Monday, April 29, 2019



How many times have we entered a service, in a house or in some elegant offices and we have encountered those nasty yellow spots on the toilet, sometimes with a more intense color remarking the water level, if we knew how easy it is to get rid of They were sure that we had made them disappear for a while. The fact is, they're there and they don't look good.

Toilet Bowl Ring Remove Product

  • White vinegar
  • Nylon Bath Brush
  • Coke
  • Bleach or Clórox (Bleach for Hispanic America)
  • Sandpaper (for grandma's trick)

Note: Always wear gloves throughout the procedure and in the final part of the finish to clean the chair (which few people do) and around the toilet; At the end you should wash your hands when working in places in the home that may have more microbes.
Make the first step the night before.

TO REMOVE Stains Yellows TOILET Bowl:

1. Discharge the cistern and when the water settles and will not use it any more, pour a cup of white vinegar (this is the type of vinegar that has the expected effect) and let it rest overnight.

2. In the morning, scrubbing with the brush or nylon brushes, if you have gloves with a nylon brush will do a lot more strength against the stain, but some people still with gloves do not dare to put your hand inside the toilet bowl.

3. Pour a can of Coca Cola into the toilet bowl and let it sit inside for at least one hour. Unload the toilet and clean the toilet bowl and with a nylon brush the rest of the day use your bathroom as usual.

4. Pour a cup of chlorine bleach into the container and leave all night. In the morning, the stain will be gone.
Although it seems a little wasteful that spend two nights, it is very important to remember that these stains last years in the homes without anyone doing anything, the two nights make "loosen" the mark better.

5. If you see any traces, moisten a little Vanish on the brush and rub a little more vigorously.

Granny Trick to remove the water level mark in the toilet bowl:
Moisten a pumice stone without any product or foam so you can see well through the water and begin rubbing the stain gently with the stone; Make it very soft and without pressing too much, this solution is extreme and we know that the pumice is very abrasive and can scratch the toilet.

Thank you for consulting our easy and economical procedures.

Remove the yellow stains from the bathtub

After a long day it is nice to go home, rest and take a relaxing and warm bath. Soothes the muscles, soothes the mind and magically helps a stressful day fly away.

But how relaxing can your bathroom really be if you are greeted with unpleasant yellow spots? Yuck!

With a little help from Benjamin Franklin's PLUMBing Bay area, this DIY guide provides an effective method to clean a colorful tub – so you don't have to think twice about going into your hot tub!

Remove stains from the tub: follow these simple steps

Before jumping straight into the tub cleaning mode, it is important to consider the type of bathtub you have when it comes to bathroom PLUMBing.

You need to determine if it is porcelain, enamel or acrylic because you don't want to make the stain even worse by using an improper cleaning strategy!

If you have a porcelain bathtub, pour some Ajax or kite directly into the tub stain (enough to cover it completely). Add some water and rub with the abrasive side of a sponge. If you rinse the affected area and still see a defect, use a pumice stone to lift the rest of the stain.

If your tub is made of enamel, pour a generous amount of shampoo that you use for your hair directly in the dislocated area. Let stand for a few minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water. The stain should disappear since discoloration is probably caused by an accumulation of human oils that the shampoo can face.

If your house has an acrylic bathtub that has a stain or two, try applying a mixture of water and vinegar to the affected area. Then let it sit and suck for about 45 minutes. Continue soaking with a good sponge to rub and rinse with lukewarm water.