Monday, April 29, 2019

Mountain Man Soap Mountain Meadow - 8 oz Bar

How to cleanse the face with acne

Acne is one of the most common conditions of the skin, usually occurring during adolescence but can also manifest in adulthood. The genetic factor is one of its major triggers, however other conditions such as hormonal changes, emotional stress, poor hygiene, overuse of fat-rich products and ingestion of certain medications, can also lead to your Presence.

Mountain Man Soap Mountain Meadow - 8 oz Bar
Mountain Man Soap Mountain Meadow - 8 oz Bar

Whatever the cause, maintaining proper facial hygiene is essential to prevent worsening of the lesions and to ensure a healthier skin. So in we explain in detail how to clean the face with acne and homemade masks that will help you to enhance the wellbeing of your dermis.

    Cleansing the face with acne properly is basic to avoid accumulating more fat than needed in the area, but it is also important to prevent injuries from increasing or worsening, affecting completely the well-being of the skin.

The first thing you should know is that it is essential to wash your face twice a day: When you wake up and in the evenings, when you relax at home or before bed. Why is it important to do this? For the simple reason that your skin accumulates fat and dirt while you sleep or throughout the day, even the same makeup, if not removed, stays in the pores of the skin can become a problem.

This dirt and cosmetic products accumulate in the pores of our skin and if they are not removed with a cleaning they will end up covering them, giving rise to a greater amount of grains and increasing the presence of tallow.

  •     You know you have to clean your face twice a day, but can you use any product? The answer is no, you must use products suitable for facial hygiene of delicate skins such as yours, so in unlike we recommend you use:
  •         A SOAP or medical lotion indicated by your dermatologist in case you have a very pronounced acne. This type of products have cleansing and soothing ingredients that are respectful of your dermis and favour the scarring of the pustules.
  •         In case you have a simpler acne, you can use a cleansing lotion suitable for oily skins that contains no oils of any kind. This type of products should always be water based.
  •         Natural Oat Soap is also an excellent alternative. This cereal helps moisturize the skin, reduce discomfort and encourage healing.
  •         Green Clay soap is especially suitable for oily skins and acne. It helps to control sebum production, to close the pores and to improve the appearance of the dermis.
  •         Another equally effective natural option is green tea soap, which helps to control the fat in the skin, guaranteeing an effective cleaning.

  •     Once you have the product of your choice handy, then you must follow step by step recommendations to clean the face with acne:
  •         Use warm water, never wipe your face with hot water. Start by rinsing your skin and then apply the soap or lotion.
  •         You must apply the product using circular smooth movements that allow the removal of dirt without damaging your dermis. Never rub your skin, nor use your fingernails or apply too much force.
  •         Remove the cleaning product with water.
  •         Dry the face with a cotton towel giving soft touches. Never rub the towel against your skin as this increases the sensitivity of it, remember that you have a delicate dermis, treat as such.

  •     When it comes to wiping the face with acne It is important to take into account some basic recommendations:
  •         Avoid alcohol products unless indicated by your dermatologist, this type of cosmetics dry the skin and can cause irritation.
  •         Never use cream products or oils to clean your skin with acne, they will increase the presence of fat in the face can worsen the problem.
  •         Always try to use a clean, soft towel to dry your skin.
  •         It is important that you avoid touching your face frequently and keep your hair away from your face. These habits increase the presence of tallow increasing the problem of acne.
  •         Use makeup and cosmetics suitable for oily skin, never use oil-based products or your acne problem can increase.

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