Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Bona Hardwood Floor Cleaner Refill, 128 Fl Oz

Bona Hardwood Floor Cleaner Refill, 128 Fl Oz

Bona Hardwood Floor Cleaner Refill, 128 Fl Oz

How to clean the floors

Floor cleaning in the apartment is one of the most important stages of cleaning. There are many popular and industrial tools that will help in this. When choosing, both the type of stains and the flooring material are taken into account.

How often do you need to wash the floors
Regular cleaning with a damp cloth compared with a vacuum cleaner will reduce the amount of dust. It is especially important to frequently clean the surfaces in apartments where allergy sufferers, asthmatics, and children live.

According to the established sanitary standards, in schools, hospitals and polyclinics, surfaces should be washed every day. But such norms are designed for premises where tens and hundreds of people are per day.

It’s not necessary to wash the floors in an apartment where 1-2 people live — 2-3 times a week is enough. But, if the family has pets, children, it is better to do wet cleaning every other day.

How to wash the floors
The choice of detergents for cleaning floors is quite extensive.

Professional tools
The most effective means include the following:

"Sarma". When applying it you need to work in rubber gloves. Washes, disinfects, kills unpleasant odors. 40 ml of the product are mixed with 5 l of water, 60 ml are taken for disinfection.
Liquid product "Grass Arena" with a polishing effect. Suitable for all types of flooring, especially for laminate and parquet. As part of no chlorine, the tool does not leave stains.
Composition "Ecover" with linseed oil. The product is safe, non-toxic due to the absence of chlorine. Can be used to clean all coatings.
"Glorix". It is characterized by a safe composition, is inexpensive, suitable for any coating.
Gel "Vaily". As part of no chlorine, the tool cleans even old pollution.
How and how to clean the floors
Folk cleaners
Folk remedies will help to cope with various types of pollution. But before using it is important to check them in an inconspicuous area in order to avoid damage to the coating.

Vinegar disinfects, copes with various contaminants. On its basis, you can make different compositions for mopping:

Polish for laminate and linoleum. To prepare it, 5 liters of water is diluted 5-6 tbsp. vinegar.
Means for cleansing the floor. They mix water and vinegar in a ratio of 1: 1, rub the floor, which will remove the smell and strong pollution.
Laundry soap
For washing the floor they take a bucket of water, add a little rubbed soap, wash the product with a coating. In the end you need to walk on the surface with a cloth moistened with clean water to avoid the appearance of stains. Such a composition will remove odors, give gloss to the coatings and disinfect the floor.

Inventory: which rag, mop is better to choose
To simplify the process of washing the floor, you need a special inventory:

Mops. The most common - mop with a nozzle MOP, thanks to which it is easy to rinse the premises of a large area. The only drawback is that it is difficult to remove corners. For such sites it is better to choose a rope mop. Choosing a product, you should pay attention to the length of the handle - it should reach the armpits.
Rag. Allows you to clean the corners, baseboards, areas around the legs of furniture. It is better to choose a rag made of polyamide: the fabric absorbs moisture, is resistant to mildew. You can take an old terry towel, cut it, put a rag on a mop: it washes off easily, leaves no damage to the surface.
Brush. To remove stubborn stains and marks need a brush with stiff bristles. Such tools should not be used for linoleum or parquet, so as not to leave scratches.
Many people buy steam cleaners for cleaning floors. They are expensive, but have many advantages. Equipment effectively removes dirt, destroys microbes. Suitable for any flooring except parquet.

How and how to clean the floors
How to clean different floors
Before washing, you need to vacuum or sweep the surface - this will remove some of the dirt, which means that wet cleaning the floor will be more efficient and less time consuming.

It is important to learn how to mop the floor properly, thus avoiding streaks and dirt in the room. To do this, moisten with cloth moving from the corners of the room to the center, and not vice versa.

It is a reliable flooring, but it is afraid of moisture and scratches. Secrets of cleaning surfaces:

For wet cleaning it is better to use a microfiber cloth. It is important to prevent the laminate from getting too wet, which can cause it to swell.
To avoid any stains on the surface, you can add 1 tsp to the water. vinegar.
To wash the laminate it is recommended to use professional products that do not cause the floor covering to get wet, create a thin protective film on the surface. Simply dilute the composition in water according to the instructions, wash the laminate with a damp cloth.

This is a practical floor covering. For linoleum need to take care carefully, because this finishing material is afraid of high temperature, chemical abrasives. Before washing, it is recommended to vacuum the linoleum to avoid damage by grains of sand or small pebbles. Also, uncleaned, dry dirt on contact with water can cause streaks.

After painting it is recommended to wash wooden floors with vinegar and ammonia. The solution prepared on their basis will remove impurities and unpleasant odors.

To remove heavy dirt, moisten the sawdust with turpentine, rub the mixture into the stain, leave for an hour and remove the residue with a soft pile brush.

There are several recommendations for washing the floorboard:

For cleaning it is best to use a telescopic mop with a microfiber attachment. It should not be too wet, so as not to spoil the coating.
Before cleaning the floor, it must be thoroughly vacuumed to get rid of small abrasive debris that can damage the flooring.
You can not use a washing vacuum cleaner or steam cleaner - such equipment will lead to bloating parquet. You can also clean the floor using professional tools such as “Pronto” or “Denkmit”. As part of the funds there is a wax that will protect the surface from wear and exposure to UV rays.

How and how to clean the floors
In small rooms, the tile can be washed without using a rag or mop. Algorithm of actions:

Prepare the cleaning solution.
Pour into a container with a spray.
Spray the mixture on the tile and leave for 20-30 minutes.
Clean rag tiled floor.
In the end process the surface with a dry microfiber cloth, thus avoiding streaks on the surface.
To clean the surfaces, just add a little dishwashing gel to the water, mix, rinse the coating. It is important to properly clean the floor of the tile without using too much detergent - after drying it can leave a sticky film on the surface.

To wash heavily soiled, it is recommended to use the following method:

In 10 l bucket of water add 5 drops of ammonia.
Moisten a mop, wipe a floor covering.
Wash again with clean water to avoid streaks.
If you have to wash a ceramic tile with a rough surface, it is better to choose a store product, for example, Cif, Oranit, HG or Passionflower. It is undesirable to use abrasive powders in order not to leave scratches.

Self-leveling floor
To clean the leveling floor you need to choose gentle detergents - any abrasive powders, brushes with hard bristles are prohibited. They may scratch the surface.

How to wash complex dirt
Complicated dirt is more difficult to clean up - they often remain on the floor after cleaning. The disposal method depends on the type of stains:

Glue. To remove traces of the substance, you first need to put a damp warm towel on the stain, leave for 3-5 minutes, remove the rest of the composition with a scraper and rinse the floor again.
Black stripes from shoes. To get rid of the traces, the soda will help: powder is poured onto a damp sponge, rubbing it with dirt, washing the floor.
Iodine, brilliant green. To remove them, you can take alcohol or vodka: moisten the cloth with liquid, wipe the contaminated area, wipe it with a dry cloth.
Rust. A mixture of soda and vinegar will help against such contamination: the stain is wiped with a sponge moistened with vinegar, covered with soda. When the components react, wipe the dirt again with the hard side of the sponge, then with a dry cloth.
If the house was repaired, after it may remain contaminated. To remove whitewash water is mixed with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1: 1, the resulting liquid wipe stains. Then the surface is treated with acetic solution, wash off the remnants of contamination with clean water.

Before cleaning the floor after painting, make sure that the composition is completely dry. In the future, follow the simple instructions:

Warm water is poured into the container.
Add 1-2 tablespoons. vinegar.
Wash surfaces with a clean cloth, repeating the procedure if necessary.
How and how to clean the floors
How to wash the floor in a house with children
As part of household chemicals are often present substances that can cause the development of allergies. For young children, who spend most of their time on the floor, this can lead to unpleasant consequences related to health. Therefore, when cleaning the cover in the apartment where the children live, it is more correct to use folk remedies.

Safer soap and vinegar-based solution are considered safe. On sale you can find some household chemicals that are safe because they contain no fragrances, no harmful components. Among them:

"Our mother";
"Baby Swimmer".
Regardless of the means chosen, after its application a plaque may remain on the floor, which is still dangerous for the child. Therefore, it is recommended after each washing the surface to wipe the floor with clean water.

How and how to clean the floors
If there are pets in the house
Living at home dogs or cats can affect the cleanliness of the apartment. To remove accumulations of wool, you must adhere to the following rules:

when cleaning, attention is paid to corners and hard-to-reach areas where dirt accumulates the most;
It is best to remove wool using a special nozzle-roller for a vacuum cleaner;
if there are many pets and there is no time for daily cleaning, you can buy the cheapest washing robot vacuum cleaner.
If your pet periodically marks the apartment, you should not wash the puddle with plain water - this will only increase the unpleasant smell, increase the contaminated area. The following products will help to clean the floors:

Potassium permanganate 5 crystals are dissolved in 200 ml of water - the liquid should turn out light pink in color. Sponge moistened with a tool, wipe the stain, the floor is washed with clean water and wipe dry.
"White". The composition is diluted in water at a ratio of 1:10, treated with a contaminated area, washed with clean water and wiped with a dry cloth.
Washing powder. If there is a strong smell of urine in the room, in 1-2 liters of water dissolve 1-2 tablespoons. powder, washed with the whole floor. To consolidate the result, you can wipe the coating with diluted water with medical alcohol.
On the floor from the claws of pets often scratches. You can cope with them using the following tools:

damage on the wooden floor to wipe the heart of a walnut;
To remove scratches, prepare a mixture of vegetable oil with vinegar, rub it into the surface and leave to dry for 2 hours;
to remove damage from the surface of natural oak or mahogany, you need to dissolve 5 drops of iodine in 200 ml of warm water, wipe the floor with liquid.
Recommended before using any means to check its effect on an inconspicuous area.


Method Squirt + Mop Hardwood Floor Cleaner, Almond, 25 Ounce

Method Squirt + Mop Hardwood Floor Cleaner, Almond, 25 Ounce

Method Squirt + Mop Hardwood Floor Cleaner, Almond, 25 Ounce

My kitchen floor: tips and tricks

Washing the kitchen floors: tips and tricks

As a child I loved to wash the kitchen floors - it was so much fun! All you had to do was pour a bucket of water on the floor and drive it with a rag back and forth until you get bored. Then I saw a series of "Tom and Jerry", where they wash the floor, riding on brushes, and began to try hard to portray something similar. In general, when angry neighbors rang at our door, whose ceiling had leaked - it became a revelation to me. So I learned that the floors should be washed a little differently, and indeed, it turns out, this is a very boring and monotonous exercise ...

But you still need to wash them, and in our today's article we will tell you how to clean the kitchen floor to shine with a minimum of losses - both financial and moral.

Before you go to the water procedures, the floor should be swept. Oddly enough, they still have not invented anything better than the usual broom for this purpose: get to all the nooks of the kitchen quickly, simply and easily. Broom should be slightly moistened with water so as not to pick up dust from the floor. Of course, you can buy a more elegant broom, however, it is likely that you slightly mark the center of the kitchen with it, and then you will still crawl in the corners with a broom. Well, if you just terribly like to stand and wave a broom, presenting yourself as Cinderella - then, of course, you should buy it. After a light cleaning, you can proceed to direct washing the floor, armed with the necessary fixtures. What - it depends on the flooring in your kitchen.


Laminate and parquet
Tile and tile

1. Linoleum

It is one of the most popular and most unpretentious flooring. If you regularly wash the floors, then problems with old stains should not be. To wash the linoleum will be enough ordinary water with soapy water and a soft cloth. Just do not use hot water: it is undoubtedly more pleasant to wash it, however, from such a coating can go cracks. Also, make sure that the water does not fall under the cover itself - this will cause it to swell up and your kitchen will turn into an improvised mountain range. Once a month, the linoleum coating can be rubbed with a flannel cloth in order to give it extra shine. For this you can use special "shaggy" slippers rags.

Yes Yes. Somehow you can realize the fun of his childhood.
2. Laminate and parquet

Laminate and parquet are much more demanding in the care, so they do not need to wash, but just wipe with a damp cloth. Since it is difficult to understand when a wet cloth is wet and when it is no longer difficult, a special mop with a soft nozzle is used to clean these floors.

Detergents should also be very careful, laminate and parquet do not tolerate any external aggression, so only mild detergents, and in the case of parquet, it is generally better to use glycerin liquid soap. Both coatings can also be rubbed to a shine, driving around them in fluffy slippers for cleaning, however, you should additionally use mastic.
3. Tile and tile

Such coatings are not afraid of excess moisture, so here you can finally splash. Just do not forget about my sad story, told at the beginning of the article, so even here pour water moderately. A good solution would be a rope mop - it easily gets into the most inaccessible corners, and also absorbs excess water.

However, if you have bright tiles in the kitchen ... I congratulate you, I have the same. Her pleasant beige-peach color warms her with one look, but to wash it with sheer agony. The point is not even that all the spots are visible on it, but that they do not disappear even after thorough, violent washing with the help of all the available devices. No, the floor, of course, becomes cleaner, but ... perfectionists will clearly be unhappy. Therefore, if you have a bright tile in the kitchen, wash it as often as possible and best of all with products that do not leave stains. If you are constantly cooking and stains on the tile are unavoidable, wash it with a cloth or a brush, not a mop: otherwise you will have to rub it for a very, very long time. And best of all, initially choose a darker tile for the kitchen floor.

The process of washing floors should begin in the farthest corner of the kitchen, from where you will gradually move towards the door. It is also better to wash from the corners to the middle: this way you will not tread on the already washed part. Do not feel sorry for yourself during the cleaning, rub as you should! After all, floor washing is an excellent physical exercise, so you will simultaneously kill two birds with one stone.


Fabuloso 4307 Long Lasting Fragrance, Lavender

Fabuloso 4307 Long Lasting Fragrance, Lavender

Fabuloso 4307 Long Lasting Fragrance, Lavender

Floor Care. Folk Natural Means For Cleaning Floors.

Since we all have to maintain cleanliness in our habitats , clean windows in a timely manner, wash curtains and clean , one of the most important moments is the maintenance of the floor we walk. Floors, as is known, can be of different materials, in accordance with their functional purpose: linoleum, wood, stone and marble , as well as floors covered with carpet . Therefore, the rules for caring for the floor are significantly different from each other.

How to wash the floors

Caring for linoleum. Glitter without divorce
Linoleum is quite common in everyday life and is affordable. First you need to sweep the floor to clean it from dust and debris. Linoleum is unpretentious in care, it can be washed with normal warm water with the addition of soapy water, but it should be wiped dry. Oddly enough, linoleum washes well with water from under boiled potatoes.
To preserve the elasticity of linoleum, there is a recipe for the oil mixture from the people's piggy bank. Mix proportionally 1: 1 vinegar and raw linseed oil, rub into the surface of clean dry linoleum. If there are scratches on the linoleum, before performing this procedure, clean them with fine emery paper, sweep away the dust and then rub the oil-vinegar mixture.
To linoleum less dirty , process it with home floor mastic. Prepare a soap solution (2 tablespoons of grated soap on a bucket of water), wash the linoleum, using a stiff brush to remove dirt. Mix 2 liters of warm water and 2 tablespoons of liquid floor wax and wipe it off. The resulting protective film will not allow the floor to quickly become dirty , the linoleum will be without streaks , however, this procedure should be repeated at least twice a month. This method is well suited for maintaining the cleanliness of linoleum in the kitchen, where, as a rule, grease stains from cooking accumulate.
To linoleum shine , use natural polish from an equal mixture of water and milk. First, remove the stubborn dirt and stains with a metal kitchen scourer moistened with turpentine, then apply the mixture on the floor and polish with a soft flannel cloth.
Delicate wooden floor care
How to wash wooden floors? How to wash the laminate? First of all, these coatings are practical and need minimal care. It is enough to sweep and wipe them with a damp cloth. With an excess of moisture, wood floors can swell and lose shape, so do not allow water to accumulate on them.
Parquet floors need special care, but there is nothing difficult in it, folk remedies will help to properly care for parquet at home without significant investments.
Clean heavily soiled parquet along the fibers with a rag moistened with turpentine, or with gasoline for lighters, then rub it with your home polish using the recipe below. The same method is used to remove fresh greasy stains. If small gaps have formed in the floorboards, before rubbing, put ordinary talc in them.
Varnished flooring is not recommended. Sweep the floor and rub your home polish with a dry cloth or paper towel.
Homemade polish recipe
To prepare homemade polish, add 6 tablespoons of vinegar and 4 tablespoons of furniture polish to a bucket of water (5 liters). Mix the mixture well, its remains can be stored in a tightly closed bottle or jar.
Many, seeking comfort in their own family nest , choose carpet for the floor. Soft floor is a favorite place for children's games, therefore, you need to especially carefully monitor its cleanliness and use natural safe means for cleaning , without any chemicals.

Floor cleaning methods

How to easily clean the carpet
Any carpet need to be vacuumed regularly. Even in the absence of obvious contamination, dust gets into the carpet every day, so it should be done at least once a week (in the nursery it is advisable to vacuum it every other day).
It is advisable to wash the stains on the carpet immediately before they are absorbed with a wet sponge. If it still happened, you will help the popular recipe for removing stains . In 1 liter of hot water, rub the floor of a bar of ordinary soap, mix and pour 3-4 tablespoons of vinegar. Apply the composition to the spots, carefully brush (the stiffness of the bristles, depending on the thickness of the coating).
To freshen up the color of the carpet resort to homely unpretentious methods, resorting to proven natural remedies. You will need fine sawdust, 1 tablespoon of ammonia solution and a liter of water. All components are mixed, sawdust should absorb water. Place the mixture on the carpet, rub out any problem areas (spots) with a brush, let it dry and vacuum.
To clean the carpet, use a gentle, self-made shampoo. The use of natural components to clean the carpet is important for families with small children. It is for people who value environmental safety that there is a time-tested and previous generation, simple recipe for carpet care shampoo.
Shampoo for carpet. Homemade recipe
Depending on the square of the carpet, make a mixture of potato starch and grated on a fine grater of ordinary soap. On 1 glass of starch - 1 spoon of soap flakes. Stir the mixture, sprinkle the carpet with it and brush with a stiff brush. Leave the mixture for an hour, until it is completely dry, and vacuum it.
Care for marble, stone and granite floor
To clean the marble, stone or granite floor , it is enough to wet it with a soapy water solution; if it is very dirty, leave it for a few minutes, and then wash it off and wipe it with a dry or well wrung out cloth. If the marble floor has especially soiled places, wipe them with a cleaning paste according to this recipe: per 1 square meter. meter marble floor, take 3 tablespoons of non-abrasive scouring powder and drip lemon juice. Carefully rub the mixture into a dirty place, wait a minute, rinse with water, wipe dry.
Old stains on marble are removed using ordinary garden lime, of course, you need to protect your skin with protective rubber gloves.
How to save money on mopping

Regular care will keep your floor in pristine beauty and purity, and with the use of natural folk remedies the family budget will not suffer. By the way, many men welcome the vector direction of their women to the natural sources of cleanliness in housekeeping.

A good housewife and a reasonable modern woman always seeks to save family money in order to use it as efficiently as possible. It is desirable to improve your appearance and pleasure! After all, it is much easier to use proven methods of applying folk remedies around the house , and instead of buying a heap of expensive cleaning and cleaning products for floor care, you can safely spend money with your loved one to indulge in romance and visit the Spa!


Bona Hardwood Floor Cleaner Refillable Cartridge, 34 oz

Bona Hardwood Floor Cleaner Refillable Cartridge, 34 oz

Bona Hardwood Floor Cleaner Refillable Cartridge, 34 oz

How to clean laminate floors, cleaning without streaks

Laminate flooring provides us with an attractive flooring, which is characterized by low maintenance and cleaning needs. To maintain the excellent appearance of laminate floors, manufacturers recommend wet floor cleaning at least once a week.

How to clean laminate floors without streaks
Remove loose dirt from the surface of the laminate floor with a laminate vacuum cleaner and a suitable attachment for hard and varnished floors. In its work, our cleaning company uses vacuum cleaners for the delicate care of laminate models of eco machine HYLA, Dyson, vacuum cleaner Thomas Parkett Master XT, Vax 7151, Karcher SE 4001. Try to avoid using a vacuum cleaner without a suitable nozzle for laminate, as it can leave scratches.

Fill the bucket with enough water so that you can wet the mop and proceed with the wet cleaning of the floor. Press the mop well before cleaning. Do not use wet cloths or detergents, as they can remove the surface finish and make the laminate look dull.
As a rule, laminated floors should not be waxed, polished or sanded. Difficult stains, such as nail polish, a marker, tar, or cigarette burns, can be removed with acetone or nail polish remover, but do not abuse it so as not to damage the finishing layer of laminated wood.


Bissell Crosswave, Combo 3 Pack Multi-Surface, Wood Floor & Area Rug Formula

Bissell Crosswave, Combo 3 Pack Multi-Surface, Wood Floor & Area Rug Formula

Bissell Crosswave, Combo 3 Pack Multi-Surface, Wood Floor & Area Rug Formula

We hate washing the floor! How can i do?

To wash all the floors in the apartment or to postpone for a week? The dilemma that many of us solve almost every weekend. Yes, dirty floor is unpleasant. But to wash it so long and dreary (and still disgusting!) That we are ready to postpone until we can. Together with the Kärcher brand, Medusa gathered the main reasons for the hatred of cleaning floors. And in this text we will talk about the new method of wet cleaning.

Where to start - from the kitchen or room? Or maybe from the balcony?
It seems impossible to start from the kitchen and the bathroom: in the process you still need them. Then maybe from the bedroom? But there, for sure, some family member is resting or the cat is sleeping! How about a balcony ?! Aaaa! Maybe another time?

Maybe just vacuuming is enough? No matter how
It seems that you can save time - and just vacuum. But it was not there. Yes, it has become cleaner, but the stains on the floor scream about how cruelly you were wrong. We still have to take a rag in your hands! And it begins: ideally vacuuming is impossible, so the insidious dust lurks at every corner and sticks to the wet floor. You have to fight with her with bare (and wet!) Hands.

Need to bend all the time
Put a full bucket of water on the floor, dip a rag in it, attach it to a mop (or wash it with your hands!), Then dip the rag again. And again. And again. Sometimes a floor washing session resembles an interval training session, but we are not in the gym! And even if you use a mop, you still have to strain yourself - to deal with the most persistent stains. Sometimes you even need to take a rag in your hands, get down on your knees and rub it properly. Too heavy!

The FC 3 Cordless cordless wet cleaning machine handles all stains on its own - no need to bend down. The manufacturer conducted tests and found that the device allows you to wash the floors 20% more efficient compared to conventional mops. It works like this: you pour clean water into a special container, and from there it is continuously fed to the rotating roller, which saves the floor from both ordinary dirt and more stubborn stains.
Dirty water bucket - ugly
Muddy-gray water, in which hair floats, clots of dust and other debris of unknown origin - what could be worse? Is that the smell that comes from the bucket. And in this unpleasant muck you have to dip your hands, but not once. And even if you change the water often, it instantly becomes dirty. And still cold! Br-rr.

If you have a FC 3 Cordless machine for wet cleaning, do not lower your hands into dirty water. It is going to a special tank, so at the end of cleaning it is enough to pour water from the tank and rinse it with water. At the same time, your hands remain clean, as if you have been reading a book or watching a favorite TV show all this time.
Gloves don't help much
Yes, part of the problem is solved if you use household gloves. But they also have questions! From the first time it is difficult to guess the size (yes, gloves come in different sizes), and they also slip and tear - then dirty water will flow in them, that is, your hands will get wet and dirty anyway. Taking off gloves is also unpleasant - the skin beneath them is sweating and covered with unpleasant folds. For what?!

You have to see terrible things.
Floor cleaning makes you look into the most secret corners of the apartment, and, of course, you will not find anything pleasant there. Dried stain of jam under the fridge, a lump of hair under the leg of the table, a dead fly behind the floor mirror. And this is not the worst possible finds!

Another "Karcher" produces apparatus for wet cleaning the floor called FC 3 Cordless Premium . Included with it is a nozzle for the floor with a flexible swivel, which helps to clean even the most difficult corners. FC 3 Cordless rollers are suitable for all types of flooring: parquet, laminate, stone, linoleum and PVC. And also for parquet, covered with oil or wax.
Memories of school duty, get out!
The process of washing floors can cause the worst memories of school years. It’s as if you were again on the day when your classmates ran for a walk after class, but today you are on duty, so the fun is not for you. Now it is even worse: it’s impossible to tinker (this is your apartment!), It’s impossible to escape or pretend to be sick. And even throwing cloths with a partner in misfortune at each other is not your option.

Divorces still remain
Wash the floor without staining water - a great art. On the Internet you can find whole forums dedicated to various secret techniques, folk remedies and features of each type of gender. If you do not possess this secret knowledge, there are two ways: to spend hours of research or still reconcile with divorces. And of course, I do not want to do either one or the other.

FC 3 Cordless and FC 3 Cordless Premium are washing the floor so that you can walk on it immediately after washing. And you do not need to think about special techniques that help not to leave divorces: they just do not stay, that's all.
It's just a very long time.
Floor cleaning is also a long time, especially if you do everything conscientiously. Ideally, each room should be washed twice - first with the product and then with clean water. And even in a small apartment, the process takes at least an hour. And this is like a whole episode of the show to watch! What can we say, if the apartment is large - the epic may take two and all three hours. And when it's over, you will feel like a squeezed lemon.

Someone must inherit!
There is one positive point in floor cleaning: when it's done, you feel like a real hero (or heroine). But for a long time to enjoy this feeling will not work - be sure to have someone on the line! Probably, even you yourself will be this someone - one transition from the room to the kitchen, and now the surface is not as perfectly clean as it was, and on the floor there is a sticky stain from soda. Awful

FC 3 Cordless and FC 3 Cordless Premium are charged from the mains, but they are wireless devices, so you will not be tied to a power source while washing floors. And the battery level is shown on the display. The device can penetrate into the space under the surfaces (for example, under the sofa), and the design of the rollers allows you to handle the floor in close proximity to the edges of the furniture - so that dirt does not linger anywhere. The water on the roller is supplied in the right quantity, so the floor dries quickly, and after two minutes you can walk on it.


HOOVER FloorMate Grout & Tile Plus Hard Floor Cleaning Solution Formula, 32 oz, AH30435

HOOVER FloorMate Grout & Tile Plus Hard Floor Cleaning Solution Formula, 32 oz, AH30435

HOOVER FloorMate Grout & Tile Plus Hard Floor Cleaning Solution Formula, 32 oz, AH30435

Wash floors interpretation dream interpretation

Often dreams are reflections of real events and life situations. Fantastic characters replaced by people, and flying on a broomstick - a mop and bucket. Each hostess, and the representative of a strong and strong-willed floor, had to clean the house more than once. Therefore, an event such as washing floors in a dream does not always cause the desired interest.

But still, such a dream is not easy to reflect what you do on weekends, and foreshadows the events that await you in the near future. That is why the right decision will be to go to the dream book and find out exactly what dreams of washing floors during sleep.

The dream of doing a wet cleaning, not forgetting about the floor, promises to move up the career ladder. True, things in the service will be successful only if you learn to find a common language with management.

Another such vision often falls on the eve of an important, fateful event. Want to know the details of what: what dreams of mopping? Carefully read the following most interesting comments from the most popular dream books.

All changeable
to wash floors with a rag in a dream

Have you noticed in a dream that someone else is kicking the floor? Alas, the dream book warns: a more nimble colleague can take a lucrative vacancy you dreamed of.

Sometimes washing parquet or other material that people walk around in a house is seen in night dreams by people on the eve of rapid changes in their personal lives. And if the dreamer had to wash the floor in an unfamiliar room, he, making important decisions, will have the opportunity to influence the fate of many people.

In the nightly dreams rubbed flooring of excellent quality, stable and massive? Then, according to Miller, and in reality you have solid ground under your feet - you are confident in the future. But the wobbling, half-rotten sexual plates in a dream is a sign of betrayal, betrayal of a loved one.

About the dangers of excessive cleanliness
In the night it happened that you diligently, conscientiously wash the floor? Unfortunately, such a vision, according to Family Dream, is one of the signs that misfortune, even death, can happen in the house of the sleeper. And if the boards of the planted flooring were old, decayed with patches and holes, then such a dream predicts trouble, loss, loss.

girl washes the floors

In a dream, decided to put in order a terribly dirty floor? Well, the vision anticipates a favorable, happy period full of positive change. Why dream of washing floors that seem to be clean? To the fact that the sleeper in reality will have a series of adversities, misfortunes. In addition, health problems are likely.

Freud interprets the dream of washing floors in a very original way. He believes that the one to whom such a vision has fallen, in reality, wants to speak frankly with a sexual partner. The dreamer is tired of the routine and predictability in intimate relationships, wants to discuss this problem. Most likely, he will achieve his goal and experience new emotions and sensations in reality.

Guests or gossip?
Sleep, but you do your chores namyvaya floors? Then, according to the version of the Spring collection of predictions, in reality you have to leave home. However, in the Summer Dream Book, this is a sign that predicts the visit of guests, and in Autumn, a precise sign that vile gossip is being spread behind the back of the sleeper.
Sometimes such a plot may reflect the thoughts of a sleeping person, who is dissatisfied with neither social nor financial situation. The dreamer is sure to deserve more. But most others do not share his point of view.

to wash the floors at work

Well, if the cleaning in the dream happens in the workplace. Such a dream suggests that the authorities appreciate the sleeper, considering him an experienced, talented specialist.

Terrible secrets
Why dream of washing the floors of a woman? If the dreamer was wielding a rag in her home, then she worries about quarrels, quarrels that often happen in her family. There is only one way out for the dream book: urgently exchanging something in the established schedule, in order to feel comfort and peace of mind, to restore warm relations with the spouse.

The nightmare that you are trying to blur the spot spread on the floor, perhaps bloody, is confirmation that you actually have skeletons in the closet, and even in a dream you are thinking about how to hide your secrets from others.

However, according to the old truth: the secret always becomes clear, remember this!

Wash the floors in a dream
man washing floors

The dream, in which the floors were washed out, is interpreted as a successful career, taking into account the fact that you will not disagree with your employer and defend your opinion. Or what you see symbolizes the upcoming events for which you are diligently preparing. If you removed the other person, then you risk losing your position to a more successful employee.

To dream about washing your floors
He interprets the dream book to wash floors, as the emergence of changes in his personal life.

Clean up in an unknown room means a tremendous impact on others, at the expense of their own decisions and deliberate actions.
Rub hard, reliable floor says about the available strong support.
Unstable and precarious sex - the betrayal of a loved one.
Dream interpretation also focuses attention on the dirty floor that you are trying to wash. Such a dream spells a pleasant change in life.
If you see a clean floor, but still wash it, then in reality you are in trouble and sickness. According to Freud's dream book, such actions mean confusion in your relationship with a partner. You are likely to feel tired of the monotony, and feel the urgent need for new emotions. Dream predicts the imminent emergence of such opportunities.
For a married woman to wash floors in a dream
washed floors in a strange house

For a married woman, the dream in which she washed the floors of the house is a symbol of an unhappy family life. There is a possibility that it is time for you to change it in order to feel comfort and coziness next to your spouse.

The laundering of blood or other dark spots is interpreted as embellishment of events of personal life for friends. You diligently try to appear better, although the obvious facts will sooner or later reveal the true essence.

How to determine a prophetic dream
After the interpretation of sleep, we think when dreams come true . Will sleep come true or not depends on what lunar day he dreamed of and what day of the week. Let's look at the lunar calendar - what phase of the moon today and what lunar day.

Comparing the data on the lunar day and the day of the week, we can assume whether the prophecy of sleep will come true.


Pledge Floorcare Multi Surface Concentrated Cleaner, 128 Fluid Ounce

Pledge Floorcare Multi Surface Concentrated Cleaner, 128 Fluid Ounce

Pledge Floorcare Multi Surface Concentrated Cleaner, 128 Fluid Ounce

How to properly and quickly clean the floors?

Cleanliness in the house is a guarantee of the health of the whole family and the calm of the hostess. And not only physical health. Most people who have abnormalities on a psychological level, as a rule, do not keep order in the house. The degradation of a person begins with a disregard for his own appearance, and housing, in which he spends most of his life.

Regular cleaning of the apartment implies wet cleaning of the floors. Each housewife simply dreams of the time when she will put the rag aside with relief, and look at the result of her labors - the sparkling floor. But in order to achieve this effect, it is necessary to properly apply floor cleaning products. It must be said that their choice entirely depends on the material from which the coating is made.

How to quickly and properly clean the floors: tips
Regardless of the flooring, there are several rules for wet processing:
Items on the floor and items that can be lifted, move to the upper tier or remove from the room. So you maximally clear the area for the forthcoming work;
Free floors from carpets, walkways and carpets. Knock them out, and bed after washing;
Sweep the surface of the floor with a broom or vacuum. So you eliminate a significant part of dust and debris. By the way, it should be noted that the broom must be wet. Not wet, and not dry. To do this, type in a basin or bucket of water, wet the very tip of the broom, and shake off excess water. Only then proceed to processing. Broom should be washed in a similar way as it is contaminated;
Washing the floors should be started from the opposite wall to the exit from the room. Flush all joints between baseboards and floor covering. Gradually move to the exit. Finally, wash the center of the room in the same way — from the opposite wall to the door.
This is the easiest and most effective way to quickly and efficiently do wet floor cleaning in the room.

Properly wash the floor depending on the type of coating
By the type of material used, floor coverings differ by the following:
Wood (polished and painted), etc.
Let us consider in more detail each of the types and characteristics of their washing:
Wooden floors. Do you have a floor made of unpainted wooden boards in your house? Wet processing will require cool water and detergent. Without squeezing rags, walk on the floor, wetting it well. After that, take a hard bristled mop and clean the surface. Walk on the foam floor with a damp cloth, washed in clean water. After that, you can wipe the floors with a dry cloth.

It is advisable to wash painted or varnished wood floors with a soft cloth and the same detergents. Do not use a brush to clean this type of flooring. In addition, strongly wet rags is not desirable. The floors should be cleaned with a damp, well-wrung cloth. Move from the outer wall of the room along the baseboards to the exit, and at the very end, rinse the center of the room. In order to add shine to the surface, mix in equal proportions vegetable oil and methyl alcohol, apply the composition to a rag, and wipe the dry surface. After drying the painted floors, wipe them with a solution of table vinegar in plenty of water. This will give the paint extra gloss and durability. Often carry out general cleaning of wooden floors is not desirable.
Parquet. The parquet floor is the same wooden one, only made not from large boards, but assembled from small planks. This coating is necessarily varnished. This prevents excessive moisture from penetrating the structure of the tree, and allows the floor to last for quite a long time. Therefore, it is advisable to wash this coating infrequently, and only with a well wrung out damp cloth. To add shine, some glycerin is added to the wash water. After drying, rub the floor with special mastic, and polish to a shine with a chamois cloth or brush designed for this action. It is possible to wash this coating once a week, the rest of the actions should be carried out no more than once a month.
Laminate. To clean the laminate floor without stains and streaks, there are several proven methods. To thoroughly wash the laminate floor, add a tablespoon of dishwashing detergent, liquid soap or shampoo to a bucket of water. Gel washing powder is also great. The rags or sponge you use should be carefully wrung out. Change the water frequently when washing and rinse the surface with clean water after using detergents. This recipe is perfect for washing cork and tile floors.
To properly clean the laminate floor, prepare hot water, vinegar (9%) and a mop with a soft nozzle (preferably especially for the laminate).

In hot water, add vinegar, which promotes rapid evaporation of moisture from the floor surface, and prevent the occurrence of stains. Moisten a rag in the solution, and squeeze. Wipe the floor in front of you, moving back towards the door.
To clean the floor of serious pollution, dissolve a large amount of detergent in water and foam. Apply the foam to the coating, wash off with a clean cloth after 10 minutes.
Preventive washing of the laminate floor can be carried out no more than 3 times a week. General cleaning should be done once a month.
Linoleum. The first rule of washing linoleum floors is never to use hot water and abrasive cleaners. It is recommended to wash floors of this category only as they are contaminated. However, once a month should be wiped with linseed oil or vegetable oil. Flaxseed oil or sunflower oil is great for this. Thereby, you will return plasticity to the coating and prevent premature breakage.
Porcelain stoneware. For serious pollution it is better to use acid-based products that are added to the floor washing water. Dampen a soft cloth with liquid, wring out and walk on the floor surface. After treatment with detergent, wipe the floor with a cloth dampened in clean water. Wipe dry with a rag.
Stone (marble, granite). This coating does not require frequent maintenance. It is enough to wipe the floor once a week with a damp cloth. To avoid stains and stains, exclude detergents. As a rule, substances with a neutral pH balance are used to treat stone coatings.
Bung. Cork is extremely hygroscopic material. Any increase in humidity and cork floor absorbs excess moisture even from the air. Therefore, the basic rule - a minimum of water on a rag. Do not be worth the money and buy expensive products for washing such an unusual floor. It can be cleaned with ordinary soapy water. Do not use any kind of abrasives.
Tile. For cleaning tiled floors, a vacuum cleaner with a washing function or a steam cleaner is perfect. If there are no such devices in the house, ordinary soap, dissolved in water, will do its job no worse. After washing the floors, rub the tiles with a wool cloth. This will help avoid premature contamination of the seams, and will make the coating sparkle as good as new.

How to clean the floor from whitewashing?
To avoid wasting time and effort, before starting repairs, cover the floor with paper. It is advisable not to use the oilcloth, because it is slippery and it is extremely traumatic.
To properly, without a divorce, to wash the floor after whitewashing, use the following tips:
Dilute a glass of rubbed soap in a bucket of water, let the liquid brew. Fill the entire soiled surface with the solution that has been whipped into the foam, and allow the whitewash to sieve. Collect the foam with a damp cloth dipped in clean water. Change the water in the bucket and wipe the floors again. Then dry with a soft, dry cloth;
To wash a heavily soiled surface, rinse the floor surface, breaking it into sections. Wash each of them step by step, first with soapy water, then with a cloth dampened in clean water, and wipe dry. Change the water after each stage. To quickly clean up strong contaminants, add some aviation gasoline or fine salt to the soap solution.
If you are unable to clean the floor clean the first time, repeat the procedure again without using detergent.
You can remove whitewash from a tile without staining with a dry cloth, which will wipe away dust and dirt. After that, wipe with a damp cloth dipped in water with vinegar.


Weiman Hardwood Floor Cleaner & Polish Restorer Combo - 2 Pack - High-Traffic Hardwood Floor, Natural Shine, Removes Scratches, Leaves Protective Layer

Weiman Hardwood Floor Cleaner & Polish Restorer Combo - 2 Pack - High-Traffic Hardwood Floor, Natural Shine, Removes Scratches, Leaves Protective Layer

Weiman Hardwood Floor Cleaner & Polish Restorer Combo - 2 Pack - High-Traffic Hardwood Floor, Natural Shine, Removes Scratches, Leaves Protective Layer

How to wash floors without stains

Divorces on the floor after wet cleaning cause annoyance. Meanwhile, to avoid them is easy. Traces on the coatings remain if the detergent is badly removed or not all the dirt has been collected. In our review - the best tools for cleaning floors without streaks, streaks and stains.

Mop and bucket

Not a wooden mop or a plastic bucket. Pay attention to a flat mop-flaunder with fastening microfiber cloths by the ears or elastic bands. It is used by professional wipers.

The tool demonstrates incredible maneuverability. The ball mechanism for attaching the handle to the base easily changes direction. Wet napkin reaches into all remote corners. Microfiber coat does not leave streaks, streaks.

Buy a professional bucket . For an apartment with an area of ​​more than 80 m 2, a two-section fit on wheels, with a spin, of a small capacity (10 and 10 liters or less). Pour washing solution into one section, clean water for rinsing into the other. Twenty liters is enough for 100-150 m 2 . Roller spin on the wall of the bucket dry squeezes the napkin and do not need to bend down.

Washing vacuum cleaner

Cleaning with a washing vacuum cleaner tires less and gives clean floors without a trace. Shampoo is poured into the tank of the vacuum cleaner. A sprinkler sprays the resulting foam over the surface. The vacuum cleaner draws in dissolved contaminants into a separate tank.

Detergent composition has a high cleansing ability. After the passage with a vacuum cleaner remain clean, dry floors without stains.

Steam cleaner

For those who do not recognize chemistry during cleaning - steam cleaner . From the couple does not occur divorce. Even the primary class units, with a tank capacity of one liter, are equipped with a nozzle for cleaning floors.

It is a device with a swivel joint, similar to a flat mop. Only during washing the device delivers almost dry steam (5% moisture) to the surface of the napkin.

Hot, wet jet dislodge dirt from the surface. Steam cleaner launders clean rough granite, cleans the seams between ceramic tiles. Linoleum does not tarnish after steam treatment.

For floors, it is better to choose a model with two tanks - you do not have to stop cleaning to add water to the tank. For a spacious apartment with an area of ​​more than 70-80 m, recommend a tank of at least 1.5 liters.

Maneuverable steam cleaner easily penetrates into remote corners, under the sofas, chairs. Steam launders without divorce, even laminate. The latter is washed on a delicate mode, putting on a double napkin on the nozzle and feeding steam periodically.

Floor cleaning machine

The scrubbing machine leaves the cleanest floors. Already an entry-level device for home use presses the brush to the floor ten times stronger than the force of the hands when washing with a mop.

The starting model has a small brush assembly. He easily climbs into the space under the sofa, wardrobe. The technique shows high performance even with a small width of 300 mm. For an hour you can clean a house of 200 m 2 . The purchase of a scrubber machine is economically justified for an apartment with an area of ​​100 m 2 or more.

For heavy soiling, use the pre-soak method. Pass the machine without suction, leaving the washing solution on the floor for a while. Then they pass once more, already sucking in the sodden dirt.

If the floors allow, then old stains can be scrubbed by intense mechanical stress. To do this, several times pass through the pollution or delay the machine in a difficult area without turning off the brush.


Murphy's Oil Soap Original Wood Cleaner - 32 fluid ounce (3 Count)

Murphy's Oil Soap Original Wood Cleaner - 32 fluid ounce (3 Count)

Murphy's Oil Soap Original Wood Cleaner - 32 fluid ounce (3 Count)

How to clean the floors from laminate, parquet, tile and other coatings in the apartment.


At a young age, many of us could not understand how to properly clean the floors and why, after cleaning, the coating does not shine with cleanliness, like our mothers did. But over time, the equipment is becoming more sophisticated, and you have the strength not only to wash the floor every day, but also to clean it from heavy dirt, even after repairs.

It would seem that any one will cope with this problem, but only experienced housewives know the basic rules that will help to properly and efficiently clean up any floor, which you should not ignore, since experience and practice show that these universal recommendations help to keep your floor clean :

remove all excess before cleaning the floor. Twist the carpet into a roll and bring it into another room, lift all chairs and ottomans;
thoroughly vacuum the floor or sweep with a slightly damp broom, not forgetting to get under the cabinets and the sofa , since dust that has settled in hard-to-reach places will be smeared and leave dirty stains when washing floors;
standing near the door, estimate the trajectory along which you will move. To begin to wash the floor should be from the far corner of the room, paying particular attention to the baseboards, then gradually moving to the center, and then to the exit;
Always carefully unscrew the cloth from excess fluid so that there are no marks on the floor. Well, it would be best to wipe the coating several times, changing the water each time .

Believe that these simple recommendations for cleaning floors will always help to keep them clean, it’s not enough just to cover the floor with a damp cloth, you need to know how to do it right!

How to wash different types of coatings?

It may seem that there is no need to follow special rules when cleaning the floor. Dampen a rag in water - and three to my health. But this is far from the case, because each material requires an individual approach, and now we will consider the main features of floor cleaning, depending on the type of coating.

Floors that are covered with parquet should not be wetted with plenty of water. To wash them, you should remove the pollution with a vacuum cleaner or a soft brush, and then treat this type of coating with a rag or mop, which you need to save as much as possible from excessive moisture . In order to effectively protect the parquet from dirt, many use polishing agents that have water-repellent and moisture-proof properties.

Floors made of some types of laminate , also do not like excessive moisture. There are types that are covered with a waterproof layer, but it is also not recommended to abuse it and arrange them with abundant "water procedures". A rag or special mop should be thoroughly pressed and only after that the floors should be washed. If you want to conduct a more efficient cleaning of the laminate, then use detergent solution with the addition of liquid soap or a special tool for this type of coating.

The most demanding coatings are ceramic tiles , linoleum and ordinary painted floor . Washing out such a floor, you can not worry about excessive moisture.It is possible to wash such surfaces well with the help of warm water with the addition of any detergent.

To add a dazzling shine to the painted floor, you can put some ammonia or table vinegar into the water.

Very carefully and gently should wash the floor of cork . For wet cleaning of this type of material should be used soft cloths and detergents that do not contain abrasive particles, because they can easily damage the surface of the floor.It is impossible to wet the cork. If there is significant contamination on such a coating, they can be removed with a soft sponge and liquid detergent.

If you have wooden unpainted floors , they can be washed with very hot water and cleaned with a hard brush. Such a floor can even be bleached, and it does not require delicate cleaning.

Now you know absolutely all the features of washing any type of coating. Cleaning of such floors does not require any expenses or special efforts, but it is important to remember that he loves and is afraid of this or that material.

What and how to wash laminate?

In modern life, laminate has already proved itself. It perfectly retains heat and creates a special comfort in every home, but here's how to properly wash it, and generally care for laminate flooring, we will look at in this article.

Any floor covering requires regular cleaning, and laminate is no exception. Let's remember that it consists of durable boards from recycled wood, which is saturated with tarry film on top. Laminated boards form a continuous floor canvas, fastened together by a special system of locks.

Well, our business readers, let's get down to the basic rules of washing and caring for laminate floors. For a start, you should consider the traditional and well-known rules of cleaning, which implies cleaning with a vacuum cleaner and a rag:

first remove all dirt using a vacuum cleaner or a soft brush;
After removing all dirt and dust, proceed with wet cleaning. To do this, dampen a soft cloth in water, then carefully unscrew it to glass all excess moisture. Only after that proceed to washing the floor of the laminate, moving from the corners to the center of the room and exit.

Of course, you may be asked what kind of detergent you can use when washing and caring for such a delicate coating like laminate ? You can take the usual liquid soap and dilute it in a small amount of water, but it must be washed off with plenty of liquid, but the laminate does not like it. Therefore, the best tool is vinegar : it perfectly removes any dirt and stains from the floor.

In order not to damage the surface of the floor, use a mop with a foam insert: it is easily squeezed out, which will protect your floor from excessive moisture.

If the laminate does not have significant dirt, then it is not necessary to wash it, you just need to thoroughly vacuum the entire surface.

But you don’t always manage to keep the house clean, and one fine day some paint will spill on the laminate or stains will remain after repairs. If you do not have a special tool for cleaning this type of surface from various impurities, then you can use dishwashing detergent . Apply a small amount to the contaminated area without water and leave for a while, then wipe with a damp cloth.Paint or varnish can be removed with acetone , wetting a cotton swab or a cotton swab in a small amount of solvent. But you need to act as carefully and quickly as possible without affecting the clean areas.

If you notice traces of wax or paraffin on the laminate, you can gently scrape them off with a plastic spatula. If after such a removal there are still spots on the floor, they can be masked with a repair paste.

It is most expedient to use special means for the care of laminate, since they are designed exclusively for the features of this type of coating.

They can be purchased at any store or department of household chemicals. Special manipulations for cleaning the floor, using such means, is not worth it. It is enough to dissolve this agent in water, as indicated in the instructions, and clean the floor. Some products do not need to be washed off, since they give a special shine to the laminate and protect it from excessive moisture.

Now it is worthwhile to dwell on the choice of equipment for cleaning laminate floors . In many homes, steam cleaners are now being actively used, which will perfectly relieve your floor of old stains and even traces of mortars after repairs. Since this type of coating is afraid of hot water, the steam supply must be periodic , and you can use cotton cloth or fiber cloths to wipe the surface.

If you are the owner of waterproof laminate, then you can wash it with a washing vacuum cleaner. It is designed so that it sprays the cleaning solution and immediately absorbs it along with the dirt. Such a vacuum cleaner perfectly removes old stains and greasy marks, plus the effect of water on the coating will be minimal.

Many housewives use a steam mop when washing laminate floors, but this device can only be used for the coating, the seams of which are protected by sealants.

If you compare the washing vacuum cleaner and steam cleaner, then the second function is much more, but you should not chase after it. It is better to pay attention to the surfaces for which this or that technique was developed and whether it suits directly to your type of laminate.

And now, hostess, let's make a small comparison that will allow you to correctly determine the choice of detergent for the floor with a similar coating.

Detergent Benefits disadvantages
Liquid soap It is affordable and well washes away pollution Soil stains can remain on the laminate
Special product for laminate Perfectly washes away any stains and dirt, adds shine and does not harm the coating. Costly
Acetic solution Available, it perfectly washes the floor and removes pollution Stubborn stains cannot be cleaned
Steam cleaner Effectively disinfects and copes with dried spots. It is unsuitable for laminate, which is made from low-quality raw materials , cannot often be used.


Wood & Laminate Floor Cleaner: For Hardwood, Real, Natural & Engineered Flooring, Biodegradable Safe for Cleaning All Floors. By Black Diamond Stoneworks

Wood & Laminate Floor Cleaner: For Hardwood, Real, Natural & Engineered Flooring, Biodegradable Safe for Cleaning All Floors. By Black Diamond Stoneworks

Wood & Laminate Floor Cleaner: For Hardwood, Real, Natural & Engineered Flooring, Biodegradable Safe for Cleaning All Floors. By Black Diamond Stoneworks

How to clean the floors when the child or animal in the house

Floor washing is an integral part in the process of cleaning the apartment. No matter how hard the hostess tries, washing over the parquet or laminate, after a while a layer of dust forms on the floor again, and small garbage is visible. It would seem, what tricks can be when washing the floor? But not everything is so simple. A variety of flooring requires an individual approach to each.

How often do you need to wash the floors in the apartment?
There is no definite answer to this question. The main task of a good housewife is cleanliness, and therefore it is necessary to tidy up the floor as it gets dirty. However, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the material with which the floor is covered. For example, laminate and flooring do not tolerate moisture well and it is better to clean them with a vacuum cleaner, resorting to washing as little as possible. Other coatings, such as tile or linoleum, transfer water normally and wash them often, without fear of spoiling. How to clean the floors: from the threshold or to the threshold Probably not worth reminding that before washing the top layer of dust and accumulated debris is removed from the floor.

It is better to do this with a vacuum cleaner, because a broom of millet “overtakes” the dust around the room without cleaning, and half of the garbage remains. But if your equipment is broken, or you cannot use the vacuum cleaner for other reasons, you can sweep the floor before washing, wetting a broom with water. It will not allow dust to scatter and settle on surrounding objects. In order to avoid dirty stains, in the process of work, the "whisk" will have to be rinsed several more times. To begin to wash the floors should be from the far corners of the room, gradually moving to the threshold. The reason is that it is on the threshold that the largest amount of garbage, dust and dirt that residents bring on the soles of shoes, coming home from the street, accumulates. If you start to wash the floor from the doorway, you just take it away all over the room, and not rinse it as it should. How to wash unpainted wooden floor This coating does not require special care, it is durable and practical. It is enough to wash the boards every 5–7 days, and the floor will look tidy. You can do this in different ways, we will give a couple of the most common: Dissolve soap in warm water and wash the boards. Then replace the water and wipe the unpainted floors again to remove residual detergent. If unpainted boards have not been washed for a long time and they have become very dirty, wash them with turpentine.

Add the product in warm water, 1 tablespoon is enough, then pour into the solution a couple of tablespoons of detergent (you can use soap) and mix the composition. Wash the floor, then walk with the rag again, replacing the cleaning solution with clean water. After washing, it is necessary to open the windows and ventilate the room well. This will help the floor to dry faster, and the smell of detergent substances will erode. How to wash cork floor If in your apartment cork floor, the main thing that you need to learn - he does not like moisture. Therefore, it should be washed infrequently, carefully squeezing a rag. If the contamination is not too strong, you can restrict yourself by wiping the coating with a slightly damp foam sponge. You do not need to purchase special formulations, you can wash this coating with laundry soap or other detergents. The only exceptions are abrasive powders, chlorine-based products and other aggressive compounds. How to clean floors for disinfection What is the best way to clean floors to remove germs and bacteria? If you need to disinfect a dwelling, for example, after an illness of someone from the household, you can wash the previously cleaned coating by adding the following compounds to the water: detergents with chlorine; special disinfectant compositions that are in each pharmacy; vinegar 3%; hydrogen peroxide; baking soda; potassium permanganate; essential oil with tea tree extract. Remember that after disinfection the room needs to be thoroughly ventilated.

It is not a secret that many detergents have an unpleasant smell, and if cats or dogs live in the house, which periodically “mark” the floor, then the specific stench of feces is added to the chemicals. How to mop the floor so that the smell is pleasant? The best way is to add essential oils to water. Their variety gives you the freedom to choose, and you can fill your house with the aroma you would like: pine needles, citrus, tea tree, rose and others. How to clean the floors when the child is in the house? The birth of a child, and especially the period when he begins to crawl around the apartment, makes his parents more attentive to clean floors. Although you can often hear that you should not put the child in "greenhouse" conditions and drastically change something in the issues of cleaning and washing with clean water is enough. However, it is still necessary to wash the floor and not all products are permissible when there is a baby in the house. It is forbidden to use formulations with chlorine or aggressive detergents, as a crawling on the floor man “collects” the dried solution on the fingers, which will necessarily pull into your mouth. To end this serious health problems. The better to wash the floors when the baby in the house? In order not to worry about the health of the child, as well as the purity of the coating, you can use the following products: essential oils; "Multidez - Teflex" (the product is sold in pharmacies, has a disinfectant effect and is safe for children).

You can replace it with counterparts, of which there are many; laundry soap; potassium permanganate; soda solution. Remember that washing solutions should be of low concentration, because detergents, one way or another, remain on the floor, even if you additionally wash the floors with clean water. How to clean the floor after repair and painting When carrying out repairs, it is better to take care of floor protection beforehand. Cover it with film or newspapers so you don’t have to spend much time cleaning it. But even in this case, the appearance of pollution is inevitable and the room must be cleaned. These are construction dust, debris, “blots” from primer, lime, wallpaper glue or paint. How to wash the floor after the repair? The work is done as follows: Remove pieces of film, wallpaper and other debris from the floor. Collect dusty vacuum. Treat the floor with concentrated soapy water, thoroughly washing the area after the area. Rinse out more often. If paint or lime stains remain, carefully clean them with an agent suitable for the type of coating. As a rule, kerosene and salt do not harm the materials. Wash the floor again using clean water, and then repeat the wash by adding ½ cup of vinegar to the bucket. After that, wipe the surface with a dry cloth. By following these recommendations, you will achieve perfect cleanliness of the coating without the risk of spoiling it. If you painted the floor with paint, then you can only wash it completely dry. The time required for this will be indicated on the can of paint. After that, it is enough to clean the floor with clean cold water.

How to clean the floors, when the pet owners in the house, where cats or dogs live, know perfectly well that every animal “marks” the floor at least once in its life, and some pets practice it constantly. The smell of urine, especially feline, can be called simply killer, and it is difficult to remove it, practically no sense in washing with plain water or soap. At the veterinary pharmacy, you can purchase products in the form of sprays, which will not only eliminate the smell, but will also serve as an "repeller" of the animal, but they are suitable for local use. What to do in such cases? What tools to use? It should be noted that it is not possible to do without periodic treatment with bleach, especially on those parts of the floor that the undisciplined quadruped has chosen. Doing this too often is not worth it, because chlorine fumes are poisonous, and you can not use a solution of strong concentration.

For constant washing suitable enzyme formulations. These substances accelerate the decomposition of organic compounds, which include urine, and allow you to eliminate unpleasant odors quickly. However, it is important to know that the chlorine contained in tap water neutralizes the enzymes, so the water for washing must first be defended for at least a day. From improvised means, you can use such substances that should be added to the water for washing: potassium permanganate (add to water until a bright pink solution is obtained); Vodka and vinegar (1 glass of each product per 5 liters of water). If you catch an animal at a “crime scene,” action must be taken immediately. How to quickly clean the floors so that there is no smell? Perform local processing as follows: Collect urine with a dry cloth or paper towel. Apply a mixture of water and vinegar (1: 1 ratio) to the soiled area of ​​the floor or carpet. After 15 minutes, remove the liquid with a dry cloth. Treat the floor with a gruel of soda and hydrogen peroxide, and leave to dry. Vacuuming "crime scene". By following these recommendations, you can clean the floor without worrying about the health of family members and pets.


Bona Hardwood Floor Disposable Wet Cleaning Pads, 12 Count

Bona Hardwood Floor Disposable Wet Cleaning Pads, 12 Count

Bona Hardwood Floor Disposable Wet Cleaning Pads, 12 Count

How to clean the floor at home

Many believe that washing the floor is not difficult, that it is a simple procedure that requires a mop and a rag. However, experienced housewives know that in order to properly and thoroughly clean the floor, certain rules must be followed.

First of all, it is important to bear in mind that different floor coverings require a certain attitude and special means. Basic rules for cleaning floors Before washing, remove all items that you can move or lift from the floor, which will facilitate the cleaning process as a whole. If the area is clean, then cleaning the floor will be much more convenient. You can remove floor lamps, chairs, flower pots. This is not too difficult, but it will save time on mopping, because you don’t have to bypass extra items. Initially, it is necessary to sweep the floor, so you can remove excess dust, debris. Broom can remove contamination from hard to reach places. Just before sweeping, you should moisten a broom and shake off excess water. It is best to start cleaning from distant corners, moving towards the center, and then to the exit. It is best to visually divide the room into several sections and gradually remove everything.

Do not forget that for cleaning you can use different household chemicals, but the choice should depend on the type of floor, that is, from the floor. Different means are used for such types: for painted floor, for linoleum, for parquet, for plastic floor, for tile. How to wash the wooden floor and linoleum Painted floor is not very capricious, it does not require special care. If such a floor is in the hallway, and in the kitchen, that is, in those places where dirt is quickly accumulating, then daily washing of the floor is required. See also: How to choose a good mop for effective cleaning? Unpainted floor will require more thorough care.

It is not enough to simply wipe the floor, it must be washed with soapy water, while highly polluted places can be wiped with a soft brush. After that, the floor is best to wipe with clean water and wipe dry with sacking. This floor can be washed with the addition of ammonia or vinegar. Grease stains may disappear after leaving the solution with soap for a day. Linoleum just enough to wipe. If you need to remove a lot of dirt, then you need to buy tools for the care of linoleum. Sometimes you can use laundry soap to care for this coating. However, there are a number of tools that are unacceptable when washing linoleum: alcohol, turpentine, gasoline, ammonia. From all these substances, the pattern can be erased, and the coating itself can also deteriorate and swell. If the linoleum began to darken, then to shine it can be wiped with a woolen cloth. Washing laminate and parquet Parquet floors are usually washed no more than once a year; you can only wipe with a damp cloth in order to remove dust.

With full washing, you can apply a solution of soap. It is worth knowing that it is the parquet flooring that is the most demanding in the care. Wet cleaning is provided for the laminate only a couple of times a year to avoid cracking. Wipe the floor with a damp cloth, after a good spin, it is also important to completely dry the surface. If spots are found, then it is necessary to apply special equipment, and then wash it off. See also: 7 ways to self-sanitize an apartment after an illness It is better to use only products that can be purchased in specialized stores. Alternatively, you can use acetone, but only in a certain dose. The most optimal are products with neutral PH. Washing the floors, decorated with marble and tiles. It is better to sweep marble floors, that is, only dry cleaning is relevant.

It is better to use a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush or hair brushes for sweeping. For such floors can not use soap, laundry detergents, because natural stone requires only special care. He is very sensitive to any conventional means and especially to chemicals. As an option, suitable funds with a neutral PH, but only in the allowed dose. To keep the floors longer retain their strength and beauty, it can be polished with a special liquid wax. Tiled floors are less whimsical. There is enough simple soapy water. This solution can be used once a week if the floors are too dirty, which often happens in the kitchen. So you can use a solution of ammonia. Old stains or lime deposits can be removed by adding vinegar to the water. However, you should avoid hitting such solutions on the seams between the tiles. For washing powders and products with abrasives will not work.
