Monday, April 29, 2019

Our Own Candle Company Goat's Milk Bar Soap, Summer Night, 4 oz (3 Pack)

Coconut soap Discover its properties and qualities

Coconut Soap is a product of natural origin, highly appreciated for its cosmetic and esoteric properties. The particular aroma, associated with the fruit of the coconut tree, was considered an aphrodisiac by ancient tribal cultures.

Our Own Candle Company Goat's Milk Bar Soap, Summer Night, 4 oz (3 Pack)
Our Own Candle Company Goat's Milk Bar Soap, Summer Night, 4 oz (3 Pack)

Elaborated with different ingredients, the formula of the coconut soap can vary depending on whether it was elaborated in artisanal or industrial form. In either case, the main component of the mixture is coconut oil.

It is possible to find coconut soap bars in some perfumeries, pharmacies and supermarkets, but it is usually the most processed versions. In naturist shops, botanicals and esoteric houses you will get handmade soaps, or with a lesser quantity of chemical ingredients.

Cosmetic qualities of coconut soap

Among the cosmetic qualities, we have:

  •     Cleans the skin fat, in depth
  •     Combat microbes, bacteria and impurities, causing skin diseases
  •     It is an excellent soft exfoliator or complement in exfoliation processes
  •     It works as a body deodorant (depends on the type of perspiration of the user)

Esoteric properties of coconut soap

In the esoteric world, coconut soap is used as a purifying agent to clean up negative energies, which affect the aura, physical body and spiritual balance of the user. It is also used as an element of loving attraction.

Coconut soap is employed by workers of the occult, before or after the execution of rituals and consultation sessions, to counteract the presence of astral parasites, entities and negativity.

Ritual purification or attraction baths can also be prepared using water and coconut soap. This type of rites are usually accompanied by visualization exercises and anointing with coconut oil.

Santeria and Venezuelan spiritism are some of the spiritual currents, which privilege the use of coconut soap, as an element of purification and cleanliness, which exerts its influence in both the physical body and the astral.

Coconut Soap Ritual

To purify the aura and cancel the negative energies, I recommend this simple and practical ritual, which you can do in the tranquility of your home, with a small bar of soap.

The Rite consists of bathing with coconut soap, for 7 nightsin a row. At the end of the seven-day cycle, throw the soap bar in the corresponding waste bins.

The bath with the coconut soap, you can do it after using your usual personal hygiene products. While you rub with the soap, remember to visualize that the negative energies are detached from your body and go through the drainage.

Take the foam out of the soap from your body. Dry yourself with a clean towel (with small touches, not squeeze the skin), and finish the ritual by placing in your body a little essential oil, with a citrus base, to seal.

When you perform cleaning rituals with coconut soap, once the rite is finished you must throw the bar. I mean, if it's a one-day clean-up, you bathe in soap that day, and then you throw it away.

If on the contrary, you perform a ritual of 7 or 9 days, then once the selected cycle is completed, you will throw the element. This does not apply to cases where coconut soap is used for cosmetic purposes.

It is important to note that when spiritual cleansing is performed using only coconut soap (as the main ingredient), rituals must take place at night (preferably before bedtime).

Whereas if it is a step before or after a major rite or esoteric consultation, coconut soap can be used as a purifying agent, at any time of the day.

Eye: The soap you use to purify yourself, you only have to use it, or else you can transfer harmful energies to the other person.