Monday, April 29, 2019

Crate 61 Oatmeal & Shea Soap 3 pack, 100% Vegan Cold Process, Ideal for dry skin, for men and women, face and body. ISO 9001 certified manufacturer

8 body parts that you always forget to wash when you bathe with soap

These are the parts of the body that you always forget to clean and this makes them the perfect broth for bacteria and infections.

Crate 61 Oatmeal & Shea Soap 3 pack, 100% Vegan Cold Process, Ideal for dry skin, for men and women, face and body. ISO 9001 certified manufacturer
Crate 61 Oatmeal & Shea Soap 3 pack, 100% Vegan Cold Process, Ideal for dry skin, for men and women, face and body. ISO 9001 certified manufacturer

When we bathe or clean, it is easy to think that with just rubbing a bar of soap more or less homogeneous on the body we will be clean. While this may be true in some cases, it also happens that very often we forget to wash some body parts that often accumulate many bacterias.

These are 8 of the areas of the body that most people forget to clean up more often, make sure you're not one of them!


Because of the difficulty of reaching some parts of the back, we usually do very superficial cleanings when we wash the back. The best thing would be to buy a special brush to wash your back or make your partner rub you with an exfoliating sponge or cloth 2 or 3 times a week to avoid developing skin infections.


You don't need to wash your hair every day, but you must pay attention to your scalp daily. It is important to rub and massage the scalp every day to prevent the accumulation of dead skin cells, a breeding ground for mites and bacteria.

Under the fingernails

The area under the fingernails accumulates a lot of germs and if you don't wash it when you bathe or clean your hands, you're not doing a very good job. As far as possible, try to clean this region with soap, warm water and a cotton swab.

Behind your Ears

It may not look like much, but the back of the ears can accumulate a lot of fat and dirt, because it is filled with glands that secrete bait. If you don't clean it every day when you wash your face, it can produce moisture and bad smell, as well as a bacerias broth.


The high temperature of the navel, as well as its corners and crevices make it an ideal place to accumulate bacteria and dirty. Clean daily with a wet swab in alcohol or warm water and soap.

The plant and the sides of your feet

The soap that drains from the rest of your body is not enough to wash your feet properly while you bathe. You need to rub the plant and the sides of your feet, as well as the inside of your fingers. You must wash and dry every time you bathe to avoid fungi.
Elbows and wrinkles

How many times have you consciously washed your elbows? Probably seldom, it's easy to ignore the elbows, but you should avoid it. The elbows are the part of the body with which we support on dirty surfaces such as worktops, desks and restaurant tables, and a dry elbow full of cracks allows the passage of bacteria to your body. Clean with sponges or towels daily.


If you live in a hot place or exercise often, the nape of the neck is a warm, moist region that attracts mites and bacteria. Wipe with soap and water when you bathe or with wet towels.

Cleaning our body properly takes a little more time and effort than most people think, but if you make it a habit you will be able to keep even the hardest corners clean without major problems.