Monday, April 29, 2019

MIXED SCENTS: Case of 12 bars Pre de Provence 250g - Customize with your Choice of Scents

Natural body cleaning products for a non-toxic home

I remember my mother warming vinegar in a pot when her cleaning resisted.

It was effective. Although I had no marketing campaign behind promising to leave the pots like the gold jets.

MIXED SCENTS: Case of 12 bars Pre de Provence 250g - Customize with your Choice of Scents
MIXED SCENTS: Case of 12 bars Pre de Provence 250g - Customize with your Choice of Scents

Nowadays, our houses are full of chemical cleaning products of the most varied, many of them toxic to our organism and contaminants of the aquifers of the planet, fundamental for our life.

In this week's program we talk about how to clean your house avoiding toxic chemicals for you and your family, and in a very economical way:

If you prefer audio, listen here This program of the secretary of Radio Agüimes where we participate with this section living conscious.

The problem of toxic and polluting cleaning products

The reports issued by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention point out that in one person there are hundreds of pollutants.

Many of these substances are frequent in any household, through paints, varnishes, cleaning products, fragrances, plastics, air fresheners, etc.

In fact, according to the US environmental Protection agency, the concentration of these chemical compounds in closed places such as houses is more than double that outside.

Many of the toxins that contain the cleaning products end up passing to the organism through the inhalation of those compounds or by contact with the skin.

In addition to the toxic effect they can have separately, the cocktail effect is uncontrollable by mixing compounds with others.

On the other hand, by pouring them at home by the sinks of sanitary ware, kitchen, etc. You incorporate them into the sewer system, compromising water treatment systems and their dumping to nature.

How to avoid chemical exposure in your home

The good news is that this toxic exposure is totally preventable.

In terms of cleaning products, you can have your house clean using a few natural cleaning products and some tricks.

You save money and, above all, you avoid polluting your health and that of the environment.

The downloadable ebook "Home without Toxic", by Carlos Prada, raises some general ideas that I also use and recommend:

  •     Natural ventilation: The best way to reduce volatile contaminants, those that enter our body when breathing.
  •     Air Purifiers: There are appliances that purify the internal air of the houses. I haven't tried them, but I know it's especially convenient in cases of allergies or respiratory problems like asthma.
  •     Productos de limpieza naturales para un hogar sin tóxicos - Drácena
  •     Purifying plants: There seems to be certain plants capable of capturing some contaminants. So explains it un informe that published the Nasa already in 1989.
  •     These plants are, among others, the peace Lily, Ivy, trunk of Brazil, Chrysanthemum, Dracena, ribbon, Poto, aloe vera, Ficus, gerbera, etc.
  •     Eliminate or reduce the sources of exposure: In terms of cleanliness, the recommendation is to avoid cleaning chemicals.

Alternatives to Cleaning chemicals: first step

If we consider the Council to eliminate or reduce exposure to cleaning chemicals, the question is how can you keep your home clean by avoiding harmful cleaning products for your health and that of the planet?

As the book "Home without Toxics" says, the idea is to clean without chemically soiling.
A belief that has been strongly rooted in our culture thanks to television advertising, mainly, is that ' smelling of chemistry is not smelling clean '. But they are very different things. For something to be clean it doesn't have to have a specific fragrance, and even less chemistry.

From my experience, the first step is to replace the chemicals you currently use for their natural or ecological version.

Careful, because a chemical can be advertised as natural if it carries a small portion of natural extract from a plant.

It is best to buy organic products in herbalists or ecological stores, as these tend to have more demanding ecological certificates .

There are some Spanish brands of ecological cleaning products such as:

  •     Beltrán Soaps (its certified ecological range).
  •     SolyEco (formerly Copán) which is a cooperative whose products contain no perfumes or preservatives or colorants. As far as I know, some of their products do contain some mild chemical surfactants.

I've tried both brands with good results.

Best known is the house Ecover, Belgium, which was the first ecological cleaning brand I used, and I liked it too.

There is also the Pure Natureonline Shop, which specializes in hypo-allergenic, ecological and non-toxic products. It is a German company, born following the diagnosis of a relative with multiple chemical sensitivity (SQM), and that controls that the products are safe for people with allergies and other environmental illnesses.

To avoid generating so much plastic waste to the planet, it is interesting to consider these options:

  •     Buy Bulk Cleaning productssuch as those provided In Green Goccia. I would only recommend its hypoallergenic range, which contains no aroma.
  •     Use soap in pill, either purchased or do it yourself (I still do not, but everything will walk 🙂). This soap is pill can then grate so that it is easier to dilute it, or even make liquid soap from it (I will publish recipe!).

Alternatives to Cleaning chemicals: Second Step

Although I still use some of the organic products that they sell in herbalists, I have to admit that it is because of a simple belief that if it is a specific product to wash clothes or make some foam when scrubbing the crockery will be cleaner.

In any case, my tendency, and what I consider to be more ecological and healthy for all, is the use and combination of some natural products that we all have at home and that are very effective and economical.

These basic ingredients are:

  •     Vinegar: degreases (contains acetic acid, which reduces and cuts the fat), removes stains, is bactericidal, eliminates lime, etc. Besides, the smell goes off when it dries, so you don't have to worry if you dislike it.
  •     They say that to clean it is better to use white vinegar because it is more potent, but I have no more information about it. If anyone knows anything else and tells me I will be very grateful!
  •     For me it is best to use a vinegar that comes in glass bottle, more ecological and healthy, as discussed in the article on healthy plastic bottles and glass . Productos de limpieza naturales - Vinagre, bicarbonato y limón
  •     Bicarbonate: It can be found as mineral in nature or artificially produced cheaply and respectfully with the environment. It is biodegradable, inexpensive and non-toxic; And among many other properties is bactericidal, abrasive for stains and deodorant.
  •     You can learn more about baking soda in This publication of Ediciones Obelisco.
  •     Lemon: Contains essential oils and bioflavonoids. It is antioxidant, removes stains and has a refreshing smell.

And these are some of their uses as cleaning products:

Washing clothes

Says Irene Bueno in this interview that performs Ana Moreno, which can simply be used 4 to 6 tablespoons of bicarbonate as detergent, vinegar as softener and lemon if we want an extra white result for washing white clothes.

What I usually use is a little organic soap for washing machine with 2 or 3 tablespoons of bicarbonate. And if I want to have some aroma echo a few drops of lavender essence in the container for the softener.

There is No need for softener as the bicarbonate acts asan anticalc, although it could also pour vinegar as a softener for greater action against lime.

For white clothes, I have also tried with good results to soak a while with hot water and oxygenated water, before washing it in the washing machine.

Wash Nutsare also well known. I have not tried them, as they are nuts from India and Nepal, and although for them I think the best option, I do not think for me is the most ecological considering the distance.

Scrubbing the floor

To scrub the floor you can use half a glass of vinegar in a cube of lukewarm water.

If the floor is made of marble or wood (which may have varnish) replace the vinegar with a little neutral soap (purchased artisanal, with certified organic or homemade).

I like to add a little bit of soap also in the bucket of water and vinegar, with a few drops of essence if I want to leave that whiff.

Clean the Crystals
Where I live for crystals I have to use plenty of water with some soap for the outside Windows.

But for interior glass just use vinegar directly on a dry cloth.

Scrubbing the crockery

Water with vinegar or lemoncan be used directly to wash cookware . What I do is I create my own dishwasher by mixing in a pot a little neutral soap, vinegar and water.

I do not fry or cook with animal fat that can be more difficult to clean, but if ever some food sticks a bit I leave a while soaking with warm vinegar.

In the blog of Eva (affected by multiple chemical sensitivity), also mentions that to scrub dishes is more hygienic to use a brush than a scourer.

Clean the bathroom

For the bathroom use my own mixture of water, vinegar, a little bicarbonate and a little natural soap (for that to see the Espumita).

And for the toilet, the trick is to pour some bicarbonate and then vinegar (create some froth with the effervescence), let it act a bit and then rub and rinse.

This method for the toilet, using more amount of bicarbonate and vinegar is really effective for unclogging pipes.

Clean the Dust

I have prepared in a sprayer a mixture of water put some vinegar (little because it can damage the lacquer or varnish, but never happened). I'm moistening a microfiber cloth and cleaning the surfaces.

If there is any stain that resists a little more, soaked more cloth and rub with more intensity, simply. Nothing resists! 🙂

Other cleaning uses

Both vinegar and bicarbonate can also be used to brighten silver, clean oxides, remove lime from coffee maker and faucets, etc.

In addition, the mixture mentioned to clean the bath, water with a little vinegar, bicarbonate (and my touch of natural soap:-)) can also be used for other surfaces such as bathroom tiles and kitchen, kitchen countertop, etc.