Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Select Settings [100 COUNT] Compostable Square Appetizer, Salad, and Luncheon Plates (8 Inch). Made from bagasse (sugarcane fiber).

Select Settings [100 COUNT] Compostable Square Appetizer, Salad, and Luncheon Plates (8 Inch). Made from bagasse (sugarcane fiber).

Select Settings [100 COUNT] Compostable Square Appetizer, Salad, and Luncheon Plates (8 Inch). Made from bagasse (sugarcane fiber).

Advantages of paper disposable tableware

In the modern world, filled with polyethylene and plastic, which does not decompose under natural conditions and accumulates in every corner of the globe, causing enormous environmental problems, disposable paper dishes are in increasing demand. In the Russian market, this dish strengthens its position, which confirms the growth of its sales.

Despite the seeming simplicity and cheapness, it is used not only in everyday life, on picnics, but also at various corporate parties and official events, therefore even many large firms and companies are interested in purchasing it. More and more fast food companies are switching to paper dishes, which shows concern for both the environment and the customers of the establishment.

The main advantages of disposable paper tableware include:

Low weight by analogy with plastic utensils.
The paper has a low thermal conductivity, which will save your hands from burns.
The ability to transport (carry) without the risk of battle. Paper cups do not bend, thereby reducing the risk that the drink will spill
Ecological safety, thanks to use of natural materials. The dishes are safe not only for human health, but also for the environment, since paper products rather quickly rot, without emitting harmful substances.
Hygiene. Dishes can not be used twice. After use, it must be disposed of.
Resistance to hot products. At the same time, even when in contact with boiling liquids, dishes do not emit harmful substances, unlike plastic cups, which, as studies show, even in contact with cold alcohol, release formaldehyde-phenol, which is dangerous to health.
The possibility of applying to the product advertising logos, slogans of your company and other necessary information. For business, this is a very original, memorable and effective form of advertising.
Large selection of colors, patterns, shades and patterns, which is especially popular when decorating children's parties.
Reasonable price, despite the naturalness of the materials used.
Psychological factor. Almost all users claim that the paper product is much nicer to hold in their hands than plastic.


Empress Uncoated Paper Plate, 9 Inches, White, Pack of 100

Empress Uncoated Paper Plate, 9 Inches, White, Pack of 100

Empress Uncoated Paper Plate, 9 Inches, White, Pack of 100

The advantages of paper dishes

It is no secret that paper dishes, in particular glasses and plates, are a safe, from the point of view of medicine, choice for picnics.

Despite the fact that paper dishes are no different from polystyrene in appearance, its advantages are indisputable. Consider all the nuances of such dishes.

Paper cups cannot be reused. In this part, you can be sure that no one drank or consumed anything from such dishes before you.

The paper is completely environmentally friendly, easily recycled, and subsequently recycled.

Any such glass can be filled with both cold and hot liquid. But when you fill a plastic cup with boiling water, it begins to emit chlorine, which, once in the body, begins to harm health. Paper ware possesses rather low heat conductivity. In other words, poured hot tea or coffee does not quickly cool down - the required temperature remains for a long time. Meanwhile, it should be noted that the heated paper cup will not burn your hands and you will not have to hold the polystyrene container by the upper roundness of the so-called neck. Paper cup is ideal for drinking from it, not only hot and cold liquids, but also for ice cream or thick yogurt.

And besides, polystyrene cups, when they are filled with hot liquid, can also give off an unpleasant smell, which can't be said about paper analogues.

In rare cases, paper cups can additionally be equipped with special protective equipment, such as, for example, can be equipped with lids. This you could see in coffee shops. Even such containers are offered by fast food restaurants, where food is sold, as they say, “with you”.

Paper cups, as well as any other similar utensils, is also very effective from a marketing point of view. On the same glass, you can customize to put the logo of your company, company. Freely advertise, paint in any color (full color print).

Such glasses do not need to be stored separately with other foods.

Such dishes can be used not only at picnics and cottages, but also in offices, home conditions. When disposing - burning, such dishes do not emit toxic substances into the atmosphere - burns like paper. You can not worry about the fact that you cause harm to the environment.

Considering the above, a small negative point should be added - all these “pluses” affect pricing. Paper bags are a bit more expensive than plastic. That is why, trying to save money, a person still continues to give preference in favor of the usual polystyrene packaging.


Disposable Plastic Plates - 60 Pack - 30 x 10.25 Dinner and 30 x 7.5 Salad Combo - Gold Trim Real China Design - Premium Heavy Duty - By Aya's Cutlery Kingdom

Disposable Plastic Plates - 60 Pack - 30 x 10.25 Dinner and 30 x 7.5 Salad Combo - Gold Trim Real China Design - Premium Heavy Duty - By Aya's Cutlery Kingdom

Disposable Plastic Plates - 60 Pack - 30 x 10.25 Dinner and 30 x 7.5 Salad Combo - Gold Trim Real China Design - Premium Heavy Duty - By Aya's Cutlery Kingdom


With the increasing popularity of food service, paper dishes instantly spread throughout the world. It speeds up the service process, it is very convenient and economical. Why else should you choose cardboard dishes?

The advantages of paper dishes

1. Security

When it comes into contact with hot products, be it food or drink, paper is not prone to chemical reactions. You can not say about polystyrene products, which, when the temperature rises, oxidize and begin to emit harmful substances, such as chlorine.

2. Environmental friendliness

Cardboard cups and plates are easily recycled, and when released into the soil they decompose quite quickly. Plastic can lie in the ground for more than a hundred years.

3. Hygiene

Paper dishes, in contrast to polystyrene, cannot be reused. So no one will serve the same plate twice to the client.

4. Practicality

Such ware cannot be broken, it is convenient to store it. It is ideal for trips or attacks on nature. In addition, paper dishes do not burn your hands and do not stink when in contact with hot.

5. Save time and money

Since disposable dishes do not need to be washed, the process of customer service in a fast food cafe takes place much faster. Reduced costs for detergents, water, personnel. The turnover and the amount of profit increases.

As a result, it turns out that using plates and glasses made of cardboard is much more profitable both for business and for ordinary citizens.


Brheez Palm Leaf Disposable Bamboo Style Square Plates 4 - Sturdy, Biodegradable & Compostable - Eco Alternative To Plastic & Paper (Pack of 25)

Brheez Palm Leaf Disposable Bamboo Style Square Plates 4 - Sturdy, Biodegradable & Compostable - Eco Alternative To Plastic & Paper (Pack of 25)

Brheez Palm Leaf Disposable Bamboo Style Square Plates 4 - Sturdy, Biodegradable & Compostable - Eco Alternative To Plastic & Paper (Pack of 25)

10 advantages of Mytime disposable paper cups

The era of paper cups for cold and hot drinks began in 1910. It was then that the American businessmen L. Luelen and H. Moore, with the support of the "canning king" U.T. Graham opened the first in the world production of disposable cups of glued paper. At the same time, a campaign was launched in the American press to promote disposable tableware as an effective means of preventing the spread of tuberculosis and other infections. Under such conditions, the case was doomed to success, and he was not slow to come. Paper “germ-free cups” first scattered across the United States and then around the world as convenient, hygienic and cheap disposable utensils.

It is difficult to imagine modern catering without the possibility of using disposable cups . They greatly simplify the work of small points of sale of hot / cold drinks and fast food.

Modern industry produces cups of different types, designed:

• for carbonated drinks, juices and cocktails

• for tea and coffee

• for popcorn, ice cream and other fast food

By design features distinguish:

• simple cups made of thick paper with one-sided lamination with polyethylene

• double sided coated paper cups

• double wall and embossed cups for hot drinks

• double-walled cups with thermally insulating air gap that perfectly maintain the temperature of the drink

In addition, any cup can be equipped with a plastic or cardboard lid, which:

• will not allow contents to spill out when walking or driving in the car

• protects the drink from street dust

• will serve as additional thermal insulation that preserves the desired temperature of the drink

By launching a new fast food chain or a small point of sale of pies, tea and coffee, each entrepreneur can choose cups of suitable quality and volume at a reasonable price, and if desired, order an individual design of the outer wall in their “branded” colors and with a company logo. Stylish and comfortable cups are an important element of the image of any enterprise that wants to gain a foothold in the market, creating a positive image of consumers at its sales points.

The advantages of disposable paper cups

Paper cup

Convenient and practical disposable paper cups are distinguished by a number of positive qualities, thanks to which they firmly hold their niche in the disposable tableware market. They are the best for both food service sellers and end customers. Among the advantages of paper cups, the most significant are the following qualities.

1. Harmless to health. Food cardboard is made from natural cellulose, obtained by processing wood. For the manufacture of cups used paper, consisting of 30% softwood and 70% hardwood pulp.

2. Lack of release of chlorine. Unlike plastic cups, which are not recommended for hot drinks due to the release of chlorine when heated, paper does not emit any chlorine or other harmful substances even when filling the glass with boiling water.

3. Lack of foreign odors. High-quality cardboard does not emit any odor when heated, fully preserving the aroma and taste of the drink poured into a glass.

4. No need to wash cups. Using high-quality paper cups in the institution eliminates the need for washing cups, glasses and other beverage utensils, which in some cases is a significant advantage. The number of personnel in the cafe is reduced, the service of visitors is accelerated

5. This is really disposable tableware. Paper cups under the action of water and beverages irrevocably deteriorate, so the consumer can be completely sure that he poured the drink into a new, unused glass.

6. Unbreakable light ware. Paper cups - the safest type of dishes. They do not fight and do not deteriorate, if the packaging with carelessly dropped from a height. Lightweight is another advantage, as transporting cups does not require much effort.

7. Noiselessness is also an important advantage. Often in catering establishments it is too noisy due to the rumble and the clink of dishes. Paper cups are completely silent and help maintain the comfort and peace of visitors.

8. Easy and environmentally friendly disposal. Unlike plastic dishes, paper cups do not require special conditions for disposal, do not pollute the environment and can be recycled after use without high costs.

9. Excellent marketing opportunities . On the walls of plastic cups can be placed any advertising. As a rule, fast food chains make cups with their logos or recognizable prints, creating a positive image with customers.

10. Long-term storage without changing the properties. You can make a large supply of cups and not worry about their shelf life. For their storage does not require special conditions.

Where are paper cups used?

Today, the scope of application of paper cups is extremely wide. They are most actively demanded by fast food enterprises, where they use to pour a wide variety of drinks and dishes, from tea and coffee to Chinese noodles, ice cream, broth, cocktails and other food. In addition, they are used by catering companies that organize lunch delivery to offices and production facilities, railway and aviation companies that organize meals for passengers, as well as a number of other similar business lines.

Equally important is the use of paper cups for the sale of food and semi-finished products. They pack up dairy products, desserts and confectionery, as well as a number of other products.

No one picnic in nature, a hiking trip or a long excursion around the countryside can do without disposable paper cups. Light, comfortable and recyclable paper cups without harm to nature - the best choice for the modern tourist.

We can recall many other cases of using disposable cups made of paper, but it is already clear how much these products are necessary today for a person.


Dixie Ultra Paper Plates, 8 1/2, 300 Count, 10 Packs of 30 Plates, Lunch or Light Dinner Size Printed Disposable Plates

Dixie Ultra Paper Plates, 8 1/2, 300 Count, 10 Packs of 30 Plates, Lunch or Light Dinner Size Printed Disposable Plates

Dixie Ultra Paper Plates, 8 1/2, 300 Count, 10 Packs of 30 Plates, Lunch or Light Dinner Size Printed Disposable Plates

Paper plates

The use of paper plates has a number of important and indisputable advantages. They are not inferior to the standard, usual for us dishes, but if you need to use it outside the house, its significance will be felt much more. Initially, plastic plates began to be produced as a replacement for the ordinary, traditional, because the undoubted little minus of glass is its reusability and the need to wash it after every meal.

With paper products, this task disappears, which gives additional hygiene in places where access to water is limited, for example, on picnics and on the road. Available paper plates, both for the average user, and for large companies engaged in the line of catering. The low price will pleasantly surprise the buyer, and low weight will be an additional advantage during transportation and during use.

If we touch upon the issue of environmental protection, then paperware has undoubted advantages, because, unlike plastic, it is easy to naturally process and does not emit harmful substances and toxins.

When placed in paper plates of hot food, the difference in comparison with plastic dishes will be immediately noticeable, because the low thermal conductivity will not burn your hands. The dense paper laminated by polyethylene reliably protects a product.


[125 COUNT] 7 in Round Disposable Plates - Natural Sugarcane Bagasse Bamboo Fibers Sturdy Seven Inch Compostable Eco Friendly Environmental Paper Plate Alternative 100% by-product Tree Plastic Free

[125 COUNT] 7 in Round Disposable Plates - Natural Sugarcane Bagasse Bamboo Fibers Sturdy Seven Inch Compostable Eco Friendly Environmental Paper Plate Alternative 100% by-product Tree Plastic Free

[125 COUNT] 7 in Round Disposable Plates - Natural Sugarcane Bagasse Bamboo Fibers Sturdy Seven Inch Compostable Eco Friendly Environmental Paper Plate Alternative 100% by-product Tree Plastic Free

Bamboo dishes, pros and cons?

Very vaguely imagine how dishes can be made of bamboo, is it a tree, like paper? Seen sell bamboo plates, salad bowls, who used such dishes, tell?

Of the advantages I can note the lightness, which allows several, for example, to take a salad bowl with me for a picnic. Bamboo dishes can be replaced on vacation podnadoevshuyu plastic. Since bamboo accessories are made from shredded bamboo, the dishes are environmentally friendly enough.

Of the minuses: you need to wash the dishes with warm water without the use of abrasive pastes, and sometimes you want to use exactly the abrasive. Some manufacturers recommend to observe strict temperature conditions (must be specified) and not to use the "bamboo" in the microwave. Therefore, I am still wary of experimenting - it's a pity to spoil the crockery.

But the touch on the plastic is similar?

It seems to me that it is smoother and more pleasant.

Bamboo dishes are lightweight, eco-friendly and comfortable in everyday life. If you hold your hand over it, you will feel the longitudinal long fibers.

By my example, I can say that bamboo dishes do not like moisture, because they are ultimately stratified from frequent contact with water. Spatulas for frying it is better to immediately purchase wood, because bamboo, due to its structure, also splits into fibers upon contact with high temperatures. That is not very good, at least for reasons of hygiene. Worse dirt and fats are washed out, and later this leads to a hotbed of bacteria. If you use bowls or any other containers, then wipe them dry after washing, then bamboo dishes will last you longer.

I have a few poules of pressed bamboo, they are quite attractive and I use them for serving the tea table, laying on them cookies or candies with nuts.

There are bamboo cutting boards and stands. Everything serves its purpose, only the boards after contact with water exfoliate and I use them more like trays for cakes, pizza or pies that require cutting with a knife.

I saw such dishes like in the picture, but it seemed to be disposable and therefore expensive for such a short-lived service.

Perhaps it can be purchased if you make a feast with guests at a picnic or for small children, so as not to break and injure.

Cherry blossom
Quite pleasant to the touch, unusually rough little. As they say, environmentally friendly and healthy, especially useful for kids. The minus, as far as I know, cannot be heated in a microwave and washed with hot water. There is a description and useful information on the link - read.

25 Masha
There is nothing good about bamboo ware. It is impossible to wash it with special means, you will not put it in the microwave. If I had bamboo dishes, I would use it once. And then you pick up some more bacteria, and suddenly the child will eat out of it, but God forbid.

If someone likes to put beautiful things on display, they can do it.

And so the dishes are environmentally friendly, but only for one time. Looking at her is certainly nice.


Exquisite 7 Inch. Black Plastic Dessert/Salad Plates - Solid Color Disposable Plates - 100 Count

Exquisite 7 Inch. Black Plastic Dessert/Salad Plates - Solid Color Disposable Plates - 100 Count

Exquisite 7 Inch. Black Plastic Dessert/Salad Plates - Solid Color Disposable Plates - 100 Count

What to choose - paper or polyethylene bags - Paper bags

The “war” of paper and plastic bags is gaining momentum more and more. Environmentally friendly material is rapidly replacing the cellophane familiar to us and becoming the main packaging raw material in many areas. But there are also those branches in which plastic wrappers are still more used. Will the manufacture of Kraft packages completely eliminate cellophane "brothers" from the world arena? Or will they divide the championship among themselves? First you need to understand the specifics of each material and understand its features. Read more at the Ecopack store. http://ecopack.net.ua/blog/19_chto-vybrat-pakety-iz-bumagi-ili-polietilena.html. Ecopack - Kraft paper, paper bags, sachet bags, parchment.

Production of cellophane products. Production of plastic bags is carried out using high-quality raw materials of medium, high or low pressure. Products are manufactured on modern equipment using innovative techniques. Direct production involves 2 main stages:

Blowing thin strong film.
Felling from the resulting material finished products.

If you plan to apply the pattern to the package, then the raw material goes through another stage - flex printing. Blowing is carried out on a special device with a circular cross section at specific temperature parameters. The result is a colorless material, which, if necessary, is painted in the desired colors by means of superconcentrates. Typically, industrial enterprises for the production of plastic bags do not have a narrow specialization (production exclusively of T-shirts, garbage bags, etc.). They make various types of packaging material, fully meeting the needs of their market segment.

Features of the creation of paper packaging Production of kraft paper bags has its own characteristics. It is quite simple from a technological point of view, since all the work “from and to” is taken over by special installations. Here the following stages are envisaged: creation of a paper tube comprising one or several layers (in the future it plays the role of a blank); forming and flashing the bottom of the package; gluing the handle; packaging received products. The main raw material for the production of Kraft packages is paper and special glue created using starch. All materials are available at a cost, so purchase them is not difficult. Equipment for the manufacture of craft packages are also on the market. Anyone wishing to do business in the production of packaging materials can purchase it.

Pros and cons of plastic bags A large variety of cellophane packaging materials made them in demand around the world. Manufacturers create various packing bags, rustling T-shirts, products with looped or slotted handles, trash bags, branded packaging with a logo or pattern, etc. In addition to a wide variety, these products have other advantages:

the water resistance of the material perfectly protects the packaged goods from moisture; small weight of products does not cause discomfort during use; standard package-shirt is able to withstand 10 kg; low price makes products available to a wide range of consumers. But along with the obvious advantages, there are some drawbacks, due to which the varieties of kraft paper bags come to the fore today. The disadvantages include such moments: polyethylene is a product of oil refining, which is not renewed; burning products for disposal is harmful to the environment; proper processing requires high costs, and the quality of the recycled material leaves much to be desired.

Thus, the disadvantages of plastic bags provoked an increase in demand for paper counterparts. But at the same time, many people still prefer to use these products as a packaging material due to its cheapness and ease of operation. Advantages and disadvantages of kraft paper bags. Packing paper materials are increasingly gaining popularity among consumers. The types of kraft paper bags are very diverse, which allows them to be used in various fields. The main advantages of this product include the following points: In the production of paper bags, natural raw materials are used, which makes them safe for the environment. Products easily decompose in natural conditions, so you can not worry about the environment. Kraft paper is recyclable. The properties of paper bags allow you to put on them various drawings, logos using simple technology. Production is easy and simple due to the availability of raw materials. The advantages of paper bags have made them a truly demanded packaging material in many areas. With their help, they pack dry food products, flowers and fertilizers, industrial building materials, hot pastry pastry, souvenirs and gifts. Varieties of Kraft packages find their consumers among large industrial firms, retail chains, fast-food enterprises, marketing and advertising campaigns, etc. But despite all the advantages of paper bags, there are some drawbacks: a large amount of resources are used for production; products are more exposed to moisture and temperatures than polyethylene analogues; burning paper requires fuel, which also harms the environment. As you can see, all solutions have their pros and cons. But if you weigh all the features of paper bags and compare them with cellophane, then the superiority of the first becomes obvious. Buy from reliable! EcoPack sells various types of paper bags. We are manufacturers of these products, so we are responsible for the quality and reliability of the goods offered. On the website you can familiarize yourself with the assortment, study the features of kraft paper bags and select the appropriate products. We offer environmentally friendly packaging materials that are absolutely harmless to the environment. You can also order the application of a corporate logo on paper packaging, which will become an additional advertising medium and promote your brand.


Nicole Home Collection 200 Count Everyday Dinnerware Paper Plate, 9-Inch, White

Nicole Home Collection 200 Count Everyday Dinnerware Paper Plate, 9-Inch, White

Nicole Home Collection 200 Count Everyday Dinnerware Paper Plate, 9-Inch, White

Disposable Tableware

Disposable plates and bowls. Plastic ware and ware from the made foam material (expanded polystyrene)
We offers a large selection of disposable tableware at the lowest wholesale prices. Our selection of disposable tableware is large enough; in the Disposable tableware catalog, you will see separate subsections for cutlery, soup bowls. We have what you need if you buy decorative plastic plates for a formal event or ordinary plastic plates for an informal event. Most items are in stock and ready to ship! We offer to buy wholesale paper plates and disposable paper cups from trusted brands, so you will never have to sacrifice quality at a low price. Our stock of disposable plates and cups comes in various sizes and colors. Regardless of whether you choose disc paper plates, polystyrene or plastic, whether you are considering our lunch boxes, ideal for serving control and food storage. Our cups range from 80 ml to 0.5 l. Disposable plates are very convenient - just get rid of them and spend more time with your guests, instead of washing the dishes. For our environmentally conscious consumers who do not want to sacrifice their green ideals for convenience, we have a number of environmentally friendly brands that use only 100% of renewed and renewable materials.

Can foam polystyrene plates be used for heating in a microwave? Can I use paper plates in the microwave? Is it possible to heat food in a plastic plate in a microwave?

Always follow the instructions on the label. If the packaging indicates that the plates are protected from microwaves, then you can use them in the microwave. Is this the best idea for microwave polystyrene and plastic? You can use your own opinion on this. Polystyrene is a type of plastic, the chemical composition of which can leak into your food when heated. A certain plastic should never enter the microwave due to plastic melting and poisoning of your food. Yes, they can all be in the microwave, but it is better to think about heating your food on a real plate in the microwave if you are given a choice.

Is polystyrene foam recyclable? Is it possible to recycle paper plates? Are plastic disposable utensils recycled?
Yes, all disposable utensils are recyclable. Styrofoam is actually recycled, but its adoption is not widely available. Polystyrene can be recycled in communities that offer recycling foam No. 6. Paper plates can be recycled to other paper products.

We can help you to buy disposable tableware in bulk and deliver it to any region of Ukraine, regardless of whether you buy it for an elegant outdoor dinner or go for a picnic in the forest. Many of our wholesale plastic plates have decorative patterns and designs that can easily replace fine china for lunch.

Eco-friendly disposable tableware - Paper plates
Choose paper dishes in different diameters, colors and patterns to complement the colors of your event. These plates and bowls are ideal for catering, open parties and fast food places. Thanks to their convenience, you can throw them away when you finish the meal! For additional benefits that you can use to round off table settings in buffets, related events, etc., check out our stock of paper cups for hot and cold drinks and colored napkins. If you are wondering where to buy disposable paper tableware, we have a large selection of tableware for sale at the lowest prices.

We offer disposable paper tableware, including disposable plates, plates and bowls, for all your serving needs at your event or cafe. With these paper products, you can serve any portion of your soup and salad meals to complete the meal.

Our wholesale paper plates and bowls are delivered in classic white color, or you can choose plates of different colors to improve the color theme of your event. You can also eliminate the problems associated with cleaning and storage, as guests can simply throw away their small paper plates and bowls after use.

Are paper plates better than styrofoam?
There are many people who will argue anyway. From the outset, many believed that paper was more environmentally friendly than polystyrene (a common term for expanded polystyrene), because they were made from trees, and polystyrene - from natural gas and oil products. Trees are a renewable resource. Gas and oil are not renewable. Case closed, right? Not. Both paper and polystyrene have their pros and cons. Some paper plates have a plastic coating to prevent the ingress of liquids. This wax coating comes from fossil fuels that are not environmentally friendly resources. Making polystyrene plates requires less resources, and it can be argued that due to the technological process, polystyrene is a more environmentally friendly option than paper. However, paper plates will decompose faster than polystyrene. Both materials can be recycled, but paper is much easier to recycle than foam, because it is difficult to use recycling centers that take polystyrene foam. When comparing the two materials at the end, the difference in environmental impact seems to be small. Therefore, choose from what you like, use the least that is, and recycle as much as possible.

Are paper plates biodegradable or degradable? Yes, some really yes!


Glad Square Disposable Paper Plates for All Occasions | Soak Proof, Cut Proof, Microwaveable Heavy Duty Disposable Plates | 8.5 Diameter, 50 Count Bulk Paper Plates

Glad Square Disposable Paper Plates for All Occasions | Soak Proof, Cut Proof, Microwaveable Heavy Duty Disposable Plates | 8.5 Diameter, 50 Count Bulk Paper Plates

Glad Square Disposable Paper Plates for All Occasions | Soak Proof, Cut Proof, Microwaveable Heavy Duty Disposable Plates | 8.5 Diameter, 50 Count Bulk Paper Plates

Paper cups for hot drinks

Strong coffee or aromatic tea will be a great addition during a walk around the city. When it’s raining and winding outside, it’s so nice to warm your hands on a warm glass and enjoy the heat that flows inside you. Can anything spoil this impression? Can. For example, a plastic cup that started melting from boiling water and burning hands. Every day the demand for hot drinks in the “with me” format is growing, and with it the variety of cups is growing. Today we will try to tell you why the only surest and most convenient solution for hot coffee and tea will be an ordinary paper cup.

Paper cups. Not only convenient, but also environmentally friendly.
Convenience. If you are a buyer, then the main thing (besides the quality of the drink, of course) that you care about when buying a drink “with you” is convenience. Agree, it is not too pleasant to walk down the street with a glass that is inconvenient to hold, which burns and does not maintain the normal temperature of the drink. The usual plastic cups and any of their varieties, all as one, are not very convenient. They melt from too high a temperature of the drink, they do not protect your hands from burns / freezing, they can bend or break if not treated too well. If you use paper cups, such problems do not threaten you.

Paper cups for drinks create a protective layer between your hands and the drink itself. No matter how hot or icy your coffee is, you can always keep a glass without discomfort.
Paper cups are very strong. This may seem strange, but in the case of cups, paper is stronger than plastic. To break or break such a cup, you need to put a lot of effort.
Paper cups for drinks keep temperature. Buying coffee or tea in a paper cup, you can be sure that at least another half an hour your drink will maintain the required temperature.
Quality and taste. Buying any drink, regardless of how it is packed, we want to enjoy its taste to the fullest. Not many people know, but plastic cups, especially of poor quality, can change the taste of a drink quite strongly. The fact is that the impurities that make up the plastic, emit toxic substances under the influence of high temperatures. This not only makes your coffee tasteless, but does not add to its usefulness.

Paper cups do not affect the taste of the drink. If you want to feel the whole bouquet of aromas of coffee or tea, choose paper cups, after them there will be no taste in the drink.
Absolutely safe for health and ecology. Paper is paper. We all know how paper and cardboard are made, and we do not doubt that paper is an eco-friendly product. Paper cups are absolutely safe for your health and completely harmless to the environment, as they are easy to dispose of and recycle.
If you are still not convinced that paper cups for hot drinks are the best solution, here's another argument. Paper cannot be reused, which means that your glass will be completely new and unused. In the case of plastic, the chance that someone has already used your glass and then just washed it is great.

Do you want to get real pleasure from a hot drink? Pour it into a paper cup!


Earth's Natural Alternative Eco-Friendly, Natural Compostable Plant Fiber 6 Plate, Natural, 20 Count

Earth's Natural Alternative Eco-Friendly, Natural Compostable Plant Fiber 6 Plate, Natural, 20 Count

Earth's Natural Alternative Eco-Friendly, Natural Compostable Plant Fiber 6 Plate, Natural, 20 Count

Disposable paper plates: their role in the work of catering establishments

Paper dishes are associated with the beginning of the season of picnics and outdoor parties. Manufacturers of paper plates are surprised by the variety of patterns that decorate disposable dishes. So she looks smart and increases her appetite. In any supermarket you can find specially formed sets with dishes, where plates occupy an important place. They are used for main dishes, snacks and desserts. With its environmental friendliness, disposable plates have gained popularity in the catering industry. Summer cafes, canteens and fast foods use paper utensils in their work. Unlike plastic, it is non-toxic, it tolerates high temperatures and is easily recycled. Paper dishes are much more expensive, so not every institution is ready to use this type of disposable products.

Paper plates appeared behind disposable paper cups, and the credit for this belongs to the well-known McDonald's restaurant chain. It is the experience of using paper plates in these institutions that brought a new type of dishes to wide popularity. It turned out that from it is convenient not only to drink, but also to eat.

Scope of use
Due to its properties, paper plates are universal and can be used for both hot and cold dishes. They are appropriate for use in eateries, cafes, canteens, fast foods. They do not need to be washed, and guests of your establishment can be sure that dishes are hygienic. It also simplifies the process of customer service. Many catering establishments, including restaurants, use paper plates for takeaway food packaging. In the restaurant business, paper dishes are popular at outdoor events. If your institution specializes in delivering food to your home or office, then you need to stock up on such plates. Main types The most popular type of disposable paper dishes for main courses are plates. They are preferred for versatility. Any salad, side dish or dessert will be placed on an eco-friendly vessel. The plates are distinguished by the diameter of the bottom and in shape. Portion sizes depend on the first one. The most common options for diameters of 180 and 240 mm. The plate does not have to be round. Both square and rectangular models are popular. Soup or bowls are used as dishes for hot. They are distinguished by volume. Conveniently, when bowls are equipped with expanded sides, designed specifically to ensure that the plate was convenient to carry. This eliminates the risk of getting burned. Paper plates with dividers are ideal for children. On this dish will accommodate both an appetizer and a side dish. Due to the presence of sectors with fairly high partitions, you can be sure that the contents of the plate will not turn into porridge. Design can not be ignored either. White plates are considered a classic version. The lack of printing on them affects the price. White plates are cheaper. But paper dishes for the main dishes is a cheap advertising medium. The production technology of paper disposable tableware allows you to apply any patterns, prints and inscriptions. Drawing a logo can be part of an advertising campaign and emphasize the corporate style of your establishment. Disposable paper plates are laminated or metallized lamination. In the latter case, an additional layer on the surface increases the strength of the product. Advantages and disadvantages of paper plates Paper disposable plates have almost no disadvantages, except that it can sometimes be deformed. It is also impossible to consider it sufficiently strong. On the other hand, the weight of a mass of advantages: Paperware is always compared with plastic. Paper benefits in environmental friendliness. Unlike polystyrene, it does not emit harmful substances when exposed to high temperatures, and therefore suitable for hot dishes. Paper dishes can also be heated using microwave ovens. Paper plates do not emit unpleasant odors. They are easily recycled. This is an ideal option for self-promotion. Noiselessness and ease of use. Paper plates do not break, unlike plastic, do not bend or burn hands.

How to choose high-quality dishes
First you need to decide how many paper plates and for what purposes you need. Will you spend them only in certain cases, for takeaway or for catering, or can you completely plan to transfer the establishment to the use of disposable tableware, as many fast foods do. In the latter case, you must take into account all costs and with even greater care to treat the quality of products. The most important parameter for choosing dishes is a high level of safety and comfort. Order products only from proven companies that have modern equipment and all necessary certificates. Known manufacturers of paper utensils have earned the trust of customers. If you offer the client a choice of a plate of plastic or paper, in most cases, he will choose the last option. Demand creates supply and increases production. Today, there are more companies in the Russian market that manufacture disposable paper plates. The leaders are TPK Art-Plast, Paperscope Rus, Graffiti-Pak, Avant. To the world leading companies specializing in the production of disposable paper dishes, including paper plates are: "Polywell industrial company Ltd", "Tupperware". The cost of products varies depending on the specific brand of manufacturer, the quality of the equipment used, design features, size and quantity. With the right choice and submission of paper utensils, it will increase the visibility and prestige of the institution, save service time and make advertising for you.


AmazonBasics Disposable Plastic Plates - 100-Pack, 7.5-inch

AmazonBasics Disposable Plastic Plates - 100-Pack, 7.5-inch

AmazonBasics Disposable Plastic Plates - 100-Pack, 7.5-inch

All the advantages and features of disposable tableware

Useful information
All the benefits and features of disposable tableware

Appointment of disposable tableware usually does not cause difficulties - in suburban trains and beach holidays, hiking and picnics, it is almost irreplaceable. Very often disposable dishes are used in a fast food cafe - this is a guarantee of its cleanliness and compliance with hygienic requirements.

Do not underestimate the disposable dishes, considering it cheap, good for nothing and even harmful to humans. Of course, she will not be able to act as a substitute for expensive, for example, porcelain sets, but this is not required. Although modern disposable tableware has long been transferred from the category of cheap substitute for traditional plates and knives into patterns that can decorate business lunches and business dinners. This is favored by an attractive appearance, workmanship, a variety of colors and shapes. Even if alcohol is served on the table, they can be drunk from disposable wine glasses and glasses, which have a very attractive appearance and do not leave a feeling of cheapness and unattractive plastic.

If necessary, you can order the author's disposable tableware. It is made of high quality laminated cardboard and is distinguished by a wide variety of models. Such dishes can be made in any style - laminated cardboard leaves room for creativity, turning ordinary items for serving the table into a work of design art.

One of the main advantages of disposable tableware is the ability to throw it away after use, without long washing the plates and threatening to smash a part of the objects by cutting hands. The need to simplify the daily work of the kitchen and was the impetus for the invention, which managed to make Lawrence Luelen. Disposable tableware has been used in the world for over a hundred years and is gaining increasing popularity among consumers.

Disposable tableware - consumer properties
Consumer properties of disposable tableware are those characteristics of disposable tableware, which are most often the consumer's attention when choosing dishes and which are most important for its use.

Safety of disposable tableware for food and beverages (i.e. it is important that it meets hygienic and medical requirements).
Aesthetic component: disposable dishes should have an attractive appearance: a variety of colors, the possible presence of drawings, the absence of various kinds of deformations and the presence of foreign materials, etc.
Characteristics of heat resistance (preservation of temperature and resistance properties, in contact with hot drinks and food).
Availability of application for cold and hot dishes and drinks.
Having the ability to use disposable dishes for food storage in the refrigerator and for heating or cooking in the microwave, etc.
The presence of such properties as frost resistance (for certain categories of disposable tableware).
Resistance to chemicals such as liquors, acids and fats.
The presence of such properties as thermostatics (the ability to hold dishes with hot food or drink in the hands and not to burn the hands).
Durability, resistance to deformation.
Elasticity. For items such as knives and forks, their primary properties are to cut and prick without deformation of these cutlery.
Availability of various shapes and sizes.
Disposable dishes should have sufficient capacity, and at the same time be compact and light in weight.
Environmentally friendly and easy disposal.

Disposable cups and cups
Plastic, polystyrene foam, and paper cups - this is a good choice of products for the consumer. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. Some may be more expensive, others cheaper; some have a faster rate of decomposition, while others do not decompose at all in the environment.

Disposable tableware
There are many varieties of disposable cups and cups that are available in various materials. Plastic, polystyrene foam, and paper are basic materials for the production of disposable tableware. Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages. Although all glasses are designed for the same use, they can be completely different in their capabilities.

Once in public places, next to barrels of water or near springs, there was a cup for public use. Lawrence Lyullin and Hugh Moore thought that using one single cup was unhygienic. They wanted to allow people to drink fresh water freely, being sure that no one else except them used their container for drinking. Moore and Lyullin decided to use paper cups to make clean water available to every thirsty person, and this led to the development of the first paper disposable cup in 1907. After its appearance, paper cups began to be widely used in almost all life situations.

There are many advantages to using paper cups with respect to plastic and polystyrene foam cups. First of all, paper is a safe material for microwave ovens. It is made from natural wood with little additions of other materials, so this is the least complex material for producing disposable tableware. Because of its natural origin, paper is also the cleanest and fastest-decomposable material out of three; and, of course, this material is very well suited to the environment.

Paper is the leading material for the production of environmentally-friendly disposable tableware, since paper is the fastest material for decomposition and is also the easiest material to process. Different trees have either smooth or coarse cellulose fibers. By using different blending ratios of these fibers, the type of paper that is currently needed can be made. Since paper disposable cups, like any other paper product, decompose in the environment within a very short period of time, therefore they should be used more than with expanded polystyrene or plastic cups.

Although there are many advantages to using paper cups, there are also many disadvantages. Major restaurant chains prefer disposable tableware from a variety of other materials, because paper dishes are the most expensive. In addition, paper cups are not the best solution for products whose temperature must be maintained, as well as for use with hot drinks and food, since the heat can be felt through paper dishes. From the point of view of the environmentalist, the main problem with the production of disposable paper tableware is that this is the cutting down of “precious” trees.
