Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Brheez Palm Leaf Disposable Bamboo Style Square Plates 4 - Sturdy, Biodegradable & Compostable - Eco Alternative To Plastic & Paper (Pack of 25)

Brheez Palm Leaf Disposable Bamboo Style Square Plates 4 - Sturdy, Biodegradable & Compostable - Eco Alternative To Plastic & Paper (Pack of 25)

Brheez Palm Leaf Disposable Bamboo Style Square Plates 4 - Sturdy, Biodegradable & Compostable - Eco Alternative To Plastic & Paper (Pack of 25)

10 advantages of Mytime disposable paper cups

The era of paper cups for cold and hot drinks began in 1910. It was then that the American businessmen L. Luelen and H. Moore, with the support of the "canning king" U.T. Graham opened the first in the world production of disposable cups of glued paper. At the same time, a campaign was launched in the American press to promote disposable tableware as an effective means of preventing the spread of tuberculosis and other infections. Under such conditions, the case was doomed to success, and he was not slow to come. Paper “germ-free cups” first scattered across the United States and then around the world as convenient, hygienic and cheap disposable utensils.

It is difficult to imagine modern catering without the possibility of using disposable cups . They greatly simplify the work of small points of sale of hot / cold drinks and fast food.

Modern industry produces cups of different types, designed:

• for carbonated drinks, juices and cocktails

• for tea and coffee

• for popcorn, ice cream and other fast food

By design features distinguish:

• simple cups made of thick paper with one-sided lamination with polyethylene

• double sided coated paper cups

• double wall and embossed cups for hot drinks

• double-walled cups with thermally insulating air gap that perfectly maintain the temperature of the drink

In addition, any cup can be equipped with a plastic or cardboard lid, which:

• will not allow contents to spill out when walking or driving in the car

• protects the drink from street dust

• will serve as additional thermal insulation that preserves the desired temperature of the drink

By launching a new fast food chain or a small point of sale of pies, tea and coffee, each entrepreneur can choose cups of suitable quality and volume at a reasonable price, and if desired, order an individual design of the outer wall in their “branded” colors and with a company logo. Stylish and comfortable cups are an important element of the image of any enterprise that wants to gain a foothold in the market, creating a positive image of consumers at its sales points.

The advantages of disposable paper cups

Paper cup

Convenient and practical disposable paper cups are distinguished by a number of positive qualities, thanks to which they firmly hold their niche in the disposable tableware market. They are the best for both food service sellers and end customers. Among the advantages of paper cups, the most significant are the following qualities.

1. Harmless to health. Food cardboard is made from natural cellulose, obtained by processing wood. For the manufacture of cups used paper, consisting of 30% softwood and 70% hardwood pulp.

2. Lack of release of chlorine. Unlike plastic cups, which are not recommended for hot drinks due to the release of chlorine when heated, paper does not emit any chlorine or other harmful substances even when filling the glass with boiling water.

3. Lack of foreign odors. High-quality cardboard does not emit any odor when heated, fully preserving the aroma and taste of the drink poured into a glass.

4. No need to wash cups. Using high-quality paper cups in the institution eliminates the need for washing cups, glasses and other beverage utensils, which in some cases is a significant advantage. The number of personnel in the cafe is reduced, the service of visitors is accelerated

5. This is really disposable tableware. Paper cups under the action of water and beverages irrevocably deteriorate, so the consumer can be completely sure that he poured the drink into a new, unused glass.

6. Unbreakable light ware. Paper cups - the safest type of dishes. They do not fight and do not deteriorate, if the packaging with carelessly dropped from a height. Lightweight is another advantage, as transporting cups does not require much effort.

7. Noiselessness is also an important advantage. Often in catering establishments it is too noisy due to the rumble and the clink of dishes. Paper cups are completely silent and help maintain the comfort and peace of visitors.

8. Easy and environmentally friendly disposal. Unlike plastic dishes, paper cups do not require special conditions for disposal, do not pollute the environment and can be recycled after use without high costs.

9. Excellent marketing opportunities . On the walls of plastic cups can be placed any advertising. As a rule, fast food chains make cups with their logos or recognizable prints, creating a positive image with customers.

10. Long-term storage without changing the properties. You can make a large supply of cups and not worry about their shelf life. For their storage does not require special conditions.

Where are paper cups used?

Today, the scope of application of paper cups is extremely wide. They are most actively demanded by fast food enterprises, where they use to pour a wide variety of drinks and dishes, from tea and coffee to Chinese noodles, ice cream, broth, cocktails and other food. In addition, they are used by catering companies that organize lunch delivery to offices and production facilities, railway and aviation companies that organize meals for passengers, as well as a number of other similar business lines.

Equally important is the use of paper cups for the sale of food and semi-finished products. They pack up dairy products, desserts and confectionery, as well as a number of other products.

No one picnic in nature, a hiking trip or a long excursion around the countryside can do without disposable paper cups. Light, comfortable and recyclable paper cups without harm to nature - the best choice for the modern tourist.

We can recall many other cases of using disposable cups made of paper, but it is already clear how much these products are necessary today for a person.
