your butt: you're doing it wrong

Clean your butt: you're doing it wrong

We do it every day, but it is not the practice that leads to perfection. Learn how to clean properly - for the sake of your health and your butt.

Hibbent Portable Bidet Bottle, Palm Hand Held Bidet Shattaf for Personal Hygiene Cleaning and Washing, 3pcs Disposable Waterproof Toilet Seat Cover Included - 21.8oz(620ml) Dark Blue Color
Hibbent Portable Bidet Bottle, Palm Hand Held Bidet Shattaf for Personal Hygiene Cleaning and Washing, 3pcs Disposable Waterproof Toilet Seat Cover Included - 21.8oz(620ml) Dark Blue Color

Inspired by the moment when I turn to his teachings, oh, the oracle, I have a question deep down in every human species: How to clean your ass well?

1. Hit the paper
Choose a soft, thick-leaf toilet paper that yields more, guarantees delicacy and prevents injury. Highlight three pieces and make two folds, leaving room to use both sides of the sheet. Avoid scented paper as some dyes and perfumes can cause allergies.

Here's how to use it correctly:
Three leaves is an ideal measure: there is no shortage or surplus.
Folding in three, the thickness is ideal and prevents getting your hands dirty.
Roll over: The tip of the paper is more visible and makes it easier to highlight with one hand.

2.Sits there
Seated is best because the glutes move away. If the bathroom is dirty and you prefer to clean without leaning against the seat, it is worth crouching. Just do not wipe standing, because the buttocks get closer and hamper access to the "problem".

3. Run away

Make gentle movements, always from front to back to prevent feces from migrating to the intimate area. In the case of women, where the urethra is close to the anus, this displacement of bacteria can cause urinary tract infections.

4. Finish it!
To clean out remnants of aerated and soft stools, it is best to use moist wipes, which are used to clean babies. For those with a furry ass, the handkerchiefs help to untangle. Just do not leave the moist area to prevent fungal growth.

5. Lavou is new

If you suffer from hemorrhoids, more common in people who defecate hard stools, or if you have anal sensitivity, the most convenient is to use warm soapy water. The same goes for diarrhea: a wet jet removes better and prevents irritations.

How to clean your butt in a proper way

How to clean your butt in a proper way

Absolutely everybody usually does it every day, but are all people totally sure that they do it in the right way?

Anyway, the practice is what finally leads to perfection, right ?.

Here we will show you which is the most convenient way to clean your butt, for the sake of your health and your buttocks, with a series of simple tips.

Homlex Portable Travel Bidet Easy to use and Store, Travel Bag, with Hand Held Bottle Personal Cleansing Use (Blue)
Homlex Portable Travel Bidet Easy to use and Store, Travel Bag, with Hand Held Bottle Personal Cleansing Use (Blue)

1. Have paper
What we advise you is that you use a thick sheet of toilet paper, which yields more, guarantees more softness and prevents injuries in the area.

It is best to take three sheets and fold them, leaving enough space to use both sides of the sheet.

Avoid perfumed paper, as some dyes and perfumes may cause irritation or allergies.

Three sheets are the perfect measure: neither missing nor exceeding. Bending three sheets offers an ideal thickness to avoid having to get your hands dirty. Unroll it on top, the tip of the paper is more accessible and facilitates the process with one hand.

2. Do it sitting

The best way to do it is to sit down, because the glutes are separated.

If the bathroom is very dirty and you prefer to clean yourself without touching the seat, you can bend over.

You should not clean yourself completely standing, because the buttocks are close together and make it difficult to access the paper.

You just have to shrink a bit when you go to clean.

3. Better from front to back

Using gentle movements, it is best done from front to back to prevent stool from moving into the intimate area.

In the case of women, since the urethra is very close to the anus, the transmission of bacteria can cause infections in the urinary tract.

This is very important to avoid possible infections in the urinary system, very common among women.

4. Finish with him!

To finish off the rest of the explosive or loose stools that tend to be in the area, the ideal is to use wet wipes, like those used for babies.

For those who have the hairy anal area, the wipes help unravel the bearded man.

It is important that you do not leave the wet area, as this will prevent the proliferation of fungi.

5. Wash yourself if necessary

If you suffer from hemorrhoids, which is very normal is people defecating hard stools, or you have enough anal sensitivity, it is best to apply warm water and a little neutral soap.

The same occurs in cases of infernal diarrhea, better a stream of clean water to avoid that annoying irritation after so much cleaning.

But when you finish, make sure it stays dry.

How nasty is it not to wipe your ass after going to the bathroom?

How nasty is it not to wipe your ass after going to the bathroom?

The universal question for when the paper ends.

You're in that festival that closes entire streets for a whole day every June. The sun is shining, a reggae band has just wrapped the crowd in a gentle rhythm and just come back from the beer stall hugging some plastic cups full of cheap chela. It seems that nothing could go wrong at this time. Then you feel a cramping in your intestines.

2 Pack 420ml (14oz) Travel Bidet Portable Bottle Sprayer with SynonymousTM Travel Bag
2 Pack 420ml (14oz) Travel Bidet Portable Bottle Sprayer with SynonymousTM Travel Bag

That combination of steak tacos, French fries with sauce and the latte that you mixed for lunch three hours ago wants to go out. You endure a long wait of four minutes in the fiberglass cubicles. As soon as the plastic door is closed, you drop sitting and unloading. You enjoy the moment, a fleeting relief, but then you notice that the roll of toilet paper is empty. Oh, shit ... literal.

With no other option, you pick up your pants and go with your friends, knowing in your ashamed heart that you did not carry out a basic element of the toilet training protocol that you learned at age four. Here is the problem that you can-or can not-face.

How bad is it not to cleanse?

One gram of feces can contain 10 million viruses, one million bacterial forms, one thousand parasitic cysts and one hundred eggs with worms, according to the Department of Social and Economic Affairs of the United Nations. So now you are walking with all those possible threats, separated from the rest of the world by a layer of denim and one more of thin drawers.

The fecal matter in your clothes and body can, sometimes unnoticed, spread particles to the hands and then to your environment and even to the body, since the transfer of germs from hand to mouth is common through simple acts such as eating and drink.

"In terms of hygiene, it's absolutely unacceptable" not to clean, says Aaron Glatt, president of medicine at South Nassau Communities Hospital and spokesman for the Infectious Diseases Society of the United States. "Find something to clean yourself," he says pleadingly. "Use water or tree leaves, do everything possible."

The situation may get worse depending on the type of poop in question, adds Philip M. Tierno, professor of microbiology and pathology at the School of Medicine at the University of New York. "If you have loose stool, it can spread more," says Tierno. Naturally, such feces seep into your clothes and break that barrier out of your pants more easily.

The risk is greater for women. A dirty anus is positioned dangerously close to the vagina, creating an entrance to the bacteria in the urethra, leading to possible infection of the urinary tract. This is one of the reasons why Tierno recommends that people, especially women, go to better places, well restocked, that carry at least one package of disposable tissues and alcohol-based disinfectant. In other words, plan ahead if you go to a festival, a remote natural area or a rest area on the highway.

What do the feces transmit?

Because feces are body wastes, all infectious diseases and bacteria that one carries are manufactured at the time of their expulsion. E. coli, enterococci, diarrheal parasites and other germs whose effects range from simple discomfort to death are spread through excrement. Norovirus, the main cause of diseases and outbreaks of contaminated food in the United States, is an intestinal parasite.

It can be comforting to know that if you have access to a hole that you can squat on and a shower in the near future, you are-in global terms-lucky.

In her book The Big Necessity: The Unmentionable World of Human Waste and Why It Matters (2008), journalist Rose George cites UN statistics that indicate that 2.6 million people lack access to sanitation services. "I do not mean they do not have a bathroom in their house and they have to use a public one ... or that they have a latrine or a ramshackle hut that leads to a dirty drain or pigsty," he writes. George means that "four out of ten people do not have access to any latrine, toilet, bucket or box". Nothing. Instead, they defecate on the train tracks and in the woods. They do it in plastic bags and throw them in narrow alleys. "

The public health problems associated with the lack of disinfection and waste disposal can be surprising. Poor sanitation, poor hygiene and water pollution mostly from fecal sources cause one out of every ten diseases in the world, according to World Health Organization researchers that George cites.

The poop can pose serious risks, but in areas with more advanced sewerage and sanitation systems, our immune system is fighting a continuous battle against a (comparatively) low-level germ flood propagated by fecal particles and our immune system usually wins.

So you're right if you're alarmed by an emergency because of toilet paper, but in terms of everyday life - where our society and bodies fight against fecal particles and the germs they propagate - it's a small but unpleasant risk factor, Tierno says.

How widespread are the fecal particles?
"We, as a society, are immersed in feces," says Tierno. "People wash their hands incorrectly, even when they have access to a bathroom they spread those particles to other areas of the body."

It is not difficult to google some articles where it says that the faecal footprints are common in elements like yoga mats, coffee cups, kitchen faucets. As I read once in an old book, everyone shits. And that creates different levels of bacterial population in societies and individuals, which in turn have different levels of success in combating them.

This means that a few hours walking without cleaning is only at a more uncomfortable level than withstanding the invisible fecal load on your hands and surfaces every day.

"Of course it causes irritation for that person," says Tierno. However, as a nuisance to health, it is "small," he says. Your body is already fighting and usually wins the battle against the germs and microorganisms that accompany the usual faecal contamination of a relatively well disinfected area in a developed world. Although a bit of hanging from your ass without cleaning intensifies that fight, it is likely that you can also win that fight.

You have even less chance of developing E. coli or norovirus from the spread of fecal matter in a large public event, because "sick people stay at home," says Tierno.

If you can not get cleaned up because you're at a music festival or the beach maintenance crew, it's lazy to work, or if you're hiking and you need to get free, it's bad. Faeces are an important carrier of diseases and our repulsion towards them is justified. This is the reason why handkerchiefs and disinfectant are excellent additions to any bag, waistband, backpack or pocket that you have.

But in a world where faecal footprints continue to circulate like spam in environmental particles, an hour or so without cleaning up may not be a problem. Just go to your nearest friend's house or go to the bathroom to a public place as soon as you can for a proper cleaning of your private regions.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

That's how it was to work cleaning the King's ass

That's how it was to work cleaning the King's ass

As strange as it may seem today, the post of ' Groom of the Stool ' ( real cleanses , we would call it) was, for centuries and since its establishment in the sixteenth century, one of the most sought after in the English royal court. You were lucky if you had a good- natured and restrained king , but if you were a lover of plentiful and spicy foods, the work could be a real brown .

Handheld Personal Bidet,Portable Bidet,Angled Nozzle Spray,Sprayer-Hand Bidet for Travel Bidet, 450 ml Capacity
Handheld Personal Bidet,Portable Bidet,Angled Nozzle Spray,Sprayer-Hand Bidet for Travel Bidet, 450 ml Capacity

It was Henry VII , as revealed by the Historic UK page, the first monarch who felt the need for someone to take care of the maintenance and cleaning of his blue blood anus. Soon the position acquired importance, since the waiter of the feces spent long moments of quality in intimacy with the King assisting him to retire his heavy, complex and expensive clothes so that he could do of belly in a relaxed and decorous way.

The position required walking all day between towels and bowls or basins, carrying the heavy chair to shit in the palace, monitor the diet and meal times of the king and organize your agenda based on the habits of your gastrointestinal tract . Not easy. Besides, it was necessary to have a certain education (the sovereign had to be conversed in his moments of relaxation), so that the youth was usually given to the youths of the aristocracy. In fact, the families that wanted to thrive were anxious to have one of their members in charge of the most important buttocks in the country. If the kids were good climbers, they took a generous pay, they were given the used clothing of the monarch and could even become personal secretaries of the king. We do not know if the softness of the skin of the palm of the candidate's hands was taken into account during the selection process, given that paper was not abundant.

During the four centuries of existence of the king's cleansing post (it was abolished in 1901 under the reign of Edward VII ) there have been few notable incidents. Henry Norris , for example, was executed by order of Henry VIII after being accused of paying special attention to the sexual organs of Queen Anne Boleyn . Political plot? Attack of acute corditis ? Rough hands? The 'mad king' George III (1760-1820) used during his seat on the throne no less than nine groomers . One of them, John Stuart , became British Prime Minister, which shows that the popular belief that taking good care of certain asses can help you to ascend, at least in politics it has a real basis.

How to clean ass when diarrhea

How to clean ass when diarrhea

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the United States (CDC) recommends that disposable gloves be worn when cleaning diarrhea or other body fluids. You can use reusable rubber gloves if you wash and disinfect them after each use. If you do not have gloves, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water when you are finished.

Portable Handheld Bidets with USB Charge Function, Mini Sprayer Toilet Kit Accessory for Travel Outdoor(Blue)
Portable Handheld Bidets with USB Charge Function, Mini Sprayer Toilet Kit Accessory for Travel Outdoor(Blue)

To clean diarrhea from the skin , such as a person's backside:

  •     Wear disposable gloves.
  •     Use damp paper towels to clean up the stool, and place the used paper towels in a plastic trash bag.
  •     Gently wash the area with warm water and a soft cloth. Rinse well and dry completely.
  •         Do not use any soap, unless the area is very dirty. If you need soap, use only mild soap, such as Cetaphil.
  •         If there is a rash on the skin, do not clean the skin with wet wipes that contain alcohol or propylene glycol. These wipes can make the skin burn.
  •     Remove gloves and dispose of them in a plastic bag. Then wash your hands with soap and water immediately.

To clean diarrhea from bedding or dirty clothing :

  •     Wear disposable gloves.
  •     Clean away any remaining stools with paper towels. Put the used paper towels in a plastic garbage bag. Small amounts of easy-to-clean feces can be cleaned with toilet paper and flushed down the toilet.
  •     Wash clothes in the washing machine, preferably with hot water, using laundry detergent. You can add bleach to the wash cycle, if desired.
  •     After finishing handling dirty clothes, remove gloves and dispose of them in a plastic bag. Then wash your hands with soap and water immediately.
  •     Dry clothes in a hot dryer. Note: There is no need to disinfect the inside of the washer or dryer after completing an entire cycle.

To clean diarrhea from hard surfaces , such as the toilet seat or bathroom floor:

  •     Wear disposable gloves.
  •     Clean stool with paper towels. Put the used paper towels in a plastic garbage bag. Rinse the surfaces with water.
  •     Disinfect hard surfaces with diluted bleach or disinfectants purchased in the store. To dilute the bleach, follow the instructions on the label.
  •         If you mix your own diluted bleach, wear glasses or goggles to protect your eyes from splashing.
  •         Keep in mind that diluted bleach can remove the color of some hard surfaces.
  •     Remove gloves and dispose of them in a plastic bag. Then wash your hands with soap and water immediately.

How disgusting it is not being able to wash your ass after shitting

How disgusting it is not being able to wash your ass after shitting

The inevitable question that assails us when the toilet paper is finished.

You are at that festival that is held every summer in your city. The sun shines and a reggae band gently rocks the crowd with its melody while you return to buy a round of beers in plastic cups for all your friends. Nothing could spoil this wonderful moment ... But then your guts start to roar ostensibly.

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It seems that the combination of beef tacos, fried sweet potato with guacamole sauce and hazelnut latte that you bought at the food stand three hours ago wants to go out. You stand for four minutes lining up next to the portable toilets and, as soon as you get into one and close the door, you sit down and unload. You enjoy a brief moment of relief before you realize, horrified, that there is no toilet paper. Oh shit! Also, really.

You have no choice but to put your shorts back on and go back to your friends, with the embarrassment of knowing that you have not completed one of the basic points of the protocol they taught you at four years of age.

How bad is it not to cleanse?

A gram of faeces can contain about 10 million viruses, a million different bacteria, a thousand cysts of parasites and a hundred worm eggs, according to the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations . So now you go around, walking with all those possible threats attached to the ass and separated from the outside world only by a thin layer of denim and another cotton.

Sometimes, and imperceptibly, particles of faecal matter from the clothing or body can end up in the hands, the environment and even back to your own body - the transfer of germs from your hands to your mouth is very common of acts such as eating or drinking.

"In terms of hygiene, it's absolutely unacceptable" not to cleanse yourself, says Aaron Glatt, a professor of medicine at South Nassau Communities Hospital and a spokesman for the American Society for Infectious Diseases. "Find something to clean yourself with," he implores. "Use water or plant leaves, whatever."

The risk is greater for women. In your case, the dirty anus is dangerously close to the vagina, which can cause bacteria to enter the urethra and cause an infection

The situation could get worse depending on the type of poop, adds Phlip M. Tierno, a professor of Microbiology and Pathology at the NYU School of Medicine. "If you go loose, the particles can be dispersed even more," says Tierno. And it is that the liquid feces would remain impregnated in the clothes and would cross the barrier of the pants and the underwear with much more facility.

The risk is greater for women. In your case, the dirty anus is dangerously close to the vagina, which can cause bacteria to enter the urethra and produce a urinary tract infection.

That is one of the reasons why Tierno recommends that, when we foresee the possibility of having to go to a toilet in worse conditions than usual, take at least one package of tissues and an alcohol-based disinfectant. Come on, we have to be cautious if we go to a festival, a place in the middle of nature or a rest area on the highway in the middle of nowhere.

What do feces contain?

Stools are waste expelled by the body, so all infectious diseases and bacteria that we could carry in our body are "packaged" in them before expelling them. Bacteria such as E. coli , enterococcus , or parasites that cause diarrhea or other germs whose effects can range from annoying to deadly spread through droppings . Norovirus , which in countries like the USA is one of the main causes of diseases and outbreaks due to eating bad food, is also lodged in our intestines.

Perhaps it will be a comfort to know that you can consider yourself lucky if in the near future you have access to a hole to bend over and a shower.

"Four out of ten people in the world do not have access to a latrine, a toilet, a bucket or a box, nothing."

In her 2008 book, The Big Necessity: The Unmentionable World of Human Waste and Why It Matters , the journalist Rose George mentions statistical data from the UN, according to which 2.6 million people in the world do not have access to a system of sanitation. "And I'm not saying they do not have a washbasin at home and they have to use a public one, or a separate one from the house or even a ramshackle hut with a primitive drain," he says.

What George means is that "four out of ten people do not have access to a latrine, a toilet, a bucket or a box. Nothing. Instead, they are forced to defecate next to the tracks of the train or in the forest, in plastic bags that they throw in an alley ".

Public health problems resulting from a lack of a sanitation and waste disposal system can be truly alarming. Lack of hygiene and water contamination by faeces are responsible for one out of every ten diseases in the world, according to WHO researchers who Georges cites.

Although the poop presents very serious risks, in areas with more advanced sewerage and sanitation facilities, our immune systems fight a constant battle against a flood of lower-level germs scattered by fecal particles and, in general, emerge victorious.

So, although you do well to worry when you run out of toilet paper, fortunately, and thanks to the way our body fights fecal germs, it ends up being more of an inconvenience than a real risk factor, according to Tierno.

How extended are the fecal particles?

"As a society, we swim in faeces," says Tierno. "People do not wash their hands well, even when they have access to a sink, so they end up spreading the fecal particles to other areas of the body."

A simple Google search reveals that it is quite common to find faecal remains on objects such as yoga mats , coffee cups or kitchen faucets . As it was once said in an old book, everyone defecates, creating a degree of bacterial nuisance that societies and individuals are able to fight with more or less success.

This means that going for several hours without having cleaned your ass is just a level of discomfort over the fact of holding the fecal load that is hidden in your hands and on the surfaces that you touch on a daily basis.

A small portion of stool attached to the body simply intensifies that fight, but the guarantees of success are probably present in any way

"Obviously, that person will be irritated," says Tierno. However, it is a "mild" discomfort in terms of public health. In the developed world, our body is constantly fighting germs and microorganisms with relative success. A small portion of stool attached to the body simply intensifies that struggle, but the guarantees of success are probably present anyway.

On the other hand, the chances of contracting E. coli or norovirus by contact with fecal matter in a public event are even lower, because "people who are sick have stayed at home," says Tierno.

Therefore, although it is not exactly good to spend a couple of hours dirty at the bottom, the safest thing is that nothing happens to you either. As soon as you have the chance, clean yourself well and ready.