Monday, April 29, 2019

Auromere Sandal Turmeric Bar Soap (6 Pack)

How to properly wash the genitals

Both female and male genitalia require specific and differentiated care from those of the rest of the body.

We respond to Ruben, partner and reader of

Ruben writes US an email with the following concern: "The other day after a football Game 7 we discussed with a colleague about whether it is convenient to wash your genitals with or without soap, as I think it can be aggressive to the skin of this area , who is very sensitive, but he insisted that he did. In the end I was left with the doubt: what is the correct way to wash? "

Auromere Sandal Turmeric Bar Soap (6 Pack)
Auromere Sandal Turmeric Bar Soap (6 Pack)

To respond to Ruben it is first to explain that for the daily shower, some dermatologists warn that excess soaps, especially if they Have acid pH, can be detrimental to the flora of our skin and ensure that many times Just pass the hot water to clean the sweat salts and revitalize the muscles.

However, there are certain areas where it is advisable to take special care; One of them is the scalp, given the fatty secretions of the follicles, and another is the genitals or rather the perineal area , which comprises the organs excretory, sexual and the area of the anus. It is an area of oily and retractable skin, especially delicate and given to the folds, where there can be traces of moisture and there are ideal secretions to grow fungi or bacteria.

Therefore you have to be especially careful in the genital areas. We have asked Dr. Maria Rosa Martí Muns, dermatologist specialized venereology and genital hygiene, who has told us that "this is an area in which it is necessary to apply soap every time we duchemos, both women and men", because it is important Ensure their absolute hygiene.

Female genitalia

In the case of female genitalia, Dr. Martí explains that "young women can use normal body soaps, with adequately acid pH, but premenstrual or a certain age, that approach menopause, is better to opt for Neutral pH soap because it is less aggressive with its vaginal flora, as well as with the skin of the lips, which can be further dried. "

The doctor warns that "the first thing to wash with soap and water is the anus, for precaution, and then the vulva; In addition, to ensure that we do not pass fungus and bacteria from the area to the genital, we must always wash from the frontto the back. " And in the same way it is necessary to proceed in the drying, "with a different towel than the rest of the body and making sure never to dry the vulva with the same piece with which we dry the anus".

Once the area is properly dry, "taking care of all the creases", it is optional to apply moisturizing cream "depending on the type of skin of each"; If we tend to dry skin, which can favor allergies and even skin infections, it is better to use a cream that gives us hydration and protection. Now, if we are of oily skin, an excess of cream can favor the humidity, the sores and therefore the infections.

In general, the Doctor advises "a cream not too fat, hypoallergenic-that does not produce allergies-and that favors, or at least not attack, the vaginal flora. With regard to whether to wash more frequently during menstruation, the Doctor believes that it is not necessary whenever compresses, caps or even the menstrual cupare used properly. She is also not in favour of applying talcum powder "because they are suspected of increasing the risk of ovarian cancer."

It does not recommend the frequent vaginal showers in the bidet because "we end up attacking the vaginal flora, which produces an imbalance that favors fungi and infectious bacteria"; In other words, an excess of neatness can be detrimental to the dessert. Finally the dermatologist insists that "if we want to dry after urinating, or because we have urine losses, we should always do it from front to back."

Male genitalia

Although sexist legends and prejudices ensure that the female genitals smell worse than males, it seems often the opposite. "Many men avoid applying soap in the genital area and especially if they are not circumcised perpetuate the bad odour caused by the secretions of glands at the base of the glans,where it connects to the foreskin. "

These secretions, known as esmegma, are highly unguents such and have protective function, but if they are not washed with soap, because they are fat, become rancid and Stink, in addition to being susceptible to cause irritation and allergies. Therefore, it is important that we pull back the foreskin, discovering the glans, and apply soap and water to remove the remains of Esmegma.

Then we will proceed to dry the area properly to avoid traces of moisture that favour the growth of fungi, although, according to the doctor, "we should not apply moisturizing creams in the area, because the skin is very fine and favoreceríamos the sores; Nor talcum powder, which can be excessively desiccant and give rise to rashes: just dry with a towel. "

As for the rest of the genitals, the doctor recommends to apply soap and water to the outside of the penis and scrotum, by the closeness of the anus, and dry well with a separate towel from the rest of the body, paying special attention to the folds Inguinales, where infections can be caused by rubbing with clothing or by practicing sports.

With regard to the application of moisturizing creams, they are advised to avoid that excessive dryness generated by the soap causes allergies and urticaria, or eruptions that promote the entry of bacteria and dermal fungi peculiar to the genital area. Finally, Dr. Martí prevents any attempt to shave the pubic hair, because "it is a fundamental natural protection".


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