Monday, April 22, 2019

How to remove iron stains a toilet bowl

How to remove iron stains a toilet bowl

The rust stains that build up inside the toilet bowl come from the iron and natural mineral components found in hard water, although even water softened over time can cause stains. Iron accumulates in the porcelain of the toilet bowl and oxidizes when exposed to air. The simplest way to avoid the accumulation of rust in toilets is to scrub the container regularly with a cleaning bath; However, once there is an accumulation, it is still relatively easy to remove.

Toilet Bowl Ring Remove Product


1 Put on rubber gloves and open the bathroom windows, if possible, for ventilation.

2 Drain the water from the toilet. If necessary, scoop the water from the toilet bowl with an old cup and dump it in a bucket.

3 Add the bathroom cleaner to the bowl, following the manufacturer's instructions.

4 Scrub like this, using the bathroom brush.

5 Wipe up any spatters immediately with old rags. Bathroom cleaner can damage or lye bathroom carpets, tiles or accessories.

6 Pull the chain several times to rinse after scrubbing.

Tips and warnings

  •     If you have chemical sensitivities, use a mask to protect your nose and mouth during cleansing.
  •     Never combine any of the bleach products with bathroom cleaners that contain hydrochloric acid. In combination, they release toxic vapors. If a toilet tank cleaner containing bleach is used, remove and discharge several times to rinse the toilet before cleaning.
  •     Wash the skin immediately with clean, cold water, if you get any cleanser by itself.