Wednesday, January 16, 2019

What is the best way to cleanse the anus?

What is the best way to cleanse the anus?

One of these days, before I went to sleep, I remembered a conversation we had in a circle of friends, where the subject was toilet paper. A friend defended the idea that toilet paper did not adequately clean the anus, and that such a task that he performed most with praise was the shower.

Mobile buttocks washer porch (portable bidet) [disaster disaster prevention goods emergency toilet article] (japan import)
Mobile buttocks washer porch (portable bidet) [disaster disaster prevention goods emergency toilet article] (japan import)

My dad even said once, "The toilet paper just spreads the ***** by your butt. You should bathe after defecating. " These were not the right words he used, but that was what he meant.

But is the shower really a hygienic way to get rid of ***** micro-particles that get soaked in the butt after a crap?

To try to come to a conclusion on which is the most hygienic way to clean up after evacuating, I will discuss each of the ways I know to do so.

1 - Toilet paper
Toilet paper is undoubtedly the most well-known and used way to perform anal cleansing. They exist in the most varied styles, colors and aromas. Ornamented with small flowers, double or triple leaves, peach aroma, tutti frutti and aloe vera, for all tastes. There is also the generic variant, usually found in public toilets, where the texture resembles a No. 36 sandpaper used by marble growers.

However, in terms of hygiene, the toilet paper really leaves something to be desired. In a stool referring to the steakhouse the night before, the stool usually comes out with a consistency inversely proportional to the easy cleaning of the anus. In this way, when using toilet paper, often the first step really serves to spread the mud through the rest of the butt, where the other passes serve just to repair the dirt made by the first. You pass and spread the ***** throughout the anal region until there are no more traces on the toilet paper; but it does not mean they are not there just because you can not see them.

There is also the complication when the ***** is diarrheic, where you run the risk of puncturing the wet paper of intestinal juice and your finger to meet directly with your anus, and subsequently with your *****.

Actually toilet paper, contrary to what the name suggests, is not a very hygienic way to keep your butt clean.

2 - Shower (what is on the side of the toilet)

This is really a catch. Many of those who underestimate the toilet paper prefer the shower to provide a bath to the newly evacuated anus, unaware that this method also detains their unhygienic particularities.

The method of using the showerhead is quite simple: shit, shove the shower inside the toilet, look at your ass and splash water. Do you really think that's hygienic? Think twice.

As you squirt water toward your anal orifice, the impregnated ***** particles will flutter all over the vazo, along with the water. This implies in your hand and the shower itself to be hit by water and *****. The bad smell of the shower does not come from the unorthodox use of it by users with sexual problems, but from the water full of ***** that comes back in it and stays there. Not to mention that when the water meets its destination orifice, it carries ***** all over its ass, just like toilet paper, but on a smaller scale.

3 - The bidet

The bidet - in disuse nowadays - is very similar to the shower. The difference is that after defecating, you move to the bidet, sit down, turn on the water and adjust it to the location of your anus. The bidet offers the advantage of your hand not being involved in the anal cleansing operation.

I take into account that the bidet, as well as the vazo, is an apparatus developed to really not be hygienic, I believe we can despise the fact that it will have invisible particles of ***** scattered throughout it. Look on the bright side: Unlike the showerhead, you do not have to put your hand on the water spout, just on the tap.

The major drawback of the bidet is actually that you need to get up. In the case of a diarrhea, or even a paste, your buttocks will close when you get up, squeezing what lay there and possibly causing the floor of the bathroom to fall - or the drain on your legs - from some unwanted substance, on the way to the bidet.

4 - The bath

The bath, incredible as it may seem, is the most unhygienic way to clean up after a good evacuation. As I see it, there are 3 ways to clean the tuff in the bath:

- Using the mangueirinha: Much worse than using the private shower. Here, as the flow of water is greater and you will be standing, it is certain that the water with ***** will flow down your legs, to the bathroom floor. Not to mention that time and again you will see considerable fragments of faeces appearing on the bathroom floor as you squirm water in a completely homosexual position. Not to mention, of course, that you also have the disadvantage of the bidet as you had to get up to go to the
Refresh: Of course, you also have the disadvantage of the bidet as you had to get up to go to the shower.

  • - Cleaning with a bushing: Will you use the bushing as toilet paper? Then pass that whole messy ***** device through your body? Thanks! But no, thanks.
  • - Clean by hand: Will you use YOUR HAND as toilet paper?

It really does not feel like a very hygienic solution to wipe yourself from a crap during a shower.

In conclusion, each method of cleaning the anus after a crapper has its particularities in hygiene. None is 100% hygienic as your father or your friends tell you they are. And what may seem more hygienic, not always is, as we can discern in the case of the bath. It all depends on how great the damage is and on the consistency of the material just expelled. Sometimes toilet paper resolves, again with a shower. But in my view, the bidet is undoubtedly the most hygienic way to clean.