Sunday, April 28, 2019

Cedarwood - Handmade Goats Milk Soap

Body hygiene: how to clean properly

The heat, sweat and secretions of the organism favor the presence of germs that can cause the development of infectious, cutaneous and allergic diseases.

Cedarwood - Handmade Goats Milk Soap
Cedarwood - Handmade Goats Milk Soap

The daily cleaning has become a healthy habit to eliminate bad body odor, prevent infections and other health problems, but always if it is done properly. Hygiene can be a double-edged sword, an enemy of health if the toilet habits are incorrect. In this case, it can decrease the body's defenses and make it more vulnerable to certain diseases. But how should proper hygiene be carried out? The following explains in detail how to use the soap and how to wash each of the body parts .

Use soap, but with moderation

In Latin countries such as Spain, where it is often hot and more perspiring, the daily shower has become an established habit. However, guidelines must be followed since, although showering is not harmful, "it is lathering a lot". "If a person has already showered once, the same day, when leaving the gym or when they get home, it is enough to do it again only with water," says Àlex Camps, dermatologist at the Teknon Medical Center in Barcelona. Above all, it is essential not to use an aggressive soap , but with a PH of moderate acidity.

It is also correct and very healthy to wash a mitten without soap , since this is a solvent for the fat and, if it is used frequently, the fatty layer of the skin that confers protection is lost. Since in general the dirt is minimal, it is enough to rub the skin with a glove.

Regarding the grooming of the scalp, it should be light and discreet . As in the case of the shower, you do not have to clean it aggressively, just soak it once. If you have a pathology or a problem such as dandruff, you should wash it for at least three minutes. In any case, hair hygiene depends on several factors, such as having it short or long, since in the latter case it is more difficult to handle, dry and comb.

Washing hands to keep infections at bay

Hand washing is essential to avoid the spread of numerous infections, such as the common cold , conjunctivitis , common flu and influenza A , as well as infections in hospitals ( nosocomial ).

The World Health Organization (WHO), the World Agency for Patient Safety and, in Spain, the Quality Agency of the National Health System established May 5 as World Hand Hygiene Day to raise awareness the population of the whole world about the importance of this simple gesture.

During the months of the influenza A pandemic, the health authorities emphasized the importance of washing this part of the body to avoid infection, which could be transmitted by a simple clash of hands or by touching a dirty surface .

    Older people should use moisturizers rich in oils frequently

Apart from these health campaigns, this measure should be a healthy habit on a daily basis and repeated several times, at least before each meal or when handling food that could be contaminated with microbes that any person can carry, after touching an animal or dirty object , when blowing his nose and after going to the bathroom .

In this way, pathogenic microorganisms are eliminated and transmission to another person is avoided. But how should you wash your hands to achieve both purposes? It is not enough to let the cold water run. To eliminate the microbes you also have to remove the rings (if you have them), wash with warm water, soaping well - for one minute, according to the health authorities during the time of influenza A - and dry properly.

This measure was effective at a specific time and its application always depends on the type of work performed. A person who works in contact with the public, who shakes hands frequently or who explores someone - more if he is susceptible to being sick - should lather his hands lightly frequently. This is the case of health professionals and those who dispense food, especially if they are ready to consume, such as bread. A taxi driver, for his part, limits himself to driving and does not greet his clients with a clash of hands, so in principle he should not wash his hands with the same frequency.

"Our culture sins of excess hygiene , sometimes it's compulsive," says the dermatologist. Some people wash their hands between 20 and 30 times a day, which can lead to dermatitis. If they also always use soap, "it can be even more irritating." It is advisable, after washing your hands, to apply a suitable moisturizer for atopic skin, enriched with omega 3, borage or olive oils .

Nails and feet without fungi

The nails and the feet are two zones vulnerable to fungal infections (caused by fungi). When they affect the nails, they are called onychomycosis . To avoid them, they should be kept clean, cut and not bite . Most of the health problems related to the nails are due to the manicures carried out incorrectly and the abuse of the elements (stick) to remove the skins from the proximal fold. " Trimming the cuticle is a mistake, " warns Camps. "You have to let the nail finish its journey," he adds. You also have to apply oils to nourish them .

The fungal infection affecting the feet is the Tinea pedis , ringworm or athlete's foot , which begins between the fourth and fifth finger. The heat and humidity at the same time, which in the feet translates into sweat , along with the use of athletic shoes or footwear that does not allow the foot to perspire, is an explosive breeding ground to favor the development of these infections. To maintain good hygiene and avoid these problems, it is necessary to wash the feet daily , especially after each sporting activity, and have a special impact on the interdigital spaces and make sure to dry them well . In addition, you should avoid walking without shoes , both in a gym or in any other situation, such as in the house of a friend or a relative.

Genitals with special attention

The genitals are delicate body parts. The woman should wash with products of intimate hygiene, without abusing the soaps designed for this use. Neither do you have to obsess about cleaning , but groom yourself in a reasonable way. Some women generate more secretions and fermentation by sweating in the areas of the armpits and English, where the sweat glands are found.

The man must also use a soap suitable for his genital hygiene. In addition, those who are not operated on for phimosis, should remove the glans to clean the foreskin area with soap and water once a day . It is necessary to repeat the cleaning of the genitals -like women- each time the sexual act is performed.
Older people and swimmers: special skin care

Two groups that tend to forget in the recommendations regarding body hygiene are the elderly and those who love swimming . Changes in the skin of the elderly cause it to become dry and develop spots and seborrheic keratosis , a benign form of a skin tumor that causes itching. When washing, older people should avoid rubbing with soap, as it worsens dry skin. In addition, they need more moisturizing cream , "better if it's an evening primrose oil emulsion, up to 10%, or an O / W emulsion (oil and water mixture) standard," explains Àlex Camps.

The problem of people who practice swimming is chlorinated water. The chlorine used to disinfect is irritating to the skin and, in addition, eliminates the lipid mantle . To avoid this, before bathing it would be convenient, especially for athletes who plan to spend two or three hours in the pool, "apply barrier creams (protection) so that chlorinated water does not exert such a strong effect." When finished, a moisturizer enriched with lipids or dissolved cholesterol is recommended, "to return to the skin what the water has removed".