Wednesday, April 24, 2019

How to remove plaque from the toilet quickly and at home by 5 homemade tricks

How to remove plaque from the toilet quickly and at home by 5 homemade tricks

Discover five simple tricks to get an impeccable bathroom in just a few minutes

The toilet is one of the household elements that we use the most, which is why our goal is always to keep it clean, disinfected and free from bad odors . However, due to the accumulation of germs, moisture and other substances that make contact with its surface, it is common to have tartar stains.

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This problem is usually caused by the accumulation of calcium and other minerals present in the water supply. Fortunately, with the following 5 homemade tricks , you can remove tartar from your toilet and keep it impeccable.

1. White vinegar and lemon

The combination of white vinegar and lemon is the most natural and ecological way to eliminate tartar . It is quite useful since the natural acids of both liquids easily decompose tartar deposits. You will need & frac12; cup of white vinegar (125 ml) and lemon juice.

Add the lemon juice in half a cup of white vinegar and mix. Next, rub the mixture over the areas you wish to clean. To make your task easier, you can use a scouring pad or sandpaper.

2. Pumice

Pumice, although it is generally used to remove dead skin, is very useful for removing stains that form in the bathroom. Its abrasive power removes scale and leaves the surface with a more hygienic appearance.

All you have to do is submerge the stone in warm water , until it softens. You have to moisten it yes or yes since the dry stone can cause damage to the toilet. When the stone is soft, rub on the areas where you notice the presence of tartar and you will see how it is removed, leaving the toilet untouched. Rewet the stone whenever necessary.

3. Sodium bicarbonate with hydrogen peroxide

If you use this procedure you will only need & frac12; cup of baking soda (100 g) and two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide (20 ml).

Moisten the sodium bicarbonate with the oxygenated water, obtaining a kind of paste. With the help of a cloth or sponge, rub the paste against the walls of the toilet to clean the stains. Let it act 20 minutes before rinsing it.

Optionally, you can add lemon juice to achieve a more powerful whitening effect.

Mix 100 grams of baking soda with two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide. Source: Getty Images

4. Coca Cola

Coca-Cola compounds can help remove tartar and stains that form on the surface of the toilet, but to maximize its effect you must combine the soda with other products.

You will need: a can of Coca-Cola, a cup of white vinegar (250 ml) and three tablespoons of baking soda (30 g).

Having previously dried the toilet, pour Coca-Cola making sure to cover the areas where the tartar is. Let it act for 30 minutes and brush it. Then add the white vinegar and baking soda over the tartar stains. Wait for 15 minutes to act and rub the remaining scale with a brush. When you're finished, rinse the toilet.

5. Borax

It is a useful substance to disinfect and bleach the toilets of the home. It is a bit more aggressive than the previous ingredients, but does not cause strong impacts on the environment or leave volatile compounds harmful to health.

All you need is: a cup of white vinegar (250 ml), four tablespoons of borax powder (40 g) and one liter of hot water.

You have to sprinkle with white vinegar the surface of the bath and let it act 20 minutes. When the time passes, rub it with a brush and then add the tablespoons of borax. After another 15 seconds, add the liter of hot water and remove the impurities with the help of a sponge.

If you use this method, it is very important that you wear gloves and a mask to avoid accidents.

Borax will help disinfect and bleach the toilet.