Tuesday, April 23, 2019

How to get rid of mold in the toilet bowl

How to get rid of mold in the toilet bowl

Toilets work as the perfect environment for mold growth. One of the reasons is its constant humidity, while the other is the natural presence of mold spores that are deposited on the surfaces of the toilet, including the bowl. When the bowl is not washed very often, the mold spores will lock in the bowl and grow. Fortunately, you can get rid of the mold and once again enjoy a clean toilet bowl.

Toilet Bowl Ring Remove Product


The elimination of the Mold

1 Put on a pair of rubber gloves. Pour the bleach directly through a funnel into a spray bottle or squeeze the bottle.

2 spray or squeeze the bleach all the interior surfaces of the toilet bowl - especially those that show mold growth. Leave the bleach in the container overnight if possible. If not, leave it as long as you can.

3 Rub the inner tray with a bath brush to remove the mold.

Keep the mold away

4 Pour 1/4 cup of sodium borate into the toilet. Allow it to remain on the toilet overnight - or at least a couple of hours - without water, if possible.

5 scrub the toilet bowl with the cup brush before pulling the string to thoroughly clean all surfaces.

6 Repeat the sodium borate cleansing treatment on a weekly basis to maintain mold growth in the bay.