Monday, April 29, 2019

Toilet bowl top-features stripping

Toilet bowl top-features stripping

The problems in the toilet flushing system are not uncommon, however you can always fix them yourself, all you will need to remove the tank cap. Dismantling should be done carefully, as it may break or break. Therefore, in this article we will see how to remove the lid of a different type of toilet.

Toilet Bowl Ring Remove Product

General Information

In older models of drainage tanks, it is usually quite easy to remove the panel, simply unscrew the top of the trigger and lift it up. In modern tanks there is a drain button and a glass button, whose design prevents the dismantling of the cover.

However, in any case, this design is foldable, so this operation should not cause any special problem. The main thing is to do any action with care, without putting an excessive effort and slowly.

Before opening the toilet cistern cover, you must prepare some tools that may be necessary in the working process:

  •     Pliers
  •     Knife
  •     Screwdriver

    Pay attention during operation with the tank, the water must be blocked. Otherwise, it can overflow and flood the bathroom.

Cover removal

At the beginning, it should be said that the lids of some models of modern ceramic containers are removed very simply, as the drain button is not connected to the trigger mechanism. To verify this, we must carefully try to lift the detail.

The following are ways to remove panels from other common types of tank designs:

  •     If the water is drained as a result of raising the thrust, then before removing the toilet cistern cover, it is necessary to unscrew the ball located at the end of the handle.
  •     Disassembling the container with drain buttons causes greater complexity, however, these models have become more popular recently. In this case, before opening the cover of the toilet cistern, you must unscrew the tube, inside which there are buttons. On the outside, it usually represents a ring, which must be pushed with a screwdriver or knife and turned counterclockwise.

It should be said that after this the panel cannot be completely removed, it can only be lifted and rotated a little, after which the latches of the button mechanism must be unfastened.

    The plastic tanks of the Soviet model, which are sometimes found in the apartments, have poles that must be removed before dismantling the structure with their own hands.

After the workpiece is disassembled, it must be placed in a safe place where it is impossible to hook and break it.

    Tip After repairing the toilet cistern drain attachment, it must be checked several times to operate. In particular, you must ensure that after lifting the float, the valve completely locks the water.

Cover Repair

If in the dismantling process, something went wrong or the cover was broken for some reason, you can try to restore it.

For this you need to prepare the following materials:

  •     Scottish
  •     Epoxy adhesive;
  •     Small galvanized steel plates.

The instructions for the implementation of this work are as follows:

  •     First, all individual parts should be assembled in a single frame and taped. This should be done carefully so that there are no spaces where the glue can flow. To do this, all joints must be carefully taped.
  •     Then the assembled structure should turn around.
  •     Before gluing the toilet cistern cover, mix the glue with the hardener in a proportion of 1:10.
  •     All gaskets should be carefully stained with glue and the galvanized plates must be attached from above, which will cause the product to become stiff.
  •     When the glue hardens (about a day), the tape should be removed, after which the lid is installed in the toilet bowl.

Since the price of a new toilet is very high, this procedure will allow you to avoid the unplanned spending of family budget funds, while the appearance of the pipelines will not be affected.

Hole Increase

Often, home craftsmen, after replacing the drain fittings, face a difficulty: the diameter of the hole in the cap is smaller than the diameter of the reinforcement. Of course, you should not change the plumbing fixture completely, but how to increase the hole in the toilet bowl lid?

There are two ways to solve the problem:

  •     Carefully drill the hole with a ceramic drill and cut out the remaining areas. The irregularities will be hidden by the cover.
  •     Carefully chop the enamel with a thin drill and a hammer, then widen the hole with a round file.

In both cases, it is necessary to take great care not to divide the surface, because in this case it will be much harder to make a tank lid from the toilet bowl.

Here, perhaps, are all the main points you need to know to remove the tank cap and, if necessary, repair it.


The cistern cover of the toilet bowl, regardless of the type of construction of the latter, is removed quite easily. The main thing is to understand immediately what elements should be dismantled and not to make excessive efforts during work (see also the article: a toilet flush tank).

The video in this article will give you the opportunity to get additional information on this topic.