Wednesday, April 24, 2019

How to clean the toilet and remove tartar by 3 tricks

How to clean the toilet and remove tartar

If you want to know how to clean the toilet and remove the tartar effectively from inside this sanitary device ... Then, you have come to the website indicated here, we present a guide where it is clearly explained how to clean this sanitary device and In addition, we present some homemade tricks to remove the tartar from the inside of the toilet and thus, this sanitary device look clean, white and without those ugly yellow and brown spots that appear for example, as a dark halo at the water level or, in the interior of the toilet that makes it look very dirty and projects an unattractive image of the bathroom. Next, you can see the ways to clean a toilet and remove tartar .

Toilet Bowl Ring Remove Product

The first alternative or option to clean a toilet is of course, the traditional way and has many variants as people who do this cleaning but without doubt, has some core or fundamental things in the procedure. It should be noted that this cleaning should be done about once a week so that you have a clean toilet and thus, avoid the formation of unpleasant tartar stains that are impossible to remove from this method and you have to use other forms that we describe below. Then, I leave the traditional way.

They will need :

  • Toilet cleaning brush.
  • Rubber gloves.
  • Bleach and / or cleaning products.

Indications :

First, put on rubber gloves to avoid exposure or contact with surfaces and contaminated water.

Now, they will close the stopcock of the toilet that is usually behind this sanitary appliance and after doing this, they will throw the chain in this way, reduce the level of water and can work or clean to a better extent the interior of the toilet.

So now, they will take the bleach, bleach or product they use and pour it into the toilet trying to soak or wet the entire surface of it and to do it properly, throw it from the inside edge of the entire cup so that, run off by the wall at the bottom of the toilet and let it rest for at least 5 minutes.

In the meantime, they will take the cleaning brush and put some plastic bleach or cleaning product into the plastic bristles and begin scrubbing the inner concavity where the pond water is discharged.

After spending the time they have deemed appropriate for this work they will then begin to scrub the entire interior of the toilet with energy to remove all dirt.

Now, they will pour some more of the cleaning product they use inside the toilet and wait 10 to 15 minutes. Taking advantage of this time to clean the outside of the toilet with a rag and disinfectant, ie the lid, the seat, the backpack, the discharge button, the sides and practically all the external surface to remove any trace of dirt and Bad smell.

Well, now they will pick up the brush again and they will scrub again with vehemence or energy the inside of the toilet focusing on the places that were more machado or more difficult to access and finally, they will have a clean toilet with a pleasant smell.

By the way, if cleaning the toilet have not been able to remove some tartar then, it will be necessary to resort to some tricks or home remedies that we explain below ..

Trick # 1

When a traditional cleaning is not enough to clean a toilet and remove tartar stains then it is necessary to resort to some trick or home remedy that can help in this task and thus, have a clean toilet without tartar stains. One of these homemade tricks that works very well is precisely, to do a cleaning of toilet with vinegar that is, an element that in the majority of the homes this, review it with attention.

They will need :

  • Toilet cleaning brush.
  • Rubber gloves.
  • Half a liter of white vinegar or optionally, pink vinegar.

Indications :

Logically, the first thing to do is put on rubber gloves to avoid contact with the surface and contaminated water coming from the toilet.

Now, you should pour the white vinegar inside the toilet and for this to have a very good result, it is necessary to do it from the edge or part of the top of the cup trying to wet the whole surface from the top and in a movement circulate along the edge with such, to wet the entire interior surface of the toilet.

* Home trick attached | there is a very difficult part to clean inside the toilet and that is, that inner concavity where the water discharges into the bowl when the pond is pulled. Well, to carry out a cleaning there, there are 3 options that can be applied in this home trick and in the others:

1. Wet with the solution the fingers of the glove of a hand and with it to pass it there with so, that it is wet and damp.

2. Add part of the solution in a bottle with a system of pressurization (aerosol) and throw in that concavity that is in the entire inner ring.

3. Finally, with sections of toilet paper will make some rolls, wet them very well with the solution (soak) and put it without falling on the entire interior ring of discharge.

So now, we will proceed to wait a prudent and reasonable time for the solution of white vinegar (pH) to make a good effect and soften the scale embedded in the toilet. But how long do you have to wait? Well, if the toilet has almost no tartar or, apparently has no, maybe it's enough 20 or 30 minutes to cause the desired effect and in the case, that the interior of the toilet has a lot of yellow tartar and even brown then , it is advisable to wait at least 4 or 6 hours and in some cases, it is better to leave all night to make sure.

After the wait, the moment of truth arrives ... They will put on the gloves again and take the brush to pass it all over the inside of the toilet in a diligent, energetic and neat way to remove the tartar from the toilet correctly and be clean as pretend and if something has remained, you can repeat the operation with such, to remove the scale that has remained.

Finally, pull the chain of the pond in the bathroom so that all the tartar and dirt removed from the inside of the toilet go down the drain and then, they can disinfect everything with bleach or product they use to leave everything very clean.

Trick # 2

If they have a very dirty toilet and wish to remove all those ugly yellow and brown spots that are incrusting inside the toilet or WC then this solution or homemade trick can be the effective solution to this problem and thus, they can leave the toilet as new, clean and free of scale that inexorably appears and can not be removed with a simple cleaning or brushing of the area.

They will need :

  • Toilet cleaning brush.
  • Rubber gloves.
  • Half a liter of white vinegar.
  • Lemon juice.
  • Sodium bicarbonate.
  • Container.

Indications :

The first step is to place in a container the baking soda, the juice of a squeezed lemon and the half liter of white vinegar that is going to occupy and mix very well with some kind of spoon.

So now, they will put rubber gloves on so as to avoid possible splashes of contaminated water or contacts with dirty toilet surfaces.

Now, proceed to take the container and throw or pour much of the solution into the toilet trying to do so, cover or wet the entire surface throwing the compound well from the surface of the top of the toilet to this form runs off and all along the edge of it.

Well, with the part of the solution that is left in the container, it will proceed to wet that difficult art, which had already commented on the previous homemade trick with 3 possible options to do this, review it.

After doing the above, it will proceed to wait a reasonable time so that the solution created can generate the desired effect and that is, soften the tartar and descale it. The waiting time can be at least 2 hours but, people who are cautious and looking for a good effect expect more (may be, all night).

Well, after a while waiting time comes the time to clean and for this, take the cleaning brush and pass it all over the surface of the toilet, concavities, edges and bottom with such, to remove the tartar and surely, will be surprised how the tartar comes out easily from the inside of the toilet.

Finally, throw the chain and take advantage of disinfecting the toilet with bleach to have a clean bathroom and free of unwanted germs and bacteria.

Trick # 3

This homemade trick to be able to clean the toilet and thus, remove tartar is at least, something curious and picturesque because, to achieve this task you will need mainly one of the most known drinks, Coca Cola .. Yes, you have read Well, to clean and remove the tartar from the toilet, Coca Cola will be used and I will explain it to you so that you can do it and get out of this dirty inconvenience.

They will need :

  • Toilet cleaning brush.
  • Rubber gloves.
  • Half a liter of Coca Cola.

Indications :

The first thing they should do is open the Coca Cola and pour it into the toilet, worrying that the Coca Cola will wet the entire interior surface of the toilet from the edge of the upper part.

For the cleaning of the interior area where the pond water is discharged, we will use just one of the recommendations commented in the home trick # 1 to clean this part and using rubber gloves to protect yourself.

After soaking the entire interior of the toilet with Coca Cola, then let it rest for a couple of hours so that this way it has the desired effect and that is, soften the tartar on the surface of the toilet. By the way, the recommended waiting time is at least 1 hour but nevertheless, it is best to wait a while longer to ensure a good cleaning.

Now put on the rubber gloves and proceed then, to brush the entire interior surface of the toilet with the idea of ​​removing the plaque softened by Coca Cola and thus leave a clean bathroom as appropriate in the case that has not been All removed can repeat the operation or, use one of the home remedies to clean toilet described above.

After doing this, they can use a disinfectant product to finish cleaning the toilet and be free of germs and bacteria.

These are some of the interesting ways to clean the toilet and thus, remove the scale that accumulates inside this sanitary appliance and you, do you know another way to clean the toilet ?. Finally, we leave some items that can also help them protect and keep the bathroom clean.