Wednesday, April 24, 2019

How to remove plaque from the toilet quickly and at home by 5 homemade tricks

How to remove plaque from the toilet quickly and at home by 5 homemade tricks

Discover five simple tricks to get an impeccable bathroom in just a few minutes

The toilet is one of the household elements that we use the most, which is why our goal is always to keep it clean, disinfected and free from bad odors . However, due to the accumulation of germs, moisture and other substances that make contact with its surface, it is common to have tartar stains.

Toilet Bowl Ring Remove Product

This problem is usually caused by the accumulation of calcium and other minerals present in the water supply. Fortunately, with the following 5 homemade tricks , you can remove tartar from your toilet and keep it impeccable.

1. White vinegar and lemon

The combination of white vinegar and lemon is the most natural and ecological way to eliminate tartar . It is quite useful since the natural acids of both liquids easily decompose tartar deposits. You will need & frac12; cup of white vinegar (125 ml) and lemon juice.

Add the lemon juice in half a cup of white vinegar and mix. Next, rub the mixture over the areas you wish to clean. To make your task easier, you can use a scouring pad or sandpaper.

2. Pumice

Pumice, although it is generally used to remove dead skin, is very useful for removing stains that form in the bathroom. Its abrasive power removes scale and leaves the surface with a more hygienic appearance.

All you have to do is submerge the stone in warm water , until it softens. You have to moisten it yes or yes since the dry stone can cause damage to the toilet. When the stone is soft, rub on the areas where you notice the presence of tartar and you will see how it is removed, leaving the toilet untouched. Rewet the stone whenever necessary.

3. Sodium bicarbonate with hydrogen peroxide

If you use this procedure you will only need & frac12; cup of baking soda (100 g) and two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide (20 ml).

Moisten the sodium bicarbonate with the oxygenated water, obtaining a kind of paste. With the help of a cloth or sponge, rub the paste against the walls of the toilet to clean the stains. Let it act 20 minutes before rinsing it.

Optionally, you can add lemon juice to achieve a more powerful whitening effect.

Mix 100 grams of baking soda with two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide. Source: Getty Images

4. Coca Cola

Coca-Cola compounds can help remove tartar and stains that form on the surface of the toilet, but to maximize its effect you must combine the soda with other products.

You will need: a can of Coca-Cola, a cup of white vinegar (250 ml) and three tablespoons of baking soda (30 g).

Having previously dried the toilet, pour Coca-Cola making sure to cover the areas where the tartar is. Let it act for 30 minutes and brush it. Then add the white vinegar and baking soda over the tartar stains. Wait for 15 minutes to act and rub the remaining scale with a brush. When you're finished, rinse the toilet.

5. Borax

It is a useful substance to disinfect and bleach the toilets of the home. It is a bit more aggressive than the previous ingredients, but does not cause strong impacts on the environment or leave volatile compounds harmful to health.

All you need is: a cup of white vinegar (250 ml), four tablespoons of borax powder (40 g) and one liter of hot water.

You have to sprinkle with white vinegar the surface of the bath and let it act 20 minutes. When the time passes, rub it with a brush and then add the tablespoons of borax. After another 15 seconds, add the liter of hot water and remove the impurities with the help of a sponge.

If you use this method, it is very important that you wear gloves and a mask to avoid accidents.

Borax will help disinfect and bleach the toilet.

How to clean the toilet and remove tartar by 3 tricks

How to clean the toilet and remove tartar

If you want to know how to clean the toilet and remove the tartar effectively from inside this sanitary device ... Then, you have come to the website indicated here, we present a guide where it is clearly explained how to clean this sanitary device and In addition, we present some homemade tricks to remove the tartar from the inside of the toilet and thus, this sanitary device look clean, white and without those ugly yellow and brown spots that appear for example, as a dark halo at the water level or, in the interior of the toilet that makes it look very dirty and projects an unattractive image of the bathroom. Next, you can see the ways to clean a toilet and remove tartar .

Toilet Bowl Ring Remove Product

The first alternative or option to clean a toilet is of course, the traditional way and has many variants as people who do this cleaning but without doubt, has some core or fundamental things in the procedure. It should be noted that this cleaning should be done about once a week so that you have a clean toilet and thus, avoid the formation of unpleasant tartar stains that are impossible to remove from this method and you have to use other forms that we describe below. Then, I leave the traditional way.

They will need :

  • Toilet cleaning brush.
  • Rubber gloves.
  • Bleach and / or cleaning products.

Indications :

First, put on rubber gloves to avoid exposure or contact with surfaces and contaminated water.

Now, they will close the stopcock of the toilet that is usually behind this sanitary appliance and after doing this, they will throw the chain in this way, reduce the level of water and can work or clean to a better extent the interior of the toilet.

So now, they will take the bleach, bleach or product they use and pour it into the toilet trying to soak or wet the entire surface of it and to do it properly, throw it from the inside edge of the entire cup so that, run off by the wall at the bottom of the toilet and let it rest for at least 5 minutes.

In the meantime, they will take the cleaning brush and put some plastic bleach or cleaning product into the plastic bristles and begin scrubbing the inner concavity where the pond water is discharged.

After spending the time they have deemed appropriate for this work they will then begin to scrub the entire interior of the toilet with energy to remove all dirt.

Now, they will pour some more of the cleaning product they use inside the toilet and wait 10 to 15 minutes. Taking advantage of this time to clean the outside of the toilet with a rag and disinfectant, ie the lid, the seat, the backpack, the discharge button, the sides and practically all the external surface to remove any trace of dirt and Bad smell.

Well, now they will pick up the brush again and they will scrub again with vehemence or energy the inside of the toilet focusing on the places that were more machado or more difficult to access and finally, they will have a clean toilet with a pleasant smell.

By the way, if cleaning the toilet have not been able to remove some tartar then, it will be necessary to resort to some tricks or home remedies that we explain below ..

Trick # 1

When a traditional cleaning is not enough to clean a toilet and remove tartar stains then it is necessary to resort to some trick or home remedy that can help in this task and thus, have a clean toilet without tartar stains. One of these homemade tricks that works very well is precisely, to do a cleaning of toilet with vinegar that is, an element that in the majority of the homes this, review it with attention.

They will need :

  • Toilet cleaning brush.
  • Rubber gloves.
  • Half a liter of white vinegar or optionally, pink vinegar.

Indications :

Logically, the first thing to do is put on rubber gloves to avoid contact with the surface and contaminated water coming from the toilet.

Now, you should pour the white vinegar inside the toilet and for this to have a very good result, it is necessary to do it from the edge or part of the top of the cup trying to wet the whole surface from the top and in a movement circulate along the edge with such, to wet the entire interior surface of the toilet.

* Home trick attached | there is a very difficult part to clean inside the toilet and that is, that inner concavity where the water discharges into the bowl when the pond is pulled. Well, to carry out a cleaning there, there are 3 options that can be applied in this home trick and in the others:

1. Wet with the solution the fingers of the glove of a hand and with it to pass it there with so, that it is wet and damp.

2. Add part of the solution in a bottle with a system of pressurization (aerosol) and throw in that concavity that is in the entire inner ring.

3. Finally, with sections of toilet paper will make some rolls, wet them very well with the solution (soak) and put it without falling on the entire interior ring of discharge.

So now, we will proceed to wait a prudent and reasonable time for the solution of white vinegar (pH) to make a good effect and soften the scale embedded in the toilet. But how long do you have to wait? Well, if the toilet has almost no tartar or, apparently has no, maybe it's enough 20 or 30 minutes to cause the desired effect and in the case, that the interior of the toilet has a lot of yellow tartar and even brown then , it is advisable to wait at least 4 or 6 hours and in some cases, it is better to leave all night to make sure.

After the wait, the moment of truth arrives ... They will put on the gloves again and take the brush to pass it all over the inside of the toilet in a diligent, energetic and neat way to remove the tartar from the toilet correctly and be clean as pretend and if something has remained, you can repeat the operation with such, to remove the scale that has remained.

Finally, pull the chain of the pond in the bathroom so that all the tartar and dirt removed from the inside of the toilet go down the drain and then, they can disinfect everything with bleach or product they use to leave everything very clean.

Trick # 2

If they have a very dirty toilet and wish to remove all those ugly yellow and brown spots that are incrusting inside the toilet or WC then this solution or homemade trick can be the effective solution to this problem and thus, they can leave the toilet as new, clean and free of scale that inexorably appears and can not be removed with a simple cleaning or brushing of the area.

They will need :

  • Toilet cleaning brush.
  • Rubber gloves.
  • Half a liter of white vinegar.
  • Lemon juice.
  • Sodium bicarbonate.
  • Container.

Indications :

The first step is to place in a container the baking soda, the juice of a squeezed lemon and the half liter of white vinegar that is going to occupy and mix very well with some kind of spoon.

So now, they will put rubber gloves on so as to avoid possible splashes of contaminated water or contacts with dirty toilet surfaces.

Now, proceed to take the container and throw or pour much of the solution into the toilet trying to do so, cover or wet the entire surface throwing the compound well from the surface of the top of the toilet to this form runs off and all along the edge of it.

Well, with the part of the solution that is left in the container, it will proceed to wet that difficult art, which had already commented on the previous homemade trick with 3 possible options to do this, review it.

After doing the above, it will proceed to wait a reasonable time so that the solution created can generate the desired effect and that is, soften the tartar and descale it. The waiting time can be at least 2 hours but, people who are cautious and looking for a good effect expect more (may be, all night).

Well, after a while waiting time comes the time to clean and for this, take the cleaning brush and pass it all over the surface of the toilet, concavities, edges and bottom with such, to remove the tartar and surely, will be surprised how the tartar comes out easily from the inside of the toilet.

Finally, throw the chain and take advantage of disinfecting the toilet with bleach to have a clean bathroom and free of unwanted germs and bacteria.

Trick # 3

This homemade trick to be able to clean the toilet and thus, remove tartar is at least, something curious and picturesque because, to achieve this task you will need mainly one of the most known drinks, Coca Cola .. Yes, you have read Well, to clean and remove the tartar from the toilet, Coca Cola will be used and I will explain it to you so that you can do it and get out of this dirty inconvenience.

They will need :

  • Toilet cleaning brush.
  • Rubber gloves.
  • Half a liter of Coca Cola.

Indications :

The first thing they should do is open the Coca Cola and pour it into the toilet, worrying that the Coca Cola will wet the entire interior surface of the toilet from the edge of the upper part.

For the cleaning of the interior area where the pond water is discharged, we will use just one of the recommendations commented in the home trick # 1 to clean this part and using rubber gloves to protect yourself.

After soaking the entire interior of the toilet with Coca Cola, then let it rest for a couple of hours so that this way it has the desired effect and that is, soften the tartar on the surface of the toilet. By the way, the recommended waiting time is at least 1 hour but nevertheless, it is best to wait a while longer to ensure a good cleaning.

Now put on the rubber gloves and proceed then, to brush the entire interior surface of the toilet with the idea of ​​removing the plaque softened by Coca Cola and thus leave a clean bathroom as appropriate in the case that has not been All removed can repeat the operation or, use one of the home remedies to clean toilet described above.

After doing this, they can use a disinfectant product to finish cleaning the toilet and be free of germs and bacteria.

These are some of the interesting ways to clean the toilet and thus, remove the scale that accumulates inside this sanitary appliance and you, do you know another way to clean the toilet ?. Finally, we leave some items that can also help them protect and keep the bathroom clean.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

How to clean the black mold in toilet bowls

How to clean the black mold in toilet bowls

If you see black spots on the toilet bowl, mold is likely to cause it. When stagnant water sits in the cup, mold can form. The black mold in the bathroom is unsightly and makes the bathroom look impure. The longer black mold is left untreated, the more it extends. The right cleaning products remove the black mold from the toilet bowl quickly and with little effort.

Toilet Bowl Ring Remove Product


1 Sprinkle the borax on the toilet bowl to cover the mildew stains. If the mold is below the water line, drain the water first and then sprinkle on the borax.

2 Let the borax sit on the toilet during the night.

3 Mix a solution of 1/2 cup of borax and 1 gallon of water in a bucket. Dip a bath brush in the borax mixture and rub the mold stains on the toilet bowl until they are gone. Pull the chain to rinse.

4 Pour the chlorine bleach into the empty toilet bowl if the mold is still there. Let the bleach sit in the bowl for a few hours, then rub with a bath brush to remove the black mold. Pull the chain to rinse.

How to get rid of mold in the toilet bowl

How to get rid of mold in the toilet bowl

Toilets work as the perfect environment for mold growth. One of the reasons is its constant humidity, while the other is the natural presence of mold spores that are deposited on the surfaces of the toilet, including the bowl. When the bowl is not washed very often, the mold spores will lock in the bowl and grow. Fortunately, you can get rid of the mold and once again enjoy a clean toilet bowl.

Toilet Bowl Ring Remove Product


The elimination of the Mold

1 Put on a pair of rubber gloves. Pour the bleach directly through a funnel into a spray bottle or squeeze the bottle.

2 spray or squeeze the bleach all the interior surfaces of the toilet bowl - especially those that show mold growth. Leave the bleach in the container overnight if possible. If not, leave it as long as you can.

3 Rub the inner tray with a bath brush to remove the mold.

Keep the mold away

4 Pour 1/4 cup of sodium borate into the toilet. Allow it to remain on the toilet overnight - or at least a couple of hours - without water, if possible.

5 scrub the toilet bowl with the cup brush before pulling the string to thoroughly clean all surfaces.

6 Repeat the sodium borate cleansing treatment on a weekly basis to maintain mold growth in the bay.

How to replace a wax ring in a toilet bowl

How to replace a wax ring in a toilet bowl

The wax ring that fits underneath a toilet provides a seal with the drain pipe, preventing leaks and sewer odors from entering the house. If your toilet moves from its original position on the floor, that seal likely breaks, requiring a replacement. The signs of a defective ring are when the toilet rounds back and forth like a rocking chair, water leaks from the base of the toilet after it is emptied, or if you notice constantly sewer odors in the bathroom.

Toilet Bowl Ring Remove Product


1 Cut the water supply to the toilet by turning the stopcock completely to the right. Pull the chain, holding down the handle to allow as much water as possible to drain. Remove the tank lid and absorb the remaining water from the tank with a towel. Pushing the remaining water from the cup with a plunger.

2 Place the towel on the floor under the tank, where the water supply line connects to the tank. Remove the water supply line from the bottom of the tank, using an adjustable wrench. Remove the bolt caps on the base of the toilet and remove the nuts from the bolts, using the adjustable wrench.

3 Place a towel on the floor near the toilet. Straddle the toilet bowl and lift the toilet, placing both hands on the flat area behind and under the seat. Lift with your legs and not your back. Place the toilet face down on the towel. Place a rag on the open flange to prevent sewer gases from entering the room.

4 Scrape the old wax ring from the flange, using a small spatula. Scrape off the remaining wax from the bottom of the toilet. Clean the water and debris from the floor around the flange with a rag. Place the spare wax ring on the odorless horn or discharge outlet on the bottom of the container, and press it into place.

5 Remove the flange adjustment bolts and install two new screws. Install the screw heads in the flange slots and position the bolts approximately six inches apart and parallel to the wall behind the flange.

6 Turn the toilet upright and lift the toilet, to deposit it, on the flange. Make sure that the wax ring is connected with the flange and the adjustment bolts passes through the mounting holes in the bottom of the cup. Sit on the toilet and gently back and forth, with the weight of the body to crush the wax ring underneath. Install the adjusting bolts and washers. Tighten each nut evenly, with the adjustable wrench. Do not over tighten and damage the container. Fit the bolt caps into place.

7 Connect the water supply hose to the lower threaded part of the filling valve protruding from the bottom of the tank. Hand tighten the connecting nut and, using the wrench, tighten 1/2 turn more tightly by hand. Turn on the water supply and check for leaks around the toilet. Put the lid on the tank.

Tips and warnings

  •     Use a saw to cut the nuts of the adjustment bolts that anchor the toilet if you are able to remove the nuts with a wrench.

How to remove rust spots in a colored toilet bowl

How to remove rust spots in a colored toilet bowl

Rust stains on the toilet bowl often come from iron or manganese in the water supply or sometimes from old pipes. Colored toilet bowls do not hide these rust spots. Stains do not easily remove, but can be removed with acidic cleaners. Colored toilet bowls are usually colored vitrified porcelain mixed in porcelain. It will not damage the color with acidic cleaners, because the color is not just on the surface.

Toilet Bowl Ring Remove Product



1 Saturate a paper towel with vinegar. Vinegar is acetic acid, a soft and safe product for the toilet bowl.

2 Place the paper towel over the rust stain. If the rust stain is below the water level, you may need to empty the toilet bowl, turning off the water on the back of the toilet and flushing. This does not remove all the water, but it will remove most of it to allow your paper towel to cling to the surface.

Place 3 more paper towels soaked in vinegar around the toilet bowl, where the rust stains show.

4 Leave the paper towels in place for a few hours.

5 Remove the paper towels and discard. Make paper towels do not flush down the toilet.

Lemonade Drink Mix

6 Wash the toilet to wet the sides.

7 Empty the toilet bowl if necessary to reach the rust spots. Close the water on the back and flush to do this.

8 Pour dry lemonade beverage mix into the wet surface of the toilet bowl, where the rust stains show.

9 Wait an hour or so for the acid to remove the rust.

10 Rub with a toothbrush to remove all residue and discoloration. Turn the water again and wash the toilet.

Oxalic acid

11 Buy a household cleaner with oxalic acid. Zud and Barkeeper's friend are two products that contain this acid, and both are in powder form.

12 Rinse the pot to wet the sides. Drain the toilet bowl if necessary to reach oxidation. Close the water at the bottom of the dresser and go to the drain.

13 Sprinkle the cleaner containing oxalic acid on the rust spots.

14 Wait 30 minutes for the acid to remove the rust.

15 Rub with a toothbrush to remove remaining rust spots. Turn the water again and wash the toilet.

Tips and warnings

  •     A paste of cream of tartar can clean the stains of rust, if you do not have other products.
  •     Do not use abrasive cleaners or scouring pads on the toilet bowl. Over time, this could damage the finish and allow the oxide to penetrate the surface.
  •     Do not mix different types of household cleaners.

How to clean mineral deposits from a toilet bowl

How to clean mineral deposits from a toilet bowl

Mineral deposits that are not taken care of in a timely manner can build over time and lead to a tedious project to clean. Deposits can be brown or rust-colored streaks or sections of light colors, visible on the toilet bowl. Recently, I had the pleasure of cleaning two bathrooms in an unoccupied rental unit with serious mineral deposits. If you are patient and present the effort, these deposits can be removed and the toilet can look like a brand new one.

Toilet Bowl Ring Remove Product


1 After determining that you have mineral deposits and not normal dirt (ie, discoloration can not be removed with a conventional toilet cleaner and brush), remove as much water as possible from the bowl. This can be achieved either by removing water manually from the container with a cup or bowl, or by pulling the chain and preventing a water replenishment by cutting off the water valve.

2 Fill the toilet bowl with distilled white vinegar, covering the spots. Depending on the location of the deposits, this can take several cups or quart of vinegar. Leave the vinegar in the bowl overnight, making sure the toilet is "out of order" for family members (including pets !!). The acid in the vinegar should help loosen if the deposits do not dissolve over time. In the morning, use a bath brush to try to remove deposits. If you can not get everything removed, proceed to the next step. If everything looks clean, go to step 4.

3 Rinse the vinegar and refill the container with water. Put on your gloves, grab your pumice stone, and roll up your sleeves! Begin firmly to wash the deposits with the pumice stone, making sure that both the stone and the bowl are wet. Unfortunately, this really means working with your hands in the water. Continue to work on it - this could take some time to grind out of the deposits. You may wonder if the pumice will scratch the cup - if used wet, this should not be a problem since the pumice is softer than the composition of the toilet bowl. In fact, it is possible that the pumice stone may crumble a little as you work on the stains, and that you may have to reload the water if it becomes cloudy. Continue working until the spots are removed. Actually it took me about an hour each toilet (more frequent breaks), so do not give up!

4 When you are satisfied that the spots are gone, flush them again, and you're done! Be sure to periodically clean the toilet to prevent future accumulations.

Tips and warnings

  •     Mineral deposits can also form under the edge of the toilet, where water enters the toilet - be sure to check for deposits there.
  •     Pumice stones can sometimes be found in the cleaning supply sections of retail stores, but not many stock stores this article. Instead, look in the cosmetic / nail care sections for affordable pumice stones (which are also used in the removal of dead skin from the feet).
  •     There are more powerful acids available for serious problems. However, these acids can be very dangerous and require special handling. Look for muriatic acid (also called hydrochloric acid) for these difficult problems.

The elimination of accumulation of desquamation in toilet bowls

The elimination of accumulation of desquamation in toilet bowls

Cleaning the toilet bowl can be the least pleasant task of the home. Cleaning a toilet that has, hard yellow stains scale is even more of a chore. Toilets are made of porous material that traps calcium deposits and makes them difficult to remove. Acid cleaners such as gamma acid or cleaning chemicals made especially for scale removal are best for the job. You can buy these products in the home and garden stores.

Toilet Bowl Ring Remove Product


1 Put on rubber gloves before handling chemical cleaning products.

2 Close the water in your toilet. Odorless until the water is removed from the toilet bowl.

3 Spray thick paper towels, with scale elimination cleaners until they become saturated. Line of toilet bowl with paper towels.

4 Leave the paper towels in the toilet bowl for two hours. Continue to spray the paper towels inside the toilet bowl every half hour.

5 Remove the paper towels after two hours and throw them away.

6 Wet a scrubbing brush and scrub loose scale spots.

7 Rinse the toilet bowl with a bowl of cold water. If the spots are still noticeable, repeat the procedure.

8 Wet a pumice stone and rub gently over the remaining spots.

9 Clean the toilet bowl with the toilet brush.

10 Open the water in the toilet. After the water fills the tank, so flush rinse the toilet bowl.

11 Clean the toilet bowl daily with the bath brush. Weekly cleaning with a toilet cleaner.

Tips and warnings

  •     Open a window in the bathroom or turn on the air outlet to prevent polluting gases.
  •     Be careful not to splash any cleaning product on your eyes when scrubbing the toilet bowl.

How to remove calcium buildup from a toilet bowl

How to remove calcium buildup from a toilet bowl

Calcium builds up in a toilet bowl when your home has hard water, meaning there is a high alkaline content in the water supply. As the water sits on the toilet bowl, these calcium deposits are deposited on the surface of the toilet bowl, causing the unattractive calcium buildup that is often not removable with the hygienic cleaning brush alone. Luckily, you can eliminate the accumulation by combining a few items from the low-cost home pantry.

Toilet Bowl Ring Remove Product


1 Sprinkle a heavy baking powder with baking soda on a scrubbing brush and rub over the deposits. Sodium bicarbonate will provide a slightly abrasive texture plus a cleaning element that removes the freshest stains.

2 Pour 2 cups of vinegar into the toilet bowl, along with 1 cup of baking soda. The vinegar will dissolve these calcium deposits and the sodium bicarbonate adds an extra cleansing and deodorizing agent.

3 Place the lid on the toilet, and let it sit for an hour.

4 Scrub the toilet bowl with a toilet brush, and the calcium buildup will easily wipe away. The time gives enough time for the calcium accumulation to soften.

5 Pull the chain and allow it to be refilled with fresh water.

How to remove the accumulation of minerals in a toilet bowl

How to remove the accumulation of minerals in a toilet bowl

Toilets accumulate mineral buildup quickly, especially when your home has a hard water supply. The key to eliminating the buildup is the first to get rid of any existing residue, then apply a regular cleaning of the toilet bowl. By cleaning the container regularly, you will remove the same residue quickly as it develops, so it is imperceptible to the common eye. Instead of buying chemically based toilet bowl cleaning products, use inexpensive alternatives, such as vinegar and baking soda.

Toilet Bowl Ring Remove Product


1 Pour 2 cups of white vinegar into the bowl along with 1 cup of baking soda. Let stand for 10 minutes.

2 scrub the toilet bowl with a brush for the toilet. In many cases, this will eliminate all accumulation. Download the bathroom.

3 Mix a paste of baking soda and vinegar by mixing 1 cup of baking soda and 1/4 cup of vinegar in a bowl.

4 Spread the paste over the accumulation zones and let stand for 30 minutes.

5 Scrub the toilet bowl again with the bath brush, and then pull the string.

Tips and warnings

  •     Pour 1 cup of vinegar and 1 cup of baking soda into the toilet bowl at least once a week, then rub the container with the bath brush to minimize mineral buildup.

How to remove lime from a toilet bowl

How to remove lime from a toilet bowl

If you have hard water, you may notice a crunchy, whitish substance in the toilet bowl. This is the accumulation of lime. Lime is the result of hard water deposits or waste. Formation of calcareous deposits in the toilet bowl makes the bathroom look impure and dirty. Removing calcareous deposits from a toilet bowl can be done using common household products.

Toilet Bowl Ring Remove Product


1 Remove as much water from the toilet bowl as possible. Close the valve behind the toilet to stop the flow of water. Pull the chain a couple of times until the toilet bowl is empty.

2 Clean the inside of the toilet bowl with toilet bowl cleaners. Apply a generous amount of vacuum cleaner and scrub the container with a bath brush. This will eliminate some of the lime deposits, but probably not all. Dump a bucket of tap water into the container to rinse it after cleaning with the toilet cleaner.

3 Pour 1 gallon of white vinegar into the toilet bowl. If this is not enough to cover the lime deposits, soak paper towels with the vinegar and place them over the lime stains. Leave the vinegar in the toilet bowl overnight.

4 Remove the paper towels the next day. Use the bath brush to wash any loosened lime deposit. Pull the chain with a bucket of water. Inspect the toilet bowl to see if any of the lime stains remain.

5 Use borax powder if the lime stains persist. Sprinkle a generous amount of borax directly on the affected areas of the toilet bowl. Leave on for 30 minutes and then rub with the bath brush. Rinse the container with a spoon or two of water.

Tips and warnings

  •     Chlorine can also be used to remove limescale. Pour about 1/2 cup of chlorine into the toilet or take the paper towels in bleach and put them on top of the lime stains. Leave the bleach on the stains for several hours before scrubbing and washing the container with water.
  •     Do not forget to activate the water valve again when you have finished cleaning.
  •     Use a bath brush with plastic bristles so that the toilet bowl will not be scratched.
  •     Wear rubber gloves when working with chlorine to protect your skin.
  •     Never mix chlorine and ammonia or products that contain these ingredients. The results could be toxic.