Monday, March 18, 2019

Nespresso Variety Pack Capsules, 50 Count

Does caffeine harm our health?

    It helps us to be more alert and some studies relate their consumption with a better intellectual performance. However, caffeine can also raise blood pressure or cause insomnia. Know what food is present and how much we can eat a day so that its effect is not harmful to health.

Nespresso Variety Pack Capsules, 50 Count
Nespresso Variety Pack Capsules, 50 Count

Caffeine is an alkaloid that is obtained from the seeds and leaves of coffee, tea and other vegetables. It is a stimulant of the central nervous system that makes us feel more energetic and alert, relieves fatigue and drowsiness. According to the European Food Information Council (EUFIC) , the adult population of Europe consumes an average of 200 mg daily (100-400 mg) of caffeine.

Where can we find it?

Caffeine is present in coffee, tea, some soft drinks and chocolate. The amount of caffeine in these products varies according to the size of the portion, the type of food and the method of preparation.

The approximate amounts per serving are:

  •     Coffee (per 150 ml cup) toasted and ground-instant: 80-60 mg caffeine / serving
  •     Decaffeinated coffee (per 150 ml cup) both roasted and ground and instant: 3 mg caffeine / serving
  •     Tea (per 150 ml cup): 40 mg caffeine / serving
  •     Cola (per can of 330 ml): 30 mg of caffeine / serving
  •     Chocolate in pill (50 g): 20 mg caffeine / serving

Caffeine and cardiovascular health

Caffeine causes an increase in blood pressure and heart rate, therefore it is advisable to limit its intake in patients with cardiovascular diseases and / or hypertension. In addition, according to the EUFIC, a high consumption of caffeine is often closely linked to an excessive consumption of coffee, which in many cases is linked to other factors that influence the possibility of developing these diseases, for example, smoking, inactivity physical, the consumption of saturated fats and the abuse of alcohol.

On the other hand, some studies have analyzed the effect of caffeine intake and the increase in cholesterol levels without finding a direct relationship.

How much quantity should we take?

A moderate daily consumption of caffeine (up to 300 mg, the equivalent of two cups of coffee) is recommended by experts. Control the amounts we consume is important because an excess of caffeine can cause:

  •     Increased heart rate
  •     Arrhythmia
  •     Increase in blood pressure
  •     Irritability
  •     Insomnia
  •     Restlessness
  •     Nervousness
  •     Diuresis and / or diarrhea
  •     Sickness

Stop taking caffeine in high amounts can cause withdrawal syndrome, which can manifest in headache and loss of mood, although this usually exceeds in a few days.

In addition, those with difficulty sleeping should limit the consumption of caffeine to normal amounts and avoid ingesting any product that contains it in the previous hours the sleep period.

Caffeine and intellectual performance

Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental has published a study, carried out by members of the University of Barcelona and the Pi i Sunyer Biomedical Research Institute of the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona, ​​which shows that the combined consumption of caffeine and sugar has certain effects on the system human cognitive, as the improvement in attention, in learning and the consolidation of verbal memory.

In summary, moderate caffeine intake in healthy people is not harmful to health. Now, if you have cardiovascular disease or suffer from hypertension, you should limit your consumption. In any case, do not forget to always take a balanced diet and exercise!