Monday, April 22, 2019

Bath & Body Works 2-Pack Stress Relief Body Bar - Eucalyptus & Spearmint

13 natural cleaning products you can do at home

Prepare these homemade cleaning products with ingredients that you already have in the pantry. Clean any surface of your house naturally and without toxic!

Bath & Body Works 2-Pack Stress Relief Body Bar - Eucalyptus & Spearmint
Bath & Body Works 2-Pack Stress Relief Body Bar - Eucalyptus & Spearmint

The most used cleaning products contain toxic chemical ingredients: phthalates, perchlorethylene, 2-butoxyethanol ...

Contact with these synthetic ingredients poses serious health risks. For example, phthalates are endocrine disruptors, alter the hormonal balance. They are present in all those products with "fragrances" and "perfumes", from multi-purpose cleaners to dishwashers. And also in many personal hygiene items.

13 homemade detergents to clean the entire house
It is very easy to prepare homemade cleaners based on natural products.

Sodium bicarbonate is used to clean, deodorize, soften water, dissolve dirt and grease, eliminate odors ... and does not scratch surfaces.

With lemon juice you not only end up with fungi and mold, but it also serves to whiten your clothes and aromatize them naturally.

Always have a natural vegetable soap on hand. It can be glycerin, coconut, Marseille, in tablets, liquid, in flakes ... It is biodegradable and serves everything.

White vinegar is very versatile. Get rid of bacteria and fat. Eliminates mold, odors and stains.

1. Multi-purpose cleaner
Mix white vinegar and water in equal parts in a spray and add a few drops of tea tree essential oil.

You can use it on metals, tiles, polished surfaces ...

2. Glittering floors
To clean terrazzo or ceramic floors, add 1 cup of white vinegar to 4 liters of water.

If you have parquet, dilute 1 tablespoon of potassium soap in 5 liters of water and then pass a dry mop.

3. Window cleaner
Mix vinegar and water in equal parts, add salt.

Then dry with newspaper.

4. Very natural air freshener

In 1 liter of water boil 1 lemon sliced, vanilla and 1 branch of rosemary.

Once cold, strain and fill the sprayer. You will enjoy a refreshing and natural aroma.

5. For countertops and surfaces of household appliances
You can clean all these surfaces directly with hydrogen peroxide.

Spray and then pass a cloth.

Ask yourself these 3 questions before buying kitchen utensils


Ask yourself these 3 questions before buying kitchen utensils

6. Cutting boards and sinks
In this case we will also use vinegar.

Spray first with hydrogen peroxide and then with vinegar.

7. Grease remover for ovens
The grease that sticks to the walls of the oven is really difficult to remove.

The bicarbonate is a great alternative to conventional cleaners, very toxic and aggressive.

Use 200 grams of baking soda and mix with water until a thick paste is obtained. Extend it on the walls of the oven, especially the bottom one. Leave on all night.

8. Brightener for wood
Make a polish for your furniture with 15 milliliters of olive oil, the juice of a lemon and 15 milliliters of water.

Shake the mixture and spray.

To remove the dust, use microfiber or moistened cotton.

9. Carpet stain remover
The ingredients for this stain remover are: 15 milliliters of white vinegar, 30 milliliters of hot water and baking soda or corn starch.

Mix the vinegar with water and spray over the spots.

Then sprinkle some baking soda or corn starch on the carpet and vacuum.

10. Cleaner and descaler for the toilet
Use 1 cup of baking soda and 1 cup of white vinegar.

Spread the baking soda and let it act for one hour. Then pour vinegar and leave for 5 minutes. Rub well with the brush.

11. Antical and cleaner for taps and tiles
Thread half a lemon in the mouth of the tap and let it act against the lime.

Put a few drops of lemon on a cotton ball and clean the chrome. Wait 1 hour before clarifying.

For the tiles mix vinegar and water in equal parts.

12. Laundry detergent

The ingredients are: 2 bars of natural soap, 2 cups of borax, 2 cups of baking soda, 9 liters of water and 15 ml of essential oil to taste.

Grate the soap and boil it in a liter of water. Mix borax and bicarbonate. Add everything to 8 liters of water and aromatize with the essential oil.

13. Fabric softener

Use 5 liters of white vinegar and 30-40 drops of lavender or rosemary essential oil.

Mix it and use half a cup per wash.