Friday, February 15, 2019

Natural Nutra Ultimate Flora Probiotic for Women and Men, Multi Strain with Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Bifudus, Lactis, Reuteri and Plantarum, 60 Vegetarian Capsules

What are probiotics and why do they benefit our gut?

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines probiotics as "living micro-organisms that, when provided in adequate amounts, promote health benefits of the host organism".

They inhabit the intestine of the person, and generate many benefits for the body. In the case of celiac patients, having the intestine affected, we have an extra help that helps to keep our functions perfectly preserved.

Probiotics favor the production of natural enzymes and the synthesis of gastric juices, and control the number of fungi that inhabit our body, preventing them from developing above what is due.

They have been proven effective in the prevention of diseases such as candidiasis, lactose intolerance or Crohn's disease.

Before entering the world of probiotics we must talk about the intestinal flora.

Natural Nutra Ultimate Flora Probiotic for Women and Men, Multi Strain with Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Bifudus, Lactis, Reuteri and Plantarum, 60 Vegetarian Capsules
Natural Nutra Ultimate Flora Probiotic for Women and Men, Multi Strain with Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Bifudus, Lactis, Reuteri and Plantarum, 60 Vegetarian Capsules

What is the intestinal flora?
PrintIn the intestine inhabit around 100 billion bacteria of up to 1,000 different species, this is called the intestinal flora, which is formed by microorganisms from the external environment, which we acquired being in contact with him from the time of birth. Then, depending on the lifestyle, diet, the environment in which they live, etc., one flora or another will be taken, so each person has a different intestinal flora.

This flora is found throughout the digestive tract, but mainly in the colon, because there are no acid juices that prevent the life of these bacteria, as there are for example in the stomach.

Not all the bacteria that inhabit our intestines are beneficial, there may be opportunistic bacteria that find in us an optimal place to live and reproduce, but as long as their number is controlled they do not have to give problems, and this is where probiotics come into play .

Why is intestinal flora so important?
-It is immunoprotective: Protects the immune system from attacks from the external environment

  • -Avoid the entry of germs: For example, coming from food in poor condition
  • -Synthesize vitamins: As the D or the K
  • -Produces energy: For our organism
  • -Absorbs nutrients: Iron, magnesium, calcium or sodium.

What is a probiotic?
The word probiotic means "for" (pro) "of life" (biotic). They consist of useful microorganisms that modify the intestinal flora replacing the harmful organisms. They are bacteria or yeast present in food and some medications or dietary supplements.

What effects do probiotics have on our body?

In our body live millions of bacteria of different types, keeping a balance. The problem is when one of these bacteria grows more than it should.

The digestive system is colonized by the "intestinal microbiota," or intestinal flora, which is generally in equilibrium but can be decompensated by taking medications, stress, or certain diseases.

In this type of case, probiotics can help to promote the development of "good" bacteria in the intestinal mucosa so that the balance with the "bad" bacteria can be reestablished.

  • What foods contain probiotics?
  • Many foods contain probiotics naturally. The two most famous probiotics are bifidobacterium and lactobacillus, which are for example yogurt, kefir, some seaweed, miso, sauerkraut or pickles.

What are the differences between a probiotic and a prebiotic?

PrintProbiotics consist of living microorganisms beneficial to health, whose effect has been scientifically proven, while prebiotics are compounds not digestible by the body, but fermented in the intestine and favoring the growth of beneficial bacteria for the intestinal tract, such as bifidobacteria or lactobacilli.

Examples of prebiotics would be, for example, inulin and FOS (fructooligosaccharides).

In which cases is it advisable to take probiotics?

It has been scientifically proven and proven that probiotics possess qualities that improve intestinal functioning and the immune system.

Its use is recommended to reestablish the flora in several cases:

Print-In intestinal inflammatory diseases

  • -In patients with lactose intolerance, since it has been shown that they increase the tolerance level.
  • -After passing an acute illness such as gastroenterirtis or colitis.
  • -After taking medications that alter the microbiota, such as antibiotics.
  • -In other diseases in which there is an overpopulation of "bad" bacteria, even if it is not in the digestive system itself, such as the candida mentioned above, which can also be oral and genital.