Saturday, March 16, 2019

LAZYMOON MD-4030 Metal Detector Deep Hunter Sensitive Search LCD Black

Use a metal detector to find your iPhone

A skier from New York lost his mobile phone while skiing. Apparently he was on a bumpy track when the device jumped and was buried in the snow. When his friends gave him up for lost after a while looking for him, the young man came up with the use of a metal detector to search for his smartphone. To everyone's surprise it still worked.

LAZYMOON MD-4030 Metal Detector Deep Hunter Sensitive Search LCD Black
LAZYMOON MD-4030 Metal Detector Deep Hunter Sensitive Search LCD Black

Have you ever lost your mobile phone buried in a snow slope? If this is the case and you still think it may be in the same place, but no matter what you searched for, you did not meet with him, a New York skier can give you an idea of ​​how to find him. Apparently this young man fell while going down a bumpy track, and in one of the jumps he shot off. Both he and his friends spent a good time looking for him, but there was no way. Finally they gave him up for lost and everyone went home.

But on the way home Chris Wong, who is what our protagonist calls himself, began to spin around in his head to find a way to find his cell phone. Finally it occurred to him to use a metal detector. His friends were skeptical about the idea, but managed to convince some of them, and returned to the ski resort.

A camera was placed in the helmet to record the entire search process, and after three hours of location, finally found their iPhone, which was buried in just a few inches in the snow.

When he got home he put it in a bowl full of rice to dry the inside part in case it was wet, and after a few hours of patient waiting, he started it and miraculously it worked.

The story of this boy has come to light thanks to that he has put ingenuity so that he was recording everything with his camera, uploading it to youtube and moving the case through social networks until a newspaper has published it, but it is not the first case. In Grandvalira without going any further, one of the teachers also dropped his iPhone at the arrival of a ski lift. It got lost. There was no way to find it. When the spring arrived, an operator found it, and thanks to its name it could be returned by its owner. Then he started it and ... it worked!

Anyway, if you have lost a mobile and do not want to wait for the thaw to find it, or if you want to set up a bargain at the expense of those who lose things in the stations, a metal detector can be a good friend !

What metals are found in nature?

The metals exist in the earth's crust. Depending on where you are on the planet, if you are going to dig for aluminum, silver or copper, you will probably find them. Usually, these pure metals are found in minerals that are produced in rocks .

In short, if you dig in the ground or pick up rocks, you are likely to find metals because that is where they are found in nature. Metals tend to compounds, also known as minerals. These are natural solids made from chemicals and crystalline structures. They are inorganic, which means they are not alive. Minerals are typically made from various elements mixed together, although some, such as gold, are exceptions, found in elemental form.

Metals and minerals go hand in hand. Have you seen like Esmeraldas, rubies and sapphires? They are metal-containing minerals that you are likely to find in jewelry. Turquoise, known for its very blue color, is a mineral composed of copper and phosphates. Iron is a metal that is the most common element on earth, forming a large part of the outer and inner core of the earth.

Below the earth, geological processes occur while pressure and heat tend to push rocks on the surface of the planet. When this happens, Thanks to the presence of oxygen and water, the rocks decompose in a process known as weathering. Elements Do thrown into solutions forming new minerals, soil formation. Obviously, human beings sow in soil. People and animals get their food from the plants in the soil and thus take the metals around them.

When rocks are found that contain valuable minerals, they are mined at a profit. Technology works in our favor to extract its metals to be used in industrial processes.

The properties of pure metals can be improved by mixing with other metals to make alloys.

Eagle Alloys is in the business of supplying metals and alloys to the companies that need them to do things.