Friday, February 15, 2019

SmartyPants Kids Probiotic Complete Daily Gummy Vitamins; Probiotics & Prebiotics; Gluten Free, Digestive & Immune Support*; 4 billion CFU, Vegan, Non-GMO, Stawberry Cr?me, 60 Count (30 Day Supply)

Improve your digestions thanks to enzymes and probiotics

Despite eating a balanced diet, if the digestive system is not able to transform and absorb nutrients properly, it will be difficult to enjoy good health. In this process, enzymes and probiotics are of great help.

Intestinal health is key, because what happens in the intestines directly affects general health. The digestive system has the function of transforming the molecules of food into simple substances that can be easily used as an energy source. The health and energy level depend on this digestion and subsequent assimilation, and it is in these processes that both the digestive enzymes and the intestinal microbiota intervene.

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SmartyPants Kids Probiotic Complete Daily Gummy Vitamins; Probiotics & Prebiotics; Gluten Free, Digestive & Immune Support*; 4 billion CFU, Vegan, Non-GMO, Stawberry Cr?me, 60 Count (30 Day Supply)
SmartyPants Kids Probiotic Complete Daily Gummy Vitamins; Probiotics & Prebiotics; Gluten Free, Digestive & Immune Support*; 4 billion CFU, Vegan, Non-GMO, Stawberry Cr?me, 60 Count (30 Day Supply)

Digestive enzymes

Enzymes are molecules made up of chains of amino acids that the body produces. Enzymes are essential for the organism , as they catalyze thousands of crucial chemical reactions, such as food digestion, tissue repair and regeneration, or energy supply to cells, among many others.

At the digestive level, enzymes help break down food into smaller particles so that the body can use them : amylase breaks down carbohydrate molecules; lactase breaks down lactose (milk sugar); protease breaks proteins; lipase contributes to the digestion of fats.

The body produces enzymes, but it is also very important to obtain them from food , since, with age, we produce less each time. Therefore, it is important to consume raw foods such as vegetables, fruits and sprouts. In addition, fermented products such as miso, tamari or pickles also provide enzymes.

In case of enzymatic deficit, the digestions become complicated and a fermentation and putrefaction of the food is generated. These half-digested foods imbalance the intestinal microbiota and favor the bad, toxins are generated that pass to blood, and undigested peptides also pass into the circulation and activate the immune system. To avoid this, supplements with enzymes such as papain (from papaya) or bromelain (extracted from the trunk of the tropical pineapple ) are very useful. Both are proteolytic enzymes that, in addition to promoting the digestion of proteins, are also natural anti-inflammatories. Bromelain is recommended after heavy, protein-rich meals.


The intestinal microbiota plays a very important role in digestion , metabolism and intestinal and immune health. In fact, thousands of functions related to digestion are attributed to it. Intestinal bacteria help us digest foods that we can not break down (like some types of carbohydrates) and produce, among other things, vitamins and minerals.

The interaction between type of food and type of intestinal microbiota is reciprocal. The microbiota acts on what we eat - that's what it feeds on - while what we eat affects its composition. Thus, a modification of the diet causes changes in the type and quantity of microorganisms present in the intestine.

There are certain fermented foods that have a probiotic effect , such as water kefir , kombucha tea , yogurt or sauerkraut. If there is any alteration, discomfort or digestive pathology it is interesting to incorporate probiotics through supplements to restore a balance of the intestinal microbiota.

A balanced intestinal microbiota is key to health, as it intervenes in processes such as the stimulation of the immune system, the synthesis of B vitamins and K, the digestion and absorption of nutrients, in addition to inhibiting pathogens and can help in the absorption of vitamins and minerals.

Probiotics are a set of living microorganisms (bacteria and yeast) that, when administered in a sufficient dose, are beneficial for health. The most frequent genera are Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Lactococcus, streptococci and enterococci. Due to the beneficial effect for the organism and its regenerative properties of the intestinal microbiota, the use of probiotics would be especially indicated after taking medications , especially antibiotics or corticosteroids; also in case of constipation or diarrhea; as a coadjuvant in the treatment of candids ; to prevent gastroenteritis, ulcers, gas, intestinal inflammatory diseases, dyspepsia, and to enhance defenses.

In summary, both an adequate production of digestive enzymes and a good balance of the intestinal microbiota have in common that they are key elements in the digestive process and subsequent assimilation of nutrients. Both are involved in the maintenance and balance of gastrointestinal health and help in disease recovery states.

Its balance interrelates and benefits the central nervous system, the endocrine system and, very importantly, the immune system. The stability of the defenses depends on an adequate decomposition of the food thanks to the enzymes and the balance of the intestinal microbiota, which can benefit from probiotics.

A complement that helps the digestive wellbeing is GI Natural of Nature's Plus , with L-glutamine, whole foods alkalizing and rich in enzymes, fibers that feed the friendly bacteria of the intestine and friendly bacterial strains. In addition, it provides calcium, which contributes to the normal functioning of digestive enzymes.

Natural Nutra Ultimate Flora Probiotic for Women and Men, Multi Strain with Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Bifudus, Lactis, Reuteri and Plantarum, 60 Vegetarian Capsules

What are probiotics and why do they benefit our gut?

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines probiotics as "living micro-organisms that, when provided in adequate amounts, promote health benefits of the host organism".

They inhabit the intestine of the person, and generate many benefits for the body. In the case of celiac patients, having the intestine affected, we have an extra help that helps to keep our functions perfectly preserved.

Probiotics favor the production of natural enzymes and the synthesis of gastric juices, and control the number of fungi that inhabit our body, preventing them from developing above what is due.

They have been proven effective in the prevention of diseases such as candidiasis, lactose intolerance or Crohn's disease.

Before entering the world of probiotics we must talk about the intestinal flora.

Natural Nutra Ultimate Flora Probiotic for Women and Men, Multi Strain with Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Bifudus, Lactis, Reuteri and Plantarum, 60 Vegetarian Capsules
Natural Nutra Ultimate Flora Probiotic for Women and Men, Multi Strain with Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Bifudus, Lactis, Reuteri and Plantarum, 60 Vegetarian Capsules

What is the intestinal flora?
PrintIn the intestine inhabit around 100 billion bacteria of up to 1,000 different species, this is called the intestinal flora, which is formed by microorganisms from the external environment, which we acquired being in contact with him from the time of birth. Then, depending on the lifestyle, diet, the environment in which they live, etc., one flora or another will be taken, so each person has a different intestinal flora.

This flora is found throughout the digestive tract, but mainly in the colon, because there are no acid juices that prevent the life of these bacteria, as there are for example in the stomach.

Not all the bacteria that inhabit our intestines are beneficial, there may be opportunistic bacteria that find in us an optimal place to live and reproduce, but as long as their number is controlled they do not have to give problems, and this is where probiotics come into play .

Why is intestinal flora so important?
-It is immunoprotective: Protects the immune system from attacks from the external environment

  • -Avoid the entry of germs: For example, coming from food in poor condition
  • -Synthesize vitamins: As the D or the K
  • -Produces energy: For our organism
  • -Absorbs nutrients: Iron, magnesium, calcium or sodium.

What is a probiotic?
The word probiotic means "for" (pro) "of life" (biotic). They consist of useful microorganisms that modify the intestinal flora replacing the harmful organisms. They are bacteria or yeast present in food and some medications or dietary supplements.

What effects do probiotics have on our body?

In our body live millions of bacteria of different types, keeping a balance. The problem is when one of these bacteria grows more than it should.

The digestive system is colonized by the "intestinal microbiota," or intestinal flora, which is generally in equilibrium but can be decompensated by taking medications, stress, or certain diseases.

In this type of case, probiotics can help to promote the development of "good" bacteria in the intestinal mucosa so that the balance with the "bad" bacteria can be reestablished.

  • What foods contain probiotics?
  • Many foods contain probiotics naturally. The two most famous probiotics are bifidobacterium and lactobacillus, which are for example yogurt, kefir, some seaweed, miso, sauerkraut or pickles.

What are the differences between a probiotic and a prebiotic?

PrintProbiotics consist of living microorganisms beneficial to health, whose effect has been scientifically proven, while prebiotics are compounds not digestible by the body, but fermented in the intestine and favoring the growth of beneficial bacteria for the intestinal tract, such as bifidobacteria or lactobacilli.

Examples of prebiotics would be, for example, inulin and FOS (fructooligosaccharides).

In which cases is it advisable to take probiotics?

It has been scientifically proven and proven that probiotics possess qualities that improve intestinal functioning and the immune system.

Its use is recommended to reestablish the flora in several cases:

Print-In intestinal inflammatory diseases

  • -In patients with lactose intolerance, since it has been shown that they increase the tolerance level.
  • -After passing an acute illness such as gastroenterirtis or colitis.
  • -After taking medications that alter the microbiota, such as antibiotics.
  • -In other diseases in which there is an overpopulation of "bad" bacteria, even if it is not in the digestive system itself, such as the candida mentioned above, which can also be oral and genital.

Five Strain Bifidobacteria Probiotic Powder by Custom Probiotics (100 Gram)

Disorders of the digestive system, intestinal flora and autism

The problems related to the digestive system in autism have a great relevance, given the negative impact they generate on the quality of life of the person and the behavioral manifestations that it generates. From constipation to diarrhea, eating disorders, associated behavioral problems, and a large number of effects that have generated even all kinds of theories, which are more strange, about intervention models in people with autism.

Five Strain Bifidobacteria Probiotic Powder by Custom Probiotics (100 Gram)
Five Strain Bifidobacteria Probiotic Powder by Custom Probiotics (100 Gram)

There are several important factors that we must consider, already in the article " Autism, childhood and digestive problems " (1) we highlighted the fact that the prevalence of gastrointestinal functional disorders as a reason for consultation in the pediatric age is very high and they would represent around 10% of primary care consultations and up to 50% of pediatric gastroenterology visits, this in relation to the general pediatric population. That is, digestive problems are quite common, although in the population with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) their impact seems to be greater, mainly in family reports. And this situation has generated an immense volume of studies on alterations of the digestive system and autism, being at present the study of the intestinal flora one of the fields of greater relevance, although not only in the clear autism.

We know that the quality of our intestinal flora (or microbiota) is fundamental for the processing of nutrients, and that poor quality of this flora has a negative impact on health. In this regard there is a growing base of studies that are influencing the importance that this type of alterations of the flora generates in digestive health and its relationship with behavioral and even brain aspects.

A study published in February tells us about Clostridium difficile infections (2) , this study is a systematic review of infections caused by this bacterium and its impact on the health of the person. In this case ctriatridium difficile is the main cause of diarrhea associated with antibiotics. In the case of children with autism, it is common to find recurrent ear infections that are treated with antibiotics (In some cases, this type of otitis may be linked with alterations in the maxillo-facial, oral and pharyngeal area). This antibiotic treatment can cause an imbalance of our intestinal flora. In this case they tell us about the efficacy of the use of probiotics as a form of intervention. Although he notes that much more research is still needed, this study found that probiotic supplementation is a valuable adjunct in the routine care of patients receiving antibiotic therapy.

Another study published in the journal Cell (3) tells us about Lactobacillus reuteri and its impact on social relationships, the study was conducted in mice. The absence of Lactobacillus reuter i caused a deficit in their social behavior in mice.

" Other research groups are trying to use drugs or electrical brain stimulation as a way to reverse some of the behavioral symptoms associated with neurodevelopmental disorders, but here they have, perhaps, a new approach, " says the lead author. , Dr. Mauro Costa-Mattioli, Associate Professor of Neuroscience at Baylor. " We do not know yet if it will be effective in humans, but it is a very interesting way of affecting the brain from the intestine, " he adds.

Mauro Costa-Mattioli and colleagues from the Baylor College of Medicine explain a possible link through the gut microbiome in this video.

For starters, the researchers fed approximately 60 female mice with a high-fat diet that was the approximate equivalent of consistently eating fast food several times a day. They fed the mice and waited until they were young. The offspring stayed with their mother for three weeks and then were weaned to a normal diet. After a month, these pups showed behavior anomalies, such as spending less time in contact with their peers and not initiating interactions.

"First we wanted to see if there was a difference in the microbiome between the children of mothers of mice fed a normal diet, compared to mothers fed a diet high in fat. Therefore, the sequencing of the gene encoding the 16S ribosomal RNA was used to determine the bacterial composition of its intestine. We found a clear difference in the microbiota of the two groups, says lead author Shelly Buffington, a postdoctoral fellow at Costa-Mattioli's lab: " The sequencing data were so consistent that looking at the microbiome of an individual mouse we could predict whether its behavior It was deteriorating . "

Previous studies showed that Lactobacillus reuteri increases oxytocin levels. The results suggest that even the maternal diet can affect the social behavior of their offspring (at least in mice) and adds to the growing scientific literature that shows the microbiome or intestinal flora as a basic actor in behavior.

Although we still do not adequately understand the communication between the intestinal microbiota and the brain, we know that there are bidirectional aspects, as well as the direct mediation of the vagus nerve between the brain and the intestine. Similarly, the stimulation of the immune system and brain function have various links. According to Buffington, " There have been many recently published works that show the existence of a bidirectional communication between the intestine and the brain. This communication channel is colloquially called the "gut-brain axis". Epidemiological studies in humans have shown that maternal obesity increases the risk of neurodevelopmental disorders in offspring. The same has been found in non-human primates . "

" There is increasing evidence that the microbiome, especially early in life, can have long-term effects on brain development and behavior, " said anatomist and neuroscientist John Cryan, of University College Cork in Ireland, who did not participated in the study. " What this work does is take advantage of the fact that we have our mothers' microbiome, and see what happens if the mother disturbs her microbiome during pregnancy ."

A study from 2011 (4), where they also worked with mice to which they gave diets that were supplemented with Lactobacillus rhamnosus , a bacterium commonly found in diet supplements with probiotics, experienced a reduction in stress and anxiety. The bacteria also appeared to cause a redistribution of brain receptors for the neurotransmitter GABA (γ-aminobutyric acid).

Another study (5) published in the British Journal of Nutrition, where rats (not mice, rats have a larger size and weight) and humans were treated, where stress, anxiety and stress reduction were evaluated. depression through the consumption of probiotics, specifically Lactobacillus helveticus R0052 and Bifidobacterium longum R0175 were used. The results in both rats and humans showed a reduction of these factors, showing that the use of this type of compounds can be useful in the treatment for the reduction of stress, anxiety and depression.

Another study, also published in the journal Cell in 2013 (6) again focuses on the alterations of the digestive system in autism and its interactions with the intestinal flora, as well as the effects on the level of the immune response and alterations in the microbiota of people with autism. In this study, the researchers used genetically modified mice to which they gave a treatment with Bacteroides fragilis , after the administration of the probiotic it was observed that the intestinal function was corrected and then some behaviors associated with autism were regulated, mainly with regard to communication , sensorimotor aspects and repetitive behaviors. They also observed a regulation of intestinal homeostasis as well as a regulation of the levels of Lachnospiraceae (a bacterium of the Clostridia family ).

At the annual meeting of the American Society for Microbiology , which met in Boston (USA) last May, Philip Strandwitz and colleagues from Northeastern University in Boston presented their work (7) on a species of intestinal bacteria recently discovered , call s KLE1738, which are able to grow and reproduce only in case of being fed with the molecules of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA). In fact, Strandwitz explains that nothing served to grow these bacteria, except GABA. Recently, another team of scientists found the brain chemistry altered in people with autism (8) , where the impact on the sensory level of this alteration was discussed. And we see how the GABA again appeared previously mentioned in this same article referred to the Lactobacillus rhamnosus , that although it does not feed on GABA if it seems to alter it. The effect of these bacteria, KLE1738, is to impact the mood of the affected person. The modulation of GABA by the intestinal microbiome could be one of the channels of communication of the gut-brain axis, according to the researchers.

It should be noted that people with autism and eating disorders are much more susceptible to having this type of intestinal flora alterations. There seems to be a direct relationship between eating disorders and alterations of the digestive system, although it is not clear what causes what, if the eating disorder causes the digestive alteration or vice versa. The alterations of the intestinal flora are usually common in people with obesity or chronic problems of the digestive system and also in person with anorexia or bulimia .

However, we must be cautious about this data. It is obvious that eating disorders are related to alterations of the intestinal flora, that there seem to be certain concomitant factors at a genetic level, related in some cases with autoimmune or even environmental aspects. But not all people will fit 100% in the cases shown in the studies shown here. Nor is it a good idea to immediately administer uncontrolled probiotics to a child with autism while waiting for it to improve substantially. But we can conclude that the aspects related to the quality of our microbiota or intestinal flora play a fundamental factor in our health, as well as the related effects between the digestive system and brain aspects, although this relationship is not clear to this day. It is important to continue investigating.

Probiotic Synergy 100 Billion | 30 Acid Resistant DRCaps | Lactobacillus Acidophilus La-14, Lactobacillus Plantarum Lp-115, Bifidobacterium Longum Bl-05, HOWARU Bifido HN019 | Free eBook

Role of probiotics in health

1. What are probiotics?

Probiotics are those living microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, etc.) that when administered in an adequate amount and form confer a benefit to the health of the individual. The most used species are:

  •     Lactobacillus
  •     Bifidobacterium
  •     the yeast Saccharomyces Boulard
  •     some species of Escherichia coli and Bacilli

Probiotics can be incorporated into a wide range of products, both in foods and in medicines and dietary supplements. The most common forms for the administration of probiotics are dairy products and foods with added probiotics, but there are also on the market tablets, capsules and sachets containing microorganisms in lyophilized form.

Probiotic Synergy 100 Billion | 30 Acid Resistant DRCaps | Lactobacillus Acidophilus La-14, Lactobacillus Plantarum Lp-115, Bifidobacterium Longum Bl-05, HOWARU Bifido HN019 | Free eBook
Probiotic Synergy 100 Billion | 30 Acid Resistant DRCaps | Lactobacillus Acidophilus La-14, Lactobacillus Plantarum Lp-115, Bifidobacterium Longum Bl-05, HOWARU Bifido HN019 | Free eBook

2. How do probiotics work?

The defense system of the organism against foreign substances is known as the immune system. More than two thirds of the body's immune system is found in the intestine. In fact, the digestive tract (stomach, small and large intestine) is in contact with the outside through an extensive surface. Food can be a factor of aggression towards the intestine along with microorganisms (bacteria, viruses and fungi).

The intestinal bacterial flora is formed by millions of bacteria that proliferate inside the large intestine and ferment different elements producing beneficial substances for health. These bacteria intervene in the normal development of the immune system and in the regulation of the body's response to pathogens (microorganisms harmful to health).
The intestinal flora participates in several physiological processes such as digestion and movements of the digestive tract as well as in the production of some vitamins.

The probiotics act at the level of the digestive tube stabilizing the composition of the bacterial flora and increasing the resistance of the organism against the pathogens, and improving and activating the defenses. Probiotics produce substances that help fight some potentially pathogenic bacteria, produce vitamins and digestive enzymes.

3. General recommendations on the use of probiotics

Probiotics produce beneficial effects on health, but these effects can only be attributed to the specific probiotics studied for a specific indication or situation. Therefore, not all probiotics can be administered for the same situation, nor all probiotics in all situations.

The doses of probiotics they recommend should be used, at lower or higher doses they may not be effective, or they could be harmful.

Severely immunocompromised patients, that is to say with the system of defense of the committed organism, should not take probiotics without the recommendation of a doctor, since in these circumstances the probiotic could get to behave like a pathogenic agent.

Strictly follow the rules of conservation of probiotic products, since many of them need a certain temperature to remain viable.

4. Practical utility of probiotics in health

The main usefulness of probiotics is the treatment and prevention of intestinal infections, although they have also been shown to play an important role in other non-infectious digestive diseases as well as in other organ conditions (allergies, eczema, vaginitis ...)

Currently, probiotics have proven to be useful and beneficial in:

  •     Treatment of acute infectious diarrhea in children and adults
  •     Prevention of diarrhea associated with antibiotics in children and adults
  •     Some intestinal inflammatory diseases (ulcerative colitis, pouchitis)
  •     Improvement of symptoms due to poor digestion of lactose
  •     Improvement of some symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome
  •     Prevention of necrotizing enterocolitis in preterm newborns

Other situations in which probiotics may be useful in the future, but where more studies are still needed to support their effectiveness, are:

  •     Decreased symptoms of asthma and other allergic-based diseases
  •     Prevention of urinary and genital tract infection, especially in women
  •     Prevention and reduction of the severity of infections in preterm infants
  •     Decrease in complications (especially infectious) in patients admitted to intensive care units
  •     Prevention of infections in patients with liver cirrhosis
  •     Improvement of symptoms in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory rheumatological diseases.
  •     Prevention of the appearance of tumors
  •     Decrease in cholesterol levels

On the other hand, in healthy people, the consumption of probiotics can help maintain health, for example in:

  •     Reduce crying in children with infant colic
  •     Reduce episodes of fever and diarrhea in children
  •     Reduce the duration of colds but not their frequency.

5. Are they safe?

The ingestion of a high number of viable microorganisms forces us to investigate their safety. From a theoretical point of view, being microorganisms that are normally part of our own flora, they could hardly cause infectious problems. Although an isolated case has been described of the passage of these germs in the blood in patients with compromised immune systems and in patients with diseases such as ulcerative colitis, the safety profile of the probiotics most used in the studies carried out related to the subject, It must be considered satisfactory.

Care must be taken in administering probiotics in severely immunosuppressed patients.

6. Products that contain probiotics

Pharmaceutical specialties with probiotics            
Tradename    Composition of probiotics    Description    Observations
Ultralevura ®    Saccharomyces boulardii (1x109)    Capsules    Administer in cold liquids
Casenfilus ®    Lactobacillus acidophillus (1x109)    Envelopes    EFP
    Bifidobacterium bifidum (1x109)       
Infloran ®    Lactobacillus acidophillus (1x109) Bifidobacterium bifidum (1x106)    Capsules    EFP
Lacteol by Dr Bouchard ®    Lactobacillus acidophillus (1x1010)    Capsules or envelopes    EFP
Lacteol by Dr Bouchard ®    Lactobacillus acidophillus (6x106)    Tablets    EFP
Lactofilus ®    Lactobacillus acidophillus (120x106)    Powder    EFP
Salvacolon ®    Bacillus subtilis    Liquid    EFP
Food supplements with probiotics           
Tradename    Composition of probiotics    Description    Observations
Casenbiotic ®    Lactobacillus reuteri (1x108)    Chewable pills    Store at <25ºC
Reuteri ®    Lactobacillus reuteri (20x106)    Liquid    Store at 2-8ºC
            Administer with liquids
Protransitus ®    Lactobacillus plantarum (3x109)    Capsules    EFP
Rotargemine ®    Lactobacillus acidophillus, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Streptococcus thermophilus (3.5x109)    Liquid    Contains probiotics, vitamins and lactose
Enterum ®    Bacillus coagulans (2x109)    Liquid or tablets    Contains prebiotics and lactoferrin
VSL # 3 ®    Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus acidophillus, Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus delbrueckii, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Bifidobacterium longu, Bifidobacterium brevis, Bifidobacterium infantis, Saccharomyces thermophilus (450x109)    Tablets or envelopes    Store at 2-8ºC. It contains lactose and soy.
Oral rehydration solutions with probiotics           
Tradename    Composition of probiotics    Description    Observations
Bioralsuero baby ®    Lactobacillus reuteri (100x106)    Envelopes    Store at <25ºC
Bioralsuero ® Bioralsuero orange    Lactobacillus reuteri (100x106)    Bricks    Store at <25ºC
Bioralsuerotravel ®    Lactobacillus reuteri (100x106)    Envelopes    EFP
Other preparations           
Tradename    Composition of probiotics       
Activia ®    Lactobacterium animalis DN173010       
Actimel ®    Lactobacillus casei DN-114 001       
LC1 ®    Lactobacillus johnsonii LaI       

Thursday, February 14, 2019

BLIS TravelProtect with High Potency BLIS K12, 2.5 Billion CFU Oral Probiotic to Support Your Throat Health & Immunity While Travelling or Flying, Sugar-Free, 24 Lozenges

Probiotics still keep secrets for scientists

The probiotics are in full fury. He is said to be the next big superstar in the prevention and treatment of conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, gestational diabetes, allergies and obesity .

Its proponents claim that these "good" bacteria feed the microbiome of the intestine and expel the "bad" microbes . As a result, they say, one experiences better digestion, a healthier immune system and an improved mood.

However, enthusiasm for probiotics may be premature. Scientists are just beginning to understand the complex function of the microbiome, the way probiotics work and their potential for specific treatments. "The outlook looks like the Old West," says Claire Fraser, director of the Institute of Genome Sciences at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. Although some results point to beneficial effects, Fraser says more studies are needed to translate the information into medical recommendations .

BLIS TravelProtect with High Potency BLIS K12, 2.5 Billion CFU Oral Probiotic to Support Your Throat Health & Immunity While Travelling or Flying, Sugar-Free, 24 Lozenges
BLIS TravelProtect with High Potency BLIS K12, 2.5 Billion CFU Oral Probiotic to Support Your Throat Health & Immunity While Travelling or Flying, Sugar-Free, 24 Lozenges

In addition, probiotic supplements currently on the market may not be as useful. According to Lee Kaplan, director of the Obesity, Metabolism and Nutrition Institute at Massachusetts General Hospital, it is not yet clear how to recreate a healthy or completely diverse microbiome. "It's unlikely that currently available probiotics will do it, we probably do not have the right ones yet," he said.

Russian scientist Elie Metchnikoff was the first to perceive, more than 100 years ago, that eating fermented foods may be associated with well-being and longevity. Research on the subject has accelerated in the last 10 years, as scientists have developed tools to study the microbiome in depth.

According to Kaplan, today researchers know that the microbiome can affect mood, intestinal function, obesity, diabetes and inflammation. So far, there is evidence that bacterial strains are beneficial as treatment in some specific cases.

For example, probiotics have been found to significantly reduce the incidence of necrotising enterocolitis , a life-threatening gastrointestinal disease in premature babies , and diarrhea caused by Clostridium difficile , an infection that can be caused by the use of antibiotics.

There is also encouraging research showing that probiotics can help with other conditions, such as acute diarrhea, diarrhea associated with antibiotics in children, infection with Helicobacter pylori (a bacterial disease related to peptic ulcers) and other gastrointestinal disorders, including the syndrome of the irritable colon.

Other studies indicate that probiotics can help prevent acute infections of the upper respiratory tract and the common cold. Since they are sold as dietary and dietary supplements, in the United States they are not subject to the typical regulations of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

This means that the products may not contain live bacteria, or even the type and number of bacterial strains indicated on the label. "There is no way to confirm that what is on the list is what is in the box, nor that it is safe and useful, nor that it will help," said Purna Kashyap, a physician and assistant professor of medicine at the Mayo Clinic. For example, in 2015 an examination of 16 probiotic products found that only one of them contained the bacterial strain mentioned on the label. "At this time we can not predict who will feel better and who will not ," Kashyap said.

Some people do not feel different when taking the supplement, while others say it has made them healthier. Most probiotics are cheap, do not require a prescription and do not usually generate adverse reactions. But in general, Kashyap believes that it is better to wait for the next generation of probiotics to reach the market, especially if you have an immune deficiency or you are sick. "Even healthy bacteria can be dangerous for these people," he said.

However, the best way to take care of the intestinal tract is through a healthy diet: a variety of vegetables, fruits and fiber. You can also include foods rich in probiotics -yogur, soy- and always keep in mind that antibiotics can eliminate good bacteria, so they should be used only when medically necessary.

VitalTwist Probiotic 40 Billion CFU, Ultimate Flora Probiotics for Women, Men, Dietary Supplement, Gluten-Free, Non-GMO

Beyond yogurt: 6 foods rich in probiotics to take care of health

Although yogurts are associated with a significant amount of probiotics, there are other foods that contain beneficial bacteria for the intestine, naturally.

While digestive health has to do with the condition of each person, according to the World Organization of Gastroenterology (WGO, for its acronym in English), achieving proper digestion requires the constant and sufficient presence of nutrients such as fiber and water, as well as the inclusion of elements such as probiotics, which favor the intestinal flora. The experts in nutrition and the health of the digestive system in general agree that there are two items that should not be missing in the diet of a person who needs to enhance and improve their digestion: prebiotics and probiotics.

VitalTwist Probiotic 40 Billion CFU, Ultimate Flora Probiotics for Women, Men, Dietary Supplement, Gluten-Free, Non-GMO
VitalTwist Probiotic 40 Billion CFU, Ultimate Flora Probiotics for Women, Men, Dietary Supplement, Gluten-Free, Non-GMO

The first are food components that the body can not digest but that promote the growth of good bacteria in the intestine by selectively stimulating the growth and activity of beneficial bacteria (bifidobacteria and lactobacilli). The best known are insulin and fructooligosaccharides. They are a "special fiber" used as food by beneficial intestinal bacteria. In other words, fuel for probiotics.

There are beneficial bacteria that are key to the proper functioning of intestinal health

According to the WGO, probiotics are live microorganisms that, when ingested in adequate amounts, can provide important benefits for intestinal health. They are basically bacteria or yeast that, in addition to being found in supplements and medicines can also be found naturally in various foods.

Probiotics are typically found in foods rich in bacteria such as yogurt, cheese and other dairy products, as well as fermented foods such as sauerkraut and kombucha. The most commonly used belong to the species Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium . In general the product most associated with probiotics is yogurt but there is a lack of knowledge about its impact on digestive health or about other alternatives to incorporate them, since they are not the only source. What are the other food options that naturally contain probiotics:


It is a dairy product similar to yogurt but with a greater amount of probiotics, fermented by yeast and bacteria from eastern Europe and southwest Asia and its name comes from the Turkish word keyif , which means "feel good" after eating . That name is also designated both the set of microorganisms used to make the kefir and the drink itself.

It is excellent to treat various digestive problems, improve bone health and fight bacterial infections naturally. That is why it is a good alternative for lactose intolerant.
Kefir is a dairy similar to yogurt from the Caucasus countries


Sauerkraut, a typical German food (although also consumed in countries such as France, Poland or Switzerland), is the product that arises from the fermentation of cabbage leaves in brine. Thanks to the enormous amount of bacteria it has, it is considered one of the probiotic foods par excellence. In addition, it is also rich in fiber and vitamins C, B and K.

There is scientific evidence to suggest that fermented foods support the microbiotic health of the intestine. In particular, a type of bacteria called Lactobacillus - often used to make the sauerkraut of fermented cabbage - can help calm the appetite and can also improve the body's ability to regulate blood sugar.
The sauerkraut is the fermentation of the cabbage in brine

Sweet and sour cucumbers:

Although it may not seem like it, in general, pickles are an important source of probiotics. In particular, gherkins are an important source of beneficial bacteria, which contribute to digestion. It is always advisable that they be made in an artisan way to be able to make the most of probiotics. However, caution is important with this food as it is highly acidifying.
Pickles can provide important beneficial bacteria to the intestine


Kombucha is an ancient elixir to which traditional Chinese medicine attributes purifying, energizing and antioxidant properties. It is a green tea beverage sweetened and fermented by the effect of a symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast called SCOBY (Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast).

It is this fermentation process, the drink receives vitamins, amino acids, enzymes and organic acids beneficial for health and especially for digestion. In recent years, this is another of the many superfoods that gained relevance. However, for those people suffering from outbreaks of candida disease, it is not advisable.
Kombucha tea is produced from a major bacterial culture


Miso, which in Japanese means "source of flavor", is a fermented condiment that gives a great flavor contribution to meals. It is a thick paste of brown, white, red or yellow with a salty and somewhat bitter taste that has its origin in China of the seventh century and then spread to Japan to reach the West. Its most common use is soups but it also serves for salads, vegetables and sauces.
Miso is a Japanese dressing traditionally used in soups


Tempeh, traditional in Indonesia, is a food produced from fermented soybeans, presented in the form of cake or nougat and has an important contribution of probiotics and proteins (mainly B12) necessary in the diet.

In vegan diets it is one of the best alternate foods of meat and tofu. It can be prepared sauteed, baked and can even be eaten in shredded salad. If its preparation is adequate it is usually under salt, which also gives a good dietary alternative for people with heart failure.
Tempeh is a food based on fermented soybeans

Sakara Chocolate Probiotic Organic Supplement for Digestion & Immune Health 30ct

The Power of Probiotics

While most people associate the word "bacteria" with something that can cause disease, there are beneficial bacteria, specifically probiotics, that are essential for maintaining good health.

What are probiotics?

Probiotics are strains of bacteria that help maintain the natural balance of the flora in the human intestine. They break down food so that it can be digested and help strengthen the immune system. In other words, there may be harmful or beneficial bacteria in the digestive system, and the consumption of probiotics (through food or supplements) increases the amount of beneficial bacteria and strengthens their ability to decrease the amount of harmful bacteria.

Sakara Chocolate Probiotic Organic Supplement for Digestion & Immune Health 30ct
Sakara Chocolate Probiotic Organic Supplement for Digestion & Immune Health 30ct

Why is that important?

An imbalance of the beneficial and harmful flora can cause occasional indigestion, constipation and abdominal discomfort, among other digestive problems. In addition, its ability to properly absorb nutrients from food and supplements depends on the beneficial bacteria in the digestive system.

Not all probiotics are the same

The most common probiotic bacteria come from two groups: Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. Each group of bacteria covers different species with several strains, and each strain benefits different parts of the body in different ways. For example, Lactobacillus strains have been shown to support the immune system and help food pass through the digestive system correctly. The strains of Bifidobacterium can help relieve sensations of cramps, bloating, gas and diarrhea. But it is important to note that not all probiotics are the same and not all work the same way.

What are the benefits of probiotics?

While scientists have not been able to identify exactly how probiotics effectively manage to promote and support good health, they have discovered numerous advantages of supplementing their diet with beneficial bacteria. It has been shown that probiotics help:

1.- Protect and strengthen digestive health
2.- Strengthen the immune system by increasing the production of antibodies
3.- Encourage the body's ability to absorb nutrients
4.- Produce the necessary nutrients to metabolize the food you eat

Common sources of probiotics

What are the best ways to get additional probiotics in your daily diet? Probiotics are found in foods with abundant living species of bacteria and yeasts. Common sources include yogurt, "raw" or "live" sauerkraut, kim chee, some dark chocolates and miso soup. Because the actual levels of healthy probiotics can vary in food, a confidence supplement is recommended to ensure a consistent amount of probiotics each day.

Our product

A daily dose of our company's probiotic contains five billion colonies from two strains of acid resistant flora: Lactobacillus acidophilus (which targets the small intestine) and Bifidobacterium lactis (which works in the colon). Florify also has an exclusive combination of dicalcium phosphate (DCP) and FOS prebiotics (fructooligosaccharides). This prebiotic helps to nourish healthy bacteria in the digestive system.

Did you know?

The human body has one hundred billion microorganisms in the intestines, 10 times the number of cells in the human body.

The bacteria of the intestine depend totally on the host (the human body). It is extremely difficult to study them because they can not be grown in the laboratory.

Evivo Baby Probiotic Starter Kit with Activated B. infantis — 1-Month Supply (4-Weeks)

Probiotics and Health

Probiotics for intestinal and general health.

In case you are looking to buy a probiotic product to strengthen health in general and intestinal balance in particular, it is best to buy a preparation that is a combination of several probiotic bacteria.

The intestinal microbiology of each person is different according to physiological factors, the type of food and the microorganisms with which they have had contact. By administering a mixture of several probiotics it is easier for some of them to work well in this ecosystem and produce beneficial effects.

Evivo Baby Probiotic Starter Kit with Activated B. infantis — 1-Month Supply (4-Weeks)
Evivo Baby Probiotic Starter Kit with Activated B. infantis — 1-Month Supply (4-Weeks)

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Where to buy probiotics for intestinal health:

A good option is Anastore's probiotic formula. It is an interesting preparation that combines fructo-oligosaccharides of prebiotic action with 10 lactic bacteria between lactobacilli and bifidobacteria:

  •     Lactobacillus acidophillus.
  •     Lactobacillus delbruekii bulgaricus.
  •     Lactobacillus plantarum.
  •     Lactobacillus lactis.
  •     Lactobacillus brevis.
  •     Lactobacillus casei.
  •     Lactobacillus rhamnosus.
  •     Bifidobacterium infantis.
  •     Bifidobacterium bifidum.
  •     Bifidobacterium breve.

According to the manufacturer, it facilitates intestinal transit, favors the growth of bacteria resistant to pathogens and strengthens the immune system.

They send to Spain and all of Europe.

Another very good option to buy probiotics online is Bio-Kult.

In this case, the Bio-Kult product is capsules with 14 different strains of microorganisms that contribute to maintaining the balance of probiotic bacteria in the body:

  •     Lactobacillus acidophilus
  •     Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus
  •     Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis
  •     Lactobacillus casei
  •     Lactobacillus helveticus
  •     Lactobacillus plantarum
  •     Lactobacillus rhamnosus
  •     Lactobacillus salivarius Ssp. salivarius
  •     Bifidobacterium breve
  •     Bifidobacterium bifidum
  •     Bifidobacterium infantis
  •     Bifidobacterium longum
  •     Bacillus subtilis
  •     Streptococcus thermophilus

Vaginal probiotics for urogenital health.

The ability of adhesion of lactobacilli and the production of substances such as acids (especially lactic acid), biosurfactants, bacteriocins and hydrogen peroxide that are toxic to pathogens, could prevent the onset of urogenital infections and accelerate recovery after an infection.

Where to buy vaginal probiotics:


They are capsules with 14 different strains of probiotic microorganisms. They are designed for oral use, but according to the manufacturer some women have reported that they have successfully used this product to relieve candidiasis by inserting one or two capsules in the vagina where they dissolve and the probiotic micro-organisms could help to repair the flora normal vaginal discharge and pathogens. Its oral use could also be useful to improve the general condition of the person and to decrease the candida present at the intestinal level, which is the main form of contamination of the vagina by proximity to the rectum.

It is a cream that contains the probiotic Lactobacillus acidofilus . It is designed to help the vaginal flora by producing lactic acid and help re-establish the vaginal flora. It is specially formulated to cover the vaginal walls and for external use.


Formulated in the form of a pessary that is inserted inside the vagina with an easy-to-use applicator included. Contain Lactobacillus acidofilus in a soluble wax plus Allium sativum extract and rose oil.

Why is the microbiota important?

We live surrounded by microorganisms and always the human being has lived with them. We find microorganisms in our skin, in the digestive system and genitourinairo apparatus.

To speak of intestinal flora or microbiota is to speak of one more organ, which has its own functions and which is related to the rest of our organism. The human body has 100 billion microorganisms in the digestive system , a figure ten times higher than the number of human cells. It is estimated that the intestinal flora of our digestive system weighs approximately one kilo. Most of these microorganisms are bacteria, belonging to more than 400 different species , among which the so-called "good bacteria" such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium predominate.

The amount and composition of the intestinal flora varies according to the digestive tract: in the stomach is where we find a lower number of bacteria due to the acidic pH of the stomach and as we go through the intestine they increase until they reach the colon or large intestine. is where the greatest number of bacteria is concentrated.

Magna Vita | Women's Probiotic Supplement with Cranberry Powder for Urinary, Vaginal, Digestive Tract and Immune Health, 10 Billion CFU, 5 Strains, 100% Made in The USA, 1 Month Supply

Probiotics, what they are, what are their health benefits

Let's find out why probiotics can improve our intestinal health and keep us healthy. Surely you have heard about the importance of maintaining a healthy intestinal flora, also being one of the key reasons that can guarantee the health of our body. Maintaining the balance of microbiotics is essential to avoid the emergence of a high number of disorders that condition our health, or risk the risk of suffering from certain pathologies.

What is Microbiotics?

The intestinal microbiota , or also called intestinal flora, is the population of microbes and bacteria that live in our intestine, which have a high involvement in human health. There are tens of trillions of microorganisms , including at least 1,000 different species of known bacteria with more than 3 million genes, residing in the intestinal flora. One third of our gut microbiota is common to most people, while two thirds are specific to each of us, that is, our gut is one of individual identity.

Magna Vita | Women's Probiotic Supplement with Cranberry Powder for Urinary, Vaginal, Digestive Tract and Immune Health, 10 Billion CFU, 5 Strains, 100% Made in The USA, 1 Month Supply
Magna Vita | Women's Probiotic Supplement with Cranberry Powder for Urinary, Vaginal, Digestive Tract and Immune Health, 10 Billion CFU, 5 Strains, 100% Made in The USA, 1 Month Supply

Why is it necessary to maintain our Intestinal Health?

Microorganisms have evolved together with us forming an integral part of human life, where they perform a series of essential functions and are involved in health and disease . There are links between the alteration of these bacterial populations and the following diseases or pathologies: chronic inflammation, autoimmune disease, asthma, autism, cancer, celiac disease, eczema, cardiovascular health, or obesity.

Function of Microbiotics

The tasks performed by the microbiotic are very diverse, such as nutritional or immunological function:

  •     Development of the gastrointestinal system of the newborn
  •     Obtaining energy from nutrients, due to its ability to ferment indigestible carbohydrates, promote the absorption of monosaccharides and the subsequent energy storage
  •     Maintenance of the pH of the skin and in the colon.
  •     Improves the absorption of water and minerals in the colon.
  •     Increase the speed of intestinal transit.
  •     Stimulates angiogenesis
  •     In the intestinal tract, it interacts with the immune system, providing signals to promote the maturation of immune cells and the normal development of autoimmune functions.
  •     Changes in its composition can contribute to the development of obesity and metabolic syndrome
  •     Protects against the development of type I diabetes
  •     Pathologies or chronic intestinal diseases are, and seem to be related to the alteration of intestinal microbiota

Factors that damage microbiotics

Our behavior and habits are the main causes and causes of why our intestinal flora tends to weaken or become sick, understanding this as a decrease in the bacterial population . They also lead to establish, as we indicated before, our unique profile of microbiotics. Among such factors are:

Age : the younger population has less complexity of bacterial diversity, while the elderly favor the colonization of the group of bacteroid species.

Diet : what you eat can define your intestinal microbiotic by altering it.

Drugs : the ingestion of antibiotics, as a measure of healing, can also cause the elimination of certain groups of bacteria from the intestine.

Exercise : As part of the adaptations, and the return to homeostasis, they produce certain variations in microbiotics, especially high intensity and prolonged duration, amplifying the symptoms of oxidative stress or creatine .

Environment : the environmental pollutants of various chemical families alter the composition and / or the metabolic activity of the gastrointestinal bacteria, which can be an important factor that contributes to mold the microbiotype of the individual.

What are Probiotics?

They are living bacteria and yeasts that reside in our body, and that are good for health, especially for the digestive system. Although the connotation of bacteria seems to reflect disease, in this case, its meaning is totally opposite: probiotics are bacteria that help keep the microbiotic healthy.

Function of Probiotics
Favor Digestion

Probiotics support the healthy balance of the microflora in the gastrointestinal system , suppress the growth of harmful bacteria and support a healthy digestion, improving intestinal mobility. This confers improved digestive function, specifically, that of effectively absorbing nutrients . These "friendly" bacteria help the intestines to produce lactic acid, acetic acid, hydrogen peroxide and other necessary organic compounds. They also participate in the synthesis of bile and the secretion of gastric juices.

Protection against infections

The probiotic bacteria and yeasts also improve the function of the immune system , stimulating the secretion of IgA and regulatory T cells, through the synthesis of enzymes that destroy harmful bacteria and toxins,

Practical issues to consider in athletes

Most of the probiotic bacteria studied in physically active individuals and athletes have been: Lactobacillus casei (the famous L-casei), L-fermentum , L-acidophilus and L-rhamnosus . The results do not show that any of them is superior to another, and therefore, it is difficult for medical and dietary recommendations for athletes to establish unique formulations of probiotics, recommending multispecies.

All of them, in terms of sports supplementation, can produce small beneficial effects in the improvement or maintenance of good health such as reducing the risk of respiratory and gastrointestinal diseases during periods of stress, high training load and competition.

In any case, the individualized review of the diet of athletes is a fundamental factor to know that exposure to probiotics is well tolerated before the competition.

Therefore, for a competition, the administration of probiotic supplements should begin at least 14 days before to allow adequate time for the colonization of bacterial species in the intestine.

Finally, an increased risk of gastrointestinal problems during travel is more than frequent, particularly in countries with problems related to hygiene of food (Asia, South America and Africa occupy prominent positions). Prophylactic supplementation with probiotics for individuals (not only athletes) and athletes traveling to these regions or areas could be part of the prevention plan of a general disease, following the same protocol of anticipation (14 days).

Types of Probiotics

The most common probiotics are the species that belong to the Bifidocaterium, Lactobacillus and Saccharomyces groups . Lasctobacillus Acidophilus is one of the most beneficial and well-known bacteria, used as a probiotic supplement. In addition there are the species of Lactobacillus casei, L. bulgaricus, L. sakei, L.plantarum, L.gasseri, L.reuteri, Lactobacillus GG and Lactobacillus LB. Bifidobacterium and S.thermophilus are also recommended species of probiotics.

Properties of Probiotics

Improves mood

These microorganisms help gastrointestinal health in the human body, which is why they are key elements in our health and well-being in general . This is particularly true if we consider that many of the common chronic diseases begin in the digestive system.

Restore the Intestinal Tract

With more than 400 different bacteria living in the human gastrointestinal tract, the most common forms of intestinal probiotics are L. acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum. These bacteria act as agents to restore unfriendly balance, intestinal pathogens such as Candida bacteria or E. coli.

Avoid Diseases

When the "good bacteria" are not sufficiently present in the organism, a series of health problems related to the bacteria appear, such as digestive discomfort, headaches, lethargy, irritability, candidiasis (an overgrowth of the bacterium Candida albicans). .

Lactobacillus Acidophilus

It is possibly the strongest of our probiotic fighters. Studies show that L. acidophillus is like a natural antibiotic in our body that has the ability to produce an antimicrobial action against pathogens in the food we eat, the air we breathe, and the retention of environmental elements that come into contact with we .. Stress, unhealthy lifestyles, and most importantly, unhealthy diets, destroy our natural amounts probiotic microorganisms.

What are functional foods?

They are modified foods, with the particularity that some of their components affect vital functions of the organism in a positive way. They offer health benefits by reducing the risk of diseases . Some functional foods include those that contain certain minerals, vitamins , essential fatty acids or dietary fiber, foods to which biologically active substances have been added, such as yogurts with bifidus.

What is the Difference between Probiotics and Prebiotics?

Probiotic foods

Probiotic foods include live microorganisms, which when administered in adequate amounts confer a benefit to the health of people. These microorganisms help to strengthen your immune system , in addition, can survive the digestion reaching the colon intact (alive) and helping to restore the intestinal flora that may have been altered by various causes.

Prebiotic foods stimulate the growth and activity of beneficial bacteria in the intestinal flora . Unlike live bacteria from probiotics, prebiotics   they are only lifeless substances that help to potentiate the beneficial effects of probiotic microorganisms . The prebiotics come from the fibers of the carbohydrates called oligosaccharides, which are not digested, so they remain in the digestive tract and stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria.

Symbiotic foods are those that contain prebiotic and probiotic products . They contain a prebiotic component that favors the effect of the positive benefits of the probiotic compounds.

Foods with Probiotics

In the intestinal tract both "good" and "bad" bacteria coexist, in a higher percentage than the first, and in a stable ratio. When for various reasons this balance is modified, what is known as dysbiosis occurs . By introducing probiotic foods, we can achieve to restore the correct levels. It is well known the benefits that induce such foods, such as: improvement of energy production, better skin texture, easier digestion, lower rate of colds or colds, reduction of symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, and even loss of weight.

Best Foods with Probiotics

It is a list of the best foods that probiotics provide, and it is recommended that at least several of them be within your diet. Naturally, they are foods that have been fermented , that is, a colony of bacteria have produced their alteration and molecular structure, transforming them into other types of food after their original (milk -> cheese / yogurt), with better properties, easier to digest , with the presence of greater concentration of nutrients ...

  • Kefir
  • Yogurt
  • Kombucha
  • Mother's Bread
  • Pickles
  • Natto
  • Tempeh
  • Sauerkraut or sauerkraut
  • Kimchi
  • Miso

How Does Intestinal Flora Improve?

Maintaining the integrity of the elements with beneficial properties for health should be a task to which maximum attention should be devoted, in order to avoid the risk of generating disease or more severe pathologies. Among the actions that produce an alteration of the correct order of our intestinal flora are the following, being a battle horse, treat them carefully and reduce or suppress each one to the maximum:

  •     Chemicals or toxins from the environment
  •     Excess of sugar in the diet
  •     Drugs (antibiotics)
  •     Ultra processed food
  •     Stress continued

Probiotic supplements

In order to improve and balance the intestinal flora, the option of including probiotics in the form of a supplement becomes very important. As we see, we are exposed to an infinity of pollutants and toxins. In addition, even the measures and treatment of food, from their collection, transportation, storage, and sale, produce an alteration in their properties, where a large majority are no longer useful (in aspects related to the subject)

The people who can obtain the maximum benefits are those who suffer from a problem in the immune system , such as ulcerative colitis or Crohn's.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Prescription Strength Three Strain Soil Based Probiotic - Primal Earth Probiotic from The Myers Way Protocol - Promotes Normal Bowel Pattern, Replenishes Healthy GI Microflora – Dietary Supplement

The amazing journey of natural probiotics through the digestive system

Probiotics are bacteria or yeasts that are found in some foods, such as:

  •     Dairy products such as cheese and yogurt
  •     Fermented vegetables such as sour cabbage
  •     Some pickles
  •     Meat sausages
  •     Nutritional supplements containing strains of selected bacteria

They have many beneficial effects in the body:

    They promote that the good bacteria that live in our body, and also those contained in probiotics, multiply.

  •     They prevent harmful bacteria or pathogens from staying in our organism.
  •     They help in the assimilation of nutrients, because some strains of probiotics participate in the degradation of these.

Trip of probiotics through the digestive system

Let's see now the action and the benefits of ingesting probiotics. We will continue your journey through the digestive tract, from the mouth until they are partially evacuated.

Daily we ingest several billions of bacteria, most of them come from food, others are lodged in our mouths.

The number of bacteria that live in our body, the microbiota , is more than ten times higher than the number of cells in our body. Most of these bacteria are in the digestive tract.

These bacteria are of various types and necessary in many of the processes that are carried out in our body. That is to say, our organism is an ecosystem.

Prescription Strength Three Strain Soil Based Probiotic - Primal Earth Probiotic from The Myers Way Protocol - Promotes Normal Bowel Pattern, Replenishes Healthy GI Microflora – Dietary Supplement
Prescription Strength Three Strain Soil Based Probiotic - Primal Earth Probiotic from The Myers Way Protocol - Promotes Normal Bowel Pattern, Replenishes Healthy GI Microflora – Dietary Supplement

Probiotics and oral health

Yogurt is made up of bacteria that ferment and feed on milk. They are known as lactic acid bacteria and belong to the genera Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium .

When we ingest a spoonful of yogurt, with lactobacillus and bifidobacterium, it dissolves in the mouth where you will find other resident bacteria.

The mouth has bacteria that live on the gums, teeth and tongue.

All people have some degree of plaque or decay, caused by different types of germs or "bad" bacteria, which grow rapidly and produce acids and enzymes from the food we eat, especially sugar.

By "bad", it refers to the fact that these microbes can damage our tissues, for example the gums, producing inflammation and discomfort.

Dental brushing removes sugars and many bacteria from the plaque, but within a few hours there is a recovery and multiplication of the rest.

Part of the Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium will remain attached to the teeth, tongue and gums.

These bacteria are harmless and also beneficial for the mouth, since they help the destruction of harmful oral bacteria, such as those that cause gingivitis and cavities.

Probiotics can be allies of oral health.

For example, it has been found that the use of strains containing a variety called Streptococcus salivarius K12 , reduces the pathogens that cause caries, gingivitis, halitosis, ear and throat infections.

Probiotics and stomach health

In most cases, the microorganisms in the food are mixed inside the mouth and then continue their way through the esophagus to the stomach.

In our case, the Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, which did not adhere to the teeth, tongue and palate, continue their way, via the esophagus, to the stomach.

The stomach is a hostile environment for most bacteria, because it produces large amounts of acid, which protects our body and helps digest food.

The acid destroys many harmful bacteria that we ingest, and also the enzymes of the milk present in dairy products.

However, some bacteria such as the probiotics Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, survive the effects of acid thanks to a protective shield that makes them highly resistant.

More than half of the world population, and especially in the Asian continent, lodge in its stomach a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori , some strains of this bacterium are pathogenic.

The bacteria can be acquired from different sources, for example it can be transmitted from contaminated water.

This bacterium can furrow and perforate the walls of the stomach tissue to lodge there, thus producing urease and a toxin that damages the cells causing painful ulcers and sometimes stomach cancer.

Antibiotics can cure some cases of helicobacter colonization , but frequently, the bacteria resist destruction, or return once the treatment is over.

Probiotic bacteria help reduce helicobacter .

It is believed that they do it with weapons similar to those used by antibiotics, called bacteriocins, which are protein toxins synthesized by probiotics, which inhibit the growth of other bacteria.

Another mechanism used by probiotics is the displacement by occupation of the tissues that pretend to colonize the pathogenic bacteria.

SúperBio is the best probiotic mix, to begin to enjoy the benefits that bring to the health of the digestive tract.

It is worth incorporating them into the diet. And they have many more advantages as they progress on their journey.

Probiotics and small intestine

The destroyed microorganisms, the probiotic bacteria and the surviving fermenting microbes reach the intestine and come into contact with the bile salts, which destroy many of the fermenting microbes of the milk.

However, many resist these harmful effects and can continue their journey through the digestive system.

The small intestine is a tube nine meters long, which has structures called villi and microvilli that absorb the nutrients contained in food and create an important defense against disease.

The small intestine hosts billions of bacteria: the microbiota .

Among others, there are also more of the Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli that contribute favorably to our health: by digesting food, combating bad bacteria and modulating the immune response.

There are many aspects to be investigated as: the types of bacteria that live in the intestine, the way of communication between them and the way we perceive them and also if probiotics can prevent or alleviate certain diseases.

Defense against pathogenic microorganisms

In the small intestine the nutrients that pass into the bloodstream are absorbed, but also the passage of pathogenic bacteria into the blood is prevented.

The intestine has complex systems that monitor at all times what happens around it, as well as the bacteria or molecules that reach it.

It can detect good microorganisms, and differentiate them from bad bacteria or viruses, by secreting an antibody known as secretory IgA.

When too many bad bacteria are ingested by the effect of water or a contaminated food, the probiotic bacteria act together with the intestinal defenses, preventing the bad bacteria from harming the host.

In addition to secretory IgA, the intestine secretes enzymes such as lysozyme , tiny proteins and killer cells that stop harmful bacteria.

The cells of the small intestine produce mucus, in addition to soluble factors called glycoconjugates, which participate in the intestinal defenses.

In the intestinal microvilli are Paneth cells, which have granules with large amounts of natural antimicrobial substances, called defensins.

When the Paneth cells encounter the bad bacteria or the toxic substances produced by them, they emit a geyser that contains these defensin granules.

If a series of bad bacteria sticks to the surface of the intestine, forming a biological film formed by several layers of germs, then problems can arise in the intestine.

In this case bad bacteria will try to dig a hole in the epithelial wall, whereby the host is exposed to the risk of an infection spreading through the bloodstream.

Several studies indicate that some probiotic bacteria can modify this process, by restoring or maintaining an airtight intestinal barrier, and preventing bad bacteria from adhering and damaging the surface of the intestine.

Probiotics and control of inflammation

The process of inflammation and the way it is regulated by probiotics is not completely understood, but we will try to explain what is known.

The epithelium of the intestinal mucosa contains the so-called M cells. When these cells come into contact with bacteria and viruses, they must decide whether they are good or bad microbes.

The M cells transport the bacteria to the defensive lines of the host, where the army of the immune system is waiting: the dendritic cells, the macrophages, the T and V lymphocytes and the plasma cells.

Bacteria are detected by dendritic cells, which migrate and reunite with T lymphocytes. These produce, in response, the release of inflammatory cytokines or allergic reactions, in case of detecting bad bacteria.

On the contrary, if the intestine detects probiotic or good bacteria, more T lymphocytes are activated, which regulate the inflammatory process and activate homeostasis .

The probiotic bacteria can multiply during their transit through the intestine, some are left behind for a few days, but most continue their journey along with the foods that continue their digestion.

During this process the host obtains useful substances such as short-chain fatty acids and also waste from which it needs to be released.

Probiotics and large intestine

The large intestine is lined with more than 500 different species of bacteria.

The fermentation of food causes people to release several liters of gas per day. The gases can be odorless or very smelly, depending on the food and the activated bacteria.

In the large intestine or colon, there is very little oxygen, so most of the bacteria living here are anaerobic , that is, they do not require oxygen to live.

The bacteria are able to perceive their environment. The microorganisms emit molecular sensors and then receive information that warns them of a danger.

Suppose that bad bacteria have caused a crack in the wall of the colon, it is believed that the probiotic bacteria counteract part of the damage caused to it, recolonizing the medium and slowing down the diarrhea.

If the bad bacteria were salmonellas and were multiplying at a faster rate than the other bacterial inhabitants, it would be an infection that would produce tremendous discomfort, which is usually fought with antibiotics.

Antibiotics come through the bloodstream, but some also come from the intestinal tunnel, and their action destroys not only salmonella, but also the microbiota of the colon.

Antibiotics are designed to attack the wall of the bacterial cell or its interior, but very few differentiate between types of bacteria, which is why, in practice, they destroy all the ground and destroy bacteria, both good and bad.

Some probiotic bacteria that have an intrinsic resistance included in their DNA, can resist the attack by antibiotics.

However, after a treatment with antibiotics, it is convenient to restore the microbiota, through the intake of foods or supplements with a high content of probiotics.

That is why SúperBio is of great help during the treatment with antibiotics, since it strengthens the intestinal flora decimated by the treatment.

Likewise, SúperBio, contributes to reduce the period of diarrhea , normalizing the intestinal habit.

Part of the probiotic bacteria that did not adhere to the digestive system reach the outside, from where they move, in the case of women, to the vaginal tract, located only four centimeters away, where they also have beneficial effects.

But most say goodbye to the intestine and go to know where they are going to stop.

Natural probiotic: dirt

Among natural probiotics we have those that are present in the dirt. Siļļ As you read it, in the dirt.

At the present time hygiene measures are extreme, but for centuries humanity has lived in close contact with the earth.

Food and water were consumed as they were. That dirt, while not too "dirty", is a source of probiotics and minerals.

Some doctors think that extreme hygiene measures, such as sterilization, have weakened our microbiota.

The main responsible for the probiotic benefits of soil and dust, is a bacterium called bacillus subtilis , which is present in water, air, soil and plants.

It is a bacterium that resists stomach acids and bile salts, which is why it is able to colonize the entire digestive tract.

Controlled strains of this probiotic are used to treat gastrointestinal disorders, such as diarrhea in children and infants.

Bacillus subtilis strengthens the intestinal mucosa and promotes the growth of other probiotic bacteria such as lactobacilli.

It promotes digestion and improves the absorption of nutrients. Stimulates the immune system by increasing the production of broad-spectrum antibodies.

Bacillus subtilis works cooperatively with other probiotics and occupies all the spaces of the intestine, so that the pathogenic bacteria can not settle and thrive.

Dairy probiotics

Lactic probiotics or lactobacilli are those that can grow or ferment milk, there is a wide variety of them but we will name the most relevant ones.

Lactobacillus Rhamnosus

It is a lactic acid bacteria, naturally present in the human gastrointestinal mucosa, the mouth, the urinary tract and the vagina.

It is very resistant to stomach acids. That is why it is effective as a cure for gastrointestinal problems.

This strain is used in dairy products such as yogurt and Parmesan cheese, but it can also be found in cured meat sausages and in tofu, also known as soy cheese.

The benefits of this probiotic are:

  •     Increases resistance to allergies,
  •     Strengthens the immune system
  •     Acts as an antibiotic
  •     Regulates overweight and diabetes
  •     Improves the symptoms of depression and anxiety.

However, if the immune system is depressed, as in the case of HIV, it should not be consumed because it can cause a bacterial infection that is very resistant to antibiotics.

The SuperBio probiotic supplement contains the most beneficial combination, including Lactobacillus Rhamnosus and several other probiotics. Read on to learn about its benefits.

Lactobacillus Casei

It is used in the production of cheeses such as cheddar and yogurt. Also in the fermentation of Sicilian olives.

This probiotic is found naturally in the mouth and in the human intestines.

It prevents the growth of pathogenic bacteria and promotes the growth of good bacteria, especially Lactobacillus Acidophilus .

It is very beneficial for the digestive process, helping to digest carbohydrates, as it supports the acidic environment of the intestine and bile.

It is present in several types of liquid yoghurts and once ingested it can remain in the intestine for up to ten days.

Very effective in the treatment after antibiotics and for the treatment of infantile diarrhea.

Lactobacillus Acidophilus

It is among the most recommended strains of probiotics. Here are some advantages:

  •     Promotes the health of the digestive tract and the immune system.
  •     It helps in the production of lactase, so it is very beneficial to people intolerant to lactose.
  •     There is evidence that L. acidophilus can also be beneficial for cardiovascular health by lowering cholesterol.

L. acidophilus can be found in several foods such as yogurt, kimchi, sauerkraut and kombucha.

To promote the growth of these bacteria in the digestive tract, it is convenient to accompany them with prebiotic foods , such as beans, asparagus and garlic.

Lactobacillus plantarum

These bacteria are found naturally in human saliva. Produces antibiotic substances such as lactolin , capable of attacking pathogenic bacteria. It also produces lysine, which is an essential amino acid.

Humanity has consumed this bacterium since time immemorial, since this strain is used in the preparation of bread dough, sauerkraut, kimchi, nigerian ogi, African fufu and olive brine.

It is usually part of good quality probiotic supplements.

Its benefits are varied:

  •     Maintains balanced the microbiota of the digestive tract
  •     Improves digestion
  •     Optimizes the absorption of vitamins and minerals
  •     It can synthesize some beneficial nutrients for the organism such as L-lysine.
  •     Reduction of risk of colorectal cancer
  •     Help prevent kidney stones
  •     Decreases the inflammatory response

This probiotic is recommended to pregnant women, so that the birth canal has enough healthy bacteria to pass to the baby.

Probiotics with L. plantarum are highly recommended after treatment with antibiotics, since it keeps candidiasis at bay.

Bifidobacterium longum

This strain of bacteria has a symbiotic relationship with humans and is found in the digestive tract and the vagina. It inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria and stimulates the immune system.

This bacteria ferments sugars and converts them into lactic acid. It also produces hydrogen peroxide and acetic acid, which increases intestinal acidity and prevents the proliferation of harmful bacteria and fungi.

These probiotics can be contained in foods such as yogurt and sauerkraut.

And these are the main natural probiotics. Scientists continue to analyze their properties and benefits. Now that you know them, include them in your diet through SuperBio , the most complete supplement with probiotics.

Dr. Colbert's Probiotics with Prebiotics Including DE111® and PreforPro® for Maximum Gut Health

Help your digestive system: Understanding probiotics

What are probiotics?
Probiotics are considered "good bacteria."
Frequently when we think of bacteria,
we think about those that cause diseases. Although there are
many bacteria that cause diseases, there are other
which are beneficial to our health. Probiotics are
"Living microorganisms that, when supplied in
adequate amounts, promote health benefits. "
(FAO and WHO 2002)
Many probiotics are Lactobacillus species or
Bifidobacterium The list of some probiotic bacteria
commons shown below.

Dr. Colbert's Probiotics with Prebiotics Including DE111® and PreforPro® for Maximum Gut Health
Dr. Colbert's Probiotics with Prebiotics Including DE111® and PreforPro® for Maximum Gut Health

• Lactobacillus acidophilus
• Lactobacillus casei
• Lactobacillus rhamnosus
• Bifidobacterium longum
• Bifidobacterium infantis
• Bifidobacterium breve
• Bifidobacterium bifidum

What are the benefits of probiotics?

The bacterial balance in our gastrointestinal tract
can be interrupted by a change in diet, for
contaminated food, stress, antibiotics and other
medications, and age. Probiotics can help
to restore and maintain the intestinal balance. Further,
Probiotics can help prevent diarrhea
associated with the consumption of antibiotics (Issa et al., 2014).
Probiotics could also help prevent the
constipation (Dimidi et al., 2014) and help manage
symptoms of gastric diseases.

How do probiotics work?

This is how probiotics promote health:
• Producing substances in the intestine, such as
lactic acid, which helps retard the growth of
bacteria that cause diseases.
• Competing for nutrients and space with bacteria that
They cause diseases.
• Decomposing toxins.
• Affecting the nerves and muscles of the intestine.

Probiotics do not remain in the intestine. Thus, Probiotics should be ingested frequently for
that can exert their beneficial effects.

What makes a good probiotic?

Probiotics must be alive when they enter the intestine. So a good probiotic must be able to survive the stomach acid and resist other bacteria.

A good probiotic should also be safe. To ensure safety, probiotics must be identified
accurately, they must not be contaminated and must be properly labeled. Probiotics are analyzed to make sure they do not cause stomach upset, diarrhea or other side effects. In addition, probiotics are tested to make sure they have positive effects in the health of humans.

Is there any risk when taking

It is thought that probiotics are safe for people
healthy However, people with functions
immune suppressed, such as individuals with HIV /
AIDS, those who have received transplants and those who have
are being treated for cancer, they should consult their
doctors before taking a probiotic (Hempel et al., 2014).

Buying probiotics
Probiotics are available in capsules and in powder form.
Probiotics are added to certain foods, such as certain
yogurt brands. Probiotics can also be
found in fermented milk drinks, used bars
like sandwiches, fruit drinks and breakfast cereals.

Probiotics are living microbes with benefits for
health. They are effective in maintaining and restoring the balance
of microbes in our gastrointestinal tract. With more
research, other benefits may be confirmed for the