Monday, April 29, 2019

Premium Handmade Soap Mango Delight 5oz Bar

Care of body and face

 Many believe that putting an earring in the body is just that: put a piece and ready. But they do not consider that when drilling is causing a small wound, which could introduce several viruses and bacteria that could trigger in a myriad of setbacks and risks but is taken care. But do not be alarmed, the care is simple and if you follow as we suggest, soon you can enjoy without hassle of your new perforation.

Premium Handmade Soap Mango Delight 5oz Bar
Premium Handmade Soap Mango Delight 5oz Bar


The body piercings should be cleaned once or twice a day during the healing process, it is best to do so in the morning and at night. Do not clean the area more than twice a day, otherwise irritation may occur and therefore prolong the healing time. If it is only possible to clean it once, it is advisable to do it at night, because it is when the skin is more relaxed.

To wash the perforation, it is advisable to use an antibacterial or neutral soap and water. Before cleaning, wash your hands with an antibacterial liquid soap and hot water. You should never touch an initial perforation with dirty hands, as they could be contaminated to generate an infection.
Before moving the earring, prepare the Humedeciéndola area with hot water, remove the crusts that form around the earring with a cotone. Never try to remove them with your fingernails.

Apply some soap over the area. Clean the area and jewelry, rotate the piece several times, gently back and forth so that the soap penetrates the perforation.

Let the soap stay for a minute in the area, then rinse thoroughly with water so that there is no residue, once again moving the piece.

Afterwards, the area must be dried with a disposable towel, as the cloth towels could "hoard" the bacteria.

You must be patient, each body is different and unique, so the healing can vary from person to person. As long as a discharge of the perforation continues to emerge, it is advisable to continue the same cleaning regimen even if the average healing time has elapsed.


After drilling, bleeding, bruising, and swelling may occur in the area, but they are not a sign of a complication. Perforating the skin, means separating the tissue, which can react in various ways, varying between each person. To avoid the above, it is advisable to avoid the consumption of aspirin, alcohol and caffeine.

After a new perforation you can feel something uncomfortable, because usually the area has swelling for a few days.

Fluid secretion from blood plasma and dead cells is normal. It's usually a liquid between white and yellow, which forms a kind of crust around the jewelry, it's not pus, so don't be alarmed. This secretion is an indicator that the perforation is healing.

Even if the perforation looks healthy on the outside, it can continue the secretion, now with a stronger liquid, which is a sign that the healing time continues, this internally, as finally the skin of the duct must regenerate completely.

Sometimes the perforations look healthy and suddenly return to their initial state with irritations and annoyances. This is normal.

The feeling that the earring is very tight is normal, do not expect the jewelry to move from one side to the other, especially in the first days.


It is convenient to wash your hands before drilling. It is best to touch the piercing and the earring only during cleaning.

The workpiece must be left in the perforation during the healing process.

It is advisable to check during cleaning, with clean hands, if the jewellery balls are properly adjusted to the earring.

To show a healthy perforation, the ideal is not to remove and put the earring frequently, otherwise you could hurt the skin.

Wear clean, comfortable clothes that allow you to "breathe" into the perforation.

During the healing time, it is advisable to take a multivitamin containing zinc and vitamin C.
Getting enough rest, taking a nutritious diet, avoiding stress, drugs and alcohol helps to get a faster healing.

If you have to remove your earring for a medical examination, it is best to replace it with a piece of Tygon or Politetrafluorotileno (PTFE) until you can reinsert your jewellery.

If the perforation is irritated, independent of the cleaning, you can use sea salt encouragement or chamomile tea.

Bathing in the shower is healthier than a bath in the tub, as the bacteria could be sheltered. But if you still prefer to take a bath in the tub, it is advisable to clean it first with chlorine or a similar product and, after the bath, rinse the perforation again with clean water.


Do not use alcohol, merthiolate or oxygenated water, as they are products that can cause irritation and dryness. It is also not advisable to spread ointments with antibiotics, because some of these products cause the oxygen to not reach the "wound" causing complications.

Don't overdo it in the cleanup. Washing the area more than twice a day could delay healing, as you would be eliminating the body's own defenses.

Avoid using different cleaning products, it is ideal to use only neutral or antibacterial soap.
During healing time, it avoids oral contact and other bodily fluids, as well as rough games.

Do not use adhesives (patches or band) on the perforation, as they limit the circulation of air and the glue can hurt and irritate the area.

Initial perforations should not be placed at any source of natural or artificial water such as pools, lakes, Jacuzzis, etc., as usually in these places the water is not clean, which represents a risk of infection for a new perforation.

If you exercise, avoid pressing or pulling the perforation. When you finish exercising, wash the area to prevent sweat from remaining on the wound.

If the perforation presents pus do not remove the jewellery, it helps that this one has exit, also if removing the earring, the holes can close and the result could be an abscess.


Avoid wearing tight clothes or belts that press the perforation. Otherwise, use an adhesive (such as patches used to cover the eyes) over the area, it will help protect it from perspiration and dampen the pressure.

If you use hair spray, lotion or similar products, do not allow it to come into contact with the perforation. Make sure your pillowcase is clean and if possible avoid using payphones.

To not pull or scrape the perforation when sleeping, for men it is advisable to use a cotton shirt and for women a sports bra. If you have pets, prevent them from going up to your bed, so that they do not leave bacteria or lint that can induce an infection, especially during the healing process.

If you pierce your genitals sexual activity is not banned, but obviously you must have certain care as using condom. There are some that have extra space on the tip, which will help you to accommodate your jewelry. It is also advisable to use a water-based lubricant to facilitate penetration. Although obviously the best thing is to listen to your body, if you feel uncomfortable, the best thing is that you take things calmly and stop doing it for a while.


If the skin around the perforation is red or irritated, the water encouragement with sea salt is highly recommended, at least once a day; As well as relieving it helps to accelerate the healing process.

You can dissolve a quart of teaspoon in a cup of clean, hot water; Distilled water is the best choice. If you feel that this solution dries the skin, you can try using 1/8 teaspoon salt. Do not overdo the amount of salt, as it could backfire.

This solution can be applied with a disposable towel or a swab, depending on the area. After the promotion, the perforation must be cleaned again with water and dried. Never turn the earring with salt, as it should only be used externally, not in the "wound".

The promotion of salt, like those of chamomile tea, help to stimulate the circulation of blood and oxygen, thus favoring healing. It is advisable to place the fomentations before the daily activities, this to prevent that during the day the Costritas that are formed around the piece are put in the perforation.

The time of application of the encouragements should be about fifteen minutes. If you put several encouragements during the day, then they can be only for a minute without losing the effectiveness.