Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Wood & Laminate Floor Cleaner: For Hardwood, Real, Natural & Engineered Flooring, Biodegradable Safe for Cleaning All Floors. By Black Diamond Stoneworks

Wood & Laminate Floor Cleaner: For Hardwood, Real, Natural & Engineered Flooring, Biodegradable Safe for Cleaning All Floors. By Black Diamond Stoneworks

Wood & Laminate Floor Cleaner: For Hardwood, Real, Natural & Engineered Flooring, Biodegradable Safe for Cleaning All Floors. By Black Diamond Stoneworks

How to clean the floors when the child or animal in the house

Floor washing is an integral part in the process of cleaning the apartment. No matter how hard the hostess tries, washing over the parquet or laminate, after a while a layer of dust forms on the floor again, and small garbage is visible. It would seem, what tricks can be when washing the floor? But not everything is so simple. A variety of flooring requires an individual approach to each.

How often do you need to wash the floors in the apartment?
There is no definite answer to this question. The main task of a good housewife is cleanliness, and therefore it is necessary to tidy up the floor as it gets dirty. However, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the material with which the floor is covered. For example, laminate and flooring do not tolerate moisture well and it is better to clean them with a vacuum cleaner, resorting to washing as little as possible. Other coatings, such as tile or linoleum, transfer water normally and wash them often, without fear of spoiling. How to clean the floors: from the threshold or to the threshold Probably not worth reminding that before washing the top layer of dust and accumulated debris is removed from the floor.

It is better to do this with a vacuum cleaner, because a broom of millet “overtakes” the dust around the room without cleaning, and half of the garbage remains. But if your equipment is broken, or you cannot use the vacuum cleaner for other reasons, you can sweep the floor before washing, wetting a broom with water. It will not allow dust to scatter and settle on surrounding objects. In order to avoid dirty stains, in the process of work, the "whisk" will have to be rinsed several more times. To begin to wash the floors should be from the far corners of the room, gradually moving to the threshold. The reason is that it is on the threshold that the largest amount of garbage, dust and dirt that residents bring on the soles of shoes, coming home from the street, accumulates. If you start to wash the floor from the doorway, you just take it away all over the room, and not rinse it as it should. How to wash unpainted wooden floor This coating does not require special care, it is durable and practical. It is enough to wash the boards every 5–7 days, and the floor will look tidy. You can do this in different ways, we will give a couple of the most common: Dissolve soap in warm water and wash the boards. Then replace the water and wipe the unpainted floors again to remove residual detergent. If unpainted boards have not been washed for a long time and they have become very dirty, wash them with turpentine.

Add the product in warm water, 1 tablespoon is enough, then pour into the solution a couple of tablespoons of detergent (you can use soap) and mix the composition. Wash the floor, then walk with the rag again, replacing the cleaning solution with clean water. After washing, it is necessary to open the windows and ventilate the room well. This will help the floor to dry faster, and the smell of detergent substances will erode. How to wash cork floor If in your apartment cork floor, the main thing that you need to learn - he does not like moisture. Therefore, it should be washed infrequently, carefully squeezing a rag. If the contamination is not too strong, you can restrict yourself by wiping the coating with a slightly damp foam sponge. You do not need to purchase special formulations, you can wash this coating with laundry soap or other detergents. The only exceptions are abrasive powders, chlorine-based products and other aggressive compounds. How to clean floors for disinfection What is the best way to clean floors to remove germs and bacteria? If you need to disinfect a dwelling, for example, after an illness of someone from the household, you can wash the previously cleaned coating by adding the following compounds to the water: detergents with chlorine; special disinfectant compositions that are in each pharmacy; vinegar 3%; hydrogen peroxide; baking soda; potassium permanganate; essential oil with tea tree extract. Remember that after disinfection the room needs to be thoroughly ventilated.

It is not a secret that many detergents have an unpleasant smell, and if cats or dogs live in the house, which periodically “mark” the floor, then the specific stench of feces is added to the chemicals. How to mop the floor so that the smell is pleasant? The best way is to add essential oils to water. Their variety gives you the freedom to choose, and you can fill your house with the aroma you would like: pine needles, citrus, tea tree, rose and others. How to clean the floors when the child is in the house? The birth of a child, and especially the period when he begins to crawl around the apartment, makes his parents more attentive to clean floors. Although you can often hear that you should not put the child in "greenhouse" conditions and drastically change something in the issues of cleaning and washing with clean water is enough. However, it is still necessary to wash the floor and not all products are permissible when there is a baby in the house. It is forbidden to use formulations with chlorine or aggressive detergents, as a crawling on the floor man “collects” the dried solution on the fingers, which will necessarily pull into your mouth. To end this serious health problems. The better to wash the floors when the baby in the house? In order not to worry about the health of the child, as well as the purity of the coating, you can use the following products: essential oils; "Multidez - Teflex" (the product is sold in pharmacies, has a disinfectant effect and is safe for children).

You can replace it with counterparts, of which there are many; laundry soap; potassium permanganate; soda solution. Remember that washing solutions should be of low concentration, because detergents, one way or another, remain on the floor, even if you additionally wash the floors with clean water. How to clean the floor after repair and painting When carrying out repairs, it is better to take care of floor protection beforehand. Cover it with film or newspapers so you don’t have to spend much time cleaning it. But even in this case, the appearance of pollution is inevitable and the room must be cleaned. These are construction dust, debris, “blots” from primer, lime, wallpaper glue or paint. How to wash the floor after the repair? The work is done as follows: Remove pieces of film, wallpaper and other debris from the floor. Collect dusty vacuum. Treat the floor with concentrated soapy water, thoroughly washing the area after the area. Rinse out more often. If paint or lime stains remain, carefully clean them with an agent suitable for the type of coating. As a rule, kerosene and salt do not harm the materials. Wash the floor again using clean water, and then repeat the wash by adding ½ cup of vinegar to the bucket. After that, wipe the surface with a dry cloth. By following these recommendations, you will achieve perfect cleanliness of the coating without the risk of spoiling it. If you painted the floor with paint, then you can only wash it completely dry. The time required for this will be indicated on the can of paint. After that, it is enough to clean the floor with clean cold water.

How to clean the floors, when the pet owners in the house, where cats or dogs live, know perfectly well that every animal “marks” the floor at least once in its life, and some pets practice it constantly. The smell of urine, especially feline, can be called simply killer, and it is difficult to remove it, practically no sense in washing with plain water or soap. At the veterinary pharmacy, you can purchase products in the form of sprays, which will not only eliminate the smell, but will also serve as an "repeller" of the animal, but they are suitable for local use. What to do in such cases? What tools to use? It should be noted that it is not possible to do without periodic treatment with bleach, especially on those parts of the floor that the undisciplined quadruped has chosen. Doing this too often is not worth it, because chlorine fumes are poisonous, and you can not use a solution of strong concentration.

For constant washing suitable enzyme formulations. These substances accelerate the decomposition of organic compounds, which include urine, and allow you to eliminate unpleasant odors quickly. However, it is important to know that the chlorine contained in tap water neutralizes the enzymes, so the water for washing must first be defended for at least a day. From improvised means, you can use such substances that should be added to the water for washing: potassium permanganate (add to water until a bright pink solution is obtained); Vodka and vinegar (1 glass of each product per 5 liters of water). If you catch an animal at a “crime scene,” action must be taken immediately. How to quickly clean the floors so that there is no smell? Perform local processing as follows: Collect urine with a dry cloth or paper towel. Apply a mixture of water and vinegar (1: 1 ratio) to the soiled area of ​​the floor or carpet. After 15 minutes, remove the liquid with a dry cloth. Treat the floor with a gruel of soda and hydrogen peroxide, and leave to dry. Vacuuming "crime scene". By following these recommendations, you can clean the floor without worrying about the health of family members and pets.
