Thursday, March 7, 2019

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How to make hair grow quickly

*Drinking water *

Hydration is one of the most important things. Try to drink
approximately two liters of water per day. If it's too hot, drink
a little more according to the needs of your body.
Hydrates the organs, the skin and therefore, the hair. If you do not like it very much,
you can prepare cold drinks of herbs, diluted juices, liquefied and,
even broths and soups.

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HiBiotin? High Dose Biotin 100 X 100mg Capsules

* Egg white *

Proteins and egg nutrients are excellent for the
hair growth. Egg whites have vitamins that
They benefit your general condition. In the application try to mix the
of two eggs and spread them on the hair and scalp giving a
massage. Leave on for ten minutes.
Rinse well with warm water and then wash as usual. The hair is
You will see more shiny and healthy.

* Make a braid *

Before going to bed, braid your hair with the style you want. Yes
you have it very short, make two or three smaller ones.
Your hair has to be wet (after showering it is perfect).
Sleep all night with this hairstyle and in the morning, brush
vigorously. If you do it daily much better.

* Cut it frequently *

Believe it or not, cutting the ends of your hair can make you grow
faster. And it will grow stronger.
What makes it not grow are the split ends.

*Essential oils*

Grapeseed oil is very good for your hair to grow
fast, with brightness and strength.
You just have to apply a few drops as if it were a circular massage, in
the entire scalp. This will help you to stimulate
hair follicles.

Another very interesting option is coconut oil, which allows you to
Enjoy beautiful, shiny and healthy hair, in addition to longer.
Massage the scalp with a few drops of coconut oil
hot, once a week.

*Birth control pills*

It is not proven but many women say it is a remedy
cash. You do not have to take them but put them in your hair. Grind
four or five pills and add them to the shampoo that you use so
everyday, this will make your hair grow faster and at the same time,
be more abundant and healthy.

* Lemon and onion *

Mix equal amounts of onion and lemon juice in a bowl.
Massage this mixture on the scalp and then rinse.

* Energizing breakfast *

1 tablespoon of wheat germ, 1 tablespoon of brewer's yeast, 1
spoonful of soy lecithin, 1 tablespoon of honey and a cup of yogurt.
Combine all the ingredients in the yogurt and consume it every day before
of breakfast.

   As small additional tips it is important that you do not wash the
hair every day (maximum 2 or 3 times a week), do not brush
When it is very wet and do not use products that contain silicone.
Try not to use the dryer's diary, this will help the tips not
break up.

Now you will not be frustrated again when you do not understand why
all those expensive products do not work. The solution is in your house
and within reach of your pocket.

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This is what you have to do to make your hair grow faster

Are you longing to have long hair but are you impatient? Vogue investigates the latest discoveries to make your hair grow faster and faster

" The maximum speed at which hair can grow is genetically determined ," says Anabel Kingsley, one of the best triclogists in New York and London. "For most people this means little more than one centimeter a month and there is not much else to do to speed it up. That said, you can certainly take steps to make sure that your hair is growing as much as it can and does not fall out prematurely. "

A hair in excellent condition is a hair that grows properly . This means that good maintenance, regular treatments and a little more research into what you are giving your body to maintain healthy growth , and sometimes faster will be key to achieving our goals capillary.

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Nature's Bounty Biotin 10000 mcg Ultra Strength - 120 Softgels, Pack of 4

Does a healthy scalp imply that the hair is also healthy?

A healthy scalp is key, and often completely underestimated, since cell renewal, good hydration and balanced pH levels lay the foundation for healthy growth. "The scalp is the medium in which hair grows. Therefore, taking care of it is essential if you want your hair to grow long and strong, "says Kingsley, who recommends taking care of it with regular cleansing, daily toning and a specific exfoliating mask a week (try the Philip Kingsley tonic or its exfoliating mask specially designed for roots).

The latest products for the scalp can also provide nutrition and stimulation . Sisley's new hairline includes a fortifying revitalizing serum that contains rice proteins to stimulate follicles and stem cells, which in turn will enhance hair growth . It is also rich in minerals and vitamins: B6 and zinc, good for the production of keratin, provitamin B5 that helps the development of the follicles ; copper, zinc and magnesium that stimulate cell energy to revitalize hair, and finally, vitamin E acetate to protect hair from oxidative stress.

What supplements can help hair grow faster?

In any case, genes, environmental factors and hormones directly affect hair growth , so selecting the right vitamin and mineral supplements to counteract any deficiency is the best possible first step to contribute to growth and prevent breakage.

Here are the best hair supplements you can take

Fulvic Acid
This compound promotes the absorption of minerals and trace elements from the body . It has been proven that those that stimulate the scalp area "improve hair growth", says Shabir Daya, pharmacist and co-founder of Victoria Health , who adds: "A blind test in which IoniCell was used for women (a supplement of Fulvic acid) proved that it provided a little more thickness to the hair and improved hair conditions ".

According to Daya " iron deficiencies affect 15% of the world population "; key in the growth of cells, iron is vital for the anagen phase of hair growth, when the root of the follicles is dividing rapidly, adding to the hair shaft. During this phase the hair grows around one cm in 28 days , so finding a good quality iron supplement is key when it comes to avoiding falling. Try Florisene for Women, which also provides lysine, vitamin B12 and vitamin C to boost hair growth.

This vitamin B is essential when it comes to improving hair growth, with clinical studies that support and prove that it improves the production of keratin. " Hair is mainly made of keratin, so a biotin deficiency can result in hair loss ," says Daya.

Products that help strengthen your hair

Although a healthy scalp and good general health are vital when it comes to promoting hair growth, the condition of the hair shaft is equally important. "Hair will not grow beyond a certain length if it's breaking," says Kingsley. " To minimize breakage use a conditioning treatment before shampoo every week. These fill the hair shaft with hydration, improving its strength and elasticity. "

The hair strengthening treatments recommended by Vogue are

Kérastase Resistance Extentioniste : focuses on breaking the hair to allow it to grow stronger and get longer. The serum, in particular, is great to make the hair stronger from the root and reach all its potential growth.
Philip Kingsley elastomer : originally formulated for Audrey Hepburn, covers the hair shaft with elastin to strengthen and prevent breakage.

Does the diet affect hair growth?

Yes, and a lot. A balanced diet has a direct impact on hair growth . "Proteins and complex carbohydrates are basic when it comes to maintaining a good cycle of hair growth, so be sure to include them both in your breakfast and in your breakfast. These are the two most important meals of the day for your hair , because that's when the most energy is spent, "says Kingsley.

How should you take care of your hair at home to promote the growth of your hair?

Invest in a soft brush with rounded plastic tips and a padded ventilating base. The Tangled Teezers are good. Avoid bristle brushes because they can tear off sections of the outer cuticle, leaving the hair more vulnerable to possible damage.
If you want to maximize the length of your hair, be gentle when you brush it . Start at the tips and go up gradually, since starting from above supposes unnecessary friction for the hair shaft, which can also cause damage and breakage. Use a detangling spray before brushing.

How often should I cut my hair?

Letting your hair grow does not mean totally avoiding the hairdresser ; in fact, quite the contrary, since you will want your tips to remain robust to prevent them from opening and maintaining the hairstyle. Celebrity hair stylist George Northwood , responsible for the hair of the Duchess of Sussex on the evening of their wedding, says " Make yourself an imperceptible cut every three months (that's where we cut the ends without sacrificing the length). Follow fortifying treatments regularly to prevent the breakage of your hair and use a product that serves as a thermal protector if you use hot utensils . I also love drying with keratin, because it adds protein to the hair. "
The manual to let your hair grow: 6 hair stylist tips
Yes, there is a shampoo (pharmacy) with which hair can grow a little faster
How to brush (well) your hair to have a super hair

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How to grow hair fast and in 12 simple tricks

The best tricks to show off long, healthy and strong hair naturally and in less time.
Showing off that desired mane is a matter of time, but these tricks will help.
Showing off that desired mane is a matter of time, but these tricks will help expedite the process. Source: Unsplash

Maintaining healthy hair is achieved with good routines and care , but wearing a long mane is only a matter of time and requires a lot of patience.

However, there are a number of tricks to grow hair quickly and naturally , which will help you look strong and healthy hair. Do you want to know them?

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High Dose Biotin 100mg (100,000mcg)

How to grow hair faster

Apply these tips to achieve better hair growth, but do not forget that the most important thing will be to have patience.

1. Cut your hair more often

Although it may seem counterproductive, if you want to grow hair in a short time it will be necessary to cut the ends often so that our hair grows healthy.

When you let go a lot of time, the split ends will prevent the hair from growing properly , so it is recommended to go through the hairdresser every 2 or 3 months to cut a couple of centimeters each time and keep them healthy.

2. Reduce the shampoo in the washes

Another way to keep it healthy to make it grow quickly and naturally is to reduce the use of shampoo. This helps keep hair clean and nourished , but also eliminates the natural essential oils that help keep strands healthy. This does not mean that you should stop washing your hair, but it is advisable not to use shampoo every time you shower or do it without abuse.

3. Use conditioner

Instead of what you should not do without is the conditioner in each wash, an error of the most frequent. A good conditioner will help you to hydrate the hair well , repair damage and seal the follicles, allowing the hair to grow stronger and healthier.

4. Give a last pass with cold water when washing it

Hot water can go well for washing, but it is harmful to your hair and can damage it. Making a last wash with cold water allows the follicles to be sealed, thus leaving a strong hair and more easily manageable without danger to be damaged .

5. Brush it little and carefully

Brushing too often can cause hair damage , especially if you do it carelessly or aggressively, especially when you want to untangle the hair. It is for this reason that if you want to grow hair, brushing should be rare and done with great care.

In the same way you have to take care of the way you brush it once you get out of the shower. The correct way is to start to untangle it from below and go up.
It is better to brush your hair less and better.

6. Eye with pigtails

If you want to grow your hair healthy and strong, something that is preventing it may be to pick up your hair always in the same way or elastic rubber bands very tight. This simple gesture damages the hair in that area and can break it. In addition, tightening the rubber too much and wearing the hair very stretched can ruin the hair follicles, leading to hair loss.

If you can not give up collecting your hair in other ways than a pigtail, the best thing is that you vary the point where they start, to avoid spoiling the same area and allow your hair to grow more quickly .

7. Avoid dryers and heat products

Another tip to grow hair without problems is to avoid as much as possible the use of appliances that apply excessive heat on the hair . And yes, dryers are included. As mentioned in the previous point, heat damages the hair, causing breakage and frizz.

If you can not do without these products, try to do it at low temperatures. Also do not forget to use protectors for heat.

8. Use essential oils

The weekly use of essential oils will contribute to a healthier and stronger hair, favoring its growth . This type of additional treatment will be especially beneficial for unruly or damaged hair.

9. Massage the scalp

For good hair growth it is important to take care of it from the base, so pampering the scalp will be vital if you want to grow it quickly . Not only will it stimulate circulation, but it will help distribute the natural oils throughout the scalp, necessary to keep the roots strong.
The discoloration damages our hair and contributes to breakage.

10. No dyeing

Dyes are harmful to the hair, especially if you are looking for lighter shades and bleaching. These damage the follicles and favor breakage, frizz and split ends. If you are looking for a long mane, avoid the use of this type of chemicals in your hair .

11. Change your pillow

Do you have a pillow case made of cotton? Well, if you're looking to favor the growth of your hair even when sleeping, do yourself a favor and change it. The only pillowcase you will need should be silk. Its smooth and smooth texture is careful with your hair , and helps to avoid tangles and breaks.

12. Take care of your health and nutrition

But if you really want to show off an extensive mane in a short time, you should not only take care of your hair health. Drinking water to maintain hydration and avoid stress are some of the factors that contribute to maintaining a strong and healthy hair.

But taking care of your diet will also be important. Some foods have more impact on the growth of our pel or, as are protein foods or rich in vitamins B and C.

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Tricks to make hair grow faster

Caring for food is essential to promote growth
hair related. Eat fruits, vegetables, proteins and control levels
of vitamins and minerals will help you maintain a healthy and strong mane.

Healthy hair tends to grow faster, so try these
advice and you will notice the difference. Some home remedies are for
consume them, while others apply topically on leather scalp.

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Natrol Biotin 10000mcg FST Dslv

- *Green Tea*. This infusion has numerous health benefits.
One of them is precisely its contribution of nutrients to the hair for
make it grow quickly and prevent its fall. Have a cup of tea
green every morning for a month and enjoy its properties.

- *Olive oil*. This oil promotes that the hair grows healthy and
It strengthens giving it vitality. Being rich in unsaturated fatty acids,
protects the integrity of capillary cells and retains its
hydration. Your hair will not look that mistreated again and
frayed that so many headaches cause women. East
Home remedy alone requires heating olive oil with a spoonful
of rosemary for one minute. Leave to marinate for 48 hours. Apply on
roots and tips for 20 minutes and remove with shampoo.

- * Egg mask *. Beat 1 egg, add a banana, stir up
Let a homogeneous mixture remain and leave for 20 minutes.
Rinse with your usual shampoo and apply a conditioner.

- *Water with lemon*. Lemon is a conditioner that prevents frizz,
stimulates hair growth because it regulates the obstructing fat
the hair follicles and provides antioxidant vitamins that nourish it with
intensity. Add a couple of tablespoons and leave for a quarter
in time. Remove with plenty of water. You can perform this treatment
natural once a week (two if you have very oily hair).

- * Onion *. Onion is very nutritious, the only thing you have to do
is to cut it into very small pieces and add it to the shampoo. Wait for one
week and you will have a new formula that will strengthen the hair and it will
grow much faster

- * Eat more protein *. Have breakfast brewer's yeast, wheat germ,
milk and two slices of turkey. So you will start the day with more energy.

- * Honey and aloe vera *. Extract the juice to an aloe vera leaf, combine it
with a spoonful of honey and spread it well through the scalp.
Wait 15 minutes and remove with warm water.

- * Tomato and avocado *. On a bowl, put a tomato, the pulp of a
Avocado, half a spoonful of olive oil and a few drops of sabila.
Grind, leave for half an hour and rinse.

    Some tricks to make the hair believe in less time

A balanced diet provides vitamins and nutrients to the hair so that
grow healthy and strong - Pixabay

Apart from the home remedies that I mentioned above, it is
important to change some habits that the only thing they do is mistreat
your hair. Keep in mind the following tips for hair
grow fast and healthy

- * Take more vitamins *. Most times, hair loss will
It owes to a deficit of vitamins. Eat foods like avocado, oranges,
tangerines, apples, vegetable oils, nuts, fish and meats

- * Improve your food *. A balanced diet influences
considerably in the appearance of the hair, so it avoids
industrial pastries, eat healthy, fresh and natural foods.
Avoid processed products and sugary drinks.

- * Hair massage *. To make hair grow faster,
It is important that there is good circulation in the follicles. For
it, devotes 15 minutes a day to massage the head with the yolks of the
fingers Do it while you apply a mask, or just when
You're watching TV on the couch.

- * Cut the tips every month and a half *. It may seem like
contradictory, but if the hair has split ends its appearance
It is much less healthy. If you cut them, their growth will be more

- * Do not damage the hair *
. Try to use the irons and the dryer at least
possible, reduces the consumption of hair dyes, since they are very
aggressive and when you shower, use warm or cold water, because the water
hot causes damage to the filaments.

- *Do not stress*
. Remember that stress is a factor that causes
hair loss.

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How to grow hair naturally?

Make your hair grow strong and healthy with these tips.

Most women want to have abundant , bright and strong hair , for this they resort to the beauty salon and perform all kinds of high-cost treatments that sometimes only act for a few weeks.

Although it seems unreal, accelerating hair growth in a healthy and natural way is not impossible. There are homemade methods and natural solutions that can help you, however, it is vital to have a balanced diet and keep it hydrated from the root to the tips. Here are 4 natural alternatives :

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Biotin for Hair Growth Vitamins 5000 mcg - Vie Naturelle - Super Potency Hair Skin and Nails Vitamin - 30 Day Capsule Supply

  1.     Olive oil: olive oil has a high content of vitamin E, known to be one of the main vitamins that favor hair, nails and skin. Apply on all hair and let it act for 45 minutes.
  2.     Onion juice: boil a couple of onions for a few minutes, remove them and let the water cool. Apply it to the hair and rinse with shampoo.
  3.     It is believed that cutting it during the lunar quarter phase accelerates its growth.
  4.     Aloe vera: Use the plant's sabila to make a mask with honey and olive oil and apply directly to the hair once a week.

If you have little time to make these recipes, you can also buy products made from some of those natural ingredients that promote hair growth, we show you 4 of them.

1. SuperGro Gel

African formula made from wild honey, coconut oil, shea butter, olive oil, horsetail, rosemary, biotin and calendula flowers. Apply directly on the scalp, massage and comb.

This gel has vitamins , minerals and amino acids that act together to stimulate hair growth, give shine and voluminosidad. You get it at a cost of $ 16.

2. Wild Growth Oil

Take your hair loose without pain after hydrating it with this hair oil made with jojoba, coconut, olive, vitamins A, E and D. Apply 5-15 drops on all hair and comb.

With more than 2,400 customer reviews , this product is one of the most popular in its category. In addition to promoting hair growth, it also softens and unravels hair.

3. Shampoo with Biotin Re: line

Shampoo for hair growth made with rosemary oil, biotin, aloe vera , coconut oil and rice protein. Suitable for allergic and sensitive skin.

Wash your hair while you hydrate and strengthen it with this product. It does not matter if it has dry, oily, smooth or curly, with this product you can recover the strength and bulk to prevent hair loss.

4. Grow New Hair Treatment

Hair treatment made from pumpkin, linseed, chia, jojoba, apricot, gingko biloba, green tea and other 100% natural ingredients that benefit hair health.

This concentrated formula product will directly nourish the hair follicles to stimulate healthy and strong hair growth. Apply only a few drops 3 times a week and you will notice the difference.

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How to grow hair quickly? 20 Tips for your care and growth

The question that we all ask ourselves when we feel that
Our hair stopped growing, is it How to make hair grow fast?

Promoting rapid hair growth is not that simple, but if
We change some habits and include others in the care of our
hair, we will recover the length of our hair sooner than expected.

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Amazing Formulas Biotin Fast Dissolving Tablets - 10000 MCG Tablets - Supports Healthy Hair, Skin & Nails - Promotes Cell Rejuvenation - Supports Healthy Metabolism (120 Count, Strawberry Flavor)

      *1. Submit it more often *

One of the most common mistakes that all women make
We want to have a long hair, it is not to cut the hair regularly.
Although it may seem somewhat contradictory, blunt the hair from time to time
When, you can grow hair faster.

Not only will you get rid of the split ends and damaged, but * also
you will encourage healthy hair growth in a much more way
accelerated. *

    Cutting the damaged ends will help hair growth

* The open ends that produce the plates and the drying in our
hair prevent hair from growing as it should, * so you have to
break it down more often if we want to encourage its growth.

It is advisable to do it every 10 or 12 weeks to prevent them from appearing
the annoying split ends.

An extra tip for how to grow hair by cutting it is to take
tells the phases of the moon, * there are those who say that the best moment
to cut the hair is in crescent *, it helps to grow more

      *2. Wash two or three times a week *

There are many women who usually wash their hair with shampoo
every day, but do not let the hair rest without using products of
washing, can prevent the natural oils of the scalp
nourish the roots so that they can hydrate and heal naturally. *Yes
you reduce the frequency in which you usually wash your hair
two or three times a week, * you will allow natural oils
moisturize the surface of your scalp.

Avoid washing your hair every day

If by reducing the number of washes you notice that your hair becomes greasy
very fast and you have itching, you can increase the frequency of washing
the week, since this also depends on the type of hair you have.

      *3. Always rinse your hair with cold water *

When it comes to washing your hair do not use very hot water on it, better
opt for a warm or warm temperature, and always rinse the hair
with cold water at the end of the shower, as this enhances the closure of
the hair follicles and provides hair with greater cleanliness and durability
at the time of combing it.

    When it comes to washing the hair, avoid very hot water and rub very
    strongly the base of the scalp

Also * it is very important that you rinse it with cold water after using
the conditioner, * you will be sealing the hair cuticles and
At the same time, you will eliminate the humidity left by the conditioner.

      *4. Brush it before you sleep *

* Brushing your hair excessively every day can be a practice
very damaging to the hair *, since it weakens it and makes it grow
irregularly Instead of brushing every moment, do it when you
you're washing in the shower for a few minutes, doing
always the same movement, that is, from the root to the tips.

It is also very beneficial to brush your hair a few times
before sleeping, since it is the most efficient way to distribute the oils
of the scalp throughout the hair, so that it stays
hydrated and healthy

    While it is advisable to brush your hair, you should avoid excess

* Brushing before going to sleep can help stimulate the
follicles and increase circulation in the scalp, * so that
which will be improving your health and encouraging your growth.

      5. Reduce the use of the dryer and the iron

Most women love using dryers, irons,
pincers and any other thermal tool to get looks
incredible in our hair, but subject the hair to temperatures
very high can often damage it and hinder its growth.

We know that eliminating your full use of your hair routine can
be very difficult, but if you try at least * reduce its use to two or three
times per week *, you will notice how your hair acquires a more
healthy and without split ends.

    The dryer and the iron damage and hinder hair growth

If you wonder how to grow hair without using the dryer, it is
very simple, you should only limit its use as much as you can and use them in
low temperatures, applying creams or sprays heat protector to
Avoid damaging the hair.

* Try to reduce their use or eliminate them completely from your routine
hair care.*

      * 6 Sleep with a braid in your hair *

One of the least known tips that you can try when you ask
how to grow hair, it is * to make a braid before going to the
bed*. It does not matter if you have them long or short, you can make one, two or
three braids in your hair as one more step in the routine of caring for
your hair.

For best results, it is important that you do the braid
when your hair is wet, so do it after the shower
it is ideal.

Once done, sleep all night with this hairstyle and in the morning,
brush your hair very well and repeat the same process every day
for at least a week. You will notice how it makes a big difference in the
natural growth of your hair.

    * How to grow hair with a good diet? *

Food is one of the aspects that most influences the health of the
hair as long as we take care of ourselves inside, so we will

* It is very important that we improve our diet by consuming more
foods rich in vitamins, minerals, fibers and proteins, * such as
fruits, vegetables, lean meats and fish.

      * 7 Consume high protein foods prevents hair loss *

In many women the restlessness of how to grow hair arises
because they have a significant loss of hair every day.
Although in these cases hormonal changes are very influential,
food also plays a very important role, for that reason * it is very
important that we increase the consumption of protein-rich foods. *

These are ideal for promoting healthy hair growth and
avoid its fall.

The idea is that your daily diet
include a balanced combination of protein foods such as meat,
eggs, fish, beans, whole grains and nuts.

We recommend you always choose lean meats instead of
processed, because they contain chemicals that are not good for health.

    A bad diet will be noticed in the hair. The best way to
    take care of it is to eat well

      * 8 Includes foods rich in carbohydrates *

In addition to protein, foods are also very beneficial
rich in healthy carbohydrates that contribute to your diet fiber and
nutrients such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables.

      * 9 Consume more vitamin B *

Vitamin B is essential in hair health, so if
you want to learn how to grow hair, it is important that
increase their consumption in foods such as blue fish, nuts
and the vegetables.

      * 10 Includes more foods rich in vitamin E *

* Vitamin E is the most important nutrient in health and beauty
 of our skin, nails
 and hair *
Therefore, the avocado can not be missing in our daily diet,
almonds, apples, bananas and oils of vegetable origin.

How to grow hair rich in vitamin E foods

Vitamin E promotes hair growth, improves its appearance
and repairs damaged tips, in addition to providing shine and softness.

      *11. Take vitamins to improve hair health *

One of the quickest and easiest ways to inject nutrients to your
hair in an additional way, is through vitamin supplements.

When your diet does not provide enough nutrients for you
hair * you can choose vitamins that are specially indicated
for hair care *, such as the biotin supplement, which
contains essential vitamin such as vitamin C, vitamin B and
biotin that promote the health of the scalp and stimulates its

Remember that when it comes to choosing this type of supplements, you should
Consult with the doctor which is the most appropriate dose for your case

Here we leave you Vitamins for hair
it is advisable to consume that they will help you with the different problems
of the hair.

    * How to grow hair with essential oils? *

Natural oils such as coconut oil, olive oil,
almond oil, castor oil, among others, improve health
of the scalp and promotes hair growth. If in addition to
the properties that the oils provide add a gentle massage in the
scalp, you will be stimulating the blood flow and therefore,
its growth.

    Gentle massages on the scalp with oils improve the
    hair health

In order to perform this hair massage, you only need to apply over
your hands, a few drops of the following mask recipes
of essential oils for hair.

      * 12 Olive oil with rosemary *

Olive oil moisturizes, repairs and regenerates your hair, while
the rosemary makes it grow. In a cup, add two tablespoons of rosemary and
put it to heat in the microwave for two minutes.

Let it sit in a closed container for about three days and apply it
on your scalp with gentle massage, between the shampoo and the

How to grow hair olive oil

Olive oil is full of essential nutrients for care
hair related.

      * 13 Oil Grape*

Grapeseed oil is great for hair, so it's not
you can stop applying it in your special routine to make your
hair. Use a few drops of grape seed on your palms
hands and rub it on your scalp performing massage to stimulate
the follicles.

      * 14 Coconut oil and almonds *

Mix a cup of coconut oil with a tablespoon of oil
almonds, macadamina oil and jojoba oil. Mix very well
all the oils and apply them on your hair when it is wet.

Let it sit for 10 minutes, rinse and wash your hair as if

      15. Castor oil

Whenever you ask yourself how to grow hair, oil
ricino will undoubtedly be one of the answers. It is an oil
essential rich in nutrients and fatty acids that nourishes pores and
hair follicles. When applied on the scalp, * the acid
Ricinoleic castor oil nourishes the roots and cleans the leather
scalp of any infection, in addition to stimulating circulation and
natural growth. *

The thick and sticky consistency of castor oil contains
essential nutrients for hair care like vitamin E,
minerals and fatty acids. Although you can apply it only, we recommend
make a mask based on egg, honey and castor oil to
best results.

Let it act between 30 minutes and 2 hours and wash your hair as usual.

how to grow hair castor oil

Castor oil also helps to eliminate dandruff.

    * How to grow hair with natural masks? *

In addition to following all the previous tips, * you can give a little
additional love to your beautiful mane by applying natural masks one or
twice a week. * All the natural properties of the
ingredients that you include in the mask will contribute to the
stimulation of the hair follicles, so that they begin to
grow much faster

You do not need to spend a lot of money on hair treatments,
You can make your own masks yourself using some of the
ingredients that you have on hand in your kitchen. / Do you want to know how
Grow hair with natural masks? /

Below we give you some recipes of natural masks for
help hair growth

      * 16 Egg Mask *

Egg proteins are excellent for care and growth
natural hair, and is that not only works by consuming them, but
also as an ingredient full of properties for a mask
natural. * Egg whites have vitamins that improve the appearance
of the hair and stimulates its growth. *

    The use of the egg for hair care is a classic recipe
    very effective

For this hair mask you will only need two egg whites, because
The idea is to apply directly to the scalp, performing a gentle
massage with the fingertips. Let the properties of the
clear and remove it by wiping the hair with plenty of water.

Then wash the hair as usual.

how to grow hair

A natural mask that brings shine and health to the hair.

      * 17 Mask of bananas *

Bananas are rich in vitamin E, so it's a big
ingredient to make a hair mask. Take a banana or
banana and mash it with the help of a fork, then add a
teaspoon of honey to give a creamy texture and applied to the root
hair related.

Leave it on for 10 minutes and rinse the hair.

    The homemade masks for hair, besides being inexpensive
    They contain chemicals that damage hair

      * 18 Onion shampoo *

* Onion brings enormous benefits to hair care *, in fact
Several studies have shown that it improves the blood circulation of
scalp due to its high sulfur content.

This effect increases the oxygen of the roots and stimulates the
regeneration of hair fibers.

How to grow hair with onions?

To get all the benefits of onion on the surface of
our hair, * chop a medium onion into very small pieces and
add it to your shampoo *. Shake it vertiginously and let it rest
for approximately 15 days, so that all the properties of the
Onions penetrate the shampoo.

To notice better results, we recommend using the shampoo of
Onion for at least three months, and then give it a break for a month.

    The use of a hair mask is an excellent way to help
    your care, to the vitality of the hair and to its rehydration

      * 19 Tomato and olive oil mask *

Olive oil works wonders on the hair for it, this
mask based tomato, olive oil and aloe vera you will love.
Grind a tomato and mix it with a drizzle of olive oil and a
aloe vera stem.

Once all mixed, apply the mask on the roots of your hair and
let it act for 20 minutes and rinse as usual.

how to grow hair tomato mask

The tomato is a powerful natural ingredient that fights dryness,
lack of brightness and hair loss.

      *20. Potato water *

Although the following recipe is not a true mask, water from
potato is a very effective treatment to promote the growth of
hair. Although it is not well known in hair treatments,
the potato provides a large amount of vitamins, including vitamin B
As you know, it is very beneficial in the health of the scalp.

/ How to prepare potato water for hair care? /

Boil two unpeeled potatoes in a liter of water. Let it cooland strain the water so you can use it to rinse your hair on
day you go to wash it.

    The potato provides vitamin B that is very beneficial in the health of the

How can you see, the most important thing when it comes to promoting growth
of the hair is to have healthy eating habits that impact on
hair health, as well as avoid split ends and follow a
routine of hair care in such a way that we avoid its damage and in its
place, apply masks, products and nourishing lotions that
hydrate and help you grow quickly, naturally and healthily.

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How to grow hair faster

Maybe you cut your hair and you did not like it, or maybe you want to try a different style of hairstyle. So, if you want to have longer and healthier hair , you should take action on it.

Then we show you everything you need to do to achieve it and also, keep it. Once you put them into practice, you will see that these are very simple actions.

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Advanced Biotin with Keratin (2-Pack) | 10000 mcg Biotin – 100 mg Keratin – Promotes Healthy Hair, Skin & Nails - Helps Convert Food Into Energy - Time Released – 120 Tablets

Make hair grow faster, is it possible?

There are people who believe that long hair favors them more, therefore, they look for ways to make it grow as quickly as possible.

Fortunately, there are solutions for this and they are very simple. Some of the best advice we can give you are the following:

1. Cut it out frequently

Unlike what you think, cutting the hair tips at least once every two months can make you grow faster, and certainly much healthier . The open ends do not allow it to grow strongly and hence the need to cut them.

2. Massage your scalp

When you wash your hair, gently rub your scalp while applying the shampoo. You can also do it in the following way: you just have to place a couple of drops of coconut oil or olive oil on the tips of your fingers and massage the scalp a few minutes before bathing.

3. Egg whites

The proteins and nutrients of the egg are excellent for hair growth. Especially, the clear ones. To make your hair grow fast you can split a couple of eggs without the yolks and apply the whites to the hair like a mask.

Massage the scalp gently and leave for another ten minutes. Rinse well with warm water and then wash as usual.

In the egg white there are also vitamins, although 90% of its weight corresponds to water.

4. Drink more water

Hydration is very important, therefore, try to drink at least a liter and a half of water per day. If you do not like water very much or do not have the habit of drinking it in abundance, you can try herbal infusions or smoothies .

5. Brush your hair

When you wash your hair, brush the hair for a few minutes, always with the same movement, from the scalp to the ends, so that it stretches. Brush once or twice a day to stimulate the hair follicles and see how soon your hair grows.

6. Do not abuse the hair dryer or the iron

If you are used to drying your hair or using the iron a lot, avoid them, unless it is strictly necessary. The heat that these products emit not only dries the hair, but they mistreat it a lot in general lines , and this is something that you should avoid if you want to make your hair grow quickly.

7. Contraceptive pills

It is not proven, but many women use it. You do not have to take them, but place them in your hair. Simply grind four or five pills and add them to your shampoo. This will make your hair grow faster and, at the same time, be more abundant and healthy.

8. Sleep with a braid

Before going to bed, make a braid in your hair. If you have it too short, make two or three smaller ones. Sleep all night with this hairstyle and in the morning, untie the braids . Repeat every day of a week and you will see how your hair grows faster.

9. Essential oils

Grapeseed oil is very good for growing hair . You just have to use a few drops to apply as if it were a circular massage for the entire scalp. This will help stimulate the hair follicles.

Another very interesting option is coconut oil, which allows you to enjoy beautiful, shiny and healthy hair, as well as longer. Massage the scalp with a few drops of hot coconut oil once a week.

A third alternative is rosemary oil. This medicinal herb is very good for hair health. In a bowl place two tablespoons of dried rosemary leaves and half a cup of olive oil, heat without boiling.

Let cool and let stand for two days. Strain and place in a bowl. Then massage the scalp , after having washed your hair.

10. Potato water

Potato , and more precisely potato juice (or water), is a good idea for hair to grow faster and at the same time to look healthier, not break or be very thin. This is because it provides a large amount of vitamins, especially group B. Boil two potatoes with peel in a liter of water. Let it cool and strain. Use as a rinse after washing.

The methods to grow hair faster are varied and the more natural, the better, since this way we will avoid the excess of chemicals in our personal care. It is very important that, when applying a specific option, you give it enough time to act. It is not advisable to mix several remedies at the same time. You have to be patient.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

MD Diabetic Socks Mens and Womens Half Cushion Circulatory Crew Socks for All Seasons Loose Fit 6 Pack 10-13 Black

Care of the feet in case of diabetes

Diabetes can damage the nerves and blood vessels in your feet. This damage causes numbness and reduced sensation in the feet. As a result of this, your feet may not heal well if you hurt yourself. If you get a blister, you may not feel it and it may get worse. Even small wounds or blisters can become a problem if an infection develops or does not heal. A diabetic foot ulcer can develop. For people with diabetes, having a foot ulcer is reason enough to go to the hospital. Taking good care of your skin will help prevent diabetic foot ulcers.

Personal care
Diabetes can cause damage to the nerves and blood vessels of the feet. This damage can cause numbness and reduce the sensitivity of the feet. As a result of this, the feet may not heal well if they are injured. If you get a blister, you may not notice it and it may get worse.

Check your feet every day. Inspect the top, sides, soles of the feet, heels and between the toes. I searched:

  • Dry and cracked skin
  • Blisters or ulcers
  • Bruises or cuts
  • Redness, warmth or sensitivity
  • Hard or firm points

If you can not see well, ask someone to check your feet.

Call your health care provider immediately for any foot problems you have. Do not try to treat these problems yourself. Even small wounds or blisters can become big problems if infection develops or does NOT heal. Foot ulcers are a common cause of hospitalization for people with diabetes.

MD Diabetic Socks Mens and Womens Half Cushion Circulatory Crew Socks for All Seasons Loose Fit 6 Pack 10-13 Black

Wash your feet every day with warm water and mild soap. Strong soaps can damage the skin.

  • Check the water temperature first with your hands or elbow.
  • Dry your feet gently, especially between your fingers.
  • Use lotion, petroleum jelly, lanolin or oil on dry skin. DO NOT put lotion, oil or cream between your toes.
  • Ask your provider to show you how to trim your toenails.

  • Soak your feet in warm water to soften the nail before trimming it.
  • Cut the nail straight, because curved nails are more likely to be incarnated.
  • Verify that the edge of each nail does not exert pressure within the skin of the next finger.
  • The podiatrist (podiatrist) can trim the nail if you are not capable.

Most people with diabetes should be treated for corns or calluses by a podiatrist. If the doctor has given you permission to treat yourself:

Use a pumice stone gently to remove such calluses and calluses after a shower or bath, when the skin is soft.
DO NOT use medicated pads or try to shave or cut them at home.
If you smoke, stop. The habit of smoking decreases the blood flow to the feet. Talk to your provider if you need help to quit.

DO NOT use a heating pad or a hot water bottle on your feet. DO NOT walk barefoot, especially on the hot pavement or hot sand beaches. Take off your shoes and socks during visits to your provider so you can check your feet.

Shoes and socks
Wear shoes at all times to protect the feet from injury. Before putting them on, always check inside to see if there are stones, nails or rough areas that can hurt your feet.

Wear shoes that are comfortable and fit well when you buy them. Never buy shoes that are narrow, with the hope that they will stretch as you wear them. You may not feel the pressure of shoes that do not fit you well. Blisters and ulcers may occur when the foot presses against the shoe.

Ask your provider about special shoes that can provide more space for your feet. When you get new shoes, soften them slowly. Put them one or two hours a day during the first or second week.

Change the softened shoes after 5 hours during the day to modify the pressure points on the feet. DO NOT use sandals like flip flops or pantyhose with seams. Both can cause pressure points.

Wear clean, dry socks or pantyhose without elastic or seams every day. They will help you protect your feet. Holes in socks or pantyhose can exert damaging pressure on your feet.

You may want to put on special socks with extra padding. Socks that remove moisture from the feet will keep them drier. In cold weather, wear warm socks and DO NOT stay outside in the cold for long. Use clean, dry socks to lie down if your feet are cold.

When should you call the doctor?
Call your provider right away if you have any foot problems. Do not try to take care of yourself. Call your provider if you have any of the following changes in any part of the foot:

  • Redness, swelling, or increased heat
  • Sores or cracks
  • Tingling or burning sensation
  • Pain
  • Alternative names
  • Diabetes - foot care - personal care; Diabetic foot ulcer - foot care; Diabetic neuropathy - foot care

LM® 12 Pairs Diabetic Crew Socks Unisex 9-11, 10-13, 13-15 Black Grey White (10-13, White)

How a person with diabetes should take care of their feet

As a result of poor control of diabetes, there is a decrease in the blood supply of the legs (vasculopathy) and an involvement of the nerves of the legs and feet (neuropathy), this is what we call diabetic foot.

When we are facing a decompensated diabetes with long evolution, the chances of lesions on the feet increase.

Neuropathy can manifest as a hypersensitivity in the form of cramps, throbbing or burning pain. It worsens with night rest and improves when you put your feet on the floor.

LM® 12 Pairs Diabetic Crew Socks Unisex 9-11, 10-13, 13-15 Black Grey White (10-13, White)

The most common is that there is a decrease in sensitivity, noticing the feet asleep from the tips of the fingers upwards (in a sock), with a sensation of concussion reaching, even, not to notice the pain.

In this way, any small scratch, wound or crack can go unnoticed and serve as a gateway to a possible infection.

It is for all this that the person with diabetes must watch and take care of the hygiene of their feet.

Norms for the care of the feet

  1. The feet should be observed daily, looking for any small scratches, wounds or redness. Six places on the sole of the foot should be controlled: the tip of the big toe, the base of the small fingers, the base of the middle fingers, also the heel and the outside of the foot and the sole.
  2. Do not smoke. The tobacco narrows the arteries and does not favor an adequate supply of oxygen to your feet. Go periodically to your doctor to ensure good control of your diabetes and other cardiovascular risk factors (hypertension, dyslipidemia, etc.). It is advisable to exercise daily in the form of walks on flat terrain and at a good pace for at least one hour.
  3. Keep your feet clean, washing them daily with warm water (remember that the nerves that conduct thermal sensitivity may be damaged and not notice that the water is hot enough to produce a burn) and soap. The drying must be thorough, striving to eliminate moisture from the interdigital area. It is about keeping them hydrated, without moisture or calluses. In the event that you have excessive sweating, it is recommended to apply talcum powder after daily washing.
  4. For the care of the nails, you should use blunt scissors and cardboard file. All this, with good light and using the help of a magnifying glass and mirror, if necessary. Never use sharp pointed scissors, nail clippers or other sharp objects. Nor metal files, callicides or pumice stone. The nails should be cut straight away avoiding cutting the sides. In any case, whenever you can not perform these care with the precision they require, you should go to the podiatrist.
  5. Regarding the dress of the feet, never use synthetic socks and thick seams, or garters or belts that compress and compromise circulation. It is best to use socks made of natural fibers (cotton, yarn or wool) and light colors for the early detection of wounds. To warm your feet, do not use electric blankets or hot water bags. It is also not advisable to sit near stoves or braziers because of the risk of burns if the thermal sensitivity is altered.
  6. Regarding footwear, it is necessary to use leather shoes, comfortable and wide, where each finger has space with slack. It is also advisable that the foot is well secured, with footwear that is tied with laces or velcro. Check the inside of the shoe every day with your hand in search of anything that, however small (pebble, ...), passes unnoticed and can cause an injury or chafing.
  7. When we release shoes, it is advisable to make a slow adaptation by using them no more than one hour in a row during the first days. Choose as the shoe purchase time the last hour of the afternoon, since it is when the foot is more dilated. Never walk barefoot, not even on the beach. At home, use comfortable shoes.
  8. Regarding wounds and cures, it is necessary that they be evaluated by the doctor, who will indicate the type of care that must be performed on it. All this can be summarized in observing, protecting and caring, which, in short, is aimed at preventing the appearance on the feet of injuries, whose consequences can be fatal.

Monday, March 4, 2019

MD Diabetic Socks Mens and Womens Half Cushion Circulatory Crew Socks for All Seasons Loose Fit 6 Pack 10-13 Black

Benefits of bamboo socks

Bamboo socks are fashionable. The sector is experiencing a moment in which there is a need to use materials and products from nature, biodegradable and that are more careful with our environment. Among the main trends is the socks protagonists of these lines. Let's know more about them:

The use of bamboo in textile manufacturing

Bamboo is used to make textile garments and it is one of the raw materials that has become an important space in the world of fashion . One of the most well-known uses is to make bamboo socks, a material that is as environmentally friendly as possible and which is a huge advantage for your feet.

MD Diabetic Socks Mens and Womens Half Cushion Circulatory Crew Socks for All Seasons Loose Fit 6 Pack 10-13 Black

Bamboo or cotton

Bamboo has more softness than cotton, the results being better with each wash , offering its soft touch like silk. In the case of cotton, what happens is that with the washes it loses its softness.

The benefit of bamboo

  •     Natural antibacterial fabric
  •     60% more absorbent than cotton and drying is faster.
  •     Completely ecological
  •     100% natural and biodegradable
  •     The bamboo socks are very absorbent. The fabric absorbs moisture, leaving feet dry and fresh.
  •     Unbeatable option to fight against the bad smell.

Being their production completely natural, the socks are light, soft and very suitable for daily use. In case your feet are sensitive, betting on this tissue is a good decision, because it is a hypoallergenic textile. It should be added that its durability is important, because as we said at the beginning, despite the washes, they do not lose their shape or quality.

Bamboo socks have a lot of benefits and will be the best allies that your sensitive skin can have . You have already seen some of the main advantages of using bamboo socks. You have the quality, comfort and durability, in addition to providing the grain of sand so necessary to use a natural fabric such as bamboo.

So you know, it seems that bamboo has not only a hopeful present, but also a future in which it can become quite important. The greater awareness with issues such as nature and the need to take care of our planet, in addition to the great possibilities that bamboo gives us, make it a most suitable material for many uses.

LM® 12 Pairs Diabetic Crew Socks Unisex 9-11, 10-13, 13-15 Black Grey White (10-13, White)

Properties : Bamboo Socks

The use of socks made of bamboo fiber is not only a fashion trend of today, it is a response to the global need for production and use of materials and products from sustainable sources, biodegradable and friendly to the environment. In fact, bamboo socks are among the various garments that can be made with the fibers of this popular plant.

Why bamboo, exactly? For many years, bamboo has been widely used in areas such as construction and medicine. The clothing industry has long been dominated by the use of cotton. However, some revolutionary and innovative ideas have appeared and bamboo is now used as raw material for the manufacture of ecological fabrics and clothes. To begin with, bamboo is sustainable in itself. It grows very fast without the need for tedious irrigation, fertilization and cultivation processes. It is not necessary to use chemical pesticides in the cultivation of bamboo, since it is naturally resistant to pests. On the other hand, you only need a minimum amount of water to grow. In addition, it improves the quality of the air we breathe because it absorbs more carbon dioxide and releases more oxygen into the atmosphere. Bamboo also leaves a minimal carbon footprint, and is 100% natural and biodegradable.

LM® 12 Pairs Diabetic Crew Socks Unisex 9-11, 10-13, 13-15 Black Grey White (10-13, White)

So, why choose bamboo socks? Bamboo socks have many benefits and you will surely find many reasons to get rid of the old cotton socks you have in the closet.


The bamboo socks are light, soft and feel silky on the skin, making daily use very comfortable. They are hypo-allergenic, which is great for those with sensitive skin. They are a perfect treatment for your feet.

High Absorbents

Bamboo socks are more absorbent than cotton socks. Absorb moisture and effectively remove it from your feet, leaving them fresh and dry. Along with this feature, the bamboo's antibacterial properties will keep sweat and odor at bay.


The cushioning incorporated in the bamboo socks makes them last longer, and they stay the same shape and smoothness after many washes.

Choosing a good pair of bamboo socks is easy. You just have to find the pair that fits your preferences, such as choosing the cut and color based on the occasion you plan to use them. The Bridgedale product line has many options for ladies and gentlemen. The addition of Coolmax technology to bamboo fibers makes these socks cool, effectively removing moisture, with its advanced absorption capacity.

At the same time, versatility is a quality that men tend to look for in a product. Changing from one activity to another without worry and without compromising comfort sounds perfect. The Feetures Pure Comfort Ultra Light Low Cut Socks would be a perfect pair for them. On the other hand, women look for comfort in a pair of socks, but also consider them as part of fashion. The Simcan NaturWells Bamboo Mid-Calf Dress Sock and the Feetures Pure Comfort Light Cushion Quarter Socks would be good options to use in different occasions and activities as part of a fabulous but sporty outfit at the same time.