Thursday, February 14, 2019

Evivo Baby Probiotic Starter Kit with Activated B. infantis — 1-Month Supply (4-Weeks)

Probiotics and Health

Probiotics for intestinal and general health.

In case you are looking to buy a probiotic product to strengthen health in general and intestinal balance in particular, it is best to buy a preparation that is a combination of several probiotic bacteria.

The intestinal microbiology of each person is different according to physiological factors, the type of food and the microorganisms with which they have had contact. By administering a mixture of several probiotics it is easier for some of them to work well in this ecosystem and produce beneficial effects.

Evivo Baby Probiotic Starter Kit with Activated B. infantis — 1-Month Supply (4-Weeks)
Evivo Baby Probiotic Starter Kit with Activated B. infantis — 1-Month Supply (4-Weeks)

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Where to buy probiotics for intestinal health:

A good option is Anastore's probiotic formula. It is an interesting preparation that combines fructo-oligosaccharides of prebiotic action with 10 lactic bacteria between lactobacilli and bifidobacteria:

  •     Lactobacillus acidophillus.
  •     Lactobacillus delbruekii bulgaricus.
  •     Lactobacillus plantarum.
  •     Lactobacillus lactis.
  •     Lactobacillus brevis.
  •     Lactobacillus casei.
  •     Lactobacillus rhamnosus.
  •     Bifidobacterium infantis.
  •     Bifidobacterium bifidum.
  •     Bifidobacterium breve.

According to the manufacturer, it facilitates intestinal transit, favors the growth of bacteria resistant to pathogens and strengthens the immune system.

They send to Spain and all of Europe.

Another very good option to buy probiotics online is Bio-Kult.

In this case, the Bio-Kult product is capsules with 14 different strains of microorganisms that contribute to maintaining the balance of probiotic bacteria in the body:

  •     Lactobacillus acidophilus
  •     Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus
  •     Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis
  •     Lactobacillus casei
  •     Lactobacillus helveticus
  •     Lactobacillus plantarum
  •     Lactobacillus rhamnosus
  •     Lactobacillus salivarius Ssp. salivarius
  •     Bifidobacterium breve
  •     Bifidobacterium bifidum
  •     Bifidobacterium infantis
  •     Bifidobacterium longum
  •     Bacillus subtilis
  •     Streptococcus thermophilus

Vaginal probiotics for urogenital health.

The ability of adhesion of lactobacilli and the production of substances such as acids (especially lactic acid), biosurfactants, bacteriocins and hydrogen peroxide that are toxic to pathogens, could prevent the onset of urogenital infections and accelerate recovery after an infection.

Where to buy vaginal probiotics:


They are capsules with 14 different strains of probiotic microorganisms. They are designed for oral use, but according to the manufacturer some women have reported that they have successfully used this product to relieve candidiasis by inserting one or two capsules in the vagina where they dissolve and the probiotic micro-organisms could help to repair the flora normal vaginal discharge and pathogens. Its oral use could also be useful to improve the general condition of the person and to decrease the candida present at the intestinal level, which is the main form of contamination of the vagina by proximity to the rectum.

It is a cream that contains the probiotic Lactobacillus acidofilus . It is designed to help the vaginal flora by producing lactic acid and help re-establish the vaginal flora. It is specially formulated to cover the vaginal walls and for external use.


Formulated in the form of a pessary that is inserted inside the vagina with an easy-to-use applicator included. Contain Lactobacillus acidofilus in a soluble wax plus Allium sativum extract and rose oil.

Why is the microbiota important?

We live surrounded by microorganisms and always the human being has lived with them. We find microorganisms in our skin, in the digestive system and genitourinairo apparatus.

To speak of intestinal flora or microbiota is to speak of one more organ, which has its own functions and which is related to the rest of our organism. The human body has 100 billion microorganisms in the digestive system , a figure ten times higher than the number of human cells. It is estimated that the intestinal flora of our digestive system weighs approximately one kilo. Most of these microorganisms are bacteria, belonging to more than 400 different species , among which the so-called "good bacteria" such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium predominate.

The amount and composition of the intestinal flora varies according to the digestive tract: in the stomach is where we find a lower number of bacteria due to the acidic pH of the stomach and as we go through the intestine they increase until they reach the colon or large intestine. is where the greatest number of bacteria is concentrated.