Monday, March 18, 2019

The Original Donut Shop Keurig Single-Serve K-Cup Pods, Regular Medium Roast Coffee, 72 Count

Benefits and dangers of caffeine

Caffeine is a substance that can be found in several products, especially liquids, that we consume every day. Among these drinks that contain caffeine we can find coffee , tea, cola , chocolate and some medicines. Caffeine is the most used stimulant on the planet, so we must know what are the benefits of caffeine on our health and the damage it can cause.

The Original Donut Shop Keurig Single-Serve K-Cup Pods, Regular Medium Roast Coffee, 72 Count
The Original Donut Shop Keurig Single-Serve K-Cup Pods, Regular Medium Roast Coffee, 72 Count

Overview of caffeine consumption

This substance is usually used as a stimulant. For example, coffee consumption is very typical in people who have to study or work at night, so that, through the caffeine it contains, the nervous system is stimulated, helping people to stay awake and focused .

Some people are more sensitive than others to the effects of caffeine , to the point that some people drink coffee and keep them awake and there are other people who, despite taking several, do not have the same effect.

But caffeine has, in addition to many advantages also has dangers and disadvantages, as it is terribly addictive. We are going to detail a little more the subject of the c afein and its effects on our health.

Benefits of caffeine

Among the benefits of caffeine we mentioned, apart from how nice it is to have a coffee or a tea in the morning, the following:

  •     It seems that caffeine is a memory enhancer, as well as a great help when we have to be alert. For example, when driving at night, to study for hours, when we get up and go to work, etc.
  •     Caffeine stimulates hair growth and evidence has also been found that it detoxifies the liver and cleanses the colon.
  •     After intense exercise, caffeine relieves muscle pain or the famous stiffness. It also helps alleviate the effects of depression through an increase in dopamine in the brain.

Damages of caffeine

Among the most obvious detriments of caffeine is that it is a very addictive substance and can create quite important withdrawal syndromes, causing irritability and nervousness.

It is considered as an excess of caffeine that can produce undesirable effects on health take more than 500 or 600 mg of this substance daily. The effects of this excess can be insomnia , increased heart rate, nausea, muscle cramps . Excess can also have emotional and psychological effects such as anxiety, irritability, nervousness, etc.

If you are suffering from these symptoms, observe the amount of caffeinated liquids you drink per day, not only coffee, but tea, cola drinks or any medication that carries this substance among its ingredients. Go reduce the consumption of these drinks until you can balance and avoid these undesirable effects on physical and mental health.

Nespresso Variety Pack Capsules, 50 Count

Does caffeine harm our health?

    It helps us to be more alert and some studies relate their consumption with a better intellectual performance. However, caffeine can also raise blood pressure or cause insomnia. Know what food is present and how much we can eat a day so that its effect is not harmful to health.

Nespresso Variety Pack Capsules, 50 Count
Nespresso Variety Pack Capsules, 50 Count

Caffeine is an alkaloid that is obtained from the seeds and leaves of coffee, tea and other vegetables. It is a stimulant of the central nervous system that makes us feel more energetic and alert, relieves fatigue and drowsiness. According to the European Food Information Council (EUFIC) , the adult population of Europe consumes an average of 200 mg daily (100-400 mg) of caffeine.

Where can we find it?

Caffeine is present in coffee, tea, some soft drinks and chocolate. The amount of caffeine in these products varies according to the size of the portion, the type of food and the method of preparation.

The approximate amounts per serving are:

  •     Coffee (per 150 ml cup) toasted and ground-instant: 80-60 mg caffeine / serving
  •     Decaffeinated coffee (per 150 ml cup) both roasted and ground and instant: 3 mg caffeine / serving
  •     Tea (per 150 ml cup): 40 mg caffeine / serving
  •     Cola (per can of 330 ml): 30 mg of caffeine / serving
  •     Chocolate in pill (50 g): 20 mg caffeine / serving

Caffeine and cardiovascular health

Caffeine causes an increase in blood pressure and heart rate, therefore it is advisable to limit its intake in patients with cardiovascular diseases and / or hypertension. In addition, according to the EUFIC, a high consumption of caffeine is often closely linked to an excessive consumption of coffee, which in many cases is linked to other factors that influence the possibility of developing these diseases, for example, smoking, inactivity physical, the consumption of saturated fats and the abuse of alcohol.

On the other hand, some studies have analyzed the effect of caffeine intake and the increase in cholesterol levels without finding a direct relationship.

How much quantity should we take?

A moderate daily consumption of caffeine (up to 300 mg, the equivalent of two cups of coffee) is recommended by experts. Control the amounts we consume is important because an excess of caffeine can cause:

  •     Increased heart rate
  •     Arrhythmia
  •     Increase in blood pressure
  •     Irritability
  •     Insomnia
  •     Restlessness
  •     Nervousness
  •     Diuresis and / or diarrhea
  •     Sickness

Stop taking caffeine in high amounts can cause withdrawal syndrome, which can manifest in headache and loss of mood, although this usually exceeds in a few days.

In addition, those with difficulty sleeping should limit the consumption of caffeine to normal amounts and avoid ingesting any product that contains it in the previous hours the sleep period.

Caffeine and intellectual performance

Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental has published a study, carried out by members of the University of Barcelona and the Pi i Sunyer Biomedical Research Institute of the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona, ​​which shows that the combined consumption of caffeine and sugar has certain effects on the system human cognitive, as the improvement in attention, in learning and the consolidation of verbal memory.

In summary, moderate caffeine intake in healthy people is not harmful to health. Now, if you have cardiovascular disease or suffer from hypertension, you should limit your consumption. In any case, do not forget to always take a balanced diet and exercise!

Saturday, March 16, 2019

New Home Innovations NHI Classic Metal Detector for Adults & Children - Best Metal Detectors for Kids 10 and Up - Waterproof Coil Detects All Metal

What is an active metal?

Active metal is defined as that which has low ionization energy , that is, that metal that tends to lose electrons easily to form cations 1 . This behavior is due to the disposition of its valence electrons and causes the active metals to react more strongly and quickly than other elements.

The active metals are in group IA (or group 1) of the periodic table, the first column on the left side, a group much better known as alkaline metals . These are:

New Home Innovations NHI Classic Metal Detector for Adults & Children - Best Metal Detectors for Kids 10 and Up - Waterproof Coil Detects All Metal
New Home Innovations NHI Classic Metal Detector for Adults & Children - Best Metal Detectors for Kids 10 and Up - Waterproof Coil Detects All Metal

  • Lithium (Li)
  • Sodium (Na)
  • Potassium (K)
  • Rubidio (Rb)
  • Cesio (Cs)
  • Francio (Fr)

Hydrogen is in the top position of group IA but is not considered an active metal , although it shares many characteristics with them.
Group IA and group IIA of the periodic table (alkaline metals and alkaline earth metals respectively) form the so-called reactive metals, being the most reactive metals of all, and it is very common to talk about active metals and reactive metals in an indistinct manner. refer to both groups.

The elements of group IA, which is generally referred to specifically as active metals, have a single electron in its outermost orbital (a single valence electron) with a configuration of the ns1 type :

  • Li    [He] 2 s 1    Rb    [Kr] 5 s 1
  • Na    [Ne] 3 s 1    Cs    [Xe] 6 s 1
  • K    [Ar] 4 s 1    Fr    [Rn] 7 s 1

Given the low electronic affinity of these elements and their low ionization energy, they tend to yield this electron rapidly forming a monopositive cation (type M + ).

For example, if we put metallic sodium in contact with water, a violent reaction takes place in which the sodium loses an electron to form the Na + cation; the water molecule breaks forming OH - and H + ; OH - together with Na + forms sodium hydroxide (known as caustic soda ) remaining in solution; the H + on the other hand forms gaseous hydrogen (H 2 ) accepting the electrons yielded by the sodium:

2Na (s) + 2H_ {O} (l) → 2Na <+> (aq) + 2OH <-> (aq) + H <2> (g)

As you descend through group IA, the electropositivity and reactivity increase. The first lithium ionization energy, which is the first in the group, is 520.2 kJ / mol, and that of Francio, which is the last, is only 380 kJ / mol.

The Francio, therefore, is the active metal of greater reactivity , although it is very unstable. Its half-life is only 22 minutes. The element immediately superior to the francium, cesium, would be the most reactive element with a stable cation.

The high reactivity makes it very difficult to find active metals in a pure state in a natural environment , as they react easily with water, oxygen and other substances in the air to form other compounds.

This characteristic forces the scientists who work with these elements to keep them in strictly controlled conditions and isolated with some inert substance for them. It is usual for some type of oily substance, usually mineral oils , to be used as an insulator, which prevents the passage of oxygen and water vapor from the air.

The high reactivity of the active metals makes them dangerous in their handling but also makes them very useful. The active metals are used in controlled chemical reactions for the manufacture of a wide variety of products that we can find in our daily lives.

For example, Lithium is used in the manufacture of batteries, known as Li-ion batteries (a type of battery or dry cell ), widely used in gadgets and personal technology.

URCERI GC-1028 Metal Detector High Accuracy Waterproof 2 Modes Outdoor Gold Digger with Sensitive Search Coil LCD Display for Beginners Professionals, Yellow

How to find gold in Lleida (and have fun with the family)

Gold has been dissolving in the original core of the Pyrenees since the Paleozoic: about 300 million years ago. The erosion was diluting those rocks with their minerals on the Segre River, that's why there is gold in this river. And they have returned the activities to look for nuggets of gold in the Segre, especially at the height of Balaguer (Lleida). Gold fever returns, but without hurry, just to have fun and enrich yourself with the experience.

The Segre River is considered a gold river. The Segre Gold Interpretation Center divulges the history and characteristics of the river. One of the most intense passages of its history has to do with the presence of gold.

URCERI GC-1028 Metal Detector High Accuracy Waterproof 2 Modes Outdoor Gold Digger with Sensitive Search Coil LCD Display for Beginners Professionals, Yellow
URCERI GC-1028 Metal Detector High Accuracy Waterproof 2 Modes Outdoor Gold Digger with Sensitive Search Coil LCD Display for Beginners Professionals, Yellow

The Arabs who conquered this territory were not expelled until the 12th century, well into the Middle Ages. The Christians could not appropriate this land because the Arabs paid the troops with the gold that was extracted from the Segre. It was a nucleus with natural resources.

Today the extraction of gold from the Segre is one of the most fun and enriching activities of the Segre Gold Interpretation Center. During the activity, gold locating and extraction techniques are learned. And if you can find it, you take it home. The 18-karat gold gram is paid at 28.95 €

How gold is extracted from rivers

Gold is a heavy metal: gold remains while other metals are carried by the river. It is not a question of weight, but of density. The density expresses the relationship between mass and volume. It is the amount of matter in a volume. A small nugget of gold is denser than any other metal.

Once a sedimentation zone is located, as taught from the Museu d'Interpretació, it's time to put on your boots and take the punt. A handful of earth and stones are collected with the tray. Once in the river, in favor of the current, the contents of the tray are caressed with water.

It is a task that requires patience and a certain precision. A few turns to the punt and a small impulse to the outside: the objective is to expel the stones, the earth and the lighter minerals. Gold is one of the densest elements in the universe, so if it is, it will remain in the container.

After each exercise, it will be enough to look at the filtered contents of the pan. You have to be alert: gold nuggets can be tiny. If you choose a sunny day, you can identify them more easily by the brightness.

If you want to learn more, we recommend a trip to Balaguer and its Museum of Interpretation of the Segre . We also link the work of Dr. Manuel Viladevall Solé, geological engineer: The prospection of gold and other dense mineral pleasures .

Why is gold measured in "carats"?

The Greeks have gone down in history as the inventors of myths, democracy and philosophy. With so many and such great attributes, his contribution to jewelry has gone unnoticed.

Carat is a derivative of the Greek word keratio : "carob." A carat is a carob tree seed. As you hear it. The Greeks realized that algorrobo seeds always weigh the same, so they used them as a measuring instrument. The Romans adopted the seeds in their weight scales: a gold coin weighed the same as 24 seeds of carob (24 carats).

Today the "carat" of gold indicates purity, not weight. That is to say: the gold alloy with copper or silver. An 18-carat piece contains 3/4 gold and 1/4 other mineral. But in other jewels, like diamonds, the carat expresses its weight. Look where you look, gold is always special.

Bangtan Metal Detector pinpointer Portable Handheld Profession Metal Detector Updated Buzzer Vibration Alarm (GP Pinpointer)

How to get metal in Ark Survival Evolved? Farmear Method

We can find metal in many places in the game. Although normally the best locations are high up in the mountains, in caves and even on the seabed.

Metal is one of the most important resources and it is necessary to craft objects such as a radio or compass. And when we get metal ingots , its uses multiply and it will help us to make weapons, armor, and a long list of valuable objects.

Bangtan Metal Detector pinpointer Portable Handheld Profession Metal Detector Updated Buzzer Vibration Alarm (GP Pinpointer)
Bangtan Metal Detector pinpointer Portable Handheld Profession Metal Detector Updated Buzzer Vibration Alarm (GP Pinpointer)

Obviously we can go with our metal pick , the best tool for this purpose. If we want to get larger quantities we can go with an Ankylo , which extracts faster and has a good load capacity. But if we really want to get huge amounts of metal, then we explain the best method to farm in the game.

What do we need to make metal in Ark?

We need a Quetzal, since it will be our means of transportation. Also an Ankylo who will be the one who chops the metal stone. And finally a structure so that the Quetzal can transport the Ankylo while it stings stone.

3 fairly simple things that will multiply our extraction and collection capacity.

Method to get metal in Ark Survival Evolved

The reasoning of the method is that the Ankylo alone can collect metal up to a limit because it weighs. But if we carry it on a Quetzal, its load capacity increases without limits.

First of all, the recommendation is to remove the melee damage of the Ankylo . Since in this way we can collect metal faster.

The first step is to build the structure on the Quetzal . We will have to put 2 foundation on its back and a wooden ramp that hooks to the foundation and reaches the ground by one of the sides.

We get to the area of ​​the ore and put the ankylo on the edge of the ramp so you can break stones and collect metal . But without moving it. All the movement has to be borne by the Quetzal , who is the one who bears the burden of the resources that Ankylo collects.

And this is the method. In this way they can get more than 5,000 metal in just 10 minutes.

You may also be interested in viewing the Ark Survival Evolved Codes and Cheats

Here we leave you the video of youtuber ICrazyMTF. In it you can see how to get metal in Ark Survival Evolved farmeando very fast.

URCERI Metal Detector High Accuracy Waterproof Treasure Hunting Tool, 2 Modes Outdoor Gold Digger with Sensitive Search Coil, Folding Shovel and Headphone for Beginners Professionals

How to turn your Android into a metal detector

Has it ever happened to you that you drop a clip, a pin or a safety pin and you are not able to find it ? In general, anyone would use the flashlight of his cell phone and his naked eye, but in reality everything is much simpler, because yes, in your pocket - or in your hand, depending on where you read this - you have a metal detector that works extraordinarily well that can get you out of more than one hurry. Do you want to know how to turn your Android into your metal detector? Well, keep reading!

URCERI Metal Detector High Accuracy Waterproof Treasure Hunting Tool, 2 Modes Outdoor Gold Digger with Sensitive Search Coil, Folding Shovel and Headphone for Beginners Professionals
URCERI Metal Detector High Accuracy Waterproof Treasure Hunting Tool, 2 Modes Outdoor Gold Digger with Sensitive Search Coil, Folding Shovel and Headphone for Beginners Professionals

All, or almost all Android smartphones have a magnetometer , a sensor capable of detecting and measuring electromagnetic fields. With the application "Metal Detector" you can use that sensor to find different metal objects around your house - or the typical ring / pendant / bracelet that always falls on the beach - easily. You just have to download it, calibrate it and move your phone.

To calibrate it, simply move the phone up by making an eight several times (like when you calibrate the compass). You will see that you have a standard measurement of about 45μT and that the graph remains stable. However, if you bring your mobile to a metal object an alarm will sound and you can check the intensity of the magnetic field, so you can find any lost object (as long as it has some metal, of course).

The application works really well, and in the tests that I have done with my Galaxy S7 edge (it is burst and it is the one I use for all these "experiments") it has proven to work better than I expected . I have done some tests with objects from my room such as the computer case, a red metal drawer and a shelf and, in fact, when it is metallic the phone starts beeping while being wood or other material does not whistle at all.

It is true that it does not have the sound that we all recognize from metal detectors , but if you have fallen a pin on the ground you will appreciate having this app at hand. It's free , by the way.

Better metal detectors to find gold nuggets in rivers or mines

Normally, metal detectors for gold prospection have a frequency of 15 KHz to 18 KHz, but in 2017 that changed for the better, high frequency coils started coming out, said coils could reach 59 KHz and others until 85 KHz.

This high frequency in the coils is a radical change in the search for gold with metal detectors, you can also use the detector in parks, because you could find small gold tendrils, which would be impossible for any other metal detector.

These high frequency coils work without problems in very mineralized soils, we can also detect near high voltage towers without suffering any interference.

The only disadvantage would be that we would lose depth, but if you want to find things like ultra thin coins or that are buried vertically, gold tendrils and native gold, buy a high frequency metal detector.

Buy the XP Deus detector by parts and try to buy the headphones that are updated in the V-4.0 version, because the previous versions do not work with the high frequency coil.

Bounty Hunter Discovery 3300 Metal Detector

GPA 1000 ground scanner and metal detector up to 15 m

The GPA 1000 V16 can be used for each type of soil and to find gold and other metals, as well as cavities up to 15 meters deep, this can be carried out thanks to a precise system to measure changes in the soil.
 Due to its precise measurements of soil changes the GPA V16 is capable of:

  • Identify gold, precious metals, excavations, ancient treasures
  • Differentiation of different sizes and shapes
  • presentation in 2 or 3 dimensions on the screen
  • wireless data transmission via Bluetooth®

The GPA 1000 V16 is a professional floor scanner, which is developed and manufactured by KTS-Electronic in Germany. With a search capacity of up to approximately 15 meters, the GPA outperforms other metal detectors with its new technology.

Bounty Hunter Discovery 3300 Metal Detector
Bounty Hunter Discovery 3300 Metal Detector

By means of its high definition sensors and its microprocessor, which can compensate the magnetic field of the ground, the GPA has an excellent search capacity and therefore is state-of-the-art technology.

Due to the transformation to microelectronics, it was possible to have the electronic unit in a compact and small compartment, which can be easily carried.

The GPA 1000 V16 is easy to drive without any prior knowledge. The new version is equipped with a single ON- / OFF button, which allows instantaneous control of adequate information, after the electronic unit has become mineral resources, treasures and cavities which have an influence on the balance of the soil. Unlike conventional metal detectors, GPA technology has the decisive advantage of measuring changes in the ground and showing them through a 3-dimensional illustration program, which was developed by KTS-Electronic and is provided in the tablet computer.

Electronic unit

The compact electronic unit is housed in a high-quality aluminum case, along with an integrated display that provides battery status information as well as compensation information.
The measurements are automatically digitized and transferred wirelessly via Bluetooth to the tablet computer.
The calibration is carried out by means of a microprocessor and is performed automatically on each floor without the need for major modifications. The GPA 1000 V16 set can be used for each type of floor.
The power supply is guaranteed thanks to the built-in 2800 mAh lithium-ion battery, which allows continuous use for 6-12 hours. The built-in charger allows you to charge the battery quickly in 2 hours. A cable to charge the battery in the car, using the cigar lighter is included, as well as an adapter for 110V.

Metal differentiation

The GPA 1000 V16 set contains the new GOLD SCAN II gold detector, which discriminates gold from other metals and indicates the type of metal on the screen, such as "Gold" (gold), "Alu" (aluminum), "Copper" (copper).
The new GOLD SCAN II is the successor of GOLD SCAN, which is well known all over the world and has up to 30% higher search performance towards small gold pieces.

GPA Probes

The GPA 1000 V16 game contains, among others, the new universal GPA probe and the new super GPA probe.
GPA probes have high sensitivity sensors and an automatic calibration to measure the smallest variations of the earth.
The probes are connected to the carbon telescopic bar, whose length can be easily adjusted.

GPA Universal probe:

The universal probe, measures 45.5 cm in length and is 560 grams very light.

GPA Super probe:

The large super probe of 60 cm, reaches a performance of 30% higher than the probe of 45.5 cm and has a weight of 795 grams.

Search in Live mode

Live mode allows you to scan large areas quickly. It is advisable to first explore large terrains in Live mode. So that you can recognize the most important areas and then review them in detail with the three-dimensional system.

New KTS Software 3d "GPA Visualizer"

The up to date GPA 1000 V16 is offered with the new GPA visualizer software. The modern 3D program of KTS Electronic can be easily managed.

  • The search begins with the choice of speed. In addition to the "normal" speed, the user can choose between "fast" or "Max speed".
  • The measurement is started by pressing the "Start" button and it is terminated or interrupted by pressing the "Stop" button. The search can be easily continued when the "Start" button is pressed again.
  • The 2D measurement is displayed in the 3D presentation at the end of the search.

LAZYMOON MD-4030 Metal Detector Deep Hunter Sensitive Search LCD Black

Use a metal detector to find your iPhone

A skier from New York lost his mobile phone while skiing. Apparently he was on a bumpy track when the device jumped and was buried in the snow. When his friends gave him up for lost after a while looking for him, the young man came up with the use of a metal detector to search for his smartphone. To everyone's surprise it still worked.

LAZYMOON MD-4030 Metal Detector Deep Hunter Sensitive Search LCD Black
LAZYMOON MD-4030 Metal Detector Deep Hunter Sensitive Search LCD Black

Have you ever lost your mobile phone buried in a snow slope? If this is the case and you still think it may be in the same place, but no matter what you searched for, you did not meet with him, a New York skier can give you an idea of ​​how to find him. Apparently this young man fell while going down a bumpy track, and in one of the jumps he shot off. Both he and his friends spent a good time looking for him, but there was no way. Finally they gave him up for lost and everyone went home.

But on the way home Chris Wong, who is what our protagonist calls himself, began to spin around in his head to find a way to find his cell phone. Finally it occurred to him to use a metal detector. His friends were skeptical about the idea, but managed to convince some of them, and returned to the ski resort.

A camera was placed in the helmet to record the entire search process, and after three hours of location, finally found their iPhone, which was buried in just a few inches in the snow.

When he got home he put it in a bowl full of rice to dry the inside part in case it was wet, and after a few hours of patient waiting, he started it and miraculously it worked.

The story of this boy has come to light thanks to that he has put ingenuity so that he was recording everything with his camera, uploading it to youtube and moving the case through social networks until a newspaper has published it, but it is not the first case. In Grandvalira without going any further, one of the teachers also dropped his iPhone at the arrival of a ski lift. It got lost. There was no way to find it. When the spring arrived, an operator found it, and thanks to its name it could be returned by its owner. Then he started it and ... it worked!

Anyway, if you have lost a mobile and do not want to wait for the thaw to find it, or if you want to set up a bargain at the expense of those who lose things in the stations, a metal detector can be a good friend !

What metals are found in nature?

The metals exist in the earth's crust. Depending on where you are on the planet, if you are going to dig for aluminum, silver or copper, you will probably find them. Usually, these pure metals are found in minerals that are produced in rocks .

In short, if you dig in the ground or pick up rocks, you are likely to find metals because that is where they are found in nature. Metals tend to compounds, also known as minerals. These are natural solids made from chemicals and crystalline structures. They are inorganic, which means they are not alive. Minerals are typically made from various elements mixed together, although some, such as gold, are exceptions, found in elemental form.

Metals and minerals go hand in hand. Have you seen like Esmeraldas, rubies and sapphires? They are metal-containing minerals that you are likely to find in jewelry. Turquoise, known for its very blue color, is a mineral composed of copper and phosphates. Iron is a metal that is the most common element on earth, forming a large part of the outer and inner core of the earth.

Below the earth, geological processes occur while pressure and heat tend to push rocks on the surface of the planet. When this happens, Thanks to the presence of oxygen and water, the rocks decompose in a process known as weathering. Elements Do thrown into solutions forming new minerals, soil formation. Obviously, human beings sow in soil. People and animals get their food from the plants in the soil and thus take the metals around them.

When rocks are found that contain valuable minerals, they are mined at a profit. Technology works in our favor to extract its metals to be used in industrial processes.

The properties of pure metals can be improved by mixing with other metals to make alloys.

Eagle Alloys is in the business of supplying metals and alloys to the companies that need them to do things.

Garrett Ace 400 Fall Special with Free Accessories and Pro Pointer II Pinpointer

Metal detector for beach prices. How to search and find gold

The beach metal detector is specialized in this type of surface since the density and consistency of the layers on the surface are totally different from those found in the more mineralized field surface.

Also this type of beach metal detector is submersible to be able to look for metal objects of interest on the shore of the beach.

Garrett Ace 400 Fall Special with Free Accessories and Pro Pointer II Pinpointer
Garrett Ace 400 Fall Special with Free Accessories and Pro Pointer II Pinpointer

Pala Filtra Arena Garrett in Plastic

Buy a metal detector for beach , it entails making the purchase of accessories, as in this case, this accessory of the Garrett brand, which is perfect for use on beaches because it works as a shovel with grids for a way Efficiently efficient pick up all the treasures that we wake up with our metal finder.

We will collect all kinds of treasures, normally being in this type of land to locate jewelry, coins and all kinds of valuable metals.

That is why the purchase of this accessory is mandatory if we are going to perform any type of search on beaches, because if we do not have to make the purchase of another accessory, which is less compatible with this type of terrain.

When performing the act of prospecting the treasures are trapped in the bottom of the grid and we will use the handle as the main point of support to carry out the searches, being the Garrett brand specialist in this type of tools.

We recommend making the purchase at all times of this accessory when we are going to perform any type of beach search with our detector, saving time and money on other less compatible accessories.


  •     Lightweight, operational and efficient.
  •     Perfect grid to collect treasures.
  •     Rigid and resistant metal.


  •     Does not incorporate a stick to avoid bending over.

How to Find and Find Gold on the Beach

To know how to find and find gold on the beach we must have a metal detector specialized in this type of surface, in addition to having specialized material for prospecting metal objects with beach.

Looking for Treasures on the Beach

The act of searching for treasures on the beach goes back to antiquity in order to find a treasure buried in beaches as pirates, noblemen and bourgeoisie used to do.

Minelab 60 - Detector

We have a wide variety of models of metal detector for beach , many of them specialized in low mineralization land with radiofrequency waves already established.

It should be noted that on the beach we will have less problems with dry sand, but with wet sand we will need the best possible beach detector since water and salt act as minerals that impede our search for metals.

That is why we need a metal detector that is in a frequency band with high range or broadband, often called multi frequency.

In this case, the sale of metal detector Go-Find 60 of the Minelab brand is a success because it has an affordable price, in addition to having features and technology very compatible with the beach.

It also has a weight close to 1 kg, which makes it a metal detector at an affordable price, really portable and that we can move at any time.


This model of beach metal detector has favorable features for any beach, incorporating GPS functions and an LCD screen with the Go Find app.


  •     Go Find application.
  •     Submersible coil on the beach.
  •     2 years warranty.


  •     Higher frequencies for beach areas.

Metal Detector for Beach Prices

The metal detector for beach incorporates affordable prices for all public since this type of device has electronic components and features less advanced than other types of metal detectors.

Cheap Beach Metal Detector

The cheap beach metal detector is really sought after and demanded by users, who want to perform gold prospections, in sand such as the beach of low mineralization, being really easy and simple to locate targets, as well as dig.

What is the Best Metal Detector for the Beach

To know which is the best metal detector for the beach , we need to perform an intensive search in our portal, where we can locate all the existing models of the market, with its respective analysis, along with pros and cons.

How to Find Gold on the Beach

To know how to look for gold on the beach , it is necessary some basic notions to search for metals, as well as to calibrate the metal detector in the required radiofrequency wave, so, the way of using the device is essential for its proper functioning .

Looking for Gold on the Beach

When we are looking for gold on the beach , it is essential to carry some complementary accessories to the detectors that will be of great help in this area such as the beach shovel, a bag to store the found objects, as well as clothing to withstand the heat.

Metal Detector for Beach

The metal detector for beach , is a device specially designed for this terrain, and with waves prepared for weak mineralization, so, we must make the purchase of a model specially designed for this land.

How to Find Gold on the Beach

Knowing how to find gold on the beach , it is a task that requires experience to know exactly where the coins or objects that we want to find are located, so there will be determined zones in each beach, where we can locate these treasures.

Looking for Treasures on the Beach

When we are looking for treasures on the beach , we try to locate all kinds of valuable objects, so, we use all kinds of sweeping techniques to expand the search range and find all kinds of objects.

Metal Detector on the Beach is Legal

The metal detector on the beach is legal , in most beaches, although there have been cases in Spanish beaches, where access has been limited, due to the need to obtain a license to be able to conduct surveys, and may even incur fines .

You can search with Metal Detectors in Beaches of Catalonia

Of course, you can search with metal detectors on beaches in Catalonia , although we must carefully examine the legislation of each city, either in the case of Barcelona or Tarragona in each municipality of each town, to avoid misunderstandings in any case.

The best Metal Detectors for Beach

The best metal detectors for the beach , we can find them in our portal, with the best analyzes and updated reviews of the market, and with a list where we can observe the best ones currently in this type of low mineralized terrain.

JunHo Lightweight Gold Digger Metal Detector,Professional Adjustable Gold Treasure Detectors?Waterproof High Accuracy Search Coil,Within 8 Inches Adjustable Metal Detector

How to find gold in quartz

In its original form, gold appears in igneous veins hydrothermal (hot water) volcanic where it is deposited along with quartz, amethyst, other minerals and heavy metals. The golden "mother vein" in California is a region crisscrossed by many hydrothermal veins filled with quartz and gold. Almost all hydrothermal quartz veins contain some amount of gold. Find the quartz first and then the gold.

Look for gold and quartz rocks that contain gold in areas where hydrothermal volcanic activity has taken place in the geological past. These areas include regions around the gold mines and rock outcrops upstream from gold deposits where it has eroded outward from its foundation, washed downstream and accumulated within and near the stream channels. In general, gold originates upstream from places where it is actively collected or historically collected and drained of sand and gravel deposits.

JunHo Lightweight Gold Digger Metal Detector,Professional Adjustable Gold Treasure Detectors?Waterproof High Accuracy Search Coil,Within 8 Inches Adjustable Metal Detector
JunHo Lightweight Gold Digger Metal Detector,Professional Adjustable Gold Treasure Detectors?Waterproof High Accuracy Search Coil,Within 8 Inches Adjustable Metal Detector

Look for rock outcroppings and rocky areas that contain a lot of quartz. Quartz appears in a variety of colors (including amethyst) depending on the impurities contained in the mineral. Quartz has a massive crystalline appearance and can be white, yellow, pink, purple, gray or black. Gold occurs among the other crystals found in quartz.

Look for natural cracks and lines in the quartz rocks that you find and examine them carefully, because gold is usually found along these linear structures. Gold is easy to recognize in white quartz.

Look for gold in the quartz veins in areas where the foundation is fractured by tectonic and volcanic activity. Fractures and cracks in the foundation form ideal paths for very hot water and stream under pressure to flow and precipitate out of the dissolved ore and heavy metals. Gold is deposited by precipitation along the edges of the fracture and walls. The basins of active geysers and those already extinct are evidence of such hydrothermal activity.

Use a metal detector to search for gold in rocks with quartz. Any piece of large gold crystal (nuggets) or gold veins will offer a large signal in most metal detectors. But if you do not get a strong signal, it does not mean that the gold is not there. In contrast, strong signals from the metal detector could indicate the presence of other metals besides gold. Fortunately, when metals are present in quartz veins, gold is usually among them.

Look for quartz rocks that contain gold where there have already been other gold miners and prospectors. Even rocks that other seekers have forgotten, as well as concentrations of gold (leftovers), may contain gold. Fortunes have been made by patiently and systematically reworking the leftovers and concentrations of irresponsible and careless gold seekers and miners. The great collective efforts to extract gold usually leave behind gold that is extracted more efficiently and with less cost by amateur miners and weekend seekers.

Use your geology hammer and swing to open the quartz and the rocks where gold could be. Place an iron or steel anvil in a large container to avoid losing rock dust that may contain gold. Look for large pieces that you can pick up manually or with a pincer.

Strain and screen the smallest fractions of ground quartz rock and contain gold in water to collect and extract the gold. It uses standard methods of gold displacement to extract small nuggets and gold dust from the pulverized rock. Sieve, dissolve and re-screen the finer and finer fractions.

Dry and place your genuine gold nuggets and any dirt of gold you find and extract the quartz rocks in small glass vials to store them and for a subsequent gold valuation, metal analysis, refinement, exposure or sale.


  • Re-process each size of quartz gravel to extract all the gold content. Beware of the "gold of fools". The iron pyrite is pale, brass-colored and practically worthless.


  • Wear protective or safety glasses when you crush, break or hammer rocks.

Bounty Hunter Land Ranger Pro Metal Detector

How to build a homemade metal detector - 6 steps

Within the world of treasure hunters, metal detectors are a kind of special objects with the aim of making a lot of easy money for those who own these gadgets. A metal detector is an electronic device that is capable of emitting a sound every time you approach it to the metal .
These devices usually go to ground level, to emit sounds when they pass near a metal object. All this can be done thanks to physics , since the metal detector has a wave system that is capable of sounding a speaker when we are near something that emits metallic waves. Thanks to this, the device will whistle every time we approach some place with some kind of metallic object inside it. A person with a metal detector may be able to go anywhere trying to see how the metal feels attracted to the metal detector. For example, many treasure hunters go on the beaches, trying to find lost coins and money that could have been lost.

This profession is a bit legendary and it is not uncommon to see them on the beaches in the summers and looking for something that you could have missed all day. Although normally they do not find anything, it could be the case that someday they had a stroke of luck and they won a lot of money at one time. This kind of detectors are sold in stores and are quite expensive.

Bounty Hunter Land Ranger Pro Metal Detector
Bounty Hunter Land Ranger Pro Metal Detector

It is not surprising that the profession of treasure hunters is being exercised mainly by ex-soldiers, who possessed a metal detector thanks to their work. The truth is that for what we are going to find on a beach , it is not worth paying hundreds of euros for a metal detector, which will not bring us that benefit unless we have the stroke of luck in our lives. Besides, not everyone has time for that profession. But, what if I told you that you can make your own fully functional metal detector with practically 0 euros ?. Surely you would not believe me , but you have to believe me because it's true, since today's metal detector is the lowest cost you will find in the world. You really only need small things that you have at home, such as an old calculator and an old portable radio, one that nobody uses anymore because they have mobile phones. Besides being cheap, the metal detector that I will teach you to assemble is done right away , so you can have it ready to work in a few minutes.

It could be said that it will take you much longer to read this article than to fabricate the metal detector, so that you can see how little we are going to take to do it. Without entertaining me anymore, here is the definitive tutorial of the homemade metal detector, manufactured with a calculator and an old radio as main components of it, we go there with the low cost metal detector.

What do you need to build a homemade metal detector?

  • A portable radio that can tune AM frequency.
  • A portable calculator.
  • Scotch tape.
  • A broomstick.
  • Metal to test.

Instructions to build a homemade metal detector

Explanation of the invention:
The first thing we are going to do before we start explaining how to make this fabulous homemade metal detector , is to explain a bit how the invention works, that is, to give a kind of little theoretical talk so that you learn how a calculator will work together with Adhesive tape to a radio as a metal detector. Again we have the answer in physics, specifically in the waves, which are responsible for colliding, in particular the waves that the calculator emits and the waves that the metal emits. Here it is created as a kind of circuit, in which the waves that our calculating machine emits collide with the waves of the metal, a sound that can register the radio in AM frequency, in which it is to capture this type of waves. This works because every time we approach a metal, the radio will sound on the airwaves, causing this to become a full-blown metal detector. That is, the metal must be very close to the calculator, otherwise it will not work correctly.

Tune frequency and increase volume:
The first thing we are going to do to be able to use the low cost homemade metal detector, is to take a radio from these old ones, from those that go to batteries. In this radio, we have to activate the AM frequency mode, which goes in a frequency range different from the FM range . In this range, we will be able to hear the waves that clash the metal and the calculator, however, it will not sound very loud. Therefore, what we must do to make this all work in the right way, is to increase the volume of the radio to stop in AM mode, without there being any radio tuned into it. Once we have done this, we have already configured our "speaker" of the metal detector, which will be the one to notify us in case we have seen an object of this type.

Paste the calculator and listen until a noise sounds:
Now it is the turn of taking our calculator, a calculator that will allow us to make the bases of real metal detector, since the waves that collide come from the electronic part of the calculator. We advise you to bring a large calculator, since small calculators do not have much force and will not work properly. What you need to do is join the calculator to the radio until they are glued, moving the calculator slightly over the surface of the radio. Once the waves of the calculator have been connected, it will start to sound like an analog TV noise not tuned to the radio, at which time we have to leave the calculator completely still in that position and move on to the next step .

Join the calculator and the radio:
Once the beep sounds and continues to sound while we have it all firmly in place, it is the turn of joining the calculator and the radio, so that this position is maintained permanently . The best way to do it is to take our rod of insulation tape and cover both parts until they are completely joined. Yes, try that the fastening is always strong, because if we allow the calculator to move too much, we are going to get the metal detector to break down and that the invention has gone to hell. You can also use zeal or bodybuilder's tape, however, I have chosen the tape because it is the best way to do it, mainly because of its aesthetics.

Test the metal detector:
Once we have the metal detector ready and it continues ringing, it is time to do the test, that is, to check if this detector really works or instead we are here wasting time. Take a metal object that you have there, such as a screw and stick the screw to the calculator. This will start to sound like a radio beep, which will be louder the closer we get to the screw. As we will see, the metal detector does not have much range, therefore, we will not be able to use it to search for metals underground, but only for surface metals, such as the aforementioned coins from the beach. If it does not work, this can be caused by many things, but the most common are that the calculator has been moved (the noise from the previous steps has stopped) or that the radio has run out of batteries. The more batteries there are, the more quality the sound will be, so try to keep the radio always having batteries left over and running. On certain occasions, it happens that we have inadvertently played the tuning wheel and we have loaded the invention. If this happens, remove the insulating tape and return to step 2 of this article to do it again, something for which nothing happens since it takes two minutes to do.

Perfect it and use it:
Now that we have verified that our metal detector works, it is time to give it some small touches to be used correctly . As we have to look for metal at ground level, we are not going to bend a lot for it, since it is certainly quite uncomfortable. What we are going to do instead, is to stick the stick of a broom to it, something that will allow us to have an extension for the metal detector. This will also serve to simulate a commercial metal detector, which is sold in stores and is very similar to the one we have manufactured. You can join the stick with Adhesive tape without any problems and start looking for treasures around the world as if you were a professional treasure hunter.