Sunday, April 28, 2019

How to remove the lid of the toilet bowl

How to remove the lid of the toilet bowl

The problems with the toilet and the cistern are quite unpleasant in their essence. One of the most common problems is water leakage to the toilet through the tank. In this case, the question becomes relevant: how to remove the toilet cistern cover without damaging anything? Although the toilet designs of different manufacturers differ from one another, they have a general principle according to which we consider this problem.

Toilet Bowl Ring Remove Product

Most of the time, a button is found in the cisterns of the latest toilet models, which can be solid or composite. This is what prevents the cistern cover from rising easily. If the toilet is older, simply lift the lid. Sometimes it is necessary to remove the upper part of the trigger.

Many believe that the tank with the button itself cannot be disassembled. It is not difficult to open the tank, the main thing is to understand its design.

Tools Required

Before removing the tank, you must prepare the following tools, without which you cannot make repairs:

  •     A pair of screwdrivers of different sizes;
  •     You may need pliers.

  • Instructions for new tank types.
  • Nuevos tanques tipo

Then consider the tank analysis scheme in the example of the "Ido" tank manufacturer and similar with the plumbing fixtures:

  •     Using a screwdriver, it is necessary to gently rotate the ring around the knob in the opposite direction of rotation clockwise so as not to scratch the top of the tank.
  •     When the ring is moved, you can continue to twist it with your hands, without a screwdriver, it will no longer be necessary.
  •     Unscrewing the ring, which must resemble the plastic cylinder externally, we recovered it.
  •     After removing the ring, you can lift the lid slightly. In this state, turn it 90 ° so that it is on the other side of the tank; This position will remove the clothing clip located on both sides of the button. It's this clip for clothes and it holds the button.
  •     The clamp must be unscrewed.
  •     After removing the clothes clips, the tank cap will be removed without any problems. The tank is then repaired and its operation is checked without a lid. If all works well, the system can be assembled in reverse order.

    Tip Remove the lid from the tank, put it on something flat, preferably not under your feet and not on the toilet itself-a cover where the lid will not break so that it can be safely installed in the tank after repairs.

Retirar la tapa del depósito con dos botones.

And here's how you need to remove the cover from the tanks, which have double buttons:

  •     First, press the middle button, then a small slot is found inside the other half.
  •     With a screwdriver, you must cling to this slot and remove a portion of the button, after the disassembly you can get in the second.
  •     In the hole you can see the slotted screw, which is part of the fixing of the tank cap; You must unscrew it.
  •     After unscrewing the screw, it will be possible to lift the cover slightly and turn it 90 °. By analogy with the above instructions, you must remove the double-sided garment clamp, after which the cover will be removed.
  •     By removing the lid in a safe place, you can fix the valve or leak and then collect everything as it was, but in reverse order.

    Tip When servicing the plumbing in the bathroom, be careful to remember the safety rules. In short, all the details of the washing mechanism during the repair work, which I will get, should be stored in a place where they do not fall out and get lost, nor under their feet. Be sure to make sure that access to these parts does not have small children and pets that can swallow or drag something.

Even before the start of the repair, the water supply to the tank must be cut, otherwise it cannot be prevented from filling during the repair of the system. Water can include only the one that repairs the drainage system, or the one that this person requests. In addition, water is usually only included to check the system, and once the person is convinced that everything is working properly.

Options to remove the covers.

Opciones para retirar las cubiertas.

Some models of tanks are made so that the cover can be removed without problems, because in such systems the button is not part of the cover. And what to do in cases where the above instructions are not adequate? Consider several options.

If it is not so easy to open the tank lid, you can try to unscrew the cork screwed into the mechanism responsible for drainage. Along the circumference of the button is a chrome-plated plastic ring, which must be unscrewed counterclockwise. It may happen that a small effort is not enough; Then you should apply a little more force while trying not to break the ring. However, most likely the button after a "strong" repair has to be replaced.

If, after lifting the lid, you can hear how the water drains, it means that in this design a chain is attached to the button, which is attached to the drain valve. You can remove the chain for convenience, but it is important to remember and note where it was attached to the valve. If this is not done, it will take a long and painful time to select the length of the chain for optimal drainage. When the chain is disconnected, it is safe and smooth to repair the tank.

The most important thing in repairing tanks is to remember to follow the advice given in this article and do nothing with brute force. The principle "There is strength-the mind is not necessary" is not for this case, because the force can damage the thin plastic elements of the drainage system.