Thursday, July 11, 2019

Hefty Ultra Strong Tall Kitchen Trash Bags - Citrus Twist, 13 Gallon, 80 Count

Bin with pedal

Hefty Ultra Strong Tall Kitchen Trash Bags - Citrus Twist, 13 Gallon, 80 Count

Pedal bin

A modern trash can for the kitchen is not just a container for collecting waste, it has special requirements. It should fit into the interior adequately, open easily and quickly, securely protect the room from unpleasant odors. Trash cans with a pedal simplify the process of garbage disposal as much as possible, allowing you to open the airtight lid by lightly pressing your foot. Innovative products of well-known manufacturers are in demand and popular; pedal bins are used in apartments, offices, medical institutions and schools, in catering establishments and in stores. The variety of models with different volume and attractive design makes it easy to choose the perfect option.

Features of pedal ballot boxes

In the range of products offered by manufacturers, kitchen bins can be plastic or metal. The first are attractive because of their financial availability, practicality and brightness of shades. However, in an equipped kitchen with an innovative style, made in an elegant style, such products are not entirely appropriate and will have to be hidden in a locker. Chrome and painted metal constructions become a worthy element of the interior in any style. The practicality and functionality of such a bucket with a pedal for garbage can not be overestimated.

Aesthetic and stylish models of kitchen bins are offered with a different volume of usable capacity, which varies in the range of 4-50 liters. Sophisticated lid opening system allows you to place the product in any convenient place without fear of furniture or walls. Some models are equipped with an internal capacity of durable fire-resistant plastic, which can be easily removed for debris, while others have a convenient holder for trash bags.

The easy garbage can with a pedal does not cause difficulties when moving, just in leaving, it is comfortable when using. Thanks to the pedal, there is no contact between hands and the surface of the garbage can, which reliably prevents the spread of germs. An important advantage is the tightness of the smoothly and quietly closing cover. Do not worry if you did not have time to throw away the contents of the bucket in the evening - an unpleasant smell will not spoil the cozy atmosphere of the kitchen.

Sales leaders

Among the variety of models with a long-term guarantee of quality on the market, pedal bins from reputable manufacturers enjoy particular demand:

• For more than 20 years, the Spanish company Jofel pleases consumers with the impeccability of its products. All accessories and equipment of this manufacturer are distinguished by a high level of performance, practicality and ease of use, and functional pedal bins invariably enjoy increased demand;

• The German company Hailo is deservedly recognized by the world community as the undoubted leader in the production of various garbage sorting systems and the rational use of kitchen space. The elegant urn with the pedal of this brand is the quality, reasonable design, functionality, durability. The refined models naturally and harmoniously fit into the interior, turning into an attractive design element;

• Russian manufacturers are honored to compete and offer pedal bins that meet strict European standards. Chrome-plated and painted metal products are not inferior, or even surpass the imported counterparts in quality and delight financial affordability. They are durable and durable, attractive and functional.

Our catalog contains the best models of products of time-tested manufacturers. The cost of bins with a pedal varies in a wide range of prices, everyone will find the best option for themselves. Various forms and volumes, functionality and comfort, brand features and design - the choice is really not simple, but it's hard to leave without a purchase. The range is designed to use beautiful and practical urns with a pedal in kitchens and offices, places of mass visits. Simply select the model that suits your needs, which is assisted by a well-thought-out search system and detailed information on product characteristics. Order fast delivery now, and a bargain will be in your office or home immediately.

Hefty Ultra Strong Tall Kitchen Trash Bags - Citrus Twist, 13 Gallon, 80 Count

ToughBag Trash Bags, for 55 Gallon, 50 Count

Personal experience: How to sort garbage at home?

ToughBag Trash Bags, for 55 Gallon, 50 Count

Separate waste disposal has been practiced abroad for a long time: containers with compartments for plastic, waste paper, food and toxic waste are installed not only by local authorities, but also by the citizens themselves at home. In Russia and Ukraine, eco-responsibility is developing slowly. And in St. Petersburg recently and completely began to eliminate containers for separate collection, established a few years ago: management companies did not come for them for months, and residents used it reluctantly. The correspondent of The Village St. Petersburg spoke with a man who sorts trash in his apartment and found out what it takes to collect separately at home.

Where to begin

When my girlfriend and I began to sort the garbage at home, we immediately made one big mistake - we didn’t think about what to do with it further. They just started putting waste paper, plastic and glass bottles in separate boxes and bags. When a whole mountain accumulated in a few weeks, I realized that I had absolutely no idea where to put all this. Remembering the school experience, I thought that it would not be difficult to donate waste paper or bottles. I carried out monitoring in my district - Primorsky - and I realized that it was impossible to do everything in one place.

For each type of waste has its own points of reception, and waste paper is taken only on weekdays from 12:00 to 14:00, which is very inconvenient. Bottles are also different: one type or color in one area, the other in another, plastic never was taken anywhere. As a result, I was accumulating a whole mountain of bottles and I did not know what to do with them. Then I learned about the monthly campaign “Thank you for the trees”, where you could immediately hand over everything that you have. Now it is no longer carried out, but there are a lot of one-off events.

Sorting mechanism

Now we are doing the simplest sorting: there are containers for plastic, glass, waste paper and, of course, food waste. They do not take up much space, just select a small corner. However, it was not possible to accustom all six tenants of the apartment to throw everything into different capacities. I started alone, and six months ago my sister joined me. At first, everyone doubted the rationality of our actions, but the media began to talk more about sorting, and the neighbors showed more understanding.

Personal experience: How to sort garbage at home ?

If you have a lot of energy and are willing to spend a little more time on it, you can separately collect paper and cardboard, divide glass by color, save metal separately, remove paper clips from tea bags or magazines. This, of course, will facilitate the work of processing enterprises, or even increase the earnings of those involved in recycling, but only if everyone else does. When one person in the city does this, there is no particular benefit.

Food waste is thrown into the ordinary trash. Some people use so-called vermicomposters at home - these are crates in which worms recycle food waste disposed of there: there is no odor and fertilizer is ready. Worms do not run away, everything is neat. There are other examples: one pensioner who is involved in the Garden on the Roof project decided to create a continuous cycle of consumption and processing on the roof of her apartment building. She put there the boxes for compost, where the whole house dumps its food waste. Recycled waste subsequently goes to fertilize the land in the garden.

Where to take

For starters wishing to sort the waste, I recommend finding out the location of the points of reception of glass, paper, food and hazardous waste near his house. I am an environmental engineer by training and did not know that. When you pass this stage, separate disposal no longer seems so problematic.

The easiest way to do this is with paper or waste paper: there are a lot of points and private companies that are ready to come and pick up all the waste paper from your office or home weighing 200 kilograms. Within the apartment is difficult. But one of my friends agreed with the management campaign, and now they collect cardboard and paper from the whole house, which special services then take out. The management campaign spends profit from recycling on the improvement of the local area and on technical needs.

I throw out metal trash like tin cans in a separate bag, and then I take it to the common trash can in the yard, from where it is taken almost instantly.

find out the location of the points of reception - and separate disposal does not seem so problematic.

With hazardous waste, especially with batteries, the situation is also gradually improving: they were allowed to collect any firms or any person in general. I can walk with a box around the city and collect them to pass. Many gas stations and shopping centers began to install special containers for collecting batteries, mercury lamps and medical waste. As an ecomobile, only stationary.

Now there are a lot of garbage disposal points in the city, they can be found on the site map . There, points for receiving glass, paper, hazardous waste and even clothing are offered for each district. For me the most convenient is the action "Shared collection". Recently, they began to operate a mobile reception point - this Saturday they will go around the city for the second time to collect recyclables. There is another way for the most lazy or busy - ecotaxi , which they plan to launch soon. Judging by the reviews in social networks, many people liked the idea. If they do not overestimate the price, then for 200-300 rubles it will be an excellent alternative to the “Separate collection”.


Most often, the waste is immediately sent to the landfill, bypassing the storage. In St. Petersburg there are two waste sorting stations, where workers select useful fractions from a common pile of waste. There, the percentage of recycling is very low: from 3 to 15% maximum. Abroad, up to 90% of garbage is sent for recycling.

You need to understand: no matter how cool, pre-sorting is necessary and very important. If the city does not do this, then we can do it. Food waste in any case must be separated from everything else: they stain, rot and spoil everything around. The same plastic bag can no longer be recycled if it is covered in banana and vinaigrette residues. Imagine how, on an assembly line, people try to pull out a piece of cardboard or a plastic bottle from all of our compressed garbage. This is unrealistic and no one will do it.


The officials and the administration have their own opinion on this matter: they claim that nobody uses garbage containers for separate recycling and that is why they are being dismantled. And residents say they are ready to use if they create infrastructure and garbage will be taken out on time, and tank lids will not be locked. I heard somewhere that if at least 4% of the townspeople begin to do something, the rest will start to catch up to them. This will set the trend - such a marketing rule.

There is an opinion: “Here I am alone, what is the use of it then?” But if a person at least rinses the bottle and gives it up at a rally or at a reception center, this will already be a huge step. If only because it will attract the attention of other people. I went to school for a classroom lesson on ecology and told children about separate recycling and how to make the planet cleaner. Children of the fourth and fifth grades already understand the meaning of separate garbage collection and recycling. It became incomprehensible to me: if children understand, why do not adults do this? Maybe such an irresponsible generation, which should be replaced by growing eco-activists? We asked them why people didn’t do it then, and the students confirmed our theory: people are either lazy or simply don’t know where to take the garbage.

The authorities can affect the consciousness of citizens and their desire to properly dispose of waste. It cannot hold on to activists alone: ​​they simply cannot control the whole city. In European countries, they have long held public awareness campaigns on how to use tanks, how to properly sort garbage. And then they just put everything. Russia will somehow come to this, but without the initiative of the state it will take much more time.

ToughBag Trash Bags, for 55 Gallon, 50 Count

Glad Garbage Small, White, 30 ct, 4 gallons, 2pk

Garbage can: traditional and innovative waste collection solutions

Glad Garbage Small, White, 30 ct, 4 gallons, 2pk

We are looking for authors for our site who are VERY well versed in interior design.

Probably, every housewife has her own list of important items in the kitchen, without which a comfortable existence and cooking is unthinkable. Bin can be attributed to an integral part of a neat situation. After all, maintaining cleanliness in the kitchen is a guarantee of the health of family members and the creation of a cozy homely atmosphere. Trash cans also provide a comfortable life throughout the housing - ranging from bathrooms and ending with a strict cabinet. Due to the variety of products it is easy to choose a model for the kitchen (easy to clean and convenient to use), and for the desktop (a chrome / bronze container will become a stylish decorative element).

Black trash bin
Bin selection criteria

The design of traditional buckets is simple: a container of different size / shape and a handle, so the problem of choice is based on the following parameters: size, material, shape.
The size

The concept of "bucket" is associated with the old Russian measure of volume. One bucket leveled 100 enchantments, which amounted to 12 liters. Today, garbage containers are offered with volumes ranging from 1 liter to 60 liters. And it is unrealistic to single out the most requested size. As for jobs at home or in the office, a volume of 1-3 liters is suitable, and in kitchens, buckets of 10-15 liters are most often used.

Most importantly, manufacturers offer a variety of models of any parameters, so it is easy to choose a model of a suitable volume for any purpose.

Wooden trash bin

Trash bin on the door

For the production of buckets used various materials (wood, plastic, plastic, metal). Moreover, some models may not have a solid surface, and the lattice or mesh. Such buckets are most often purchased for offices, where the waste is mostly dry - paper.

Chrome trash bin

Trash bin with tilting lid

Plastic buckets - the most popular and common. Advantages: almost all products are solid, which eliminates the likelihood of leakage.

Plastic has good durability, absolute insensitivity to moisture, low thermal conductivity. The bucket can be rinsed with hot water and it will not deform / melt. Care is the easiest - models in the toilet are easy to clean with cleaning agents (even with small additions of abrasives). The lack of products can be considered fragility, some plastic products are easily scratched.

Metal buckets (chrome, bronze) have a more aesthetic appearance. Advantages: such products can be left in a prominent place, as some models are definitely becoming interesting interior details. Metal garbage cans tolerate temperature fluctuations, are resistant to damage, are environmentally friendly. The disadvantage is sensitivity to moisture. Rusty stains on a bucket can not be regarded as a decorative element.

Trash can

Round trash bin
Product form

When choosing a suitable model form matters. Manufacturers offer rectangular, square, round or oval products. Models of complex shape are in demand, when one side is round and the other has right angles. Such a geometric variety is explained by the need to install buckets inside the pedestals, cabinets (on special brackets). Some models (double) are part of the harvesting carriage, and therefore are fully customized for a specific location. The traditional round shape is the most sought after. Since it is convenient to wash round buckets, they take up little space during storage (you can put one bucket into another). Square / rectangular buckets are the most ergonomic (these are popular hanging buckets, kitchen models for separate collection of garbage).

Trash bin with lid

Garbage bin in the kitchen

Naturally, when buying a bucket, it is also important to take into account family size, type of garbage (food / non-food waste).
The lineup

At first glance it seems that it is difficult to portray something original from a simple garbage can. In fact, manufacturers represent a wide variety of garbage collection containers (in shape, color, material). The most common shades are white, black. A garbage can in the kitchen can have several mounting options (suspended, built-in, swivel).

The basket is the simplest type of bin. It is used mainly for dry garbage (paper, cloth, thread). It happens plastic, metal (in the form of a grid). Advantages: low price, ease of use. Disadvantages - not suitable for food waste.

Metal trash bin

Pedal bin
Bucket with lid

A bucket with a lid can be considered a classic garbage containers. The advantages are models of affordable price, many manufacturers, a large selection of sizes. The lid prevents odors from spreading, which is convenient when folding food waste. Products are available round and rectangular / square. The minus of the model, some housewives consider the lid, as it is necessary to bend each time and remove it to throw garbage (an exception is a garbage bin with a rocking lid).
Pedal bin

The pedal bin is more comfortable in everyday use, as there is no need to touch the container with your hands. This is especially valuable in the kitchen, while cooking. It is also convenient to put such a model in the toilet.

Advantages: durability, simplicity and ease of construction. The cover limits the spread of odors from the tank and prevents the loss of waste from the bucket. Most often, a bucket container with a pedal for trash is made of metal. Especially elegant look buckets with a dusting of their chrome, bronze. Disadvantages: sometimes the pedal mechanism can warp and then the lid is tilted to the side.

Corner Waste Bin
Roll-out bucket

The roll-out bucket is installed under the sink and when opening the cabinet door a special mechanism rolls the container forward (waste is thrown out when opening the cabinet doors). A more simplified version is a garbage bin on the door (a mounted attachment type is used). Most often, models are made of plastic and have a rectangular shape.
Retractable bucket

A retractable garbage bin has the main advantage: ease of use - no need to stoop to put in the garbage. Also the design is easily repaired. The disadvantage is that built-in garbage cans are not installed in all kitchens.

Trash bin in the bathroom

Built-in trash bin
Touch trash bin

Touch bucket for garbage can be called a technical breakthrough "garbage equipment". An automatic device lifts the lid as soon as it brings the waste. A feature of some models is the independent determination of the volumes of garbage and the raising of the door to the required height.

The latest technical developments include models with door-curtains. If you throw a candy wrapper into the bucket, the device will “catch” the garbage by itself: the doors will open and close automatically.

Advantages: comfortable use of the urn, stylish appearance. Disadvantages: the need for regular replacement of batteries and constant maintenance of the sensor and the door in cleanliness.

Built-in garbage bin

Retractable trash bin
Garbage sorting buckets

Garbage sorting buckets are highly relevant in light of the need for waste separation. Separate sets of containers are designed for separate collection of garbage: dry (paper, glass), food waste, plastic. Such a measure facilitates the processing of garbage and contributes to improving the environmental friendliness of cities.

Roll-out garbage bin

Bucket for dry garbage

Pros: containers for separate collection of garbage solve the problem of pre-sorting of waste (this simplifies their subsequent disposal), ease of use and maintenance (individual containers are easily removed and washed).

Bronze trash bin

Blue trash bin

Today, the trash bin has gained more value than just a container for collecting waste. This is a stylish piece of furniture, environmental protection (containers for separate garbage collection), and an unusual device. It is also important to place the item: a garbage can embedded in the worktop is a very relevant option for installing the container.

Glad Garbage Small, White, 30 ct, 4 gallons, 2pk

Hefty Strong Tall Kitchen Trash Bags - 13 Gallon, 120 Count

How do residents of SZAO relate to separate garbage collection?

Hefty Strong Tall Kitchen Trash Bags - 13 Gallon, 120 Count

The correspondent of "NW" walked around the courtyards of the district and talked to people

For three years in the courtyards of Moscow and the district establish containers for separate collection of garbage. There are two types: in one, you can only throw plastic, and in the other - even paper, metal and glass containers. And, as reported by NW in the prefecture of the district, the number of containers for separate collection of garbage will grow - over time they plan to equip each container site of the district.

Walking around the courtyards, the NW correspondent found out whether containers are popular.
Pensioners are more active

In the courtyard of the house 5 on the street. Marshal Malinovsky to the container for plastic suitable elderly woman with bottles of syrup.

- Often tenants use the container? - I ask.

- Not really. Mostly elderly go. Many plastic bottles at home in a separate package folded, - says the woman. - A young container almost does not use.

After 10 minutes, a man with a canister from under the motor oil approaches the container. I am interested in whether it can be thrown into a container

- This is not from under the poison canister! - he frowns. - I washed it thoroughly.

Plastic containers in the district put the company "Ecogroup." According to the deputy director of the company Denis Galchenko, it is possible to throw the cans out from under the motor oil into the container, they are being recycled. But trays from under the eggs, packaging from cakes and white milk bottles are useless: they are not recyclable.
At one of the container sites / Olga Chumachenko

At one of the container sites / Olga Chumachenko
Small kitchen does not bother everyone

At home 21 on the street. Berzarina set the container for glass, plastic, metal paper and cardboard. Stand for half an hour - no one is suitable. Finally, I see a young man with a white bag in his hands. Alas, he throws garbage in a common container.

- I have a kitchen of such size that barely a table with a stove enters. Where should I put four different buckets to separate the garbage? - He says irritably.

Half an hour later, a woman comes to the container for separate collection of garbage and throws cans away.

- I have been sharing garbage for a year. There really is no place in the kitchen, so bags for cans, old newspapers and plastic containers hang on the balcony, she smiles.
Build roads, sew down jackets

Separate waste collection is a big plus for the economy and for the environment. After all, waste collected in this way is recycled, not burned.

According to Denis Galchenko, plastic is used when sewing winter down jackets and in the construction of roads. Also sewage pipes are made from recycled plastic bottles. Glass is given to glass factories for the manufacture of non-food containers. The metal is melted down and used in the production of steel.

- Now there are containers for plastic in almost every yard. But we are committed to ensuring that such containers are located near each house, - says Denis Galchenko.

What about the others?

For separate collection of garbage are struggling in many countries around the world. In Australia, for a wrong sorting, you will have to pay a fine of 7,500 Australian dollars, in the US - 1,000 dollars, in Singapore - 150 Singapore dollars (almost 10,000 rubles), and in Germany for improperly disposed garbage can generally raise the rates for waste disposal throughout the area.

Creative approach to this issue in Japan . Here it is customary not only to sort garbage into packages at home, but also to write one's last name on each one. If the waste is laid out wrong, the garbage collection company will return the bags asking them to sort it all out correctly.

In Lithuania , to teach garbage sorting from childhood, containers for separate collection of garbage are installed in kindergartens.

Interestingly, in the US, recycled glass has been learned to build houses. Thus, in Las Vegas, opened a huge building on an area of ​​9150 square meters. meters, built from half a million recycled glass beer bottles.

Hefty Strong Tall Kitchen Trash Bags - 13 Gallon, 120 Count

Glad Tall Kitchen Drawstring Trash Bags - OdorShield 13 Gallon Grey Trash Bag, Febreze Fresh Clean - 40 Count (Packaging May Vary)

How Separate Garbage Collection Works in Moscow and Moscow Region

Glad Tall Kitchen Drawstring Trash Bags - OdorShield 13 Gallon Grey Trash Bag, Febreze Fresh Clean - 40 Count (Packaging May Vary)

For the first time, the authorities in Moscow and the Moscow region have been trying to introduce the practice of separate garbage collection. The first special containers appeared in the capital in 2014. In Mytishchi, near Moscow, recycling sorting points appeared even earlier - in 2009, and in 2018, Moscow Region Governor Andrei Vorobyev plans to introduce separate garbage collection throughout the region. Observer RIAMO decided to check whether the residents of the Moscow region are ready to sort the garbage and how much the infrastructure is now adapted for this.

Vorobyov told about solving garbage problems in the Moscow region >>

Conditions and objectives of the experiment

We asked three Muscovites and two residents of the Moscow Region to collect rubbish in fractions: paper, glass, plastic, metal, unsorted organic waste during the week. The participants in the experiment evaluated the convenience of sorting garbage at home, the proximity (availability) of separate waste collection points, and the occupancy of containers.

The purpose of the experiment is to determine how the infrastructure of the districts is adapted to separate collection of waste, which garbage is collected most, and whether people are ready to introduce it into practice.

The system of separate collection of garbage will be discussed in the Moscow City Council in 2018 >>

Tatyana, Sokolinaya Gora District (HLW):

“I have always been jarred about cleaning, glass bottles and yogurt boxes from under the bucket. Therefore, being on the Alpine resorts, I happily laid out the garbage in different packages. When the first separate collection points for waste began to appear in Moscow, I began to collect bottles, plastic, metal and paper separately.

In the area of ​​the Botanical Garden, where I lived the last three years, there was a separate collection point for garbage from the operator “Charter”. But when I moved to the Sokolinaya Gora area, there was no such point nearby: only the reception point of the metal, where local grandmothers take beer cans.

Deciding to participate in the experiment, I was morally ready for the fact that the garbage would have to be carried to the MSC - I noticed that sorting containers were installed on the platforms. Small, but in a decent amount. Of course, I understood: containers are more likely intended for passengers, and not for mass surrender. But they almost always stood empty, so I decided to use them for their intended purpose.

So, I started 4 packages in the kitchen - for plastic, glass, metal cans and unsorted trash (organic matter, which went into the usual trash near the house). By experience, there is practically no waste paper, so I did not start a separate package. Most of the plastic is recruited: I have accumulated as many as two packets in a week! All week, I diligently collected the garbage, and on Sunday I carried it to the MSC, which is 15-20 minutes on foot.

In order not to shock the people, I chose the evening time. At the station it was almost deserted, but it was light. It turned out that the metal container was not there, so the cans had to be thrown into unsorted waste. The glass bottles left over from the reception of the guests went to the compartment with the words “Glass”, a couple of cardboard boxes and a box of tetra-packs were put into “Paper”. But the plastic turned out to be so much that I filled them with as many as three compartments - good, the garbage containers on the platform are installed every 100 meters. However, the holes there are small, and in order to shove a canister from under the drinking water, it was necessary to compress it somehow.

Kuchino range is not a source of unpleasant smell in Moscow >>

And now, opening the last plastic bag, I heard the guard's displeased call from the opposite platform.

“Girl, there's nothing to throw out the garbage here, throw it out there!” He shouted, pointing to me somewhere with his hand. Despite my objections that “there” there is no separate collection, but there is “here”, the guard did not let up.

I had to get on the train, go to the next station and throw out the remaining plastic there. As a result, the whole process took more than an hour. Later, I found a separate plastic container in the garbage dump in the next block and now I carry plastic there.

Beer banks all our porch carries to the grandmother from the first floor, which gives them somewhere, but with cans - trouble.

Being a fan of garbage sorting, I am ready to do it all the time, but only if there is a point of separate reception within walking distance, since I don’t have a car. During the week a lot of packages accumulate at home, which have to be carried out on the balcony, which is inconvenient under the conditions of “odnushki”, and regularly carrying garbage on the ISC is also not an option, because I do not always use it. The young man proposed to abandon the plastic and use only paper bags. But given that most of the packaging in supermarkets is plastic, it is hardly possible. ”

Elena, Metrogorodok district (HLW):

“Our family sorts household waste not the first year. We collect all the garbage in large bags from the store, which are located in the kitchen or next to it. Package for cans of cat food - under the sink, next to the bin, it is going for a couple of weeks. Waste paper is packaged in paper bags, boxes of shoes and electrical appliances. Capacity is also filled in about two to three weeks.

Plastic bag hangs on the kitchen door handle: it is convenient and free access to it. Plastic along with the package I put in a special container, which stands on the garbage yard in the yard. Plastic is ejected at least once a week, sometimes more often.

Metal and waste paper should be taken for a few stops from the house. If there is time, I walk for 10-15 minutes, more often I drive a car straight to the place - then the whole operation takes no more than 5-7 minutes.

A package or box with waste paper is sent immediately in bulk to the “Paper”, there are boxes for cakes or pizza. Banks are poured out in "Metal", and the package is then sent to the "Plastic".

We do not collect glass. Bottles of water, mostly plastic, almost do not drink alcohol. If glass bottles appear, then I simply carry them to the container in the yard, where the wipers clean them up. Batteries and burnt lamps carry in an orange container next to the office. "

Sobyanin signed a decree on the conservation of the landfill "Malinki" >>

Svetlana, Airport area (SAO):

“We didn’t have any difficulties with the delivery of garbage - the point of separate reception is located in a neighboring yard. There you can donate plastic, glass, paper, iron cans. Our district is served by the Ecoline company, over the past couple of years it has established many reception points in the city. Before that, I had to drive around the city in search of containers.

The process of separate garbage collection is greatly facilitated by pre-prepared packages. We did not put all the garbage in one place, but immediately began to sort into packages. It remains only to bring them to the point and pour.

My husband and I collect paper, glass, plastic, aluminum cans and tetrapack bags. Under the trash on the balcony, we adapted large paper bags. Of course, they occupy an empty seat, but we would not refuse this idea, even if we lived in a smaller apartment.

The paper is cardboard, magazines, packaging from household chemicals. Tetrapack glass and bags are pre-rinsed and dried; plastic must also be clean when it is taken. I invented a useful life hacking for collecting plastic bags, which are accumulated very much: it is convenient to tamper them into a large canister from under the water and take it directly into it.

The biggest problem is the disposal of Tetrapack packagings; they are almost never accepted or recycled. Every six months, we take it by car to a special reception point "The Sphere of Ecology" at the "Kurskaya".
Separate collection in our practice. We throw garbage every 3-4 weeks. In a month, 3-4 kg of paper and 4-5 kg ​​of glass, plastic, and cans are usually collected. ”

Tatyana, Moscow region, Mytishchi:

“The garbage collection center in our apartment is a kitchen. On one door hanging bag for plastic and glass. Near the refrigerator is a package for paper. Then all this is carried out in trellised containers at the house. Tin cans are sorted into dry trash.

In our city in almost every yard has long been the right containers. There are two stickers on them: “Glass and plastic” and “Aluminum cans, newspapers, magazines”. Unfortunately, not all residents read what is written on the labels. Therefore, other garbage often flies into containers. And all because the city did not make an alert program.

It is very interesting, whether the garbage that accumulates in lattice containers is sorted at all?

As far as I know, if you leave the cardboard next to the trash can, a special machine will arrive and pick it up. But I learned this by chance, there are no ads nearby. Previously, a paper container stood next to the city administration building, and now it is thrown into dry trash.

I noticed that many residents in the old manner leave the glass container at the garbage. But this is wrong: in the collection points the glass containers are no longer accepted. But with cans is another story. After talking with local homeless people, I found out that for a large package of cans they give 30 rubles. So you can safely put the metal bags in the garbage: knowledgeable people will pick them up and give them up.

In addition, there are two children in our family, which is why there is an acute problem with old clothes, it is very unpleasant to take it to the garbage. I would like to see at least one collection point for old things and rags in the city ”.

In the Moscow region, 20 landfills are being rehabilitated until 2026 >>

Anastasia, Moscow region, Fr. Mytishchi:

“When I found out about the experiment, I gladly agreed to participate, as many of my friends are sorting out the garbage, and I have long wanted to try.

Although we have special containers in the yard, we do not use them. Many neighbors throw everything in there, because they simply do not know what kind of garbage they need to be thrown there.

It all started well. On the first day, I honestly sorted out the garbage, for this I prepared in advance several packages from the supermarket, putting them on the floor in the kitchen. But on the second day I got lost and began throwing everything into one package, hoping that later I would sort it all out at the point of separate collection. Three days later, the garbage bag began to smell sharply all over the apartment, in the end I just threw it into the common dustbin. Unfortunately, I failed the experiment.

I understand that this issue should be approached seriously, but for a person working in Moscow, this is a big burden.

Every day I spend three hours on the road, returning home late, in fact, to sleep, and I have one desire - to eat and rest, so there is simply no time or energy to sort the garbage.

Perhaps if I worked in the city, my experiment would have been more successful. I hope to put this into practice in the future, but now I have definitely overestimated my capabilities. ”

Of the five participants in the experiment, three are ready to sort the garbage and beyond, and these are the people who have already practiced separate collection. One person is ready to introduce waste sorting into everyday practice, if special containers appear within walking distance from home, another participant did not cope with the experiment at all.

At the same time, most participants note that the process of sorting garbage itself is not so difficult to organize. In the presence of special containers not far from home, as well as a system of informing citizens, Muscovites and residents of the Moscow region would be easier to re-arrange for separate collection of garbage.

Glad Tall Kitchen Drawstring Trash Bags - OdorShield 13 Gallon Grey Trash Bag, Febreze Fresh Clean - 40 Count (Packaging May Vary)

Hefty Slider Jumbo Food Storage Bags - 2.5 Gallon Size, 12 Count

Six packages in the kitchen will not be - Pavel Astashev explained the futility of separate garbage collection in Morozovsk

Hefty Slider Jumbo Food Storage Bags - 2.5 Gallon Size, 12 Count

At a meeting with the Morozovchanians on November 18, the Head of the State Housing Inspectorate of the Rostov Region spoke about the past and future of waste treatment.

- Previously, we paid, the management company or a specialized organization took this garbage. Everyone is happy. And where did she carry this rubbish ... - Pavel Astashev spread his hands. - At the landfill or the nearest beam - we did not give this report to ourselves. As a result, we got the fact that in the Rostov region we have about 250 unauthorized dumps. Dumps! I'm not talking about crap beams.

He explained that now this problem will be gradually solved.

- In the Rostov region will be built eight waste-processing plant. One of them will be somewhere here, not far from you, ”Pavel Vladimirovich recalled.

- Will not be! - shouted from the audience. Morozovchane already for several years heard about this plant, but it is still not there.

- Will be! - the head of the housing inspection stated with conviction. - Will be! 2017-2018 construction should start and in 2019 it should be completed.

In the photo: Pavel Astashev tells frostmen about future waste processing plants.

But he told the most interesting thing later:

- The meaning will be this. Those who will be engaged in export and processing of waste will receive money upon delivery of garbage to this combine, - the official explained. - I brought it, put it on the scale, I passed it - and only after that I received the money. I am convinced that as a result of this, you and I will gradually get the elimination of all these natural dumps.

As an example, he cited the collection of scrap metal. Previously, scrap metal was lying everywhere, everyone went to collect it. And now even if you really want to pass it, then it will be rather difficult to find an orphaned metal.

- So, I am convinced, there will be rubbish, - assured Pavel Astashev frost. - In this part we will put things in order.

He also explained why the beginning of construction is so delayed:

- While there is a process of allocation of land. There is a complicated procedure. The conclusion of the examination, according to the meters, they see that there is nothing next to it ... So that it does not affect the ecology. And this process will take some time.

Many listened to the head of the regional housing inspection with interest. Several people even wrote down the main points of his speech.

Pavel Astashev noted that another problem would be solved in parallel.

- From January 1, 2017 for owners living in residential buildings, it will be mandatory to conclude an agreement on the export of solid waste. What do we have now? We have tanks, littered with debris from nearby houses, - he touched the most relevant and painful topic for many. - I do not want to pay money - I took the package and brought it to the apartment building in the early morning or late evening. Now, one way or another, will have to pay. Therefore, we think this problem will also be partially resolved.

Pavel Vladimirovich said that the question of whether the collection of garbage will be separate is still open:

- Of course, this will all be decided through public hearings. I think that we in Russia are not yet ready to have five or six packages in our kitchen for various garbage. Many countries refuse separate collection and are engaged in separate processing. That is, you assembled in one package, and the “smart” machine at the recycling plant itself sorted it out.

Someone from the hall sarcastically remarked:

-We know this car! Women sit and hands apart.

Astashev reacted with humor to the cry:

- This is the best car, which for hundreds of years.

Despite the fact that nothing has yet been decided as to how the garbage will be collected - in one or six packages - there will not be separate garbage collection in Morozovsk in the near future for objective reasons. Apart from the ingrained habit, our small kitchens are not designed to hold several bags of garbage in them at the same time.

Hefty Slider Jumbo Food Storage Bags - 2.5 Gallon Size, 12 Count

Amazon Brand - Solimo Tall Kitchen Drawstring Trash Bags, Clean Fresh Scent, 13 Gallon, 45 Count

Two buckets in the kitchen”: how to organize separate waste collection in Russia

Amazon Brand - Solimo Tall Kitchen Drawstring Trash Bags, Clean Fresh Scent, 13 Gallon, 45 Count

Against the background of the developing environmental crisis in the Moscow region, they are increasingly talking about the need to radically change the attitude of Russians towards the management of household waste. Obviously, new landfills and waste incineration plants will not solve the problem, while creating a full-fledged infrastructure for recycling may take more time, but it will really be able to save the region from repeating the situation with “Jadrovo”. However, a lot here depends on the residents themselves: efficient processing of garbage and the creation of a new product from recyclable materials are impossible without separate waste collection, which so far in the eyes of many Russians looks like a waste of time and effort. The head of the Resource Saving Center, Alina Kolovska, told how with the help of two garbage cans in the kitchen, the ecological situation in the region can be changed over time and why the alternative that the authorities offer to the residents of the Moscow region will only aggravate the problem of landfills.

- After the situation with “Yadrovo”, everyone again says that it is necessary to introduce waste recycling technologies and their separate collection in Russia. What does this chain look like - from the bin to the new product?

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In the area of ​​Ochakovo-Matveyevskoye, they began to burn garbage again, ...

- In brief, it looks like this: we sort waste at home, then we transfer it to the supplier. These are organizations, both large and small, that do not recycle waste, but only collect, additionally sort, compress and form large volumes of recycled materials - plastic bottles separately, white glass separately, green separately, paper of different grades is also separate. These collectors have large areas - they accumulate tons of various recycled materials. When a certain volume is accumulated, which is profitable for sale, they transfer this recyclable material to a specific processor: paper leaves for one plant, glass for another. And those, in turn, make of them either intermediate raw materials or finished products. For example, paper. At those enterprises that we have in Russia, cardboard is made of paper, roofing felt, toilet paper. There are enterprises that make paper fiber, from which the substrates for vegetables, paper holders are obtained. Or, for example, aluminum. Aluminum is a rather expensive recyclable material, because it is perfectly melted without loss of quality: aluminum ingots are made of aluminum or pulled onto a foil.

- We are about to imagine the harm caused by landfills and incinerators. Are sorting stations and processing plants safe for residents? There have been cases when protests were also being protested in Moscow Region against waste recycling near the city.

- Such threats as landfills and incinerators, they do not carry. It is important for the residents not only to protest, but to offer the authorities to set up the infrastructure for separate collection - to install special containers, enter into contracts with suppliers, who can take it out correctly. Waste sorting stations or waste recycling plants do not threaten residents - recycling is simply dismantled and processing is in progress - in fact, crushing and remelting, as a result of which no hazardous substances are formed. If we are talking about paper, then in this case the paper pulp is crushed in an aqueous solution to produce cellulose, and then - the removal of this water and the formation of a sheet. There are no incineration processes, no processes as a result of which substances come out of the waste and begin to travel around the environment. The processing plant is no more dangerous than any jeans factory and any ordinary enterprise. Landfills and incinerators themselves are very dangerous. And if we burn garbage, then dangerous substances are formed that go into the air. If we are engaged in the burial of waste, everything falls into the ground and water. Of course, there are technologies that allow to minimize the danger from factories and landfills, but they are not used here.

- Do you understand how many people are engaged in separate waste collection? Are there any good examples where the necessary infrastructure was built and works successfully?

- I have been dealing with the problem of separate waste collection since 2006: first, as part of a local action at my work place and in Bitsevsky Park, then, from 2011, already within the framework of our organization. In my subjective assessment, from 2011 to today the situation has changed dramatically: the number of people involved is growing, the attitude of business towards segregation is changing, a lot of companies have been introducing it in recent years. At the same time, I do not think that it is strongly connected with the year of ecology (2017 was declared the Year of Ecology in Russia - MBH Media ), rather, it is a global trend: at the international level, the problems of climate change and environmental pollution were recognized. Today it is important to be able to adapt to these conditions, and separate collection of waste is a measure that penetrates deep into the masses and is understandable enough to people. There are successful cases in Russia - for example, Saransk or Rybinsk, where in a few years everything that was really needed for a complete chain of recycling really appeared.

- Creating such an infrastructure is still the task of the authorities or, as a rule, the initiative of citizens?

- In fact, a lot depends on the administration, on its openness and readiness to work in this direction. But people can direct and demand it from her, then the administration will have no choice. Now, residents of the Moscow region are indignant about the landfills - they are being closed down, equipment being brought in to them, which helps to neutralize harmful emissions from landfills. Therefore, the people should demand from the authorities to establish a normal infrastructure, including connecting to the service not some of their own municipal enterprises, but those organizations that are engaged in separate waste collection, those who will take it carefully and continue to work with it. There are such organizations, there are many of them, you just need to require the administration to enter into agreements with them. We have in the Moscow region more than 400 waste recycling enterprises, in the whole country there are more than 1,500, and none of them is operating at full capacity. There is rubbish for them, you just need to create an infrastructure and send recycled flows to these plants.

- How to organize a separate collection in an ordinary apartment? Many who are going to arrange this at home, immediately face the problem - where in the small kitchen to place a few bins?

- We have seen enough of a separate collection abroad, and it seems to us that it always means 5-6 containers for paper, glass, plastic, organic and so on. In fact, to start the recycling process, it is enough to divide the waste into two streams - collect organic materials in one container, and everything else that can be recycled: glass, plastic, metal, and paper into the other container. One car will arrive, which will pick up the container only with recyclables. On the procurement bases, all this mass will be sorted into fractions. If such garbage does not mix with food, then separate the glass jar from the metal - a simple task. But if the garbage is mixed and organic is present in it, it is very difficult to sort - both for people and for equipment that simply does not recognize what it is. Waste from the second bucket - for organic waste - should ideally be composting. In a good way, one of the requirements for the authorities should also be organic composting facilities. It can be used to make a nutrient substrate for use in agriculture, for sprinkling the earth. It is necessary to put just a special installation with certain bacteria. This is a separate technology that we also need to develop.

- Today, environmental education in our country is mainly engaged in public organizations and activists. In European countries, this is done, first of all, by the state - programs on television, lessons in schools, social advertising. And we see the results - the system of separate collection in the West really works. Is such a scenario real in Russia?

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Today, April 20, it became known that the company ...

- Such things, of course, should go from the state. We, as a public organization, can provide the necessary content, and the state only needs to ensure its distribution. Of course, the state has such opportunities that no one else has. How much time can it take to understand the need for this? Unclear. It depends on the desire and our efforts - it may be 20 years, and maybe 4 years. Of course, problems should be solved on all sides - first of all, honest organizations should deal with garbage. Now, for example, regional waste management operators for the Moscow region have become known - these are the companies that will be responsible for our waste for the next 10 years. And there is a big danger, because companies that actively lobby incineration are chosen. Already in May, public hearings will be held in Solnechnogorsk where they will coordinate construction of an incinerator. There, all the documentation, it turns out, is ready and in 2022 it is planned to start the plant.

- And what can residents do in such a situation when it is obvious to everyone that the decision has already been made?

- It is important to come to public hearings, to express disagreement with the construction of these plants. At the legislative level, there are certain mechanisms that involve consideration of public opinion. Of course, the situation here can be exactly the same as with the elections - when, despite the opinion of the public, a different decision is made. But here, perhaps, not such a high level, and there is an opportunity to influence something. It is important to disagree, it is important to defend their interests and come to the hearing.

It is very important to disagree with what is happening and with what we are offered in return. Public attention to the problem of landfills increased after the protests in Volokolamsk. There have always been problems with the “Yadrovo” training ground many years ago. Until recently, in the suburbs there were 100 polygons. The residents were outraged - there were 22. And it seems to everyone that serious work was done, the authorities went to meet the residents. But those polygons that still work cannot cope with such volumes of garbage. For the authorities, the most obvious solution to this problem is to build incinerators and open new landfills. But after a few years we will be back where we started.

At the same time, local residents can take this positive attitude - in Volokolamsk, the authorities will close down “Yadrovo”, where people will be satisfied. And the fact that in Narofominsk will open a new incinerator, and in Sergiev Posad - a new landfill, no one cares. It is necessary to show people sound logic, demonstrate an alternative, and at the same time explain where the authorities powder the brain, and where not.

Amazon Brand - Solimo Tall Kitchen Drawstring Trash Bags, Clean Fresh Scent, 13 Gallon, 45 Count

Hefty Trash Bags for the Recycling Bin - Clear, 13 Gallon, 60 Count

Experts told why separate garbage collection does not take root in the capital

Hefty Trash Bags for the Recycling Bin - Clear, 13 Gallon, 60 Count

Experts have named the reasons why separate collection of garbage is still not taking root in Russia and even in Moscow. In addition to the negligence of scavengers who have been repeatedly mentioned, dumping all the waste into a common pile on export, there are other explanations for this. So, the capital waste chutes are simply not adapted for separate collection, as well as apartments: there are simply no places to keep several buckets in the kitchen for different types of garbage. About this writes "Moskovsky Komsomolets" .

One of the reasons for the problems with separate waste collection is the presence of garbage chutes in the houses, which are obviously unsuitable for waste sorting, as well as foreign vacuum waste disposal systems of the 1970s that were advanced for their time. One way to solve the problem is to dismantle the garbage chutes, besides, a centralized solution to the problem allows freeing up the rooms of the garbage rooms and adapting them to storage of wheelchairs, a concierge booth or rooms for collecting different categories of recyclables. You can also pay attention to foreign experience: in the houses of Sweden, the so-called environment rooms are equipped - airtight rooms on the lower floors of buildings or in separate buildings, where containers are installed for separate collection of waste, including food.

Another way - to make sorting out of the apartment on a specially equipped site. The garbage chute and the room for them on the first floor are saved, everything goes there, except for food waste. Sorting is done manually or automatically, leaving about 10% of solid household waste that cannot be recycled. In addition, theoretically, the garbage chute can be adapted to separate collection of waste, if you throw in it sorted garbage in bags of different colors. However, it is impossible to do without checking and additional sorting in this case, therefore experts recognize it as unrealistic.

The second and much more common reason is disinterest and non-disregard for separate collection as such. If in the West, sorting garbage is taught from childhood, in Russia it is “mixed” already at the collection stage. In the West, there are more interesting "incentives": for the removal of unsorted garbage has to pay significantly more than sorted. On the other hand, the closeness of Moscow apartments and kitchens simply does not allow keeping several buckets for different types of garbage. In addition, if the points for separate collection will be outside the house, many will prefer not to waste time trying to reach them.

Recall that in the beginning of the year, the Minister of Ecology of the Moscow Region, Alexander Kogan, said that the authorities of the Moscow Region, together with public organizations, would ask residents to refuse to use the garbage chutes and to work on switching to separate collection of garbage from owners of private houses and residents of SNT. He also said that in order to introduce the system of separate collection of garbage in the Moscow region, it is necessary to introduce increased administrative responsibility and create a “institute of garbage detective”: for management companies engaged in garbage collection, it is necessary to introduce a differentiated tariff and reduce the rate if the system of separate collection is used.

Meanwhile, the city authorities acknowledged that there is no company in the capital that could take out the waste collected by the residents. At the same time in the new projects of residential buildings, including those under construction under the renovation program, rooms for separate waste collection are provided, which should become an alternative to the garbage disposal.

Hefty Trash Bags for the Recycling Bin - Clear, 13 Gallon, 60 Count

Hefty Ultra Strong Tall Kitchen Trash Bags - Lavender & Sweet Vanilla, 13 Gallon, 110 Count

Separate garbage collection: how to properly sort waste

Hefty Ultra Strong Tall Kitchen Trash Bags - Lavender & Sweet Vanilla, 13 Gallon, 110 Count

This article was kindly prepared for Minminds by my good friend Sasha Matveyecheva . Her vocation is to open Odessa to people in all its glory, conducting fascinating excursions around the city. In addition, Sasha cares about nature and loves what surrounds her. She started sorting trash at home two years ago and she has a lot to tell.

So, you are on the path of rational consumption and concern for our planet. Thought about the problems of recycling and want to make a contribution. In this article, you will learn what a separate garbage collection is and how to organize the sorting at home with examples from personal experience.


Most waste is not rubbish, but recyclable material that can be recycled. First, let's figure out what is recyclable, and what recycling.

You can recycle plastic, paper, metal, glass, even car tires! They make artificial turf, for example. This is what garbage processing plants do.

You need to dispose of hazardous waste that cannot be buried in landfills. This category includes household and office equipment, fluorescent lamps, mercury thermometers, expired drugs, medical waste and electronics: smartphones, flash drives, headphones, batteries, wires. This waste contains heavy metals that poison the soil and water. And then come back to us through food. Dispose of special certified companies that do it safely.
Where to begin?

Having conceived a separate collection of garbage at home you will encounter several questions.
How to organize the space for sorting?

It seems that if you collect waste for recycling, they will be filled up with the whole apartment! In fact, everything is not scary. I think everyone has a free corner in the kitchen, on the balcony or in the pantry. Your main ally is compactness! You can take one box and put all recyclable waste into it, and sort them by type immediately before delivery to the collection point for recyclables. You can have a separate bin, for example, only for dry waste. Waste paper and tetra pack when folded take up very little space, and aluminum cans are flattened successfully. In addition, there are special sorting containers for sale. Find these can be at IKEA and Jysk.


And here is a video on how Alice, the author of the blog Minminds (BEFORE and AFTER) organized her home sorting:

What exactly to sort?

Glass. The coolest material for recycling. It can be recycled an infinite number of times. That is, from the old can or bottle, you get a new one without losing quality. It turns out that glass is the only material with a complete recycling cycle.

Waste paper. Paper can survive four to five cycles. After it becomes unusable. Important! Checks are not recycled . Moreover, it is better not to touch them at all, as checks are dangerous for health. In terminals and cash registers use a special thermal paper. It darkens when heated. The text on such paper is burned, not printed by paint. The composition of thermal paper includes bisphenol-A, which becomes toxic when heated. Bisphenol-A enters the body through the skin and can cause serious diseases. Try not to take checks, do not touch them, do not carry them in your pockets and purses. If there is a need for long-term storage, keep the checks in a separate file.

Tetra Pak and Pure Pak are made of cardboard, aluminum and polyethylene. There is a special technology for their processing. Therefore, we collect them separately from the cardboard and plastic.

Metal. These can be aluminum cans, cans and lids. Foil from yoghurt and sour cream also goes for processing.

Plastic. Not all types of plastic can be recycled. To understand what kind of in front of you - look at the label. Look for a triangle with a number or letters inside.
Types of plastic

Types of plastic

The most popular type of plastic is PET (or PETE ) bottle, labeling 1, polyethylene terephthalate. It is well suited for the packaging of cold drinks, yogurt. Pet should not be heated and should not be reused, as it can release phthalates that are harmful to the human body. Recycled .
Marking 2 - HDPE or PEHT is dense polyethylene. From it make packages, containers for cosmetics, food containers. Relatively safe. Recycled .
Marking 3 or PVC . Famous PVC. It is used for technical purposes: in the manufacture of pipes, windows, laminate, tanks for technical liquids. Phthalates, vinyl chloride, may contain impurities of heavy metals. Contraindicated for food packaging. Do not accept for recycling .
Marking 4 is thin LDPE or PEBD polyethylene . From it make a variety of bags, bags and bag. Recyclable and recyclable .
Marking 5 or PP - polypropylene. Safe plastic look, quite tight. Used in the manufacture of toys, containers, household items. Recycled .
Marking 6 or PS means polystyrene. It made disposable dishes, foam trays for meat, yogurt cups, lids for cups for drinks. This type of plastic is dangerous to humans, and when reused, it releases a toxic substance, styrene. At what at any temperature! Technically, polystyrene processing is possible, but in Ukraine it is almost never taken . It is better to try to reduce contact with such plastic to a minimum, and ideally abandon it altogether.
Marking 7 or Other is polyamide, polycarbonate and other types of plastic that have not received their own number. Do not go for recycling.

Not so long ago there was an excellent mobile app Sortui . It is available for iOS and Android and helps to understand the variety of materials and the intricacies of sorting.

In what form is all this stored?

Here will help the basic rules of sorting: wash / dry / reduce the volume. For recycling take pure recyclables. And it is in our interest to keep the waste clean, otherwise an unpleasant amber in the apartment is provided. Plastic needs to be rinsed, allowed to dry out and thoroughly crumpled so that it takes up minimum space. Bottle caps can be assembled separately. They are made from more valuable plastic than bottles. Of them you can do for example raw materials for 3D models.

Tetra Pak (packaging from juices, cream) and Pure Pak (kefir, milk) should be washed, straightening the corners of the pack. Notching packaging is not recommended. Further, as with plastic - dry and flatten. Cardboard and paper fold the easiest. Cardboard packaging stained with grease or food residue is not recycled. Being accustomed, you will spend half a minute on all the manipulations. This is a matter of habit.
What types of waste are not recycled?

Do NOT accept for recycling: any plastic without marking, egg trays, disposable dishes and appliances, wooden sushi sticks, dry and wet napkins, plastic foil (chips packaging, mirrored inside), tubes, candy wrappers from candy, glossy cardboard packaging with a thin layer of plastic on top (you can check tearing cardboard), disposable cups. Details on all types of waste that are not recycled, you can find in this material .

On disposable cups worth talking separately. Takeaway coffee cups are only disguised as paper ones, and inside they have a plastic layer. Without it, the glass would have leaked very quickly. In theory, they can be recycled using a special technology of separation of these two materials. But in fact, doing this is expensive and not profitable. First of all, due to the purpose of these cups - to drink coffee on the go. After that, they are simply thrown away, instead of being carried home, washed, dried and folded. Therefore, 90% of such pseudo-paper glasses fall into a landfill and poison the land. This is indestructible garbage, it is better to switch to reusable beverage containers, such as bamboo to go glasses or stylish tumblers.

Glass of ecoffe cup

Where to take the sorted waste?

Now the environmental movement is gaining momentum, and in cities there are more and more opportunities for sorting. Of course, containers for separate collection of garbage are rare, but here are a few options where you can return recyclable waste.

Sort stations. For example, “Ukraine without a certificate” in Kiev. At such stations you need to come alone. And already in place to sort waste by type. At the stations, there are always employees or volunteers who will be happy to help figure out what's what.

Ukraine without smіttya
Organizations that accept recyclables. This may be private production, which needs, for example, plastic. They can call and find out the conditions. Perhaps they themselves organize the export or they have stationary points of reception.

In many cities, green movement activists organize eco-routes. The bottom line is that the minibus passes through the city, making short stops, and collects recyclables from everyone. You can find out about them in Facebook theme groups. There you can see the schedule and find out all the details.

Now more and more near the trash cans there are nets only for plastic, and sometimes for glass. They are served by waste recycling companies. If you had such a nearby, be sure to use! It is very convenient because plastic and glass occupy the most space and accumulate most quickly.

If it is not possible to transport the recycled materials to remote points of reception, you can put it next to the trash can in separate transparent bags. So come with glass and paper. In every city there is a reception of glass containers, broken glass and waste paper, just as there are people everywhere for whom recycling is a way to make a little bit. You have recycled materials for recycling, they have the opportunity to deliver it to the point of reception, it is win-win
And what to do with organic?

How to deal with organic waste? The most eco-friendly way is to compost! Compost is a good fertilizer that is useful in the garden, and in the country, and indoor plants will also like it. It is obtained by the processing of organic materials by microorganisms. There are several ways to organize composting in an apartment. Each of them has its advantages.

Electric kitchen composter. It is compact, decent looks and does everything himself. This composter runs on the network, and all processes in it are automated. It produces compost without an unpleasant smell, so they can fertilize house flowers. Minus one - the high price.

Electric Kitchen Composter
“Bokashi”. It is a mixture of effective microorganisms (EM) that ferment organics. Fill the special composting bucket with organic garbage and regularly add bacteria. They can be in a liquid mixture or in granules. This compost is not used for indoor plants because of the strong smell. It can be taken to the country or to the park.
Vermicomposting This compost production with the help of worms that live in special boxes in the ground. This is a very valuable fertilizer. But this is the most troublesome way, because worms need care. They are sensitive to moisture and acidity of the soil and not all organics to their taste.
Chopper. If you do not yet feel inspired to do composting, there is another way to dispose of organic matter in apartment conditions - install a food waste chopper. It is built into the sink in the kitchen instead of the usual siphon and grinds food residue. This is a very popular practice in America, which is gradually becoming the norm in our country.

Personal experience

I began to sort the house waste about two years ago. The main advice that I want to share - do what is not difficult for you. Changes in the daily routine are easier to tolerate in small portions. All the same, the formation of a new habit is a big job. I was greatly helped by the realization that any action matters, even the smallest. And it is better to do at least something, even at first glance unimportant , than not doing anything at all.

My first step was sorting plastic bottles. I just started putting them apart. I did not have an understanding of what exactly I would do with them further, the main thing is not to throw them into the general heap. For eight months I collected the bottles in my balcony and still could not take them to recycling. Reception points just googled, but they were all far on the outskirts, and I waited for the right moment for export. And waited for the eco-route. I wrote to the organizers with a request to make a stop somewhere in my area. And as a result, the route, to my great joy, passes right in front of my house.  For the first time I brought three 160-liter bags of bottles (!), If you put them one on top of another, you got a mountain with my height.

Sasha and bottles

Eco-route prompted me to delve into the sorting more seriously. Gradually, I added new elements to this puzzle: I began to pay attention to the labeling of plastic, I got used to washing tetra packs, folding cardboard packaging from products compactly. At first my husband was skeptical of my eco-initiatives, but then he got used to new concepts and now also postpones recyclable waste separately. Apparently he is tired of watching me take another box out of the bin and read “you are, it's recyclable / you need to save the planet / plastic does not decompose / the future is in our hands”  With each time it becomes easier to sort, and You start to do it on the machine. What used to seem troublesome, for example, to wash-dry a jar of sour cream or a bottle of kefir, now does not cause even a minute thought. Today, recycling in my home looks like this:

In the kitchen I have a separate trash bin only for plastic. I throw it in special grids serviced by a recycling company. True, in my area they are not, so I take away, on occasion, with another. Lids collect trite in the package. I tried to put it in a vase, but I have two funny cats who are interested in pulling them out and driving them all over the apartment.
For the rest, allocated a place in the pantry. It is convenient for me to immediately sort the waste. Therefore, I have a package with waste paper, a package with tetra packs, a package with packages (I don’t seem to take them anywhere, but they still accumulate) with a bucket with aluminum cans. Glass stand immediately, put next to the trash cans.
I am not yet ready to compost organic matter, but I’m quite likely to come to this. To change you need to move in a comfortable rhythm. A year and a half ago it was strange for me to wash the foil from yogurt and put it in a special place, but now my hand does not rise to throw it in the garbage :)

Eco-route passes with us about once a month. During this time, I manage to collect quite a lot of waste for recycling. Now I try to approach purchases more consciously. This allows you not to buy products in non-recyclable packaging, and produce less garbage in general. I am still far from a full Zero Waste , but I am moving in this direction .

Hefty Ultra Strong Tall Kitchen Trash Bags - Lavender & Sweet Vanilla, 13 Gallon, 110 Count

Amazon Brand - Solimo Tall Kitchen Drawstring Trash Bags, 13 Gallon, 90 Count

Trash bin for the kitchen, the choice of the optimally suitable model

Amazon Brand - Solimo Tall Kitchen Drawstring Trash Bags, 13 Gallon, 90 Count

Trash bin in our days is in every kitchen. It is intended for the disposal of waste generated during cooking and eating. Modern bins differ significantly from their predecessors, whose role was to choose simple plastic containers with a lid, which faithfully served their masters for many years. Now on the market you can find complex, multifunctional models, created by the type of organizer for sorting waste. How to choose a modern trash can for the kitchen, we will tell in our article.

What are modern bins made of?
The first thing you need to pay attention to when choosing a garbage bin in the kitchen is the material for its production. Modern manufacturers offer models made from: Durable and high-quality plastic; Sheet metal, including stainless steel. Plastic waste bins have an affordable price. Their lifespan is rare when it exceeds 5 years. To the court of consumers are offered models of different shapes, sizes and colors. All of them are lightweight and easy to maintain.

The service life of sheet metal buckets is quite long. Stainless steel is made of durable and stylish garbage bins, which fit perfectly into the new-fashioned interior and will become its organic addition. Sheet metal perform embedded and sensory bins.

Where are modern bins placed?
Before you choose a suitable model and buy a garbage bin in the kitchen, you need to decide where it will be installed. The type and size will depend on the location of the waste bin. Most often the waste container is installed under the sink. But modern interior designers offer to place the garbage in very unexpected places: In a separate cabinet from the built-in kitchen unit; On the module door in a suspended state; Under the table top; In a decorative box; In the corner of the kitchen.
The most convenient are retractable bins for the kitchen. They do not occupy free space and are hidden from prying eyes. The container is installed in a special sliding module on wheels, which, when used, moves out from under the tabletop, and then also easily slides under it.

Types of modern trash cans for the kitchen
After the location of the bin in the home kitchen will be determined, you can proceed to the choice of its type. Modern manufacturers offer: Light baskets of bright colors. Used to collect dry and large waste, always with the trash bag. Plastic buckets with lids. They can be of different shapes, colors and sizes, which allows you to choose an option for any interior design of home cooking. Another advantage of these waste bins is their low price. trash can for the kitchen Plastic Bins with Lids Trash cans with lever. A distinctive feature of these models is the presence of a foot pedal that opens the garbage container. Built-in trash can for the kitchen. These models are equipped with a special mount that holds them on the cabinet door and wheels for easy extension. trash can for the kitchen Built-in trash can for the kitchen Trash bin for the kitchen touch . It is one of the elements of the "smart home" system. A distinctive feature of it is the presence of a touch sensor that is sensitive to the heat of the human hand, intended for self-opening of the dustbin lid when the user approaches it. trash can for the kitchen Touch Bin for Kitchen Retractable bins. They are designed to be placed under the worktop. They do not take up much space and are therefore suitable for a small-sized kitchen. Trash cans with occupancy sensor. They notify the user about the level of occupancy and signal that it is time to dispose of the collected waste. trash can for the kitchen Trash bin with occupancy sensor There are on the modern market and multifunctional models of modern bins. Sorting systems are designed for large families, where a huge amount of waste is generated daily. Consumers are invited to buy a trash can for the kitchen automatically with a press system and separate compartments designed for packing small trash briquettes.

Rules for choosing a trash can for the kitchen
After getting acquainted with the types of modern garbage bins and determining their location, you can choose the optimally suitable bin for the kitchen, based on the following criteria: The size. The waste collection container should not take up too much space in the home kitchen. She must organically fit into her interior and take place strictly reserved for her. Volume The capacity of the bin is selected based on the size of the family and the average amount of waste generated daily. It is necessary to release the waste bin regularly, even without waiting for its full filling. This eliminates the risk of unpleasant smell in the kitchen, flies, black flies and other living creatures. trash can for the kitchen The capacity of the trash can is selected based on the number of families. The form. Her choice will also depend on the location of the garbage can in the kitchen. Even simple plastic models can have a different geometric shape - triangular, round, rectangular, etc. This allows the garbage collector to occupy as little as possible of the internal space of home cooking. Design. If funds allow, you can buy a regular garbage can in the kitchen or prefer a multifunctional model equipped with a sorting and pressing system, a touch sensor for automatically opening the lid, etc. trash can for the kitchen Trash bin for the kitchen with a press Material production and color. Everything here is purely individual and depends on the overall design of the kitchen. Made from high-quality plastic bright colors trash bin in the kitchen perfectly fit into a rustic interior. For rooms decorated in modern techno and high-tech styles, it would be preferable to choose a built-in trash bin for a stainless steel kitchen or a sliding touch model. trash can for the kitchen The color and shape of the bin depends on the kitchen interior. Separately standing or built-in trash can for the kitchen may well become a separate interior element, successfully complementing the overall design.

Built-in bins
The usual trash bin for the kitchen is in demand and is popular at all times. It has an affordable price, is easy to maintain and has a sufficiently long service life without losing the initial operational properties. Worthy of competition is the built-in trash can for the kitchen. It not only saves the internal space, but also allows you to remove waste from a sink or kitchen table, without soiling your hands. The garbage built-in bucket for kitchen is established: On the door of one of the curbstones of the kitchen unit; On the door of the cabinet installed in the washing niche. trash can for the kitchen Trash bin mounted on the cabinet door Choosing built-in trash bin for the kitchen , you need to pay attention to the fact that its capacity should not be too large. Optimum will be 3 - 4 liters. The same applies to the size of the waste bin. Therefore, this option is suitable for a small family where there is not a large amount of waste every day. In the niches of the sink is convenient to install retractable bins for the kitchen . They will independently drive out of the bowels of the drawer when opening the door, thanks to the installation of innovative automation or simple mechanisms. Modern manufacturers offer models with a separate lid mounted inside the drawer. When you open the door, the trash can will go open to you. It will close inside the cabinet, which eliminates unpleasant odors. trash can for the kitchen Retractable bins in the sink niche Built-in trash can for the kitchen can be installed on the door of any cabinet from a furniture set. Modern kitchen furniture provides such an opportunity. The fastening system is quite simple. Even an amateur can deal with it. With the right model, the built-in waste bin will serve you for a long time.

Garbage cans containers
The simplest trash bin for the kitchen is a box-container. It differs from Soviet models: Increased capacity; Compact size; The presence of a movably fixed lid. trash can for the kitchen Trash Can Container On the last point you need to pay special attention. Modern manufacturers offer to buy a garbage bin in the kitchen with a hinged lid that provides it with an easy way. It can be fixed in the open position or, on the contrary, requires adhering to it by hand. Both that, and other option do not differ special convenience. Therefore, a more advanced is considered to be a garbage bin in the kitchen, equipped with a pedal. Our next section is dedicated to him.

Pedal bins
Garbage cans with a pedal are an improved version of the classic garbage. Their main advantage is that they allow you to throw garbage without touching the container lid. The distinctive features of these models include: Massive body; Increased resistance to mechanical damage; Aesthetic appearance. trash can for the kitchen Convenient pedal bin These bins cannot be installed in a modular cabinet or under a sink, as these places preclude the use of a pedal. They are suitable for installation in places where they will have free access - near the kitchen table or in a free corner. Finding such a place for a garbage can is quite realistic even in a small kitchen.

Touch Bins
Trash bin for the kitchen touch - this is a great alternative to the garbage can with a pedal. With the right choice, any model equipped with a sensor will serve you for many years without losing its original performance properties and aesthetic appearance. A stylish and modern trash can for the kitchen touch may well become one of the elements of the Smart Home system. The sensor, sensitive to heat of human hands, provides automatic opening and closing of a cover. trash can for the kitchen Touch bucket is a great alternative to the pedal bin. Trash bin for the kitchen automatic touch works on batteries that need to be periodically changed. In addition, getting such a garbage can, you must constantly monitor its cleanliness. A dirty sensor will react poorly to the approach of the user, fail and eventually fail. Nevertheless, the modern trash bin for the kitchen touch has a number of undeniable advantages, which makes it popular and popular among users. These include: Stylish design that meets the latest trends in interior fashion; The optimum volume and size, allowing it to be used for installation even in a small-sized kitchen; Ease of care - all models are made of sheet metal and have a minimum of hard-to-reach places where dirt and bacteria accumulate. Long useful life without losing the original properties and appearance. trash can for the kitchen Modern and stylish touch bin for the kitchen The automatic trash bin for the kitchen will be perfectly combined with other interior elements belonging to the Smart Home system - sensor taps, lamps, household appliances.

Garbage bins with waste press
The automatic kitchen trash can additionally be equipped with a waste press. This part is intended for tamping garbage and packing it in the form of a briquette in a film. A few years ago, such models were used exclusively in professional kitchens, where a huge amount of garbage and food waste was subject to disposal every day. But now modern manufacturers have presented several consumer models to consumers. The role of the press in the home trash cans performs: Retractable cover, which must be washed after each use; Mechanical pedal, which allows ramming and briquetting waste of various types; Electric pedal that allows you to do everything the same, only without physical effort from the user. trash can for the kitchen Trash Bin for Kitchen with Waste Press The trash bin for the kitchen , equipped with a press, is not recommended for disposal of food waste, since decaying organic matter is not subject to long-term storage. Such models are chosen by those who do not like to take out the garbage too often, prefer to cook food from semi-finished products or to eat outside the house altogether.

Bins with color fill indicator
The bucket for garbage on the kitchen equipped with the indicator of filling deserves attention. They are distinguished from ordinary household waste bins by the presence of a small display with a color indicator. Lights are treated as follows: Green - the bucket is empty; Orange - the bucket is partially filled; Red - it's time to take out the trash. The filling indicator can be equipped, including a built-in garbage can for the kitchen . The luminous display allows you to detect the garbage bin in the dark and throw out garbage, not including light. Such models are not particularly popular with customers.

Sorting trash systems for the kitchen
For installation in the spacious kitchen of a rich house or a country cottage, multifunctional sorting waste systems are perfect, which can be: Built-in; Retractable; Detached. They are a set of garbage containers intended for the separate collection of different types of waste: Food; Plastics; Glass; Construction trash, etc. trash can for the kitchen Sorting system for the kitchen Get a household waste sorting system is needed if there is a separation of waste in street tanks in your area or you plan to part of the waste to be sent to recyclables or feed for livestock. For residents of rural areas, special composting bins have been developed that process organic waste into fertilizer. Sorting systems for garbage occupy a lot of space and require special fastenings on the doors of kitchen cabinets or in their depths.

Bin Care Procedure
Retractable bins in the kitchen and other models of modern household garbage cans will serve for many years without losing their original properties with proper and timely care. It is recommended to release the bucket every day, especially if food waste falls into its container. This will not only eliminate the risk of an unpleasant smell, but also save your home from the invasion of flies, midges, domestic rodents and cockroaches. trash can for the kitchen Releasing the trash bin is recommended daily. The trash bin must be cleaned regularly and wiped dry before further use. It is recommended to use garbage bags together with a household waste bin of any type. They will significantly simplify the process of waste disposal and prevent severe pollution buckets. It is necessary to choose packages according to the volume of a dustbin. In order to keep the garbage bin in the kitchen as long as possible to preserve the aesthetic appearance and brilliantly perform all the functions assigned to it, it is necessary to follow the following simple rules: Use the waste bin with a tight-fitting lid; Eliminate debris past the bucket; Regularly take out the garbage, while wiping even a seemingly clean bucket with a damp rag; To fill the bags only in the garbage bins completely dry on the inside, after pouring a little soda on their bottom. trash can for the kitchen Garbage bags greatly simplify the recycling process. If you choose a built-in trash can for the kitchen, then we recommend using carbon filters with it. They are inserted into its cover and prevent the spread of unpleasant odors in the kitchen. You need to regularly take care of all types of household garbage bins, from simple and cheap plastic models to touch and automatic options. This will ensure a pleasant smell in the kitchen and a good atmosphere.

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Hefty Strong Lawn & Leaf Large Garbage Bags - 39 Gallon, 38 Count

Trash bin for the kitchen: useful advice on choosing

Hefty Strong Lawn & Leaf Large Garbage Bags - 39 Gallon, 38 Count

More recently, the capacity for the disposal of kitchen waste in each house was ordinary and unpretentious. However, modern technology does not stand still, and the garbage can in the kitchen can have separate compartments, the function of automatically raising the lid or the waste press system into small packed briquettes. Manufacturers offer the widest range of containers for the collection of household waste, which differ in configuration, colors and materials.

Selection rules
In order not to get lost in the selection of the optimal model of the garbage container, presented to the consumer by industrial stores, it is necessary to decide which model will be the most suitable. And above all, you should pay attention to:

On the dimensions. It is necessary to choose the right capacity by volume. After all, too much bucket will be taken out much less often, and waste - to collect, decompose and produce an unpleasant smell. On the design. Containers for collecting household garbage can be made in various forms. However, it is necessary to build on the place in the kitchen where, after the purchase, it will take a long time to serve the owners. So, for example, the bin for washing the drawer is usually made in a triangular or rectangular geometric structure, since such forms take up much less space. The right-sized waste bins with a right angle are considered the most compact, but rounded designs take up much more space. On a coloring. If possible, the container should be matched in color in accordance with the colors of the kitchen unit and surrounding household items.

What garbage cans are made of is just as important. Usually they are made of: Sheet metal. Tanks made of this material are stylish, beautiful and durable buckets, which favorably emphasize the interior, harmoniously complementing the kitchen space. However, they are of considerable value, and washing them is quite problematic. Plastic. Cheap waste bins made from this material are light enough and differ in a variety of shapes and colors.

Manufacturers flooded the domestic market with a variety of waste bin designs. The choice of suitable capacity will depend on the financial capacity and personal preferences of each. The most common types of garbage containers used in kitchens:

Basket. Container used only for collecting dry and large debris. In cases of household waste disposal, it is necessary to put a plastic bag in the container. Plastic container with a lid. Lightweight and affordable containers that have all kinds of geometric designs and colors. Ordinary models that do not have any additional features. A bucket with a foot lever. Raising the lid in such a waste bin occurs by pressing the foot on the pedal. Such an action is very convenient when hands are stained or dirty with something. Vykatnaya trash bin. With the help of mounting brackets such garbage can is mounted in the kitchen cupboard. When opening the door, the retractable garbage can is easily and conveniently rolled out. With sensor. Such containers have a monitor with a color indicator that will notify you with a flashing signal of the owners that the bucket is full. These containers will serve not only as garbage collection assistants, but will also be an original piece of kitchen design. It is possible to buy similar home appliances cheaply in online stores of Moscow. Sensor container. An innovative invention that can "feel" the warmth of the human hand and open the lid as it approaches. Some samples of such garbage collectors - “Venus flytraps” even determine the size of their “catch” and open the lid so that the waste can easily get into it. Prices for such units are quite high.

Normal box-container
An ordinary and ergonomic waste collection device, which can be made in the form of structures with a removable or hinged lid. Exploiting such a container, the owners receive: Inexpensive capacity for disposal of household waste; Containers with plastic or chrome plating; Long service life of items; All kinds of bucket designs; Capacities resistant to corrosive lesions.

Pedal design
A popular type of waste bins with a tight contiguous lid that holds unpleasant odors emanating from the inside. Such designs are considered to be the most durable and long-term, however, after the time has elapsed, pedal distortion may occur, from which the lid will roll to the side. Convenient samples of containers for the collection of household waste, which allow the hands of the hostess to remain free. When buying a pedal structure, you must select a model that has a strong and powerful body. Since such samples will be able to serve their owners for a long time.

Built-in trash can in the kitchen
Recently, a fixed bucket for garbage on the door on the sink has become quite popular with housewives. Such a bucket is easily fixed on the cabinet door. Such use of the garbage container is quite convenient, because there is no need to touch the trash can, so the hands remain clean. Of course, this garbage collection device mounted on the door should not be too voluminous. Its capacity should not exceed 3-4 liters. An excellent option would be a retractable trash can, integrated into the washing niche on special brackets. At that moment, when the doors of the bollard will open, the garbage collector will go forward, and its lid will remain in place. However, this design will not be applicable to every kitchen.

Waste Press Container

The ideal model of garbage collection for those who do not have the habit of too often to make waste. Such a device is made of steel and can be: A simple manual model, where the role of the press is assigned to the lid itself, which after each tamping of garbage must be thoroughly washed out; An electric model that not only produces high-quality tamping, but also carefully packs all the garbage into pressed pieces.

Where to put
How to correctly determine the location of the bin? Can: Place it away from your eyes by hiding in the nightstand; To fix the trash bin under the sink on the door; Located in the corner of the kitchen; Stylish induction containers can be placed anywhere in the kitchen; Integrate immediately under the countertop; Disguise in a decorative box.

How to care for the trash can
Proper hygiene of the garbage can provides the necessary sanitary conditions for human habitation. Therefore, during its operation it is necessary to adhere to some rules: Waste containers must be systematically endured, especially in summer. The lid in the container must necessarily fit snugly. Once every seven days it is necessary to carry out the treatment with antiseptics to neutralize the pathogens. Systematically wash waste bins with detergents. Waste bags must be inserted directly into the container for waste disposal only after it has been washed and dried. To neutralize the unpleasant "odors" from the bucket, use special coal cleaners, which are fixed inside the tank.

Hefty Strong Lawn & Leaf Large Garbage Bags - 39 Gallon, 38 Count