Monday, April 22, 2019

Yardley London English Lavender with Essential Oils Soap Bar, 4.25 oz Bar (Pack of 2)

How to choose the perfect Asepxia soap according to your skin type

Because our skin is bombarded daily with external factors such as UV rays from the sun, dry wind, cold, bacteria and dirt, our distant ancestors quickly learned that preserving the health of the skin is a better way of life and longer. "As our civilization slowly evolved from the Stone Age to modern times, advances in technology, chemistry and medicine allowed the emergence of soap, a multipurpose cleaning tool for skin, clothing and the most exposed areas" .

Yardley London English Lavender with Essential Oils Soap Bar, 4.25 oz Bar (Pack of 2)
Yardley London English Lavender with Essential Oils Soap Bar, 4.25 oz Bar (Pack of 2)

Asepxia has a whole line specially designed to prevent the formation of acne according to the type of skin you have.

Asepxia Astringent Moisturizing Soap, which has glycolic acid that moisturizes the epidermis and provides luminocity while salicylic acid works as a cellular renewal of the skin.

Asepxia Neutral Soap is the best since it sweeps all imperfections without drying or irritating. Hypoallergenic, provides special care for this type of skin.

Asepxia Soap Sulfur is ideal to attack those imperfections found in the most common areas of the face (around the nose, chin and forehead) and eliminate excess fat. It refines the pores, restores the luminosity and renews the appearance of the skin softening it. Another alternative is Asepxia Natural Soap that cleans the clogged pores without drying the skin. It has Vitamin E that moisturizes the skin.

Asepxia Soap Forte. Perfect for a deep cleansing treatment that not only removes dead cells, but also removes grease and keeps it clean and free of imperfections. We also recommend Asepxia Herbal Soap because it has an exact combination of assets to achieve a unique complexion.

Asepxia Exfoliating Soap contains exfoliating microparticles to eliminate dead skin cells and provides a fresh and healthy appearance. It is essential to take a complete exfoliation once or twice a week.