Thursday, March 14, 2019

Novartis Habitrol 14mg Nicotine Patches, Step 2. Stop Smoking. 3 boxes of 28 each (84 patches) 14 MG

Medical proposals to stop smoking in minors

The specialists propose these measures to fight against tobacco.

The * tobacco * is together with alcohol and bullying one of the enemies to be fought by society in what youth is concerned. Curb your consumption in adolescents and prevent these from starting.
An addiction is a battle that is fought every day. Many are the problems faced by smokers and especially these ages in which the body has not yet developed.

Novartis Habitrol 14mg Nicotine Patches, Step 2. Stop Smoking. 3 boxes of 28 each (84 patches) 14 MG
Novartis Habitrol 14mg Nicotine Patches, Step 2. Stop Smoking. 3 boxes of 28 each (84 patches) 14 MG

  • Therefore, from the Medical Association of Spain, * OMC *, and the
  • General Council of Medical Officers' Associations, * CNPT *, have launched
  • a series of proposals to the Government to stop * smoking * in adolescents. Advice with
  • which is intended to prevent young people from starting in this consumption
  • that has so many consequences in the long run.

    Expansion of smoke-free spaces

WTO and CNPT expose advances in health  that have been achieved thanks to the
entry into force of the * Tobacco Law 28/2005 *. Grace to her
managed to change the conception of this product, previously considered a
normal and socially accepted habit, and is now seen by most
as a problem In addition, the reduction of exposure to fumes has
reduced the number of passive smokers.

Even so, smoking remains a problem, especially in the
young people who start early in their consumption. That's why
talk about the amount of passive smokers.
For this reason, a series of councils are exposed from the Framework Agreement
for the Control of Smoking of the * WHO *, to which Spain subscribed
in 2007, and that has the following proposals:

1. * Ensure compliance with the Tobacco Law *. It must be created
awareness of the importance of avoiding smoking in sensitive spaces
such as the vicinity of schools or hospitals. To the
At the same time, larger penalties should be imposed on local
that allow access to these items to minors.

2. * Expand smoke-free spaces *. Smoke-free spaces
should be extended to areas such as bus stops where a
smoker can suck smoke from a third party, something harmful in the case of

3. * Legislate the electronic cigarette *. Current legislation does not have
into account the electronic cigarette, gateway for many
young people in smoking. The regulations must take into account these
risks and act accordingly.

4. * Increase the price of other products. * The price of the pack of
Cigars is a barrier for many young people, however many opt
for rolling tobacco because it is a cheaper alternative. Increase
The tax burden on them would be a good way to curb your purchase.

5. * Implementation of anti-smoking campaigns *. The centers
schools must become spaces where they are constantly carried out
campaigns against tobacco, the education authorities must assume the
commitment of these conferences and ensure them at all levels of

6. * Improve the attention to smokers *. The authorities
health services should favor anti-smoking treatments for
stop this dependence in smokers and put these therapies at the level
of others such as the care of hypertensive people.

7. * Prevention against cannabis *. In some young people the door of
Entrance to smoking is cannabis. They start consuming this product
and they end up with cigarettes and developing an addiction to
nicotine. Therefore, it should also be taken into account in the campaigns of

8. * Neutral tobacco package *. Cigarette packs have
striking colors in some occasions and that attract attention, even
with the violent images they carry. A proposed measure is that
these containers are neutral in color to avoid this effect.

It may interest you:

  • * - The WHO proposes to ban smoking in cars and homes with children
  • * - Quitting smoking costs an average of 30 attempts
  • * - The 'battle' against tobacco in the cinema to protect young people