Thursday, March 14, 2019

Nicoderm CQ Step 1, Step 2 & Step 3 (14 Clear Patches in each Step) For the Committed Quitters

11 serious consequences of tobacco addiction

Smoking is an addiction caused by the consumption of snuff, mainly associated with one of its active components "nicotine", which acts aggressively on the central nervous system. Nicotine, the active ingredient in tobacco, is a drug that is not related to the consumption of other substances such as marijuana and cocaine, but it is related to alcohol.

Tobacco is a legal drug socially shared and accepted in our environment. But in spite of the fact that in Ecuador there is a legal regulation for its consumption, this has not diminished. Now few people are seen consuming tobacco in the street, however, the indicators of sale do not diminish, what the law did when regulating it was to disguise its consumption.

Nicoderm CQ Step 1, Step 2 & Step 3 (14 Clear Patches in each Step) For the Committed Quitters
Nicoderm CQ Step 1, Step 2 & Step 3 (14 Clear Patches in each Step) For the Committed Quitters

Smoking ceases to be a habit when activity becomes a necessity or becomes a dependency. There are two types of dependencies, the psychological and the physical. The psychological appears first, takes time depending on many factors, the continuous exposure to the substance, the dynamics that allow access to it and a series of social changes imposed by the consumption of the substance; while physics is felt when the body demands its consumption.

Tobacco use is the leading cause of disease, disability and death in the world. However, many consumers are unaware of the serious consequences of their continued consumption, such as:

  1.     Abstinence syndrome
  2.     Anxiety
  3.     Irritability
  4.     Headache
  5.     Lack of concentration
  6.     Insomnia
  7.     Greater appetite
  8.     Arteriosclerotic lesions with cardiovascular involvement
  9.     Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, COPD
  10.     Increased cancer risk
  11.     Problems and high risks in pregnancy

There are many campaigns around the world to prevent or reduce tobacco consumption; but still, it is one of the harmful products for health that continue to be in great demand worldwide, affecting the health not only of those who consume it, but also of those who are exposed to smoke (passive smoking).

Each year more than 5 million people die in the world because of smoking. It is estimated that half of smokers die of a disease related to tobacco consumption and that they live on average 10-15 years less than non-smokers.

It is not easy to stop being dependent on tobacco, but with the help of specialists in addictive behaviors, therapies, support groups, family support and talks, you will be able to get ahead and finally give up smoking.

You have to do health promotion, promoting healthy habits and lifestyles. The legal measures are not enough, you need an education based on a goal.

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Give up smoking. The most effective Guide to quitting tobacco

There is so much information, tricks, advice and treatments dedicated to how to stop smoking that is overwhelming, and for those who have fallen into the temptation of smoking and have thought about quitting, because obviously it is harmful to health, they end up confused and therefore , failing in the attempt.

In this post we want to cover in a concrete and sincere way the most effective ways to get rid of the vice of smoking , but also take into account what are the effects you will face when making the decision.

Habitrol Nicotine Transdermal System Patch | Stop Smoking Aid | Step 1 (21 mg) | 28 Patches (4 Week Kit)
Habitrol Nicotine Transdermal System Patch | Stop Smoking Aid | Step 1 (21 mg) | 28 Patches (4 Week Kit)

The first thing you should be clear about is that you just have to want to do it, really right. Willpower is essential to stop smoking successfully. The situation is very similar for those who decide to lose weight, you just have to propose it and not fall into the temptations that you will face during the process. Of course, in the case of those who undergo a diet, the temptation is food. For you, smoker, the temptation is evidently the cigarette. Let's start then.

How to stop smoking in 17 steps

There are ten simple steps that you can study consciously and put into practice, once you have made the final decision to quit.

    Put a date on the calendar to smoke your last cigarette

    You must mentalize, and set a date to stop doing it is a good strategy for it. Many have stopped smoking in one fell swoop. You can make a quick analysis about all the methods that you have put into practice and that have not worked for you and opt for this, since there are successful testimonies from people who have achieved their goal.

    Change your routines to cheat your addiction

  1.     You can recover those activities that you know you like, that distract you. You can manage with a schedule of tasks that completely obviate the fact of taking a time to smoke
  2.     Forget the excuses
  3.     Any day will be the best day to quit smoking. It's all about benefits, of course, the first is your health, but also remember those loved ones who are deeply disturbed by your smoking.
  4.     Do not smoke or one more
  5.     If you already decided to quit, do not fall into the temptation of a puff. That will make you fall back. Once again, willpower is the key to everything.
  6.     Keep the mind positive
  7.     One of the best methods is to write down the advantages you get when you stop doing it. You should seek support from your family and friends.
  8.     Stay active
  9.     You can start a good exercise plan. Sport is the antonym of cigarettes. It will also help you relax and improve your overall physical well-being.
  10.     Drink water and lots of fluids
  11.     At least liter and a half of liquids per day, either water or juice. Of course, avoid alcohol. This will help you a lot to forget about tobacco.
  12.     Control your diet
  13.     You should avoid foods that make you fat. These are some of the main excuses for smokers not to quit smoking.
  14.     Live day by day
  15.     You must trace small goals. "Today I will not smoke" ... that is a small goal that you can accomplish, once a day until you think no more about it and it is an automatic technique.
  16.     Take advantage of any professional help
  17.     The professions can provide a lot of support and make your decision to quit smoking a positive experience for your life

Overcome symptoms when quitting

We can not deceive you, if you are a great addict to the cigarette, the most probable is that you face some symptoms a little unpleasant at the time of deciding to leave it, but you must know that they are to a short term and they are totally surpassable. They are what we call withdrawal symptoms.

Keep in mind that nicotine is the main substance that contains tobacco and is the cause of addiction. That's why you can suffer cravings for nicotine. There may also be moments of anger or irritability, including frustration and depression. In some cases there may be increases in weight.

There are studies that indicate that about half of smokers who have decided to quit have reported several withdrawal symptoms:

  •     Anxiety
  •     The wrath
  •     The Depression
  •     Increase in sleep
  •     And even headaches.

But the good news is that these symptoms are short-term and you can overcome them. It is not necessary to take any medication so that these disappear, they will only decrease with the passage of time. Keep in mind that these symptoms can be intense in the first week of abstinence, but after that period will decrease, they will become less noticeable after the first month. However, each person is different. The mind and willpower to achieve your goal will be decisive to overcome this stage.

It should also be noted that apart from these physical symptoms caused by nicotine, some memories of the life of when you were a smoker, can make you relapse . We call these elements inciting, that is, scenarios in your life that may incite you to relapse into tobacco consumption.

These inciters can be

  •     The beginning of the day
  •     Feel tension
  •     Drive
  •     Drink alcohol
  •     Tea or coffee
  •     Being in the company of smokers
  •     Feeling bored, among others.

Being aware of what are the elements that can incite you to relapse can help you maintain control, either by avoiding those scenarios or simply ignoring them and letting them pass unnoticed by your mind.

You must have patience and maintain control, although it is very much a mental game, we must also say that physical effects move in your body, such as your heart rate or blood pressure. You just have to remember that these anxieties will pass.

Overcome these symptoms with these brief tips:

  •     Avoid activities that you associate with your old life as a smoker.
  •     Look for some tobacco substitutes like eating candy or chewing gum, biting some carrot or apple. In itself, keep your mouth busy so you can neutralize the urge to smoke.
  •     We repeat that doing exercises is a very good idea, in this case, you can do breathing exercises. Inhale and exhale slowly about ten times when you feel the urge to smoke

You can read any of these books to stop smoking

When it comes to quitting smoking, there are many methods and support systems that are the order of the day. There are excellent books that can guide you in this process. Here we name you some and describe briefly for your choice
It is easy to stop smoking, if you know how

Allen Carr. It is perhaps the best known worldwide. In Spain they have sold more than 200 thousand copies and has already had 50 editions. There are testimonies that confirm that this book has helped to stop smoking more than 25 million people, among them entertainment celebrities such as Ashton Kutcher and Anthony Hopkins . Paradoxically, the author of the book was a mortal victim of tobacco at the cost of his life due to lung cancer at age 72.

He smoked 2 packs a day for 30 years and although he managed to quit, the habit took its toll some time later.

Simón Hergueta is the writer of the book "The Quick Method to Quit Smoking." It is a very schematic text that summarizes 4 rules to quit smoking. Its format is very orderly and focuses on the practical tools to stop the bad habit.

"Un año sin Fumar" is a book written by Fernando Arronera. It is based on humor and relates personal experiences of a former smoker. The book describes the steps he took to stop smoking, including his failed attempts. That is, you can read the methods that worked, as well as the ones that did not.

Ricardo Artola wrote the book "And one day I quit smoking". It is a book similar to that of Allen Carr Artola, he was a Spanish smoker who managed to quit and told his experience supported by several tips of his own and others that he considered useful from foreign authors.

Finally we recommend the book "Anti-smoking diet" by Mariano Orzola. These are brief and well-counting reports that will help you reduce the levels of anxiety and other effects that occur in the body when quitting tobacco. It is an interesting and very digestible book that can help you make the decision to quit.

There are many other literary texts that can surely help you, either to make the decision or to overcome the process, but these are the ones that seemed most direct and substantial.

Other tricks to quit smoking

While we have insisted that the best trick to quit is simply to make the decision and have enough willpower to not fall back , we can always use any trick or recommendation to achieve our goal.

And is that for every smoker there may be a technique that works, what you have to achieve is the ideal for yourself, the one that is most useful and effective.

We summarize the tricks most used by ex-smokers who did not fail in the attempt.

  •     Do a cleaning in your house and get rid of everything that has to do with smoking (Ashtrays, ZIPPO, among others)
  •     Once again, exercise is the best relaxing . A good walk can help you.
  •     Keep your hands busy, as for example, use an anti-stress ball.
  •     Build a circle of support. Join those colleagues who are on your same wave
  •     Be very positive and stop thinking about leaving the cigarette
  •     Think about the benefits you are getting from having quit smoking
  •     Take accounts of the money you have saved by stopping to buy cigarettes and give yourself a treat, like a pair of shoes or a nice shirt.
  •     Tell people that you have quit smoking . If you fall into temptation you will be a liar and nobody wants that.
  •     After eating, look for an activity such as washing dishes.
  •     Ask your friends not to smoke in your presence

There are more methods to stop smoking

There are those who affirm that there are alternative methods to quit smoking, some of them are acupuncture, hypnosis, laser therapy, electrical stimulation, among others.

Despite this, we must emphasize that in a variety of studies that have been done, they have not been able to demonstrate that these methods are 100 percent effective. However, here we tell you so you can have a broader picture of the ways you can take to achieve your goal of quitting smoking.

How hypnosis works to stop smoking

Something in common that smokers have is that they are aware of the health problems that smoking can cause. Among these we can name: the premature aging of the skin and quite perceptible distortions of taste and smell. This without forgetting to mention that tobacco is responsible for more than 90% of lung cancer and 30% of coronary heart disease.

Even when there is full awareness of this, they continue to smoke because they do not believe in their ability to quit and also because they fear the already mentioned abstinence syndromes.

It is said that there are psychological treatments that turn out to be quite effective and that can be adapted to the individuality of each case. We speak then of hypnosis, which consists of helping to increase motivations in the person and to make expectations grow effectively.

In this sense, the hypnotist what he does is try to influence feelings, behaviors and thoughts that lead you to quit , making see in the subconscious the benefits you can get to stop doing it, all for conviction and self control.

It is not about magic and it does not act on its own or because the therapist or hypnotist has special powers. To be successful, as with any other technique, the active participation and collaboration of the patient is needed, as he or she owns himself and it depends on him that the technique yields the expected results.

Magnets to stop smoking

Another of the methods mentioned by those who fight for a population free of smokers is biomagnetism. It is an amazing therapy where magnets are used. It was discovered by a doctor named Isaac Goiz Durán, originally from Mexico and it aims to eliminate microbes such as bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses in short periods of time.

To quit the habit of smoking, according to experts, works in a very simple way. Two magnets are placed opposite each other that exert pressure on specific points of the pinna of the ear. They claim that this regulates nicotine addiction and dependence.

It is a small magnet that is placed in the front of the ear and a slightly larger one that is placed in the back. Being perfectly placed, the magnet will make small pressures permanently , which will activate neurotransmitters that reduce anxiety.

Magnetic therapy has been around for a long time in the world of medicine and there are studies that have determined its effectiveness in treatments related to quitting and slimming.

laser to stop smoking permanently

Stop smoking with a laser

We continue talking about alternative methods, and these go, as we have seen, from hypnosis, through digital cigarettes and laser. As you read it. The laser is an innovative system that is based on a low power iodine that manages to elevate endorphins in high levels, surpassing those that are produced by tobacco.

Specialists in the field explain that this laser biostimulates 28 points of the digestive system, also helps regulate sleep, controls anxiety and treats sadness. In this way , the desire to smoke and therefore the desire is reduced.

The treatment consists in the assistance, on the part of the patient, to a consultation without having smoked for at least 3 hours, they are given talks about habits of life and behavior to confirm that the patient really wants to quit smoking. With this point clear, the laser sessions begin.

Some patients say that after the treatment is over, they discover that they no longer want to continue smoking.

Take advantage of any professional help to stop smoking / Tips

We know that when the intention to quit smoking is certain and firm, you can go to any kind of help , listen to practical and positive advice to achieve it or even attend some kind of health institution or clinic that can support us in enforcing our decision.

In this case, the NCI (National Cancer Institute) and other agencies or organizations located in various countries around the world, can help smokers quit.

We mentioned this because being aware that there are organizations of world renown to support this mission, this translates into feeling support and motivation to achieve the fact of quitting.

On the Internet you can also get professional help for this . It is one of the most expeditious ways to find professionals and specialists who can support you with the application of therapies and treatments to combat the urge to smoke and finally stop the habit.

medicines to end tobacco

Medications and pills to stop smoking

It is totally valid to go to a treating doctor to obtain prescriptions of medicines or pills that help you to combat nicotine addiction. We mentioned some of these:

Bupropion is an antidepressant that is available by prescription under the name of Zyban. It is a medication indicated to treat the action to nicotine and was approved by the FDA in 1997. It can help you reduce the symptoms of abstinence and your own cravings.

Just keep in mind that some side effects may appear associated with the product itself, so it is important to talk with the doctor to be sure that the drug is suitable for your consumption.

Effects after quitting

Another medication indicated to help smokers quit is Varenicline. This is a medicine that is also sold with a prescription under the Chantix brand. In 2006 it was approved by the FDA and helps to calm the cravings for nicotine and even blocks the pleasure effects produced by nicotine. Side effects can also occur, so it is always important to see the doctor to approve the intake of the medication.

Benefits and benefits when quitting

The benefits and advantages of leaving tobacco can be evidenced immediately and multiply progressively.

  •     You can feel that in less than 20 minutes the blood pressure decreases , after half a day, you can normalize the carbon monoxide in the blood.
  •     By spending weeks and up to three months, you can feel improved circulation and lung function. You will see that cough or lack of air decreases, as well as the risk of acquiring infections.
  •     One year after having quit smoking you will have decreased by 50%, the risk of acquiring any coronary disease, while you will see a great improvement in your energy and mood.
  •     In 5 years you may also have halved the risk of suffering from throat, mouth, or neck cancer , as well as having a stroke, which after that time equals the risks of a non-smoker.
  •     In 10 years, you can ensure that you reduce the risk of lung cancer and cancer of the larynx and pancreas by half.
  •     You will also get the advantages of improving the senses of taste and smell, the annoying smoker's cough will disappear, you will be able to climb stairs easily and walk for longer without feeling exhaustion. You will smell better (Hair, breath and clothes) and will noticeably improve the health and appearance of your skin.

all the benefits of quitting

Consequences of quitting smoking at once

Many claim that quitting smoking is more effective than doing it little by little. A publication of the scientific journal Annals of Internal Medicine , this is what he says.

Even though most experts and other world-class guides recommend moving away from habit little by little, a study was conducted to determine the best method. In that sense, a group of doctors from the United Kingdom, specifically the University of Oxford, analyzed cases of more than 600 people who wanted to quit. They divided people into two groups using both methods: the cessation of the coup and the gradual cessation.

Both groups of people received therapy, counseling, nicotine patches and other supportive care . At the end, they were followed up for a month and up to six continuous months. It was found that at 4 weeks the 39 percent of the group that stopped smoking little by little, stayed away from the habit, compared to 49% of the members of the group that quit smoking at once (15% more than the previous group).

In other words, the method of quitting tobacco was much more effective . There are authors who say that the motivation and the reasons why it is decided to stop smoking cigarettes can be decisive to achieve the goal of quitting successfully.

Then, at this point we could ensure that the biggest consequence you can face when you quit smoking is to get separated from addiction permanently and forever.

Quit smoking little by little

Not to assure the previously mentioned thing, we can discard the method to stop smoking little by little, since there are also successful experiences in this case.

It is ensured that carrying out this system can leave the tobacco between 8 and 12 weeks. Everything will depend on the amount of cigarettes smoked daily, so this is about decreasing progressively the amount of tobacco consumed per day, to completely abandon the addiction.

To this method you can add other support systems such as chewing nicotine gum and apply other techniques or tricks that we have discussed throughout this article. The final intention, it is supposed, is to diminish to the point of leaving it completely, and for this it is necessary to place concrete goals in small periods of time, until achieving to leave it definitively.

Quit smoking without getting fat

Getting fat from quitting is one of the most frequent excuses and fear of it, in many cases prevents the person from deciding to quit, especially in women smokers. The truth is that weight gain is common when you stop smoking.

Studies have determined that people who have never smoked weigh a few pounds more than people who do smoke and that, when the habit is stopped, smokers manage to reach a weight that they would not have had if they had never smoked.

Although smokers can get to increase approximately 10 pounds after leaving the cigarette, you have to see the benefits that are obtained compared to the risks that are assumed by not quitting. Therefore, to complete this article, we leave you some suggestions that will help you control your weight and that this does not become an excuse for you not to decide to quit smoking.

  •     As we have already said, doing a physical activity or enrolling in a gym to replace the habit will help you control your weight and you can even reduce it , be in shape and lead a healthy life.
  •     You can opt for some type of medication that helps you counteract the weight gain. You can consult your doctor about Bupropion. (mentioned a few lines above) that can help you control your weight, while you go through the process of nicotine withdrawal.
  •     If the weight gain after quitting becomes problematic, do not rule out the possibility of consulting a dietitian or dietitian.

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Reducing nicotine in cigarettes can help minimize addiction

This has been confirmed in a study by researchers at the University of Vermont, in the United States.

Researchers from the University of Vermont ( United States ) say that reducing the nicotine content of tobacco can serve to diminish its addictive potential , especially in more vulnerable populations.

This is confirmed after a study whose results published the magazine 'JAMA Psychiatry' in which they focused on the addiction potential of cigarettes with reduced nicotine content in three vulnerable populations: individuals with affected disorders, with problems due to the use of opioids or women with socioeconomic difficulties.

Trussglobal Organic Anti-Smoking Patch
Trussglobal Organic Anti-Smoking Patch

"The evidence in relatively healthy and socially stable smokers indicates that reducing the nicotine content of cigarettes reduces their addiction, " said Stephen Higgins, who did not know if this same effect would also be seen in people more vulnerable to smoking.

In their multicentre and double blind study, they included 169 habitual smokers, 120 women and 49 men . Of these, 56 had a diagnosed affective disorder, 60 had opioid dependence and 53 were women with socioeconomic problems.

Each participant underwent different tests in several sessions of 2 to 4 hours , each one preceded by a period of between 6 and 8 hours without smoking. The first phase of the study consisted of 5 sessions, and the participants began smoking a brand-name cigarette that they consumed to later change to a cigarette of identical appearance, but with varying doses of nicotine.

The participants had to use a plastic nozzle while they smoked to later measure the number of puffs , the length and speed of them. Also, through questionnaires analyzed the desire to smoke and nicotine dependence.

In the following five sessions, participants were offered the opportunity to select cigarettes that wanted to smoke between 6 different nicotine dose options , and a computer program was used to record each election, if later on they wanted to continue with it or change of cigarettes, and if the desire to continue smoking was greater or lesser after two puffs. And in the last sessions, they followed the same patterns, but only with the cigars with higher or lower doses.

Although participants tended to prefer cigarettes with higher doses of nicotine , the researchers found that low-nicotine cigarettes could serve as substitutes if their cost were lower.

"This study provides a very encouraging indication that reducing the nicotine content of cigarettes would help vulnerable populations ... We need more research, but this is very encouraging news with tremendous potential to improve public health," according to Higgins.

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Medical proposals to stop smoking in minors

The specialists propose these measures to fight against tobacco.

The * tobacco * is together with alcohol and bullying one of the enemies to be fought by society in what youth is concerned. Curb your consumption in adolescents and prevent these from starting.
An addiction is a battle that is fought every day. Many are the problems faced by smokers and especially these ages in which the body has not yet developed.

Novartis Habitrol 14mg Nicotine Patches, Step 2. Stop Smoking. 3 boxes of 28 each (84 patches) 14 MG
Novartis Habitrol 14mg Nicotine Patches, Step 2. Stop Smoking. 3 boxes of 28 each (84 patches) 14 MG

  • Therefore, from the Medical Association of Spain, * OMC *, and the
  • General Council of Medical Officers' Associations, * CNPT *, have launched
  • a series of proposals to the Government to stop * smoking * in adolescents. Advice with
  • which is intended to prevent young people from starting in this consumption
  • that has so many consequences in the long run.

    Expansion of smoke-free spaces

WTO and CNPT expose advances in health  that have been achieved thanks to the
entry into force of the * Tobacco Law 28/2005 *. Grace to her
managed to change the conception of this product, previously considered a
normal and socially accepted habit, and is now seen by most
as a problem In addition, the reduction of exposure to fumes has
reduced the number of passive smokers.

Even so, smoking remains a problem, especially in the
young people who start early in their consumption. That's why
talk about the amount of passive smokers.
For this reason, a series of councils are exposed from the Framework Agreement
for the Control of Smoking of the * WHO *, to which Spain subscribed
in 2007, and that has the following proposals:

1. * Ensure compliance with the Tobacco Law *. It must be created
awareness of the importance of avoiding smoking in sensitive spaces
such as the vicinity of schools or hospitals. To the
At the same time, larger penalties should be imposed on local
that allow access to these items to minors.

2. * Expand smoke-free spaces *. Smoke-free spaces
should be extended to areas such as bus stops where a
smoker can suck smoke from a third party, something harmful in the case of

3. * Legislate the electronic cigarette *. Current legislation does not have
into account the electronic cigarette, gateway for many
young people in smoking. The regulations must take into account these
risks and act accordingly.

4. * Increase the price of other products. * The price of the pack of
Cigars is a barrier for many young people, however many opt
for rolling tobacco because it is a cheaper alternative. Increase
The tax burden on them would be a good way to curb your purchase.

5. * Implementation of anti-smoking campaigns *. The centers
schools must become spaces where they are constantly carried out
campaigns against tobacco, the education authorities must assume the
commitment of these conferences and ensure them at all levels of

6. * Improve the attention to smokers *. The authorities
health services should favor anti-smoking treatments for
stop this dependence in smokers and put these therapies at the level
of others such as the care of hypertensive people.

7. * Prevention against cannabis *. In some young people the door of
Entrance to smoking is cannabis. They start consuming this product
and they end up with cigarettes and developing an addiction to
nicotine. Therefore, it should also be taken into account in the campaigns of

8. * Neutral tobacco package *. Cigarette packs have
striking colors in some occasions and that attract attention, even
with the violent images they carry. A proposed measure is that
these containers are neutral in color to avoid this effect.

It may interest you:

  • * - The WHO proposes to ban smoking in cars and homes with children
  • * - Quitting smoking costs an average of 30 attempts
  • * - The 'battle' against tobacco in the cinema to protect young people

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Preparation of a plan to stop smoking

Preparing a plan to quit smoking

One of the keys to stop smoking is definitely the preparation. An excellent way to prepare is to develop a plan to quit smoking. The plans to quit smoking:

  •     Combine strategies to keep you focused, confident and motivated to stop smoking
  •     Help identify the challenges you will face and ways to overcome them
  •     They can improve the chances of you definitely quitting smoking

The following steps will help you create your own personalized plan. As you go through these steps, keep a record of your plan always available.

Choose a date to quit smoking

When it comes to choosing a date, before it is better than later. Many smokers choose a date within two weeks to quit smoking. That will give you enough time to prepare. Think carefully about the date. Avoid choosing a day when you know you will be busy, stressed or tempted to smoke (for example, a night out with friends, days when you can smoke at work).

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RunNico 21mg Nicotine Patches 7Pcs Step 1,2?3 Stop Smoking Aid,Nicotine Transdermal System,Smoking Cessation Products

Next step: Mark the date on your calendar. Write it somewhere you see it every day. That will remind you of your decision to stop smoking and give you time to prepare.
Tell your loved ones that you are going to quit smoking

Quitting smoking is easier with the support of important people in your life. Tell them in advance the date you plan to quit smoking. Explain how they can help you. We all need different things, so make sure your family and friends know exactly how they can help.

Next step: Support is one of the keys to stop smoking. However, it can be difficult to ask for help, even from the people closest to you. Review the recommendations to make sure you get the help you need .

Remove cigarette reminders

Getting rid of the things that remind you of a cigarette can help you stay firm while you stop smoking. Some of these things can be cigarettes, matches, ashtrays and lighters. It can also be helpful if everything in your work, your car and your home is clean and fresh. Even the smell of cigarettes can cause cravings to smoke.

Next step: Get rid of all your cigarettes and matches. Present or throw away your lighters and ashtrays. Do not keep a pack of cigarettes "just in case you have doubts".

Identify your reasons for quitting

Each person has their own reasons to quit smoking. Maybe it's to be healthier, save some money or take care of your family. When preparing to quit smoking, think about your own reasons for quitting. Remember them every day. They can be an inspiration to definitely quit smoking.

Next step: Prepare a list of all the reasons why you want to quit smoking . Keep it in a place where you can see it every day. Every time you feel cravings for smoking, review your list. That will keep you motivated to continue without smoking. Do you find it hard to think of reasons to stop smoking? Complete our list of reasons to stop smoking , and discover your motivation to achieve it.

Identify your triggers

Smoking is linked to many parts of the smoker's life. Certain activities, feelings and people are linked to the habit of smoking. When you encounter these things, they can "unchain" or awaken your need to smoke. Try to anticipate these triggers and develop ways to deal with them.

Next step: Prepare a list of everything that causes you to smoke. Now write a way to manage or avoid each item on your list. Keep the list close while you stop smoking. Is it difficult for you to prepare the list? Find examples of ways to deal with the triggers on our page about cravings. Identify your triggers and receive recommendations for dealing with them by completing our Trigger Checklist .

Develop strategies to cope with withdrawal symptoms

Nicotine is the chemical that cigarettes contain and produces addiction. When you stop smoking, your body has to adapt to not having nicotine. This is called withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms can be unpleasant, but you can overcome them. Developing strategies to cope with withdrawal symptoms in advance can help you quit smoking for good.

Next steps: Medications and behavioral changes can help you manage withdrawal symptoms. There are many stop-smoking medications that are sold without a prescription. Make sure you have them on hand before you quit smoking. Although the medications will help, they do not do all the work for you. Develop other quit smoking strategies that you can use along with the medications. Remember that withdrawal symptoms, even cravings, will disappear with each day that passes without smoking.

Have places you can go to for immediate help

Quitting smoking is more difficult during the first weeks. You will have to deal with annoying sensations, temptation to smoke, withdrawal symptoms and cravings for smoking. Make sure you have support options at all times, be it a telephone support line, a support group or a good friend.

Next steps: Plan to use a variety of support options to quit smoking. Keep them handy in case you need them during the process. These are some options you can consider:

  •     SmokefreeTXT : a mobile messaging service designed for adults and youth in the United States who are trying to quit smoking.
  •     Telephone support lines : If you want to talk to a counselor to stop smoking now, call 1-855-DÉJELO-YA (1-855-335-3569).
  •     Support groups: Visit the website of your county or state to find out if they offer smoking cessation programs in your area.
  •     Friends and family: Getting support from important people in your life can make a big difference when you quit smoking.
  •     Medications : If you use medicines to quit smoking, such as the patch, gum or candy, make sure you have them on hand.

Prepare awards for your achievements

Quitting smoking occurs one minute, one hour and one day at a time. Reward yourself while quitting smoking. Celebrate individual accomplishments, such as being 24 hours without smoking, a week without smoking and a month without smoking. Quitting smoking is difficult, so you should be proud of your achievements.

Next steps: You should feel proud every time you reach a goal. Pamper yourself with a good dinner, a trip to the cinema or another activity in which you do not smoke. Plan your goals ahead of time and prepare free cigarette prizes for each one.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

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How to cheat the mind to stop smoking

That we really want to stop smoking and we do not get it is a fact. And that tobacco is harmful to health, but that it is very difficult to eliminate it from our life is not something new.

Therefore, the specialists of the Department of Pneumology of the University Clinic of Navarra offer a series of key tips to eliminate tobacco from our lives.

Freedom Quit Smoking, Nicotine Craving Relief Spray – Quit Smoking Naturally Now – Reduce Cigarette Cravings, Fight Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms, An Easy Way to Quit Smoking Cigarettes Without Side Effects – An All Natural & Nicotine Free Stop Smoking Aid, 1 Oz
Freedom Quit Smoking, Nicotine Craving Relief Spray – Quit Smoking Naturally Now – Reduce Cigarette Cravings, Fight Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms, An Easy Way to Quit Smoking Cigarettes Without Side Effects – An All Natural & Nicotine Free Stop Smoking Aid, 1 Oz

  •     Find a reason: think carefully about the reasons why you smoke. We need real reasons, we should not follow an impulse because we can go quickly. In addition, specialists recommend writing them on paper.
  •     Be positive: you have to eliminate negative thoughts, such as how difficult it will be to get it.
  •     Begin to perform some gentle physical exercise: it will relax you, help you control your weight and observe benefits that you get when you stop smoking.
  •     Set a date: choose a specific day to quit smoking. However, sometimes, it is difficult to stop smoking completely, so you can try to decrease the amount of cigarettes little by little.
  •     Keep a record: for a few days write down all the cigarettes, the circumstances in which you smoke and the degree of need you have. This helps to know the situations associated to the fact of smoking and to foresee the way to face them.
  •     Calculate the money spent on smoking and plan how to use it (something that has been appealing for some time).
  •     Chew gum without sugar and have something in your hands: this will help calm the oral and / or manual component.
  •     Remove from home everything related to tobacco: ashtrays, cigarettes, lighters etc ...
  •     Small objectives: think only on the specific day; today he will not smoke.
  •     It is good to seek support from friends or family, can make the work much easier.
  •     Avoid drinking alcohol and drinks that are associated with the cigar: coffee, beer ...
  •     Practice simple relaxation exercises , for example, breathe deeply several times.
  •     Taking large amounts of water or fruit juice, rich in vitamin C, will help eliminate nicotine.

Tobacco, besides causing harm to health, creates addiction. Proof of this is that most smokers want to quit smoking and only one in ten who try without help achieves it. Some smokers experience great difficulty to achieve it and it even seems that certain genes may predispose to nicotine addiction.

These people will need help with drugs and follow-up and often several attempts. In the Clinic there is a Program of Smoking Cessation with ten years of experience, which seeks to facilitate smokers abandonment of tobacco, through medical monitoring and continued professional support.

One Step at a Time Nicotine Addiction Withdrawal System

Guide to stop smoking

How do medicines stop smoking?

When you stop smoking, you may initially feel discomfort and crave smoking. This is due to withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms are the reaction of your body as you get used to not having nicotine, the chemical compound in cigarettes that makes you want to keep smoking. Medications to quit smoking help reduce withdrawal symptoms and cigarette cravings.

One Step at a Time Nicotine Addiction Withdrawal System
One Step at a Time Nicotine Addiction Withdrawal System

How does the use of medications to stop smoking benefit me?

The use of these medications can double your chances of quitting forever. They help reduce cravings for smoking and withdrawal symptoms. They can also save you money. Medications to stop smoking are usually used only for a few months. In the long run, you will spend less if you take the medication than if you continue to smoke.

What are the medicines to stop smoking?

The most common smoking cessation medications make up nicotine replacement therapy (NRT). The NRT reduces withdrawal symptoms by giving you lower levels of nicotine, but not the other dangerous chemical compounds found in cigarettes. That satisfies your nicotine cravings and decreases your need to smoke. That way your body gradually gets used to being without nicotine. The NRT options include patches, chewing gum, hard candy, inhalers and nasal spray. Patches, chewing gum and hard candy are sold without a prescription. If you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, talk to your doctor or pharmacist before using NRT.

There are also other smoking cessation medications that do not have nicotine. These also help decrease withdrawal symptoms and cigarette cravings. These medications are only sold with a prescription. Visit your doctor or pharmacist to talk about your drug coverage plan and to give you a prescription.

Keep in mind that there is no medication that is considered the "best" to stop smoking, because we are all different. Medications that require a prescription are not only for people who smoke a lot or are "better" than medications that can be obtained without a prescription. The medication guide below is a summary of the medications accepted by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for people who want to quit smoking. This guide may not include all the medications that are currently available.

  • Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT)
  • Method Availability Description
  • Nicotine patches Over the counter sale The nicotine patch is placed on the skin and provides users with a small and constant amount of nicotine.
  • Nicotine gum Non-prescription gum Nicotine gum is chewed to release nicotine. The user chews the gum until it produces a tingling sensation and then places it between the cheek and the gums.
  • Nicotine hard candies Sale without a prescription Nicotine candies look like hard candy and are placed in your mouth. They release nicotine as they dissolve slowly in the mouth.
  • Nicotine inhaler Recipe The nicotine inhaler is a cartridge attached to a mouthpiece. Inhalation through the mouthpiece gives the user a specific amount of nicotine.
  • Nicotine hard candies Sale without a prescription Nicotine candies look like hard candy and are placed in your mouth. They release nicotine as they dissolve slowly in the mouth.
  • Nicotine nasal spray Recipe Nicotine nasal spray is a nicotine-containing disperser bottle that is applied to the nose.

Other medicines to stop smoking
Method Availability Description
Bupropion Recipe Bupropion, also known as Zyban®, helps decrease the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal and the urge to smoke. Bupropion can be used safely together with the NRT.
Varenicline Recipe Varenicline, also known as Chantix®, helps decrease nicotine withdrawal symptoms and the urge to smoke. It also blocks the effects of nicotine in cigarettes if the user starts smoking again.

Are you thinking about using medications to stop smoking?

When you decide to use medications to stop smoking, keep these things in mind:

  •     Even if you have previously tried smoking cessation medications, it is worth trying them again as part of your plan to quit smoking.
  •     Using medications to quit smoking does not mean you are not strong enough to do it without help. The use of NRT can strengthen your decision to stop smoking and shows that you have decided to quit for your own sake and that of others.
  •     Regardless of how long you have smoked, quitting smoking can improve your health and your life. Nicotine replacement therapy is a proven method of helping people quit smoking.
  •     Your likelihood of addiction to nicotine replacement therapy is much lower when compared to your likelihood of addiction to cigarettes. There is less nicotine in nicotine replacement therapy and it is provided more slowly to your body. Using nicotine replacement therapy does not mean you are switching from one addiction to another.
  •     Read the instructions on the package carefully and speak with a health professional if you have questions.
  •     Most products for NRT can be used alone or in combination.
  •     Medications alone can not do all the work. They can help you with cravings and withdrawal symptoms, but they will not completely take away the need to smoke. Even if you use medication to help you quit smoking, sometimes it will be difficult. Using other strategies along with smoking cessation medications will give you the best chance of doing so.

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Prevention and treatment of smoking

Tobacco is more dangerous in people with Familial Hypercholesterolemia . The life expectancy decreases in these people from 12 to 15 years, while in the general population this decrease is from 2 to 4 years. This is because it increases the risk of developing coronary heart disease by about 4 times. Therefore, we gave our full support to the Law 42/2010 of December 30 , which we followed very closely, sending our proposals and allegations to the Health Commission to achieve greater protection of the health of citizens in general , and in a very special way for families with HF.

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RunNico 21mg Nicotine Patches 7Pcs Step 1,2?3 Stop Smoking Aid,Nicotine Transdermal System,Smoking Cessation Products

Tobacco also has harmful effects on those who choose not to smoke. Hence the importance of the aforementioned Law in defense of the protection of these smoke-free spaces . It should not be forgotten that tobacco is the first avoidable cause of morbidity and mortality in the world and that in Spain, around 3,200 passive smokers die every year, who have an increased risk of lung cancer, myocardial infarction, higher mortality due to ischemic heart disease, as well as a reduction in the weight of the children of mothers exposed to air contaminated by tobacco smoke and a significant increase in the frequency of chronic respiratory symptoms such as cough and pharyngeal complaints.

Women, in addition to being exposed to the same risks that tobacco causes in men, are subject to other additional risks. The fact is that tobacco consumption exerts a multiplier effect of the cardiovascular risk of oral contraceptives. In women who smoke and follow this method of contraception, the probability of having a heart attack is multiplied by 10.

If you are a smoker, you should try to quit this habit

Quitting smoking is possible and you can get it. You are about to start a process that will lead you to gain health and quality of life.

Think about the benefits of quitting and find your own reasons to quit

The benefits of quitting tobacco:

  •     More agility, less fatigue.
  •     Decrease or complete disappearance of the cough.
  •     Recovery of forgotten senses such as taste and smell.
  •     Recovery of the balance and hydration of the skin.


  •     If you did not have any disease related to the use of tobacco, your risk of lung cancer, myocardial infarction or chronic bronchitis is beginning to diminish immediately.
  •     It will be a positive example for your children and new generations in general.
  •     You will have the satisfaction of having recovered the address of a part of your life that until now depended on tobacco.
  •     He will have gained in health and saved money.

Preparation phase: how to achieve it?

  •     Do not rush, you have been smoking for a long time. Give yourself time to carry out your plan.
  •     Read your list of reasons to leave it several times a day; convince yourself of the importance of all your reasons.
  •     Think of a date to stop smoking in a short period of time (not less than one month). Make sure that the date is not a time of special tension, of excessive work or great worries or responsibilities. Remember that you have chosen that day and it can not be postponed.
  •     About two weeks before the given date: decide in advance the number of cigarettes that you will smoke during the day, and smoke only half of the cigarette. If you experience an urgent need to smoke, wait a few minutes before doing so. Do not empty the ashtrays. This way you can count the ones you have smoked and your smell will be annoying.
  •     Look for supports. Talk about your decision, preferably with someone who has quit smoking. A family member, a friend, a partner who has already achieved it and who you see often, can commit to supporting and helping you.
  •     Check with a healthcare professional. They can be an important help, because they know the most harmful aspects of tobacco and the appropriate means to help you quit smoking. They will motivate you and will indicate the steps to follow in each moment.
  •     There are several treatments to stop smoking: non-pharmacological treatments (group or individual psychological therapy) and pharmacological treatments (patches, chewing gum or nicotine tablets, bupropion, varenicline). Your doctor will tell you which is the best option for you.

When the desire to smoke seems irresistible, relax

The first few days you will often feel a strong desire to smoke that will produce anxiety and tension. Think that this feeling only lasts a few moments and that you are stronger than the cigarette. At the end of the day you will see how you have been able to handle tobacco.

The chosen day to stop smoking

  •     Get up 15 or 30 minutes earlier than usual to face a more difficult day with more time.
  •     Do not think that you will never smoke again. Concentrate on thinking that you will not smoke today and respect that decision whenever you feel like lighting a cigarette. It is much easier to think and assume that you will not smoke in the next hour than in the rest of your life.
  •     Start the day by doing some exercise and some deep breaths. Then shower normally with hot water but finish with cold water to relax more.
  •     Drink plenty of water and juice during the day. Do not drink those drinks that you associate with tobacco (coffee, drinks, etc.).
  •     Brush your teeth as soon as you eat and do not settle, better for a walk.
  •     Keep away cigarettes and matches, lighters and ashtrays.
  •     Think of something you want to buy and calculate your cost in the equivalent of tobacco.
  •     If you miss something in your mouth, try chewing gum or taking candy without sugar.
  •     Do different things, changing your routines in a simple way can help you not to think about tobacco.
  •     Use your little leisure time in things that please you; You will feel satisfied and relaxed.
  •     Get small goals that will lead you to the great goal.

In the following days, identify risk situations and prepare alternatives

    At home:
  •         When getting up do several deep breaths.
  •         After meals wash your teeth immediately.
  •         Instead of watching TV, go for a walk, go to the movies, call a friend.
  •         If your partner smokes, ask them not to do so in your presence.
  •     At work:
  •         When trying to concentrate, do several deep breaths.
  •         During breaks or breaks, go outdoors, take a walk, read your favorite magazine.
  •         When you pick up the phone, have a pen in your hand.
  •         In times of stress, breathe deeply, try to lighten your agenda for a few days.

With the abandonment of tobacco you will get:

  •     At 20 minutes : Improve peripheral circulation, blood pressure and heart rate.
  •     At 8 o'clock : Lower levels of nicotine and carbon monoxide (CO).
  •     At 24 hours : Eliminate all nicotine. Improve the smell, taste and appearance of the skin.
  •     At 48 hours : Normalize CO, decrease bronchial mucus, and the risk of myocardial infarction.
  •     At 72 hours : Will improve breathing by decreasing bronchospasm.
  •     At 2-12 weeks : improves circulation. Improves coughing and breathing
  •     By year : Reduce the risk of heart attack to 50%.
  •     At 10 years : Reduce the risk of lung cancer to 50% and equalize the risk of myocardial infarction to the rest of the population.
  •     At age 15 : Match the risk of stroke to that of non-smokers.

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Treatment of Smoking


Tobacco use continues to be the leading cause of preventable disease and death in the world. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) is a risk factor of six of the eight leading causes of mortality highlighting cardiovascular diseases as the most significant. It has been seen that smokers die on average 10 years earlier than nonsmokers and that the cessation of tobacco use at 60, 50, 40 or 30 years increases life expectancy in 3, 6, 9 or 10 years respectively 2 .

In Chile, it is estimated as a causal factor of 15,000 deaths per year, which constitute 17% of all deaths 3 . These figures are conditioned because in the country there is a high prevalence of consumption, both in adults and in young people, 4,5 having the sad record of being the country of the Americas with the highest consumption among young people 6 .

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NicoDerm CQ Nicotine Patch, Clear, Step 1 to Quit Smoking, 21mg, 14 Count

Given the seriousness of the problem, the WHO prompted an international treaty on public health to control this epidemic in the world, culminating with the approval, in 2003, of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. In Chile, this treaty was approved in March 2005.

Under these guidelines, WHO, in 2008, launched the initiative MPOWER 7 , which summarizes the strategies that should be implemented for tobacco control at the international level. The six points this strategy consist of:

• Monitoring: Monitor tobacco consumption and preventive measures

• Protecting: Protecting the population from exposure to tobacco smoke

• Offering: Offer help for the abandonment of tobacco use

• Warning: Warn of the dangers of tobacco

• Enforcing: Enforcing the prohibitions on advertising, promotion and sponsorship

• Raising: Increasing tobacco taxes

In this context, smoking cessation aids appear as one of the pillars for the control of smoking, where the professionals of the health team have a great responsibility.

In this article we present the bases of tobacco addiction mechanisms, a general approach to their treatment and the psychosocial and pharmacological therapies available today.

Smoking, chronic addictive disease.

Since 1988, the year in which the Report of the US Surgeon General, entitled "Addiction to Nicotine," 8 was published , there is solid evidence of the addictive condition of tobacco use. The main conclusions of this report were that tobacco is addictive, that nicotine is the drug that causes addiction and that the psychopharmacological process involved in this addiction is similar to that of other drugs, such as heroin or cocaine.

At present, the addictive capacity of tobacco is beyond doubt and it is considered that smoking is a chronic systemic disease that belongs to the group of addictions, classified in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM IV) of the American Psychiatric Association 9 . According to this classification, nicotine dependence is diagnosed by the presence of 3 or more of the seven proposed criteria ( Table 1 ), during a continuous period of 12 months. In turn, the criteria for the diagnosis of nicotine withdrawal are specified ( Table 2 ). The WHO International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) also includes smoking within the "Mental and behavioral disorders due to tobacco use", in section F17, whose criteria are very similar to those of IVD IV: Once 7 criteria are condensed into 5 and a sixth is added in relation to the intense desire to consume the substance 10 .

The origin of the addiction is multifactorial, involving biological, genetic, psychological and social factors. The clinical manifestations depend on the individual personality characteristics of each individual, as well as the socio-cultural circumstances that surround them. The main symptom is the imperative or compulsive need to return to consume tobacco to experience the reward it produces and also avoid the withdrawal syndrome.

Although tobacco contains thousands of substances, it is nicotine that is most frequently associated with dependence. Nicotine is a psychoactive drug that generates dependence, with specific physical alterations and behaviors, producing in the smoker the search and compulsive use of the drug, despite the negative consequences for health.

Structurally, nicotine is a tertiary amine. Its absorption is mainly at the alveolar level, this being very fast, due to the large contact surface of the alveoli and the dissolution of nicotine in fluids with physiological pH. Minorly it is absorbed in the buccal mucosa, where it is dependent on pH, since the cigarette smoke is acidic (pH 5.5) and therefore nicotine is ionized, hindering its absorption.

After inhaling the smoke, nicotine reaches the brain in just 9 seconds. Then, their brain levels decline rapidly as it is distributed in other tissues (autonomic ganglia, adrenal medulla and neuromuscular junctions) and is metabolized in the liver by enzymes of the CYP2A6 family. Finally, its metabolites are excreted through the kidney, with an average life of 2 hrs. approximately 11 .

Nicotine acts through its binding to nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, whose structure corresponds to ion channels composed of 5 subunits. There are about 17 different subunits and the combination of these gives different properties to each receiver. It has been shown that, in nicotine addiction, α4β2 receptors play a determining role due to their high affinity and sensitivity to nicotine. They are formed by two subunits α4 and three β2 and are located mainly in the ventral tegmental area (within the reward circuit of the brain). The α4 subunit would be more important in the production of the pleasure sensation when smoking and the β2 subunit in the self-administration behavior associated with nicotine 12 .

Nicotine produces a series of alterations in the CNS that would explain its addictive power, in which the most relevant is the increase in dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens, producing a sensation of pleasure and good , which determines physical dependence. Although the dopaminergic system is the most studied for its importance in the reward, it is necessary to mention that nicotine also acts in other brain systems that help mediate its addictive effects (cholinergic, gabaergic, glutamaergic, serotoninergic, noradre -nérgico, opiate and endocannabinoid). The advances that are achieved in the subject, will be very useful in the future for the progress of the pharmacotherapy of this addiction.

Treatment of smoking.

At present, there is a consensus that smoking cessation interventions must have two components: psycho-social and pharmacological. Both should be included in the support of anyone requesting help to quit smoking.

Psycho-social strategies, which mostly have a cognitive-behavioral approach, are aimed at the smoker recognizing his addiction, his personal characteristics, modifying behavior patterns, developing strategies and skills to achieve and maintain abstinence, which usually means changing routines and lifestyles, that is to learn to "live without tobacco".

Clinical confrontation of smoking

Anyone who consults a health facility, public or private, should be asked whether or not they consume tobacco, according to the algorithm shown in Figure 1 . When the person is willing to try to stop smoking, the recommended general strategy is that of the 5 A, which can be adapted from the brief to the specialized intervention, depending on the time spent on the intervention and the therapist's training. When the smoker does not want to stop smoking at that time, the strategy of the 5 Rs is used. In the following paragraphs the two mentioned strategies are developed.

Figure 1: Algorithm to treat tobacco consumption. Modified from ref. 13

Brief counseling: 5 A methodology

In practice, most of the interventions are based on a methodology called 5 A 13 , by the initial of the 5 stages that constitute it: Find out, Advise, Agree, Help and Accompany. It basically consists in stimulating and promoting the intention to stop smoking and to help those already motivated in the cessation of smoking. The brief counseling should be carried out in the consultation of any health professional, regardless of the reason for consultation. A trained professional should not take more than two to three minutes in his application.

Find out: all patients should be asked about tobacco consumption, taking advantage of all instances through which they attend health facilities. He is asked about the number of cigarettes he smokes daily and the time of the first cigarette after getting up.

Advise: after asking, the patient should be advised to stop smoking. The advice should be clear and firm, personalizing the convincing arguments: in adolescents, the effect of smoking on their ability to exercise and poor school performance should be emphasized; the pregnant woman is concerned about her child and the risks of childbirth; the adult is more afraid of the diseases that could develop from tobacco and the possible damage that it can cause to his children and those around him.

Agree on the type of intervention: there are different types of interventions, depending on their availability to change. a) If the patient does not want to stop smoking now: explain the harmful effects of tobacco use and offer support for the future. b) If the patient is insecure: discuss their fears or fears and encourage motivation explaining the advantages of not smoking. Invite him to quit when he is ready. c) If the patient is determined: offer help and plan a strategy to stop smoking.

Help: if the patient is willing to try to stop smoking, he should be helped to develop a plan of action and eventual pharmacological support. A date to quit smoking is selected with the patient, within the next 2 to 4 weeks, which is called "Day D". It is not advisable to do it in periods of high stress, and on the other hand, it is necessary to consider that there is no ideal time to stop smoking, but before it is better than after. To consolidate the commitment, it is suggested that a contract-commitment be signed specifying the agreed date and where the therapist also commits to provide all patient support.

Accompany: patient follow-up should be scheduled. It is recommended to establish a follow-up visit one to two weeks after 'D-Day.' A second follow-up visit should be scheduled one month after the first, as a further control.

Strategy to use when patients do not want to stop smoking: 5 R

There are patients who are not willing to make an attempt to stop smoking at that time. In front of these smokers the strategy of the "5 R" 14 must be developed, named for the initial of the 5 points to be considered: Relevance, Risks, Rewards, Resistances and Repetition.

Relevance: Discuss with the patient the importance of quitting smoking for him, for his children and family.

Risks: Help the patient identify the risks of smoking. Emphasize that smoking low nicotine cigarettes or using other forms of tobacco will not eliminate these risks. Examples: worsening of their illnesses, sexual impotence, spouse with higher risk of lung cancer and coronary heart disease, etc.

Rewards: Encourage the patient to recognize the benefits of quitting. Examples: improvement of your health, saving money, better personal and household smell, healthier children, etc.

Resistances: Try that the patient identifies the barriers to stop smoking and offer help to deal with them. Examples: withdrawal symptoms, weight gain, etc.

Repetition: This strategy should be repeated every time you consult a non-motivated smoker.

If this is done systematically, many smokers are motivated and made concrete attempts to stop smoking.

Next we will refer to the pharmacological treatment, subject in which there have been important advances in the last years.

Pharmacotherapy of smoking

Up to now, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the use of 3 types of drugs in smoking cessation treatment: Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT), Bupropion and Varenicline. There are two other medications, although they are not approved by the FDA, they are used as second-line drugs, such as Clonidine and Nortriptyline.

I. Nicotine Replacement Therapy.

The drugs most studied and used for the management of tobacco dependence are those that contain nicotine. Several clinical studies have shown that they are safe and effective, increasing twice the success rate of behavioral therapy.

Its main mechanisms of action: reduction of withdrawal symptoms, reduction of reinforcing effects and the production of certain effects previously sought in cigarettes (relaxation, facilitation of the confrontation of stressful situations, etc.) 15 . The use of NRT should start on the day when smoking is stopped.

Some adverse effects are common to all NRT products, with the most frequent being dizziness, nausea and headache. The contraindications are serious cardiovascular diseases, severe cardiac arrhythmias, uncontrolled hypertension and recent AVE.

There are different nicotine replacement formulations, which can be used alone or in combination with other medications.

1. Nicotine gum

It corresponds to the most studied and widely used NRT method since the 80s 14 . Currently in the USA it is available in various flavors (mint, orange and fruit) and in formulations of 2 and 4 mg, this last recommended dose for smokers of more than 25 cigarettes / day. In Chile there is only the presentation with mint flavor of 2 mg.

There are two ways to indicate chewing gum: by schedule, in which the recommended initial dose is one chewing gum every 1 to 2 hours for 6 weeks, then one unit every 2 to 4 hours for three weeks, and then 1 chewing gum every 4 to 8 hours for three weeks. Another alternative use is ad-libitum, that is, how many gums are needed according to the urgency of smoking and especially in stimulating situations for smoking.

2. Nicotine patches

Nicotine patches deliver a stable dose of nicotine for 16 to 24 hours. They are placed once a day, which facilitates adherence to treatment. They are available in doses of 7, 14 and 21 mg. It is recommended that those patients who smoke more than 10 cigarettes a day start with the dose of 21 mg / 24 hours, this dose being titratable according to clinical response or serial measurements of cotinine (performed while the patient is still smoking). It has been recommended to use them for 10 to 12 weeks, decreasing the doses in the last 4, although sometimes longer periods of treatment are needed.

3. Nicotine nasal spray

The nasal spray releases nicotine directly into the nasal mucosa. Within the NRT, it is the method that most rapidly reduces withdrawal symptoms. A puff is used in each nostril, releasing a total of 1 mg of nicotine.

4. Nicotine inhaler

It is a product designed to meet the needs of the hand-mouth ritual. It consists of a device that contains a nicotine cartridge and a vaporizer system that is used in the mouth.

These last two forms of NRT, in addition to losenge (compressed to be dissolved in the mouth), are not available in Chile

5. New forms and uses of Nicotine Replacement Therapy 17

5.1 Quick release chewing gum

Quick release method of nicotine, via oral mucosa, of recent appearance. It differs from conventional chewing gum in achieving faster and more complete relief of withdrawal symptoms during the first 3 minutes of use. More efficacy studies are required for its use in bulk.

5.2 Combined forms of TRN

There are basically 2 forms of nicotine administration: passive and active. The passive form corresponds to the sustained release of nicotine during the day, without presenting a marked plasma peak, as they act, for example the nicotine patches. The rest of the TRN medications are called active forms, as they depend on the person's "active" decision to use them. They have short half-lives and produce a nicotine plasma peak that simulates the effect of the cigarette, but of less intensity.

The combination of a passive delivery drug, plus another active delivery product that allows self-administration in times of urgency due to smoking, has allowed to enhance the effect of each one separately. The most used combination of products is the most chewing gum patch administered ad-libitum.

5.3 Consumption reduction

One strategy for currently unmotivated smokers or those who feel incapable of complete cessation is the use of NRT as part of a "consumption reduction" strategy. This consists of encouraging the smoker to reduce consumption by half, using active delivery methods. If the consumption has not decreased after 3 months, the NRT is suspended. If this has decreased, it is continued for up to 1 year, with the goal of 6 months to abstain completely.

5.4 Electronic cigarette:

Until now, its usefulness as a pharmacological aid to stop smoking has not been demonstrated. It has been found that some brands contain, in addition to nicotine in various amounts, carcinogenic and toxic substances, which makes their use inadvisable, since it would not be effective or safe 18 .

II. Bupropion

Bupropion was the first non-nicotinic drug approved for the treatment of smoking. It is a monocyclic antidepressant that acts by inhibiting the reuptake of nora-drenaline (NA) and dopamine (DA) in certain areas of the brain. It is not yet known exactly how it acts for the cessation of smoking, but it is believed that it is partly due to its effect on the levels of DA and NA. Therapeutic efficacy:

The effectiveness of bupropion to stop smoking is clearly demonstrated. A meta-analysis, which included 12 randomized clinical trials, showed an odds ratio of 1.56 (95% CI 1.1-2.21) at 12 months compared to placebo 19 . It has also been shown that bupro-pion reduces the weight gain that occurs when smoking stops and that it alleviates withdrawal symptoms, such as moodiness, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, sadness and desire to smoke 20 . Despite the fact that bupropion is effective for the treatment of smoking in smokers with or without depression, it is believed that patients with depression or anxiety disorders could benefit more from bu-propion than with another medication. 21

Side effects:

The recommended dose of 300 mg / day is generally well tolerated. Approximately 10% of patients should suppress it due to side effects. The most frequent effects are insomnia (frequency of 30-45% of those who use 300 mg / day), dry mouth (5-15%) and nausea. Other more serious side effects that can be observed are seizures and hypersensitivity reactions, each with an incidence of 0.1%.

Recommendations for use:

Bupropion is recommended as a first-line drug in the treatment of smoking 20 . The maximum recommended dose is 150 mg twice a day, starting one or two weeks before the date set to quit smoking. The first 5-7 days a dose of 150 mg is administered in the morning and then the second dose of 150 mg is added at 8 hours of the first (to prevent insomnia). The recommended duration of treatment is 7-9 weeks. If side effects appear, the dose can be lowered to 150 mg / day.

It should be used with caution in patients at increased risk of seizures: alcohol or cocaine abuse, or use of other drugs such as antipsychotics, antidepressants, theophylline, tramadol, quinolones, systemic corticosteroids or sedative anti-histamines. In elderly patients and / or with liver or kidney failure or diabetes, caution should also be exercised, using lower doses than usual (150 mg / day). It has been seen that due to the concomitant use of bupropion and nicotine patches there is an increase in the incidence of hypertension, so care must be taken with this association in patients who tend to increase their pressure.

Its use is contraindicated in patients with a history of seizures, CNS tumors, bulimia, anorexia or bipolar disorder (in the latter a manic episode may be precipitated). It is also contraindicated to use it together with MAO inhibitors, since the acute toxicity of bupropion is potentiated with these drugs, producing agitation, psychotic changes and seizures 21 . It is not recommended to administer it during pregnancy or lactation, as it can cross the placental barrier and can be excreted in breast milk.

III. Varenicline

Varenicline is a partial agonist of the nico-tínicos acetylcholine α4β2 receptors, recently approved by the FDA for the treatment of smoking. It has been available in Chile since 2007 and has become an attractive alternative, not only for its novel mechanism of action, but also for its high efficacy and good tolerance reported in several studies.

Pharmacological properties:

Nicotine dependence is due in part to its agonist activity at nicotinic α4β2 receptors. When stimulated, dopamine release occurs in the nucleus accumbens, a neurotransmitter that produces the pleasant effects sought by the smoker. When he stops smoking, the absence of nicotine decreases dopamine levels, producing an urge to smoke ("craving"), an important contributor to relapse.

Several studies suggest that by stimulating these receptors with a partial agonist such as varenicline, dopamine levels would increase, alleviating the symptoms of deprivation. In addition, competitive binding to α4β2 receptors would at least partially block the dopaminergic activation caused by nicotine in case of relapse. This double mechanism would be responsible for the efficacy of varenicline as a treatment for smoking 22

It has also been observed that this new drug, not being metabolized in cytochrome P450, does not alter the pharmacokinetics of several drugs (NRT, bupropion, warfarin, digoxin, cimetidine, and metformin), making it a very safe medicine.

Therapeutic efficacy

The efficacy of 12-week therapy with varenicline 1 mg 2 times a day for the treatment of smoking was compared with bupropion 150 mg twice daily and placebo in 2 randomized, multicenter, phase III studies 24,25 . In both studies, at 12 weeks those participants in the varenicline group achieved significantly higher rates of abstinence than in the other groups. The results were similar in both studies with an OR of 1.9 for varenicline versus bupropion (p <0.001) and an OR of 3.9 for varenicline versus placebo (p <0.001).

In the long term (week 52), the abstinence rate was significantly higher with varenicline than with bupropion in one of the studies (OR 1.8, 95% CI 1.2-2.6, p = 0.004), but not in the other (OR 1.5; 95% CI 1.0-2.2, p = 0.05). In both studies varenicline was superior to placebo (OR 3.1 and OR 2.7, both with p <0.001).

Side effects:

The most frequent side effect is nausea, reaching 34.9% 39 ; however, in most cases, they are mild to moderate and decrease over time. The discontinuation of varenicline due to adverse effects is 10.5%, compared with 12.6% and 7.3% in the bupropion and placebo groups, respectively. 25

In addition, an increase in weight of 2.89 kg has been observed on average, versus 1.8 and 3.1 kg in the bupropion and placebo groups, respectively 23 . These results suggest that weight gain is a consequence of quitting smoking, rather than related to varenicline per se.

Psychiatric effects

In the post-marketing period of the use of varenicline, some reports emerged about the possible association between its use and the risk of suicide, which led the US and the British drug regulatory agencies (MHRA) to determine in the year 2009, the obligation to include a warning about the possible risk in the package insert of the medicine. However, the causal relationship has not been established, since it is necessary to separate the possible effects of varenicline from those related to cessation of smoking. In a recent publication 26 no neuropsychiatric effects were found that were superior to placebo, except for sleep disturbances. In another large study in England 27 of a retrospective cohort of more than 80,000 smokers, there was no clear evidence that the use of varenicline increased the risk of depression, suicide or suicidal thoughts, compared to the use of bupropion or nicotine replacement therapy. .

Cardiovascular effects

Very recently, in June 2011, a meta-analysis 28 was published on the risks of cardiovascular adverse effects, where it is concluded that the use of varenicline was associated with a significant increase in cardiovascular adverse effects (ischemia, arrhythmias, congestive heart failure, sudden death). ) compared with placebo: 1.06% vs. 0.82%. The FDA issued a communiqué29 in which it warns that there is a small increase in cardiovascular risks with varenicline, and that the absolute risk of adverse CV events in relation to its efficacy is small. It makes a call for caution with the use of varenicline, and requested the pharmaceutical company to place this warning on the written information that accompanies the product, which has already been done 30 .

Recommendations for use.

The recommended dose is 1 mg twice a day, after meals. The treatment should start one week before the scheduled date to quit smoking. Varenicline should be titrated for a week, using progressively higher doses until the target dose is achieved.

By way of summary, Table 3 presents the drugs approved by the FDA.

FDA: US Food and Drug Administration TRN: Nicotine Replacement Therapy. Modified from ref. 22

IV. Other drugs for the treatment of smoking


It is a noradrenergic α2 agonist. In a meta-analysis of 6 randomized clinical trials comparing clonidine and placebo, higher cessation rates were observed in the first group. Only one of the studies showed statistically significant values, whose OR is comparable with any NRT (OR 1.89, 95% CI: 1.3-2.7) 31 . The most observed adverse effects are dry mouth (25 ^ 40%), sedation (12-35%), hypotension (15%) and constipation (10%).

In general, clonidine is not as effective as NRT in the treatment of smoking and its high rate of adverse effects limits its use.


Tricyclic antidepressant that blocks the recapture of noradrenaline and serotonin, thus improving withdrawal symptoms and post-cessation depressive symptoms. Different studies have shown that it is 2 times more effective than placebo. However, a comparative study of nortriptyline and bupropion showed significant superiority of bupropion (42 versus 31% abstinence at 6 months) 32 . The most frequent side effects are dry mouth and constipation, which occur in a high number of patients.

Antinicotine vaccine

The idea behind the concept of antinicotine vaccine is to prevent nicotine from reaching the brain, through the production of antinicotine antibodies. By reducing the arrival of nicotine in the brain, the reward effect is blocked. Studies in animals have shown a 65% reduction in nicotine reaching the nicotinic receptors in the brain and a significant decrease in the amount of dopamine produced by nicotine stimulation. 33

There are several pharmaceutical companies that are developing vaccines, with different types of haptens that bind to nicotine to produce the immunogenic effect. It has been seen that there is a relationship between the antibody titer and the efficacy of the vaccine. The results of studies in phase 1 and 2 suggest that these vaccines are safe, well tolerated and immunogenic, and there are still no publications of phase 3 studies.

While these results are encouraging, especially in their use to prevent relapse, the current evidence is limited and conclusions about its effectiveness are still premature.

Acupuncture and Hypnosis.

They have not proven to be better than placebo, according to recent Cochrane reviews 35, 36 י, so their use is not recommended.

A long-term promising line of work is drug pharmacogenetic studies, which would allow predicting the effect of drugs in certain subgroups of smokers characterized according to specific genetic studies. Thus, medications that do not seem to be useful in the group of patients, could be beneficial in a subgroup of these 37 .

Final comments

At present, the greater understanding of the psychopathology of tobacco addiction and the motivations for behavioral change has allowed us to improve the psycho-social support that can be provided. These advances, together with better knowledge of the psychopharmacological mechanisms of nicotine and the development of new, more effective drugs, should encourage health team professionals and especially physicians to assume a more active role in offering support and treatment to Any smoker who shows intention to stop smoking. We have identified barriers 38 that in the past made this role difficult: fear of damaging the doctor-patient relationship, lack of knowledge on how to help patients and belief that it will be ineffective. But the evidence today is different and much can be done to help smokers. Any contact of the smoker with the health care system should be used to encourage and promote the cessation of tobacco use. It is also imperative to involve all health professionals so that in each consultation they make the brief intervention. If the patient can not quit smoking, they should be referred for a specialized intervention. On the other hand, the training for confronting smoking should be part of the undergraduate curriculum of all health careers, with greater extension and depth than is currently done. There should also be a more explicit and permanent concern of medical societies to train their members on this issue, especially those most related to the damages of tobacco consumption, contributing in a significant way to reduce the alarming rates of morbidity and mortality produced by the disease. smoking in the country and in the world.

Novartis Habitrol 14mg Nicotine Patches, Step 2. Stop Smoking. 2 boxes of 28 each (56 patches) 14 MG

Are there effective treatments for tobacco addiction?

Yes, there is extensive research that has shown that treatments for tobacco addiction do work. Although some people can break the habit by themselves, many people need help to stop smoking. This is particularly important because quitting smoking can have immediate health benefits. For example, within 24 hours of quitting, blood pressure and the likelihood of a heart attack decrease. The long-term benefits of stopping smoking include lower risk of a stroke, lung cancer and other types of cancer and coronary heart disease. A 35-year-old man who quits smoking increases his life expectancy by an average of 5 years.

Novartis Habitrol 14mg Nicotine Patches, Step 2. Stop Smoking. 2 boxes of 28 each (56 patches) 14 MG
Novartis Habitrol 14mg Nicotine Patches, Step 2. Stop Smoking. 2 boxes of 28 each (56 patches) 14 MG

Nicotine replacement treatments

Nicotine replacement therapies (NRTs), such as nicotine gum or chewing gum and the nicotine transdermal patch, were the first drug treatments approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). by its acronym in English) of the United States to be used in treatments to stop smoking. These nicotine replacement therapies (in conjunction with behavioral support) are used to relieve the symptoms of withdrawal syndrome, because they produce less severe physiological alterations than tobacco-based systems and generally provide the user with lower nicotine levels than those of tobacco. An additional benefit is that these forms of nicotine have little potential to be abused as they do not produce the pleasurable effects of tobacco products. They also do not contain the carcinogens and gases associated with tobacco smoke. It has been shown that behavioral treatments are an essential complement to nicotine replacement therapies, improving their efficacy and long-term results.

The transdermal nicotine patch

The approval by the FDA of nicotine gum in 1984 marked the availability (by prescription) of the first nicotine replacement therapy in the United States market. In 1996, the FDA approved Nicorette® chewing gum for sale without a prescription. While nicotine gum gives some smokers the control that to alleviate the craving for tobacco, others can not tolerate the taste or the fact that they have to be chewing it. In 1991 and 1992, the FDA approved four transdermal nicotine patches, two of which have been sold over the counter since 1996. The nicotine nasal spray was released in 1996 and the nicotine inhaler in 1998, both requiring a prescription. These products met the needs of many other tobacco consumers. All nicotine replacement products, both chewing gum, patch, spray and inhaler, appear to be equally effective.

Additional medications

A bottle of pills

Although the main focus of pharmacological treatments for tobacco addiction has been the replacement of nicotine, other treatments are also being studied. For example, bupropion, an antidepressant sold on the market as Zyban®, was approved by the FDA in 1997 to help break the habit of smoking. Varenicline tartrate (Chantix®) is a new drug recently approved by the FDA as a treatment to stop smoking. This medication acts on the sites of the brain affected by nicotine and can help people to break the smoking habit by relieving the symptoms of withdrawal syndrome and blocking the effects of nicotine if people try to smoke.

Other medications that do not contain nicotine are being investigated for use in the treatment for tobacco addiction. These include, among others, some antidepressants and a medication for high blood pressure. Scientists are also studying the potential of a vaccine that would act on nicotine to prevent relapse. This nicotine vaccine is designed to stimulate the production of antibodies that would block nicotine access to the brain, preventing its reinforcing effects.

Behavioral treatments

Behavioral interventions can play an integral role in tobacco treatment, either in conjunction with medications or on their own. They use a variety of methods to help smokers break the habit, ranging from self-help materials to individual cognitive-behavioral therapy. These interventions teach people to recognize high-risk situations that encourage smoking, to develop alternative strategies to avoid smoking, to manage stress, to improve their ability to solve problems as well as to increase social support. Research has shown that the more therapy adjusts to each person's case, the greater the likelihood of success.

A man sitting on the couch

Traditionally, behavioral approaches were developed and carried out in formal settings such as smoking cessation clinics and numerous community and public health settings. However, in the last decade researchers have been adapting these approaches to telephone, mail and Internet formats, which may be more acceptable and accessible to smokers who want to break the habit. In 2004, the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) established a toll-free national telephone hotline, 1-800-784-8669 (1-800-QUITNOW), to serve as a only access point for smokers seeking information and help to stop smoking. The calls of the people who dial this number are transferred to the telephone help lines to stop smoking that correspond to the state where they reside. In the case of those people who live in states where these helplines have not been established, they are transferred to the telephone line maintained by the National Cancer Institute (NCI). In addition, HHS has a new website ( ) that offers advice and information that can be downloaded on how to facilitate the process of breaking the smoking habit.

Breaking the habit of smoking can be difficult. While the intervention may be useful at the time participants receive it, most intervention programs are short term (1 to 3 months). Within a period of 6 months, 75 to 80 percent of people trying to quit suffer a relapse. Research has shown that extending treatment beyond the typical period of a smoking cessation program can achieve success rates of up to 50 percent a year after quitting.