Monday, April 29, 2019

Pears Transparent Soap Bar with Natural Oil-12 Bars-2.64 OZ Each

How to Eliminate Acne With Blue Soap?

Having pimples and grains on your face motivates you to try any treatment that is effective and how to remove acne with blue soap is one of the questions that usually appear with some frequency, so here we will give you an answer.

Pears Transparent Soap Bar with Natural Oil-12 Bars-2.64 OZ Each
Pears Transparent Soap Bar with Natural Oil-12 Bars-2.64 OZ Each

Blue soap has effective healing and antibacterial properties, which is why I recommend your use to treat pimples and pimples on your face and other areas of the body.

To use the blue soap in order to remove acne you need to take into account some very important steps for your application and then I will tell you how you should do it.

In addition in this article I will give you other alternatives to control and eliminate acne because you can use many homemade treatments, you also have to read the tips for care of your skin when you have acne.

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How to remove acne with blue soap Step by step

In order to eliminate the grains and blackheads with the blue soap you have to take into account the step by step for the treatment to be very effective, you know the procedure then:

Step 1: Exfoliation.

Before applying the blue soap for the first time you need to exfoliate your skin with acne, this first step allows the deep cleaning of the pores of your skin.

Know the method to remove root acne. Click here

The exfoliation is to apply a cream with lumpy particles that eliminate the residue of dead cells, if you do not have an exfoliator at home you can add a little salt to any cream and clean your skin with this mixture.

Step 2: Steam exposure.

After exfoliating your skin you need to make a steam exposure so that your pores open up so they can be prepared to receive the healing effect of the blue soap.

When you have acne in your face or in any area of the body like the chest or back, the pores of your skin are taponeadosed by the excess fat produced by the sebaceous glands in addition to the dirty and external fat of the skin.

Step 3: Applying blue soap.

Once you have done the two above steps you must apply the blue soap as follows: You must moisten the soap with a little water and rub it in your hands, then with circular motions applied to your face.

You should let the blue soap dry on your face and wait 10 minutes for its healing and antibacterial effect to make your process in grains and pimples. After this time remove with warm water and dry your face very well.

Recommendations of how to use blue soap for Acne

It is important that you consider these recommendations or tips when using blue soap as a treatment for acne:

  •     In treatment with blue soap It should be done twice a day, in the morning and at night before bedtime.
  •     Exfoliation should not be done more than twice a week.
  •     The soap must be of quality or the best that exists in your country.
  •     Select the one that is without fragrance, that is to say that it does not contain odor or any additional. The traditional is the most recommended.
  •     You can use other alternative treatments to this one because there are no side effects.
  •     It is very important that the treatment is done in a constant and judicious way so that you can appreciate the results.
  •     If you see any unfavourable reaction then suspend the treatment immediately.
  •     You can use a moisturizing facial cream after applying the blue soap but it does not contain oils like almond or coconut, because you are avoiding the fat in your skin.

Other remedies to remove acne

There are treatments that can be alternated with the use of blue soap, in fact after using the blue soap You can use some moisturizing cream antiacne so you can remove the grains and pimples much faster.

I am informing you some homemade remedies that you can make to disappear those pimples and pimples that are an unsightly problem in your skin.

    Antiacne cream with cucumber and honey.

The cucumber is a natural astringent that will balance the fat in your skin and the honey gives you softness in the face. I'm informing you about the simple way to prepare it.

You need: a cucumber with no crust and two tablespoons of honey.


The first step is to wash the cucumber very well, then you must remove the rind and the internal seeds, then you need to cut into pieces to put it in the blender. Add the cucumber and you must liquefy, you do not need to add water.

Add the liquefied Pepeno in a bowl and then add the two tablespoons of honey and mix very well.

How to use:

Once you have your skin clean, before you go to bed apply this mixture all over your face or the area where you have the acne, let it dry in your skin and retire after 15 minutes with fresh water.

It dries your face very well. This cream can be applied every night or you can alternate with other treatments.

    Aloe Vera Antiacne Gel.

This plant is essential in the treatments to fight the acne, its antibacterial and astringent composition has a blotting effect in the grains and in this way it helps to eliminate the acne.

To prepare this gel you only need the green stem of aloe vera. I'll indicate how to extract the gel.


Once you have the stem, you wash it very well, then proceed to cut or remove the skin of the stem carefully, I recommend that you do it in half and then with the knife extra the crystalline pulp of aloe vera.

How to apply:

You need to have your face clean and dry. Then you must apply the Aloe vera pulp on your face so that the pulp gel stays in your skin. Allow to dry naturally and then wait 15 minutes to remove with plenty of fresh water.

It dries your face very well. This gel is ideal to apply at night just before bedtime, you can use it three times a week with an intercropped day.

Do not miss: How to remove acne with baking soda
Tips for taking care of your face with acne

The skin care of your face is my important to avoid the appearance of new pimples and pimples, I indicate the following tips that will give your skin many benefits:

  •     Water consumption should be constant, there is no other moisturizer more effective than ingesting this vital fluid and also provides you with other benefits in your body.
  •     It consumes foods rich in vitamin A, E and D so that your skin has the necessary contributions of its nutrients, in addition they strengthen the immune system of your skin to fight the bacteria that aggravate the acne.
  •     Use the treatments correctly for acne, that way the results will be very positive and you can get rid of this bad unsightly in a short time.
  •     Use the indicated creams for your skin type.
  •     Don't forget to clean the skin very well twice a day.
  •     To achieve favorable results in your skin using blue soap You must do it the way described above and be consistent in its use.