Sunday, April 28, 2019

Why resort to wax rings when there is a leak in the toilet

Why resort to wax rings when there is a leak in the toilet

Although there may be other effective solutions to stop water leakage in the WC, we tell you why to resort to wax rings.

Toilet Bowl Ring Remove Product

In toilets such as bathtubs, shower trays, bidets or toilets, which have been installed for a considerable time, it is normal for water leakage to occur promptly. They are usually caused by the deterioration that can be experienced by the joints or elements used to seal the joints between them and the drainage pipes that evacuate the water. So, if you perceive a slight loss of water in your TOILET, don't be alarmed, because it has a solution. Do not lose detail of what we are going to tell you, and find out why to resort to the wax rings when you encounter this mishap, and how to use them.

Why resort to wax rings when there is a leak in the toilet

The wax rings have been used for many years because they are perfect to seal the area where they are placed. In the toilet are located in the inner part, next to the ground, where the drainage pipe is located, in the junction between it and the sanitary, and they act by closing everything around it, to avoid the leakage of water and that gases and bad smells are filtered under the cup of the bathroom.

Although it adapts very well to the contractions, expansions and sedimentation of the soils, the material that composes it has a very long lifespan. The wax can be affected by temperature changes, hardening with cold and deforming or even melting with heat, and stop performing its sealing function. Therefore, if you have not changed it, it is advisable to be pending to detect any irregularity, in case it is time to do so.

And how will you know? Well, easily. When the soil area attached to the toilet has water, it is likely that the ring is in poor condition or deteriorated. You may also perceive a bad smell, like a sewer.

To access the wax ring you have to dismantle the toilet, so before you get into flour if you are not clear where the water comes from, you need to perform a check to make sure that that is the problem. With a natural dye in the cistern or sanitary tank and pull the pump you will know where the water comes out.

Once it has been confirmed that the filter is safely caused by the wax ring, you must replace it immediately to stop the water leakage.

Replacing a wax ring has its complication so, if you see that you're not able to manage by yourself, count on us.

In Morga cleanings We are experts in fixing any problems related to water leaks, pipe breaks and jams, and in conducting preventive maintenance of pipes and put to Point the plumbing facilities of households, businesses and commercial premises.

We also have an emergency service 24 hours, prepared to act in Bilbao and any point of Bizkaia the 365 days of the year. Because giving you assistance when you need it most is one of our priorities.