Wednesday, March 13, 2019

RunNico 21mg Nicotine Patches 7Pcs Step 1,2?3 Stop Smoking Aid,Nicotine Transdermal System,Smoking Cessation Products

Prevention and treatment of smoking

Tobacco is more dangerous in people with Familial Hypercholesterolemia . The life expectancy decreases in these people from 12 to 15 years, while in the general population this decrease is from 2 to 4 years. This is because it increases the risk of developing coronary heart disease by about 4 times. Therefore, we gave our full support to the Law 42/2010 of December 30 , which we followed very closely, sending our proposals and allegations to the Health Commission to achieve greater protection of the health of citizens in general , and in a very special way for families with HF.

RunNico 21mg Nicotine Patches 7Pcs Step 1,2?3 Stop Smoking Aid,Nicotine Transdermal System,Smoking Cessation Products
RunNico 21mg Nicotine Patches 7Pcs Step 1,2?3 Stop Smoking Aid,Nicotine Transdermal System,Smoking Cessation Products

Tobacco also has harmful effects on those who choose not to smoke. Hence the importance of the aforementioned Law in defense of the protection of these smoke-free spaces . It should not be forgotten that tobacco is the first avoidable cause of morbidity and mortality in the world and that in Spain, around 3,200 passive smokers die every year, who have an increased risk of lung cancer, myocardial infarction, higher mortality due to ischemic heart disease, as well as a reduction in the weight of the children of mothers exposed to air contaminated by tobacco smoke and a significant increase in the frequency of chronic respiratory symptoms such as cough and pharyngeal complaints.

Women, in addition to being exposed to the same risks that tobacco causes in men, are subject to other additional risks. The fact is that tobacco consumption exerts a multiplier effect of the cardiovascular risk of oral contraceptives. In women who smoke and follow this method of contraception, the probability of having a heart attack is multiplied by 10.

If you are a smoker, you should try to quit this habit

Quitting smoking is possible and you can get it. You are about to start a process that will lead you to gain health and quality of life.

Think about the benefits of quitting and find your own reasons to quit

The benefits of quitting tobacco:

  •     More agility, less fatigue.
  •     Decrease or complete disappearance of the cough.
  •     Recovery of forgotten senses such as taste and smell.
  •     Recovery of the balance and hydration of the skin.


  •     If you did not have any disease related to the use of tobacco, your risk of lung cancer, myocardial infarction or chronic bronchitis is beginning to diminish immediately.
  •     It will be a positive example for your children and new generations in general.
  •     You will have the satisfaction of having recovered the address of a part of your life that until now depended on tobacco.
  •     He will have gained in health and saved money.

Preparation phase: how to achieve it?

  •     Do not rush, you have been smoking for a long time. Give yourself time to carry out your plan.
  •     Read your list of reasons to leave it several times a day; convince yourself of the importance of all your reasons.
  •     Think of a date to stop smoking in a short period of time (not less than one month). Make sure that the date is not a time of special tension, of excessive work or great worries or responsibilities. Remember that you have chosen that day and it can not be postponed.
  •     About two weeks before the given date: decide in advance the number of cigarettes that you will smoke during the day, and smoke only half of the cigarette. If you experience an urgent need to smoke, wait a few minutes before doing so. Do not empty the ashtrays. This way you can count the ones you have smoked and your smell will be annoying.
  •     Look for supports. Talk about your decision, preferably with someone who has quit smoking. A family member, a friend, a partner who has already achieved it and who you see often, can commit to supporting and helping you.
  •     Check with a healthcare professional. They can be an important help, because they know the most harmful aspects of tobacco and the appropriate means to help you quit smoking. They will motivate you and will indicate the steps to follow in each moment.
  •     There are several treatments to stop smoking: non-pharmacological treatments (group or individual psychological therapy) and pharmacological treatments (patches, chewing gum or nicotine tablets, bupropion, varenicline). Your doctor will tell you which is the best option for you.

When the desire to smoke seems irresistible, relax

The first few days you will often feel a strong desire to smoke that will produce anxiety and tension. Think that this feeling only lasts a few moments and that you are stronger than the cigarette. At the end of the day you will see how you have been able to handle tobacco.

The chosen day to stop smoking

  •     Get up 15 or 30 minutes earlier than usual to face a more difficult day with more time.
  •     Do not think that you will never smoke again. Concentrate on thinking that you will not smoke today and respect that decision whenever you feel like lighting a cigarette. It is much easier to think and assume that you will not smoke in the next hour than in the rest of your life.
  •     Start the day by doing some exercise and some deep breaths. Then shower normally with hot water but finish with cold water to relax more.
  •     Drink plenty of water and juice during the day. Do not drink those drinks that you associate with tobacco (coffee, drinks, etc.).
  •     Brush your teeth as soon as you eat and do not settle, better for a walk.
  •     Keep away cigarettes and matches, lighters and ashtrays.
  •     Think of something you want to buy and calculate your cost in the equivalent of tobacco.
  •     If you miss something in your mouth, try chewing gum or taking candy without sugar.
  •     Do different things, changing your routines in a simple way can help you not to think about tobacco.
  •     Use your little leisure time in things that please you; You will feel satisfied and relaxed.
  •     Get small goals that will lead you to the great goal.

In the following days, identify risk situations and prepare alternatives

    At home:
  •         When getting up do several deep breaths.
  •         After meals wash your teeth immediately.
  •         Instead of watching TV, go for a walk, go to the movies, call a friend.
  •         If your partner smokes, ask them not to do so in your presence.
  •     At work:
  •         When trying to concentrate, do several deep breaths.
  •         During breaks or breaks, go outdoors, take a walk, read your favorite magazine.
  •         When you pick up the phone, have a pen in your hand.
  •         In times of stress, breathe deeply, try to lighten your agenda for a few days.

With the abandonment of tobacco you will get:

  •     At 20 minutes : Improve peripheral circulation, blood pressure and heart rate.
  •     At 8 o'clock : Lower levels of nicotine and carbon monoxide (CO).
  •     At 24 hours : Eliminate all nicotine. Improve the smell, taste and appearance of the skin.
  •     At 48 hours : Normalize CO, decrease bronchial mucus, and the risk of myocardial infarction.
  •     At 72 hours : Will improve breathing by decreasing bronchospasm.
  •     At 2-12 weeks : improves circulation. Improves coughing and breathing
  •     By year : Reduce the risk of heart attack to 50%.
  •     At 10 years : Reduce the risk of lung cancer to 50% and equalize the risk of myocardial infarction to the rest of the population.
  •     At age 15 : Match the risk of stroke to that of non-smokers.