Monday, April 22, 2019

How to remove blue rings from a toilet bowl

How to remove blue rings from a toilet bowl

Blue rings in the toilet bowl are usually caused by deposits of minerals that are present in the water. Copper is the common culprit of blue or greenish stains. These stains can make your toilet to be old and dirty. Fortunately, there is no need to live with these unpleasant looking spots. With a few common household items and a little hard work, you can remove the blue rings and restore the look of the toilet bowl.

Toilet Bowl Ring Remove Product


1 Pull the chain and allow the container to fill with clean water.

2 Pour 2 to 3 cups of white vinegar into the toilet bowl. Rub the toilet bowl with the mixture of water and vinegar and a toilet washer. Allow the vinegar to sit in the bowl for 20 minutes.

3 Scrub the toilet bowl once more with the water and vinegar mixture and an odorless scrubber. Pull the chain and allow the container to fill with clean water.

4 Pour 2 cups of ammonia into the toilet bowl. Scrub the blue rings with the ammonia-water mixture and a toilet scrubber. Let the mixture sit in the container for 15 minutes.

5 Scrub cleans the toilet bowl with the ammonia-water mixture and the scrubber. Scrub until the blue rings are no longer visible. If necessary, allow the ammonia-water mixture to sit for an extended period of time.

6 Pull the chain to rinse the container. Let it fill with clean water.

7 Clean toilet bowl every week with white vinegar or a commercial toilet cleaner.

Tips and warnings

  •     Alternatively, empty as much water as possible and scrub the blue rings with a wet pumice stone.
  •     Never mix ammonia with chlorine or products that contain chlorine. The resulting vapors are toxic.