Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Cleaning the toilet with hygiene and removing brown spots

Cleaning the toilet with hygiene and removing brown spots

The toilet of the bath is one of the places of the house that more germs and bacteria accumulates. In many homes, the toilet Cup attracts dirt constantly. Residues of urine or other types of waste require constant revision. Therefore, when it comes to cleaning bathrooms, we recommend that the toilet become the place that most attention lend.

Toilet Bowl Ring Remove Product

Clean restrooms and other cleaning products you should use

Rubber Gloves will be your best allies in this cleaning job. They will isolate your hands from germs, and turn the experience into something more enjoyable. To ensure the hygiene of the bathroom and clean the toilet properly, also has paper and some cloths, we recommend the microfiber. As a cleaning essential product choose the lye. Their hygiene and disinfection capacity are very high. If you also choose the one that is less harmful to the environment, the better. Finally, you also have a scouring pad, with the "Most of the dirty work" and you will be able to rub the surfaces OF the WC properly. Do not use those that are metallic. They will scratch the toilet and the cleaning won't be greater.

Cleaning the outside of the toilet

Since the part of the toilet with which our body takes more contact is the outside, it will be to which we devote a special care. First, rinse the scouring pad we will use in the lye . As commented above, we recommend those other than metal. Once rinsed, rub with the necessary force, starting from the lids to reach the sides and the top. Once everything is correctly soapy, we will pass to use microfiber cloths. With them moistened, we will make a second review all over the surface, removing the remains of lye that has left the scourer. The toilet should be damp, but not wet. To dry it completely, it is ideal to use newspaper papers.

How to clean the TOILET inside

For cleaning the inner part, look first at the amount of water in your toilet. If it is a lot, you will have to empty it, because in another case it is difficult to access some of the areas of the WC. You can do it by closing the key and pulling the chain. Lift all the lids, rub with the scourer on your inner face and proceed as you indicated you should do when cleaning the outside. Once you have climbed and soapy, you can take advantage of them while drying to clean the innermost part and remove the scale that accumulates. This, in addition to tarnishing the aesthetics of YOUR toilet, is very difficult to remove. We tell you some tricks to make it easier.

How to remove scale from the TOILET

To complete the cleaning and leave it spotless, we only have to clean the toilet with brown spots and clean the scale. Although there is a good range of alternatives, let's talk about one that cleans effectively and is completely natural: the formula of white vinegar and lemon.

White vinegar and lemon to clean the scale of the WC.

As we wrote in previous posts, the lemon is a potent natural disinfectant. Its combination with vinegar offers very good results. In addition to serving you to remove the scale naturally, the lemon fragrance will leave a smell less strong than other products that remove the scale. For cleaning, pour approximately half a glass of white vinegar combined witha lemon juice. With a different pad than the one used, vigorously rub the area of the toilet with tartar or brown spots. The results will surprise you.

You already have a complete guide to clean the bathroom toilet and all its parts. We hope you will put all these tips into practice. Soon, we'll talk about how to clean the bathroom tiles and increase their hygiene.