Thursday, February 14, 2019

VitalTwist Probiotic 40 Billion CFU, Ultimate Flora Probiotics for Women, Men, Dietary Supplement, Gluten-Free, Non-GMO

Beyond yogurt: 6 foods rich in probiotics to take care of health

Although yogurts are associated with a significant amount of probiotics, there are other foods that contain beneficial bacteria for the intestine, naturally.

While digestive health has to do with the condition of each person, according to the World Organization of Gastroenterology (WGO, for its acronym in English), achieving proper digestion requires the constant and sufficient presence of nutrients such as fiber and water, as well as the inclusion of elements such as probiotics, which favor the intestinal flora. The experts in nutrition and the health of the digestive system in general agree that there are two items that should not be missing in the diet of a person who needs to enhance and improve their digestion: prebiotics and probiotics.

VitalTwist Probiotic 40 Billion CFU, Ultimate Flora Probiotics for Women, Men, Dietary Supplement, Gluten-Free, Non-GMO
VitalTwist Probiotic 40 Billion CFU, Ultimate Flora Probiotics for Women, Men, Dietary Supplement, Gluten-Free, Non-GMO

The first are food components that the body can not digest but that promote the growth of good bacteria in the intestine by selectively stimulating the growth and activity of beneficial bacteria (bifidobacteria and lactobacilli). The best known are insulin and fructooligosaccharides. They are a "special fiber" used as food by beneficial intestinal bacteria. In other words, fuel for probiotics.

There are beneficial bacteria that are key to the proper functioning of intestinal health

According to the WGO, probiotics are live microorganisms that, when ingested in adequate amounts, can provide important benefits for intestinal health. They are basically bacteria or yeast that, in addition to being found in supplements and medicines can also be found naturally in various foods.

Probiotics are typically found in foods rich in bacteria such as yogurt, cheese and other dairy products, as well as fermented foods such as sauerkraut and kombucha. The most commonly used belong to the species Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium . In general the product most associated with probiotics is yogurt but there is a lack of knowledge about its impact on digestive health or about other alternatives to incorporate them, since they are not the only source. What are the other food options that naturally contain probiotics:


It is a dairy product similar to yogurt but with a greater amount of probiotics, fermented by yeast and bacteria from eastern Europe and southwest Asia and its name comes from the Turkish word keyif , which means "feel good" after eating . That name is also designated both the set of microorganisms used to make the kefir and the drink itself.

It is excellent to treat various digestive problems, improve bone health and fight bacterial infections naturally. That is why it is a good alternative for lactose intolerant.
Kefir is a dairy similar to yogurt from the Caucasus countries


Sauerkraut, a typical German food (although also consumed in countries such as France, Poland or Switzerland), is the product that arises from the fermentation of cabbage leaves in brine. Thanks to the enormous amount of bacteria it has, it is considered one of the probiotic foods par excellence. In addition, it is also rich in fiber and vitamins C, B and K.

There is scientific evidence to suggest that fermented foods support the microbiotic health of the intestine. In particular, a type of bacteria called Lactobacillus - often used to make the sauerkraut of fermented cabbage - can help calm the appetite and can also improve the body's ability to regulate blood sugar.
The sauerkraut is the fermentation of the cabbage in brine

Sweet and sour cucumbers:

Although it may not seem like it, in general, pickles are an important source of probiotics. In particular, gherkins are an important source of beneficial bacteria, which contribute to digestion. It is always advisable that they be made in an artisan way to be able to make the most of probiotics. However, caution is important with this food as it is highly acidifying.
Pickles can provide important beneficial bacteria to the intestine


Kombucha is an ancient elixir to which traditional Chinese medicine attributes purifying, energizing and antioxidant properties. It is a green tea beverage sweetened and fermented by the effect of a symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast called SCOBY (Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast).

It is this fermentation process, the drink receives vitamins, amino acids, enzymes and organic acids beneficial for health and especially for digestion. In recent years, this is another of the many superfoods that gained relevance. However, for those people suffering from outbreaks of candida disease, it is not advisable.
Kombucha tea is produced from a major bacterial culture


Miso, which in Japanese means "source of flavor", is a fermented condiment that gives a great flavor contribution to meals. It is a thick paste of brown, white, red or yellow with a salty and somewhat bitter taste that has its origin in China of the seventh century and then spread to Japan to reach the West. Its most common use is soups but it also serves for salads, vegetables and sauces.
Miso is a Japanese dressing traditionally used in soups


Tempeh, traditional in Indonesia, is a food produced from fermented soybeans, presented in the form of cake or nougat and has an important contribution of probiotics and proteins (mainly B12) necessary in the diet.

In vegan diets it is one of the best alternate foods of meat and tofu. It can be prepared sauteed, baked and can even be eaten in shredded salad. If its preparation is adequate it is usually under salt, which also gives a good dietary alternative for people with heart failure.
Tempeh is a food based on fermented soybeans