Friday, April 26, 2019

How to remove plaque from the bathroom quickly and effortlessly

How to remove plaque from the bathroom quickly and effortlessly

The tartar cleaning tricks you should know

Eliminating tartar is not a simple task, much less, but it is something you must do to keep your bathroom clean and prevent it from spoiling. The tartar over time eats the surfaces and ends up damaging them permanently, avoid this by doing a complete scale cleaning.

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How to remove tartar from the bathroom is a question that you have asked yourself more than once, I am sure of that. In all the bathrooms it is joined due to the presence of tartar in the water that is in contact with the bath surfaces, whether they are sinks, showers, toilets and even on the floor and walls. But all this is a thing of the past, since here you will find tips to eliminate tartar at home quickly.

Water scale is produced by the high concentrations of bicarbonates, magnesium carbonates and calcium it may contain. It is also known as hard water and is the cause of calcareous incrustations that are generated in pipes and bathroom elements, hot water tanks and others.

Scale accumulates as hard water circulates through the pipes and comes in contact with your bathtub, wash and toilet . The calcium that the water contains crystallizes , the crystals that are produced that adhere to the surfaces, being able to have destructive consequences in the medium and long term.

If you live in an area where the water is hard permanently, the best thing you can do is use elimination operations such as softening and softening the water . Anyway, once the damage is done or the water is hard only for ages you should remove tartar at home and there are different tricks that can help you in this task without damaging your surfaces .

The best tricks to remove tartar from the bathroom


The first step you must take is to clean the pipes in your bathroom. Since it is here where the scale passes to your toilet, walls, sinks and floors. How to clean a pipe is a simple task, but its solution is not permanent, you must carry out weekly or monthly cleanings to remove scale from pipes and avoid damaging your bathroom.

There are many tricks to clean your pipes, but these are the definitive ones: with vinegar or with salt, always accompanied by baking soda. Choose the one you want and you will be able to remove scale from pipes quickly.

  •     White vinegar You only need three ingredients: bicarbonate, white vinegar and water to boil . Start by placing the baking soda in the pipe and then pour in the vinegar and hot water. Leave on for 15 minutes and throw in hot water again.
  •     Salt. Mix half a cup of baking soda and a half of salt with a little hot water. Throw the mixture in the pipe and let it act for a whole night, without opening the taps.


Water circulates continuously in the toilet or toilet, which causes large clumps of tartar to be generated easily. However, how to eliminate plaque from the toilet is a relatively simple task and with these two tricks you will definitely eliminate tartar from water.

  •     Vinegar and lemon A cleaner of white vinegar and lemon will not only remove the tartar, but it will deeply clean your toilet, leaving a delicious citrus fragrance. Mix half a cup of white vinegar with a lemon juice. Apply with a cloth or sponge and let act a few minutes. Then clean the toilet with warm water to remove the tartar debris.
  •     Cola drink. Surely you have already read on the internet that cola is used to clean pipes because of its abrasive power, because today you can take advantage of it. You need a can of cola drink, a cup of white vinegar and three tablespoons of baking soda . Start by pouring the soda into the toilet, let it act for half an hour and brush the surface, then add the vinegar and bicarbonate, it will generate an effervescent effect, let it act and rub again. Rinse with hot water.


The walls of the bathroom are usually stained with mold and moisture , but how to remove tartar from the walls of the bathroom is another problem that these can bring. Generally, the walls of the bathroom are covered with tiles, which makes cleaning easier, although they can also be painted walls. Here you will find a trick for each of them and thus eliminate tartar in the water.

  •     Peroxide. If there is an effective ingredient for cleaning tartar, this is oxygenated water, as it can easily rinse surfaces. Mix half a cup of baking soda, two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide and juice of a lemon . You can use this trick with care on the walls and with tranquility in the tiles. You must make a paste with all the ingredients, apply on the surface, leave on for 20 minutes and stir.
  •     Vinegar. You can also rely on the power of vinegar to clean your walls, as long as they are tiled, as you could damage the paint. Apply with a cloth vinegar mixed with warm water, let it act 20 minutes and rinse with warm water again.


If you use a lot of sinks and more when there is a small loss of water in the faucets, it is normal for tartar to accumulate. But do not worry, here you will find two tricks of how to remove tartar from the sink and you can start testing them right now.

  •     Pumice. Moisten a pumice stone in warm water and rub over the parts where you see tartar. You must be careful to avoid damaging the surface.
  •     Sodium bicarbonate. Mix baking soda with hot water until it forms a paste. Apply in the areas with tartar, let act half an hour and remove the remains with a sponge soaked in warm water to remove tartar.


Mainly when there is water loss or you have to clean a bathroom that has been abandoned for a while (as it happens when you move), the floors can be stained with scale. This gives an unpleasant aspect, but not anymore, because here you will find the best trick on how to remove tartar from the floor of the bathroom .

  •     Borax. You need 1 cup of white vinegar, 4 tablespoons of borax and one liter of hot water . Start by passing the white vinegar mixed with hot water as if you were mopping the floor. Then add the borax in the areas where the tartar is concentrated (always use gloves, mask and ventilate the environment) and brush. Leave on for half an hour and rinse with hot water.
  •     Sodium bicarbonate. Another option, if you do not want to use borax, is to replace it with sodium bicarbonate. However, if the problem is serious you should opt for the most abrasive option that is borax to remove hard tartar. If you want to use baking soda you can use four tablespoons or more if necessary .

Removing tartar from the bathroom is a task that can take time, but the best thing is that, although there are tricks recommended for certain parts of the bathroom, all can be used in the bathtub, floors, toilet, sink and tiles. You just have to be careful with the walls, since you could damage them and you will have to repaint them.

How to prepare a homemade tartar remover

As you have seen there are many home ingredients that will help you eliminate tartar . But here you will find the definitive recipe for a homemade tartar remover for almost all types of surfaces.

  •     Half a cup of white vinegar
  •     5 tablespoons of baking soda
  •     Half a cup of hydrogen peroxide
  •     A cup of hot water


  •     Mixed vinegar mixed with oxygenated water.
  •     Then add the hot water (to the point of boiling) and finally the baking soda.
  •     Store everything in a bottle or container with a lid and that's it, you have your homemade tartar removed.

More tricks for your bathroom

Removing scale in the bathroom is not the only challenge you will face when cleaning this area of ​​the home. Cleaning tartar is just one of the steps you must follow to have a clean bathroom. Here you will find more tricks so that each time you clean it, it will be shiny and free of odors .

  •     For cleaning . Each part of the bathroom requires a different kind of attention at the time of cleaning. The bathtub, mirrors and toilet are not cleaned in the same way and everyone has their tricks to be gleaming.
  •     For smells . If there is something that characterizes the bathrooms, it is the bad smell that they can lodge. But that is a thing of the past because there are some special tricks to eliminate the unpleasant smell and leave your bathroom with a delicious aroma.
  •     For artifacts . Disinfect, clean drains, toilet lid and remove stains from surfaces are some of the actions you must take to keep your bathroom clean. Know the best ideas to make it perfect.