Monday, April 29, 2019

Auromere Bar Soap Tulsi Neem, 2.75 oz (6 Pack)

Body cleansing: Daily hygiene habits

Showering several times a day and oversudsing can be more damaging than not doing it?

On the contrary that may seem to shower too much can behave more disadvantages than benefits. And it is that excessive personal hygiene can eliminate the natural protective barriers of our skin, facilitating the entrance to the microorganisms.

Auromere Bar Soap Tulsi Neem, 2.75 oz (6 Pack)
Auromere Bar Soap Tulsi Neem, 2.75 oz (6 Pack)

Although apparently our skin looks clean or think that it is because we have not done physical exercise or have gone to a place with dirt (beach, countryside, Park...) The truth is that our body has a "magnet" to attract dirt; And it is that the oil itself that secretes our skin to protect it from the environment absorbs earth, dust and pollution.

So how can we remove this dirt?

Pay attention to these body cleaning tips:

♦ Soaps:

You must use special soaps that help to "dissolve" that fat that can favor the growth of bacteria and germs. Delicate and creamy soaps are recommended, with natural ingredients, free of chemical substances and without fragrances, that leave no residues and give a feeling of softness and freshness when finishing the bath. Avoid those that dry the skin and are aggressive and look for those with a moderate PH. For its excellent results are ideal for oats, honey, glycerin or argan oil and antibacterial are discouraged, although they are good for washing hands before cooking are not for a daily body use.

plan03-ico-recuerda-30x30 Dose the product: Do not waste enjabonándote too much, as excess soap dissolves even the fat that is necessary to protect the body from external agents.

♦ How do we apply them?

To avoid redness and skin irritation many dermatologists discourage the daily use of sponges, which are degrading with usage, becoming increasingly rough and rough; It is better to "rub" gently with the same hand.

♦ Where do we find them?

From Vitasalud, we have made a careful selection of soaps and shower creams of vegetable origin. Discover them and start taking care of yourself from today!

♦ Water:

It is important that you shower with hot water, because the heat is the one that opens the pores and releases all that accumulated dirt. In the end you can give yourself a few minutes with cold water to close them again and enjoy the feeling of being new.

♦ Every part of our body:

For proper body hygiene you must pay attention to each part of your body, making a detailed tour from the face and hair to the toenails. Don't forget those nooks and crannies that sometimes go unnoticed!


Give special importance to the armpits: it is recommended to wear them shaved, as the hair and moisture in that area are the perfect breeding ground for bacteria that cause the odor. Cleanse and also take care of the genitals: they must be washed daily individually if not with a full shower. In the case of women it is advisable to use intimate soaps, without doing so repeatedly as abusing these products can kill the vaginal flora. Men should also use soaps suitable for the intimate area, removing the glans for proper cleaning.

Remember that for nails, very vulnerable to fungal infections, you can help specific brushes whose bristles allow to penetrate inside and clean them in depth, especially if you have a profession that implies a daily contact with certain Substances (Mechanic workshop grease, paints, food handling...). For a complete hygiene keep short, do not bite and apply from time to time oils to nourish them.
The ears:

As for your ears you should clean them gently, without using buds, because it is a very delicate area that can be easily damaged with any minimum pressure. In addition, the swabs push the wax in and can cause hearing problems. The ideal is to use a syringe with saline without introducing it to the inside or use the beeswax cones
The Hair:

As for the washing of the hair, the use of one or another shampoo will depend on various factors as the measurement, the thickness, if it is natural or dyed, if it is strong or brittle, if there are problems like the dandruff... It is enough to give a soapy rubbing the entire surface with the fingertips for at least 2 minutes. Emphasize the root as it is the area where more fat accumulates. Then apply a nourishing mask to give extra hydration and shine and facilitate unwinding.

♦ Rinsing:

A good rinse of the body is essential to remove any product residue, both soap and shampoo. Drying is also an important step in the care of our skin: The best method is to press the skin are soft for the fabric to gradually absorb water.

Never rub quickly and abruptly!

And you see renewing the towels periodically so that they have a soft touch and do not scratch. Dressing without being completely dry can favor the appearance of fungi, so you must dry very well those areas more hidden like the fingers of hands and feet, the back of the knees, the folds of the buttocks...

To dry the hair you must apply the same technique of pressing on the hair and never rub to avoid that the ends are opened.

Do a self-ANALYSIS of your BODY HYGIENE habits

In the next exercise we propose a questionnaire to determine if you carry out some correct habits of corporal hygiene. When you have answered all these questions you will know if your daily routine of cleaning is suitable to show a healthy skin or on the contrary you must change or improve certain customs:

  • Do you shower daily?
  • How many times a day do you shower?
  • Do you apply a quick shower or take a longer bath?
  • What kind of soap do you use?
  • Do you use a sponge, a mitten or a hand?
  • When you shower, do you pay attention to every part of your body or sometimes in the haste you forget to wash some area?
  • Do you use fingernail brushes?
  • Do you use ear buds?
  • Do you exfoliate sometime a week?
  • What is the ritual for drying the body and hair?
  • Are your towels in good condition? (Make a review!)

Council!: Although we all love to be able to give a relaxing bath you should know that it is better to take a quick shower, because the less time we are in contact with the water less will dry the skin. You can do it occasionally, but don't take it as a daily routine. Save on time and money and your skin will thank you!