Monday, April 22, 2019

Blue Agave Bar Soap with Mexican Lime, Vegan, All Natural with Organic Ingredients, Handmade by A Wild Soap Bar

Salt baths: how to purify your body with salt?

When you feel your body charged with discordant energies that threaten to break your harmonious state, making you feel exhausted, worn out and without the courage to continue, nothing better than performing one of the many salt baths to restore the natural energy field.

Blue Agave Bar Soap with Mexican Lime, Vegan, All Natural with Organic Ingredients, Handmade by A Wild Soap Bar
Blue Agave Bar Soap with Mexican Lime, Vegan, All Natural with Organic Ingredients, Handmade by A Wild Soap Bar

Salt is an energy cleaner par excellence, recognized throughout the centuries. Its multiple properties go beyond the modest use it is given in modern kitchens.

Dealing with people in convalescence, working in conflictive environments or with high traffic of people, situations of high stress and even the envy of others, can charge you with negative energy.

Here we show you how to cancel that sensation using salt baths.


For the two types of salt baths that we will recommend in this article, you can use prepared salts that are easy to buy in any store in the esoteric branch, or simply a little sea salt.

For those who have a bathtub or tub in the toilet of their residence, it is recommended first to bathe regularly. After that point, clean the bathtub, add the salts (prepared or natural) and then water.

The water must be hot and then add cold water little by little, until it reaches a comfortable temperature for you. The prepared salts tend to dissolve, the natural one is more difficult to integrate.

To avoid accidents or discomfort, we recommend placing the salt on the lower end of the tub, opposite the side where you will sit. The measure of natural salt, for tub baths, can be half a kilo and up to a full one.

Prepared the salt bath, enter the bathtub and let the water run through your body. Visualize how negative energy is dragged away from you, by the action of water and salt. You can also visualize a white light that covers your body and help with the process.

Leave the bathtub when the water is cold. Let the water and salt residues come out through the drain, in its entirety (the bathtub should be clean when finished). Dry yourself with a cotton towel or preferably let your body dry in the air, unless the weather is cold.

Light a small white candle in gratitude to your guides and protectors, for acting in the ritual and offering your protection.


salt baths in the shower

You can also do salt baths in the shower, otherwise you have a bathtub in your home. For this case, you only need the amount of salt you can hold in the closed fist of your dominant hand (the one you write with).

Again it can be natural sea salt or prepared in esoteric houses. You perform your normal cleaning routine, and at the end you take a fist of salt. Proceed to run your hand through your body, as if holding the soap.

Important: what will touch your body will be the closed hand. Salt will never touch your skin. While performing the movements, as if you were applying soap, visualize the salt absorbing all the negativity that afflicts you.

When you finish tracing your body, drop the salt down the drain. Stand under the open shower, one minute, and go. As in the baths in the tub, you can dry in the air or with a natural fiber towel. We recommend ending the ritual, lighting a thank-you candle for your guides and protectors.