Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Exquisite 7 Inch. Black Plastic Dessert/Salad Plates - Solid Color Disposable Plates - 100 Count

Exquisite 7 Inch. Black Plastic Dessert/Salad Plates - Solid Color Disposable Plates - 100 Count

Exquisite 7 Inch. Black Plastic Dessert/Salad Plates - Solid Color Disposable Plates - 100 Count

What to choose - paper or polyethylene bags - Paper bags

The “war” of paper and plastic bags is gaining momentum more and more. Environmentally friendly material is rapidly replacing the cellophane familiar to us and becoming the main packaging raw material in many areas. But there are also those branches in which plastic wrappers are still more used. Will the manufacture of Kraft packages completely eliminate cellophane "brothers" from the world arena? Or will they divide the championship among themselves? First you need to understand the specifics of each material and understand its features. Read more at the Ecopack store. http://ecopack.net.ua/blog/19_chto-vybrat-pakety-iz-bumagi-ili-polietilena.html. Ecopack - Kraft paper, paper bags, sachet bags, parchment.

Production of cellophane products. Production of plastic bags is carried out using high-quality raw materials of medium, high or low pressure. Products are manufactured on modern equipment using innovative techniques. Direct production involves 2 main stages:

Blowing thin strong film.
Felling from the resulting material finished products.

If you plan to apply the pattern to the package, then the raw material goes through another stage - flex printing. Blowing is carried out on a special device with a circular cross section at specific temperature parameters. The result is a colorless material, which, if necessary, is painted in the desired colors by means of superconcentrates. Typically, industrial enterprises for the production of plastic bags do not have a narrow specialization (production exclusively of T-shirts, garbage bags, etc.). They make various types of packaging material, fully meeting the needs of their market segment.

Features of the creation of paper packaging Production of kraft paper bags has its own characteristics. It is quite simple from a technological point of view, since all the work “from and to” is taken over by special installations. Here the following stages are envisaged: creation of a paper tube comprising one or several layers (in the future it plays the role of a blank); forming and flashing the bottom of the package; gluing the handle; packaging received products. The main raw material for the production of Kraft packages is paper and special glue created using starch. All materials are available at a cost, so purchase them is not difficult. Equipment for the manufacture of craft packages are also on the market. Anyone wishing to do business in the production of packaging materials can purchase it.

Pros and cons of plastic bags A large variety of cellophane packaging materials made them in demand around the world. Manufacturers create various packing bags, rustling T-shirts, products with looped or slotted handles, trash bags, branded packaging with a logo or pattern, etc. In addition to a wide variety, these products have other advantages:

the water resistance of the material perfectly protects the packaged goods from moisture; small weight of products does not cause discomfort during use; standard package-shirt is able to withstand 10 kg; low price makes products available to a wide range of consumers. But along with the obvious advantages, there are some drawbacks, due to which the varieties of kraft paper bags come to the fore today. The disadvantages include such moments: polyethylene is a product of oil refining, which is not renewed; burning products for disposal is harmful to the environment; proper processing requires high costs, and the quality of the recycled material leaves much to be desired.

Thus, the disadvantages of plastic bags provoked an increase in demand for paper counterparts. But at the same time, many people still prefer to use these products as a packaging material due to its cheapness and ease of operation. Advantages and disadvantages of kraft paper bags. Packing paper materials are increasingly gaining popularity among consumers. The types of kraft paper bags are very diverse, which allows them to be used in various fields. The main advantages of this product include the following points: In the production of paper bags, natural raw materials are used, which makes them safe for the environment. Products easily decompose in natural conditions, so you can not worry about the environment. Kraft paper is recyclable. The properties of paper bags allow you to put on them various drawings, logos using simple technology. Production is easy and simple due to the availability of raw materials. The advantages of paper bags have made them a truly demanded packaging material in many areas. With their help, they pack dry food products, flowers and fertilizers, industrial building materials, hot pastry pastry, souvenirs and gifts. Varieties of Kraft packages find their consumers among large industrial firms, retail chains, fast-food enterprises, marketing and advertising campaigns, etc. But despite all the advantages of paper bags, there are some drawbacks: a large amount of resources are used for production; products are more exposed to moisture and temperatures than polyethylene analogues; burning paper requires fuel, which also harms the environment. As you can see, all solutions have their pros and cons. But if you weigh all the features of paper bags and compare them with cellophane, then the superiority of the first becomes obvious. Buy from reliable! EcoPack sells various types of paper bags. We are manufacturers of these products, so we are responsible for the quality and reliability of the goods offered. On the website you can familiarize yourself with the assortment, study the features of kraft paper bags and select the appropriate products. We offer environmentally friendly packaging materials that are absolutely harmless to the environment. You can also order the application of a corporate logo on paper packaging, which will become an additional advertising medium and promote your brand.
